/* * slide.c * * Copyright © 2019 Thomas White * * This file is part of Colloquium. * * Colloquium is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_PANGO #include #endif #include "slide.h" #include "slide_priv.h" Slide *slide_new() { Slide *s; s = malloc(sizeof(*s)); if ( s == NULL ) return NULL; s->n_items = 0; s->items = NULL; s->logical_w = -1.0; s->logical_h = -1.0; return s; } void slide_free(Slide *s) { free(s->items); free(s); } void slide_delete_item(Slide *s, SlideItem *item) { int i; for ( i=0; in_items; i++ ) { if ( &s->items[i] == item ) { memmove(&s->items[i], &s->items[i+1], (s->n_items-i-1)*sizeof(SlideItem)); s->n_items--; return; } } fprintf(stderr, "Didn't find slide item to delete!\n"); } static SlideItem *add_item(Slide *s) { SlideItem *new_items; SlideItem *item; new_items = realloc(s->items, (s->n_items+1)*sizeof(SlideItem)); if ( new_items == NULL ) return NULL; s->items = new_items; item = &s->items[s->n_items++]; item->paras = NULL; return item; } SlideItem *slide_add_image(Slide *s, char *filename, struct frame_geom geom) { SlideItem *item; item = add_item(s); if ( item == NULL ) return NULL; item->type = SLIDE_ITEM_IMAGE; item->geom = geom; item->filename = filename; return item; } /* paras: array of arrays of text runs * n_runs: array of numbers of runs in each paragraph * n_paras: the number of paragraphs * * Will take ownership of the arrays of text runs, but not the array of arrays * Will NOT take ownership of the array of numbers of runs */ static SlideItem *add_text_item(Slide *s, struct text_run **paras, int *n_runs, int n_paras, struct frame_geom geom, enum alignment alignment, enum slide_item_type slide_item) { int i; SlideItem *item; item = add_item(s); if ( item == NULL ) return NULL; item->type = slide_item; item->paras = malloc(n_paras*sizeof(struct slide_text_paragraph)); if ( item->paras == NULL ) { s->n_items--; return NULL; } item->n_paras = n_paras; for ( i=0; iparas[i].runs = paras[i]; item->paras[i].n_runs = n_runs[i]; item->paras[i].layout = NULL; } item->geom = geom; item->align = alignment; return item; } int slide_add_footer(Slide *s) { SlideItem *item; item = add_item(s); if ( item == NULL ) return 1; item->type = SLIDE_ITEM_FOOTER; return 0; } SlideItem *slide_add_text(Slide *s, struct text_run **paras, int *n_runs, int n_paras, struct frame_geom geom, enum alignment alignment) { return add_text_item(s, paras, n_runs, n_paras, geom, alignment, SLIDE_ITEM_TEXT); } SlideItem *slide_add_slidetitle(Slide *s, struct text_run **paras, int *n_runs, int n_paras) { struct frame_geom geom; /* This geometry should never get used by the renderer */ geom.x.len = 0.0; geom.x.unit = LENGTH_FRAC; geom.y.len = 0.0; geom.y.unit = LENGTH_FRAC; geom.w.len = 1.0; geom.w.unit = LENGTH_FRAC; geom.h.len = 1.0; geom.h.unit = LENGTH_FRAC; return add_text_item(s, paras, n_runs, n_paras, geom, ALIGN_INHERIT, SLIDE_ITEM_SLIDETITLE); } SlideItem *slide_add_prestitle(Slide *s, struct text_run **paras, int *n_runs, int n_paras) { struct frame_geom geom; /* This geometry should never get used by the renderer */ geom.x.len = 0.0; geom.x.unit = LENGTH_FRAC; geom.y.len = 0.0; geom.y.unit = LENGTH_FRAC; geom.w.len = 1.0; geom.w.unit = LENGTH_FRAC; geom.h.len = 1.0; geom.h.unit = LENGTH_FRAC; return add_text_item(s, paras, n_runs, n_paras, geom, ALIGN_INHERIT, SLIDE_ITEM_PRESTITLE); } static char units(enum length_unit u) { if ( u == LENGTH_UNIT ) return 'u'; if ( u == LENGTH_FRAC ) return 'f'; return '?'; } void describe_slide(Slide *s) { int i; printf(" %i items\n", s->n_items); for ( i=0; in_items; i++ ) { printf("item %i: %i\n", i, s->items[i].type); printf("geom %f %c x %f %c + %f %c + %f %c\n", s->items[i].geom.x.len, units(s->items[i].geom.x.unit), s->items[i].geom.y.len, units(s->items[i].geom.y.unit), s->items[i].geom.w.len, units(s->items[i].geom.w.unit), s->items[i].geom.h.len, units(s->items[i].geom.h.unit)); } } int slide_set_logical_size(Slide *s, double w, double h) { if ( s == NULL ) return 1; s->logical_w = w; s->logical_h = h; return 0; } int slide_get_logical_size(Slide *s, Stylesheet *ss, double *w, double *h) { if ( s == NULL ) return 1; if ( s->logical_w < 0.0 ) { /* Slide-specific value not set, use stylesheet */ return stylesheet_get_slide_default_size(ss, w, h); } *w = s->logical_w; *h = s->logical_h; return 0; } static const char *style_name_for_slideitem(enum slide_item_type t) { switch ( t ) { case SLIDE_ITEM_TEXT : return "SLIDE.TEXT"; case SLIDE_ITEM_IMAGE : return "SLIDE.IMAGE"; case SLIDE_ITEM_PRESTITLE : return "SLIDE.PRESTITLE"; case SLIDE_ITEM_SLIDETITLE : return "SLIDE.SLIDETITLE"; case SLIDE_ITEM_FOOTER : return "SLIDE.FOOTER"; } fprintf(stderr, "Invalid slide item %i\n", t); return "SLIDE.TEXT"; } static double lcalc(struct length l, double pd) { if ( l.unit == LENGTH_UNIT ) { return l.len; } else { return l.len * pd; } } void slide_item_get_geom(SlideItem *item, Stylesheet *ss, double *x, double *y, double *w, double *h, double slide_w, double slide_h) { struct frame_geom geom; if ( (item->type == SLIDE_ITEM_TEXT) || (item->type == SLIDE_ITEM_IMAGE) ) { geom = item->geom; } else { if ( stylesheet_get_geometry(ss, style_name_for_slideitem(item->type), &geom) ) { *x = 0.0; *y = 0.0; *w = 0.0; *h = 0.0; return; } } *x = lcalc(geom.x, slide_w); *y = lcalc(geom.y, slide_h); *w = lcalc(geom.w, slide_w); *h = lcalc(geom.h, slide_h); } void slide_item_get_padding(SlideItem *item, Stylesheet *ss, double *l, double *r, double *t, double *b, double slide_w, double slide_h) { struct length padding[4]; double frx, fry, frw, frh; if ( stylesheet_get_padding(ss, style_name_for_slideitem(item->type), padding) ) { *l = 0.0; *r = 0.0; *t = 0.0; *b = 0.0; return; } slide_item_get_geom(item, ss, &frx, &fry, &frw, &frh, slide_w, slide_h); *l = lcalc(padding[0], frw); *r = lcalc(padding[1], frh); *t = lcalc(padding[2], frw); *b = lcalc(padding[3], frh); } void slide_item_split_text_paragraph(SlideItem *item, int para, size_t off) { #if 0 struct slide_text_paragraph *np; np = realloc(item->paras, (item->n_paras+1)*sizeof(struct slide_text_paragraph)); if ( np == NULL ) return; item->paras = np; item->n_paras++; memmove(&item->paras[para+1], &item->paras[para], (item->n_paras - para - 1)*sizeof(struct slide_text_paragraph)); item->paras[para+1].text = strdup(&item->paras[para].text[off]); item->paras[para+1].layout = NULL; item->paras[para].text[off] = '\0'; #endif } static void delete_paragraph(SlideItem *item, int del) { #if 0 int i; #ifdef HAVE_PANGO g_object_unref(item->paras[del].layout); #endif free(item->paras[del].text); for ( i=del; in_paras-1; i++ ) { item->paras[i] = item->paras[i+1]; } item->n_paras--; #endif } void slide_item_delete_text(SlideItem *item, int i1, size_t o1, int i2, size_t o2) { #if 0 int i; int n_del = 0; /* Starting item */ if ( i1 == i2 ) { memmove(&item->paras[i1].text[o1], &item->paras[i1].text[o2], strlen(item->paras[i1].text)-o2+1); return; /* easy case */ } else { item->paras[i1].text[o1] = '\0'; } /* Middle items */ for ( i=i1+1; iparas[i2].text[0], &item->paras[i2].text[o2], strlen(&item->paras[i2].text[o2])+1); assert(i1 != i2); char *new_text; size_t len = strlen(item->paras[i1].text); len += strlen(item->paras[i2].text); new_text = malloc(len+1); if ( new_text == NULL ) return; strcpy(new_text, item->paras[i1].text); strcat(new_text, item->paras[i2].text); free(item->paras[i1].text); item->paras[i1].text = new_text; delete_paragraph(item, i2); #endif }