/* * frame.c * * Copyright © 2013-2016 Thomas White * * This file is part of Colloquium. * * Colloquium is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "sc_parse.h" #include "frame.h" #include "imagestore.h" struct text_run { SCBlock *scblock; size_t scblock_offs_bytes; size_t para_offs_bytes; size_t len_bytes; PangoFontDescription *fontdesc; double col[4]; }; enum para_type { PARA_TYPE_TEXT, PARA_TYPE_IMAGE, PARA_TYPE_CALLBACK }; struct _paragraph { enum para_type type; double height; /* For PARA_TYPE_TEXT */ int n_runs; struct text_run *runs; int open; PangoLayout *layout; size_t offset_last; /* For anything other than PARA_TYPE_TEXT */ SCBlock *scblock; SCBlock *macro_real_scblock; /* For PARA_TYPE_IMAGE */ char *filename; double image_w; double image_h; /* For PARA_TYPE_CALLBACK */ double cb_w; double cb_h; SCCallbackDrawFunc draw_func; SCCallbackClickFunc click_func; void *bvp; void *vp; }; PangoLayout *paragraph_layout(Paragraph *para) { return para->layout; } double paragraph_height(Paragraph *para) { return para->height; } static int alloc_ro(struct frame *fr) { struct frame **new_ro; new_ro = realloc(fr->children, fr->max_children*sizeof(struct frame *)); if ( new_ro == NULL ) return 1; fr->children = new_ro; return 0; } struct frame *frame_new() { struct frame *n; n = calloc(1, sizeof(struct frame)); if ( n == NULL ) return NULL; n->children = NULL; n->max_children = 32; if ( alloc_ro(n) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate children\n"); free(n); return NULL; } n->num_children = 0; n->scblocks = NULL; n->n_paras = 0; n->paras = NULL; return n; } static void free_paragraph(Paragraph *para) { int i; for ( i=0; in_runs; i++ ) { pango_font_description_free(para->runs[i].fontdesc); } free(para->runs); if ( para->layout != NULL ) g_object_unref(para->layout); free(para); } void frame_free(struct frame *fr) { int i; if ( fr == NULL ) return; /* Free paragraphs */ if ( fr->paras != NULL ) { for ( i=0; in_paras; i++ ) { free_paragraph(fr->paras[i]); } free(fr->paras); } /* Free all children */ for ( i=0; inum_children; i++ ) { frame_free(fr->children[i]); } free(fr->children); free(fr); } struct frame *add_subframe(struct frame *fr) { struct frame *n; n = frame_new(); if ( n == NULL ) return NULL; if ( fr->num_children == fr->max_children ) { fr->max_children += 32; if ( alloc_ro(fr) ) return NULL; } fr->children[fr->num_children++] = n; return n; } void show_hierarchy(struct frame *fr, const char *t) { int i; char tn[1024]; strcpy(tn, t); strcat(tn, " "); printf("%s%p (%.2f x %.2f)\n", t, fr, fr->w, fr->h); for ( i=0; inum_children; i++ ) { show_hierarchy(fr->children[i], tn); } } static struct frame *find_parent(struct frame *fr, struct frame *search) { int i; for ( i=0; inum_children; i++ ) { if ( fr->children[i] == search ) { return fr; } } for ( i=0; inum_children; i++ ) { struct frame *tt; tt = find_parent(fr->children[i], search); if ( tt != NULL ) return tt; } return NULL; } void delete_subframe(struct frame *top, struct frame *fr) { struct frame *parent; int i, idx, found; parent = find_parent(top, fr); if ( parent == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find parent when deleting frame.\n"); return; } found = 0; for ( i=0; inum_children; i++ ) { if ( parent->children[i] == fr ) { idx = i; found = 1; break; } } if ( !found ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find child when deleting frame.