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authorThomas White <taw@physics.org>2018-10-30 15:44:45 +0100
committerThomas White <taw@physics.org>2018-11-02 14:25:50 +0100
commit5310f5fdfe32cacb04bddc31c61c9174d459a161 (patch)
parentb332d88b810f876034ee9879b0d3741a7c46a8b5 (diff)
partialator: Speed up deltaCChalf calculation
I'd been lazy with the first implementation, and it's turned out to be too slow. Instead of calculating the entire CChalf each time removing a different crystal, this makes it store some intermediate values so that a crystal can easily be subtracted afterwards.
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/src/rejection.c b/src/rejection.c
index 230093e6..97b6c455 100644
--- a/src/rejection.c
+++ b/src/rejection.c
@@ -94,39 +94,28 @@ void early_rejection(Crystal **crystals, int n)
-static double calculate_cchalf(RefList *template, RefList *full,
- Crystal *exclude, int *pnref)
+static double calculate_refl_mean_var(RefList *full)
- Reflection *trefl;
+ Reflection *refl;
RefListIterator *iter;
- double sig2E, sig2Y;
- int n = 0;
signed int oh = 0;
signed int ok = 0;
signed int ol = 0;
- double wSum = 0.0;
- double wSum2 = 0.0;
- double mean = 0.0;
- double S = 0.0;
- double all_sum_var = 0.0;
- long int total_contribs = 0;
/* Iterate over all reflections */
- for ( trefl = first_refl(template, &iter);
- trefl != NULL;
- trefl = next_refl(trefl, iter) )
+ for ( refl = first_refl(full, &iter);
+ refl != NULL;
+ refl = next_refl(refl, iter) )
struct reflection_contributions *c;
int j;
- double refl_sum;
- double refl_sumsq;
- double refl_mean, refl_var;
signed int h, k, l;
- int nc = 0;
- Reflection *refl;
double res;
+ double K;
+ double Ex = 0.0;
+ double Ex2 = 0.0;
- get_indices(trefl, &h, &k, &l);
+ get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l);
/* next_refl() will iterate over multiple copies of the same
* unique reflection, but we are only interested in seeing each
@@ -134,8 +123,9 @@ static double calculate_cchalf(RefList *template, RefList *full,
if ( (h==oh) && (k==ok) && (l==ol) ) continue;
oh = h; ok = k; ol = l;
- refl = find_refl(full, h, k, l);
- if ( refl == NULL ) continue;
+ /* We use the mean (merged) intensity as the reference point
+ * for shifting the data in the variance calculation */
+ K = get_intensity(refl);
c = get_contributions(refl);
assert(c != NULL);
@@ -146,15 +136,10 @@ static double calculate_cchalf(RefList *template, RefList *full,
h, k, l);
/* Mean of contributions */
- refl_sum = 0.0;
for ( j=0; j<c->n_contrib; j++ ) {
double Ii, G, B;
- if ( c->contrib_crystals[j] == exclude ) {
- continue;
- }
G = crystal_get_osf(c->contrib_crystals[j]);
B = crystal_get_Bfac(c->contrib_crystals[j]);
Ii = get_intensity(c->contribs[j]);
@@ -163,51 +148,118 @@ static double calculate_cchalf(RefList *template, RefList *full,
Ii *= 1.0/G * exp(B*res*res) * get_lorentz(c->contribs[j])
/ get_partiality(c->contribs[j]);
- refl_sum += Ii;
- nc++;
+ Ex += Ii - K;
+ Ex2 += (Ii - K) * (Ii - K);
- if ( nc < 2 ) continue;
- refl_mean = refl_sum / nc;
+ if ( c->n_contrib < 2 ) continue;
- /* Variance of contributions */
- refl_sumsq = 0.0;
- for ( j=0; j<c->n_contrib; j++ ) {
+ set_temp1(refl, Ex);
+ set_temp2(refl, Ex2);
+ }
- double Ii, G, B;
- if ( c->contrib_crystals[j] == exclude ) {
- continue;
- }
- G = crystal_get_osf(c->contrib_crystals[j]);
- B = crystal_get_Bfac(c->contrib_crystals[j]);
- Ii = get_intensity(c->contribs[j]);
+static double calculate_cchalf(RefList *template, RefList *full,
+ Crystal *exclude, int *pnref)
+ Reflection *trefl;
