#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Add beam parameters to stream # # Copyright © 2014-2017 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, # a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. # # Author: # 2014,2017 Thomas White <taw@physics.org> # import sys import optparse from collections import deque def count_crystals(f, g, start_after, stop_after): n_crystals_seen = 0 n_crystals_written = 0 in_crystal = 0 in_header = 1 in_chunk_prelim = 0 need_end_chunk = 0 chunk_so_far = deque() while True: fline = f.readline() if not fline: break if fline.find("Begin chunk") != -1: in_header = 0 in_chunk_prelim = 1 chunk_so_far.clear() if in_chunk_prelim: chunk_so_far.append(fline) if fline.find("End chunk") != -1: in_chunk = 0 if need_end_chunk: g.write(fline) need_end_chunk = 0 if (stop_after != 0) and (n_crystals_written == stop_after): break if in_crystal or in_header: g.write(fline) if fline.find("Begin crystal") != -1: in_chunk_prelim = 0 if ( (n_crystals_seen >= start_after) and ((stop_after == 0) or (n_crystals_written < stop_after)) ): in_crystal = 1 for line in chunk_so_far: g.write(line) chunk_so_far.clear() if fline.find("End crystal") != -1: n_crystals_seen += 1 if in_crystal: n_crystals_written += 1 in_crystal = 0 need_end_chunk = 1 print("Wrote {} crystals to {}".format(n_crystals_written, opt.ofn)) def count_chunks(f, g, start_after, stop_after): n_chunks_seen = 0 n_chunks_written = 0 in_chunk = 0 in_header = 1 while True: fline = f.readline() if not fline: break if fline.find("Begin chunk") != -1: in_header = 0 if ( n_chunks_seen >= start_after ): in_chunk = 1 if in_chunk or in_header: g.write(fline) if fline.find("End chunk") != -1: n_chunks_seen += 1 if in_chunk: n_chunks_written += 1 in_chunk = 0 if n_chunks_written == stop_after: break print("Wrote {} chunks to {}".format(n_chunks_written, opt.ofn)) op = optparse.OptionParser() op.add_option('', '--input', action='store', type='string', dest='ifn', help="Input stream") op.add_option('', '--output', action='store', type='string', dest='ofn', help="Output stream") op.add_option('', '--start-after', action='store', type='int', dest='start', help="Start after this many crystals", default=0) op.add_option('', '--stop-after', action='store', type='int', dest='stop', help="Stop after this many crystals (0=never stop)", default=0) op.add_option('', '--chunks', action='store_true', dest='chunks', help="Count chunks instead of crystals") opt,arg = op.parse_args(sys.argv) if not (opt.ifn and opt.ofn): print("You need at least --input and --output") exit(1) f = open(opt.ifn, 'r') g = open(opt.ofn, 'w') start_after = opt.start stop_after = opt.stop if opt.chunks: count_chunks(f, g, start_after, stop_after) else: count_crystals(f, g, start_after, stop_after) f.close() g.close()