From 0c1a7bbe0d0c6727a432890164032188787e7e26 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chia-I Wu <>
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2009 20:09:06 +0800
Subject: mesa/es: Add APIspec.xml and its parser.

APIspec.xml is based on APIspec.txt.  The new format has less code
duplications and should be easier to read.

Signed-off-by: Chia-I Wu <>
 src/mesa/es/main/APIspec.dtd    |   52 +
 src/mesa/es/main/     |  601 ++++++
 src/mesa/es/main/APIspec.xml    | 4405 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mesa/es/main/ |  262 +++
 4 files changed, 5320 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/mesa/es/main/APIspec.dtd
 create mode 100644 src/mesa/es/main/
 create mode 100644 src/mesa/es/main/APIspec.xml
 create mode 100644 src/mesa/es/main/

(limited to 'src')

diff --git a/src/mesa/es/main/APIspec.dtd b/src/mesa/es/main/APIspec.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..efcfa31f10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mesa/es/main/APIspec.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<!ELEMENT apispec (template|api)+>
+<!ELEMENT api (category*, function*)>
+<!ELEMENT category EMPTY>
+<!ELEMENT function EMPTY>
+<!ELEMENT template (proto, desc*)>
+<!ELEMENT proto (return, (param|vector)*)>
+<!ELEMENT return EMPTY>
+<!ELEMENT vector (param*)>
+<!ELEMENT desc ((value|range)*, desc*)>
+<!ATTLIST api      name                NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
+                   implementation      (true | false) "false">
+<!ATTLIST category name                NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST function name                NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
+                   default_prefix      NMTOKEN "_mesa_"
+                   external            (true | false) "false"
+                   template            NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
+                   gltype              CDATA #IMPLIED
+                   vector_size         NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
+                   expand_vector       (true | false) "false"
+                   skip_desc           (true | false) "false">
+<!ATTLIST template name                NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
+                   direction           (set | get) "set">
+<!ATTLIST return   type                CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!ATTLIST param    name                NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
+                   type                CDATA #REQUIRED
+                   hide_if_expanded    (true | false) "false"
+                   category            NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST vector   name                NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
+                   type                CDATA #REQUIRED
+                   size                NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
+                   category            NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST desc     name                NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
+                   vector_size         CDATA #IMPLIED
+                   convert             (true | false) #IMPLIED
+                   error               NMTOKEN "GL_INVALID_ENUM"
+                   category            NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST value    name                CDATA #REQUIRED
+                   category            NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>
+<!ATTLIST range    from                NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
+                   to                  NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
+                   base                NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
+                   category            NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>
diff --git a/src/mesa/es/main/ b/src/mesa/es/main/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f07e4261fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mesa/es/main/
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Chia-I Wu <>
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+# on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub
+# license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
+# the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+# Software.
+A parser for APIspec.
+class SpecError(Exception):
+    """Error in the spec file."""
+class Spec(object):
+    """A Spec is an abstraction of the API spec."""
+    def __init__(self, doc):
+        self.doc = doc
+        self.spec_node = doc.getRootElement()
+        self.tmpl_nodes = {}
+        self.api_nodes = {}
+        self.impl_node = None
+        # parse <apispec>
+        node = self.spec_node.children
+        while node:
+            if node.type == "element":
+                if == "template":
+                    self.tmpl_nodes[node.prop("name")] = node
+                elif == "api":
+                    self.api_nodes[node.prop("name")] = node
+                else:
+                    raise SpecError("unexpected node %s in apispec" %
+            node =
+        # find an implementation
+        for name, node in self.api_nodes.iteritems():
+            if node.prop("implementation") == "true":
+                self.impl_node = node
+                break
+        if not self.impl_node:
+            raise SpecError("unable to find an implementation")
+    def get_impl(self):
+        """Return the implementation."""
+        return API(self, self.impl_node)
+    def get_api(self, name):
+        """Return an API."""
+        return API(self, self.api_nodes[name])
+class API(object):
+    """An API consists of categories and functions."""