\n"); return; } for ( i=idx; inum_children-1; i++ ) { parent->children[i] = parent->children[i+1]; } parent->num_children--; } struct frame *find_frame_with_scblocks(struct frame *fr, SCBlock *scblocks) { int i; if ( fr->scblocks == scblocks ) return fr; for ( i=0; inum_children; i++ ) { struct frame *tt; tt = find_frame_with_scblocks(fr->children[i], scblocks); if ( tt != NULL ) return tt; } return NULL; } void wrap_paragraph(Paragraph *para, PangoContext *pc, double w) { size_t total_len = 0; int i; char *text; PangoAttrList *attrs; PangoRectangle rect; size_t pos = 0; if ( para->type != PARA_TYPE_TEXT ) return; for ( i=0; in_runs; i++ ) { total_len += para->runs[i].len_bytes; } /* Allocate the complete text */ text = malloc(total_len+1); if ( text == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate combined text (%lli)\n", (long long int)total_len); return; } /* Allocate the attributes */ attrs = pango_attr_list_new(); /* Put all of the text together */ text[0] = '\0'; for ( i=0; in_runs; i++ ) { PangoAttribute *attr; const char *run_text; guint16 r, g, b; run_text = sc_block_contents(para->runs[i].scblock) + para->runs[i].scblock_offs_bytes; attr = pango_attr_font_desc_new(para->runs[i].fontdesc); attr->start_index = pos; attr->end_index = pos + para->runs[i].len_bytes; pango_attr_list_insert(attrs, attr); r = para->runs[i].col[0] * 65535; g = para->runs[i].col[1] * 65535; b = para->runs[i].col[2] * 65535; attr = pango_attr_foreground_new(r, g, b); attr->start_index = pos; attr->end_index = pos + para->runs[i].len_bytes; pango_attr_list_insert(attrs, attr); pos += para->runs[i].len_bytes; strncat(text, run_text, para->runs[i].len_bytes); } if ( para->layout == NULL ) { para->layout = pango_layout_new(pc); } pango_layout_set_width(para->layout, pango_units_from_double(w)); pango_layout_set_text(para->layout, text, total_len); pango_layout_set_attributes(para->layout, attrs); free(text); pango_attr_list_unref(attrs); pango_layout_get_extents(para->layout, NULL, &rect); para->height = pango_units_to_double(rect.height); } void add_run(Paragraph *para, SCBlock *scblock, size_t offs_bytes, size_t len_bytes, PangoFontDescription *fdesc, double col[4]) { struct text_run *runs_new; if ( !para->open ) { fprintf(stderr, "Adding a run to a closed paragraph!\n"); return; } runs_new = realloc(para->runs, (para->n_runs+1)*sizeof(struct text_run)); if ( runs_new == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to add run.\n"); return; } para->runs = runs_new; para->runs[para->n_runs].scblock = scblock; para->runs[para->n_runs].scblock_offs_bytes = offs_bytes; para->runs[para->n_runs].para_offs_bytes = para->offset_last; para->offset_last += len_bytes; para->runs[para->n_runs].len_bytes = len_bytes; para->runs[para->n_runs].fontdesc = pango_font_description_copy(fdesc); para->runs[para->n_runs].col[0] = col[0]; para->runs[para->n_runs].col[1] = col[1]; para->runs[para->n_runs].col[2] = col[2]; para->runs[para->n_runs].col[3] = col[3]; para->n_runs++; } static Paragraph *create_paragraph(struct frame *fr) { Paragraph **paras_new; Paragraph *pnew; paras_new = realloc(fr->paras, (fr->n_paras+1)*sizeof(Paragraph *)); if ( paras_new == NULL ) return NULL; pnew = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _paragraph)); if ( pnew == NULL ) return NULL; fr->paras = paras_new; fr->paras[fr->n_paras++] = pnew; return pnew; } /* Create a new paragraph in 'fr' just after paragraph 'pos' */ static Paragraph *insert_paragraph(struct frame *fr, int pos) { Paragraph **paras_new; Paragraph *pnew; int i; if ( pos >= fr->n_paras ) { fprintf(stderr, "insert_paragraph(): pos too high!\n"); return NULL; } paras_new = realloc(fr->paras, (fr->n_paras+1)*sizeof(Paragraph *)); if ( paras_new == NULL ) return NULL; pnew = calloc(1, sizeof(struct _paragraph)); if ( pnew == NULL ) return NULL; fr->paras = paras_new; fr->n_paras ++; for ( i=fr->n_paras-1; i>pos; i-- ) { fr->paras[i] = fr->paras[i-1]; } fr->paras[pos+1] = pnew; return pnew; } void add_callback_para(struct frame *fr, SCBlock *bl, SCBlock *mr, double w, double h, SCCallbackDrawFunc draw_func, SCCallbackClickFunc click_func, void *bvp, void *vp) { Paragraph *pnew; pnew = create_paragraph(fr); if ( pnew == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to add callback paragraph\n"); return; } pnew->type = PARA_TYPE_CALLBACK; pnew->scblock = bl; pnew->macro_real_scblock = mr; pnew->cb_w = w; pnew->cb_h = h; pnew->draw_func = draw_func; pnew->click_func = click_func; pnew->bvp = bvp; pnew->vp = vp; pnew->height = h; pnew->open = 0; } void add_image_para(struct frame *fr, SCBlock *scblock, const char *filename, double w, double h, int editable) { Paragraph *pnew; pnew = create_paragraph(fr); if ( pnew == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to add image paragraph\n"); return; } pnew->type = PARA_TYPE_IMAGE; pnew->scblock = scblock; pnew->filename = strdup(filename); pnew->image_w = w; pnew->image_h = h; pnew->height = h; pnew->open = 0; } double total_height(struct frame *fr) { int i; double t = 0.0; for ( i=0; in_paras; i++ ) { t += fr->paras[i]->height; } return t; } Paragraph *last_open_para(struct frame *fr) { Paragraph *pnew; if ( (fr->paras != NULL) && (fr->paras[fr->n_paras-1]->open) ) { return fr->paras[fr->n_paras-1]; } /* No open paragraph found, create a new one */ pnew = create_paragraph(fr); if ( pnew == NULL ) return NULL; pnew->type = PARA_TYPE_TEXT; pnew->open = 1; pnew->n_runs = 0; pnew->runs = NULL; pnew->layout = NULL; pnew->height = 0.0; pnew->offset_last = 0; return pnew; } void close_last_paragraph(struct frame *fr) { if ( fr->paras == NULL ) return; fr->paras[fr->n_paras-1]->open = 0; } static void render_from_surf(cairo_surface_t *surf, cairo_t *cr, double w, double h, int border) { double x, y; x = 0.0; y = 0.0; cairo_user_to_device(cr, &x, &y); x = rint(x); y = rint(y); cairo_device_to_user(cr, &x, &y); cairo_new_path(cr); cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, w, h); cairo_set_source_surface(cr, surf, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_fill(cr); if ( border ) { cairo_new_path(cr); cairo_rectangle(cr, x+0.5, y+0.5, w, h); cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.0); cairo_stroke(cr); } } void render_paragraph(cairo_t *cr, Paragraph *para, ImageStore *is, enum is_size isz) { cairo_surface_t *surf; switch ( para->type ) { case PARA_TYPE_TEXT : cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); pango_cairo_update_layout(cr, para->layout); pango_cairo_show_layout(cr, para->layout); cairo_fill(cr); break; case PARA_TYPE_IMAGE : surf = lookup_image(is, para->filename, para->image_w, isz); render_from_surf(surf, cr, para->image_w, para->image_h, 0); break; case PARA_TYPE_CALLBACK : surf = para->draw_func(para->cb_w, para->cb_h, para->bvp, para->vp); render_from_surf(surf, cr, para->cb_w, para->cb_h, 1); cairo_surface_destroy(surf); /* FIXME: Cache like crazy */ break; } } size_t end_offset_of_para(struct frame *fr, int pn) { int i; size_t total = 0; for ( i=0; iparas[pn]->n_runs; i++ ) { total += fr->paras[pn]->runs[i].len_bytes; } return total; } /* Local x,y in paragraph -> text offset */ static size_t text_para_pos(Paragraph *para, double x, double y, int *ptrail) { int idx; pango_layout_xy_to_index(para->layout, pango_units_from_double(x), pango_units_from_double(y), &idx, ptrail); return idx; } int find_cursor(struct frame *fr, double x, double y, int *ppara, size_t *ppos, int *ptrail) { double pos = fr->pad_t; int i; if ( fr == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cursor frame is NULL.\n"); return 1; } for ( i=0; in_paras; i++ ) { double npos = pos + fr->paras[i]->height; if ( npos > y ) { *ppara = i; if ( fr->paras[i]->type == PARA_TYPE_TEXT ) { *ppos = text_para_pos(fr->paras[i], x-fr->pad_l, y-pos, ptrail); } else { *ppos = 0; } return 0; } pos = npos; } if ( fr->n_paras == 0 ) { printf("No paragraphs in frame.\n"); return 1; } /* Pretend it's in the last paragraph */ pos -= fr->paras[fr->n_paras-1]->height; *ppara = fr->n_paras - 1; *ppos = text_para_pos(fr->paras[fr->n_paras-1], x - fr->pad_l, y - pos, ptrail); return 0; } int get_para_highlight(struct frame *fr, int cursor_para, double *cx, double *cy, double *cw, double *ch) { Paragraph *para; int i; double py = 0.0; if ( fr == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cursor frame is NULL.