/* * gui_backend_slurm.c * * GUI backend for running jobs via SLURM * * Copyright © 2020 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, * a research centre of the Helmholtz Association. * * Authors: * 2020 Thomas White * * This file is part of CrystFEL. * * CrystFEL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CrystFEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CrystFEL. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "gui_project.h" #include "gui_index.h" #include "gui_merge.h" #include "gui_ambi.h" #include "crystfel_gui.h" struct slurm_common_opts { char *partition; char *email_address; }; struct slurm_indexing_opts { struct slurm_common_opts common; char *path_add; int block_size; }; struct slurm_merging_opts { struct slurm_common_opts common; }; struct slurm_ambi_opts { struct slurm_common_opts common; }; struct slurm_job { enum gui_job_type type; GFile *workdir; /* For indexing job (don't worry - will be replaced soon!) */ int n_frames; int n_blocks; uint32_t *job_ids; char **stderr_filenames; /* For merging/ambigator job */ uint32_t job_id; char *stderr_filename; int niter; }; static int job_running(uint32_t job_id) { job_info_msg_t *job_info; int running = 1; if ( slurm_load_job(&job_info, job_id, 0) ) { STATUS("Couldn't get status: %i\n", slurm_strerror(slurm_get_errno())); running = 0; /* FIXME: Distinguish error cond from job complete */ } switch ( job_info->job_array[0].job_state & JOB_STATE_BASE ) { /* Only the following states are reasons to keep on watching * the job */ case JOB_PENDING : case JOB_RUNNING : case JOB_SUSPENDED : running = 1; break; default : running = 0; break; } slurm_free_job_info_msg(job_info); return running; } static double indexing_progress(struct slurm_job *job, int *running) { if ( job->n_blocks > 15 ) { /* Fast path for larger number of sub-jobs */ int i; int n_running = 0; for ( i=0; in_blocks; i++ ) { if ( job->job_ids[i] == 0 ) continue; if ( !job_running(job->job_ids[i]) ) { job->job_ids[i] = 0; } else { n_running++; } } *running = (n_running > 0); return (double)(job->n_blocks - n_running) / job->n_blocks; } else { /* Slow path - higher accuracy for smaller number of sub-jobs */ int i; int n_proc = 0; *running = 0; for ( i=0; in_blocks; i++ ) { n_proc += read_number_processed(job->stderr_filenames[i]); if ( job->job_ids[i] == 0 ) continue; if ( !job_running(job->job_ids[i]) ) { job->job_ids[i] = 0; } else { *running = 1; } } return (double)n_proc / job->n_frames; } } static int get_task_status(void *job_priv, int *running, float *frac_complete) { struct slurm_job *job = job_priv; switch ( job->type ) { case GUI_JOB_INDEXING : *frac_complete = indexing_progress(job, running); break; case GUI_JOB_AMBIGATOR : *frac_complete = read_ambigator_progress(job->stderr_filename, job->niter); *running = job_running(job->job_id); break; case GUI_JOB_PROCESS_HKL : case GUI_JOB_PROCESS_HKL_SCALE : case GUI_JOB_PARTIALATOR : *frac_complete = read_merge_progress(job->stderr_filename, job->type); *running = job_running(job->job_id); break; } return 0; } static void cancel_task(void *job_priv) { int i; struct slurm_job *job = job_priv; if ( job->type == GUI_JOB_INDEXING ) { for ( i=0; in_blocks; i++) { if ( job->job_ids[i] == 0 ) continue; STATUS("Stopping SLURM job %i\n", job->job_ids[i]); if ( slurm_kill_job(job->job_ids[i], SIGINT, 0) ) { ERROR("Couldn't stop job: %s\n", slurm_strerror(slurm_get_errno())); } } } else { if ( slurm_kill_job(job->job_id, SIGINT, 0) ) { ERROR("Couldn't stop job: %s\n", slurm_strerror(slurm_get_errno())); } } } static char **create_env(int *psize, char *path_add) { char **env; const char *base_path = "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin"; char *crystfel_path; size_t path_len; env = malloc(10*sizeof(char *)); if ( env == NULL ) return NULL; crystfel_path = get_crystfel_path_str(); path_len = 4 + strlen(base_path); if ( path_add != NULL ) { path_len += strlen(path_add); } if ( crystfel_path != NULL ) { path_len += strlen(crystfel_path); } env[0] = malloc(path_len); if ( env[0] == NULL ) return NULL; strcpy(env[0], base_path); if ( crystfel_path != NULL ) { strcat(env[0], ":"); strcat(env[0], crystfel_path); g_free(crystfel_path); } if ( path_add != NULL ) { strcat(env[0], ":"); strcat(env[0], path_add); } *psize = 1; return env; } static void partition_activate_sig(GtkEntry *entry, gpointer data) { struct slurm_common_opts *opts = data; opts->partition = strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(entry)); } static gboolean partition_focus_sig(GtkEntry *entry, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) { partition_activate_sig(entry, data); return FALSE; } static void email_activate_sig(GtkEntry *entry, gpointer data) { struct slurm_common_opts *opts = data; opts->email_address = strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(entry)); } static gboolean email_focus_sig(GtkEntry *entry, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) { email_activate_sig(entry, data); return FALSE; } static void add_common_opts(GtkWidget *vbox, struct slurm_common_opts *opts) { GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *entry; GtkWidget *label; /* Partition */ hbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 8); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), GTK_WIDGET(hbox), FALSE, FALSE, 0); label = gtk_label_new("Submit job to partition:"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), GTK_WIDGET(label), FALSE, FALSE, 0); entry = gtk_entry_new(); if ( opts->partition != NULL ) { gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), opts->partition); } gtk_entry_set_placeholder_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), "maxwell"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), GTK_WIDGET(entry), FALSE, FALSE, 0); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(entry), "activate", G_CALLBACK(partition_activate_sig), opts); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(entry), "focus-out-event", G_CALLBACK(partition_focus_sig), opts); /* Email address */ hbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 8); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), GTK_WIDGET(hbox), FALSE, FALSE, 0); label = gtk_label_new("Send notifications to:"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), GTK_WIDGET(label), FALSE, FALSE, 0); entry = gtk_entry_new(); if ( opts->email_address != NULL ) { gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), opts->email_address); } gtk_entry_set_placeholder_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), "myself@example.org"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), GTK_WIDGET(entry), FALSE, FALSE, 0); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(entry), "activate", G_CALLBACK(email_activate_sig), opts); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(entry), "focus-out-event", G_CALLBACK(email_focus_sig), opts); } static uint32_t submit_batch_job(const char *geom_filename, const char *file_list, const char *stream_filename, const char *email_address, const char *partition, char **env, int n_env, const char *job_name, const char *workdir, const char *stderr_file, const char *stdout_file, struct peak_params *peak_search_params, struct index_params *indexing_params) { job_desc_msg_t job_desc_msg; submit_response_msg_t *resp; char **cmdline; char *cmdline_all; char *script; int job_id; int r; cmdline = indexamajig_command_line(geom_filename, "`nproc`", file_list, stream_filename, peak_search_params, indexing_params); cmdline_all = g_strjoinv(" ", cmdline); script = malloc(strlen(cmdline_all)+16); if ( script == NULL ) return 0; strcpy(script, "#!