/* * scaling-report.c * * Write a nice PDF of scaling parameters * * (c) 2011 Thomas White * * Part of CrystFEL - crystallography with a FEL * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "image.h" #include "scaling-report.h" #define PAGE_WIDTH (842.0) enum justification { J_CENTER, J_LEFT, J_RIGHT, }; struct _srcontext { cairo_surface_t *surf; cairo_t *cr; double w; double h; }; static void show_text(cairo_t *cr, const char *text, double y, enum justification j, char *font) { PangoLayout *layout; PangoFontDescription *fontdesc; int width, height; PangoAlignment just; if ( font == NULL ) font = "Sans 10"; layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cr); pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE); pango_layout_set_width(layout, PANGO_SCALE*(PAGE_WIDTH-20.0)); switch ( j ) { case J_CENTER : just = PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER; break; case J_LEFT : just = PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT; break; case J_RIGHT : just = PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT; break; default: just = PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT; break; } pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, just); pango_layout_set_wrap(layout, PANGO_WRAP_CHAR); pango_layout_set_spacing(layout, 4.0*PANGO_SCALE); pango_layout_set_text(layout, text, -1); fontdesc = pango_font_description_from_string(font); pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, fontdesc); pango_cairo_update_layout(cr, layout); pango_layout_get_size(layout, &width, &height); cairo_move_to(cr, 10.0, y); cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); pango_cairo_show_layout(cr, layout); } static void show_text_simple(cairo_t *cr, const char *text, double x, double y, char *font, double rot, enum justification j) { PangoLayout *layout; PangoFontDescription *fontdesc; int width, height; cairo_save(cr); if ( font == NULL ) font = "Sans 10"; layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(cr); pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE); pango_layout_set_alignment(layout, PANGO_ALIGN_LEFT); pango_layout_set_text(layout, text, -1); fontdesc = pango_font_description_from_string(font); pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, fontdesc); pango_cairo_update_layout(cr, layout); pango_layout_get_size(layout, &width, &height); cairo_new_path(cr); cairo_translate(cr, x, y); cairo_rotate(cr, rot); if ( j == J_CENTER ) { cairo_translate(cr, -(width/2.0)/PANGO_SCALE, -(height/2.0)/PANGO_SCALE); } else if ( j == J_RIGHT ) { cairo_translate(cr, -width/PANGO_SCALE, -(height/2.0)/PANGO_SCALE); } else { cairo_translate(cr, 0.0, -(height/2.0)/PANGO_SCALE); } cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); pango_cairo_show_layout(cr, layout); cairo_restore(cr); } static void plot_point(cairo_t *cr, double g_width, double g_height, double pcalc, double pobs) { int bad = 0; if ( pobs > 1.0 ) { pobs = 1.01; bad = 1; } if ( pcalc > 1.0 ) { pcalc = 1.01; bad = 1; } if ( pobs < 0.0 ) { pobs = -0.01; bad = 1; } if ( pcalc < 0.0 ) { pobs = -0.01; bad = 1; } if ( bad ) { cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); } cairo_arc(cr, g_width*pcalc, g_height*(1.0-pobs), 1.0, 0.0, 2.0*M_PI); cairo_fill(cr); if ( bad ) { cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0); } } static void partiality_graph(cairo_t *cr, const struct image *images, int n, RefList *full) { const double g_width = 200.0; const double g_height = 200.0; int i; const int nbins = 25; double totals[nbins]; int counts[nbins]; double prob; show_text_simple(cr, "Observed partiality", -20.0, g_height/2.0, NULL, -M_PI_2, J_CENTER); show_text_simple(cr, "Calculated partiality", g_width/2.0, g_height+20.0, NULL, 0.0, J_CENTER); show_text_simple(cr, "0.0", -20.0, g_height, NULL, 0.0, J_CENTER); show_text_simple(cr, "1.0", -20.0, 0.0, NULL, 0.0, J_CENTER); show_text_simple(cr, "0.0", 0.0, g_height+10.0, NULL, -M_PI/3.0, J_RIGHT); show_text_simple(cr, "1.0", g_width, g_height+10.0, NULL, -M_PI/3.0, J_RIGHT); for ( i=0; i=0) && (b f_max ) f_max = counts[b]; } f_max = (f_max/10)*10 + 10; show_text_simple(cr, "0", -10.0, g_height, NULL, 0.0, J_RIGHT); snprintf(tmp, 31, "%i", f_max); show_text_simple(cr, tmp, -10.0, 0.0, NULL, 0.0, J_RIGHT); show_text_simple(cr, "0.0", 0.0, g_height+10.0, NULL, -M_PI/3.0, J_RIGHT); show_text_simple(cr, "1.0", g_width, g_height+10.0, NULL, -M_PI/3.0, J_RIGHT); for ( b=0; b osf_max ) osf_max = osf; } osf_max = ceil(osf_max); if ( osf_max > 1000.0 ) { ERROR("Silly scale factor detected. Using 100.0 instead.