// // SME_S.H - // SME task global CONSTANTS, STRUCTURES, variables // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //define the msg type of SME module // 0x00~0x1F : MSG from GUI dispatch // 0x20~0x3F : MSG from MLME // 0x40~0x5F : MSG from SCAN // 0x60~0x6F : MSG from TX/RX // 0x70~0x7F : MSG from ROAMING // 0x80~0x8F : MSG from ISR // 0x90 : MSG TimeOut // from GUI #define SMEMSG_SCAN_REQ 0x01 //#define SMEMSG_PASSIVE_SCAN_REQ 0x02 #define SMEMSG_JOIN_REQ 0x03 #define SMEMSG_START_IBSS 0x04 #define SMEMSG_DISCONNECT_REQ 0x05 #define SMEMSG_AUTHEN_REQ 0x06 #define SMEMSG_DEAUTHEN_REQ 0x07 #define SMEMSG_ASSOC_REQ 0x08 #define SMEMSG_REASSOC_REQ 0x09 #define SMEMSG_DISASSOC_REQ 0x0a #define SMEMSG_POWERSAVE_REQ 0x0b // from MLME #define SMEMSG_AUTHEN_CFM 0x21 #define SMEMSG_AUTHEN_IND 0x22 #define SMEMSG_ASSOC_CFM 0x23 #define SMEMSG_DEAUTHEN_IND 0x24 #define SMEMSG_DISASSOC_IND 0x25 // from SCAN #define SMEMSG_SCAN_CFM 0x41 #define SMEMSG_START_IBSS_CFM 0x42 // from MTO, function call to set SME parameters // 0x60~0x6F : MSG from TX/RX //#define SMEMSG_IBSS_JOIN_UPDATE_BSSID 0x61 #define SMEMSG_COUNTERMEASURE_MICFAIL_TIMEOUT 0x62 #define SMEMSG_COUNTERMEASURE_BLOCK_TIMEOUT 0x63 // from ROAMING #define SMEMSG_HANDOVER_JOIN_REQ 0x71 #define SMEMSG_END_ROAMING 0x72 #define SMEMSG_SCAN_JOIN_REQ 0x73 // from ISR #define SMEMSG_TSF_SYNC_IND 0x81 // from TimeOut #define SMEMSG_TIMEOUT 0x91 #define MAX_PMKID_Accunt 16 //@added by ws 04/22/05 #define Cipher_Disabled 0 #define Cipher_Wep 1 #define Cipher_Tkip 2 #define Cipher_Ccmp 4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Constants /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Global data structures #define NUMOFWEPENTRIES 64 typedef enum _WEPKeyMode { WEPKEY_DISABLED = 0, WEPKEY_64 = 1, WEPKEY_128 = 2 } WEPKEYMODE, *pWEPKEYMODE; #ifdef _WPA2_ typedef struct _BSSInfo { u8 PreAuthBssID[6]; PMKID pmkid_value; }BSSID_Info; typedef struct _PMKID_Table //added by ws 05/05/04 { u32 Length; u32 BSSIDInfoCount; BSSID_Info BSSIDInfo[16]; } PMKID_Table; #endif //end def _WPA2_ #define MAX_BASIC_RATE_SET 15 #define MAX_OPT_RATE_SET MAX_BASIC_RATE_SET typedef struct _SME_PARAMETERS { u16 wState; u8 boDUTmode; u8 bDesiredPowerSave; // SME timer and timeout value //NDIS_MINIPORT_TIMER nTimer; OS_TIMER nTimer; u8 boInTimerHandler; u8 boAuthRetryActive; u8 reserved_0[2]; u32 AuthenRetryTimerVal; // NOTE: Assoc don't fail timeout u32 JoinFailTimerVal; // 10*Beacon-Interval //Rates u8 BSSBasicRateSet[(MAX_BASIC_RATE_SET + 3) & ~0x03 ]; // BSS basic rate set u8 OperationalRateSet[(MAX_OPT_RATE_SET + 3) & ~0x03 ]; // Operational rate set u8 NumOfBSSBasicRate; u8 NumOfOperationalRate; u8 reserved_1[2]; u32 BasicRateBitmap; u32 OpRateBitmap; // System parameters Set by GUI //-------------------- start IBSS parameter ---------------------------// u32 boStartIBSS; //Start IBSS toggle u16 wBeaconPeriod; u16 wATIM_Window; ChanInfo IbssChan; // 2B //channel setting when start IBSS u8 reserved_2[2]; // Join related u16 wDesiredJoinBSS; // BSS index which desire to join u8 boJoinReq; //Join request toggle u8 bDesiredBSSType; //for Join request u16 wCapabilityInfo; // Used when invoking the MLME_Associate_request(). u16 wNonERPcapabilityInfo; struct SSID_Element sDesiredSSID; // 34 B u8 reserved_3[2]; u8 abDesiredBSSID[MAC_ADDR_LENGTH + 2]; u8 bJoinScanCount; // the time of scan-join action need to do u8 bDesiredAuthMode; // AUTH_OPEN_SYSTEM or AUTH_SHARED_KEY u8 reserved_4[2]; // Encryption parameters u8 _dot11PrivacyInvoked; u8 _dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented; u8 reserved_5[2]; //@ ws added u8 DesiredEncrypt; u8 encrypt_status; //ENCRYPT_DISABLE, ENCRYPT_WEP, ENCRYPT_WEP_NOKEY, ENCRYPT_TKIP, ... u8 key_length; u8 pairwise_key_ok; u8 group_key_ok; u8 wpa_ok; // indicate the control port of 802.1x is open or close u8 pairwise_key_type; u8 group_key_type; u32 _dot11WEPDefaultKeyID; u8 tx_mic_key[8]; // TODO: 0627 kevin-TKIP u8 rx_mic_key[8]; // TODO: 0627 kevin-TKIP u8 group_tx_mic_key[8]; u8 group_rx_mic_key[8]; // #ifdef _WPA_ u8 AssocReqVarIE[200]; u8 AssocRespVarIE[200]; u16 AssocReqVarLen; u16 AssocRespVarLen; u8 boReassoc; //use assoc. or reassoc. u8 reserved_6[3]; u16 AssocRespCapability; u16 AssocRespStatus; // #endif #ifdef _WPA2_ u8 PmkIdTable[256]; u32 PmkidTableIndex; #endif //end def _WPA2_ } SME_PARAMETERS, *PSME_PARAMETERS; #define psSME (&(adapter->sSmePara)) #define wSMEGetCurrentSTAState(adapter) ((u16)(adapter)->sSmePara.wState) //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // SmeModule.h // Define the related definitions of SME module // history -- 01/14/03' created // //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //Define the state of SME module #define DISABLED 0 #define INIT_SCAN 1 #define SCAN_READY 2 #define START_IBSS 3 #define JOIN_PENDING 4 #define JOIN_CFM 5 #define AUTHENTICATE_PENDING 6 #define AUTHENTICATED 7 #define CONNECTED 8 //#define EAP_STARTING 9 //#define EAPOL_AUTHEN_PENDING 10 //#define SECURE_CONNECTED 11 // Static function