From 0abb6eb12806cf99ea815810d470423083c3b9f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Auke Kok Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:14 -0700 Subject: e100, e1000, ixgb: update copyright header and remove LICENSE This update to the copyright header adds the mailinglist, and aligns it with the kernel licensing as well as remove the offending 'all rights reserved'. Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e100.c | 20 +-- drivers/net/e1000/LICENSE | 339 -------------------------------------- drivers/net/e1000/Makefile | 35 ++-- drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h | 35 ++-- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c | 35 ++-- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c | 35 ++-- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h | 35 ++-- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 35 ++-- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_osdep.h | 35 ++-- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c | 35 ++-- drivers/net/ixgb/Makefile | 38 ++--- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb.h | 36 ++-- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ee.c | 36 ++-- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ee.h | 36 ++-- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ethtool.c | 36 ++-- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_hw.c | 36 ++-- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_hw.h | 36 ++-- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ids.h | 36 ++-- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c | 36 ++-- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_osdep.h | 36 ++-- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_param.c | 36 ++-- 21 files changed, 345 insertions(+), 692 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 drivers/net/e1000/LICENSE diff --git a/drivers/net/e100.c b/drivers/net/e100.c index dc5e38aefca..d9750e269a5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e100.c +++ b/drivers/net/e100.c @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. + Intel PRO/100 Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". Contact Information: Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 *******************************************************************************/ diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/LICENSE b/drivers/net/e1000/LICENSE deleted file mode 100644 index 5f297e5bb46..00000000000 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/LICENSE +++ /dev/null @@ -1,339 +0,0 @@ - -"This software program is licensed subject to the GNU General Public License -(GPL). Version 2, June 1991, available at -" - -GNU General Public License - -Version 2, June 1991 - -Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA - -Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license -document, but changing it is not allowed. - -Preamble - -The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to -share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended -to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure -the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies -to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program -whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation -software is covered by the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You -can apply it to your programs, too. - -When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our -General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom -to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you -wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you -can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that -you know you can do these things. - -To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to -deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These -restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute -copies of the software, or if you modify it. - -For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or -for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You -must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you -must show them these terms so they know their rights. - -We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) -offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute -and/or modify the software. - -Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that -everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If -the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its -recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any -problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' -reputations. - -Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We -wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will -individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program -proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be -licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - -The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification -follow. - -TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - -0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice - placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the - terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any - such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the - Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a - work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with - modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, - translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) - Each licensee is addressed as "you". - - Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not - covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running - the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered - only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent - of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends - on what the Program does. - -1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code - as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and - appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and - disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this - License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients - of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. - - You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you - may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - -2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, - thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such - modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that - you also meet all of these conditions: - - * a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating - that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - * b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part - thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties - under the terms of this License. - - * c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when - run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive - use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement - including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is - no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that - users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and - telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if - the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such - an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to - print an announcement.) - - These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable - sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be - reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then - this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you - distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same - sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the - distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose - permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to - each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - - Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest - your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to - exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or - collective works based on the Program. - - In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program - with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a - storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the - scope of this License. - -3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under - Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - * a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source - code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 - above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - * b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, - to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of - physically performing source distribution, a complete machine- - readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed - under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily - used for software interchange; or, - - * c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to - distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed - only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the - program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in - accord with Subsection b above.) - - The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for - making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code - means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any - associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control - compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special - exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is - normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major - components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which - the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the - executable. - - If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access - to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy - the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source - code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source - along with the object code. - -4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as - expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, - modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will - automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties - who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not - have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full - compliance. - -5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed - it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute - the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law - if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or - distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you - indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and - conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works - based on it. - -6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the - Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the - original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to - these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions - on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not - responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. - -7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent - infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), - conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or - otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not - excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute - so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and - any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not - distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would - not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who - receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you - could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from - distribution of the Program. - - If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any - particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply - and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. - - It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any - patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any - such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the - integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented - by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions - to the wide range of software distributed through that system in - reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the - author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software - through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. - - This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be - a consequence of the rest of this License. - -8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain - countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original - copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an - explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, - so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus - excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if - written in the body of this License. - -9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of - the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be - similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to - address new problems or concerns. - - Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program - specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any - later version", you have the option of following the terms and - conditions either of that version or of any later version published by - the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version - number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the - Free Software Foundation. - -10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs - whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask - for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software - Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make - exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of - preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and - of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - -11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY - FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN - OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES - PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER - EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED - WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE - ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH - YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL - NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - -12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING - WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR - REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR - DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL - DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM - (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED - INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF - THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR - OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - -END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - -How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - -If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free -software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - -To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to -attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the -exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" -line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - -one line to give the program's name and an idea of what it does. -Copyright (C) yyyy name of author - -This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) -any later version. - -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -more details. - -You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 -Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when -it starts in an interactive mode: - -Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author Gnomovision comes -with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type 'show w'. This is free -software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; -type 'show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands 'show w' and 'show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be -called something other than 'show w' and 'show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - -Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program -'Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - -signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1989 -Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General Public -License instead of this License. diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/Makefile b/drivers/net/e1000/Makefile index 5dea2b7dea4..4a6ab152245 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/Makefile @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ ################################################################################ # -# -# Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -# -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) -# any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for +# Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver +# Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, +# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT +# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. -# +# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 -# Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -# -# The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the -# file called LICENSE. -# +# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +# 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. +# +# The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in +# the file called "COPYING". +# # Contact Information: # Linux NICS # e1000-devel Mailing List diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h index 98afa9c2057..e586dd77d36 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS e1000-devel Mailing List diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c index e39aa1fc4d1..dd9576bc23c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS e1000-devel Mailing List diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c index 10b8c8c2532..c69f6c0512e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS e1000-devel Mailing List diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h index 4020acb5500..55fffad4e86 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS e1000-devel Mailing List diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index 3f6a752700a..082c02918a4 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS e1000-devel Mailing List diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_osdep.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_osdep.h index 46bc49df15e..a464cb29062 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_osdep.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_osdep.h @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS e1000-devel Mailing List diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c index 21284273897..85eb6bcc324 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c @@ -1,25 +1,24 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/1000 Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS e1000-devel Mailing List diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/Makefile b/drivers/net/ixgb/Makefile index a8a2d3d0356..838a5084fa0 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/Makefile +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/Makefile @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ ################################################################################ # -# -# Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. -# -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free -# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) -# any later version. -# -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for +# Intel PRO/10GbE Linux driver +# Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, +# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT +# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. -# +# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 -# Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -# -# The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the -# file called LICENSE. -# +# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +# 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. +# +# The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in +# the file called "COPYING". +# # Contact Information: # Linux NICS +# e1000-devel Mailing List # Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 # ################################################################################ # -# Makefile for the Intel(R) PRO/10GbE driver +# Makefile for the Intel(R) PRO/10GbE ethernet driver # obj-$(CONFIG_IXGB) += ixgb.o diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb.h b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb.h index a51604b3651..a1a7f3b4a62 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb.h +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb.h @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/10GbE Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 *******************************************************************************/ diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ee.c b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ee.c index 8357c5590bf..f15aebde7b9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ee.c +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ee.c @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/10GbE Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 *******************************************************************************/ diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ee.h b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ee.h index bf6fa220f38..ef236b935c1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ee.h +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ee.h @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/10GbE Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 *******************************************************************************/ diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ethtool.c index 64a383e4e89..cd22523fb03 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ethtool.c @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/10GbE Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 *******************************************************************************/ diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_hw.c b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_hw.c index acc6df7a6b3..02089b64e42 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_hw.c @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/10GbE Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 *******************************************************************************/ diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_hw.h b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_hw.h index cb4568915ad..40ef5ca8871 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_hw.h @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/10GbE Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 *******************************************************************************/ diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ids.h b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ids.h index 9fd61189b4b..4376e7e8fbe 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ids.h +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_ids.h @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/10GbE Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 *******************************************************************************/ diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c index 2e0f4b950a9..a88c2b8b66b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/10GbE Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 *******************************************************************************/ diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_osdep.h b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_osdep.h index 19cb1d586de..8434d752fd8 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_osdep.h +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_osdep.h @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/10GbE Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 *******************************************************************************/ diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_param.c b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_param.c index 39fbed29a3d..b27442a121f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_param.c +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_param.c @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ /******************************************************************************* - - Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) - any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT - ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or - FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for + Intel PRO/10GbE Linux driver + Copyright(c) 1999 - 2006 Intel Corporation. + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, + version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. - + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with - this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 - Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - - The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the - file called LICENSE. - + this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin St - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + + The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in + the file called "COPYING". + Contact Information: Linux NICS + e1000-devel Mailing List Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 *******************************************************************************/ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 0eb5a34cdf34ad07b6db2df1e523aaf6574601b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Auke Kok Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:17 -0700 Subject: e100, e1000, ixgb: Fix an impossible memory overwrite bug We keep getting requests from people that think that this might be an exploitable hole where we would overwrite 4 bytes in the netdev struct if the pci name would exceed 15 characters. In reality this will never happen but we fix it anyway. Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e100.c | 2 +- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 2 +- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c | 2 +- 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e100.c b/drivers/net/e100.c index d9750e269a5..ab0868cb120 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e100.c +++ b/drivers/net/e100.c @@ -2572,7 +2572,7 @@ static int __devinit e100_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, #ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER netdev->poll_controller = e100_netpoll; #endif - strcpy(netdev->name, pci_name(pdev)); + strncpy(netdev->name, pci_name(pdev), sizeof(netdev->name) - 1); nic = netdev_priv(netdev); nic->netdev = netdev; diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index 082c02918a4..bd673802e8c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, #ifdef CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER netdev->poll_controller = e1000_netpoll; #endif - strcpy(netdev->name, pci_name(pdev)); + strncpy(netdev->name, pci_name(pdev), sizeof(netdev->name) - 1); netdev->mem_start = mmio_start; netdev->mem_end = mmio_start + mmio_len; diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c index a88c2b8b66b..fb4c1ad745b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ ixgb_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, netdev->poll_controller = ixgb_netpoll; #endif - strcpy(netdev->name, pci_name(pdev)); + strncpy(netdev->name, pci_name(pdev), sizeof(netdev->name) - 1); netdev->mem_start = mmio_start; netdev->mem_end = mmio_start + mmio_len; netdev->base_addr = adapter->hw.io_base; -- cgit v1.2.3 From c4e24f01f18f6cea422552caec2fdbf5765a7c7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Auke Kok Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:19 -0700 Subject: e1000: keep .suspend and .resume driver methods in CONFIG_PM Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index bd673802e8c..0aaf9afe31e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ static struct pci_driver e1000_driver = { .id_table = e1000_pci_tbl, .probe = e1000_probe, .remove = __devexit_p(e1000_remove), +#ifdef CONFIG_PM /* Power Managment Hooks */ .suspend = e1000_suspend, -#ifdef CONFIG_PM .resume = e1000_resume, #endif .shutdown = e1000_shutdown, -- cgit v1.2.3 From dc45010e28bc4a1bfa6043eee31d1c59e93e1546 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jesse Brandeburg Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:22 -0700 Subject: e100: Add debugging code for cb cleaning. Refine cb cleaning debug printout and print out all cleaned cbs' status. Signed-off-by: Jesse Brandeburg Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e100.c | 7 ++++--- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e100.c b/drivers/net/e100.c index ab0868cb120..3909829d519 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e100.c +++ b/drivers/net/e100.c @@ -1657,13 +1657,14 @@ static int e100_tx_clean(struct nic *nic) spin_lock(&nic->cb_lock); - DPRINTK(TX_DONE, DEBUG, "cb->status = 0x%04X\n", - nic->cb_to_clean->status); - /* Clean CBs marked complete */ for(cb = nic->cb_to_clean; cb->status & cpu_to_le16(cb_complete); cb = nic->cb_to_clean = cb->next) { + DPRINTK(TX_DONE, DEBUG, "cb[%d]->status = 0x%04X\n", + (int)(((void*)cb - (void*)nic->cbs)/sizeof(struct cb)), + cb->status); + if(likely(cb->skb != NULL)) { nic->net_stats.tx_packets++; nic->net_stats.tx_bytes += cb->skb->len; -- cgit v1.2.3 From 975b366af66280ed5b852a1a0446586ce71e306e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Auke Kok Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:25 -0700 Subject: e100: rework WoL and shutdown handling Unify our shutdown/suspend/resume code and make it similar to e1000: e1000_shutdown now calls suspend which does the exact same thing on shutdown except saving PCI config state on suspend. WoL setup code is now also more simple and works even when CONFIG_PM is not set, which was previously broken. Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e100.c | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e100.c b/drivers/net/e100.c index 3909829d519..e9e712471b1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e100.c +++ b/drivers/net/e100.c @@ -2715,68 +2715,56 @@ static void __devexit e100_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) } } -#ifdef CONFIG_PM static int e100_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, pm_message_t state) { struct net_device *netdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); struct nic *nic = netdev_priv(netdev); - int retval; - if(netif_running(netdev)) + if (netif_running(netdev)) e100_down(nic); e100_hw_reset(nic); netif_device_detach(netdev); +#ifdef CONFIG_PM pci_save_state(pdev); - retval = pci_enable_wake(pdev, pci_choose_state(pdev, state), - nic->flags & (wol_magic | e100_asf(nic))); - if (retval) - DPRINTK(PROBE,ERR, "Error enabling wake\n"); + if (nic->flags & (wol_magic | e100_asf(nic))) +#else + if (nic->flags & (wol_magic)) +#endif + pci_enable_wake(pdev, pci_choose_state(pdev, state), 1); + else + /* disable PME */ + pci_enable_wake(pdev, 0, 0); + pci_disable_device(pdev); - retval = pci_set_power_state(pdev, pci_choose_state(pdev, state)); - if (retval) - DPRINTK(PROBE,ERR, "Error %d setting power state\n", retval); + pci_set_power_state(pdev, pci_choose_state(pdev, state)); return 0; } +#ifdef CONFIG_PM static int e100_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) { struct net_device *netdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); struct nic *nic = netdev_priv(netdev); - int retval; - retval = pci_set_power_state(pdev, PCI_D0); - if (retval) - DPRINTK(PROBE,ERR, "Error waking adapter\n"); + pci_set_power_state(pdev, PCI_D0); pci_restore_state(pdev); /* ack any pending wake events, disable PME */ - retval = pci_enable_wake(pdev, 0, 0); - if (retval) - DPRINTK(PROBE,ERR, "Error clearing wake events\n"); + pci_enable_wake(pdev, 0, 0); netif_device_attach(netdev); - if(netif_running(netdev)) + if (netif_running(netdev)) e100_up(nic); return 0; } -#endif +#endif /* CONFIG_PM */ static void e100_shutdown(struct pci_dev *pdev) { - struct net_device *netdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct nic *nic = netdev_priv(netdev); - int retval; - -#ifdef CONFIG_PM - retval = pci_enable_wake(pdev, 0, nic->flags & (wol_magic | e100_asf(nic))); -#else - retval = pci_enable_wake(pdev, 0, nic->flags & (wol_magic)); -#endif - if (retval) - DPRINTK(PROBE,ERR, "Error enabling wake\n"); + e100_suspend(pdev, PMSG_SUSPEND); } /* ------------------ PCI Error Recovery infrastructure -------------- */ @@ -2860,8 +2848,9 @@ static struct pci_driver e100_driver = { .id_table = e100_id_table, .probe = e100_probe, .remove = __devexit_p(e100_remove), -#ifdef CONFIG_PM + /* Power Management hooks */ .suspend = e100_suspend, +#ifdef CONFIG_PM .resume = e100_resume, #endif .shutdown = e100_shutdown, -- cgit v1.2.3 From 11241b106937ec470e0220ae5ce98c8ea27fd700 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeff Kirsher Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:28 -0700 Subject: e1000: rename flow control symbols Sogned-off-by: Jeff Kirsher Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c | 14 +++---- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c | 84 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h | 10 ++--- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c | 12 +++--- 4 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c index dd9576bc23c..02193a19ab1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c @@ -228,11 +228,11 @@ e1000_get_pauseparam(struct net_device *netdev, pause->autoneg = (adapter->fc_autoneg ? AUTONEG_ENABLE : AUTONEG_DISABLE); - if (hw->fc == e1000_fc_rx_pause) + if (hw->fc == E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE) pause->rx_pause = 1; - else if (hw->fc == e1000_fc_tx_pause) + else if (hw->fc == E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE) pause->tx_pause = 1; - else if (hw->fc == e1000_fc_full) { + else if (hw->fc == E1000_FC_FULL) { pause->rx_pause = 1; pause->tx_pause = 1; } @@ -252,13 +252,13 @@ e1000_set_pauseparam(struct net_device *netdev, msleep(1); if (pause->rx_pause && pause->tx_pause) - hw->fc = e1000_fc_full; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_FULL; else if (pause->rx_pause && !pause->tx_pause) - hw->fc = e1000_fc_rx_pause; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE; else if (!pause->rx_pause && pause->tx_pause) - hw->fc = e1000_fc_tx_pause; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE; else if (!pause->rx_pause && !pause->tx_pause) - hw->fc = e1000_fc_none; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_NONE; hw->original_fc = hw->fc; diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c index c69f6c0512e..b3e95c1a1da 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c @@ -1017,11 +1017,11 @@ e1000_setup_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) * control setting, then the variable hw->fc will * be initialized based on a value in the EEPROM. */ - if (hw->fc == e1000_fc_default) { + if (hw->fc == E1000_FC_DEFAULT) { switch (hw->mac_type) { case e1000_ich8lan: case e1000_82573: - hw->fc = e1000_fc_full; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_FULL; break; default: ret_val = e1000_read_eeprom(hw, EEPROM_INIT_CONTROL2_REG, @@ -1031,12 +1031,12 @@ e1000_setup_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM; } if ((eeprom_data & EEPROM_WORD0F_PAUSE_MASK) == 0) - hw->fc = e1000_fc_none; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_NONE; else if ((eeprom_data & EEPROM_WORD0F_PAUSE_MASK) == EEPROM_WORD0F_ASM_DIR) - hw->fc = e1000_fc_tx_pause; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE; else - hw->fc = e1000_fc_full; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_FULL; break; } } @@ -1046,10 +1046,10 @@ e1000_setup_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) * hub or switch with different Flow Control capabilities. */ if (hw->mac_type == e1000_82542_rev2_0) - hw->fc &= (~e1000_fc_tx_pause); + hw->fc &= (~E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE); if ((hw->mac_type < e1000_82543) && (hw->report_tx_early == 1)) - hw->fc &= (~e1000_fc_rx_pause); + hw->fc &= (~E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE); hw->original_fc = hw->fc; @@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ e1000_setup_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) * ability to transmit pause frames in not enabled, then these * registers will be set to 0. */ - if (!(hw->fc & e1000_fc_tx_pause)) { + if (!(hw->fc & E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE)) { E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, FCRTL, 0); E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, FCRTH, 0); } else { @@ -1188,11 +1188,11 @@ e1000_setup_fiber_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) * 3: Both Rx and TX flow control (symmetric) are enabled. */ switch (hw->fc) { - case e1000_fc_none: + case E1000_FC_NONE: /* Flow control is completely disabled by a software over-ride. */ txcw = (E1000_TXCW_ANE | E1000_TXCW_FD); break; - case e1000_fc_rx_pause: + case E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE: /* RX Flow control is enabled and TX Flow control is disabled by a * software over-ride. Since there really isn't a way to advertise * that we are capable of RX Pause ONLY, we will advertise that we @@ -1201,13 +1201,13 @@ e1000_setup_fiber_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ txcw = (E1000_TXCW_ANE | E1000_TXCW_FD | E1000_TXCW_PAUSE_MASK); break; - case e1000_fc_tx_pause: + case E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE: /* TX Flow control is enabled, and RX Flow control is disabled, by a * software over-ride. */ txcw = (E1000_TXCW_ANE | E1000_TXCW_FD | E1000_TXCW_ASM_DIR); break; - case e1000_fc_full: + case E1000_FC_FULL: /* Flow control (both RX and TX) is enabled by a software over-ride. */ txcw = (E1000_TXCW_ANE | E1000_TXCW_FD | E1000_TXCW_PAUSE_MASK); break; @@ -2123,13 +2123,13 @@ e1000_phy_setup_autoneg(struct e1000_hw *hw) * in the EEPROM is used. */ switch (hw->fc) { - case e1000_fc_none: /* 0 */ + case E1000_FC_NONE: /* 0 */ /* Flow control (RX & TX) is completely disabled by a * software over-ride. */ mii_autoneg_adv_reg &= ~(NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR | NWAY_AR_PAUSE); break; - case e1000_fc_rx_pause: /* 1 */ + case E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE: /* 1 */ /* RX Flow control is enabled, and TX Flow control is * disabled, by a software over-ride. */ @@ -2141,14 +2141,14 @@ e1000_phy_setup_autoneg(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ mii_autoneg_adv_reg |= (NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR | NWAY_AR_PAUSE); break; - case e1000_fc_tx_pause: /* 2 */ + case E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE: /* 2 */ /* TX Flow control is enabled, and RX Flow control is * disabled, by a software over-ride. */ mii_autoneg_adv_reg |= NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR; mii_autoneg_adv_reg &= ~NWAY_AR_PAUSE; break; - case e1000_fc_full: /* 3 */ + case E1000_FC_FULL: /* 3 */ /* Flow control (both RX and TX) is enabled by a software * over-ride. */ @@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex(struct e1000_hw *hw) DEBUGFUNC("e1000_phy_force_speed_duplex"); /* Turn off Flow control if we are forcing speed and duplex. */ - hw->fc = e1000_fc_none; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_NONE; DEBUGOUT1("hw->fc = %d\n", hw->fc); @@ -2546,18 +2546,18 @@ e1000_force_mac_fc(struct e1000_hw *hw) */ switch (hw->fc) { - case e1000_fc_none: + case E1000_FC_NONE: ctrl &= (~(E1000_CTRL_TFCE | E1000_CTRL_RFCE)); break; - case e1000_fc_rx_pause: + case E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE: ctrl &= (~E1000_CTRL_TFCE); ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_RFCE; break; - case e1000_fc_tx_pause: + case E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE: ctrl &= (~E1000_CTRL_RFCE); ctrl |= E1000_CTRL_TFCE; break; - case e1000_fc_full: + case E1000_FC_FULL: ctrl |= (E1000_CTRL_TFCE | E1000_CTRL_RFCE); break; default: @@ -2656,14 +2656,14 @@ e1000_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) * LOCAL DEVICE | LINK PARTNER * PAUSE | ASM_DIR | PAUSE | ASM_DIR | NIC Resolution *-------|---------|-------|---------|-------------------- - * 0 | 0 | DC | DC | e1000_fc_none - * 0 | 1 | 0 | DC | e1000_fc_none - * 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | e1000_fc_none - * 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | e1000_fc_tx_pause - * 1 | 0 | 0 | DC | e1000_fc_none - * 1 | DC | 1 | DC | e1000_fc_full - * 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | e1000_fc_none - * 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | e1000_fc_rx_pause + * 0 | 0 | DC | DC | E1000_FC_NONE + * 0 | 1 | 0 | DC | E1000_FC_NONE + * 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | E1000_FC_NONE + * 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE + * 1 | 0 | 0 | DC | E1000_FC_NONE + * 1 | DC | 1 | DC | E1000_FC_FULL + * 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | E1000_FC_NONE + * 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE * */ /* Are both PAUSE bits set to 1? If so, this implies @@ -2675,7 +2675,7 @@ e1000_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) * LOCAL DEVICE | LINK PARTNER * PAUSE | ASM_DIR | PAUSE | ASM_DIR | Result *-------|---------|-------|---------|-------------------- - * 1 | DC | 1 | DC | e1000_fc_full + * 1 | DC | 1 | DC | E1000_FC_FULL * */ if ((mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_PAUSE) && @@ -2686,11 +2686,11 @@ e1000_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) * ONLY. Hence, we must now check to see if we need to * turn OFF the TRANSMISSION of PAUSE frames. */ - if (hw->original_fc == e1000_fc_full) { - hw->fc = e1000_fc_full; + if (hw->original_fc == E1000_FC_FULL) { + hw->fc = E1000_FC_FULL; DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = FULL.\n"); } else { - hw->fc = e1000_fc_rx_pause; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE; DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = RX PAUSE frames only.\n"); } } @@ -2699,14 +2699,14 @@ e1000_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) * LOCAL DEVICE | LINK PARTNER * PAUSE | ASM_DIR | PAUSE | ASM_DIR | Result *-------|---------|-------|---------|-------------------- - * 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | e1000_fc_tx_pause + * 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE * */ else if (!(mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_PAUSE) && (mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR) && (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_PAUSE) && (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_ASM_DIR)) { - hw->fc = e1000_fc_tx_pause; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE; DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = TX PAUSE frames only.\n"); } /* For transmitting PAUSE frames ONLY. @@ -2714,14 +2714,14 @@ e1000_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) * LOCAL DEVICE | LINK PARTNER * PAUSE | ASM_DIR | PAUSE | ASM_DIR | Result *-------|---------|-------|---------|-------------------- - * 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | e1000_fc_rx_pause + * 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE * */ else if ((mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_PAUSE) && (mii_nway_adv_reg & NWAY_AR_ASM_DIR) && !(mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_PAUSE) && (mii_nway_lp_ability_reg & NWAY_LPAR_ASM_DIR)) { - hw->fc = e1000_fc_rx_pause; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE; DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = RX PAUSE frames only.\n"); } /* Per the IEEE spec, at this point flow control should be @@ -2744,13 +2744,13 @@ e1000_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) * be asked to delay transmission of packets than asking * our link partner to pause transmission of frames. */ - else if ((hw->original_fc == e1000_fc_none || - hw->original_fc == e1000_fc_tx_pause) || + else if ((hw->original_fc == E1000_FC_NONE || + hw->original_fc == E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE) || hw->fc_strict_ieee) { - hw->fc = e1000_fc_none; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_NONE; DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = NONE.\n"); } else { - hw->fc = e1000_fc_rx_pause; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE; DEBUGOUT("Flow Control = RX PAUSE frames only.\n"); } @@ -2765,7 +2765,7 @@ e1000_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw) } if (duplex == HALF_DUPLEX) - hw->fc = e1000_fc_none; + hw->fc = E1000_FC_NONE; /* Now we call a subroutine to actually force the MAC * controller to use the correct flow control settings. diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h index 55fffad4e86..798dc031a7c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h @@ -92,11 +92,11 @@ typedef enum { /* Flow Control Settings */ typedef enum { - e1000_fc_none = 0, - e1000_fc_rx_pause = 1, - e1000_fc_tx_pause = 2, - e1000_fc_full = 3, - e1000_fc_default = 0xFF + E1000_FC_NONE = 0, + E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE = 1, + E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE = 2, + E1000_FC_FULL = 3, + E1000_FC_DEFAULT = 0xFF } e1000_fc_type; struct e1000_shadow_ram { diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c index 85eb6bcc324..9c3c1acefcc 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_param.c @@ -396,17 +396,17 @@ e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) { /* Flow Control */ struct e1000_opt_list fc_list[] = - {{ e1000_fc_none, "Flow Control Disabled" }, - { e1000_fc_rx_pause,"Flow Control Receive Only" }, - { e1000_fc_tx_pause,"Flow Control Transmit Only" }, - { e1000_fc_full, "Flow Control Enabled" }, - { e1000_fc_default, "Flow Control Hardware Default" }}; + {{ E1000_FC_NONE, "Flow Control Disabled" }, + { E1000_FC_RX_PAUSE,"Flow Control Receive Only" }, + { E1000_FC_TX_PAUSE,"Flow Control Transmit Only" }, + { E1000_FC_FULL, "Flow Control Enabled" }, + { E1000_FC_DEFAULT, "Flow Control Hardware Default" }}; struct e1000_option opt = { .type = list_option, .name = "Flow Control", .err = "reading default settings from EEPROM", - .def = e1000_fc_default, + .def = E1000_FC_DEFAULT, .arg = { .l = { .nr = ARRAY_SIZE(fc_list), .p = fc_list }} }; -- cgit v1.2.3 From 70c6f30a5e5d616321669acfc853f7851741fd4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeff Kirsher Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:31 -0700 Subject: e1000: add enums for several link properties Signed-off-by: Jeff Kirsher Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c index b3e95c1a1da..8a7d7da4cd6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ static int32_t e1000_host_if_read_cookie(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint8_t *buffer); static uint8_t e1000_calculate_mng_checksum(char *buffer, uint32_t length); static uint8_t e1000_arc_subsystem_valid(struct e1000_hw *hw); static int32_t e1000_check_downshift(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_check_polarity(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t *polarity); +static int32_t e1000_check_polarity(struct e1000_hw *hw, e1000_rev_polarity *polarity); static void e1000_clear_hw_cntrs(struct e1000_hw *hw); static void e1000_clear_vfta(struct e1000_hw *hw); static int32_t e1000_commit_shadow_ram(struct e1000_hw *hw); @@ -4060,7 +4060,8 @@ e1000_phy_igp_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, struct e1000_phy_info *phy_info) { int32_t ret_val; - uint16_t phy_data, polarity, min_length, max_length, average; + uint16_t phy_data, min_length, max_length, average; + e1000_rev_polarity polarity; DEBUGFUNC("e1000_phy_igp_get_info"); @@ -4085,8 +4086,8 @@ e1000_phy_igp_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, if (ret_val) return ret_val; - phy_info->mdix_mode = (phy_data & IGP01E1000_PSSR_MDIX) >> - IGP01E1000_PSSR_MDIX_SHIFT; + phy_info->mdix_mode = (e1000_auto_x_mode)((phy_data & IGP01E1000_PSSR_MDIX) >> + IGP01E1000_PSSR_MDIX_SHIFT); if ((phy_data & IGP01E1000_PSSR_SPEED_MASK) == IGP01E1000_PSSR_SPEED_1000MBPS) { @@ -4095,10 +4096,12 @@ e1000_phy_igp_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, if (ret_val) return ret_val; - phy_info->local_rx = (phy_data & SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS) >> - SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS_SHIFT; - phy_info->remote_rx = (phy_data & SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS) >> - SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS_SHIFT; + phy_info->local_rx = ((phy_data & SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS) >> + SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS_SHIFT) ? + e1000_1000t_rx_status_ok : e1000_1000t_rx_status_not_ok; + phy_info->remote_rx = ((phy_data & SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS) >> + SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS_SHIFT) ? + e1000_1000t_rx_status_ok : e1000_1000t_rx_status_not_ok; /* Get cable length */ ret_val = e1000_get_cable_length(hw, &min_length, &max_length); @@ -4134,7 +4137,8 @@ e1000_phy_ife_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, struct e1000_phy_info *phy_info) { int32_t ret_val; - uint16_t phy_data, polarity; + uint16_t phy_data; + e1000_rev_polarity polarity; DEBUGFUNC("e1000_phy_ife_get_info"); @@ -4145,8 +4149,9 @@ e1000_phy_ife_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, if (ret_val) return ret_val; phy_info->polarity_correction = - (phy_data & IFE_PSC_AUTO_POLARITY_DISABLE) >> - IFE_PSC_AUTO_POLARITY_DISABLE_SHIFT; + ((phy_data & IFE_PSC_AUTO_POLARITY_DISABLE) >> + IFE_PSC_AUTO_POLARITY_DISABLE_SHIFT) ? + e1000_polarity_reversal_disabled : e1000_polarity_reversal_enabled; if (phy_info->polarity_correction == e1000_polarity_reversal_enabled) { ret_val = e1000_check_polarity(hw, &polarity); @@ -4154,8 +4159,9 @@ e1000_phy_ife_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, return ret_val; } else { /* Polarity is forced. */ - polarity = (phy_data & IFE_PSC_FORCE_POLARITY) >> - IFE_PSC_FORCE_POLARITY_SHIFT; + polarity = ((phy_data & IFE_PSC_FORCE_POLARITY) >> + IFE_PSC_FORCE_POLARITY_SHIFT) ? + e1000_rev_polarity_reversed : e1000_rev_polarity_normal; } phy_info->cable_polarity = polarity; @@ -4163,9 +4169,9 @@ e1000_phy_ife_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, if (ret_val) return ret_val; - phy_info->mdix_mode = - (phy_data & (IFE_PMC_AUTO_MDIX | IFE_PMC_FORCE_MDIX)) >> - IFE_PMC_MDIX_MODE_SHIFT; + phy_info->mdix_mode = (e1000_auto_x_mode) + ((phy_data & (IFE_PMC_AUTO_MDIX | IFE_PMC_FORCE_MDIX)) >> + IFE_PMC_MDIX_MODE_SHIFT); return E1000_SUCCESS; } @@ -4181,7 +4187,8 @@ e1000_phy_m88_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, struct e1000_phy_info *phy_info) { int32_t ret_val; - uint16_t