/bin/sh\n"); strcat(script, cmdline_all); g_free(cmdline_all); slurm_init_job_desc_msg(&job_desc_msg); job_desc_msg.user_id = getuid(); job_desc_msg.group_id = getgid(); job_desc_msg.mail_user = safe_strdup(email_address); job_desc_msg.mail_type = MAIL_JOB_FAIL; job_desc_msg.comment = "Submitted via CrystFEL GUI"; job_desc_msg.shared = 0; job_desc_msg.time_limit = 60; job_desc_msg.partition = safe_strdup(partition); job_desc_msg.min_nodes = 1; job_desc_msg.max_nodes = 1; job_desc_msg.name = safe_strdup(job_name); job_desc_msg.std_err = strdup(stderr_file); job_desc_msg.std_out = strdup(stdout_file); job_desc_msg.work_dir = strdup(workdir); job_desc_msg.script = script; job_desc_msg.environment = env; job_desc_msg.env_size = n_env; r = slurm_submit_batch_job(&job_desc_msg, &resp); if ( r ) { ERROR("Couldn't submit job: %i\n", errno); return 0; } free(job_desc_msg.mail_user); free(job_desc_msg.partition); free(job_desc_msg.name); free(job_desc_msg.work_dir); free(job_desc_msg.std_err); free(job_desc_msg.std_out); job_id = resp->job_id; slurm_free_submit_response_response_msg(resp); return job_id; } /* For submitting a single script to the SLURM cluster. * Used for merging and ambigator, but not for indexing - that needs something * more sophisticated. */ static struct slurm_job *start_slurm_job(enum gui_job_type type, const char *script_filename, const char *jobname, GFile *workdir, const char *partition, const char *email_address) { char **env; int n_env; char *script; struct slurm_job *job; job_desc_msg_t job_desc_msg; submit_response_msg_t *resp; GFile *stderr_gfile; int r; script = load_entire_file(script_filename); if ( script == NULL ) return NULL; job = malloc(sizeof(struct slurm_job)); if ( job == NULL ) return NULL; job->type = type; env = create_env(&n_env, NULL); slurm_init_job_desc_msg(&job_desc_msg); job_desc_msg.user_id = getuid(); job_desc_msg.group_id = getgid(); job_desc_msg.mail_user = safe_strdup(email_address); job_desc_msg.mail_type = MAIL_JOB_FAIL; job_desc_msg.comment = "Submitted via CrystFEL GUI"; job_desc_msg.shared = 0; job_desc_msg.time_limit = 60; job_desc_msg.partition = safe_strdup(partition); job_desc_msg.min_nodes = 1; job_desc_msg.max_nodes = 1; job_desc_msg.name = safe_strdup(jobname); job_desc_msg.std_err = strdup("stderr.log"); job_desc_msg.std_out = strdup("stdout.log"); job_desc_msg.work_dir = g_file_get_path(workdir); job_desc_msg.script = script; job_desc_msg.environment = env; job_desc_msg.env_size = n_env; r = slurm_submit_batch_job(&job_desc_msg, &resp); if ( r ) { ERROR("Couldn't submit job: %i\n", errno); return NULL; } free(job_desc_msg.mail_user); free(job_desc_msg.partition); free(job_desc_msg.name); free(job_desc_msg.work_dir); free(job_desc_msg.std_err); free(job_desc_msg.std_out); STATUS("Submitted SLURM job ID %i\n", resp->job_id); stderr_gfile = g_file_get_child(workdir, "stderr.log"); job->stderr_filename = g_file_get_path(stderr_gfile); g_object_unref(stderr_gfile); job->job_id = resp->job_id; slurm_free_submit_response_response_msg(resp); return job; } static void write_partial_file_list(GFile *workdir, const char *list_filename, int j, int block_size, char **filenames, char **events, int n_frames) { GFile *file; char *file_path; FILE *fh; int i; file = g_file_get_child(workdir, list_filename); file_path = g_file_get_path(file); fh = fopen(file_path, "w"); for ( i=j*block_size; (i<(j+1)*block_size) && (ipath_add); job = malloc(sizeof(struct slurm_job)); if ( job == NULL ) return 0; job->type = GUI_JOB_INDEXING; job->n_frames = proj->n_frames; job->n_blocks = proj->n_frames / opts->block_size; if ( proj->n_frames % opts->block_size ) job->n_blocks++; STATUS("Splitting job into %i blocks of max %i frames\n", job->n_blocks, opts->block_size); job->job_ids = malloc(job->n_blocks * sizeof(uint32_t)); if ( job->job_ids == NULL ) return NULL; job->stderr_filenames = malloc(job->n_blocks * sizeof(char *)); if ( job->stderr_filenames == NULL ) return NULL; streams = malloc(job->n_blocks*sizeof(char *)); if ( streams == NULL ) return