+    def __init__(self, spec, api_node):
+ = api_node.prop("name")
+        self.is_impl = (api_node.prop("implementation") == "true")
+        self.categories = []
+        self.functions = []
+        # parse <api>
+        func_nodes = []
+        node = api_node.children
+        while node:
+            if node.type == "element":
+                if == "category":
+                    cat = node.prop("name")
+                    self.categories.append(cat)
+                elif == "function":
+                    func_nodes.append(node)
+                else:
+                    raise SpecError("unexpected node %s in api" %
+            node =
+        # realize functions
+        for func_node in func_nodes:
+            tmpl_node = spec.tmpl_nodes[func_node.prop("template")]
+            try:
+                func = Function(tmpl_node, func_node, self.is_impl,
+                                self.categories)
+            except SpecError, e:
+                func_name = func_node.prop("name")
+                raise SpecError("failed to parse %s: %s" % (func_name, e))
+            self.functions.append(func)
+    def match(self, func, conversions={}):
+        """Find a matching function in the API."""
+        match = None
+        need_conv = False
+        for f in self.functions:
+            matched, conv = f.match(func, conversions)
+            if matched:
+                match = f
+                need_conv = conv
+                # exact match
+                if not need_conv:
+                    break
+        return (match, need_conv)
+class Function(object):
+    """Parse and realize a <template> node."""
+    def __init__(self, tmpl_node, func_node, force_skip_desc=False, categories=[]):
+        self.tmpl_name = tmpl_node.prop("name")
+        self.direction = tmpl_node.prop("direction")
+ = func_node.prop("name")
+        self.prefix = func_node.prop("default_prefix")
+        self.is_external = (func_node.prop("external") == "true")
+        if force_skip_desc:
+            self._skip_desc = True
+        else:
+            self._skip_desc = (self.is_external or func_node.prop("skip_desc") == "true")
+        self._categories = categories
+        # these attributes decide how the template is realized
+        self._gltype = func_node.prop("gltype")
+        if func_node.hasProp("vector_size"):
+            self._vector_size = int(func_node.prop("vector_size"))
+        else:
+            self._vector_size = 0
+        self._expand_vector = (func_node.prop("expand_vector") == "true")
+        self.return_type = "void"
+        param_nodes = []
+        # find <proto>
+        proto_node = tmpl_node.children
+        while proto_node:
+            if proto_node.type == "element" and == "proto":
+                break
+            proto_node =
+        if not proto_node:
+            raise SpecError("no proto")
+        # and parse it
+        node = proto_node.children
+        while node:
+            if node.type == "element":
+                if == "return":
+                    self.return_type = node.prop("type")
+                elif == "param" or == "vector":
+                    if self.support_node(node):
+                        # make sure the node is not hidden
+                        if not (self._expand_vector and
+                                (node.prop("hide_if_expanded") == "true")):
+                            param_nodes.append(node)
+                else:
+                    raise SpecError("unexpected node %s in proto" %
+            node =
+        self._init_params(param_nodes)
+        self._init_descs(tmpl_node, param_nodes)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "%s %s%s(%s)" % (self.return_type, self.prefix,,
+                self.param_string(True))
+    def _init_params(self, param_nodes):
+        """Parse and initialize parameters."""
+        self.params = []
+        for param_node in param_nodes:
+            size = self.param_node_size(param_node)
+            # when no expansion, vector is just like param
+            if == "param" or not self._expand_vector:
+                param = Parameter(param_node, self._gltype, size)
+                self.params.append(param)
+                continue
+            if not size or size > param_node.lsCountNode():
+                raise SpecError("could not expand %s with unknown or "
+                                "mismatch sizes" %
+            # expand the vector
+            expanded_params = []
+            child = param_node.children
+            while child:
+                if (child.type == "element" and == "param" and
+                    self.support_node(child)):
+                    expanded_params.append(Parameter(child, self._gltype))
+                    if len(expanded_params) == size:
+                        break
+                child =
+            # just in case that lsCountNode counts unknown nodes
+            if len(expanded_params) < size:
+                raise SpecError("not enough named parameters")
+            self.params.extend(expanded_params)
+    def _init_descs(self, tmpl_node, param_nodes):
+        """Parse and initialize parameter descriptions."""
