/* * image.c * * Handle images and image features * * Copyright © 2012-2020 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * * Authors: * 2014 Kenneth Beyerlein * 2011-2017 Thomas White * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "utils.h" #include "events.h" #include "detgeom.h" #include "image-hdf5.h" #include "image-cbf.h" #include "datatemplate.h" #include "datatemplate_priv.h" /** \file image.h */ struct _imagefeaturelist { struct imagefeature *features; int max_features; int n_features; }; void image_add_feature(ImageFeatureList *flist, double fs, double ss, int pn, struct image *parent, double intensity, const char *name) { if ( flist->n_features == flist->max_features ) { struct imagefeature *nf; int nmf = flist->max_features + 128; nf = realloc(flist->features, nmf*sizeof(struct imagefeature)); if ( nf == NULL ) return; flist->features = nf; flist->max_features = nmf; } flist->features[flist->n_features].fs = fs; flist->features[flist->n_features].ss = ss; flist->features[flist->n_features].pn = pn; flist->features[flist->n_features].intensity = intensity; flist->features[flist->n_features].name = name; flist->n_features++; } ImageFeatureList *image_feature_list_new() { ImageFeatureList *flist; flist = malloc(sizeof(ImageFeatureList)); flist->n_features = 0; flist->max_features = 0; flist->features = NULL; return flist; } static int comp(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct imagefeature *ap = a; const struct imagefeature *bp = b; return ap->intensity < bp->intensity; } ImageFeatureList *image_feature_list_copy(const ImageFeatureList *flist) { ImageFeatureList *n; int nf, i; if ( flist == NULL ) return NULL; n = image_feature_list_new(); if ( n == NULL ) return NULL; n->features = malloc(flist->n_features*sizeof(struct imagefeature)); if ( n->features == NULL ) { free(n); return NULL; } nf = 0; for ( i=0; in_features; i++ ) { const struct imagefeature *f; f = image_get_feature_const(flist, i); if ( f == NULL ) continue; n->features[nf++] = flist->features[i]; } n->n_features = nf; return n; } /** * Strongest first. */ ImageFeatureList *sort_peaks(ImageFeatureList *flist) { ImageFeatureList *n = image_feature_list_copy(flist); qsort(n->features, image_feature_count(n), sizeof(struct imagefeature), comp); return n; } void image_feature_list_free(ImageFeatureList *flist) { if ( flist == NULL ) return; free(flist->features); free(flist); } struct imagefeature *image_feature_closest(ImageFeatureList *flist, double fs, double ss, int pn, double *d, int *idx) { int i; double dmin = +HUGE_VAL; int closest = 0; for ( i=0; in_features; i++ ) { double ds; if ( pn != flist->features[i].pn ) continue; ds = distance(flist->features[i].fs, flist->features[i].ss, fs, ss); if ( ds < dmin ) { dmin = ds; closest = i; } } if ( dmin < +HUGE_VAL ) { *d = dmin; *idx = closest; return &flist->features[closest]; } *d = +INFINITY; return NULL; } int image_feature_count(ImageFeatureList *flist) { if ( flist == NULL ) return 0; return flist->n_features; } const struct imagefeature *image_get_feature_const(const ImageFeatureList *flist, int idx) { /* Sanity check */ if ( flist == NULL ) return NULL; if ( idx >= flist->n_features ) return NULL; return &flist->features[idx]; } struct imagefeature *image_get_feature(ImageFeatureList *flist, int idx) { /* Sanity check */ if ( flist == NULL ) return NULL; if ( idx >= flist->n_features ) return NULL; return &flist->features[idx]; } void image_remove_feature(ImageFeatureList *flist, int idx) { memmove(&flist->features[idx], &flist->features[idx+1], (flist->n_features-idx-1)*sizeof(struct imagefeature)); flist->n_features--; } void image_add_crystal(struct image *image, Crystal *cryst) { Crystal **crs; int n; n = image->n_crystals; crs = realloc(image->crystals, (n+1)*sizeof(Crystal *)); if ( crs == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate memory for crystals.