#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

# Syntax: split-indexed input.stream \
#                       output-cell.stream output-latt.stream output-raw.stream

my $filename_cell = $ARGV[1];
my $filename_latt = $ARGV[2];
my $filename_raw = $ARGV[3];

open(FH, $ARGV[0]);
open(FH_CELL, ">".$filename_cell);
open(FH_LATT, ">".$filename_latt);
open(FH_RAW, ">".$filename_raw);

my $line;
my @chunk;
my $indexed_by;
my $not_indexed = 0;
my $indexed_cell = 0;
my $indexed_latt = 0;
my $indexed_raw = 0;

while ( $line = <FH> ) {

	if ( $line =~ /^-----\ Begin chunk\ -----$/ ) {
		$indexed_by = "";
		while ( scalar(@chunk) ) {
			my $l = shift(@chunk);
			printf(FH_CELL "%s", $l);
			printf(FH_LATT "%s", $l);
			printf(FH_RAW "%s", $l);
		@chunk = ();

	push(@chunk, $line);

	if ( $line =~ /^indexed_by\ =\ (.*)$/ ) {
		$indexed_by = $1;

	if ( $line =~ /^-----\ End chunk\ -----$/ ) {
		if ( $indexed_by =~ /raw-nolatt/ ) {
			while ( scalar(@chunk) ) {
				printf(FH_RAW "%s", shift(@chunk));
		} elsif ( $indexed_by =~ /^none$/ ) {
			@chunk = ();
		} elsif ( $indexed_by =~ /raw-latt/ ) {
			while ( scalar(@chunk) ) {
				printf(FH_LATT "%s", shift(@chunk));
		} else {
			while ( scalar(@chunk) ) {
				printf(FH_CELL "%s", shift(@chunk));


printf("%i patterns indexed using cell - written to %s.\n",
       $indexed_cell, $filename_cell);
printf("%i patterns indexed using lattice type only - written to %s.\n",
       $indexed_latt, $filename_latt);
printf("%i patterns indexed without prior cell or lattice information "
       ."- written to %s.\n", $indexed_raw, $filename_raw);
printf("%i unindexed patterns ignored.\n", $not_indexed);
printf("%i total patterns\n",
       $indexed_cell + $indexed_latt + $indexed_raw + $not_indexed);

exit 0