+        self.checker = Checker()
+        if self._skip_desc:
+            return
+        node = tmpl_node.children
+        while node:
+            if node.type == "element" and == "desc":
+                if self.support_node(node):
+                    # parse <desc>
+                    desc = Description(node, self._categories)
+                    self.checker.add_desc(desc)
+            node =
+        self.checker.validate(self, param_nodes)
+    def support_node(self, node):
+        """Return true if a node is in the supported category."""
+        return (not node.hasProp("category") or
+                node.prop("category") in self._categories)
+    def get_param(self, name):
+        """Return the named parameter."""
+        for param in self.params:
+            if == name:
+                return param
+        return None
+    def param_node_size(self, param):
+        """Return the size of a vector."""
+        if != "vector":
+            return 0
+        size = param.prop("size")
+        if size.isdigit():
+            size = int(size)
+        else:
+            size = 0
+        if not size:
+            size = self._vector_size
+            if not size and self._expand_vector:
+                # return the number of named parameters
+                size = param.lsCountNode()
+        return size
+    def param_string(self, declaration):
+        """Return the C code of the parameters."""
+        args = []
+        if declaration:
+            for param in self.params:
+                sep = "" if param.type.endswith("*") else " "
+                args.append("%s%s%s" % (param.type, sep,
+            if not args:
+                args.append("void")
+        else:
+            for param in self.params:
+                args.append(
+        return ", ".join(args)
+    def match(self, other, conversions={}):
+        """Return true if the functions match, probably with a conversion."""
+        if (self.tmpl_name != other.tmpl_name or
+            self.return_type != other.return_type or
+            len(self.params) != len(other.params)):
+            return (False, False)
+        need_conv = False
+        for i in xrange(len(self.params)):
+            src = other.params[i]
+            dst = self.params[i]
+            if (src.is_vector != dst.is_vector or src.size != dst.size):
+                return (False, False)
+            if src.type != dst.type:
+                if dst.base_type() in conversions.get(src.base_type(), []):
+                    need_conv = True
+                else:
+                    # unable to convert
+                    return (False, False)
+        return (True, need_conv)
+class Parameter(object):
+    """A parameter of a function."""
+    def __init__(self, param_node, gltype=None, size=0):
+        self.is_vector = ( == "vector")
+ = param_node.prop("name")
+        self.size = size
+        type = param_node.prop("type")
+        if gltype:
+            type = type.replace("GLtype", gltype)
+        elif type.find("GLtype") != -1:
+            raise SpecError("parameter %s has unresolved type" %
+        self.type = type
+    def base_type(self):
+        """Return the base GL type by stripping qualifiers."""
+        return [t for t in self.type.split(" ") if t.startswith("GL")][0]
+class Checker(object):
+    """A checker is the collection of all descriptions on the same level.
+    Descriptions of the same parameter are concatenated.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.switches = {}
+    def add_desc(self, desc):
+        """Add a description."""
+        # TODO take index into consideration
+        if not in self.switches:
+            self.switches[] = []
+        self.switches[].append(desc)
+    def validate(self, func, param_nodes):
+        """Validate the checker against a function."""
+        tmp = Checker()
+        for switch in self.switches.itervalues():
+            valid_descs = []
+            for desc in switch:
+                if desc.validate(func, param_nodes):
+                    valid_descs.append(desc)
+            # no possible values
+            if not valid_descs:
+                return False
+            for desc in valid_descs:
+                if not desc._is_noop:
+                    tmp.add_desc(desc)
+        self.switches = tmp.switches
+        return True
+    def flatten(self, name=None):
+        """Return a flat list of all descriptions of the named parameter."""
+        flat_list = []
+        for switch in self.switches.itervalues():
+            for desc in switch:
+                if not name or == name:
+                    flat_list.append(desc)
+                flat_list.extend(desc.checker.flatten(name))
+        return flat_list
+    def always_check(self, name):
+        """Return true if the parameter is checked in all possible pathes."""