phy_data, polarity; + uint16_t phy_data; + e1000_rev_polarity polarity; DEBUGFUNC("e1000_phy_m88_get_info"); @@ -4194,11 +4201,14 @@ e1000_phy_m88_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, return ret_val; phy_info->extended_10bt_distance = - (phy_data & M88E1000_PSCR_10BT_EXT_DIST_ENABLE) >> - M88E1000_PSCR_10BT_EXT_DIST_ENABLE_SHIFT; + ((phy_data & M88E1000_PSCR_10BT_EXT_DIST_ENABLE) >> + M88E1000_PSCR_10BT_EXT_DIST_ENABLE_SHIFT) ? + e1000_10bt_ext_dist_enable_lower : e1000_10bt_ext_dist_enable_normal; + phy_info->polarity_correction = - (phy_data & M88E1000_PSCR_POLARITY_REVERSAL) >> - M88E1000_PSCR_POLARITY_REVERSAL_SHIFT; + ((phy_data & M88E1000_PSCR_POLARITY_REVERSAL) >> + M88E1000_PSCR_POLARITY_REVERSAL_SHIFT) ? + e1000_polarity_reversal_disabled : e1000_polarity_reversal_enabled; /* Check polarity status */ ret_val = e1000_check_polarity(hw, &polarity); @@ -4210,15 +4220,15 @@ e1000_phy_m88_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, if (ret_val) return ret_val; - phy_info->mdix_mode = (phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_MDIX) >> - M88E1000_PSSR_MDIX_SHIFT; + phy_info->mdix_mode = (e1000_auto_x_mode)((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_MDIX) >> + M88E1000_PSSR_MDIX_SHIFT); if ((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_SPEED) == M88E1000_PSSR_1000MBS) { /* Cable Length Estimation and Local/Remote Receiver Information * are only valid at 1000 Mbps. */ if (hw->phy_type != e1000_phy_gg82563) { - phy_info->cable_length = ((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_CABLE_LENGTH) >> + phy_info->cable_length = (e1000_cable_length)((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_CABLE_LENGTH) >> M88E1000_PSSR_CABLE_LENGTH_SHIFT); } else { ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, GG82563_PHY_DSP_DISTANCE, @@ -4226,18 +4236,20 @@ e1000_phy_m88_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, if (ret_val) return ret_val; - phy_info->cable_length = phy_data & GG82563_DSPD_CABLE_LENGTH; + phy_info->cable_length = (e1000_cable_length)(phy_data & GG82563_DSPD_CABLE_LENGTH); } ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_1000T_STATUS, &phy_data); if (ret_val) return ret_val; - phy_info->local_rx = (phy_data & SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS) >> - SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS_SHIFT; + phy_info->local_rx = ((phy_data & SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS) >> + SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS_SHIFT) ? + e1000_1000t_rx_status_ok : e1000_1000t_rx_status_not_ok; + phy_info->remote_rx = ((phy_data & SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS) >> + SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS_SHIFT) ? + e1000_1000t_rx_status_ok : e1000_1000t_rx_status_not_ok; - phy_info->remote_rx = (phy_data & SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS) >> - SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS_SHIFT; } return E1000_SUCCESS; @@ -6841,7 +6853,7 @@ e1000_get_cable_length(struct e1000_hw *hw, *****************************************************************************/ static int32_t e1000_check_polarity(struct e1000_hw *hw, - uint16_t *polarity) + e1000_rev_polarity *polarity) { int32_t ret_val; uint16_t phy_data; @@ -6855,8 +6867,10 @@ e1000_check_polarity(struct e1000_hw *hw, &phy_data); if (ret_val) return ret_val; - *polarity = (phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_REV_POLARITY) >> - M88E1000_PSSR_REV_POLARITY_SHIFT; + *polarity = ((phy_data & M88E1000_PSSR_REV_POLARITY) >> + M88E1000_PSSR_REV_POLARITY_SHIFT) ? + e1000_rev_polarity_reversed : e1000_rev_polarity_normal; + } else if (hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp || hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp_3 || hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_igp_2) { @@ -6878,19 +6892,22 @@ e1000_check_polarity(struct e1000_hw *hw, return ret_val; /* Check the polarity bits */ - *polarity = (phy_data & IGP01E1000_PHY_POLARITY_MASK) ? 1 : 0; + *polarity = (phy_data & IGP01E1000_PHY_POLARITY_MASK) ? + e1000_rev_polarity_reversed : e1000_rev_polarity_normal; } else { /* For 10 Mbps, read the polarity bit in the status register. (for * 100 Mbps this bit is always 0) */ - *polarity = phy_data & IGP01E1000_PSSR_POLARITY_REVERSED; + *polarity = (phy_data & IGP01E1000_PSSR_POLARITY_REVERSED) ? + e1000_rev_polarity_reversed : e1000_rev_polarity_normal; } } else if (hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_ife) { ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IFE_PHY_EXTENDED_STATUS_CONTROL, &phy_data); if (ret_val) return ret_val; - *polarity = (phy_data & IFE_PESC_POLARITY_REVERSED) >> - IFE_PESC_POLARITY_REVERSED_SHIFT; + *polarity = ((phy_data & IFE_PESC_POLARITY_REVERSED) >> + IFE_PESC_POLARITY_REVERSED_SHIFT) ? + e1000_rev_polarity_reversed : e1000_rev_polarity_normal; } return E1000_SUCCESS; } -- cgit v1.2.3 From 35574764c7eafab4ec0aa92c18a78a51acc8a710 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nicholas Nunley Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:34 -0700 Subject: e1000: remove unused code and make symbols static Signed-off-by: Nicholas Nunley Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h | 21 -- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c | 15 ++ drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c | 406 ++++++++------------------------------ drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h | 14 +- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 31 +-- 5 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 367 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h index e586dd77d36..a9501e7b8ef 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h @@ -349,25 +349,4 @@ enum e1000_state_t { __E1000_RESETTING, }; -/* e1000_main.c */ -extern char e1000_driver_name[]; -extern char e1000_driver_version[]; -int e1000_up(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -void e1000_down(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -void e1000_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -void e1000_reinit_locked(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -int e1000_setup_all_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -void e1000_free_all_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -int e1000_setup_all_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -void e1000_free_all_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -void e1000_update_stats(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); -int e1000_set_spd_dplx(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, uint16_t spddplx); - -/* e1000_ethtool.c */ -void e1000_set_ethtool_ops(struct net_device *netdev); - -/* e1000_param.c */ -void e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); - - #endif /* _E1000_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c index 02193a19ab1..858c14d3ee9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c @@ -32,6 +32,21 @@ #include +extern char e1000_driver_name[]; +extern char e1000_driver_version[]; + +extern int e1000_up(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +extern void e1000_down(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +extern void e1000_reinit_locked(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +extern void e1000_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +extern int e1000_set_spd_dplx(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, uint16_t spddplx); +extern int e1000_setup_all_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +extern int e1000_setup_all_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +extern void e1000_free_all_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +extern void e1000_free_all_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +extern void e1000_update_stats(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); + + struct e1000_stats { char stat_string[ETH_GSTRING_LEN]; int sizeof_stat; diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c index 8a7d7da4cd6..6ec5cdddb5a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c @@ -33,6 +33,62 @@ #include "e1000_hw.h" +static int32_t e1000_swfw_sync_acquire(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t mask); +static void e1000_swfw_sync_release(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t mask); +static int32_t e1000_read_kmrn_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg_addr, uint16_t *data); +static int32_t e1000_write_kmrn_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg_addr, uint16_t data); +static int32_t e1000_get_software_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static void e1000_release_software_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw); + +static uint8_t e1000_arc_subsystem_valid(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_check_downshift(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_check_polarity(struct e1000_hw *hw, e1000_rev_polarity *polarity); +static void e1000_clear_hw_cntrs(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static void e1000_clear_vfta(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_commit_shadow_ram(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(struct e1000_hw *hw, boolean_t link_up); +static int32_t e1000_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_detect_gig_phy(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_erase_ich8_4k_segment(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t bank); +static int32_t e1000_get_auto_rd_done(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_get_cable_length(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t *min_length, uint16_t *max_length); +static int32_t e1000_get_hw_eeprom_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_get_phy_cfg_done(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_get_software_flag(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_ich8_cycle_init(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_ich8_flash_cycle(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t timeout); +static int32_t e1000_id_led_init(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_init_lcd_from_nvm_config_region(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t cnf_base_addr, uint32_t cnf_size); +static int32_t e1000_init_lcd_from_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static void e1000_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static boolean_t e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_kumeran_lock_loss_workaround(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_mng_enable_host_if(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_mng_host_if_write(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *sum); +static int32_t e1000_mng_write_cmd_header(struct e1000_hw* hw, struct e1000_host_mng_command_header* hdr); +static int32_t e1000_mng_write_commit(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_phy_ife_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, struct e1000_phy_info *phy_info); +static int32_t e1000_phy_igp_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, struct e1000_phy_info *phy_info); +static int32_t e1000_read_eeprom_eerd(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t offset, uint16_t words, uint16_t *data); +static int32_t e1000_write_eeprom_eewr(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t offset, uint16_t words, uint16_t *data); +static int32_t e1000_poll_eerd_eewr_done(struct e1000_hw *hw, int eerd); +static int32_t e1000_phy_m88_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, struct e1000_phy_info *phy_info); +static void e1000_put_hw_eeprom_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_read_ich8_byte(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, uint8_t *data); +static int32_t e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, uint8_t byte); +static int32_t e1000_write_ich8_byte(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, uint8_t byte); +static int32_t e1000_read_ich8_word(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, uint16_t *data); +static int32_t e1000_read_ich8_data(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, uint32_t size, uint16_t *data); +static int32_t e1000_write_ich8_data(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, uint32_t size, uint16_t data); +static int32_t e1000_read_eeprom_ich8(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t offset, uint16_t words, uint16_t *data); +static int32_t e1000_write_eeprom_ich8(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t offset, uint16_t words, uint16_t *data); +static void e1000_release_software_flag(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_set_d3_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw *hw, boolean_t active); +static int32_t e1000_set_d0_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw *hw, boolean_t active); +static int32_t e1000_set_pci_ex_no_snoop(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t no_snoop); +static void e1000_set_pci_express_master_disable(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static int32_t e1000_wait_autoneg(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static void e1000_write_reg_io(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t offset, uint32_t value); static int32_t e1000_set_phy_type(struct e1000_hw *hw); static void e1000_phy_init_script(struct e1000_hw *hw); static int32_t e1000_setup_copper_link(struct e1000_hw *hw); @@ -69,69 +125,10 @@ static int32_t e1000_polarity_reversal_workaround(struct e1000_hw *hw); static int32_t e1000_set_phy_mode(struct e1000_hw *hw); static int32_t e1000_host_if_read_cookie(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint8_t *buffer); static uint8_t e1000_calculate_mng_checksum(char *buffer, uint32_t length); -static uint8_t e1000_arc_subsystem_valid(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_check_downshift(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_check_polarity(struct e1000_hw *hw, e1000_rev_polarity *polarity); -static void e1000_clear_hw_cntrs(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static void e1000_clear_vfta(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_commit_shadow_ram(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_config_dsp_after_link_change(struct e1000_hw *hw, - boolean_t link_up); -static int32_t e1000_config_fc_after_link_up(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_detect_gig_phy(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_get_auto_rd_done(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_get_cable_length(struct e1000_hw *hw, - uint16_t *min_length, - uint16_t *max_length); -static int32_t e1000_get_hw_eeprom_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_get_phy_cfg_done(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_id_led_init(struct e1000_hw * hw); -static void e1000_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static boolean_t e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_poll_eerd_eewr_done(struct e1000_hw *hw, int eerd); -static void e1000_put_hw_eeprom_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_read_eeprom_eerd(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t offset, - uint16_t words, uint16_t *data); -static int32_t e1000_set_d0_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw *hw, boolean_t active); -static int32_t e1000_set_d3_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw *hw, boolean_t active); -static int32_t e1000_wait_autoneg(struct e1000_hw *hw); - -static void e1000_write_reg_io(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t offset, - uint32_t value); - -#define E1000_WRITE_REG_IO(a, reg, val) \ - e1000_write_reg_io((a), E1000_##reg, val) static int32_t e1000_configure_kmrn_for_10_100(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t duplex); static int32_t e1000_configure_kmrn_for_1000(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_erase_ich8_4k_segment(struct e1000_hw *hw, - uint32_t segment); -static int32_t e1000_get_software_flag(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_get_software_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_init_lcd_from_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_kumeran_lock_loss_workaround(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_read_eeprom_ich8(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t offset, - uint16_t words, uint16_t *data); -static int32_t e1000_read_ich8_byte(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, - uint8_t* data); -static int32_t e1000_read_ich8_word(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, - uint16_t *data); -static int32_t e1000_read_kmrn_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg_addr, - uint16_t *data); -static void e1000_release_software_flag(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static void e1000_release_software_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw); -static int32_t e1000_set_pci_ex_no_snoop(struct e1000_hw *hw, - uint32_t no_snoop); -static int32_t e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte(struct e1000_hw *hw, - uint32_t index, uint8_t byte); -static int32_t e1000_write_eeprom_ich8(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t offset, - uint16_t words, uint16_t *data); -static int32_t e1000_write_ich8_byte(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, - uint8_t data); -static int32_t e1000_write_kmrn_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg_addr, - uint16_t data); - /* IGP cable length table */ static const uint16_t e1000_igp_cable_length_table[IGP01E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE] = @@ -155,13 +152,12 @@ uint16_t e1000_igp_2_cable_length_table[IGP02E1000_AGC_LENGTH_TABLE_SIZE] = 83, 89, 95, 100, 105, 109, 113, 116, 119, 122, 124, 104, 109, 114, 118, 121, 124}; - /****************************************************************************** * Set the phy type member in the hw struct. * * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code *****************************************************************************/ -int32_t +static int32_t e1000_set_phy_type(struct e1000_hw *hw) { DEBUGFUNC("e1000_set_phy_type"); @@ -207,7 +203,6 @@ e1000_set_phy_type(struct e1000_hw *hw) return E1000_SUCCESS; } - /****************************************************************************** * IGP phy init script - initializes the GbE PHY * @@ -3416,9 +3411,8 @@ e1000_read_phy_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, return ret_val; } -int32_t -e1000_read_phy_reg_ex(struct e1000_hw *hw, - uint32_t reg_addr, +static int32_t +e1000_read_phy_reg_ex(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg_addr, uint16_t *phy_data) { uint32_t i; @@ -3498,8 +3492,7 @@ e1000_read_phy_reg_ex(struct e1000_hw *hw, * data - data to write to the PHY ******************************************************************************/ int32_t -e1000_write_phy_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, - uint32_t reg_addr, +e1000_write_phy_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg_addr, uint16_t phy_data) { uint32_t ret_val; @@ -3556,10 +3549,9 @@ e1000_write_phy_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, return ret_val; } -int32_t -e1000_write_phy_reg_ex(struct e1000_hw *hw, - uint32_t reg_addr, - uint16_t phy_data) +static int32_t +e1000_write_phy_reg_ex(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg_addr, + uint16_t phy_data) { uint32_t i; uint32_t mdic = 0; @@ -3733,6 +3725,7 @@ e1000_phy_hw_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (hw->mac_type >= e1000_82571) mdelay(10); + e1000_swfw_sync_release(hw, swfw); } else { /* Read the Extended Device Control Register, assert the PHY_RESET_DIR @@ -3799,7 +3792,6 @@ e1000_phy_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw) ret_val = e1000_phy_hw_reset(hw); if (ret_val) return ret_val; - break; default: ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_CTRL, &phy_data); @@ -3935,7 +3927,7 @@ e1000_kumeran_lock_loss_workaround(struct e1000_hw *hw) * * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code ******************************************************************************/ -int32_t +static int32_t e1000_detect_gig_phy(struct e1000_hw *hw) { int32_t phy_init_status, ret_val; @@ -4452,7 +4444,7 @@ e1000_init_eeprom_params(struct e1000_hw *hw) eeprom->use_eewr = FALSE; break; case e1000_ich8lan: - { + { int32_t i = 0; uint32_t flash_size = E1000_READ_ICH8_REG(hw, ICH8_FLASH_GFPREG); @@ -4479,7 +4471,7 @@ e1000_init_eeprom_params(struct e1000_hw *hw) hw->flash_bank_size /= 2 * sizeof(uint16_t); break; - } + } default: break; } @@ -4811,7 +4803,7 @@ e1000_release_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw) * * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code *****************************************************************************/ -int32_t +static int32_t e1000_spi_eeprom_ready(struct e1000_hw *hw) { uint16_t retry_count = 0; @@ -5259,7 +5251,7 @@ e1000_write_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw, * data - pointer to array of 8 bit words to be written to the EEPROM * *****************************************************************************/ -int32_t +static int32_t e1000_write_eeprom_spi(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t offset, uint16_t words, @@ -5325,7 +5317,7 @@ e1000_write_eeprom_spi(struct e1000_hw *hw, * data - pointer to array of 16 bit words to be written to the EEPROM * *****************************************************************************/ -int32_t +static int32_t e1000_write_eeprom_microwire(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t offset, uint16_t words, @@ -5650,99 +5642,6 @@ e1000_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw) } } -/****************************************************************************** - * Updates the MAC's list of multicast addresses. - * - * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code - * mc_addr_list - the list of new multicast addresses - * mc_addr_count - number of addresses - * pad - number of bytes between addresses in the list - * rar_used_count - offset where to start adding mc addresses into the RAR's - * - * The given list replaces any existing list. Clears the last 15 receive - * address registers and the multicast table. Uses receive address registers - * for the first 15 multicast addresses, and hashes the rest into the - * multicast table. - *****************************************************************************/ -#if 0 -void -e1000_mc_addr_list_update(struct e1000_hw *hw, - uint8_t *mc_addr_list, - uint32_t mc_addr_count, - uint32_t pad, - uint32_t rar_used_count) -{ - uint32_t hash_value; - uint32_t i; - uint32_t num_rar_entry; - uint32_t num_mta_entry; - - DEBUGFUNC("e1000_mc_addr_list_update"); - - /* Set the new number of MC addresses that we are being requested to use. */ - hw->num_mc_addrs = mc_addr_count; - - /* Clear RAR[1-15] */ - DEBUGOUT(" Clearing RAR[1-15]\n"); - num_rar_entry = E1000_RAR_ENTRIES; - if (hw->mac_type == e1000_ich8lan) - num_rar_entry = E1000_RAR_ENTRIES_ICH8LAN; - /* Reserve a spot for the Locally Administered Address to work around - * an 82571 issue in which a reset on one port will reload the MAC on - * the other port. */ - if ((hw->mac_type == e1000_82571) && (hw->laa_is_present == TRUE)) - num_rar_entry -= 1; - - for (i = rar_used_count; i < num_rar_entry; i++) { - E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, RA, (i << 1), 0); - E1000_WRITE_FLUSH(hw); - E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, RA, ((i << 1) + 1), 0); - E1000_WRITE_FLUSH(hw); - } - - /* Clear the MTA */ - DEBUGOUT(" Clearing MTA\n"); - num_mta_entry = E1000_NUM_MTA_REGISTERS; - if (hw->mac_type == e1000_ich8lan) - num_mta_entry = E1000_NUM_MTA_REGISTERS_ICH8LAN; - for (i = 0; i < num_mta_entry; i++) { - E1000_WRITE_REG_ARRAY(hw, MTA, i, 0); - E1000_WRITE_FLUSH(hw); - } - - /* Add the new addresses */ - for (i = 0; i < mc_addr_count; i++) { - DEBUGOUT(" Adding the multicast addresses:\n"); - DEBUGOUT7(" MC Addr #%d =%.