NULL; for ( i=0; in_blocks; i++ ) { char job_name[128]; char file_list[128]; char stream_filename[128]; char stderr_file[128]; char stdout_file[128]; int job_id; GFile *stderr_gfile; GFile *stream_gfile; snprintf(job_name, 127, "%s-%i", job_title, i); snprintf(file_list, 127, "files-%i.lst", i); snprintf(stream_filename, 127, "crystfel-%i.stream", i); snprintf(stderr_file, 127, "stderr-%i.log", i); snprintf(stdout_file, 127, "stdout-%i.log", i); write_partial_file_list(workdir_gfile, file_list, i, opts->block_size, proj->filenames, proj->events, proj->n_frames); job_id = submit_batch_job(proj->geom_filename, file_list, stream_filename, opts->common.email_address, opts->common.partition, env, n_env, job_name, g_file_get_path(workdir_gfile), stderr_file, stdout_file, &proj->peak_search_params, &proj->indexing_params); if ( job_id == 0 ) { fail = 1; break; } job->job_ids[i] = job_id; stderr_gfile = g_file_get_child(workdir_gfile, stderr_file); job->stderr_filenames[i] = g_file_get_path(stderr_gfile); g_object_unref(stderr_gfile); stream_gfile = g_file_get_child(workdir_gfile, stream_filename); streams[i] = g_file_get_path(stream_gfile); g_object_unref(stream_gfile); STATUS("Submitted SLURM job ID %i\n", job_id); } for ( i=0; ijob_ids); free(job->stderr_filenames); free(job); return NULL; } else { add_indexing_result(proj, strdup(job_title), streams, job->n_blocks); } return job; } static void block_size_activate_sig(GtkEntry *entry, gpointer data) { struct slurm_indexing_opts *opts = data; convert_int(gtk_entry_get_text(entry), &opts->block_size); } static gboolean block_size_focus_sig(GtkEntry *entry, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) { block_size_activate_sig(entry, data); return FALSE; } static void pathadd_activate_sig(GtkEntry *entry, gpointer data) { struct slurm_indexing_opts *opts = data; opts->path_add = strdup(gtk_entry_get_text(entry)); } static gboolean pathadd_focus_sig(GtkEntry *entry, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) { pathadd_activate_sig(entry, data); return FALSE; } static GtkWidget *make_indexing_parameters_widget(void *opts_priv) { struct slurm_indexing_opts *opts = opts_priv; GtkWidget *vbox; GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *entry; GtkWidget *label; char tmp[64]; vbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); add_common_opts(vbox, &opts->common); hbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 8); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), GTK_WIDGET(hbox), FALSE, FALSE, 0); label = gtk_label_new("Split job into blocks of"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), GTK_WIDGET(label), FALSE, FALSE, 0); snprintf(tmp, 63, "%i", opts->block_size); entry = gtk_entry_new(); gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), tmp); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), GTK_WIDGET(entry), FALSE, FALSE, 0); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(entry), "activate", G_CALLBACK(block_size_activate_sig), opts); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(entry), "focus-out-event", G_CALLBACK(block_size_focus_sig), opts); label = gtk_label_new("frames"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), GTK_WIDGET(label), FALSE, FALSE, 0); hbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 8); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), GTK_WIDGET(hbox), FALSE, FALSE, 0); label = gtk_label_new("Search path for executables:"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), GTK_WIDGET(label), FALSE, FALSE, 0); entry = gtk_entry_new(); if ( opts->path_add != NULL ) { gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), opts->path_add); } gtk_entry_set_placeholder_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), "/path/to/indexing/programs"); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), GTK_WIDGET(entry), FALSE, FALSE, 0); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(entry), "activate", G_CALLBACK(pathadd_activate_sig), opts); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(entry), "focus-out-event", G_CALLBACK(pathadd_focus_sig), opts); return vbox; } static struct slurm_indexing_opts *make_default_slurm_indexing_opts() { struct slurm_indexing_opts *opts = malloc(sizeof(struct slurm_indexing_opts)); if ( opts == NULL ) return NULL; opts->common.partition = NULL; opts->block_size = 1000; opts->common.email_address = NULL; opts->path_add = NULL; return opts; } static void write_indexing_opts(void *opts_priv, FILE *fh) { struct slurm_indexing_opts *opts = opts_priv; fprintf(fh, "indexing.slurm.block_size %i\n", opts->block_size); if ( opts->common.partition != NULL) { fprintf(fh, "indexing.slurm.partition %s\n", opts->common.partition); } if ( opts->common.email_address != NULL ) { fprintf(fh, "indexing.slurm.email_address %s\n", opts->common.email_address); } if ( opts->path_add != NULL ) { fprintf(fh, "indexing.slurm.path_add %s\n", opts->path_add); } } static void read_indexing_opt(void *opts_priv, const char *key, const char *val) { struct slurm_indexing_opts *opts = opts_priv; if ( strcmp(key, "indexing.slurm.block_size") == 0 ) { if ( convert_int(val, &opts->block_size) ) { ERROR("Invalid block size: %s\n", val); } } if ( strcmp(key, "indexing.slurm.email_address") == 0 ) { opts->common.email_address = strdup(val); } if ( strcmp(key, "indexing.slurm.partition") == 0 ) { opts->common.partition = strdup(val); } if ( strcmp(key, "indexing.slurm.path_add") == 0 ) { opts->path_add = strdup(val); } } static void *run_ambi(const char *job_title, const char *job_notes, struct crystfelproject *proj, struct gui_indexing_result *input, void *opts_priv) { struct slurm_job *job; struct slurm_ambi_opts *opts = opts_priv; GFile *workdir; GFile *sc_gfile; char *sc_filename; GFile *stream_gfile; char *stream_str; workdir = make_job_folder(job_title, job_notes); if ( workdir == NULL ) return NULL; stream_gfile = g_file_get_child(workdir, "ambi.stream"); stream_str = g_file_get_path(stream_gfile); g_object_unref(stream_gfile); sc_gfile = g_file_get_child(workdir, "run_ambigator.sh"); sc_filename = g_file_get_path(sc_gfile); g_object_unref(sc_gfile); if ( sc_filename == NULL ) return NULL; if ( !write_ambigator_script(sc_filename, input, "`nproc`", &proj->ambi_params, stream_str) ) { char *workdir_str = g_file_get_path(workdir); job = start_slurm_job(GUI_JOB_AMBIGATOR, sc_filename, job_title, workdir, opts->common.partition, opts->common.email_address); job->niter = proj->ambi_params.niter; g_free(workdir_str); } else { job = NULL; } g_free(sc_filename); if ( job != NULL ) { char **streams = malloc(sizeof(char *)); if ( streams != NULL ) { streams[0] = stream_str; add_indexing_result(proj, strdup(job_title), streams, 1); } } g_object_unref(workdir); return job; } static void *run_merging(const char *job_title, const char *job_notes, struct crystfelproject *proj, struct gui_indexing_result *input, void *opts_priv) { struct slurm_job *job; struct slurm_merging_opts *opts = opts_priv; GFile *workdir; GFile *sc_gfile; char *sc_filename; workdir = make_job_folder(job_title, job_notes); if ( workdir == NULL ) return NULL; sc_gfile = g_file_get_child(workdir, "run_merge.sh"); sc_filename = g_file_get_path(sc_gfile); g_object_unref(sc_gfile); if ( sc_filename == NULL ) return NULL; if ( !write_merge_script(sc_filename, input, "`nproc`", &proj->merging_params, "crystfel.hkl") ) { char *workdir_str = g_file_get_path(workdir); enum gui_job_type type; if ( strcmp(proj->merging_params.model, "process_hkl") == 0 ) { if ( proj->merging_params.scale ) { type = GUI_JOB_PROCESS_HKL_SCALE; } else { type = GUI_JOB_PROCESS_HKL; } } else { type = GUI_JOB_PARTIALATOR; } job = start_slurm_job(type, sc_filename, job_title, workdir, opts->common.partition, opts->common.email_address); g_free(workdir_str); } else { job = NULL; } g_free(sc_filename); if ( job != NULL ) { GFile *hkl_gfile; char *hkl; char *hkl1; char *hkl2; hkl_gfile = g_file_get_child(workdir, "crystfel.hkl"); hkl = g_file_get_path(hkl_gfile); g_object_unref(hkl_gfile); hkl_gfile = g_file_get_child(workdir, "crystfel.hkl1"); hkl1 = g_file_get_path(hkl_gfile); g_object_unref(hkl_gfile); hkl_gfile = g_file_get_child(workdir, "crystfel.hkl2"); hkl2 = g_file_get_path(hkl_gfile); g_object_unref(hkl_gfile); add_merge_result(proj, strdup(job_title), hkl, hkl1, hkl2); } g_object_unref(workdir); return job; } static struct slurm_merging_opts *make_default_slurm_merging_opts() { struct slurm_merging_opts *opts = malloc(sizeof(struct slurm_merging_opts)); if ( opts == NULL ) return NULL; opts->common.email_address = NULL; opts->common.partition = NULL; return opts; } static void write_merging_opts(void *opts_priv, FILE *fh) { struct slurm_merging_opts *opts = opts_priv; if ( opts->common.partition != NULL) { fprintf(fh, "merging.slurm.partition %s\n", opts->common.partition); } if ( opts->common.email_address != NULL ) { fprintf(fh, "merging.slurm.email_address %s\n", opts->common.email_address); } } static void read_merging_opt(void *opts_priv, const char *key, const char *val) { struct slurm_merging_opts *opts = opts_priv; if ( strcmp(key, "merging.slurm.email_address") == 0 ) { opts->common.email_address = strdup(val); } if ( strcmp(key, "merging.slurm.partition") == 0 ) { opts->common.partition = strdup(val); } } static GtkWidget *make_merging_parameters_widget(void *opts_priv) { GtkWidget *vbox; struct slurm_merging_opts *opts = opts_priv; vbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); add_common_opts(vbox, &opts->common); return vbox; } static struct slurm_ambi_opts *make_default_slurm_ambi_opts() { struct slurm_ambi_opts *opts = malloc(sizeof(struct slurm_ambi_opts)); if ( opts == NULL ) return NULL; opts->common.email_address = NULL; opts->common.partition = NULL; return opts; } static void write_ambi_opts(void *opts_priv, FILE *fh) { struct slurm_ambi_opts *opts = opts_priv; if ( opts->common.partition != NULL) { fprintf(fh, "ambi.slurm.partition %s\n", opts->common.partition); } if ( opts->common.email_address != NULL ) { fprintf(fh, "ambi.slurm.email_address %s\n", opts->common.email_address); } } static void read_ambi_opt(void *opts_priv, const char *key, const char *val) { struct slurm_ambi_opts *opts = opts_priv; if ( strcmp(key, "ambi.slurm.email_address") == 0 ) { opts->common.email_address = strdup(val); } if ( strcmp(key, "ambi.slurm.partition") == 0 ) { opts->common.partition = strdup(val); } } static GtkWidget *make_ambi_parameters_widget(void *opts_priv) { GtkWidget *vbox; struct slurm_ambi_opts *opts = opts_priv; vbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 8); add_common_opts(vbox, &opts->common); return vbox; } int make_slurm_backend(struct crystfel_backend *be) { be->name = "slurm"; be->friendly_name = "SLURM"; be->cancel_task = cancel_task; be->task_status = get_task_status; be->make_indexing_parameters_widget = make_indexing_parameters_widget; be->run_indexing = run_indexing; be->indexing_opts_priv = make_default_slurm_indexing_opts(); if ( be->indexing_opts_priv == NULL ) return 1; be->write_indexing_opts = write_indexing_opts; be->read_indexing_opt = read_indexing_opt; be->make_merging_parameters_widget = make_merging_parameters_widget; be->run_merging = run_merging; be->merging_opts_priv = make_default_slurm_merging_opts(); if ( be->merging_opts_priv == NULL ) return 1; be->write_merging_opts = write_merging_opts; be->read_merging_opt = read_merging_opt; be->make_ambi_parameters_widget = make_ambi_parameters_widget; be->run_ambi = run_ambi; be->ambi_opts_priv = make_default_slurm_ambi_opts(); if ( be->ambi_opts_priv == NULL ) return 1; be->write_ambi_opts = write_ambi_opts; be->read_ambi_opt = read_ambi_opt; return 0; };