/**************************************************************************** (c) SYSTEC electronic GmbH, D-07973 Greiz, August-Bebel-Str. 29 www.systec-electronic.com Project: openPOWERLINK Description: source file for SDO/UDP-Protocolabstractionlayer module License: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of SYSTEC electronic GmbH nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact info@systec-electronic.com. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Severability Clause: If a provision of this License is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that shall not affect: 1. the validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any other provision of this License; or 2. the validity or enforceability in other jurisdictions of that or any other provision of this License. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $RCSfile: EplSdoUdpu.c,v $ $Author: D.Krueger $ $Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2008/10/17 15:32:32 $ $State: Exp $ Build Environment: GCC V3.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History: 2006/06/26 k.t.: start of the implementation ****************************************************************************/ #include "user/EplSdoUdpu.h" #if (((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDO_UDP)) != 0) #include "SocketLinuxKernel.h" #include #include /***************************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /* G L O B A L D E F I N I T I O N S */ /* */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // const defines //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef EPL_SDO_MAX_CONNECTION_UDP #define EPL_SDO_MAX_CONNECTION_UDP 5 #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // local types //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { unsigned long m_ulIpAddr; // in network byte order unsigned int m_uiPort; // in network byte order } tEplSdoUdpCon; // instance table typedef struct { tEplSdoUdpCon m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[EPL_SDO_MAX_CONNECTION_UDP]; tEplSequLayerReceiveCb m_fpSdoAsySeqCb; SOCKET m_UdpSocket; struct completion m_CompletionUdpThread; int m_ThreadHandle; int m_iTerminateThread; } tEplSdoUdpInstance; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // modul globale vars //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static tEplSdoUdpInstance SdoUdpInstance_g; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // local function prototypes //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int EplSdoUdpThread(void *pArg_p); /***************************************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /* C L A S S */ /* */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/ // // Description: Protocolabstraction layer for UDP // // /***************************************************************************/ //=========================================================================// // // // P U B L I C F U N C T I O N S // // // //=========================================================================// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoUdpuInit // // Description: init first instance of the module // // // // Parameters: pReceiveCb_p = functionpointer to Sdo-Sequence layer // callback-function // // // Returns: tEplKernel = Errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoUdpuInit(tEplSequLayerReceiveCb fpReceiveCb_p) { tEplKernel Ret; Ret = EplSdoUdpuAddInstance(fpReceiveCb_p); return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoUdpuAddInstance // // Description: init additional instance of the module // înit socket and start Listen-Thread // // // // Parameters: pReceiveCb_p = functionpointer to Sdo-Sequence layer // callback-function // // // Returns: tEplKernel = Errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoUdpuAddInstance(tEplSequLayerReceiveCb fpReceiveCb_p) { tEplKernel Ret; // set instance variables to 0 EPL_MEMSET(&SdoUdpInstance_g, 0x00, sizeof(SdoUdpInstance_g)); Ret = kEplSuccessful; // save pointer to callback-function if (fpReceiveCb_p != NULL) { SdoUdpInstance_g.m_fpSdoAsySeqCb = fpReceiveCb_p; } else { Ret = kEplSdoUdpMissCb; goto Exit; } init_completion(&SdoUdpInstance_g.m_CompletionUdpThread); SdoUdpInstance_g.m_iTerminateThread = 0; SdoUdpInstance_g.m_ThreadHandle = 0; SdoUdpInstance_g.m_UdpSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; Ret = EplSdoUdpuConfig(INADDR_ANY, 0); Exit: return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoUdpuDelInstance // // Description: del instance of the module // del socket and del Listen-Thread // // // // Parameters: // // // Returns: tEplKernel = Errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoUdpuDelInstance(void) { tEplKernel Ret; Ret = kEplSuccessful; if (SdoUdpInstance_g.m_ThreadHandle != 0) { // listen thread was started // close thread SdoUdpInstance_g.m_iTerminateThread = 1; /* kill_proc(SdoUdpInstance_g.m_ThreadHandle, SIGTERM, 1 ); */ send_sig(SIGTERM, SdoUdpInstance_g.m_ThreadHandle, 1); wait_for_completion(&SdoUdpInstance_g.m_CompletionUdpThread); SdoUdpInstance_g.m_ThreadHandle = 0; } if (SdoUdpInstance_g.m_UdpSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { // close socket closesocket(SdoUdpInstance_g.m_UdpSocket); SdoUdpInstance_g.m_UdpSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; } return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoUdpuConfig // // Description: reconfigurate socket with new IP-Address // -> needed for NMT ResetConfiguration // // Parameters: ulIpAddr_p = IpAddress in platform byte order // uiPort_p = port number in platform byte order // // // Returns: tEplKernel = Errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoUdpuConfig(unsigned long ulIpAddr_p, unsigned int uiPort_p) { tEplKernel Ret; struct sockaddr_in Addr; int iError; Ret = kEplSuccessful; if (uiPort_p == 0) { // set UDP port to default port number uiPort_p = EPL_C_SDO_EPL_PORT; } else if (uiPort_p > 65535) { Ret = kEplSdoUdpSocketError; goto Exit; } if (SdoUdpInstance_g.m_ThreadHandle != 0) { // listen thread was started // close old thread SdoUdpInstance_g.m_iTerminateThread = 1; /* kill_proc(SdoUdpInstance_g.m_ThreadHandle, SIGTERM, 1 ); */ send_sig(SIGTERM, SdoUdpInstance_g.m_ThreadHandle, 1); wait_for_completion(&SdoUdpInstance_g.m_CompletionUdpThread); SdoUdpInstance_g.m_iTerminateThread = 0; SdoUdpInstance_g.m_ThreadHandle = 0; } if (SdoUdpInstance_g.m_UdpSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { // close socket iError = closesocket(SdoUdpInstance_g.m_UdpSocket); SdoUdpInstance_g.m_UdpSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; if (iError != 0) { Ret = kEplSdoUdpSocketError; goto Exit; } } // create Socket SdoUdpInstance_g.m_UdpSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (SdoUdpInstance_g.m_UdpSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { Ret = kEplSdoUdpNoSocket; EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE0("EplSdoUdpuConfig: socket() failed\n"); goto Exit; } // bind socket Addr.sin_family = AF_INET; Addr.sin_port = htons((unsigned short)uiPort_p); Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ulIpAddr_p); iError = bind(SdoUdpInstance_g.m_UdpSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&Addr, sizeof(Addr)); if (iError < 0) { //iError = WSAGetLastError(); EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE1 ("EplSdoUdpuConfig: bind() finished with %i\n", iError); Ret = kEplSdoUdpNoSocket; goto Exit; } // create Listen-Thread SdoUdpInstance_g.m_ThreadHandle = kernel_thread(EplSdoUdpThread, &SdoUdpInstance_g, CLONE_KERNEL); if (SdoUdpInstance_g.m_ThreadHandle == 0) { Ret = kEplSdoUdpThreadError; goto Exit; } Exit: return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoUdpuInitCon // // Description: init a new connect // // // // Parameters: pSdoConHandle_p = pointer for the new connection handle // uiTargetNodeId_p = NodeId of the target node // // // Returns: tEplKernel = Errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoUdpuInitCon(tEplSdoConHdl *pSdoConHandle_p, unsigned int uiTargetNodeId_p) { tEplKernel Ret; unsigned int uiCount; unsigned int uiFreeCon; tEplSdoUdpCon *pSdoUdpCon; Ret = kEplSuccessful; // get free entry in control structure uiCount = 0; uiFreeCon = EPL_SDO_MAX_CONNECTION_UDP; pSdoUdpCon = &SdoUdpInstance_g.m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[0]; while (uiCount < EPL_SDO_MAX_CONNECTION_UDP) { if ((pSdoUdpCon->m_ulIpAddr & htonl(0xFF)) == htonl(uiTargetNodeId_p)) { // existing connection to target node found // set handle *pSdoConHandle_p = (uiCount | EPL_SDO_UDP_HANDLE); goto Exit; } else if ((pSdoUdpCon->m_ulIpAddr == 0) && (pSdoUdpCon->m_uiPort == 0)) { uiFreeCon = uiCount; } uiCount++; pSdoUdpCon++; } if (uiFreeCon == EPL_SDO_MAX_CONNECTION_UDP) { // error no free handle Ret = kEplSdoUdpNoFreeHandle; } else { pSdoUdpCon = &SdoUdpInstance_g.m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[uiFreeCon]; // save infos for connection pSdoUdpCon->m_uiPort = htons(EPL_C_SDO_EPL_PORT); pSdoUdpCon->m_ulIpAddr = htonl(0xC0A86400 | uiTargetNodeId_p); // 192.168.100.uiTargetNodeId_p // set handle *pSdoConHandle_p = (uiFreeCon | EPL_SDO_UDP_HANDLE); } Exit: return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoUdpuSendData // // Description: send data using exisiting connection // // // // Parameters: SdoConHandle_p = connection handle // pSrcData_p = pointer to data // dwDataSize_p = number of databyte // -> without asend-header!!! // // Returns: tEplKernel = Errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoUdpuSendData(tEplSdoConHdl SdoConHandle_p, tEplFrame *pSrcData_p, DWORD dwDataSize_p) { tEplKernel Ret; int iError; unsigned int uiArray; struct sockaddr_in Addr; Ret = kEplSuccessful; uiArray = (SdoConHandle_p & ~EPL_SDO_ASY_HANDLE_MASK); if (uiArray >= EPL_SDO_MAX_CONNECTION_UDP) { Ret = kEplSdoUdpInvalidHdl; goto Exit; } //set message type AmiSetByteToLe(&pSrcData_p->m_le_bMessageType, 0x06); // SDO // target node id (for Udp = 0) AmiSetByteToLe(&pSrcData_p->m_le_bDstNodeId, 0x00); // set source-nodeid (for Udp = 0) AmiSetByteToLe(&pSrcData_p->m_le_bSrcNodeId, 0x00); // calc size dwDataSize_p += EPL_ASND_HEADER_SIZE; // call sendto Addr.sin_family = AF_INET; Addr.sin_port = (unsigned short)SdoUdpInstance_g.m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[uiArray]. m_uiPort; Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = SdoUdpInstance_g.m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[uiArray].m_ulIpAddr; iError = sendto(SdoUdpInstance_g.m_UdpSocket, // sockethandle (const char *)&pSrcData_p->m_le_bMessageType, // data to send dwDataSize_p, // number of bytes to send 0, // flags (struct sockaddr *)&Addr, // target sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); // sizeof targetadress if (iError < 0) { EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE1 ("EplSdoUdpuSendData: sendto() finished with %i\n", iError); Ret = kEplSdoUdpSendError; goto Exit; } Exit: return Ret; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoUdpuDelCon // // Description: delete connection from intern structure // // // // Parameters: SdoConHandle_p = connection handle // // Returns: tEplKernel = Errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tEplKernel EplSdoUdpuDelCon(tEplSdoConHdl SdoConHandle_p) { tEplKernel Ret; unsigned int uiArray; uiArray = (SdoConHandle_p & ~EPL_SDO_ASY_HANDLE_MASK); if (uiArray >= EPL_SDO_MAX_CONNECTION_UDP) { Ret = kEplSdoUdpInvalidHdl; goto Exit; } else { Ret = kEplSuccessful; } // delete connection SdoUdpInstance_g.m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[uiArray].m_ulIpAddr = 0; SdoUdpInstance_g.m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[uiArray].m_uiPort = 0; Exit: return Ret; } //=========================================================================// // // // P R I V A T E F U N C T I O N S // // // //=========================================================================// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: EplSdoUdpThread // // Description: thread check socket for new data // // // // Parameters: lpParameter = pointer to parameter type tEplSdoUdpThreadPara // // // Returns: DWORD = errorcode // // // State: // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int EplSdoUdpThread(void *pArg_p) { tEplSdoUdpInstance *pInstance; struct sockaddr_in RemoteAddr; int iError; int iCount; int iFreeEntry; u8 abBuffer[EPL_MAX_SDO_REC_FRAME_SIZE]; unsigned int uiSize; tEplSdoConHdl SdoConHdl; pInstance = (tEplSdoUdpInstance *) pArg_p; daemonize("EplSdoUdpThread"); allow_signal(SIGTERM); for (; pInstance->m_iTerminateThread == 0;) { // wait for data uiSize = sizeof(struct sockaddr); iError = recvfrom(pInstance->m_UdpSocket, // Socket (char *)&abBuffer[0], // buffer for data sizeof(abBuffer), // size of the buffer 0, // flags (struct sockaddr *)&RemoteAddr, (int *)&uiSize); if (iError == -ERESTARTSYS) { break; } if (iError > 0) { // get handle for higher layer iCount = 0; iFreeEntry = 0xFFFF; while (iCount < EPL_SDO_MAX_CONNECTION_UDP) { // check if this connection is already known if ((pInstance->m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[iCount]. m_ulIpAddr == RemoteAddr.sin_addr.s_addr) && (pInstance-> m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[iCount]. m_uiPort == RemoteAddr.sin_port)) { break; } if ((pInstance->m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[iCount]. m_ulIpAddr == 0) && (pInstance-> m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[iCount]. m_uiPort == 0) && (iFreeEntry == 0xFFFF)) { iFreeEntry = iCount; } iCount++; } if (iCount == EPL_SDO_MAX_CONNECTION_UDP) { // connection unknown // see if there is a free handle if (iFreeEntry != 0xFFFF) { // save adress infos pInstance-> m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[iFreeEntry]. m_ulIpAddr = RemoteAddr.sin_addr.s_addr; pInstance-> m_aSdoAbsUdpConnection[iFreeEntry]. m_uiPort = RemoteAddr.sin_port; // call callback SdoConHdl = iFreeEntry; SdoConHdl |= EPL_SDO_UDP_HANDLE; // offset 4 -> start of SDO Sequence header pInstance->m_fpSdoAsySeqCb(SdoConHdl, (tEplAsySdoSeq *) & abBuffer[4], (iError - 4)); } else { EPL_DBGLVL_SDO_TRACE0 ("Error in EplSdoUdpThread() no free handle\n"); } } else { // known connection // call callback with correct handle SdoConHdl = iCount; SdoConHdl |= EPL_SDO_UDP_HANDLE; // offset 4 -> start of SDO Sequence header pInstance->m_fpSdoAsySeqCb(SdoConHdl, (tEplAsySdoSeq *) & abBuffer[4], (iError - 4)); } } // end of if(iError!=SOCKET_ERROR) } // end of for(;;) complete_and_exit(&SdoUdpInstance_g.m_CompletionUdpThread, 0); return 0; } #endif // end of #if(((EPL_MODULE_INTEGRATION) & (EPL_MODULE_SDO_UDP)) != 0) // EOF