+        if name in self.switches:
+            return True
+        # a param is always checked if any of the switch always checks it
+        for switch in self.switches.itervalues():
+            # a switch always checks it if all of the descs always check it
+            always = True
+            for desc in switch:
+                if not desc.checker.always_check(name):
+                    always = False
+                    break
+            if always:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def _c_switch(self, name, indent="\t"):
+        """Output C switch-statement for the named parameter, for debug."""
+        switch = self.switches.get(name, [])
+        # make sure there are valid values
+        need_switch = False
+        for desc in switch:
+            if desc.values:
+                need_switch = True
+        if not need_switch:
+            return []
+        stmts = []
+        var = switch[0].name
+        if switch[0].index >= 0:
+            var += "[%d]" % switch[0].index
+        stmts.append("switch (%s) { /* assume GLenum */" % var)
+        for desc in switch:
+            if desc.values:
+                for val in desc.values:
+                    stmts.append("case %s:" % val)
+                for dep_name in desc.checker.switches.iterkeys():
+                    dep_stmts = [indent + s for s in desc.checker._c_switch(dep_name, indent)]
+                    stmts.extend(dep_stmts)
+                stmts.append(indent + "break;")
+        stmts.append("default:")
+        stmts.append(indent + "ON_ERROR(%s);" % switch[0].error);
+        stmts.append(indent + "break;")
+        stmts.append("}")
+        return stmts
+    def dump(self, indent="\t"):
+        """Dump the descriptions in C code."""
+        stmts = []
+        for name in self.switches.iterkeys():
+            c_switch = self._c_switch(name)
+            print "\n".join(c_switch)
+class Description(object):
+    """A description desribes a parameter and its relationship with other
+    parameters.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, desc_node, categories=[]):
+        self._categories = categories
+        self._is_noop = False
+ = desc_node.prop("name")
+        self.index = -1
+        self.error = desc_node.prop("error") or "GL_INVALID_ENUM"
+        # vector_size may be C code
+        self.size_str = desc_node.prop("vector_size")
+        self._has_enum = False
+        self.values = []
+        dep_nodes = []
+        # parse <desc>
+        valid_names = ["value", "range", "desc"]
+        node = desc_node.children
+        while node:
+            if node.type == "element":
+                if in valid_names:
+                    # ignore nodes that require unsupported categories
+                    if (node.prop("category") and
+                        node.prop("category") not in self._categories):
+                        node =
+                        continue
+                else:
+                    raise SpecError("unexpected node %s in desc" %
+                if == "value":
+                    val = node.prop("name")
+                    if not self._has_enum and val.startswith("GL_"):
+                        self._has_enum = True
+                    self.values.append(val)
+                elif == "range":
+                    first = int(node.prop("from"))
+                    last = int(node.prop("to"))
+                    base = node.prop("base") or ""
+                    if not self._has_enum and base.startswith("GL_"):
+                        self._has_enum = True
+                    # expand range
+                    for i in xrange(first, last + 1):
+                        self.values.append("%s%d" % (base, i))
+                else: # dependent desc
+                    dep_nodes.append(node)
+            node =
+        # default to convert if there is no enum
+        self.convert = not self._has_enum
+        if desc_node.hasProp("convert"):
+            self.convert = (desc_node.prop("convert") == "true")
+        self._init_deps(dep_nodes)
+    def _init_deps(self, dep_nodes):
+        """Parse and initialize dependents."""
+        self.checker = Checker()
+        for dep_node in dep_nodes:
+            # recursion!
+            dep = Description(dep_node, self._categories)
+            self.checker.add_desc(dep)
+    def _search_param_node(self, param_nodes, name=None):
+        """Search the template parameters for the named node."""
+        param_node = None
+        param_index = -1
+        if not name:
+            name =
+        for node in param_nodes:
+            if name == node.prop("name"):
+                param_node = node
+            elif == "vector":
+                child = node.children
+                idx = 0
+                while child:
+                    if child.type == "element" and == "param":
+                        if name == child.prop("name"):
+                            param_node = node
+                            param_index = idx
+                            break
+                        idx += 1
+                    child =
+            if param_node:
+                break
+        return (param_node, param_index)
+    def _find_final(self, func, param_nodes):
+        """Find the final parameter."""