\n"); osf_max = 100.0; } do { osf_inc = osf_max / nbins; for ( b=0; b= osf_low[b]) && (osf < osf_high[b]) ) { counts[b]++; break; } } } n_zero = 0; n_half = 0; if ( osf_max > 10.0 ) { /* Count the number of bins with no counts, subtract 1 * from the maximum value until this isn't the case */ for ( b=0; b n_half ) osf_max -= 1.0; } } while ( n_zero > n_half ); f_max = 0; for ( b=0; b f_max ) f_max = counts[b]; } f_max = (f_max/10)*10 + 10; show_text_simple(cr, "0", -10.0, g_height, NULL, 0.0, J_RIGHT); snprintf(tmp, 31, "%i", f_max); show_text_simple(cr, tmp, -10.0, 0.0, NULL, 0.0, J_RIGHT); show_text_simple(cr, "0.00", 0.0, g_height+10.0, NULL, -M_PI/3.0, J_RIGHT); snprintf(tmp, 32, "%5.2f", osf_max); show_text_simple(cr, tmp, g_width, g_height+10.0, NULL, -M_PI/3.0, J_RIGHT); for ( b=0; b int_max ) int_max = Ifull_est; nmeas++; } } int_max *= 1.1; int_inc = int_max / nbins; for ( b=0; b= int_low[b]) && (Ifull_est < int_high[b]) ) { counts[b]++; break; } } } } f_max = 0; for ( b=0; b f_max ) f_max = counts[b]; } f_max = (f_max/10)*10 + 10; show_text_simple(cr, "0", -10.0, g_height, NULL, 0.0, J_RIGHT); snprintf(tmp, 31, "%i", f_max); show_text_simple(cr, tmp, -10.0, 0.0, NULL, 0.0, J_RIGHT); show_text_simple(cr, "0.00", 0.0, g_height+10.0, NULL, -M_PI/3.0, J_RIGHT); snprintf(tmp, 32, "%5.2f", int_max); show_text_simple(cr, tmp, g_width, g_height+10.0, NULL, -M_PI/3.0, J_RIGHT); for ( b=0; bcr, "Written by partialator from CrystFEL" " version "PACKAGE_VERSION, sr->h-15.0, J_RIGHT, "Sans 7"); } SRContext *sr_header(const char *filename, const char *stream_filename, const char *cmdline) { char tmp[1024]; struct _srcontext *sr; sr = malloc(sizeof(*sr)); if ( sr == NULL ) return NULL; sr->w = PAGE_WIDTH; sr->h = 595.0; sr->surf = cairo_pdf_surface_create(filename, sr->w, sr->h); if ( cairo_surface_status(sr->surf) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create Cairo surface\n"); cairo_surface_destroy(sr->surf); free(sr); return NULL; } sr->cr = cairo_create(sr->surf); snprintf(tmp, 1023, "Scaling report: %s", stream_filename); show_text(sr->cr, tmp, 10.0, J_CENTER, "Sans Bold 16"); snprintf(tmp, 1023, "partialator %s", cmdline); show_text(sr->cr, tmp, 45.0, J_LEFT, "Mono 7"); watermark(sr); return sr; } void sr_before(SRContext *sr, struct image *images, int n, RefList *full) { if ( sr == NULL ) return; cairo_save(sr->cr); cairo_translate(sr->cr, 75.0, 100.0); scale_factor_histogram(sr->cr, images, n, "Before refinement"); cairo_translate(sr->cr, 60.0, 235.0); partiality_graph(sr->cr, images, n, full); cairo_restore(sr->cr); } static void find_most_sampled_reflections(RefList *list, signed int *h, signed int *k, signed int *l, int n) { Reflection *refl; RefListIterator *iter; int *samples; samples = calloc(n, sizeof(int)); for ( refl = first_refl(list, &iter); refl != NULL; refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) { int red; int i; red = get_redundancy(refl); for ( i=0; i samples[i] ) { int j; /* Shift everything down */ for ( j=n-2; j>i; j-- ) { h[j+1] = h[j]; k[j+1] = k[j]; l[j+1] = l[j]; samples[j+1] = samples[j]; } /* Add this in its place */ get_indices(refl, &h[i], &k[i], &l[i]); samples[i] = red; /* Don't compare against the others */ break; } } } free(samples); } void sr_after(SRContext *sr, struct image *images, int n, RefList *full) { int i; signed int h[9], k[9], l[9]; if ( sr == NULL ) return; cairo_save(sr->cr); cairo_translate(sr->cr, 475.0, 100.0); scale_factor_histogram(sr->cr, images, n, "After refinement"); cairo_translate(sr->cr, 60.0, 235.0); partiality_graph(sr->cr, images, n, full); cairo_restore(sr->cr); cairo_surface_show_page(sr->surf); watermark(sr); cairo_save(sr->cr); cairo_translate(sr->cr, 75.0, 50.0); partiality_histogram(sr->cr, images, n, full, 1); cairo_translate(sr->cr, 400.0, 0.0); partiality_histogram(sr->cr, images, n, full, 0); cairo_restore(sr->cr); cairo_surface_show_page(sr->surf); watermark(sr); find_most_sampled_reflections(full, h, k, l, 9); for ( i=0; i<9; i++ ) { int x, y; x = i % 3; y = i / 3; cairo_save(sr->cr); cairo_translate(sr->cr, 50.0+280.0*x, 50.0+180.0*y); intensity_histogram(sr->cr, images, n, h[i], k[i], l[i]); cairo_restore(sr->cr); } cairo_surface_finish(sr->surf); cairo_destroy(sr->cr); free(sr); }