/* * geometry.c * * Geometry of diffraction * * (c) 2006-2011 Thomas White * * Part of CrystFEL - crystallography with a FEL * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "cell.h" #include "image.h" #include "peaks.h" #include "beam-parameters.h" #include "reflist.h" #include "reflist-utils.h" static signed int locate_peak(double x, double y, double z, double k, struct detector *det, double *xdap, double *ydap) { int i; signed int found = -1; const double den = k + z; *xdap = -1; *ydap = -1; for ( i=0; in_panels; i++ ) { double xd, yd, cl; double fs, ss, plx, ply; struct panel *p; p = &det->panels[i]; /* Camera length for this panel */ cl = p->clen; /* Coordinates of peak relative to central beam, in m */ xd = cl * x / den; yd = cl * y / den; /* Convert to pixels */ xd *= p->res; yd *= p->res; /* Convert to relative to the panel corner */ plx = xd - p->cnx; ply = yd - p->cny; fs = p->xfs*plx + p->yfs*ply; ss = p->xss*plx + p->yss*ply; fs += p->min_fs; ss += p->min_ss; /* Now, is this on this panel? */ if ( fs < p->min_fs ) continue; if ( fs > p->max_fs ) continue; if ( ss < p->min_ss ) continue; if ( ss > p->max_ss ) continue; /* If peak appears on multiple panels, reject it */ if ( found != -1 ) return -1; /* Woohoo! */ found = i; *xdap = fs; *ydap = ss; } return found; } static double excitation_error(double xl, double yl, double zl, double ds, double k, double divergence) { double tt, al; double r; double delta; tt = angle_between(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, xl, yl, zl+k); al = M_PI_2 - asin(-zl/ds); r = ( ds * sin(al) / sin(tt) ) - k; delta = sqrt(2.0 * pow(ds, 2.0) * (1-cos(divergence))); if ( divergence > 0.0 ) { r += delta; } else { r -= delta; } return r; } static double partiality(double r1, double r2, double r) { double q1, q2; double p1, p2; /* Calculate degrees of penetration */ q1 = (r1 + r)/(2.0*r); q2 = (r2 + r)/(2.0*r); /* Convert to partiality */ p1 = 3.0*pow(q1,2.0) - 2.0*pow(q1,3.0); p2 = 3.0*pow(q2,2.0) - 2.0*pow(q2,3.0); return p2 - p1; } static int check_reflection(struct image *image, double mres, int output, RefList *reflections, signed int h, signed int k, signed int l, double asx, double asy, double asz, double bsx, double bsy, double bsz, double csx, double csy, double csz) { double xl, yl, zl; double ds, ds_sq; double rlow, rhigh; /* "Excitation error" */ signed int p; /* Panel number */ double xda, yda; /* Position on detector */ int close, inside; double part; /* Partiality */ int clamp_low = 0; int clamp_high = 0; double bandwidth = image->bw; double divergence = image->div; double lambda = image->lambda; double klow, kcen, khigh; /* Wavenumber */ Reflection *refl; /* "low" gives the largest Ewald sphere, * "high" gives the smallest Ewald sphere. */ klow = 1.0/(lambda - lambda*bandwidth/2.0); kcen = 1.0/lambda; khigh = 1.0/(lambda + lambda*bandwidth/2.0); /* Get the coordinates of the reciprocal lattice point */ zl = h*asz + k*bsz + l*csz; /* Throw out if it's "in front". A tiny bit "in front" is OK. */ if ( zl > image->profile_radius ) return 0; xl = h*asx + k*bsx + l*csx; yl = h*asy + k*bsy + l*csy; /* Calculate reciprocal lattice point modulus (and square) */ ds_sq = modulus_squared(xl, yl, zl); /* d*^2 */ ds = sqrt(ds_sq); if ( ds > mres ) return 0; /* Outside resolution range */ /* Calculate excitation errors */ rlow = excitation_error(xl, yl, zl, ds, klow, -divergence); rhigh = excitation_error(xl, yl, zl, ds, khigh, +divergence); /* Is the reciprocal lattice point close to either extreme of * the sphere, maybe just outside the "Ewald volume"? */ close = (fabs(rlow) < image->profile_radius) || (fabs(rhigh) < image->profile_radius); /* Is the reciprocal lattice point somewhere between the * extremes of the sphere, i.e. inside the "Ewald volume"? */ inside = signbit(rlow) ^ signbit(rhigh); /* Can't be both inside and close */ if ( inside ) close = 0; /* Neither? Skip it. */ if ( !