\n"); return; } crs[n] = cryst; image->crystals = crs; image->n_crystals = n+1; } int remove_flagged_crystals(struct image *image) { int i; int n_bad = 0; for ( i=0; in_crystals; i++ ) { if ( crystal_get_user_flag(image->crystals[i]) ) { int j; Crystal *deleteme = image->crystals[i]; cell_free(crystal_get_cell(deleteme)); crystal_free(deleteme); for ( j=i; jn_crystals-1; j++ ) { image->crystals[j] = image->crystals[j+1]; } image->n_crystals--; n_bad++; i--; } } return n_bad; } /* Free all crystals, including their RefLists and UnitCells */ void free_all_crystals(struct image *image) { int i; if ( image->crystals == NULL ) return; for ( i=0; in_crystals; i++ ) { Crystal *cr = image->crystals[i]; reflist_free(crystal_get_reflections(cr)); cell_free(crystal_get_cell(cr)); crystal_free(image->crystals[i]); } free(image->crystals); image->n_crystals = 0; } static double get_value(struct image *image, const char *from) { double val; char *rval; if ( from == NULL ) return NAN; val = strtod(from, &rval); if ( (*rval == '\0') && (rval != from) ) return val; if ( is_hdf5_file(image->filename) > 0 ) { return image_hdf5_get_value(from, image->filename, image->ev); } else if ( is_cbf_file(image->filename) > 0 ) { /* FIXME: From headers */ return NAN; } else if ( is_cbfgz_file(image->filename) ) { /* FIXME: From headers */ return NAN; } else { ERROR("Unrecognised file type: %s\n", image->filename); return NAN; } } static char *get_value_and_units(struct image *image, const char *from, double *pvalue) { char *sp; char *fromcpy; char *unitscpy; if ( from == NULL ) { *pvalue = NAN; return NULL; } fromcpy = strdup(from); if ( fromcpy == NULL ) { *pvalue = NAN; return NULL; } sp = strchr(fromcpy, ' '); if ( sp == NULL ) { unitscpy = NULL; } else { unitscpy = strdup(sp+1); sp[0] = '\0'; } *pvalue = get_value(image, fromcpy); free(fromcpy); return unitscpy; } static double get_length(struct image *image, const char *from) { char *units; double value; double scale; units = get_value_and_units(image, from, &value); if ( units == NULL ) { scale = 1.0e-3; } else { if ( strcmp(units, "mm") == 0 ) { scale = 1e-3; } else if ( strcmp(units, "m") == 0 ) { scale = 1.0; } else { ERROR("Invalid length unit '%s'\n", units); free(units); return NAN; } } free(units); return value * scale; } static double get_wavelength(struct image *image, const char *from) { char *units; double value; units = get_value_and_units(image, from, &value); if ( units == NULL ) { /* Default unit is eV */ return ph_eV_to_lambda(value); } else { if ( strcmp(units, "A") == 0 ) { free(units); return value * 1e-10; } else { ERROR("Invalid wavelength unit '%s'\n", units); free(units); return NAN; } } } static void create_detgeom(struct image *image, DataTemplate *dtempl) { struct detgeom *detgeom; int i; if ( dtempl == NULL ) { ERROR("NULL data template!\n"); return; } detgeom = malloc(sizeof(struct detgeom)); if ( detgeom == NULL ) return; detgeom->panels = malloc(dtempl->n_panels*sizeof(struct detgeom_panel)); if ( detgeom->panels == NULL ) return; detgeom->n_panels = dtempl->n_panels; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { detgeom->panels[i].name = safe_strdup(dtempl->panels[i].name); detgeom->panels[i].pixel_pitch = dtempl->panels[i].pixel_pitch; /* NB cnx,cny are in pixels, cnz is in m */ detgeom->panels[i].cnx = dtempl->panels[i].cnx; detgeom->panels[i].cny = dtempl->panels[i].cny; detgeom->panels[i].cnz = get_length(image, dtempl->panels[i].cnz_from); /* Apply offset (in m) and then convert cnz from * m to pixels */ detgeom->panels[i].cnz += dtempl->panels[i].cnz_offset; detgeom->panels[i].cnz /= detgeom->panels[i].pixel_pitch; detgeom->panels[i].max_adu = dtempl->panels[i].max_adu; switch ( dtempl->panels[i].adu_scale_unit ) { case ADU_PER_PHOTON: detgeom->panels[i].adu_per_photon = dtempl->panels[i].adu_scale; break; case ADU_PER_EV: detgeom->panels[i].adu_per_photon = dtempl->panels[i].adu_scale * ph_lambda_to_eV(image->lambda); break; default: detgeom->panels[i].adu_per_photon = 1.0; ERROR("Invalid ADU/ph scale unit (%i)\n", dtempl->panels[i].adu_scale_unit); break; } detgeom->panels[i].w = dtempl->panels[i].orig_max_fs - dtempl->panels[i].orig_min_fs + 1; detgeom->panels[i].h = dtempl->panels[i].orig_max_ss - dtempl->panels[i].orig_min_ss + 1; detgeom->panels[i].fsx = dtempl->panels[i].fsx; detgeom->panels[i].fsy = dtempl->panels[i].fsy; detgeom->panels[i].fsz = dtempl->panels[i].fsz; detgeom->panels[i].ssx = dtempl->panels[i].ssx; detgeom->panels[i].ssy = dtempl->panels[i].ssy; detgeom->panels[i].ssz = dtempl->panels[i].ssz; } image->detgeom = detgeom; /* FIXME: spectrum */ } struct image *image_read(DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *filename, const char *event) { struct image *image; int i; if ( dtempl == NULL ) { ERROR("NULL data template!