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X\n", i, - mc_addr_list[i * (ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS + pad)], - mc_addr_list[i * (ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS + pad) + 1], - mc_addr_list[i * (ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS + pad) + 2], - mc_addr_list[i * (ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS + pad) + 3], - mc_addr_list[i * (ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS + pad) + 4], - mc_addr_list[i * (ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS + pad) + 5]); - - hash_value = e1000_hash_mc_addr(hw, - mc_addr_list + - (i * (ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS + pad))); - - DEBUGOUT1(" Hash value = 0x%03X\n", hash_value); - - /* Place this multicast address in the RAR if there is room, * - * else put it in the MTA - */ - if (rar_used_count < num_rar_entry) { - e1000_rar_set(hw, - mc_addr_list + (i * (ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS + pad)), - rar_used_count); - rar_used_count++; - } else { - e1000_mta_set(hw, hash_value); - } - } - DEBUGOUT("MC Update Complete\n"); -} -#endif /* 0 */ - /****************************************************************************** * Hashes an address to determine its location in the multicast table * @@ -6301,7 +6200,7 @@ e1000_led_off(struct e1000_hw *hw) * * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code *****************************************************************************/ -void +static void e1000_clear_hw_cntrs(struct e1000_hw *hw) { volatile uint32_t temp; @@ -6604,25 +6503,6 @@ e1000_get_bus_info(struct e1000_hw *hw) break; } } -/****************************************************************************** - * Reads a value from one of the devices registers using port I/O (as opposed - * memory mapped I/O). Only 82544 and newer devices support port I/O. - * - * hw - Struct containing variables accessed by shared code - * offset - offset to read from - *****************************************************************************/ -#if 0 -uint32_t -e1000_read_reg_io(struct e1000_hw *hw, - uint32_t offset) -{ - unsigned long io_addr = hw->io_base; - unsigned long io_data = hw->io_base + 4; - - e1000_io_write(hw, io_addr, offset); - return e1000_io_read(hw, io_data); -} -#endif /* 0 */ /****************************************************************************** * Writes a value to one of the devices registers using port I/O (as opposed to @@ -6644,7 +6524,6 @@ e1000_write_reg_io(struct e1000_hw *hw, e1000_io_write(hw, io_data, value); } - /****************************************************************************** * Estimates the cable length. * @@ -7275,7 +7154,7 @@ e1000_set_d3_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw *hw, } else if (hw->smart_speed == e1000_smart_speed_off) { ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG, &phy_data); - if (ret_val) + if (ret_val) return ret_val; phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED; @@ -7385,7 +7264,7 @@ e1000_set_d0_lplu_state(struct e1000_hw *hw, } else if (hw->smart_speed == e1000_smart_speed_off) { ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP01E1000_PHY_PORT_CONFIG, &phy_data); - if (ret_val) + if (ret_val) return ret_val; phy_data &= ~IGP01E1000_PSCFR_SMART_SPEED; @@ -7491,7 +7370,7 @@ e1000_set_vco_speed(struct e1000_hw *hw) * * returns: - E1000_SUCCESS . ****************************************************************************/ -int32_t +static int32_t e1000_host_if_read_cookie(struct e1000_hw * hw, uint8_t *buffer) { uint8_t i; @@ -7702,7 +7581,7 @@ e1000_check_mng_mode(struct e1000_hw *hw) ****************************************************************************/ int32_t e1000_mng_write_dhcp_info(struct e1000_hw * hw, uint8_t *buffer, - uint16_t length) + uint16_t length) { int32_t ret_val; struct e1000_host_mng_command_header hdr; @@ -7732,7 +7611,7 @@ e1000_mng_write_dhcp_info(struct e1000_hw * hw, uint8_t *buffer, * * returns - checksum of buffer contents. ****************************************************************************/ -uint8_t +static uint8_t e1000_calculate_mng_checksum(char *buffer, uint32_t length) { uint8_t sum = 0; @@ -7930,32 +7809,6 @@ e1000_set_pci_express_master_disable(struct e1000_hw *hw) E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL, ctrl); } -/*************************************************************************** - * - * Enables PCI-Express master access. - * - * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code - * - * returns: - none. - * - ***************************************************************************/ -#if 0 -void -e1000_enable_pciex_master(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - uint32_t ctrl; - - DEBUGFUNC("e1000_enable_pciex_master"); - - if (hw->bus_type != e1000_bus_type_pci_express) - return; - - ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, CTRL); - ctrl &= ~E1000_CTRL_GIO_MASTER_DISABLE; - E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL, ctrl); -} -#endif /* 0 */ - /******************************************************************************* * * Disables PCI-Express master access and verifies there are no pending requests @@ -8079,7 +7932,6 @@ e1000_get_phy_cfg_done(struct e1000_hw *hw) msleep(1); timeout--; } - if (!timeout) { DEBUGOUT("MNG configuration cycle has not completed.\n"); return -E1000_ERR_RESET; @@ -8188,8 +8040,9 @@ e1000_get_software_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw) DEBUGFUNC("e1000_get_software_semaphore"); - if (hw->mac_type != e1000_80003es2lan) + if (hw->mac_type != e1000_80003es2lan) { return E1000_SUCCESS; + } while (timeout) { swsm = E1000_READ_REG(hw, SWSM); @@ -8222,8 +8075,9 @@ e1000_release_software_semaphore(struct e1000_hw *hw) DEBUGFUNC("e1000_release_software_semaphore"); - if (hw->mac_type != e1000_80003es2lan) + if (hw->mac_type != e1000_80003es2lan) { return; + } swsm = E1000_READ_REG(hw, SWSM); /* Release the SW semaphores.*/ @@ -8257,7 +8111,7 @@ e1000_check_phy_reset_block(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (hw->mac_type > e1000_82547_rev_2) manc = E1000_READ_REG(hw, MANC); return (manc & E1000_MANC_BLK_PHY_RST_ON_IDE) ? - E1000_BLK_PHY_RESET : E1000_SUCCESS; + E1000_BLK_PHY_RESET : E1000_SUCCESS; } static uint8_t @@ -8393,66 +8247,6 @@ e1000_release_software_flag(struct e1000_hw *hw) return; } -/*************************************************************************** - * - * Disable dynamic power down mode in ife PHY. - * It can be used to workaround band-gap problem. - * - * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code - * - ***************************************************************************/ -#if 0 -int32_t -e1000_ife_disable_dynamic_power_down(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - uint16_t phy_data; - int32_t ret_val = E1000_SUCCESS; - - DEBUGFUNC("e1000_ife_disable_dynamic_power_down"); - - if (hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_ife) { - ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IFE_PHY_SPECIAL_CONTROL, &phy_data); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - phy_data |= IFE_PSC_DISABLE_DYNAMIC_POWER_DOWN; - ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IFE_PHY_SPECIAL_CONTROL, phy_data); - } - - return ret_val; -} -#endif /* 0 */ - -/*************************************************************************** - * - * Enable dynamic power down mode in ife PHY. - * It can be used to workaround band-gap problem. - * - * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code - * - ***************************************************************************/ -#if 0 -int32_t -e1000_ife_enable_dynamic_power_down(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - uint16_t phy_data; - int32_t ret_val = E1000_SUCCESS; - - DEBUGFUNC("e1000_ife_enable_dynamic_power_down"); - - if (hw->phy_type == e1000_phy_ife) { - ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IFE_PHY_SPECIAL_CONTROL, &phy_data); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - phy_data &= ~IFE_PSC_DISABLE_DYNAMIC_POWER_DOWN; - ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IFE_PHY_SPECIAL_CONTROL, phy_data); - } - - return ret_val; -} -#endif /* 0 */ - /****************************************************************************** * Reads a 16 bit word or words from the EEPROM using the ICH8's flash access * register. @@ -9015,44 +8809,6 @@ e1000_erase_ich8_4k_segment(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t segment) return error; } -/****************************************************************************** - * - * Reverse duplex setting without breaking the link. - * - * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code - * - *****************************************************************************/ -#if 0 -int32_t -e1000_duplex_reversal(struct e1000_hw *hw) -{ - int32_t ret_val; - uint16_t phy_data; - - if (hw->phy_type != e1000_phy_igp_3) - return E1000_SUCCESS; - - ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, PHY_CTRL, &phy_data); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - phy_data ^= MII_CR_FULL_DUPLEX; - - ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, PHY_CTRL, phy_data); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - ret_val = e1000_read_phy_reg(hw, IGP3E1000_PHY_MISC_CTRL, &phy_data); - if (ret_val) - return ret_val; - - phy_data |= IGP3_PHY_MISC_DUPLEX_MANUAL_SET; - ret_val = e1000_write_phy_reg(hw, IGP3E1000_PHY_MISC_CTRL, phy_data); - - return ret_val; -} -#endif /* 0 */ - static int32_t e1000_init_lcd_from_nvm_config_region(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t cnf_base_addr, uint32_t cnf_size) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h index 798dc031a7c..47f34f213ac 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ int32_t e1000_setup_link(struct e1000_hw *hw); int32_t e1000_phy_setup_autoneg(struct e1000_hw *hw); void e1000_config_collision_dist(struct e1000_hw *hw); int32_t e1000_check_for_link(struct e1000_hw *hw); -int32_t e1000_get_speed_and_duplex(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t * speed, uint16_t * duplex); +int32_t e1000_get_speed_and_duplex(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t *speed, uint16_t *duplex); int32_t e1000_force_mac_fc(struct e1000_hw *hw); /* PHY */ @@ -321,9 +321,9 @@ int32_t e1000_read_phy_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg_addr, uint16_t *phy int32_t e1000_write_phy_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg_addr, uint16_t data); int32_t e1000_phy_hw_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw); int32_t e1000_phy_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw); -void e1000_phy_powerdown_workaround(struct e1000_hw *hw); int32_t e1000_phy_get_info(struct e1000_hw *hw, struct e1000_phy_info *phy_info); int32_t e1000_validate_mdi_setting(struct e1000_hw *hw); +void e1000_phy_powerdown_workaround(struct e1000_hw *hw); /* EEPROM Functions */ int32_t e1000_init_eeprom_params(struct e1000_hw *hw); @@ -392,7 +392,6 @@ int32_t e1000_read_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t reg, uint16_t words, uin int32_t e1000_validate_eeprom_checksum(struct e1000_hw *hw); int32_t e1000_update_eeprom_checksum(struct e1000_hw *hw); int32_t e1000_write_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint16_t reg, uint16_t words, uint16_t *data); -int32_t e1000_read_part_num(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t * part_num); int32_t e1000_read_mac_addr(struct e1000_hw * hw); /* Filters (multicast, vlan, receive) */ @@ -1612,16 +1611,17 @@ struct e1000_hw { #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_MASK 0x00C00000 #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_GMII 0x00000000 #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_TBI 0x00C00000 -#define E1000_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_KMRN 0x00000000 +#define E1000_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_KMRN 0x00000000 #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_SERDES 0x00C00000 +#define E1000_CTRL_EXT_LINK_MODE_SGMII 0x00800000 #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_WR_WMARK_MASK 0x03000000 #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_WR_WMARK_256 0x00000000 #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_WR_WMARK_320 0x01000000 #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_WR_WMARK_384 0x02000000 #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_WR_WMARK_448 0x03000000 -#define E1000_CTRL_EXT_DRV_LOAD 0x10000000 /* Driver loaded bit for FW */ -#define E1000_CTRL_EXT_IAME 0x08000000 /* Interrupt acknowledge Auto-mask */ -#define E1000_CTRL_EXT_INT_TIMER_CLR 0x20000000 /* Clear Interrupt timers after IMS clear */ +#define E1000_CTRL_EXT_DRV_LOAD 0x10000000 /* Driver loaded bit for FW */ +#define E1000_CTRL_EXT_IAME 0x08000000 /* Interrupt acknowledge Auto-mask */ +#define E1000_CTRL_EXT_INT_TIMER_CLR 0x20000000 /* Clear Interrupt timers after IMS clear */ #define E1000_CRTL_EXT_PB_PAREN 0x01000000 /* packet buffer parity error detection enabled */ #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_DF_PAREN 0x02000000 /* descriptor FIFO parity error detection enable */ #define E1000_CTRL_EXT_GHOST_PAREN 0x40000000 diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index 0aaf9afe31e..447b7c8a77b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -109,16 +109,24 @@ static struct pci_device_id e1000_pci_tbl[] = { MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, e1000_pci_tbl); +int e1000_up(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +void e1000_down(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +void e1000_reinit_locked(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +void e1000_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +int e1000_set_spd_dplx(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, uint16_t spddplx); +int e1000_setup_all_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +int e1000_setup_all_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +void e1000_free_all_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); +void e1000_free_all_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); static int e1000_setup_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - struct e1000_tx_ring *txdr); + struct e1000_tx_ring *txdr); static int e1000_setup_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - struct e1000_rx_ring *rxdr); + struct e1000_rx_ring *rxdr); static void e1000_free_tx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - struct e1000_tx_ring *tx_ring); + struct e1000_tx_ring *tx_ring); static void e1000_free_rx_resources(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, - struct e1000_rx_ring *rx_ring); - -/* Local Function Prototypes */ + struct e1000_rx_ring *rx_ring); +void e1000_update_stats(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); static int e1000_init_module(void); static void e1000_exit_module(void); @@ -171,6 +179,7 @@ static void e1000_alloc_rx_buffers_ps(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, static int e1000_ioctl(struct net_device *netdev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd); static int e1000_mii_ioctl(struct net_device *netdev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd); +void e1000_set_ethtool_ops(struct net_device *netdev); static void e1000_enter_82542_rst(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); static void e1000_leave_82542_rst(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); static void e1000_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev); @@ -195,6 +204,8 @@ static void e1000_shutdown(struct pci_dev *pdev); static void e1000_netpoll (struct net_device *netdev); #endif +extern void e1000_check_options(struct e1000_adapter *adapter); + static pci_ers_result_t e1000_io_error_detected(struct pci_dev *pdev, pci_channel_state_t state); static pci_ers_result_t e1000_io_slot_reset(struct pci_dev *pdev); @@ -4411,14 +4422,6 @@ e1000_write_pci_cfg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg, uint16_t *value) pci_write_config_word(adapter->pdev, reg, *value); } -#if 0 -uint32_t -e1000_io_read(struct e1000_hw *hw, unsigned long port) -{ - return inl(port); -} -#endif /* 0 */ - void e1000_io_write(struct e1000_hw *hw, unsigned long port, uint32_t value) { -- cgit v1.2.3 From 49559854c9ea6d6950631d558d33faff49fa74f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mitch Williams Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:37 -0700 Subject: e1000: add multicast stats counters Add 4 multicast and broadcast hardware counters (rx/tx), and eliminate as many non-hardware counters as possible. Signed-off-by: Mitch Williams Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c | 32 ++++++++++++++++++-------------- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h | 4 +++- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 9 ++++----- 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c index 858c14d3ee9..9791b8a1a09 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c @@ -56,26 +56,30 @@ struct e1000_stats { #define E1000_STAT(m) sizeof(((struct e1000_adapter *)0)->m), \ offsetof(struct e1000_adapter, m) static const struct e1000_stats e1000_gstrings_stats[] = { - { "rx_packets", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_packets) }, - { "tx_packets", E1000_STAT(net_stats.tx_packets) }, - { "rx_bytes", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_bytes) }, - { "tx_bytes", E1000_STAT(net_stats.tx_bytes) }, - { "rx_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_errors) }, - { "tx_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.tx_errors) }, + { "rx_packets", E1000_STAT(stats.gprc) }, + { "tx_packets", E1000_STAT(stats.gptc) }, + { "rx_bytes", E1000_STAT(stats.gorcl) }, + { "tx_bytes", E1000_STAT(stats.gotcl) }, + { "rx_broadcast", E1000_STAT(stats.bprc) }, + { "tx_broadcast", E1000_STAT(stats.bptc) }, + { "rx_multicast", E1000_STAT(stats.mprc) }, + { "tx_multicast", E1000_STAT(stats.mptc) }, + { "rx_errors", E1000_STAT(stats.rxerrc) }, + { "tx_errors", E1000_STAT(stats.txerrc) }, { "tx_dropped", E1000_STAT(net_stats.tx_dropped) }, - { "multicast", E1000_STAT(net_stats.multicast) }, - { "collisions", E1000_STAT(net_stats.collisions) }, - { "rx_length_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_length_errors) }, + { "multicast", E1000_STAT(stats.mprc) }, + { "collisions", E1000_STAT(stats.colc) }, + { "rx_length_errors", E1000_STAT(stats.rlerrc) }, { "rx_over_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_over_errors) }, - { "rx_crc_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_crc_errors) }, + { "rx_crc_errors", E1000_STAT(stats.crcerrs) }, { "rx_frame_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_frame_errors) }, { "rx_no_buffer_count", E1000_STAT(stats.rnbc) }, - { "rx_missed_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.rx_missed_errors) }, - { "tx_aborted_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.tx_aborted_errors) }, - { "tx_carrier_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.tx_carrier_errors) }, + { "rx_missed_errors", E1000_STAT(stats.mpc) }, + { "tx_aborted_errors", E1000_STAT(stats.ecol) }, + { "tx_carrier_errors", E1000_STAT(stats.tncrs) }, { "tx_fifo_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.tx_fifo_errors) }, { "tx_heartbeat_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.tx_heartbeat_errors) }, - { "tx_window_errors", E1000_STAT(net_stats.tx_window_errors) }, + { "tx_window_errors", E1000_STAT(stats.latecol) }, { "tx_abort_late_coll", E1000_STAT(stats.latecol) }, { "tx_deferred_ok", E1000_STAT(stats.dc) }, { "tx_single_coll_ok", E1000_STAT(stats.scc) }, diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h index 47f34f213ac..113344eb0e9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h @@ -1298,6 +1298,7 @@ struct e1000_hw_stats { uint64_t algnerrc; uint64_t symerrs; uint64_t rxerrc; + uint64_t txerrc; uint64_t mpc; uint64_t scc; uint64_t ecol; @@ -1330,8 +1331,9 @@ struct e1000_hw_stats { uint64_t gotch; uint64_t rnbc; uint64_t ruc; - uint64_t rfc; uint64_t roc; + uint64_t rlerrc; + uint64_t rfc; uint64_t rjc; uint64_t mgprc; uint64_t mgpdc; diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index 447b7c8a77b..5296a82c22b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -3338,16 +3338,15 @@ e1000_update_stats(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) adapter->stats.crcerrs + adapter->stats.algnerrc + adapter->stats.ruc + adapter->stats.roc + adapter->stats.cexterr; - adapter->net_stats.rx_length_errors = adapter->stats.ruc + - adapter->stats.roc; + adapter->stats.rlerrc = adapter->stats.ruc + adapter->stats.roc; + adapter->net_stats.rx_length_errors = adapter->stats.rlerrc; adapter->net_stats.rx_crc_errors = adapter->stats.crcerrs; adapter->net_stats.rx_frame_errors = adapter->stats.algnerrc; adapter->net_stats.rx_missed_errors = adapter->stats.mpc; /* Tx Errors */ - - adapter->net_stats.tx_errors = adapter->stats.ecol + - adapter->stats.latecol; + adapter->stats.txerrc = adapter->stats.ecol + adapter->stats.latecol; + adapter->net_stats.tx_errors = adapter->stats.txerrc; adapter->net_stats.tx_aborted_errors = adapter->stats.ecol; adapter->net_stats.tx_window_errors = adapter->stats.latecol; adapter->net_stats.tx_carrier_errors = adapter->stats.tncrs; -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2f2ca2638cbcf287b87a1e199f949a0c03bc0cf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeff Kirsher Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:40 -0700 Subject: e1000: allow ethtool to pass arbitrary speed advertisment With a patch, ethtool can now signify the driver to advertise more than just a single speed/duplex setting. This allows you to tell the card to advertise in 10/100 in any speed if you don't have a gigabit switch for instance. Signed-off-by: Jeff Kirsher Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c | 10 +++------- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c index 9791b8a1a09..5edf8a099ce 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c @@ -211,13 +211,9 @@ e1000_set_settings(struct net_device *netdev, struct ethtool_cmd *ecmd) ADVERTISED_FIBRE | ADVERTISED_Autoneg; else - hw->autoneg_advertised = ADVERTISED_10baseT_Half | - ADVERTISED_10baseT_Full | - ADVERTISED_100baseT_Half | - ADVERTISED_100baseT_Full | - ADVERTISED_1000baseT_Full| - ADVERTISED_Autoneg | - ADVERTISED_TP; + hw->autoneg_advertised = ecmd->advertising | + ADVERTISED_TP | + ADVERTISED_Autoneg; ecmd->advertising = hw->autoneg_advertised; } else if (e1000_set_spd_dplx(adapter, ecmd->speed + ecmd->duplex)) { -- cgit v1.2.3 From 5f01607a5b5c8781ed5d5deae213b4f01283dba2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeff Kirsher Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:42 -0700 Subject: e1000: Fix MANC detection for PCIE adapters Several manageability capability detection parts hinted towards our code being incomplete for PCI-E. According to spec, we do not want to poke any MANC bits at all. Signed-off-by: Jeff Kirsher Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 15 ++++----------- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index 5296a82c22b..e55fb9cc41c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -662,9 +662,7 @@ e1000_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) phy_data); } - if (adapter->hw.mac_type < e1000_ich8lan) - /* FIXME: this code is duplicate and wrong for PCI Express */ - if (adapter->en_mng_pt) { + if ((adapter->en_mng_pt) && (adapter->hw.mac_type < e1000_82571)) { manc = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, MANC); manc |= (E1000_MANC_ARP_EN | E1000_MANC_EN_MNG2HOST); E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, MANC, manc); @@ -1042,8 +1040,7 @@ e1000_remove(struct pci_dev *pdev) flush_scheduled_work(); - if (adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82540 && - adapter->hw.mac_type != e1000_ich8lan && + if (adapter->hw.mac_type < e1000_82571 && adapter->hw.media_type == e1000_media_type_copper) { manc = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, MANC); if (manc & E1000_MANC_SMBUS_EN) { @@ -4694,9 +4691,7 @@ e1000_suspend(struct pci_dev *pdev, pm_message_t state) pci_enable_wake(pdev, PCI_D3cold, 0); } - /* FIXME: this code is incorrect for PCI Express */ - if (adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82540 && - adapter->hw.mac_type != e1000_ich8lan && + if (adapter->hw.mac_type < e1000_82571 && adapter->hw.media_type == e1000_media_type_copper) { manc = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, MANC); if (manc & E1000_MANC_SMBUS_EN) { @@ -4748,9 +4743,7 @@ e1000_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) netif_device_attach(netdev); - /* FIXME: this code is incorrect for PCI Express */ - if (adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82540 && - adapter->hw.mac_type != e1000_ich8lan && + if (adapter->hw.mac_type < e1000_82571 && adapter->hw.media_type == e1000_media_type_copper) { manc = E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, MANC); manc &= ~(E1000_MANC_ARP_EN); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 249d71d694ee3a6c02067235995d6d4258d364f3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bruce Allan Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:45 -0700 Subject: e1000: Jumbo frames fixes for 82573 Disable jumbo frames for 82573L alltogether and when ASPM is enabled since the hardware has problems with it. For the NICs that do support this in the 82573 series we set ERT_2048 to attempt to receive as much traffic as early as we can. Signed-off-by: Bruce Allan Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 10 +++++++--- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index e55fb9cc41c..a1f5b060536 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -3138,11 +3138,13 @@ e1000_change_mtu(struct net_device *netdev, int new_mtu) } break; case e1000_82573: - /* only enable jumbo frames if ASPM is disabled completely - * this means both bits must be zero in 0x1A bits 3:2 */ + /* Jumbo Frames not supported if: + * - this is not an 82573L device + * - ASPM is enabled in any way (0x1A bits 3:2) */ e1000_read_eeprom(&adapter->hw, EEPROM_INIT_3GIO_3, 1, &eeprom_data); - if (eeprom_data & EEPROM_WORD1A_ASPM_MASK) { + if ((adapter->hw.device_id != E1000_DEV_ID_82573L) || + (eeprom_data & EEPROM_WORD1A_ASPM_MASK)) { if (max_frame > MAXIMUM_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE) { DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Jumbo Frames not supported.