+        param = func.get_param(
+        param_index = -1
+        # the described param is not in the final function
+        if not param:
+            # search the template parameters
+            node, index = self._search_param_node(param_nodes)
+            if not node:
+                raise SpecError("invalid desc %s in %s" %
+                        (,
+            # a named parameter of a vector
+            if index >= 0:
+                param = func.get_param(node.prop("name"))
+                param_index = index
+            elif == "vector":
+                # must be an expanded vector, check its size
+                if self.size_str and self.size_str.isdigit():
+                    size = int(self.size_str)
+                    expanded_size = func.param_node_size(node)
+                    if size != expanded_size:
+                        return (False, None, -1)
+            # otherwise, it is a valid, but no-op, description
+        return (True, param, param_index)
+    def validate(self, func, param_nodes):
+        """Validate a description against certain function."""
+        if self.checker.switches and not self.values:
+            raise SpecError("no valid values for %s" %
+        valid, param, param_index = self._find_final(func, param_nodes)
+        if not valid:
+            return False
+        # the description is valid, but the param is gone
+        # mark it no-op so that it will be skipped
+        if not param:
+            self._is_noop = True
+            return True
+        if param.is_vector:
+            # if param was known, this should have been done in __init__
+            if self._has_enum:
+                self.size_str = "1"
+            # size mismatch
+            if (param.size and self.size_str and self.size_str.isdigit() and
+                param.size != int(self.size_str)):
+                return False
+        elif self.size_str:
+            # only vector accepts vector_size
+            raise SpecError("vector_size is invalid for %s" %
+        if not self.checker.validate(func, param_nodes):
+            return False
+        # update the description
+ =
+        self.index = param_index
+        return True
+def main():
+    import libxml2
+    filename = "APIspec.xml"
+    apinames = ["GLES1.1", "GLES2.0"]
+    doc = libxml2.readFile(filename, None,
+            libxml2.XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD +
+            libxml2.XML_PARSE_DTDVALID +
+            libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS)
+    spec = Spec(doc)
+    impl = spec.get_impl()
+    for apiname in apinames:
+        spec.get_api(apiname)
+    doc.freeDoc()
+    print "%s is successfully parsed" % filename
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/src/mesa/es/main/APIspec.xml b/src/mesa/es/main/APIspec.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e48b343c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mesa/es/main/APIspec.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4405 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE apispec SYSTEM "APIspec.dtd">
+<!-- A function is generated from a template.  Multiple functions can be
+     generated from a single template with different arguments.  For example,
+     glColor3f can be generated from
+     <function name="Color3f" template="Color" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="3" expand_vector="true"/>
+     and glColor4iv can be generated from
+     <function name="Color4iv" template="Color" gltype="GLint" vector_size="4"/>
+     In a template, there are <desc>s that describe the properties of
+     parameters.  A <desc> can enumerate the valid values of a parameter.  It
+     can also specify the error code when an invalid value is given, and etc.
+     By nesting <desc>s, they can create dependency between parameters.