(close || inside) ) return 0; /* If the "lower" Ewald sphere is a long way away, use the * position at which the Ewald sphere would just touch the * reflection. */ if ( rlow < -image->profile_radius ) { rlow = -image->profile_radius; clamp_low = -1; } if ( rlow > +image->profile_radius ) { rlow = +image->profile_radius; clamp_low = +1; } /* Likewise the "higher" Ewald sphere */ if ( rhigh < -image->profile_radius ) { rhigh = -image->profile_radius; clamp_high = -1; } if ( rhigh > +image->profile_radius ) { rhigh = +image->profile_radius; clamp_high = +1; } /* The six possible combinations of clamp_{low,high} (including * zero) correspond to the six situations in Table 3 of Rossmann * et al. (1979). */ /* Calculate partiality and reject if too small */ part = partiality(rlow, rhigh, image->profile_radius); if ( part < 0.1 ) return 0; /* Locate peak on detector. */ p = locate_peak(xl, yl, zl, kcen, image->det, &xda, &yda); if ( p == -1 ) return 0; /* Add peak to list */ refl = add_refl(reflections, h, k, l); set_detector_pos(refl, 0.0, xda, yda); set_partial(refl, rlow, rhigh, part, clamp_low, clamp_high); set_redundancy(refl, 1); if ( output ) { printf("%3i %3i %3i %6f (at %5.2f,%5.2f) %5.2f\n", h, k, l, 0.0, xda, yda, part); } return 1; } RefList *find_intersections(struct image *image, UnitCell *cell, int output) { double asx, asy, asz; double bsx, bsy, bsz; double csx, csy, csz; RefList *reflections; int hmax, kmax, lmax; double mres; signed int h, k, l; reflections = reflist_new(); cell_get_reciprocal(cell, &asx, &asy, &asz, &bsx, &bsy, &bsz, &csx, &csy, &csz); /* We add a horrific 20% fudge factor because bandwidth, divergence * and so on mean reflections appear beyond the largest q */ mres = 1.2 * largest_q(image); hmax = mres / modulus(asx, asy, asz); kmax = mres / modulus(bsx, bsy, bsz); lmax = mres / modulus(csx, csy, csz); for ( h=-hmax; h<=hmax; h++ ) { for ( k=-kmax; k<=kmax; k++ ) { for ( l=-lmax; l<=lmax; l++ ) { check_reflection(image, mres, output, reflections, h, k, l, asx,asy,asz,bsx,bsy,bsz,csx,csy,csz); } } } return reflections; } double integrate_all(struct image *image, RefList *reflections) { double itot = 0.0; Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; for ( refl = first_refl(reflections, &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { double x, y, intensity; double xp, yp; get_detector_pos(refl, &xp, &yp); if ( integrate_peak(image, xp, yp, &x, &y, &intensity, NULL, NULL, 0, 0) ) continue; itot += intensity; } return itot; } /* Calculate partialities and apply them to the image's raw_reflections */ void update_partialities(struct image *image, const char *sym, int *n_expected, int *n_found, int *n_notfound) { Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; RefList *predicted; predicted = find_intersections(image, image->indexed_cell, 0); for ( refl = first_refl(predicted, &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { Reflection *peak_in_pattern; double r1, r2, p, x, y; signed int h, k, l; int clamp1, clamp2; /* Get predicted indices and location */ get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l); get_detector_pos(refl, &x, &y); if ( n_expected != NULL ) (*n_expected)++; /* Look for this reflection in the pattern */ peak_in_pattern = find_refl(image->raw_reflections, h, k, l); if ( peak_in_pattern == NULL ) { if ( n_notfound != NULL ) (*n_notfound)++; continue; } if ( n_found != NULL ) (*n_found)++; /* Transfer partiality stuff */ get_partial(refl, &r1, &r2, &p, &clamp1, &clamp2); set_partial(peak_in_pattern, r1, r2, p, clamp1, clamp2); /* Transfer detector location */ get_detector_pos(refl, &x, &y); set_detector_pos(peak_in_pattern, 0.0, x, y); } reflist_free(predicted); } void update_partialities_and_asymm(struct image *image, const char *sym, ReflItemList *obs, int *n_expected, int *n_found, int *n_notfound) { /* Get rid of the old list, about to be replaced */ reflist_free(image->reflections); image->reflections = NULL; /* Fill in partialities */ update_partialities(image, sym, n_expected, n_found, n_notfound); /* Rewrite the reflections with the asymmetric indices * to get the list used for scaling and post refinement */ image->reflections = asymmetric_indices(image->raw_reflections, sym, obs); /* Need these lists to work fast */ optimise_reflist(image->reflections); }