\n"); @@ -3150,6 +3152,8 @@ e1000_change_mtu(struct net_device *netdev, int new_mtu) } break; } + /* ERT will be enabled later to enable wire speed receives */ + /* fall through to get support */ case e1000_82571: case e1000_82572: -- cgit v1.2.3 From 65c7973fa5b46b024f38be208aa477e8daf9a603 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jesse Brandeburg Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:48 -0700 Subject: e1000: Maybe stop TX if not enough free descriptors Cc: Herbert Xu Signed-off-by: Jesse Brandeburg Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index a1f5b060536..e8a76080207 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -2899,6 +2899,35 @@ e1000_transfer_dhcp_info(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, struct sk_buff *skb) return 0; } +static int __e1000_maybe_stop_tx(struct net_device *netdev, int size) +{ + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); + struct e1000_tx_ring *tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; + + netif_stop_queue(netdev); + /* Herbert's original patch had: + * smp_mb__after_netif_stop_queue(); + * but since that doesn't exist yet, just open code it. */ + smp_mb(); + + /* We need to check again in a case another CPU has just + * made room available. */ + if (likely(E1000_DESC_UNUSED(tx_ring) < size)) + return -EBUSY; + + /* A reprieve! */ + netif_start_queue(netdev); + return 0; +} + +static int e1000_maybe_stop_tx(struct net_device *netdev, + struct e1000_tx_ring *tx_ring, int size) +{ + if (likely(E1000_DESC_UNUSED(tx_ring) >= size)) + return 0; + return __e1000_maybe_stop_tx(netdev, size); +} + #define TXD_USE_COUNT(S, X) (((S) >> (X)) + 1 ) static int e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) @@ -2917,6 +2946,10 @@ e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) unsigned int f; len -= skb->data_len; + /* This goes back to the question of how to logically map a tx queue + * to a flow. Right now, performance is impacted slightly negatively + * if using multiple tx queues. If the stack breaks away from a + * single qdisc implementation, we can look at this again. */ tx_ring = adapter->tx_ring; if (unlikely(skb->len <= 0)) { @@ -3012,8 +3045,7 @@ e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) /* need: count + 2 desc gap to keep tail from touching * head, otherwise try next time */ - if (unlikely(E1000_DESC_UNUSED(tx_ring) < count + 2)) { - netif_stop_queue(netdev); + if (unlikely(e1000_maybe_stop_tx(netdev, tx_ring, count + 2))) { spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tx_ring->tx_lock, flags); return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; } @@ -3060,8 +3092,7 @@ e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) netdev->trans_start = jiffies; /* Make sure there is space in the ring for the next send. */ - if (unlikely(E1000_DESC_UNUSED(tx_ring) < MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 2)) - netif_stop_queue(netdev); + e1000_maybe_stop_tx(netdev, tx_ring, MAX_SKB_FRAGS + 2); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tx_ring->tx_lock, flags); return NETDEV_TX_OK; @@ -3556,13 +3587,14 @@ e1000_clean_tx_irq(struct e1000_adapter *adapter, tx_ring->next_to_clean = i; #define TX_WAKE_THRESHOLD 32 - if (unlikely(cleaned && netif_queue_stopped(netdev) && - netif_carrier_ok(netdev))) { - spin_lock(&tx_ring->tx_lock); - if (netif_queue_stopped(netdev) && - (E1000_DESC_UNUSED(tx_ring) >= TX_WAKE_THRESHOLD)) + if (unlikely(cleaned && netif_carrier_ok(netdev) && + E1000_DESC_UNUSED(tx_ring) >= TX_WAKE_THRESHOLD)) { + /* Make sure that anybody stopping the queue after this + * sees the new next_to_clean. + */ + smp_mb(); + if (netif_queue_stopped(netdev)) netif_wake_queue(netdev); - spin_unlock(&tx_ring->tx_lock); } if (adapter->detect_tx_hung) { -- cgit v1.2.3 From 09ae3e88662478c014617291e5a2115e6b2f65eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeff Kirsher Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:51 -0700 Subject: e1000: gather hardware bit tweaks. Several hardware bits were set all over the driver and have been consolidated into a single function. Signed-off-by: Jeff Kirsher Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c | 155 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h | 1 + drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 24 +++---- 3 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c index 6ec5cdddb5a..dceaf5bd5f5 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ static int32_t e1000_id_led_init(struct e1000_hw *hw); static int32_t e1000_init_lcd_from_nvm_config_region(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t cnf_base_addr, uint32_t cnf_size); static int32_t e1000_init_lcd_from_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw); static void e1000_init_rx_addrs(struct e1000_hw *hw); +static void e1000_initialize_hardware_bits(struct e1000_hw *hw); static boolean_t e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw); static int32_t e1000_kumeran_lock_loss_workaround(struct e1000_hw *hw); static int32_t e1000_mng_enable_host_if(struct e1000_hw *hw); @@ -715,6 +716,123 @@ e1000_reset_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw) return E1000_SUCCESS; } +/****************************************************************************** + * + * Initialize a number of hardware-dependent bits + * + * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code + * + * This function contains hardware limitation workarounds for PCI-E adapters + * + *****************************************************************************/ +static void +e1000_initialize_hardware_bits(struct e1000_hw *hw) +{ + if ((hw->mac_type >= e1000_82571) && (!hw->initialize_hw_bits_disable)) { + /* Settings common to all PCI-express silicon */ + uint32_t reg_ctrl, reg_ctrl_ext; + uint32_t reg_tarc0, reg_tarc1; + uint32_t reg_tctl; + uint32_t reg_txdctl, reg_txdctl1; + + /* link autonegotiation/sync workarounds */ + reg_tarc0 = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TARC0); + reg_tarc0 &= ~((1 << 30)|(1 << 29)|(1 << 28)|(1 << 27)); + + /* Enable not-done TX descriptor counting */ + reg_txdctl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TXDCTL); + reg_txdctl |= E1000_TXDCTL_COUNT_DESC; + E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TXDCTL, reg_txdctl); + reg_txdctl1 = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TXDCTL1); + reg_txdctl1 |= E1000_TXDCTL_COUNT_DESC; + E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TXDCTL1, reg_txdctl1); + + switch (hw->mac_type) { + case e1000_82571: + case e1000_82572: + /* Clear PHY TX compatible mode bits */ + reg_tarc1 = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TARC1); + reg_tarc1 &= ~((1 << 30)|(1 << 29)); + + /* link autonegotiation/sync workarounds */ + reg_tarc0 |= ((1 << 26)|(1 << 25)|(1 << 24)|(1 << 23)); + + /* TX ring control fixes */ + reg_tarc1 |= ((1 << 26)|(1 << 25)|(1 << 24)); + + /* Multiple read bit is reversed polarity */ + reg_tctl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TCTL); + if (reg_tctl & E1000_TCTL_MULR) + reg_tarc1 &= ~(1 << 28); + else + reg_tarc1 |= (1 << 28); + + E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TARC1, reg_tarc1); + break; + case e1000_82573: + reg_ctrl_ext = E1000_READ_REG(hw, CTRL_EXT); + reg_ctrl_ext &= ~(1 << 23); + reg_ctrl_ext |= (1 << 22); + + /* TX byte count fix */ + reg_ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, CTRL); + reg_ctrl &= ~(1 << 29); + + E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL_EXT, reg_ctrl_ext); + E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL, reg_ctrl); + break; + case e1000_80003es2lan: + /* improve small packet performace for fiber/serdes */ + if ((hw->media_type == e1000_media_type_fiber) || + (hw->media_type == e1000_media_type_internal_serdes)) { + reg_tarc0 &= ~(1 << 20); + } + + /* Multiple read bit is reversed polarity */ + reg_tctl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TCTL); + reg_tarc1 = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TARC1); + if (reg_tctl & E1000_TCTL_MULR) + reg_tarc1 &= ~(1 << 28); + else + reg_tarc1 |= (1 << 28); + + E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TARC1, reg_tarc1); + break; + case e1000_ich8lan: + /* Reduce concurrent DMA requests to 3 from 4 */ + if ((hw->revision_id < 3) || + ((hw->device_id != E1000_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_M_AMT) && + (hw->device_id != E1000_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_M))) + reg_tarc0 |= ((1 << 29)|(1 << 28)); + + reg_ctrl_ext = E1000_READ_REG(hw, CTRL_EXT); + reg_ctrl_ext |= (1 << 22); + E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, CTRL_EXT, reg_ctrl_ext); + + /* workaround TX hang with TSO=on */ + reg_tarc0 |= ((1 << 27)|(1 << 26)|(1 << 24)|(1 << 23)); + + /* Multiple read bit is reversed polarity */ + reg_tctl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TCTL); + reg_tarc1 = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TARC1); + if (reg_tctl & E1000_TCTL_MULR) + reg_tarc1 &= ~(1 << 28); + else + reg_tarc1 |= (1 << 28); + + /* workaround TX hang with TSO=on */ + reg_tarc1 |= ((1 << 30)|(1 << 26)|(1 << 24)); + + E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TARC1, reg_tarc1); + break; + default: + break; + } + + E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TARC0, reg_tarc0); + } +} + /****************************************************************************** * Performs basic configuration of the adapter. * @@ -743,14 +861,13 @@ e1000_init_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw) DEBUGFUNC("e1000_init_hw"); /* force full DMA clock frequency for 10/100 on ICH8 A0-B0 */ - if (hw->mac_type == e1000_ich8lan) { - reg_data = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TARC0); - reg_data |= 0x30000000; - E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TARC0, reg_data); - - reg_data = E1000_READ_REG(hw, STATUS); - reg_data &= ~0x80000000; - E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, STATUS, reg_data); + if ((hw->mac_type == e1000_ich8lan) && + ((hw->revision_id < 3) || + ((hw->device_id != E1000_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_M_AMT) && + (hw->device_id != E1000_DEV_ID_ICH8_IGP_M)))) { + reg_data = E1000_READ_REG(hw, STATUS); + reg_data &= ~0x80000000; + E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, STATUS, reg_data); } /* Initialize Identification LED */ @@ -763,6 +880,9 @@ e1000_init_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw) /* Set the media type and TBI compatibility */ e1000_set_media_type(hw); + /* Must be called after e1000_set_media_type because media_type is used */ + e1000_initialize_hardware_bits(hw); + /* Disabling VLAN filtering. */ DEBUGOUT("Initializing the IEEE VLAN\n"); /* VET hardcoded to standard value and VFTA removed in ICH8 LAN */ @@ -854,17 +974,6 @@ e1000_init_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (hw->mac_type > e1000_82544) { ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TXDCTL); ctrl = (ctrl & ~E1000_TXDCTL_WTHRESH) | E1000_TXDCTL_FULL_TX_DESC_WB; - switch (hw->mac_type) { - default: - break; - case e1000_82571: - case e1000_82572: - case e1000_82573: - case e1000_ich8lan: - case e1000_80003es2lan: - ctrl |= E1000_TXDCTL_COUNT_DESC; - break; - } E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TXDCTL, ctrl); } @@ -902,8 +1011,6 @@ e1000_init_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw) case e1000_ich8lan: ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TXDCTL1); ctrl = (ctrl & ~E1000_TXDCTL_WTHRESH) | E1000_TXDCTL_FULL_TX_DESC_WB; - if (hw->mac_type >= e1000_82571) - ctrl |= E1000_TXDCTL_COUNT_DESC; E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TXDCTL1, ctrl); break; } @@ -1143,11 +1250,11 @@ e1000_setup_fiber_serdes_link(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (hw->mac_type == e1000_82571 || hw->mac_type == e1000_82572) E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, SCTL, E1000_DISABLE_SERDES_LOOPBACK); - /* On adapters with a MAC newer than 82544, SW Defineable pin 1 will be + /* On adapters with a MAC newer than 82544, SWDP 1 will be * set when the optics detect a signal. On older adapters, it will be * cleared when there is a signal. This applies to fiber media only. - * If we're on serdes media, adjust the output amplitude to value set in - * the EEPROM. + * If we're on serdes media, adjust the output amplitude to value + * set in the EEPROM. */ ctrl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, CTRL); if (hw->media_type == e1000_media_type_fiber) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h index 113344eb0e9..b9364b5fd76 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h @@ -1440,6 +1440,7 @@ struct e1000_hw { boolean_t tbi_compatibility_on; boolean_t laa_is_present; boolean_t phy_reset_disable; + boolean_t initialize_hw_bits_disable; boolean_t fc_send_xon; boolean_t fc_strict_ieee; boolean_t report_tx_early; diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index e8a76080207..aaadb2bb076 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -573,6 +573,9 @@ void e1000_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) { uint32_t pba, manc; +#ifdef DISABLE_MULR + uint32_t tctl; +#endif uint16_t fc_high_water_mark = E1000_FC_HIGH_DIFF; /* Repartition Pba for greater than 9k mtu @@ -639,6 +642,12 @@ e1000_reset(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) e1000_reset_hw(&adapter->hw); if (adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82544) E1000_WRITE_REG(&adapter->hw, WUC, 0); +#ifdef DISABLE_MULR + /* disable Multiple Reads in Transmit Control Register for debugging */ + tctl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TCTL); + E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TCTL, tctl & ~E1000_TCTL_MULR); + +#endif if (e1000_init_hw(&adapter->hw)) DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Hardware Error\n"); e1000_update_mng_vlan(adapter); @@ -1517,27 +1526,14 @@ e1000_configure_tx(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) /* Program the Transmit Control Register */ tctl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TCTL); - tctl &= ~E1000_TCTL_CT; tctl |= E1000_TCTL_PSP | E1000_TCTL_RTLC | (E1000_COLLISION_THRESHOLD << E1000_CT_SHIFT); -#ifdef DISABLE_MULR - /* disable Multiple Reads for debugging */ - tctl &= ~E1000_TCTL_MULR; -#endif - if (hw->mac_type == e1000_82571 || hw->mac_type == e1000_82572) { tarc = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TARC0); - tarc |= ((1 << 25) | (1 << 21)); + tarc |= (1 << 21); E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TARC0, tarc); - tarc = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TARC1); - tarc |= (1 << 25); - if (tctl & E1000_TCTL_MULR) - tarc &= ~(1 << 28); - else - tarc |= (1 << 28); - E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, TARC1, tarc); } else if (hw->mac_type == e1000_80003es2lan) { tarc = E1000_READ_REG(hw, TARC0); tarc |= 1; -- cgit v1.2.3 From 61c2505fd5044d9e108acc6b469d3caa02522043 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bruce Allan Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:54 -0700 Subject: e1000: handle manageability for pci-e adapters at PHY powerdown When powering down the PHY (if WoL is disabled) we should only check copper PHY's and handle PCI-E adapters differently. Signed-off-by: Bruce Allan Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index aaadb2bb076..fd30161d2f1 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -512,25 +512,48 @@ void e1000_power_up_phy(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) static void e1000_power_down_phy(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) { - boolean_t mng_mode_enabled = (adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82571) && - e1000_check_mng_mode(&adapter->hw); - /* Power down the PHY so no link is implied when interface is down - * The PHY cannot be powered down if any of the following is TRUE + /* Power down the PHY so no link is implied when interface is down * + * The PHY cannot be powered down if any of the following is TRUE * * (a) WoL is enabled * (b) AMT is active * (c) SoL/IDER session is active */ if (!adapter->wol && adapter->hw.mac_type >= e1000_82540 && - adapter->hw.mac_type != e1000_ich8lan && - adapter->hw.media_type == e1000_media_type_copper && - !(E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, MANC) & E1000_MANC_SMBUS_EN) && - !mng_mode_enabled && - !e1000_check_phy_reset_block(&adapter->hw)) { + adapter->hw.media_type == e1000_media_type_copper) { uint16_t mii_reg = 0; + + switch (adapter->hw.mac_type) { + case e1000_82540: + case e1000_82545: + case e1000_82545_rev_3: + case e1000_82546: + case e1000_82546_rev_3: + case e1000_82541: + case e1000_82541_rev_2: + case e1000_82547: + case e1000_82547_rev_2: + if (E1000_READ_REG(&adapter->hw, MANC) & + E1000_MANC_SMBUS_EN) + goto out; + break; + case e1000_82571: + case e1000_82572: + case e1000_82573: + case e1000_80003es2lan: + case e1000_ich8lan: + if (e1000_check_mng_mode(&adapter->hw) || + e1000_check_phy_reset_block(&adapter->hw)) + goto out; + break; + default: + goto out; + } e1000_read_phy_reg(&adapter->hw, PHY_CTRL, &mii_reg); mii_reg |= MII_CR_POWER_DOWN; e1000_write_phy_reg(&adapter->hw, PHY_CTRL, mii_reg); mdelay(1); } +out: + return; } void -- cgit v1.2.3 From caeccb682a2483a79162bb66a431175d4134ae0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeff Kirsher Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:57 -0700 Subject: e1000: add PCI-E capability detection code Add code to display the detected PCI-E bus width. Signed-off-by: Jeff Kirsher Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c | 17 +++++++++++++---- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h | 6 ++++++ drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 16 ++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c index dceaf5bd5f5..48aff8d054f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c @@ -6556,6 +6556,8 @@ e1000_tbi_adjust_stats(struct e1000_hw *hw, void e1000_get_bus_info(struct e1000_hw *hw) { + int32_t ret_val; + uint16_t pci_ex_link_status; uint32_t status; switch (hw->mac_type) { @@ -6565,18 +6567,25 @@ e1000_get_bus_info(struct e1000_hw *hw) hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_unknown; hw->bus_width = e1000_bus_width_unknown; break; + case e1000_82571: case e1000_82572: case e1000_82573: + case e1000_80003es2lan: hw->bus_type = e1000_bus_type_pci_express; hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_2500; - hw->bus_width = e1000_bus_width_pciex_1; + ret_val = e1000_read_pcie_cap_reg(hw, + PCI_EX_LINK_STATUS, + &pci_ex_link_status); + if (ret_val) + hw->bus_width = e1000_bus_width_unknown; + else + hw->bus_width = (pci_ex_link_status & PCI_EX_LINK_WIDTH_MASK) >> + PCI_EX_LINK_WIDTH_SHIFT; break; - case e1000_82571: case e1000_ich8lan: - case e1000_80003es2lan: hw->bus_type = e1000_bus_type_pci_express; hw->bus_speed = e1000_bus_speed_2500; - hw->bus_width = e1000_bus_width_pciex_4; + hw->bus_width = e1000_bus_width_pciex_1; break; default: status = E1000_READ_REG(hw, STATUS); diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h index b9364b5fd76..434492cc329 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h @@ -418,6 +418,7 @@ void e1000_pci_set_mwi(struct e1000_hw *hw); void e1000_pci_clear_mwi(struct e1000_hw *hw); void e1000_read_pci_cfg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg, uint16_t * value); void e1000_write_pci_cfg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg, uint16_t * value); +int32_t e1000_read_pcie_cap_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg, uint16_t *value); /* Port I/O is only supported on 82544 and newer */ void e1000_io_write(struct e1000_hw *hw, unsigned long port, uint32_t value); int32_t e1000_disable_pciex_master(struct e1000_hw *hw); @@ -2220,6 +2221,11 @@ struct e1000_host_command_info { #define E1000_FACTPS_LAN_FUNC_SEL 0x40000000 #define E1000_FACTPS_PM_STATE_CHANGED 0x80000000 +/* PCI-Ex Config Space */ +#define PCI_EX_LINK_STATUS 0x12 +#define PCI_EX_LINK_WIDTH_MASK 0x3F0 +#define PCI_EX_LINK_WIDTH_SHIFT 4 + /* EEPROM Commands - Microwire */ #define EEPROM_READ_OPCODE_MICROWIRE 0x6 /* EEPROM read opcode */ #define EEPROM_WRITE_OPCODE_MICROWIRE 0x5 /* EEPROM write opcode */ diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index fd30161d2f1..e2615782966 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -4473,6 +4473,22 @@ e1000_write_pci_cfg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg, uint16_t *value) pci_write_config_word(adapter->pdev, reg, *value); } +int32_t +e1000_read_pcie_cap_reg(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t reg, uint16_t *value) +{ + struct e1000_adapter *adapter = hw->back; + uint16_t cap_offset; + + cap_offset = pci_find_capability(adapter->pdev, PCI_CAP_ID_EXP); + if (!cap_offset) + return -E1000_ERR_CONFIG; + + pci_read_config_word(adapter->pdev, cap_offset + reg, value); + + return E1000_SUCCESS; +} + + void e1000_io_write(struct e1000_hw *hw, unsigned long port, uint32_t value) { -- cgit v1.2.3 From 4f5f2317fbb3655edae21de3ada0f1692523eeef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeff Kirsher Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:53:59 -0700 Subject: e1000: reduce RAR entries available for ICH8 Manageability is using one more RAR entry than we anticipated earlier for ICH8. Signed-off-by: Jeff Kirsher Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h index 434492cc329..a523ffab352 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h @@ -573,10 +573,10 @@ int32_t e1000_check_phy_reset_block(struct e1000_hw *hw); * E1000_RAR_ENTRIES - 1 multicast addresses. */ #define E1000_RAR_ENTRIES 15 -#define E1000_RAR_ENTRIES_ICH8LAN 7 +#define E1000_RAR_ENTRIES_ICH8LAN 6 -#define MIN_NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS 8 -#define MAX_NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS 0xFFF8 +#define MIN_NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS 8 +#define MAX_NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS 0xFFF8 /* Receive Descriptor */ struct e1000_rx_desc { -- cgit v1.2.3 From 1314bbf3a3d911218fc153e14873e2e384d08084 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Auke Kok Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:54:02 -0700 Subject: e1000: driver state fixes (race fix) We were plagued by our interrupt handler posting a watchdog event which could occur when our adapter was going down in case a late packet arrived just before e1000_down() finished. This caused the watchdog timer to start after the NIC was down and keep rescheduling it every N seconds. Once the driver unloaded it would panic. Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h | 3 ++- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c | 6 +++--- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 28 ++++++++++++++++++---------- 3 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h index a9501e7b8ef..7ecce438d25 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000.h @@ -345,8 +345,9 @@ struct e1000_adapter { }; enum e1000_state_t { - __E1000_DRIVER_TESTING, + __E1000_TESTING, __E1000_RESETTING, + __E1000_DOWN }; #endif /* _E1000_H_ */ diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c index 5edf8a099ce..2cc949a3445 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c @@ -1624,7 +1624,7 @@ e1000_diag_test(struct net_device *netdev, struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); boolean_t if_running = netif_running(netdev); - set_bit(__E1000_DRIVER_TESTING, &adapter->flags); + set_bit(__E1000_TESTING, &adapter->flags); if (eth_test->flags == ETH_TEST_FL_OFFLINE) { /* Offline tests */ @@ -1669,7 +1669,7 @@ e1000_diag_test(struct net_device *netdev, adapter->hw.autoneg = autoneg; e1000_reset(adapter); - clear_bit(__E1000_DRIVER_TESTING, &adapter->flags); + clear_bit(__E1000_TESTING, &adapter->flags); if (if_running) dev_open(netdev); } else { @@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@ e1000_diag_test(struct net_device *netdev, data[2] = 0; data[3] = 0; - clear_bit(__E1000_DRIVER_TESTING, &adapter->flags); + clear_bit(__E1000_TESTING, &adapter->flags); } msleep_interruptible(4 * 1000); } diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index e2615782966..5098dd7df7c 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -476,13 +476,14 @@ e1000_up(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) adapter->tx_queue_len = netdev->tx_queue_len; - mod_timer(&adapter->watchdog_timer, jiffies); - #ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI netif_poll_enable(netdev); #endif e1000_irq_enable(adapter); + clear_bit(__E1000_DOWN, &adapter->flags); + + mod_timer(&adapter->watchdog_timer, jiffies + 2 * HZ); return 0; } @@ -561,6 +562,10 @@ e1000_down(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) { struct net_device *netdev = adapter->netdev; + /* signal that we're down so the interrupt handler does not + * reschedule our watchdog timer */ + set_bit(__E1000_DOWN, &adapter->flags); + e1000_irq_disable(adapter); del_timer_sync(&adapter->tx_fifo_stall_timer); @@ -903,11 +908,6 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, INIT_WORK(&adapter->reset_task, (void (*)(void *))e1000_reset_task, netdev); - /* we're going to reset, so assume we have no link for now */ - - netif_carrier_off(netdev); - netif_stop_queue(netdev); - e1000_check_options(adapter); /* Initial Wake on LAN setting @@ -1014,6 +1014,10 @@ e1000_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, if ((err = register_netdev(netdev))) goto err_register; + /* tell the stack to leave us alone until e1000_open() is called */ + netif_carrier_off(netdev); + netif_stop_queue(netdev); + DPRINTK(PROBE, INFO, "Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection\n"); cards_found++; @@ -1200,6 +1204,8 @@ e1000_sw_init(struct e1000_adapter *adapter) atomic_set(&adapter->irq_sem, 1); spin_lock_init(&adapter->stats_lock); + set_bit(__E1000_DOWN, &adapter->flags); + return 0; } @@ -1265,7 +1271,7 @@ e1000_open(struct net_device *netdev) int err; /* disallow open during test */ - if (test_bit(__E1000_DRIVER_TESTING, &adapter->flags)) + if (test_bit(__E1000_TESTING, &adapter->flags)) return -EBUSY; /* allocate transmit descriptors */ @@ -3072,7 +3078,7 @@ e1000_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *netdev) if (unlikely(adapter->hw.mac_type == e1000_82547)) { if (unlikely(e1000_82547_fifo_workaround(adapter, skb))) { netif_stop_queue(netdev); - mod_timer(&adapter->tx_fifo_stall_timer, jiffies); + mod_timer(&adapter->tx_fifo_stall_timer, jiffies + 1); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tx_ring->tx_lock, flags); return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; } @@ -3468,7 +3474,9 @@ e1000_intr(int irq, void *data, struct pt_regs *regs) rctl = E1000_READ_REG(hw, RCTL); E1000_WRITE_REG(hw, RCTL, rctl & ~E1000_RCTL_EN); } - mod_timer(&adapter->watchdog_timer, jiffies); + /* guard against interrupt when we're going down */ + if (!test_bit(__E1000_DOWN, &adapter->flags)) + mod_timer(&adapter->watchdog_timer, jiffies + 1); } #ifdef CONFIG_E1000_NAPI -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2a88c17371c3c263c28330093a4cd21bbeceb677 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeff Kirsher Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:54:05 -0700 Subject: e1000: rework polarity, NVM, eeprom code and fixes. Several minor issues exist in the low-level device handling code of e1000. The NVM and EEPROM writing/reading code was updated which fixes unneeded delays, adds proper eeprom aqcuiring steps and handle shadow ram and flash access. Minor cosmetic adjustments to the polarity code adding symbols. PHY reset code mistakenly distinguished between MAC types instead of PHY types, and was fixes. Signed-off-by: Jeff Kirsher Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c | 290 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h | 10 +- 2 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c index 48aff8d054f..65077f39da6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.c @@ -662,19 +662,12 @@ e1000_reset_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw) E1000_WRITE_FLUSH(hw); } /* fall through */ - case e1000_82571: - case e1000_82572: - case e1000_ich8lan: - case e1000_80003es2lan: + default: + /* Auto read done will delay 5ms or poll based on mac type */ ret_val = e1000_get_auto_rd_done(hw); if (ret_val) - /* We don't want to continue accessing MAC registers. */ return ret_val; break; - default: - /* Wait for EEPROM reload (it happens automatically) */ - msleep(5); - break; } /* Disable HW ARPs on ASF enabled adapters */ @@ -3809,7 +3802,7 @@ e1000_phy_hw_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw) swfw = E1000_SWFW_PHY0_SM; } if (e1000_swfw_sync_acquire(hw, swfw)) { - e1000_release_software_semaphore(hw); + DEBUGOUT("Unable to acquire swfw sync\n"); return -E1000_ERR_SWFW_SYNC; } /* Read the device control register and assert the E1000_CTRL_PHY_RST @@ -3891,11 +3884,11 @@ e1000_phy_reset(struct e1000_hw *hw) if (ret_val) return E1000_SUCCESS; - switch (hw->mac_type) { - case e1000_82541_rev_2: - case e1000_82571: - case e1000_82572: - case e1000_ich8lan: + switch (hw->phy_type) { + case e1000_phy_igp: + case e1000_phy_igp_2: + case e1000_phy_igp_3: + case e1000_phy_ife: ret_val = e1000_phy_hw_reset(hw); if (ret_val) return ret_val; @@ -4043,6 +4036,9 @@ e1000_detect_gig_phy(struct e1000_hw *hw) DEBUGFUNC("e1000_detect_gig_phy"); + if (hw->phy_id != 0) + return E1000_SUCCESS; + /* The 82571 firmware may still be configuring the PHY. In this * case, we cannot access the PHY until the configuration is done. So * we explicitly set the PHY values. */ @@ -4964,44 +4960,43 @@ e1000_read_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw, { struct e1000_eeprom_info *eeprom = &hw->eeprom; uint32_t i = 0; - int32_t ret_val; DEBUGFUNC("e1000_read_eeprom"); + /* If eeprom is not yet detected, do so now */ + if (eeprom->word_size == 0) + e1000_init_eeprom_params(hw); + /* A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words, and not * enough words. */ if ((offset >= eeprom->word_size) || (words > eeprom->word_size - offset) || (words == 0)) { - DEBUGOUT("\"words\" parameter out of bounds\n"); + DEBUGOUT2("\"words\" parameter out of bounds. Words = %d, size = %d\n", offset, eeprom->word_size); return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM; } - /* FLASH reads without acquiring the semaphore are safe */ + /* EEPROM's that don't use EERD to read require us to bit-bang the SPI + * directly. In this case, we need to acquire the EEPROM so that + * FW or other port software does not interrupt. + */ if (e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom(hw) == TRUE && hw->eeprom.use_eerd == FALSE) { - switch (hw->mac_type) { - case e1000_80003es2lan: - break; - default: - /* Prepare the EEPROM for reading */ - if (e1000_acquire_eeprom(hw) != E1000_SUCCESS) - return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM; - break; - } + /* Prepare the EEPROM for bit-bang reading */ + if (e1000_acquire_eeprom(hw) != E1000_SUCCESS) + return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM; } - if (eeprom->use_eerd == TRUE) { - ret_val = e1000_read_eeprom_eerd(hw, offset, words, data); - if ((e1000_is_onboard_nvm_eeprom(hw) == TRUE) || - (hw->mac_type != e1000_82573)) - e1000_release_eeprom(hw); - return ret_val; - } + /* Eerd register EEPROM access requires no eeprom aquire/release */ + if (eeprom->use_eerd == TRUE) + return e1000_read_eeprom_eerd(hw, offset, words, data); + /* ICH EEPROM access is done via the ICH flash controller */ if (eeprom->type == e1000_eeprom_ich8) return e1000_read_eeprom_ich8(hw, offset, words, data); + /* Set up the SPI or Microwire EEPROM for bit-bang reading. We have + * acquired the EEPROM at this point, so any returns should relase it */ if (eeprom->type == e1000_eeprom_spi) { uint16_t word_in; uint8_t read_opcode = EEPROM_READ_OPCODE_SPI; @@ -5316,6 +5311,10 @@ e1000_write_eeprom(struct e1000_hw *hw, DEBUGFUNC("e1000_write_eeprom"); + /* If eeprom is not yet detected, do so now */ + if (eeprom->word_size == 0) + e1000_init_eeprom_params(hw); + /* A check for invalid values: offset too large, too many words, and not * enough words. */ @@ -5521,10 +5520,8 @@ e1000_commit_shadow_ram(struct e1000_hw *hw) int32_t error = E1000_SUCCESS; uint32_t old_bank_offset = 0; uint32_t new_bank_offset = 0; - uint32_t sector_retries = 0; uint8_t low_byte = 0; uint8_t high_byte = 0; - uint8_t temp_byte = 0; boolean_t sector_write_failed = FALSE; if (hw->mac_type == e1000_82573) { @@ -5577,41 +5574,46 @@ e1000_commit_shadow_ram(struct e1000_hw *hw) e1000_erase_ich8_4k_segment(hw, 0); } - do { - sector_write_failed = FALSE; - /* Loop for every byte in the shadow RAM, - * which is in units of words. */ - for (i = 0; i < E1000_SHADOW_RAM_WORDS; i++) { - /* Determine whether to write the value stored - * in the other NVM bank or a modified value stored - * in the shadow RAM */ - if (hw->eeprom_shadow_ram[i].modified == TRUE) { - low_byte = (uint8_t)hw->eeprom_shadow_ram[i].eeprom_word; - e1000_read_ich8_byte(hw, (i << 1) + old_bank_offset, - &temp_byte); - udelay(100); - error = e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte(hw, - (i << 1) + new_bank_offset, - low_byte); - if (error != E1000_SUCCESS) - sector_write_failed = TRUE; + sector_write_failed = FALSE; + /* Loop for every byte in the shadow RAM, + * which is in units of words. */ + for (i = 0; i < E1000_SHADOW_RAM_WORDS; i++) { + /* Determine whether to write the value stored + * in the other NVM bank or a modified value stored + * in the shadow RAM */ + if (hw->eeprom_shadow_ram[i].modified == TRUE) { + low_byte = (uint8_t)hw->eeprom_shadow_ram[i].eeprom_word; + udelay(100); + error = e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte(hw, + (i << 1) + new_bank_offset, low_byte); + + if (error != E1000_SUCCESS) + sector_write_failed = TRUE; + else { high_byte = (uint8_t)(hw->eeprom_shadow_ram[i].eeprom_word >> 8); - e1000_read_ich8_byte(hw, (i << 1) + old_bank_offset + 1, - &temp_byte); - udelay(100); - } else { - e1000_read_ich8_byte(hw, (i << 1) + old_bank_offset, - &low_byte); udelay(100); - error = e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte(hw, - (i << 1) + new_bank_offset, low_byte); - if (error != E1000_SUCCESS) - sector_write_failed = TRUE; + } + } else { + e1000_read_ich8_byte(hw, (i << 1) + old_bank_offset, + &low_byte); + udelay(100); + error = e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte(hw, + (i << 1) + new_bank_offset, low_byte); + + if (error != E1000_SUCCESS) + sector_write_failed = TRUE; + else { e1000_read_ich8_byte(hw, (i << 1) + old_bank_offset + 1, &high_byte); + udelay(100); } + } + /* If the write of the low byte was successful, go ahread and + * write the high byte while checking to make sure that if it + * is the signature byte, then it is handled properly */ + if (sector_write_failed == FALSE) { /* If the word is 0x13, then make sure the signature bits * (15:14) are 11b until the commit has completed. * This will allow us to write 10b which indicates the @@ -5622,45 +5624,45 @@ e1000_commit_shadow_ram(struct e1000_hw *hw) high_byte = E1000_ICH8_NVM_SIG_MASK | high_byte; error = e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte(hw, - (i << 1) + new_bank_offset + 1, high_byte); + (i << 1) + new_bank_offset + 1, high_byte); if (error != E1000_SUCCESS) sector_write_failed = TRUE; - if (sector_write_failed == FALSE) { - /* Clear the now not used entry in the cache */ - hw->eeprom_shadow_ram[i].modified = FALSE; - hw->eeprom_shadow_ram[i].eeprom_word = 0xFFFF; - } + } else { + /* If the write failed then break from the loop and + * return an error */ + break; } + } - /* Don't bother writing the segment valid bits if sector - * programming failed. */ - if (sector_write_failed == FALSE) { - /* Finally validate the new segment by setting bit 15:14 - * to 10b in word 0x13 , this can be done without an - * erase as well since these bits are 11 to start with - * and we need to change bit 14 to 0b */ - e1000_read_ich8_byte(hw, - E1000_ICH8_NVM_SIG_WORD * 2 + 1 + new_bank_offset, - &high_byte); - high_byte &= 0xBF; + /* Don't bother writing the segment valid bits if sector + * programming failed. */ + if (sector_write_failed == FALSE) { + /* Finally validate the new segment by setting bit 15:14 + * to 10b in word 0x13 , this can be done without an + * erase as well since these bits are 11 to start with + * and we need to change bit 14 to 0b */ + e1000_read_ich8_byte(hw, + E1000_ICH8_NVM_SIG_WORD * 2 + 1 + new_bank_offset, + &high_byte); + high_byte &= 0xBF; + error = e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte(hw, + E1000_ICH8_NVM_SIG_WORD * 2 + 1 + new_bank_offset, high_byte); + /* And invalidate the previously valid segment by setting + * its signature word (0x13) high_byte to 0b. This can be + * done without an erase because flash erase sets all bits + * to 1's. We can write 1's to 0's without an erase */ + if (error == E1000_SUCCESS) { error = e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte(hw, - E1000_ICH8_NVM_SIG_WORD * 2 + 1 + new_bank_offset, - high_byte); - if (error != E1000_SUCCESS) - sector_write_failed = TRUE; + E1000_ICH8_NVM_SIG_WORD * 2 + 1 + old_bank_offset, 0); + } - /* And invalidate the previously valid segment by setting - * its signature word (0x13) high_byte to 0b. This can be - * done without an erase because flash erase sets all bits - * to 1's. We can write 1's to 0's without an erase */ - error = e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte(hw, - E1000_ICH8_NVM_SIG_WORD * 2 + 1 + old_bank_offset, - 0); - if (error != E1000_SUCCESS) - sector_write_failed = TRUE; + /* Clear the now not used entry in the cache */ + for (i = 0; i < E1000_SHADOW_RAM_WORDS; i++) { + hw->eeprom_shadow_ram[i].modified = FALSE; + hw->eeprom_shadow_ram[i].eeprom_word = 0xFFFF; } - } while (++sector_retries < 10 && sector_write_failed == TRUE); + } } return error; @@ -8758,20 +8760,22 @@ static int32_t e1000_verify_write_ich8_byte(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, uint8_t byte) { int32_t error = E1000_SUCCESS; - int32_t program_retries; - uint8_t temp_byte; + int32_t program_retries = 0; - e1000_write_ich8_byte(hw, index, byte); - udelay(100); + DEBUGOUT2("Byte := %2.2X Offset := %d\n", byte, index); - for (program_retries = 0; program_retries < 100; program_retries++) { - e1000_read_ich8_byte(hw, index, &temp_byte); - if (temp_byte == byte) - break; - udelay(10); - e1000_write_ich8_byte(hw, index, byte); - udelay(100); + error = e1000_write_ich8_byte(hw, index, byte); + + if (error != E1000_SUCCESS) { + for (program_retries = 0; program_retries < 100; program_retries++) { + DEBUGOUT2("Retrying \t Byte := %2.2X Offset := %d\n", byte, index); + error = e1000_write_ich8_byte(hw, index, byte); + udelay(100); + if (error == E1000_SUCCESS) + break; + } } + if (program_retries == 100) error = E1000_ERR_EEPROM; @@ -8812,39 +8816,27 @@ e1000_read_ich8_word(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, uint16_t *data) } /****************************************************************************** - * Writes a word to the NVM using the ICH8 flash access registers. + * Erases the bank specified. Each bank may be a 4, 8 or 64k block. Banks are 0 + * based. * * hw - pointer to e1000_hw structure - * index - The starting byte index of the word to read. - * data - The word to write to the NVM. - *****************************************************************************/ -#if 0 -int32_t -e1000_write_ich8_word(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t index, uint16_t data) -{ - int32_t status = E1000_SUCCESS; - status = e1000_write_ich8_data(hw, index, 2, data); - return status; -} -#endif /* 0 */ - -/****************************************************************************** - * Erases the bank specified. Each bank is a 4k block. Segments are 0 based. - * segment N is 4096 * N + flash_reg_addr. + * bank - 0 for first bank, 1 for second bank * - * hw - pointer to e1000_hw structure - * segment - 0 for first segment, 1 for second segment, etc. + * Note that this function may actually erase as much as 8 or 64 KBytes. The + * amount of NVM used in each bank is a *minimum* of 4 KBytes, but in fact the + * bank size may be 4, 8 or 64 KBytes *****************************************************************************/ -static int32_t -e1000_erase_ich8_4k_segment(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t segment) +int32_t +e1000_erase_ich8_4k_segment(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t bank) { union ich8_hws_flash_status hsfsts; union ich8_hws_flash_ctrl hsflctl; uint32_t flash_linear_address; int32_t count = 0; int32_t error = E1000_ERR_EEPROM; - int32_t iteration, seg_size; - int32_t sector_size; + int32_t iteration; + int32_t sub_sector_size = 0; + int32_t bank_size; int32_t j = 0; int32_t error_flag = 0; @@ -8853,22 +8845,27 @@ e1000_erase_ich8_4k_segment(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t segment) /* Determine HW Sector size: Read BERASE bits of Hw flash Status register */ /* 00: The Hw sector is 256 bytes, hence we need to erase 16 * consecutive sectors. The start index for the nth Hw sector can be - * calculated as = segment * 4096 + n * 256 + * calculated as bank * 4096 + n * 256 * 01: The Hw sector is 4K bytes, hence we need to erase 1 sector. * The start index for the nth Hw sector can be calculated - * as = segment * 4096 - * 10: Error condition - * 11: The Hw sector size is much bigger than the size asked to - * erase...error condition */ + * as bank * 4096 + * 10: The HW sector is 8K bytes + * 11: The Hw sector size is 64K bytes */ if (hsfsts.hsf_status.berasesz == 0x0) { /* Hw sector size 256 */ - sector_size = seg_size = ICH8_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_256; + sub_sector_size = ICH8_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_256; + bank_size = ICH8_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE; iteration = ICH8_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE / ICH8_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_256; } else if (hsfsts.hsf_status.berasesz == 0x1) { - sector_size = seg_size = ICH8_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_4K; + bank_size = ICH8_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_4K; + iteration = 1; + } else if (hw->mac_type != e1000_ich8lan && + hsfsts.hsf_status.berasesz == 0x2) { + /* 8K erase size invalid for ICH8 - added in for ICH9 */ + bank_size = ICH9_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_8K; iteration = 1; } else if (hsfsts.hsf_status.berasesz == 0x3) { - sector_size = seg_size = ICH8_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_64K; + bank_size = ICH8_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_64K; iteration = 1; } else { return error; @@ -8892,16 +8889,15 @@ e1000_erase_ich8_4k_segment(struct e1000_hw *hw, uint32_t segment) /* Write the last 24 bits of an index within the block into Flash * Linear address field in Flash Address. This probably needs to - * be calculated here based off the on-chip segment size and the - * software segment size assumed (4K) */ - /* TBD */ - flash_linear_address = segment * sector_size + j * seg_size; - flash_linear_address &= ICH8_FLASH_LINEAR_ADDR_MASK; + * be calculated here based off the on-chip erase sector size and + * the software bank size (4, 8 or 64 KBytes) */ + flash_linear_address = bank * bank_size + j * sub_sector_size; flash_linear_address += hw->flash_base_addr; + flash_linear_address &= ICH8_FLASH_LINEAR_ADDR_MASK; E1000_WRITE_ICH8_REG(hw, ICH8_FLASH_FADDR, flash_linear_address); - error = e1000_ich8_flash_cycle(hw, 1000000); + error = e1000_ich8_flash_cycle(hw, ICH8_FLASH_ERASE_TIMEOUT); /* Check if FCERR is set to 1. If 1, clear it and try the whole * sequence a few more times else Done */ if (error == E1000_SUCCESS) { @@ -8959,6 +8955,14 @@ e1000_init_lcd_from_nvm_config_region(struct e1000_hw *hw, } +/****************************************************************************** + * This function initializes the PHY from the NVM on ICH8 platforms. This + * is needed due to an issue where the NVM configuration is not properly + * autoloaded after power transitions. Therefore, after each PHY reset, we + * will load the configuration data out of the NVM manually. + * + * hw: Struct containing variables accessed by shared code + *****************************************************************************/ static int32_t e1000_init_lcd_from_nvm(struct e1000_hw *hw) { diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h index a523ffab352..112447fd8bf 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_hw.h @@ -301,6 +301,9 @@ typedef enum { #define E1000_BLK_PHY_RESET 12 #define E1000_ERR_SWFW_SYNC 13 +#define E1000_BYTE_SWAP_WORD(_value) ((((_value) & 0x00ff) << 8) | \ + (((_value) & 0xff00) >> 8)) + /* Function prototypes */ /* Initialization */ int32_t e1000_reset_hw(struct e1000_hw *hw); @@ -3128,6 +3131,7 @@ struct e1000_host_command_info { /* I = Integrated * E = External */ +#define M88_VENDOR 0x0141 #define M88E1000_E_PHY_ID 0x01410C50 #define M88E1000_I_PHY_ID 0x01410C30 #define M88E1011_I_PHY_ID 0x01410C20 @@ -3252,10 +3256,12 @@ struct e1000_host_command_info { #define IFE_PSCL_PROBE_LEDS_OFF 0x0006 /* Force LEDs 0 and 2 off */ #define IFE_PSCL_PROBE_LEDS_ON 0x0007 /* Force LEDs 0 and 2 on */ -#define ICH8_FLASH_COMMAND_TIMEOUT 500 /* 500 ms , should be adjusted */ -#define ICH8_FLASH_CYCLE_REPEAT_COUNT 10 /* 10 cycles , should be adjusted */ +#define ICH8_FLASH_COMMAND_TIMEOUT 5000 /* 5000 uSecs - adjusted */ +#define ICH8_FLASH_ERASE_TIMEOUT 3000000 /* Up to 3 seconds - worst case */ +#define ICH8_FLASH_CYCLE_REPEAT_COUNT 10 /* 10 cycles */ #define ICH8_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_256 256 #define ICH8_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_4K 4096 +#define ICH9_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_8K 8192 #define ICH8_FLASH_SEG_SIZE_64K 65536 #define ICH8_CYCLE_READ 0x0 -- cgit v1.2.3 From 4666560a37dfdc748ae7c1d9f09c7b6ff03ce899 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bruce Allan Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:54:08 -0700 Subject: e1000: don't strip vlan ID if 8021q claims it Signed-off-by: Bruce Allan Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 6 +++++- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index 5098dd7df7c..593bfbeef8d 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -1344,8 +1344,12 @@ e1000_close(struct net_device *netdev) e1000_free_all_tx_resources(adapter); e1000_free_all_rx_resources(adapter); + /* kill manageability vlan ID if supported, but not if a vlan with + * the same ID is registered on the host OS (let 8021q kill it) */ if ((adapter->hw.mng_cookie.status & - E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_STATUS_VLAN_SUPPORT)) { + E1000_MNG_DHCP_COOKIE_STATUS_VLAN_SUPPORT) && + !(adapter->vlgrp && + adapter->vlgrp->vlan_devices[adapter->mng_vlan_id])) { e1000_vlan_rx_kill_vid(netdev, adapter->mng_vlan_id); } -- cgit v1.2.3 From dbf38c9474306297866d9c2af02c2d37c5165325 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Linas Vepstas Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:54:11 -0700 Subject: e1000: Janitor: Use #defined values for literals Minor janitorial patch: use #defines for literal values. Signed-off-by: Linas Vepstas Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index 593bfbeef8d..d5e8fd5a69f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -4912,8 +4912,8 @@ static pci_ers_result_t e1000_io_slot_reset(struct pci_dev *pdev) } pci_set_master(pdev); - pci_enable_wake(pdev, 3, 0); - pci_enable_wake(pdev, 4, 0); /* 4 == D3 cold */ + pci_enable_wake(pdev, PCI_D3hot, 0); + pci_enable_wake(pdev, PCI_D3cold, 0); /* Perform card reset only on one instance of the card */ if (PCI_FUNC (pdev->devfn) != 0) -- cgit v1.2.3 From 793fab727324adc90a0a2889f2b1d88bae4790eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vasily Averin Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:54:14 -0700 Subject: e1000: possible memory leak in e1000_set_ringparam Memory allocated for new tx_ring and rx_ring leaks if e1000_setup_XX_resources() fails.c Also this patch reduces stack usage (removed tx_new and rx_new) and uses kzalloc instead kmalloc+memset(0) Signed-off-by: Vasily Averin Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c | 38 +++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c index 2cc949a3445..778ede3c021 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_ethtool.c @@ -646,8 +646,8 @@ e1000_set_ringparam(struct net_device *netdev, { struct e1000_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); e1000_mac_type mac_type = adapter->hw.mac_type; - struct e1000_tx_ring *txdr, *tx_old, *tx_new; - struct e1000_rx_ring *rxdr, *rx_old, *rx_new; + struct e1000_tx_ring *txdr, *tx_old; + struct e1000_rx_ring *rxdr, *rx_old; int i, err, tx_ring_size, rx_ring_size; if ((ring->rx_mini_pending) || (ring->rx_jumbo_pending)) @@ -665,23 +665,17 @@ e1000_set_ringparam(struct net_device *netdev, tx_old = adapter->tx_ring; rx_old = adapter->rx_ring; - adapter->tx_ring = kmalloc(tx_ring_size, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!adapter->tx_ring) { - err = -ENOMEM; - goto err_setup_rx; - } - memset(adapter->tx_ring, 0, tx_ring_size); + err = -ENOMEM; + txdr = kzalloc(tx_ring_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!txdr) + goto err_alloc_tx; - adapter->rx_ring = kmalloc(rx_ring_size, GFP_KERNEL); - if (!adapter->rx_ring) { - kfree(adapter->tx_ring); - err = -ENOMEM; - goto err_setup_rx; - } - memset(adapter->rx_ring, 0, rx_ring_size); + rxdr = kzalloc(rx_ring_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!rxdr) + goto err_alloc_rx; - txdr = adapter->tx_ring; - rxdr = adapter->rx_ring; + adapter->tx_ring = txdr; + adapter->rx_ring = rxdr; rxdr->count = max(ring->rx_pending,(uint32_t)E1000_MIN_RXD); rxdr->count = min(rxdr->count,(uint32_t)(mac_type < e1000_82544 ? @@ -708,16 +702,14 @@ e1000_set_ringparam(struct net_device *netdev, /* save the new, restore the old in order to free it, * then restore the new back again */ - rx_new = adapter->rx_ring; - tx_new = adapter->tx_ring; adapter->rx_ring = rx_old; adapter->tx_ring = tx_old; e1000_free_all_rx_resources(adapter); e1000_free_all_tx_resources(adapter); kfree(tx_old); kfree(rx_old); - adapter->rx_ring = rx_new; - adapter->tx_ring = tx_new; + adapter->rx_ring = rxdr; + adapter->tx_ring = txdr; if ((err = e1000_up(adapter))) goto err_setup; } @@ -729,6 +721,10 @@ err_setup_tx: err_setup_rx: adapter->rx_ring = rx_old; adapter->tx_ring = tx_old; + kfree(rxdr); +err_alloc_rx: + kfree(txdr); +err_alloc_tx: e1000_up(adapter); err_setup: clear_bit(__E1000_RESETTING, &adapter->flags); -- cgit v1.2.3 From a4d3c54024beff40d4e5e4647ad212696e0ea354 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jesse Brandeburg Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:54:17 -0700 Subject: ixgb: combine more rx descriptors to improve performance We experimented with more descriptor buffer writebacks and found that values larger than 8 give HW problems, but 8 is safe and gives us some improved performance. Signed-off-by: Jesse Brandeburg Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb.h | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb.h b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb.h index a1a7f3b4a62..50ffe90488f 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb.h +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb.h @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ struct ixgb_adapter; #define IXGB_RXBUFFER_16384 16384 /* How many Rx Buffers do we bundle into one write to the hardware ? */ -#define IXGB_RX_BUFFER_WRITE 4 /* Must be power of 2 */ +#define IXGB_RX_BUFFER_WRITE 8 /* Must be power of 2 */ /* only works for sizes that are powers of 2 */ #define IXGB_ROUNDUP(i, size) ((i) = (((i) + (size) - 1) & ~((size) - 1))) -- cgit v1.2.3 From f7d4fa014146f3116372fcec9050555bb4287951 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Auke Kok Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:54:19 -0700 Subject: ixgb: convert to netdev_priv(netdev) PCI error recovery code recently merged needs to use netdev_priv Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c index fb4c1ad745b..5cce91723f7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c @@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@ static pci_ers_result_t ixgb_io_error_detected (struct pci_dev *pdev, enum pci_channel_state state) { struct net_device *netdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct ixgb_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv; + struct ixgb_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); if(netif_running(netdev)) ixgb_down(adapter, TRUE); @@ -2253,7 +2253,7 @@ static pci_ers_result_t ixgb_io_error_detected (struct pci_dev *pdev, static pci_ers_result_t ixgb_io_slot_reset (struct pci_dev *pdev) { struct net_device *netdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct ixgb_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv; + struct ixgb_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); if(pci_enable_device(pdev)) { DPRINTK(PROBE, ERR, "Cannot re-enable PCI device after reset.