\n"); return NULL; } if ( is_hdf5_file(filename) > 0 ) { image = image_hdf5_read(dtempl, filename, event); } else if ( is_cbf_file(filename) > 0 ) { image = image_cbf_read(dtempl, filename, event, 0); } else if ( is_cbfgz_file(filename) ) { image = image_cbf_read(dtempl, filename, event, 1); } else { ERROR("Unrecognised file type: %s\n", filename); return NULL; } if ( image == NULL ) return NULL; /* Wavelength might be needed to create detgeom (adu_per_eV) */ image->lambda = get_wavelength(image, dtempl->wavelength_from); create_detgeom(image, dtempl); image->bad = malloc(dtempl->n_panels * sizeof(int *)); if ( image->bad == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate bad pixel mask\n"); return NULL; } for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { const char *mask_fn; int p_w, p_h; struct panel_template *p = &dtempl->panels[i]; p_w = p->orig_max_fs - p->orig_min_fs + 1; p_h = p->orig_max_ss - p->orig_min_ss + 1; image->bad[i] = calloc(p_w*p_h, sizeof(int)); if ( image->bad[i] == NULL ) { ERROR("Failed to allocate bad pixel mask\n"); return NULL; } /* Panel marked as bad? */ if ( p->bad ) { /* NB this sets every element to 0x1111, * but that's OK - value is still 'true'. */ memset(image->bad[i], 1, p_w*p_h); } /* Add bad regions (skip if panel is bad anyway) */ if ( !p->bad ) { int fs, ss; for ( fs=0; fsdp[i][fs+ss*p_w]) || isinf(image->dp[i][fs+ss*p_w]) ) { image->bad[i][fs+ss*p_w] = 1; } } } } /* Load mask (skip if panel is bad anyway) */ if ( (!p->bad) && (p->mask != NULL) ) { if ( p->mask_file == NULL ) { mask_fn = filename; } else { mask_fn = p->mask_file; } if ( is_hdf5_file(mask_fn) > 0 ) { image_hdf5_read_mask(p, mask_fn, event, image->bad[i], dtempl->mask_good, dtempl->mask_bad); } else if ( is_cbf_file(filename) > 0 ) { image_cbf_read_mask(p, mask_fn, event, 0, image->bad[i], dtempl->mask_good, dtempl->mask_bad); } else if ( is_cbfgz_file(filename) ) { image_cbf_read_mask(p, mask_fn, event, 1, image->bad[i], dtempl->mask_good, dtempl->mask_bad); } else { ERROR("Unrecognised mask file type" " (%s)\n", filename); return NULL; } } } /* FIXME: Load saturation map */ return image; } void image_free(struct image *image) { int i, np; if ( image == NULL ) return; image_feature_list_free(image->features); free_all_crystals(image); free(image->filename); free(image->ev); if ( image->detgeom != NULL ) { np = image->detgeom->n_panels; detgeom_free(image->detgeom); } else { np = 0; } for ( i=0; idp != NULL ) free(image->dp[i]); if ( image->sat != NULL ) free(image->sat[i]); if ( image->bad != NULL ) free(image->bad[i]); } free(image->dp); free(image->sat); free(image->bad); free(image); } struct image *image_new() { struct image *image; image = malloc(sizeof(struct image)); if ( image == NULL ) return NULL; image->dp = NULL; image->bad = NULL; image->sat = NULL; image->hit = 0; image->crystals = NULL; image->n_crystals = 0; image->indexed_by = INDEXING_NONE; image->detgeom = NULL; image->filename = NULL; image->ev = NULL; image->copied_headers = NULL; image->avg_clen = -1.0; image->id = 0; image->serial = 0; image->spectrum = NULL; image->lambda = -1.0; image->div = -1.0; image->bw = -1.0; image->peak_resolution = -1.0; image->features = NULL; return image; } ImageFeatureList *image_read_peaks(const DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *filename, const char *event, int half_pixel_shift) { if ( is_hdf5_file(filename) > 0 ) { const char *ext; ext = filename_extension(filename, NULL); if ( strcmp(ext, ".cxi") == 0 ) { return image_hdf5_read_peaks_cxi(dtempl, filename, event, half_pixel_shift); } else { return image_hdf5_read_peaks_hdf5(dtempl, filename, event, half_pixel_shift); } } else { ERROR("Peak lists can only be read from HDF5 files\n"); return NULL; } } struct event_list *image_expand_frames(const DataTemplate *dtempl, const char *filename) { /* FIXME: Dispatch to other versions, e.g. CBF files */ return image_hdf5_expand_frames(dtempl, filename); } void mark_resolution_range_as_bad(struct image *image, double min, double max) { int i; if ( isinf(min) && isinf(max) ) return; /* nothing to do */ for ( i=0; idetgeom->n_panels; i++ ) { int fs, ss; struct detgeom_panel *p = &image->detgeom->panels[i]; for ( ss=0; ssh; ss++ ) { for ( fs=0; fsw; fs++ ) { double q[3]; double r; detgeom_transform_coords(p, fs, ss, image->lambda, q); r = modulus(q[0], q[1], q[2]); if ( (r >= min) && (r <= max) ) { image->bad[i][fs+p->w*ss] = 1; } } } } }