AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
19 hoursCI: Better way of restricting build-centos7 to mainline onlyHEADmasterThomas White
19 hoursCI: Run build-centos7 only for "main" project (not for e.g. MRs)Thomas White
45 hoursMerge branch 'julia'Thomas White
47 hoursAddress pipeline performance improvement changes which Tom requested.Parthasarathy Tirumalai
2 daysReorder job stages so that maxwell deployment can start as soon as centos7 bu...Parthasarathy Tirumalai
3 daysCONTRIBUTING.md: Fix DOI linkThomas White
3 daysUpdate Homebrew formula to 0.11.0Thomas White
3 daysThis is CrystFEL White
3 daysAdd -f option to brew upgrade commands in the MacOS jobs.Parthasarathy Tirumalai
3 daysINSTALL.md: Fix link to crystfel.rbThomas White
3 daysUpdate crystfel(7)Thomas White
3 daysUpdate INSTALL.mdThomas White
3 daysUpdate README.mdThomas White
4 daysUpdate INSTALL.mdThomas White
4 daysUpdate AUTHORSThomas White
4 daysTweak prediction refinement weightingsThomas White
4 daysalignment-test.jl: Plot shift/sigma (pull value)Thomas White
4 daysalignment-test.jl: Round peak coordinates to one pixel, to get realistic errorsThomas White
2024-03-07ASAP::O: Do not free image->data_block until we get the callbackThomas White
2024-03-07ASAP::O: Add even more debug for producerThomas White
2024-03-07ASAP::O: Fix ingest flags for placeholdersThomas White
2024-02-27alignment_test.jl: Break plotting routine into 3Thomas White
2024-02-27Julia: Do polarisation correction via CrystFEL functionThomas White
2024-02-27Julia: Move merging utils to separate moduleThomas White
2024-02-26process_hkl.jl: Add polarisation correctionThomas White
2024-02-26Julia: RefList: Return indices as vectors, not tuplesThomas White
2024-02-26Julia: UnitCell: Add accessors for cell parameters and basis vectorsThomas White
2024-02-26stream_read_chunk: Set kpred to nominal wavelengthThomas White
2024-02-22julia/process_hkl.jl: Abstract stable running mean/varianceThomas White
2024-02-21Julia: Set finalizers for RefList and Crystal when taken from imageThomas White
2024-02-21Julia: chunkread: Expose option for reconstructing image data arrays/detgeomThomas White
2024-02-21Julia: RefList: Return nothing if no reflections in listThomas White
2024-02-21julia/process_hkl.jl: Break into routines, add correction functionThomas White
2024-02-20Set default flag for panel dimensionsThomas White
2024-02-20tests/geom_roundtrip: Test dimension as panel-specific valueThomas White
2024-02-19Julia: Add Base.get!(::Reflist, indices)Thomas White
2024-02-19Draw attention to the need for separate Mille dirs for cluster jobsThomas White
2024-02-16CI: Remove Python installation for MacOSThomas White
2024-02-16align_detector: Add 'closeandreopen' option for MillepedeThomas White
2024-02-15GUI: Find all Mille folders for alignment taskThomas White
2024-02-15GUI: Use separate --mille-dir for each sub-jobThomas White
2024-02-08Add julia/process_hkl.jl (example program)Thomas White
2024-02-07Julia: Add allcrystals()Thomas White
2024-02-07Julia: Add push!(::RefList, hkl)Thomas White
2024-02-07Julia: RefList: index using tupleThomas White
2024-02-06Julia: Add "savereflist!"Thomas White
2024-02-06Julia: Constructor for RefList{MergedReflection}Thomas White
2024-02-06align_detector.jl: Show number of indexed framesThomas White
2024-02-06Julia: Fix docsThomas White
2024-02-06Julia: Add 'rotategroup!'Thomas White