\n"); @@ -2297,7 +2297,7 @@ static pci_ers_result_t ixgb_io_slot_reset (struct pci_dev *pdev) static void ixgb_io_resume (struct pci_dev *pdev) { struct net_device *netdev = pci_get_drvdata(pdev); - struct ixgb_adapter *adapter = netdev->priv; + struct ixgb_adapter *adapter = netdev_priv(netdev); pci_set_master(pdev); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 76ddb3fd96a8dada2d09bc3f02b3a5efbc8390c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Auke Kok Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:54:22 -0700 Subject: e100, e1000, ixgb: increment version numbers e100-3.5.17-k2 e1000-7.2.9-k2 ixgb-1.0.117-k2 Signed-off-by: Auke Kok --- drivers/net/e100.c | 2 +- drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c | 2 +- drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c | 2 +- 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/e100.c b/drivers/net/e100.c index e9e712471b1..26073c34521 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e100.c +++ b/drivers/net/e100.c @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ #define DRV_NAME "e100" #define DRV_EXT "-NAPI" -#define DRV_VERSION "3.5.16-k2"DRV_EXT +#define DRV_VERSION "3.5.17-k2"DRV_EXT #define DRV_DESCRIPTION "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Driver" #define DRV_COPYRIGHT "Copyright(c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation" #define PFX DRV_NAME ": " diff --git a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c index d5e8fd5a69f..7dca38fba6a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/e1000/e1000_main.c @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ static char e1000_driver_string[] = "Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver"; #else #define DRIVERNAPI "-NAPI" #endif -#define DRV_VERSION "7.2.7-k2"DRIVERNAPI +#define DRV_VERSION "7.2.9-k2"DRIVERNAPI char e1000_driver_version[] = DRV_VERSION; static char e1000_copyright[] = "Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation."; diff --git a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c index 5cce91723f7..cfde7c2569b 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c +++ b/drivers/net/ixgb/ixgb_main.c @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ static char ixgb_driver_string[] = "Intel(R) PRO/10GbE Network Driver"; #else #define DRIVERNAPI "-NAPI" #endif -#define DRV_VERSION "1.0.112-k2"DRIVERNAPI +#define DRV_VERSION "1.0.117-k2"DRIVERNAPI char ixgb_driver_version[] = DRV_VERSION; static char ixgb_copyright[] = "Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Intel Corporation."; -- cgit v1.2.3 From e0ed5459030a8c9ddde44ef49bcb63aa6db425e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stephen Hemminger Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:57:37 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] sky2: gigabit full duplex negotiation Look at the registers correctly, when doing gigabit full duplex. Need to look for link partner result. Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/sky2.c | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.c b/drivers/net/sky2.c index 7eeefa2d6c8..3ff2f426fd6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.c +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.c @@ -1624,22 +1624,33 @@ static int sky2_autoneg_done(struct sky2_port *sky2, u16 aux) return -1; } - if (hw->chip_id != CHIP_ID_YUKON_FE && - gm_phy_read(hw, port, PHY_MARV_1000T_STAT) & PHY_B_1000S_MSF) { - printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: master/slave fault", - sky2->netdev->name); - return -1; - } - if (!(aux & PHY_M_PS_SPDUP_RES)) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: speed/duplex mismatch", sky2->netdev->name); return -1; } - sky2->duplex = (aux & PHY_M_PS_FULL_DUP) ? DUPLEX_FULL : DUPLEX_HALF; - sky2->speed = sky2_phy_speed(hw, aux); + if (sky2->speed == SPEED_1000) { + u16 ctl2 = gm_phy_read(hw, port, PHY_MARV_1000T_CTRL); + u16 lpa2 = gm_phy_read(hw, port, PHY_MARV_1000T_STAT); + if (lpa2 & PHY_B_1000S_MSF) { + printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: master/slave fault", + sky2->netdev->name); + return -1; + } + + if ((ctl2 & PHY_M_1000C_AFD) && (lpa2 & PHY_B_1000S_LP_FD)) + sky2->duplex = DUPLEX_FULL; + else + sky2->duplex = DUPLEX_HALF; + } else { + u16 adv = gm_phy_read(hw, port, PHY_MARV_AUNE_ADV); + if ((aux & adv) & PHY_AN_FULL) + sky2->duplex = DUPLEX_FULL; + else + sky2->duplex = DUPLEX_HALF; + } /* Pause bits are offset (9..8) */ if (hw->chip_id == CHIP_ID_YUKON_XL || hw->chip_id == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC_U) -- cgit v1.2.3 From 91aeb3edbcf4e6ed72d138ac8c22fd68e6d717c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stephen Hemminger Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:57:38 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] sky2: use standard pci register capabilties for error register Use the standard pci capability mechanism to access PCI express error registers, rather than hard coding the offset. Mask off the PCI express error from ever occuring on non-PCI express systems. Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/sky2.c | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------- drivers/net/sky2.h | 45 ++------------------------------------------- 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.c b/drivers/net/sky2.c index 3ff2f426fd6..d3174ed8e45 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.c +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.c @@ -2093,7 +2093,7 @@ static void sky2_hw_intr(struct sky2_hw *hw) sky2_write8(hw, B2_TST_CTRL1, TST_CFG_WRITE_ON); sky2_pci_write16(hw, PCI_STATUS, - pci_err | PCI_STATUS_ERROR_BITS); + pci_err | PCI_STATUS_ERROR_BITS); sky2_write8(hw, B2_TST_CTRL1, TST_CFG_WRITE_OFF); } @@ -2101,7 +2101,8 @@ static void sky2_hw_intr(struct sky2_hw *hw) /* PCI-Express uncorrectable Error occurred */ u32 pex_err; - pex_err = sky2_pci_read32(hw, PEX_UNC_ERR_STAT); + pex_err = sky2_pci_read32(hw, + hw->err_cap + PCI_ERR_UNCOR_STATUS); if (net_ratelimit()) printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: pci express error (0x%x)\n", @@ -2109,15 +2110,20 @@ static void sky2_hw_intr(struct sky2_hw *hw) /* clear the interrupt */ sky2_write32(hw, B2_TST_CTRL1, TST_CFG_WRITE_ON); - sky2_pci_write32(hw, PEX_UNC_ERR_STAT, - 0xffffffffUL); + sky2_pci_write32(hw, + hw->err_cap + PCI_ERR_UNCOR_STATUS, + 0xffffffffUL); sky2_write32(hw, B2_TST_CTRL1, TST_CFG_WRITE_OFF); - if (pex_err & PEX_FATAL_ERRORS) { + + /* In case of fatal error mask off to keep from getting stuck */ + if (pex_err & (PCI_ERR_UNC_POISON_TLP | PCI_ERR_UNC_FCP + | PCI_ERR_UNC_DLP)) { u32 hwmsk = sky2_read32(hw, B0_HWE_IMSK); hwmsk &= ~Y2_IS_PCI_EXP; sky2_write32(hw, B0_HWE_IMSK, hwmsk); } + } if (status & Y2_HWE_L1_MASK) @@ -2298,6 +2304,7 @@ static int sky2_reset(struct sky2_hw *hw) u16 status; u8 t8; int i; + u32 msk; sky2_write8(hw, B0_CTST, CS_RST_CLR); @@ -2338,9 +2345,13 @@ static int sky2_reset(struct sky2_hw *hw) sky2_write8(hw, B0_CTST, CS_MRST_CLR); /* clear any PEX errors */ - if (pci_find_capability(hw->pdev, PCI_CAP_ID_EXP)) - sky2_pci_write32(hw, PEX_UNC_ERR_STAT, 0xffffffffUL); - + if (pci_find_capability(hw->pdev, PCI_CAP_ID_EXP)) { + hw->err_cap = pci_find_ext_capability(hw->pdev, PCI_EXT_CAP_ID_ERR); + if (hw->err_cap) + sky2_pci_write32(hw, + hw->err_cap + PCI_ERR_UNCOR_STATUS, + 0xffffffffUL); + } hw->pmd_type = sky2_read8(hw, B2_PMD_TYP); hw->ports = 1; @@ -2397,7 +2408,10 @@ static int sky2_reset(struct sky2_hw *hw) sky2_write8(hw, RAM_BUFFER(i, B3_RI_RTO_XS2), SK_RI_TO_53); } - sky2_write32(hw, B0_HWE_IMSK, Y2_HWE_ALL_MASK); + msk = Y2_HWE_ALL_MASK; + if (!hw->err_cap) + msk &= ~Y2_IS_PCI_EXP; + sky2_write32(hw, B0_HWE_IMSK, msk); for (i = 0; i < hw->ports; i++) sky2_gmac_reset(hw, i); diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.h b/drivers/net/sky2.h index 4c13c371bc2..b2981565e9e 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.h +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.h @@ -4,24 +4,15 @@ #ifndef _SKY2_H #define _SKY2_H -/* PCI config registers */ +/* PCI device specific config registers */ enum { PCI_DEV_REG1 = 0x40, PCI_DEV_REG2 = 0x44, - PCI_DEV_STATUS = 0x7c, PCI_DEV_REG3 = 0x80, PCI_DEV_REG4 = 0x84, PCI_DEV_REG5 = 0x88, }; -enum { - PEX_DEV_CAP = 0xe4, - PEX_DEV_CTRL = 0xe8, - PEX_DEV_STA = 0xea, - PEX_LNK_STAT = 0xf2, - PEX_UNC_ERR_STAT= 0x104, -}; - /* Yukon-2 */ enum pci_dev_reg_1 { PCI_Y2_PIG_ENA = 1<<31, /* Enable Plug-in-Go (YUKON-2) */ @@ -70,39 +61,6 @@ enum pci_dev_reg_4 { PCI_STATUS_REC_MASTER_ABORT | \ PCI_STATUS_REC_TARGET_ABORT | \ PCI_STATUS_PARITY) - -enum pex_dev_ctrl { - PEX_DC_MAX_RRS_MSK = 7<<12, /* Bit 14..12: Max. Read Request Size */ - PEX_DC_EN_NO_SNOOP = 1<<11,/* Enable No Snoop */ - PEX_DC_EN_AUX_POW = 1<<10,/* Enable AUX Power */ - PEX_DC_EN_PHANTOM = 1<<9, /* Enable Phantom Functions */ - PEX_DC_EN_EXT_TAG = 1<<8, /* Enable Extended Tag Field */ - PEX_DC_MAX_PLS_MSK = 7<<5, /* Bit 7.. 5: Max. Payload Size Mask */ - PEX_DC_EN_REL_ORD = 1<<4, /* Enable Relaxed Ordering */ - PEX_DC_EN_UNS_RQ_RP = 1<<3, /* Enable Unsupported Request Reporting */ - PEX_DC_EN_FAT_ER_RP = 1<<2, /* Enable Fatal Error Reporting */ - PEX_DC_EN_NFA_ER_RP = 1<<1, /* Enable Non-Fatal Error Reporting */ - PEX_DC_EN_COR_ER_RP = 1<<0, /* Enable Correctable Error Reporting */ -}; -#define PEX_DC_MAX_RD_RQ_SIZE(x) (((x)<<12) & PEX_DC_MAX_RRS_MSK) - -/* PEX_UNC_ERR_STAT PEX Uncorrectable Errors Status Register (Yukon-2) */ -enum pex_err { - PEX_UNSUP_REQ = 1<<20, /* Unsupported Request Error */ - - PEX_MALFOR_TLP = 1<<18, /* Malformed TLP */ - - PEX_UNEXP_COMP = 1<<16, /* Unexpected Completion */ - - PEX_COMP_TO = 1<<14, /* Completion Timeout */ - PEX_FLOW_CTRL_P = 1<<13, /* Flow Control Protocol Error */ - PEX_POIS_TLP = 1<<12, /* Poisoned TLP */ - - PEX_DATA_LINK_P = 1<<4, /* Data Link Protocol Error */ - PEX_FATAL_ERRORS= (PEX_MALFOR_TLP | PEX_FLOW_CTRL_P | PEX_DATA_LINK_P), -}; - - enum csr_regs { B0_RAP = 0x0000, B0_CTST = 0x0004, @@ -1873,6 +1831,7 @@ struct sky2_hw { struct net_device *dev[2]; int pm_cap; + int err_cap; u8 chip_id; u8 chip_rev; u8 pmd_type; -- cgit v1.2.3 From c2716fb407ebaab7a09888cc8e4a2b9dfac20416 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stephen Hemminger Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:57:39 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] sky2: workarounds for some 88e806x chips Workarounds for 88e806x chips from the vendor driver. Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/sky2.c | 10 +++++++++- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.c b/drivers/net/sky2.c index d3174ed8e45..00702dd1530 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.c +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.c @@ -1124,7 +1124,8 @@ static int sky2_up(struct net_device *dev) sky2_qset(hw, txqaddr[port]); /* Set almost empty threshold */ - if (hw->chip_id == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC_U && hw->chip_rev == 1) + if (hw->chip_id == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC_U + && hw->chip_rev == CHIP_REV_YU_EC_U_A0) sky2_write16(hw, Q_ADDR(txqaddr[port], Q_AL), 0x1a0); sky2_prefetch_init(hw, txqaddr[port], sky2->tx_le_map, @@ -1443,6 +1444,13 @@ static int sky2_down(struct net_device *dev) sky2_write32(hw, RB_ADDR(txqaddr[port], RB_CTRL), RB_RST_SET | RB_DIS_OP_MD); + /* WA for dev. #4.209 */ + if (hw->chip_id == CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC_U + && hw->chip_rev == CHIP_REV_YU_EC_U_A1) + sky2_write32(hw, SK_REG(port, TX_GMF_CTRL_T), + sky2->speed != SPEED_1000 ? + TX_STFW_ENA : TX_STFW_DIS); + ctrl = gma_read16(hw, port, GM_GP_CTRL); ctrl &= ~(GM_GPCR_TX_ENA | GM_GPCR_RX_ENA); gma_write16(hw, port, GM_GP_CTRL, ctrl); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 9fa1b1f33c4cbbe0ba7c0c166d170faaa735e53d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stephen Hemminger Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:57:40 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] sky2: name irq after eth for irqbalance Use the ethernet device name when requesting the irq because the irqbalance daemon looks for the name when deciding policy. Better to play along with this dubious heuristic. Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/sky2.c | 37 ++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.c b/drivers/net/sky2.c index 00702dd1530..b908596bd89 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.c +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.c @@ -3349,6 +3349,14 @@ static int __devinit sky2_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, if (!dev) goto err_out_free_pci; + if (!disable_msi && pci_enable_msi(pdev) == 0) { + err = sky2_test_msi(hw); + if (err == -EOPNOTSUPP) + pci_disable_msi(pdev); + else if (err) + goto err_out_free_netdev; + } + err = register_netdev(dev); if (err) { printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: cannot register net device\n", @@ -3356,6 +3364,14 @@ static int __devinit sky2_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, goto err_out_free_netdev; } + err = request_irq(pdev->irq, sky2_intr, IRQF_SHARED, dev->name, hw); + if (err) { + printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: cannot assign irq %d\n", + pci_name(pdev), pdev->irq); + goto err_out_unregister; + } + sky2_write32(hw, B0_IMSK, Y2_IS_BASE); + sky2_show_addr(dev); if (hw->ports > 1 && (dev1 = sky2_init_netdev(hw, 1, using_dac))) { @@ -3370,23 +3386,6 @@ static int __devinit sky2_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, } } - if (!disable_msi && pci_enable_msi(pdev) == 0) { - err = sky2_test_msi(hw); - if (err == -EOPNOTSUPP) - pci_disable_msi(pdev); - else if (err) - goto err_out_unregister; - } - - err = request_irq(pdev->irq, sky2_intr, IRQF_SHARED, DRV_NAME, hw); - if (err) { - printk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: cannot assign irq %d\n", - pci_name(pdev), pdev->irq); - goto err_out_unregister; - } - - sky2_write32(hw, B0_IMSK, Y2_IS_BASE); - setup_timer(&hw->idle_timer, sky2_idle, (unsigned long) hw); sky2_idle_start(hw); @@ -3396,10 +3395,6 @@ static int __devinit sky2_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, err_out_unregister: pci_disable_msi(pdev); - if (dev1) { - unregister_netdev(dev1); - free_netdev(dev1); - } unregister_netdev(dev); err_out_free_netdev: free_netdev(dev); -- cgit v1.2.3 From 291ea6142b94cc3e3ae2216d3937a78697447471 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stephen Hemminger Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:57:41 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] sky2: incremental transmit completion Since a transmit can take several control blocks, the old code waited until the last control block was marked as done. This code processes the return values incrementally. This makes slots in the tx ring available and less chance of getting stuck. Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/sky2.c | 95 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- drivers/net/sky2.h | 6 ++-- 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.c b/drivers/net/sky2.c index b908596bd89..64af764d008 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.c +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.c @@ -769,9 +769,16 @@ static inline struct sky2_tx_le *get_tx_le(struct sky2_port *sky2) struct sky2_tx_le *le = sky2->tx_le + sky2->tx_prod; sky2->tx_prod = RING_NEXT(sky2->tx_prod, TX_RING_SIZE); + le->ctrl = 0; return le; } +static inline struct tx_ring_info *tx_le_re(struct sky2_port *sky2, + struct sky2_tx_le *le) +{ + return sky2->tx_ring + (le - sky2->tx_le); +} + /* Update chip's next pointer */ static inline void sky2_put_idx(struct sky2_hw *hw, unsigned q, u16 idx) { @@ -786,6 +793,7 @@ static inline struct sky2_rx_le *sky2_next_rx(struct sky2_port *sky2) { struct sky2_rx_le *le = sky2->rx_le + sky2->rx_put; sky2->rx_put = RING_NEXT(sky2->rx_put, RX_LE_SIZE); + le->ctrl = 0; return le; } @@ -805,7 +813,6 @@ static void sky2_rx_add(struct sky2_port *sky2, dma_addr_t map) if (sky2->rx_addr64 != hi) { le = sky2_next_rx(sky2); le->addr = cpu_to_le32(hi); - le->ctrl = 0; le->opcode = OP_ADDR64 | HW_OWNER; sky2->rx_addr64 = high32(map + len); } @@ -813,7 +820,6 @@ static void sky2_rx_add(struct sky2_port *sky2, dma_addr_t map) le = sky2_next_rx(sky2); le->addr = cpu_to_le32((u32) map); le->length = cpu_to_le16(len); - le->ctrl = 0; le->opcode = OP_PACKET | HW_OWNER; } @@ -877,7 +883,7 @@ static void sky2_rx_clean(struct sky2_port *sky2) memset(sky2->rx_le, 0, RX_LE_BYTES); for (i = 0; i < sky2->rx_pending; i++) { - struct ring_info *re = sky2->rx_ring + i; + struct rx_ring_info *re = sky2->rx_ring + i; if (re->skb) { pci_unmap_single(sky2->hw->pdev, @@ -1008,7 +1014,7 @@ static int sky2_rx_start(struct sky2_port *sky2) rx_set_checksum(sky2); for (i = 0; i < sky2->rx_pending; i++) { - struct ring_info *re = sky2->rx_ring + i; + struct rx_ring_info *re = sky2->rx_ring + i; re->skb = sky2_alloc_skb(sky2->netdev, sky2->rx_bufsize, GFP_KERNEL); @@ -1094,7 +1100,7 @@ static int sky2_up(struct net_device *dev) goto err_out; memset(sky2->rx_le, 0, RX_LE_BYTES); - sky2->rx_ring = kcalloc(sky2->rx_pending, sizeof(struct ring_info), + sky2->rx_ring = kcalloc(sky2->rx_pending, sizeof(struct rx_ring_info), GFP_KERNEL); if (!sky2->rx_ring) goto err_out; @@ -1241,13 +1247,10 @@ static int sky2_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) mapping = pci_map_single(hw->pdev, skb->data, len, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); addr64 = high32(mapping); - re = sky2->tx_ring + sky2->tx_prod; - /* Send high bits if changed or crosses boundary */ if (addr64 != sky2->tx_addr64 || high32(mapping + len) != sky2->tx_addr64) { le = get_tx_le(sky2); le->addr = cpu_to_le32(addr64); - le->ctrl = 0; le->opcode = OP_ADDR64 | HW_OWNER; sky2->tx_addr64 = high32(mapping + len); } @@ -1263,7 +1266,6 @@ static int sky2_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) le = get_tx_le(sky2); le->addr = cpu_to_le32(mss); le->opcode = OP_LRGLEN | HW_OWNER; - le->ctrl = 0; sky2->tx_last_mss = mss; } } @@ -1276,7 +1278,6 @@ static int sky2_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) le = get_tx_le(sky2); le->addr = 0; le->opcode = OP_VLAN|HW_OWNER; - le->ctrl = 0; } else le->opcode |= OP_VLAN; le->length = cpu_to_be16(vlan_tx_tag_get(skb)); @@ -1313,13 +1314,13 @@ static int sky2_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) le->ctrl = ctrl; le->opcode = mss ? (OP_LARGESEND | HW_OWNER) : (OP_PACKET | HW_OWNER); - /* Record the transmit mapping info */ + re = tx_le_re(sky2, le); re->skb = skb; pci_unmap_addr_set(re, mapaddr, mapping); + pci_unmap_len_set(re, maplen, len); for (i = 0; i < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; i++) { - skb_frag_t *frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i]; - struct tx_ring_info *fre; + const skb_frag_t *frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i]; mapping = pci_map_page(hw->pdev, frag->page, frag->page_offset, frag->size, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); @@ -1338,12 +1339,12 @@ static int sky2_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) le->ctrl = ctrl; le->opcode = OP_BUFFER | HW_OWNER; - fre = sky2->tx_ring - + RING_NEXT((re - sky2->tx_ring) + i, TX_RING_SIZE); - pci_unmap_addr_set(fre, mapaddr, mapping); + re = tx_le_re(sky2, le); + re->skb = skb; + pci_unmap_addr_set(re, mapaddr, mapping); + pci_unmap_len_set(re, maplen, frag->size); } - re->idx = sky2->tx_prod; le->ctrl |= EOP; if (tx_avail(sky2) <= MAX_SKB_TX_LE) @@ -1361,49 +1362,47 @@ static int sky2_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) * Free ring elements from starting at tx_cons until "done" * * NB: the hardware will tell us about partial completion of multi-part - * buffers; these are deferred until completion. + * buffers so make sure not to free skb to early. */ static void sky2_tx_complete(struct sky2_port *sky2, u16 done) { struct net_device *dev = sky2->netdev; struct pci_dev *pdev = sky2->hw->pdev; - u16 nxt, put; - unsigned i; + unsigned idx; BUG_ON(done >= TX_RING_SIZE); - if (unlikely(netif_msg_tx_done(sky2))) - printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: tx done, up to %u\n", - dev->name, done); - - for (put = sky2->tx_cons; put != done; put = nxt) { - struct tx_ring_info *re = sky2->tx_ring + put; - struct sk_buff *skb = re->skb; - - nxt = re->idx; - BUG_ON(nxt >= TX_RING_SIZE); - prefetch(sky2->tx_ring + nxt); - - /* Check for partial status */ - if (tx_dist(put, done) < tx_dist(put, nxt)) + for (idx = sky2->tx_cons; idx != done; + idx = RING_NEXT(idx, TX_RING_SIZE)) { + struct sky2_tx_le *le = sky2->tx_le + idx; + struct tx_ring_info *re = sky2->tx_ring + idx; + + switch(le->opcode & ~HW_OWNER) { + case OP_LARGESEND: + case OP_PACKET: + pci_unmap_single(pdev, + pci_unmap_addr(re, mapaddr), + pci_unmap_len(re, maplen), + PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); break; - - skb = re->skb; - pci_unmap_single(pdev, pci_unmap_addr(re, mapaddr), - skb_headlen(skb), PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); - - for (i = 0; i < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; i++) { - struct tx_ring_info *fre; - fre = sky2->tx_ring + RING_NEXT(put + i, TX_RING_SIZE); - pci_unmap_page(pdev, pci_unmap_addr(fre, mapaddr), - skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i].size, + case OP_BUFFER: + pci_unmap_page(pdev, pci_unmap_addr(re, mapaddr), + pci_unmap_len(re, maplen), PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); + break; + } + + if (le->ctrl & EOP) { + if (unlikely(netif_msg_tx_done(sky2))) + printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: tx done %u\n", + dev->name, idx); + dev_kfree_skb(re->skb); } - dev_kfree_skb(skb); + le->opcode = 0; /* paranoia */ } - sky2->tx_cons = put; + sky2->tx_cons = idx; if (tx_avail(sky2) > MAX_SKB_TX_LE + 4) netif_wake_queue(dev); } @@ -1843,7 +1842,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *sky2_receive(struct net_device *dev, u16 length, u32 status) { struct sky2_port *sky2 = netdev_priv(dev); - struct ring_info *re = sky2->rx_ring + sky2->rx_next; + struct rx_ring_info *re = sky2->rx_ring + sky2->rx_next; struct sk_buff *skb = NULL; if (unlikely(netif_msg_rx_status(sky2))) @@ -1889,7 +1888,7 @@ static struct sk_buff *sky2_receive(struct net_device *dev, prefetch(skb->data); re->mapaddr = pci_map_single(sky2->hw->pdev, nskb->data, - sky2->rx_bufsize, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); + sky2->rx_bufsize, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); } skb_put(skb, length); diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.h b/drivers/net/sky2.h index b2981565e9e..c1e45123d44 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.h +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.h @@ -1774,10 +1774,10 @@ struct sky2_status_le { struct tx_ring_info { struct sk_buff *skb; DECLARE_PCI_UNMAP_ADDR(mapaddr); - u16 idx; + DECLARE_PCI_UNMAP_ADDR(maplen); }; -struct ring_info { +struct rx_ring_info { struct sk_buff *skb; dma_addr_t mapaddr; }; @@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@ struct sky2_port { u16 tx_last_mss; u32 tx_tcpsum; - struct ring_info *rx_ring ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; + struct rx_ring_info *rx_ring ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; struct sky2_rx_le *rx_le; u32 rx_addr64; u16 rx_next; /* next re to check */ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2bb8c26242c2393b097a993ffe9b003ec9b85395 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stephen Hemminger Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:57:42 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] sky2: use netif_tx_lock instead of LLTX Use the netdevice transmit lock via netif_tx_lock rather than putting lock in device specific code and using lockless transmit. The code is cleaner using netif_tx_lock, and the performance is same. Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/sky2.c | 57 ++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------- drivers/net/sky2.h | 1 - 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.c b/drivers/net/sky2.c index 64af764d008..c83d7262a5a 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.c +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.c @@ -942,13 +942,13 @@ static void sky2_vlan_rx_register(struct net_device *dev, struct vlan_group *grp struct sky2_hw *hw = sky2->hw; u16 port = sky2->port; - spin_lock_bh(&sky2->tx_lock); + netif_tx_lock_bh(dev); sky2_write32(hw, SK_REG(port, RX_GMF_CTRL_T), RX_VLAN_STRIP_ON); sky2_write32(hw, SK_REG(port, TX_GMF_CTRL_T), TX_VLAN_TAG_ON); sky2->vlgrp = grp; - spin_unlock_bh(&sky2->tx_lock); + netif_tx_unlock_bh(dev); } static void sky2_vlan_rx_kill_vid(struct net_device *dev, unsigned short vid) @@ -957,14 +957,14 @@ static void sky2_vlan_rx_kill_vid(struct net_device *dev, unsigned short vid) struct sky2_hw *hw = sky2->hw; u16 port = sky2->port; - spin_lock_bh(&sky2->tx_lock); + netif_tx_lock_bh(dev); sky2_write32(hw, SK_REG(port, RX_GMF_CTRL_T), RX_VLAN_STRIP_OFF); sky2_write32(hw, SK_REG(port, TX_GMF_CTRL_T), TX_VLAN_TAG_OFF); if (sky2->vlgrp) sky2->vlgrp->vlan_devices[vid] = NULL; - spin_unlock_bh(&sky2->tx_lock); + netif_tx_unlock_bh(dev); } #endif @@ -1202,8 +1202,6 @@ static unsigned tx_le_req(const struct sk_buff *skb) * A single packet can generate multiple list elements, and * the number of ring elements will probably be less than the number * of list elements used. - * - * No BH disabling for tx_lock here (like tg3) */ static int sky2_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) { @@ -1217,27 +1215,8 @@ static int sky2_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) u16 mss; u8 ctrl; - /* No BH disabling for tx_lock here. We are running in BH disabled - * context and TX reclaim runs via poll inside of a software - * interrupt, and no related locks in IRQ processing. - */ - if (!spin_trylock(&sky2->tx_lock)) - return NETDEV_TX_LOCKED; - - if (unlikely(tx_avail(sky2) < tx_le_req(skb))) { - /* There is a known but harmless race with lockless tx - * and netif_stop_queue. - */ - if (!netif_queue_stopped(dev)) { - netif_stop_queue(dev); - if (net_ratelimit()) - printk(KERN_WARNING PFX "%s: ring full when queue awake!