% align_detector(1) NAME ==== align_detector - refine detector geometry SYNOPSIS ======== align_detector -g _input.geom_ -o _output.geom_ -l _level_ [--out-of-plane] _millepede-files_ DESCRIPTION =========== **align_detector** refines the detector geometry based on the calibration data written by **indexamajig**. The refinement takes into account all the inter-dependencies between crystal orientations, cell parameters and the panel positions, but is nevertheless very fast. This is achieved using the Millepede-II algorithm. For more information, see https://www.desy.de/~kleinwrt/MP2/doc/html/index.html To refine the detector geometry, first make sure that the geometry file includes hierarchy information. For this, see **man crystfel_geometry**, section **Detector hierarchy**. Next, run **indexamajig** as usual, but with option **--mille**. This will produce several files named **mille-data-0.bin**, **mille-data-1.bin**, **mille-data-2.bin** and so on - as many files as there were indexamajig subprocesses (set with **indexamajig -j**). Finally, run **align_detector**, giving it the input geometry file, the "Mille" files, a refinement level and a filename for the updated geometry file. The input geometry file must match the file used for the indexamajig run. Refinement level **0** allows only the overall detector position to vary. Higher levels allow groups of panels to move according to the hierarchy. For example, for a CSPAD detector with hierarchy defined as in the example files, level **1** would refine the quadrant positions, **2** would refine the 2-by-1 panel "dominoes", and level **3** would refine the individual (roughly square) ASICs. Higher refinement levels will generally require more and higher-resolution diffraction data. The default behaviour is to refine only the position components in the x-y plane, perpendicular to the beam. In favourable circumstances, you can add option **--out-of-plane** to refine the panel tilts and shifts out of this plane. However, be aware that this introduces additional cross-dependencies and is less stable. **align_detector** relies on the program **pede** from the Millepede-II package. Usually, this will be installed as part of the CrystFEL installation procedure. If not, it can easily be installed from the Millepede-II repository at https://gitlab.desy.de/claus.kleinwort/millepede-ii OPTIONS ======= **-g** _input.geom_ : Specify the input geometry filename. **-o** _output.geom_ : Specify the output geometry filename. : Note that the geometry file will be re-written, meaning that any formatting : and comments will be lost. **-l** _level_ : Specify the refinement level. **-l 0** refines the overall detector position : only. The maximum refinement level is determined by the hierarchy of the : detector. **--out-of-plane** : Additionally refine out-of-plane panel positions and tilts of the detector. AUTHOR ====== This page was written by Thomas White. REPORTING BUGS ============== Report bugs to , or visit . COPYRIGHT AND DISCLAIMER ======================== Copyright © 2023 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. align_detector, and this manual, are part of CrystFEL. CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CrystFEL. If not, see . SEE ALSO ======== **crystfel**(7), **indexamajig**(1), **adjust_detector**(1), **crystfel_geometry**(5)