\n"); return 1; } if ( cursor_para >= fr->n_paras ) { fprintf(stderr, "Highlight paragraph number is too high!\n"); return 1; } para = fr->paras[cursor_para]; for ( i=0; iparas[i]->height; } *cx = fr->pad_l; *cy = fr->pad_t + py; *cw = fr->w - fr->pad_l - fr->pad_r; *ch = para->height; return 0; } int get_cursor_pos(struct frame *fr, int cursor_para, int cursor_pos, double *cx, double *cy, double *ch) { Paragraph *para; PangoRectangle rect; int i; double py = 0.0; if ( fr == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cursor frame is NULL.\n"); return 1; } if ( cursor_para >= fr->n_paras ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cursor paragraph number is too high!\n"); return 1; } para = fr->paras[cursor_para]; for ( i=0; iparas[i]->height; } if ( para->type != PARA_TYPE_TEXT ) { return 1; } pango_layout_get_cursor_pos(para->layout, cursor_pos, &rect, NULL); *cx = pango_units_to_double(rect.x) + fr->pad_l; *cy = pango_units_to_double(rect.y) + fr->pad_t + py; *ch = pango_units_to_double(rect.height); return 0; } void cursor_moveh(struct frame *fr, int *cpara, size_t *cpos, int *ctrail, signed int dir) { Paragraph *para = fr->paras[*cpara]; int np = *cpos; pango_layout_move_cursor_visually(para->layout, 1, *cpos, *ctrail, dir, &np, ctrail); if ( np == -1 ) { if ( *cpara > 0 ) { (*cpara)--; *cpos = end_offset_of_para(fr, *cpara) - 1; *ctrail = 1; return; } else { /* Can't move any further */ return; } } if ( np == G_MAXINT ) { if ( *cpara < fr->n_paras-1 ) { (*cpara)++; *cpos = 0; *ctrail = 0; return; } else { /* Can't move any further */ return; } } *cpos = np; } void cursor_movev(struct frame *fr, int *cpara, size_t *cpos, int *ctrail, signed int dir) { } void check_callback_click(struct frame *fr, int para) { Paragraph *p = fr->paras[para]; if ( p->type == PARA_TYPE_CALLBACK ) { p->click_func(0.0, 0.0, p->bvp, p->vp); } } static int which_run(Paragraph *para, size_t offs) { int i; for ( i=0; in_runs; i++ ) { struct text_run *run = ¶->runs[i]; if ( (offs >= run->para_offs_bytes) && (offs <= run->para_offs_bytes + run->len_bytes) ) { return i; } } return para->n_runs; } void insert_text_in_paragraph(Paragraph *para, size_t offs, const char *t) { int nrun; int i; struct text_run *run; size_t run_offs, scblock_offs, ins_len; /* Find which run we are in */ nrun = which_run(para, offs); if ( nrun == para->n_runs ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find run to insert into.\n"); return; } run = ¶->runs[nrun]; /* Translate paragraph offset for insertion into SCBlock offset */ run_offs = offs - run->para_offs_bytes; scblock_offs = run_offs + run->scblock_offs_bytes; sc_insert_text(run->scblock, scblock_offs, t); /* Update length of this run */ ins_len = strlen(t); run->len_bytes += ins_len; /* Update offsets of subsequent runs */ for ( i=nrun+1; in_runs; i++ ) { if ( para->runs[i].scblock == run->scblock ) { para->runs[i].scblock_offs_bytes += ins_len; } para->runs[i].para_offs_bytes += ins_len; } } void delete_text_in_paragraph(Paragraph *para, size_t offs1, size_t offs2) { int nrun1, nrun2; int i; struct text_run *run1; struct text_run *run2; size_t scblock_offs1, scblock_offs2; /* Find which run we are in */ nrun1 = which_run(para, offs1); nrun2 = which_run(para, offs2); if ( (nrun1 == para->n_runs) || (nrun2 == para->n_runs) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find run to delete from.\n"); return; } run1 = ¶->runs[nrun1]; run2 = ¶->runs[nrun2]; /* Translate paragraph offsets into SCBlock offsets */ scblock_offs1 = offs1 - run1->para_offs_bytes + run1->scblock_offs_bytes; scblock_offs2 = offs2 - run2->para_offs_bytes + run2->scblock_offs_bytes; sc_delete_text(run1->scblock, scblock_offs1, run2->scblock, scblock_offs2); if ( nrun1 == nrun2 ) { size_t del_len = offs2 - offs1; run1->len_bytes -= del_len; for ( i=nrun1+1; in_runs; i++ ) { if ( para->runs[i].scblock == run1->scblock ) { para->runs[i].scblock_offs_bytes -= del_len; } para->runs[i].para_offs_bytes -= del_len; } } else { /* FIXME: Implement this case */ printf("Multi-run delete!