\n", - dev->name); - } - spin_unlock(&sky2->tx_lock); - - return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; - } + if (unlikely(tx_avail(sky2) < tx_le_req(skb))) + return NETDEV_TX_BUSY; if (unlikely(netif_msg_tx_queued(sky2))) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: tx queued, slot %u, len %d\n", @@ -1352,8 +1331,6 @@ static int sky2_xmit_frame(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) sky2_put_idx(hw, txqaddr[sky2->port], sky2->tx_prod); - spin_unlock(&sky2->tx_lock); - dev->trans_start = jiffies; return NETDEV_TX_OK; } @@ -1408,11 +1385,13 @@ static void sky2_tx_complete(struct sky2_port *sky2, u16 done) } /* Cleanup all untransmitted buffers, assume transmitter not running */ -static void sky2_tx_clean(struct sky2_port *sky2) +static void sky2_tx_clean(struct net_device *dev) { - spin_lock_bh(&sky2->tx_lock); + struct sky2_port *sky2 = netdev_priv(dev); + + netif_tx_lock_bh(dev); sky2_tx_complete(sky2, sky2->tx_prod); - spin_unlock_bh(&sky2->tx_lock); + netif_tx_unlock_bh(dev); } /* Network shutdown */ @@ -1496,7 +1475,7 @@ static int sky2_down(struct net_device *dev) synchronize_irq(hw->pdev->irq); - sky2_tx_clean(sky2); + sky2_tx_clean(dev); sky2_rx_clean(sky2); pci_free_consistent(hw->pdev, RX_LE_BYTES, @@ -1748,16 +1727,16 @@ static void sky2_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev) } else if (report != sky2->tx_cons) { printk(KERN_INFO PFX "status report lost?\n"); - spin_lock_bh(&sky2->tx_lock); + netif_tx_lock_bh(dev); sky2_tx_complete(sky2, report); - spin_unlock_bh(&sky2->tx_lock); + netif_tx_unlock_bh(dev); } else { printk(KERN_INFO PFX "hardware hung? flushing\n"); sky2_write32(hw, Q_ADDR(txq, Q_CSR), BMU_STOP); sky2_write32(hw, Y2_QADDR(txq, PREF_UNIT_CTRL), PREF_UNIT_RST_SET); - sky2_tx_clean(sky2); + sky2_tx_clean(dev); sky2_qset(hw, txq); sky2_prefetch_init(hw, txq, sky2->tx_le_map, TX_RING_SIZE - 1); @@ -1927,9 +1906,9 @@ static inline void sky2_tx_done(struct net_device *dev, u16 last) struct sky2_port *sky2 = netdev_priv(dev); if (netif_running(dev)) { - spin_lock(&sky2->tx_lock); + netif_tx_lock(dev); sky2_tx_complete(sky2, last); - spin_unlock(&sky2->tx_lock); + netif_tx_unlock(dev); } } @@ -3134,7 +3113,6 @@ static __devinit struct net_device *sky2_init_netdev(struct sky2_hw *hw, sky2->hw = hw; sky2->msg_enable = netif_msg_init(debug, default_msg); - spin_lock_init(&sky2->tx_lock); /* Auto speed and flow control */ sky2->autoneg = AUTONEG_ENABLE; sky2->tx_pause = 1; @@ -3153,7 +3131,6 @@ static __devinit struct net_device *sky2_init_netdev(struct sky2_hw *hw, sky2->port = port; - dev->features |= NETIF_F_LLTX; if (hw->chip_id != CHIP_ID_YUKON_EC_U) dev->features |= NETIF_F_TSO; if (highmem) diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.h b/drivers/net/sky2.h index c1e45123d44..403486a3831 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.h +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.h @@ -1789,7 +1789,6 @@ struct sky2_port { u32 msg_enable; spinlock_t phy_lock; - spinlock_t tx_lock ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp; struct tx_ring_info *tx_ring; struct sky2_tx_le *tx_le; u16 tx_cons; /* next le to check */ -- cgit v1.2.3 From 14d0263fea0613d4f83dc5e3ad4631f363d1689f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stephen Hemminger Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:57:43 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] sky2: fragmented receive for large MTU Use hardware support for chained receive to break up large frames into multiple pages. This avoids having to do a mult-page allocation that can fail on a busy system due to fragmented memory. For normal size MTU, this code behaves the same. Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/sky2.c | 290 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- drivers/net/sky2.h | 10 +- 2 files changed, 219 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.c b/drivers/net/sky2.c index c83d7262a5a..7b19db598ff 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.c +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.c @@ -56,13 +56,12 @@ /* * The Yukon II chipset takes 64 bit command blocks (called list elements) * that are organized into three (receive, transmit, status) different rings - * similar to Tigon3. A transmit can require several elements; - * a receive requires one (or two if using 64 bit dma). + * similar to Tigon3. */ -#define RX_LE_SIZE 512 +#define RX_LE_SIZE 1024 #define RX_LE_BYTES (RX_LE_SIZE*sizeof(struct sky2_rx_le)) -#define RX_MAX_PENDING (RX_LE_SIZE/2 - 2) +#define RX_MAX_PENDING (RX_LE_SIZE/6 - 2) #define RX_DEF_PENDING RX_MAX_PENDING #define RX_SKB_ALIGN 8 #define RX_BUF_WRITE 16 @@ -74,7 +73,6 @@ #define STATUS_RING_SIZE 2048 /* 2 ports * (TX + 2*RX) */ #define STATUS_LE_BYTES (STATUS_RING_SIZE*sizeof(struct sky2_status_le)) -#define ETH_JUMBO_MTU 9000 #define TX_WATCHDOG (5 * HZ) #define NAPI_WEIGHT 64 #define PHY_RETRIES 1000 @@ -90,7 +88,7 @@ static int debug = -1; /* defaults above */ module_param(debug, int, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "Debug level (0=none,...,16=all)"); -static int copybreak __read_mostly = 256; +static int copybreak __read_mostly = 128; module_param(copybreak, int, 0); MODULE_PARM_DESC(copybreak, "Receive copy threshold"); @@ -803,12 +801,12 @@ static inline u32 high32(dma_addr_t a) return sizeof(a) > sizeof(u32) ? (a >> 16) >> 16 : 0; } -/* Build description to hardware about buffer */ -static void sky2_rx_add(struct sky2_port *sky2, dma_addr_t map) +/* Build description to hardware for one receive segment */ +static void sky2_rx_add(struct sky2_port *sky2, u8 op, + dma_addr_t map, unsigned len) { struct sky2_rx_le *le; u32 hi = high32(map); - u16 len = sky2->rx_bufsize; if (sky2->rx_addr64 != hi) { le = sky2_next_rx(sky2); @@ -820,9 +818,52 @@ static void sky2_rx_add(struct sky2_port *sky2, dma_addr_t map) le = sky2_next_rx(sky2); le->addr = cpu_to_le32((u32) map); le->length = cpu_to_le16(len); - le->opcode = OP_PACKET | HW_OWNER; + le->opcode = op | HW_OWNER; } +/* Build description to hardware for one possibly fragmented skb */ +static void sky2_rx_submit(struct sky2_port *sky2, + const struct rx_ring_info *re) +{ + int i; + + sky2_rx_add(sky2, OP_PACKET, re->data_addr, sky2->rx_data_size); + + for (i = 0; i < skb_shinfo(re->skb)->nr_frags; i++) + sky2_rx_add(sky2, OP_BUFFER, re->frag_addr[i], PAGE_SIZE); +} + + +static void sky2_rx_map_skb(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct rx_ring_info *re, + unsigned size) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb = re->skb; + int i; + + re->data_addr = pci_map_single(pdev, skb->data, size, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); + pci_unmap_len_set(re, data_size, size); + + for (i = 0; i < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; i++) + re->frag_addr[i] = pci_map_page(pdev, + skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i].page, + skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i].page_offset, + skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i].size, + PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); +} + +static void sky2_rx_unmap_skb(struct pci_dev *pdev, struct rx_ring_info *re) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb = re->skb; + int i; + + pci_unmap_single(pdev, re->data_addr, pci_unmap_len(re, data_size), + PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); + + for (i = 0; i < skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; i++) + pci_unmap_page(pdev, re->frag_addr[i], + skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i].size, + PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); +} /* Tell chip where to start receive checksum. * Actually has two checksums, but set both same to avoid possible byte @@ -886,9 +927,7 @@ static void sky2_rx_clean(struct sky2_port *sky2) struct rx_ring_info *re = sky2->rx_ring + i; if (re->skb) { - pci_unmap_single(sky2->hw->pdev, - re->mapaddr, sky2->rx_bufsize, - PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); + sky2_rx_unmap_skb(sky2->hw->pdev, re); kfree_skb(re->skb); re->skb = NULL; } @@ -969,38 +1008,57 @@ static void sky2_vlan_rx_kill_vid(struct net_device *dev, unsigned short vid) #endif /* + * Allocate an skb for receiving. If the MTU is large enough + * make the skb non-linear with a fragment list of pages. + * * It appears the hardware has a bug in the FIFO logic that * cause it to hang if the FIFO gets overrun and the receive buffer * is not 64 byte aligned. The buffer returned from netdev_alloc_skb is * aligned except if slab debugging is enabled. */ -static inline struct sk_buff *sky2_alloc_skb(struct net_device *dev, - unsigned int length, - gfp_t gfp_mask) +static struct sk_buff *sky2_rx_alloc(struct sky2_port *sky2) { struct sk_buff *skb; + unsigned long p; + int i; - skb = __netdev_alloc_skb(dev, length + RX_SKB_ALIGN, gfp_mask); - if (likely(skb)) { - unsigned long p = (unsigned long) skb->data; - skb_reserve(skb, ALIGN(p, RX_SKB_ALIGN) - p); + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(sky2->netdev, sky2->rx_data_size + RX_SKB_ALIGN); + if (!skb) + goto nomem; + + p = (unsigned long) skb->data; + skb_reserve(skb, ALIGN(p, RX_SKB_ALIGN) - p); + + for (i = 0; i < sky2->rx_nfrags; i++) { + struct page *page = alloc_page(GFP_ATOMIC); + + if (!page) + goto free_partial; + skb_fill_page_desc(skb, i, page, 0, PAGE_SIZE); } return skb; +free_partial: + kfree_skb(skb); +nomem: + return NULL; } /* * Allocate and setup receiver buffer pool. - * In case of 64 bit dma, there are 2X as many list elements - * available as ring entries - * and need to reserve one list element so we don't wrap around. + * Normal case this ends up creating one list element for skb + * in the receive ring. Worst case if using large MTU and each + * allocation falls on a different 64 bit region, that results + * in 6 list elements per ring entry. + * One element is used for checksum enable/disable, and one + * extra to avoid wrap. */ static int sky2_rx_start(struct sky2_port *sky2) { struct sky2_hw *hw = sky2->hw; + struct rx_ring_info *re; unsigned rxq = rxqaddr[sky2->port]; - int i; - unsigned thresh; + unsigned i, size, space, thresh; sky2->rx_put = sky2->rx_next = 0; sky2_qset(hw, rxq); @@ -1013,27 +1071,56 @@ static int sky2_rx_start(struct sky2_port *sky2) sky2_prefetch_init(hw, rxq, sky2->rx_le_map, RX_LE_SIZE - 1); rx_set_checksum(sky2); + + /* Space needed for frame data + headers rounded up */ + size = ALIGN(sky2->netdev->mtu + ETH_HLEN + VLAN_HLEN, 8) + + 8; + + /* Stopping point for hardware truncation */ + thresh = (size - 8) / sizeof(u32); + + /* Account for overhead of skb - to avoid order > 0 allocation */ + space = SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + NET_SKB_PAD + + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info); + + sky2->rx_nfrags = space >> PAGE_SHIFT; + BUG_ON(sky2->rx_nfrags > ARRAY_SIZE(re->frag_addr)); + + if (sky2->rx_nfrags != 0) { + /* Compute residue after pages */ + space = sky2->rx_nfrags << PAGE_SHIFT; + + if (space < size) + size -= space; + else + size = 0; + + /* Optimize to handle small packets and headers */ + if (size < copybreak) + size = copybreak; + if (size < ETH_HLEN) + size = ETH_HLEN; + } + sky2->rx_data_size = size; + + /* Fill Rx ring */ for (i = 0; i < sky2->rx_pending; i++) { - struct rx_ring_info *re = sky2->rx_ring + i; + re = sky2->rx_ring + i; - re->skb = sky2_alloc_skb(sky2->netdev, sky2->rx_bufsize, - GFP_KERNEL); + re->skb = sky2_rx_alloc(sky2); if (!re->skb) goto nomem; - re->mapaddr = pci_map_single(hw->pdev, re->skb->data, - sky2->rx_bufsize, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); - sky2_rx_add(sky2, re->mapaddr); + sky2_rx_map_skb(hw->pdev, re, sky2->rx_data_size); + sky2_rx_submit(sky2, re); } - /* * The receiver hangs if it receives frames larger than the * packet buffer. As a workaround, truncate oversize frames, but * the register is limited to 9 bits, so if you do frames > 2052 * you better get the MTU right! */ - thresh = (sky2->rx_bufsize - 8) / sizeof(u32); if (thresh > 0x1ff) sky2_write32(hw, SK_REG(sky2->port, RX_GMF_CTRL_T), RX_TRUNC_OFF); else { @@ -1041,7 +1128,6 @@ static int sky2_rx_start(struct sky2_port *sky2) sky2_write32(hw, SK_REG(sky2->port, RX_GMF_CTRL_T), RX_TRUNC_ON); } - /* Tell chip about available buffers */ sky2_write16(hw, Y2_QADDR(rxq, PREF_UNIT_PUT_IDX), sky2->rx_put); return 0; @@ -1743,15 +1829,6 @@ static void sky2_tx_timeout(struct net_device *dev) } } - -/* Want receive buffer size to be multiple of 64 bits - * and incl room for vlan and truncation - */ -static inline unsigned sky2_buf_size(int mtu) -{ - return ALIGN(mtu + ETH_HLEN + VLAN_HLEN, 8) + 8; -} - static int sky2_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu) { struct sky2_port *sky2 = netdev_priv(dev); @@ -1786,7 +1863,7 @@ static int sky2_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu) sky2_rx_clean(sky2); dev->mtu = new_mtu; - sky2->rx_bufsize = sky2_buf_size(new_mtu); + mode = DATA_BLIND_VAL(DATA_BLIND_DEF) | GM_SMOD_VLAN_ENA | IPG_DATA_VAL(IPG_DATA_DEF); @@ -1812,9 +1889,93 @@ static int sky2_change_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu) return err; } +/* For small just reuse existing skb for next receive */ +static struct sk_buff *receive_copy(struct sky2_port *sky2, + const struct rx_ring_info *re, + unsigned length) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb; + + skb = netdev_alloc_skb(sky2->netdev, length + 2); + if (likely(skb)) { + skb_reserve(skb, 2); + pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(sky2->hw->pdev, re->data_addr, + length, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); + memcpy(skb->data, re->skb->data, length); + skb->ip_summed = re->skb->ip_summed; + skb->csum = re->skb->csum; + pci_dma_sync_single_for_device(sky2->hw->pdev, re->data_addr, + length, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); + re->skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; + __skb_put(skb, length); + } + return skb; +} + +/* Adjust length of skb with fragments to match received data */ +static void skb_put_frags(struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int hdr_space, + unsigned int length) +{ + int i, num_frags; + unsigned int size; + + /* put header into skb */ + size = min(length, hdr_space); + skb->tail += size; + skb->len += size; + length -= size; + + num_frags = skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; + for (i = 0; i < num_frags; i++) { + skb_frag_t *frag = &skb_shinfo(skb)->frags[i]; + + if (length == 0) { + /* don't need this page */ + __free_page(frag->page); + --skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags; + } else { + size = min(length, (unsigned) PAGE_SIZE); + + frag->size = size; + skb->data_len += size; + skb->truesize += size; + skb->len += size; + length -= size; + } + } +} + +/* Normal packet - take skb from ring element and put in a new one */ +static struct sk_buff *receive_new(struct sky2_port *sky2, + struct rx_ring_info *re, + unsigned int length) +{ + struct sk_buff *skb, *nskb; + unsigned hdr_space = sky2->rx_data_size; + + pr_debug(PFX "receive new length=%d\n", length); + + /* Don't be tricky about reusing pages (yet) */ + nskb = sky2_rx_alloc(sky2); + if (unlikely(!nskb)) + return NULL; + + skb = re->skb; + sky2_rx_unmap_skb(sky2->hw->pdev, re); + + prefetch(skb->data); + re->skb = nskb; + sky2_rx_map_skb(sky2->hw->pdev, re, hdr_space); + + if (skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags) + skb_put_frags(skb, hdr_space, length); + else + skb_put(skb, hdr_space); + return skb; +} + /* * Receive one packet. - * For small packets or errors, just reuse existing skb. * For larger packets, get new buffer. */ static struct sk_buff *sky2_receive(struct net_device *dev, @@ -1840,40 +2001,12 @@ static struct sk_buff *sky2_receive(struct net_device *dev, if (length > dev->mtu + ETH_HLEN) goto oversize; - if (length < copybreak) { - skb = netdev_alloc_skb(dev, length + 2); - if (!skb) - goto resubmit; - - skb_reserve(skb, 2); - pci_dma_sync_single_for_cpu(sky2->hw->pdev, re->mapaddr, - length, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); - memcpy(skb->data, re->skb->data, length); - skb->ip_summed = re->skb->ip_summed; - skb->csum = re->skb->csum; - pci_dma_sync_single_for_device(sky2->hw->pdev, re->mapaddr, - length, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); - } else { - struct sk_buff *nskb; - - nskb = sky2_alloc_skb(dev, sky2->rx_bufsize, GFP_ATOMIC); - if (!nskb) - goto resubmit; - - skb = re->skb; - re->skb = nskb; - pci_unmap_single(sky2->hw->pdev, re->mapaddr, - sky2->rx_bufsize, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); - prefetch(skb->data); - - re->mapaddr = pci_map_single(sky2->hw->pdev, nskb->data, - sky2->rx_bufsize, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); - } - - skb_put(skb, length); + if (length < copybreak) + skb = receive_copy(sky2, re, length); + else + skb = receive_new(sky2, re, length); resubmit: - re->skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE; - sky2_rx_add(sky2, re->mapaddr); + sky2_rx_submit(sky2, re); return skb; @@ -3125,7 +3258,6 @@ static __devinit struct net_device *sky2_init_netdev(struct sky2_hw *hw, spin_lock_init(&sky2->phy_lock); sky2->tx_pending = TX_DEF_PENDING; sky2->rx_pending = RX_DEF_PENDING; - sky2->rx_bufsize = sky2_buf_size(ETH_DATA_LEN); hw->dev[port] = dev; diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.h b/drivers/net/sky2.h index 403486a3831..f66109a96d9 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.h +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.h @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ #ifndef _SKY2_H #define _SKY2_H +#define ETH_JUMBO_MTU 9000 /* Maximum MTU supported */ + /* PCI device specific config registers */ enum { PCI_DEV_REG1 = 0x40, @@ -1779,7 +1781,9 @@ struct tx_ring_info { struct rx_ring_info { struct sk_buff *skb; - dma_addr_t mapaddr; + dma_addr_t data_addr; + DECLARE_PCI_UNMAP_ADDR(data_size); + dma_addr_t frag_addr[ETH_JUMBO_MTU >> PAGE_SHIFT]; }; struct sky2_port { @@ -1804,7 +1808,9 @@ struct sky2_port { u16 rx_next; /* next re to check */ u16 rx_put; /* next le index to use */ u16 rx_pending; - u16 rx_bufsize; + u16 rx_data_size; + u16 rx_nfrags; + #ifdef SKY2_VLAN_TAG_USED u16 rx_tag; struct vlan_group *vlgrp; -- cgit v1.2.3 From c73a29da23c9236f868faecf85cb5401893d7c42 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stephen Hemminger Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 11:57:44 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] sky2: version 1.9 Version 1.9 is for 2.6.19. Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/sky2.c | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/sky2.c b/drivers/net/sky2.c index 7b19db598ff..396e7df3c61 100644 --- a/drivers/net/sky2.c +++ b/drivers/net/sky2.c @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ #include "sky2.h" #define DRV_NAME "sky2" -#define DRV_VERSION "1.7" +#define DRV_VERSION "1.9" #define PFX DRV_NAME " " /* -- cgit v1.2.3 From d4b0a4c19ace3021235a33658c520ab0da80dfb1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Olof Johansson Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 14:02:26 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] spidernet: Use pci_dma_mapping_error() A driver shouldn't compare to DMA_ERROR_CODE directly, use pci_dma_mapping_error() instead. Signed-off-by: Olof Johansson Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/spider_net.c | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/spider_net.c b/drivers/net/spider_net.c index cc240adb726..1397fc55cf6 100644 --- a/drivers/net/spider_net.c +++ b/drivers/net/spider_net.c @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ spider_net_init_chain(struct spider_net_card *card, SPIDER_NET_DESCR_SIZE, direction); - if (buf == DMA_ERROR_CODE) + if (pci_dma_mapping_error(buf)) goto iommu_error; descr->bus_addr = buf; @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ spider_net_prepare_rx_descr(struct spider_net_card *card, buf = pci_map_single(card->pdev, descr->skb->data, SPIDER_NET_MAX_FRAME, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE); descr->buf_addr = buf; - if (buf == DMA_ERROR_CODE) { + if (pci_dma_mapping_error(buf)) { dev_kfree_skb_any(descr->skb); if (netif_msg_rx_err(card) && net_ratelimit()) pr_err("Could not iommu-map rx buffer\n"); @@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ spider_net_prepare_tx_descr(struct spider_net_card *card, dma_addr_t buf; buf = pci_map_single(card->pdev, skb->data, skb->len, PCI_DMA_TODEVICE); - if (buf == DMA_ERROR_CODE) { + if (pci_dma_mapping_error(buf)) { if (netif_msg_tx_err(card) && net_ratelimit()) pr_err("could not iommu-map packet (%p, %i). " "Dropping packet\n", skb->data, skb->len); -- cgit v1.2.3 From b7a00ecd557859c4037b6465fdd6c9a49b1fa649 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeff Garzik Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 07:27:46 -0400 Subject: [netdrvr] phy: Fix bugs in error handling The recent __must_check stuff flagged some error handling bugs. phy/fixed.c: * handle device_bind_driver() failure phy/phy_device.c: * handle device_bind_driver() failure * release rwsem upon failure Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/phy/fixed.c | 6 +++++- drivers/net/phy/phy_device.c | 8 +++++--- 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/fixed.c b/drivers/net/phy/fixed.c index 19f7ee63276..94b47c8d0ab 100644 --- a/drivers/net/phy/fixed.c +++ b/drivers/net/phy/fixed.c @@ -289,9 +289,13 @@ static int fixed_mdio_register_device(int number, int speed, int duplex) goto probe_fail; } - device_bind_driver(&phydev->dev); + err = device_bind_driver(&phydev->dev); + up_write(&phydev->dev.bus->subsys.rwsem); + if (err) + goto probe_fail; + return 0; probe_fail: diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/phy_device.c b/drivers/net/phy/phy_device.c index ecd3da151e2..3bbd5e70c20 100644 --- a/drivers/net/phy/phy_device.c +++ b/drivers/net/phy/phy_device.c @@ -212,11 +212,13 @@ struct phy_device *phy_attach(struct net_device *dev, err = d->driver->probe(d); - if (err < 0) - return ERR_PTR(err); + if (err >= 0) + err = device_bind_driver(d); - device_bind_driver(d); up_write(&d->bus->subsys.rwsem); + + if (err) + return ERR_PTR(err); } if (phydev->attached_dev) { -- cgit v1.2.3 From de897881e474cae06cf06c830fcadc916c53ce64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeff Garzik Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 07:31:09 -0400 Subject: drivers/net/wireless/{airo,ipw2100}: fix error handling bugs airo: * fix oops, if !CONFIG_PROC_FS (create_proc_entry always returns NULL) * handle pci_register_driver() failure. if it fails, we really do want to exit, rather than (as a comment indicates) return success because-we-are-a-library. * #if 0 have_isa_dev variable, which is assigned a value but never used ipw2100: * handle sysfs_create_group() failure * handle driver_create_file() failure Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/wireless/airo.c | 23 +++++++++++++++++++---- drivers/net/wireless/ipw2100.c | 11 ++++++++--- 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/airo.c b/drivers/net/wireless/airo.c index ba737c6cebe..39d09345027 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/airo.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/airo.c @@ -5659,25 +5659,40 @@ static int airo_pci_resume(struct pci_dev *pdev) static int __init airo_init_module( void ) { - int i, have_isa_dev = 0; + int i; +#if 0 + int have_isa_dev = 0; +#endif airo_entry = create_proc_entry("aironet", S_IFDIR | airo_perm, proc_root_driver); - airo_entry->uid = proc_uid; - airo_entry->gid = proc_gid; + + if (airo_entry) { + airo_entry->uid = proc_uid; + airo_entry->gid = proc_gid; + } for( i = 0; i < 4 && io[i] && irq[i]; i++ ) { airo_print_info("", "Trying to configure ISA adapter at irq=%d " "io=0x%x", irq[i], io[i] ); if (init_airo_card( irq[i], io[i], 0, NULL )) +#if 0 have_isa_dev = 1; +#else + /* do nothing */ ; +#endif } #ifdef CONFIG_PCI airo_print_info("", "Probing for PCI adapters"); - pci_register_driver(&airo_driver); + i = pci_register_driver(&airo_driver); airo_print_info("", "Finished probing for PCI adapters"); + + if (i) { + remove_proc_entry("aironet", proc_root_driver); + return i; + } #endif /* Always exit with success, as we are a library module diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2100.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2100.c index 6c5add701a6..8ec9b73bbdd 100644 --- a/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2100.c +++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2100.c @@ -6267,7 +6267,9 @@ static int ipw2100_pci_init_one(struct pci_dev *pci_dev, IPW_DEBUG_INFO("%s: Bound to %s\n", dev->name, pci_name(pci_dev)); /* perform this after register_netdev so that dev->name is set */ - sysfs_create_group(&pci_dev->dev.kobj, &ipw2100_attribute_group); + err = sysfs_create_group(&pci_dev->dev.kobj, &ipw2100_attribute_group); + if (err) + goto fail_unlock; /* If the RF Kill switch is disabled, go ahead and complete the * startup sequence */ @@ -6533,13 +6535,16 @@ static int __init ipw2100_init(void) printk(KERN_INFO DRV_NAME ": %s\n", DRV_COPYRIGHT); ret = pci_register_driver(&ipw2100_pci_driver); + if (ret) + goto out; #ifdef CONFIG_IPW2100_DEBUG ipw2100_debug_level = debug; - driver_create_file(&ipw2100_pci_driver.driver, - &driver_attr_debug_level); + ret = driver_create_file(&ipw2100_pci_driver.driver, + &driver_attr_debug_level); #endif +out: return ret; } -- cgit v1.2.3 From 2c81fbc4cfc895e80c18fffdc04a3d870eb16cb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jeff Garzik Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 07:32:20 -0400 Subject: [netdrvr] hp100: encapsulate all non-module code The previous '#ifndef MODULE' block did not cover all the static-build-only code. Now it does. Signed-off-by: Jeff Garzik --- drivers/net/hp100.c | 5 +++-- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/hp100.c b/drivers/net/hp100.c index 03b3df33d81..561db440bc2 100644 --- a/drivers/net/hp100.c +++ b/drivers/net/hp100.c @@ -188,10 +188,12 @@ struct hp100_private { /* * variables */ +#ifndef MODULE static const char *hp100_isa_tbl[] = { "HWPF150", /* HP J2573 rev A */ "HWP1950", /* HP J2573 */ }; +#endif #ifdef CONFIG_EISA static struct eisa_device_id hp100_eisa_tbl[] = { @@ -333,6 +335,7 @@ static __devinit const char *hp100_read_id(int ioaddr) return str; } +#ifndef MODULE static __init int hp100_isa_probe1(struct net_device *dev, int ioaddr) { const char *sig; @@ -391,8 +394,6 @@ static int __init hp100_isa_probe(struct net_device *dev, int addr) return err; } - -#ifndef MODULE struct net_device * __init hp100_probe(int unit) { struct net_device *dev = alloc_etherdev(sizeof(struct hp100_private)); -- cgit v1.2.3