+ RefListIterator *iter;
+ double sig2E, sig2Y;
+ int n = 0;
+ double wSum = 0.0;
+ double wSum2 = 0.0;
+ double mean = 0.0;
+ double S = 0.0;
+ double all_sum_var = 0.0;
+ signed int oh = 0;
+ signed int ok = 0;
+ signed int ol = 0;
+ /* "template" is the list of reflections to be included in CChalf */
+ for ( trefl = first_refl(template, &iter);
+ trefl != NULL;
+ trefl = next_refl(trefl, iter) )
+ {
+ signed int h, k, l;
+ double refl_mean, refl_var;
+ double Ex, Ex2, K;
+ int n_removed = 0;
+ double w = 1.0;
+ double meanOld;
+ double res;
+ struct reflection_contributions *c;
+ Reflection *refl;
+ /* The values we need are stored in the "full" list, not the
+ * template list */
+ get_indices(trefl, &h, &k, &l);
+ if ( (h==oh) && (k==ok) && (l==ol) ) continue;
+ oh = h; ok = k; ol = l;
+ refl = find_refl(full, h, k, l);
+ if ( refl == NULL ) continue; /* However, there might not have
+ * been enough measurements for
+ * it to appear in "full" */
+ /* We use the mean (merged) intensity as the reference point
+ * for shifting the data in the variance calculation */
+ K = get_intensity(refl);
+ Ex = get_temp1(refl);
+ Ex2 = get_temp2(refl);
+ c = get_contributions(refl);
+ assert(c != NULL);
+ /* Resolution from first contributing crystal, like above */
+ res = resolution(crystal_get_cell(c->contrib_crystals[0]),
+ h, k, l);
+ /* Remove contribution(s) from the excluded crystal */
+ if ( exclude != NULL ) {
+ refl = find_refl(crystal_get_reflections(exclude), h, k, l);
+ } else {
+ refl = NULL;
+ }
+ while ( refl != NULL ) {
+ double G, B;
+ double Ii = get_intensity(refl);
+ G = crystal_get_osf(exclude);
+ B = crystal_get_Bfac(exclude);
/* Total (multiplicative) correction factor */
- Ii *= 1.0/G * exp(B*res*res) * get_lorentz(c->contribs[j])
- / get_partiality(c->contribs[j]);
+ Ii *= 1.0/G * exp(B*res*res) * get_lorentz(refl)
+ / get_partiality(refl);
+ /* Remove contribution of this reflection */
+ Ex -= Ii - K;
+ Ex2 -= (Ii - K)*(Ii - K);
- refl_sumsq += (Ii-refl_mean)*(Ii-refl_mean);
- /* (nc already summed above) */
+ n_removed++;
+ refl = next_found_refl(refl);
- refl_var = refl_sumsq/(nc-1.0);
- refl_var /= (nc/2.0);
+ if ( c->n_contrib - n_removed < 2 ) continue;
+ refl_mean = K + (Ex / (c->n_contrib - n_removed));
+ refl_var = (Ex2 - (Ex*Ex)/(c->n_contrib - n_removed)) / (c->n_contrib - n_removed - 1);
+ refl_var /= (c->n_contrib - n_removed) / 2.0;
all_sum_var += refl_var;
- total_contribs += nc;
- double w = 1.0;
+ /* Running variance calculation to get sig2Y */
wSum += w;
wSum2 += w*w;
- double meanOld = mean;
+ meanOld = mean;
mean = meanOld + (w/wSum) * (refl_mean - meanOld);
S += w * (refl_mean - meanOld) * (refl_mean - mean);
sig2E = all_sum_var / n;
@@ -224,9 +276,11 @@ static void check_deltacchalf(Crystal **crystals, int n, RefList *full)
double cchalf;
int i;
- int nref;
double *vals;
double mean, sd;
+ int nref = 0;
+ calculate_refl_mean_var(full);
cchalf = calculate_cchalf(full, full, NULL, &nref);
STATUS("Overall CChalf = %f %% (%i reflections)\n", cchalf*100.0, nref);
@@ -239,8 +293,12 @@ static void check_deltacchalf(Crystal **crystals, int n, RefList *full)
for ( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
double cchalf, cchalfi;
+ nref = 0;
RefList *template = crystal_get_reflections(crystals[i]);
- cchalf = calculate_cchalf(template, full, NULL, NULL);
+ cchalf = calculate_cchalf(template, full, NULL, &nref);
+ if ( i == 86 ) {
+ nref = 666;
+ }
cchalfi = calculate_cchalf(template, full, crystals[i], &nref);
//STATUS("Frame %i:", i);
//STATUS(" With = %f ", cchalf*100.0);