\n"); } } static __attribute__((unused)) void show_para(Paragraph *p) { int i; printf("Paragraph %p\n", p); printf("%i runs:\n", p->n_runs); for ( i=0; in_runs; i++ ) { printf(" Run %2i: para offs %lli, SCBlock %p offs %lli, len " "%lli %s\n", i, (long long int)p->runs[i].para_offs_bytes, p->runs[i].scblock, (long long int)p->runs[i].scblock_offs_bytes, (long long int)p->runs[i].len_bytes, pango_font_description_to_string(p->runs[i].fontdesc)); } } static char *s_strdup(const char *a) { if ( a == NULL ) return NULL; return strdup(a); } static SCBlock *split_text_paragraph(struct frame *fr, int pn, size_t pos, PangoContext *pc) { Paragraph *pnew; int i; size_t offs, run_offs; int run; Paragraph *para = fr->paras[pn]; struct text_run *rr; pnew = insert_paragraph(fr, pn); if ( pnew == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to insert paragraph\n"); return NULL; } /* Determine which run the cursor is in */ run = which_run(para, pos); pnew->type = PARA_TYPE_TEXT; pnew->open = para->open; pnew->n_runs = para->n_runs - run; pnew->runs = malloc(pnew->n_runs * sizeof(struct text_run)); if ( pnew->runs == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate runs.\n"); return NULL; /* Badness is coming */ } /* First run of the new paragraph contains the leftover text */ rr = ¶->runs[run]; pnew->runs[0].scblock = rr->scblock; run_offs = pos - rr->para_offs_bytes; pnew->runs[0].scblock_offs_bytes = rr->scblock_offs_bytes + run_offs; pnew->runs[0].para_offs_bytes = 0; pnew->runs[0].len_bytes = rr->len_bytes - run_offs; pnew->runs[0].col[0] = rr->col[0]; pnew->runs[0].col[1] = rr->col[1]; pnew->runs[0].col[2] = rr->col[2]; pnew->runs[0].col[3] = rr->col[3]; pnew->runs[0].fontdesc = pango_font_description_copy(rr->fontdesc); pnew->n_runs = 1; /* All later runs just get moved to the new paragraph */ offs = pnew->runs[0].len_bytes; for ( i=run+1; in_runs; i++ ) { pnew->runs[pnew->n_runs] = para->runs[i]; pnew->runs[pnew->n_runs].para_offs_bytes = offs; pnew->n_runs++; offs += rr->len_bytes; } /* Truncate the first paragraph at the appropriate position */ rr->len_bytes = run_offs; para->n_runs = run+1; /* If the first and second paragraphs have the same SCBlock, split it */ if ( rr->scblock == pnew->runs[0].scblock ) { size_t sc_offs; sc_offs = rr->scblock_offs_bytes + run_offs; pnew->runs[0].scblock = sc_block_split(rr->scblock, sc_offs); pnew->runs[0].scblock_offs_bytes = 0; } /* Add a newline after the end of the first paragraph's SC */ sc_block_append(rr->scblock, s_strdup(sc_block_name(rr->scblock)), s_strdup(sc_block_options(rr->scblock)), strdup("\n"), NULL); pnew->open = para->open; para->open = 0; wrap_paragraph(para, pc, fr->w); wrap_paragraph(pnew, pc, fr->w); return sc_block_next(rr->scblock); } SCBlock *split_paragraph(struct frame *fr, int pn, size_t pos, PangoContext *pc) { Paragraph *para = fr->paras[pn]; if ( para->type == PARA_TYPE_TEXT ) { return split_text_paragraph(fr, pn, pos, pc); } else { /* Other types can't be split */ return NULL; } } SCBlock *block_at_cursor(struct frame *fr, int pn, size_t pos) { Paragraph *para = fr->paras[pn]; if ( para->type != PARA_TYPE_CALLBACK ) return NULL; return para->macro_real_scblock; } int get_sc_pos(struct frame *fr, int pn, size_t pos, SCBlock **bl, size_t *ppos) { Paragraph *para = fr->paras[pn]; int nrun; struct text_run *run; nrun = which_run(para, pos); if ( nrun == para->n_runs ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find run to insert into.\n"); return 1; } run = ¶->runs[nrun]; *ppos = run->scblock_offs_bytes + pos - run->para_offs_bytes; *bl = run->scblock; return 0; }