/**************************************************************************** (c) SYSTEC electronic GmbH, D-07973 Greiz, August-Bebel-Str. 29 www.systec-electronic.com Project: openPOWERLINK Description: global include file for EPL-NMT-Modules License: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of SYSTEC electronic GmbH nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact info@systec-electronic.com. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Severability Clause: If a provision of this License is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that shall not affect: 1. the validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any other provision of this License; or 2. the validity or enforceability in other jurisdictions of that or any other provision of this License. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $RCSfile: EplNmt.h,v $ $Author: D.Krueger $ $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2008/11/17 16:40:39 $ $State: Exp $ Build Environment: GCC V3.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History: 2006/06/09 k.t.: start of the implementation ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _EPLNMT_H_ #define _EPLNMT_H_ #include "EplInc.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // const defines //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // define super-states and masks to identify a super-state #define EPL_NMT_GS_POWERED 0x0008 // super state #define EPL_NMT_GS_INITIALISATION 0x0009 // super state #define EPL_NMT_GS_COMMUNICATING 0x000C // super state #define EPL_NMT_CS_EPLMODE 0x000D // super state #define EPL_NMT_MS_EPLMODE 0x000D // super state #define EPL_NMT_SUPERSTATE_MASK 0x000F // mask to select state #define EPL_NMT_TYPE_UNDEFINED 0x0000 // type of NMT state is still undefined #define EPL_NMT_TYPE_CS 0x0100 // CS type of NMT state #define EPL_NMT_TYPE_MS 0x0200 // MS type of NMT state #define EPL_NMT_TYPE_MASK 0x0300 // mask to select type of NMT state (i.e. CS or MS) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // typedef //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the lower Byte of the NMT-State is encoded // like the values in the EPL-Standard // the higher byte is used to encode MN // (Bit 1 of the higher byte = 1) or CN (Bit 0 of the // higher byte = 1) // the super-states are not mentioned in this // enum because they are no real states // --> there are masks defined to indentify the // super-states typedef enum { kEplNmtGsOff = 0x0000, kEplNmtGsInitialising = 0x0019, kEplNmtGsResetApplication = 0x0029, kEplNmtGsResetCommunication = 0x0039, kEplNmtGsResetConfiguration = 0x0079, kEplNmtCsNotActive = 0x011C, kEplNmtCsPreOperational1 = 0x011D, kEplNmtCsStopped = 0x014D, kEplNmtCsPreOperational2 = 0x015D, kEplNmtCsReadyToOperate = 0x016D, kEplNmtCsOperational = 0x01FD, kEplNmtCsBasicEthernet = 0x011E, kEplNmtMsNotActive = 0x021C, kEplNmtMsPreOperational1 = 0x021D, kEplNmtMsPreOperational2 = 0x025D, kEplNmtMsReadyToOperate = 0x026D, kEplNmtMsOperational = 0x02FD, kEplNmtMsBasicEthernet = 0x021E } tEplNmtState; // NMT-events typedef enum { // Events from DLL // Events defined by EPL V2 specification kEplNmtEventNoEvent = 0x00, // kEplNmtEventDllMePres = 0x01, kEplNmtEventDllMePresTimeout = 0x02, // kEplNmtEventDllMeAsnd = 0x03, // kEplNmtEventDllMeAsndTimeout = 0x04, kEplNmtEventDllMeSoaSent = 0x04, kEplNmtEventDllMeSocTrig = 0x05, kEplNmtEventDllMeSoaTrig = 0x06, kEplNmtEventDllCeSoc = 0x07, kEplNmtEventDllCePreq = 0x08, kEplNmtEventDllCePres = 0x09, kEplNmtEventDllCeSoa = 0x0A, kEplNmtEventDllCeAsnd = 0x0B, kEplNmtEventDllCeFrameTimeout = 0x0C, // Events triggered by NMT-Commands kEplNmtEventSwReset = 0x10, // NMT_GT1, NMT_GT2, NMT_GT8 kEplNmtEventResetNode = 0x11, kEplNmtEventResetCom = 0x12, kEplNmtEventResetConfig = 0x13, kEplNmtEventEnterPreOperational2= 0x14, kEplNmtEventEnableReadyToOperate= 0x15, kEplNmtEventStartNode = 0x16, // NMT_CT7 kEplNmtEventStopNode = 0x17, // Events triggered by higher layer kEplNmtEventEnterResetApp = 0x20, kEplNmtEventEnterResetCom = 0x21, kEplNmtEventInternComError = 0x22, // NMT_GT6, internal communication error -> enter ResetCommunication kEplNmtEventEnterResetConfig = 0x23, kEplNmtEventEnterCsNotActive = 0x24, kEplNmtEventEnterMsNotActive = 0x25, kEplNmtEventTimerBasicEthernet = 0x26, // NMT_CT3; timer triggered state change (NotActive -> BasicEth) kEplNmtEventTimerMsPreOp1 = 0x27, // enter PreOp1 on MN (NotActive -> MsPreOp1) kEplNmtEventNmtCycleError = 0x28, // NMT_CT11, NMT_MT6; error during cycle -> enter PreOp1 kEplNmtEventTimerMsPreOp2 = 0x29, // enter PreOp2 on MN (MsPreOp1 -> MsPreOp2 if kEplNmtEventAllMandatoryCNIdent) kEplNmtEventAllMandatoryCNIdent = 0x2A, // enter PreOp2 on MN if kEplNmtEventTimerMsPreOp2 kEplNmtEventEnterReadyToOperate = 0x2B, // application ready for the state ReadyToOp kEplNmtEventEnterMsOperational = 0x2C, // enter Operational on MN kEplNmtEventSwitchOff = 0x2D, // enter state Off kEplNmtEventCriticalError = 0x2E, // enter state Off because of critical error } tEplNmtEvent; // type for argument of event kEplEventTypeNmtStateChange typedef struct { tEplNmtState m_NewNmtState; tEplNmtEvent m_NmtEvent; } tEplEventNmtStateChange; // structure for kEplEventTypeHeartbeat typedef struct { unsigned int m_uiNodeId; // NodeId tEplNmtState m_NmtState; // NMT state (remember distinguish between MN / CN) WORD m_wErrorCode; // EPL error code in case of NMT state NotActive } tEplHeartbeatEvent; typedef enum { kEplNmtNodeEventFound = 0x00, kEplNmtNodeEventUpdateSw = 0x01, // application shall update software on CN kEplNmtNodeEventCheckConf = 0x02, // application / Configuration Manager shall check and update configuration on CN kEplNmtNodeEventUpdateConf = 0x03, // application / Configuration Manager shall update configuration on CN (check was done by NmtMn module) kEplNmtNodeEventVerifyConf = 0x04, // application / Configuration Manager shall verify configuration of CN kEplNmtNodeEventReadyToStart= 0x05, // issued if EPL_NMTST_NO_STARTNODE set // application must call EplNmtMnuSendNmtCommand(kEplNmtCmdStartNode) manually kEplNmtNodeEventNmtState = 0x06, kEplNmtNodeEventError = 0x07, // NMT error of CN } tEplNmtNodeEvent; typedef enum { kEplNmtNodeCommandBoot = 0x01, // if EPL_NODEASSIGN_START_CN not set it must be issued after kEplNmtNodeEventFound kEplNmtNodeCommandSwOk = 0x02, // application updated software on CN successfully kEplNmtNodeCommandSwUpdated = 0x03, // application updated software on CN successfully kEplNmtNodeCommandConfOk = 0x04, // application / Configuration Manager has updated configuration on CN successfully kEplNmtNodeCommandConfReset = 0x05, // application / Configuration Manager has updated configuration on CN successfully // and CN needs ResetConf so that the configuration gets actived kEplNmtNodeCommandConfErr = 0x06, // application / Configuration Manager failed on updating configuration on CN kEplNmtNodeCommandStart = 0x07, // if EPL_NMTST_NO_STARTNODE set it must be issued after kEplNmtNodeEventReadyToStart } tEplNmtNodeCommand; typedef enum { kEplNmtBootEventBootStep1Finish = 0x00, // PreOp2 is possible kEplNmtBootEventBootStep2Finish = 0x01, // ReadyToOp is possible kEplNmtBootEventCheckComFinish = 0x02, // Operational is possible kEplNmtBootEventOperational = 0x03, // all mandatory CNs are Operational kEplNmtBootEventError = 0x04, // boot process halted because of an error } tEplNmtBootEvent; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function prototypes //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // #ifndef _EPLNMT_H_