/* * Copyright 1998-2008 VIA Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright 2001-2008 S3 Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "global.h" static void via_i2c_setscl(void *data, int state) { u8 val; struct via_i2c_stuff *via_i2c_chan = (struct via_i2c_stuff *)data; val = viafb_read_reg(VIASR, via_i2c_chan->i2c_port) & 0xF0; if (state) val |= 0x20; else val &= ~0x20; switch (via_i2c_chan->i2c_port) { case I2CPORTINDEX: val |= 0x01; break; case GPIOPORTINDEX: val |= 0x80; break; default: DEBUG_MSG("via_i2c: specify wrong i2c port.\n"); } viafb_write_reg(via_i2c_chan->i2c_port, VIASR, val); } static int via_i2c_getscl(void *data) { struct via_i2c_stuff *via_i2c_chan = (struct via_i2c_stuff *)data; if (viafb_read_reg(VIASR, via_i2c_chan->i2c_port) & 0x08) return 1; return 0; } static int via_i2c_getsda(void *data) { struct via_i2c_stuff *via_i2c_chan = (struct via_i2c_stuff *)data; if (viafb_read_reg(VIASR, via_i2c_chan->i2c_port) & 0x04) return 1; return 0; } static void via_i2c_setsda(void *data, int state) { u8 val; struct via_i2c_stuff *via_i2c_chan = (struct via_i2c_stuff *)data; val = viafb_read_reg(VIASR, via_i2c_chan->i2c_port) & 0xF0; if (state) val |= 0x10; else val &= ~0x10; switch (via_i2c_chan->i2c_port) { case I2CPORTINDEX: val |= 0x01; break; case GPIOPORTINDEX: val |= 0x40; break; default: DEBUG_MSG("via_i2c: specify wrong i2c port.\n"); } viafb_write_reg(via_i2c_chan->i2c_port, VIASR, val); } int viafb_i2c_readbyte(u8 slave_addr, u8 index, u8 *pdata) { u8 mm1[] = {0x00}; struct i2c_msg msgs[2]; *pdata = 0; msgs[0].flags = 0; msgs[1].flags = I2C_M_RD; msgs[0].addr = msgs[1].addr = slave_addr / 2; mm1[0] = index; msgs[0].len = 1; msgs[1].len = 1; msgs[0].buf = mm1; msgs[1].buf = pdata; i2c_transfer(&viaparinfo->i2c_stuff.adapter, msgs, 2); return 0; } int viafb_i2c_writebyte(u8 slave_addr, u8 index, u8 data) { u8 msg[2] = { index, data }; struct i2c_msg msgs; msgs.flags = 0; msgs.addr = slave_addr / 2; msgs.len = 2; msgs.buf = msg; return i2c_transfer(&viaparinfo->i2c_stuff.adapter, &msgs, 1); } int viafb_i2c_readbytes(u8 slave_addr, u8 index, u8 *buff, int buff_len) { u8 mm1[] = {0x00}; struct i2c_msg msgs[2]; msgs[0].flags = 0; msgs[1].flags = I2C_M_RD; msgs[0].addr = msgs[1].addr = slave_addr / 2; mm1[0] = index; msgs[0].len = 1; msgs[1].len = buff_len; msgs[0].buf = mm1; msgs[1].buf = buff; i2c_transfer(&viaparinfo->i2c_stuff.adapter, msgs, 2); return 0; } int viafb_create_i2c_bus(void *viapar) { int ret; struct viafb_par *par = (struct viafb_par *)viapar; strcpy(par->i2c_stuff.adapter.name, "via_i2c"); par->i2c_stuff.i2c_port = 0x0; par->i2c_stuff.adapter.owner = THIS_MODULE; par->i2c_stuff.adapter.id = 0x01FFFF; par->i2c_stuff.adapter.class = 0; par->i2c_stuff.adapter.algo_data = &par->i2c_stuff.algo; par->i2c_stuff.adapter.dev.parent = NULL; par->i2c_stuff.algo.setsda = via_i2c_setsda; par->i2c_stuff.algo.setscl = via_i2c_setscl; par->i2c_stuff.algo.getsda = via_i2c_getsda; par->i2c_stuff.algo.getscl = via_i2c_getscl; par->i2c_stuff.algo.udelay = 40; par->i2c_stuff.algo.timeout = 20; par->i2c_stuff.algo.data = &par->i2c_stuff; i2c_set_adapdata(&par->i2c_stuff.adapter, &par->i2c_stuff); /* Raise SCL and SDA */ par->i2c_stuff.i2c_port = I2CPORTINDEX; via_i2c_setsda(&par->i2c_stuff, 1); via_i2c_setscl(&par->i2c_stuff, 1); par->i2c_stuff.i2c_port = GPIOPORTINDEX; via_i2c_setsda(&par->i2c_stuff, 1); via_i2c_setscl(&par->i2c_stuff, 1); udelay(20); ret = i2c_bit_add_bus(&par->i2c_stuff.adapter); if (ret == 0) DEBUG_MSG("I2C bus %s registered.\n", par->i2c_stuff.adapter.name); else DEBUG_MSG("Failed to register I2C bus %s.\n", par->i2c_stuff.adapter.name); return ret; } void viafb_delete_i2c_buss(void *par) { i2c_del_adapter(&((struct viafb_par *)par)->i2c_stuff.adapter); }