# frozen_string_literal: true # Suite for processing Serial Femtosecond Crystallography (SFX) data class Crystfel < Formula desc 'Suite for processing Serial Femtosecond Crystallography (SFX) data' homepage 'https://www.desy.de/~twhite/crystfel/index.html' stable do url 'https://www.desy.de/~twhite/crystfel/crystfel-0.10.2.tar.gz' sha256 '9c23bd9dd0ca4b9e1b54df48845062095373aa4ec1b029635c5ace9a5c7eb0fe' end head do url 'https://gitlab.desy.de/thomas.white/crystfel.git' end depends_on 'bison' => :build depends_on 'meson' => :build depends_on 'ninja' => :build depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build if OS.mac? depends_on 'argp-standalone' => :build end depends_on 'cairo' depends_on 'fftw' depends_on 'gdk-pixbuf' depends_on 'gsl' depends_on 'gtk+3' depends_on 'hdf5' depends_on 'libpng' depends_on 'libtiff' depends_on 'pango' depends_on 'eigen' depends_on 'numpy' depends_on 'python' def install args = std_meson_args args.delete_at(args.index("--wrap-mode=nofallback")) puts args if OS.mac? args << "-Dc_args=-I/opt/argp-standalone/include" args << "-Dcpp_args=-I/opt/argp-standalone/include" args << "-Dc_link_args=-L/usr/local/opt/argp-standalone/lib -largp" args << "-Dcpp_link_args=-L/usr/local/opt/argp-standalone/lib -largp" end system 'meson', 'setup', *args, 'build' system 'ninja','-C','build' system 'ninja','-C','build','test' system 'ninja','-C','build','install' end test do # All functionality tests are done in the above section with make test system bin / 'ambigator', '--help' system bin / 'cell_explorer', '--help' system bin / 'cell_tool', '--help' system bin / 'check_hkl', '--help' system bin / 'compare_hkl', '--help' system bin / 'crystfel', '--help' system bin / 'align_detector', '--help' system bin / 'get_hkl', '--help' system bin / 'list_events', '--help' system bin / 'make_pixelmap', '--help' system bin / 'partialator', '--help' system bin / 'peakogram-stream', '--help' system bin / 'process_hkl', '--help' system bin / 'render_hkl', '--help' system bin / 'whirligig', '--help' # indexamajig --help crashes on MacOS due to argp-standalone bug end end