+<template name="Color">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<vector name="v" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="red" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="green" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="blue" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="alpha" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+<template name="ClipPlane">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="plane" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="equation" type="const GLtype *" size="4"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="plane">
+		<range base="GL_CLIP_PLANE" from="0" to="5"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="CullFace">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="mode" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="mode">
+		<value name="GL_FRONT"/>
+		<value name="GL_BACK"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRONT_AND_BACK"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="Fog">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="param" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+        <desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_FOG_MODE"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_EXP"/>
+			<value name="GL_EXP2"/>
+			<value name="GL_LINEAR"/>
+		</desc>
+        </desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_FOG_COLOR"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="4"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_FOG_DENSITY"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG_START"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG_END"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="FrontFace">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="mode" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="mode">
+		<value name="GL_CW"/>
+		<value name="GL_CCW"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="Hint">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="mode" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target" category="GLES1.1">
+		<value name="GL_FOG_HINT"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="target" category="OES_standard_derivatives">
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="mode">
+		<value name="GL_FASTEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_NICEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DONT_CARE"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="Light">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="light" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="param" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="light">
+		<range base="GL_LIGHT" from="0" to="7"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_AMBIENT"/>
+		<value name="GL_DIFFUSE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SPECULAR"/>
+		<value name="GL_POSITION"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="4"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_SPOT_DIRECTION"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="3"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_SPOT_EXPONENT"/>
+		<value name="GL_SPOT_CUTOFF"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="LightModel">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="param" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="4"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_TRUE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FALSE"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+<template name="LineWidth">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="Material">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="face" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="param" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="face">
+		<value name="GL_FRONT_AND_BACK"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_AMBIENT"/>
+		<value name="GL_DIFFUSE"/>
+		<value name="GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SPECULAR"/>
+		<value name="GL_EMISSION"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="4"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_SHININESS"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="PointSize">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="size" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="PointSizePointer">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="stride" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="pointer" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="type">
+		<value name="GL_FLOAT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FIXED"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="Scissor">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="x" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="y" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="ShadeModel">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="mode" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="mode">
+		<value name="GL_FLAT"/>
+		<value name="GL_SMOOTH"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="TexParameter">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="param" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_3D_OES" category="OES_texture_3D"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R_OES" category="OES_texture_3D"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE"/>
+			<value name="GL_REPEAT"/>
+			<value name="GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+			<value name="GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT_OES" category="OES_texture_mirrored_repeat"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_NEAREST"/>
+			<value name="GL_LINEAR"/>
+			<value name="GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST"/>
+			<value name="GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR"/>
+			<value name="GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"/>
+			<value name="GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_NEAREST"/>
+			<value name="GL_LINEAR"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname" category="GLES1.1">
+		<value name="GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_TRUE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FALSE"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname" category="EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic">
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname" category="OES_draw_texture">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="4"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="TexImage2D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="internalFormat" type="GLint"/> <!-- should be GLenum -->
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="border" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="format" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pixels" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="internalFormat" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGBA"/>
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE"/>
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT" category="OES_depth_texture"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_OES" category="OES_packed_depth_stencil"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="border" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_RGB"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_RGBA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV_EXT" category="EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format" category="OES_depth_texture">
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_INT"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format" category="OES_packed_depth_stencil">
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_OES"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_OES"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+<template name="TexEnv">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="param" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target" category="OES_point_sprite">
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SPRITE_OES"/>
+		<desc name="pname">
+			<value name="GL_COORD_REPLACE_OES"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname" category="OES_point_sprite">
+		<value name="GL_COORD_REPLACE_OES"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_TRUE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FALSE"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_ENV"/>
+		<desc name="pname">
+			<value name="GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE"/>
+			<value name="GL_COMBINE_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_COMBINE_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_RGB_SCALE"/>
+			<value name="GL_ALPHA_SCALE"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC0_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC1_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC2_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC0_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC1_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC2_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND0_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND1_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND2_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_REPLACE"/>
+			<value name="GL_MODULATE"/>
+			<value name="GL_DECAL"/>
+			<value name="GL_BLEND"/>
+			<value name="GL_ADD"/>
+			<value name="GL_COMBINE"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_COMBINE_RGB"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_REPLACE"/>
+			<value name="GL_MODULATE"/>
+			<value name="GL_ADD"/>
+			<value name="GL_ADD_SIGNED"/>
+			<value name="GL_INTERPOLATE"/>
+			<value name="GL_SUBTRACT"/>
+			<value name="GL_DOT3_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_DOT3_RGBA"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_COMBINE_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_REPLACE"/>
+			<value name="GL_MODULATE"/>
+			<value name="GL_ADD"/>
+			<value name="GL_ADD_SIGNED"/>
+			<value name="GL_INTERPOLATE"/>
+			<value name="GL_SUBTRACT"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_RGB_SCALE"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA_SCALE"/>
+		<desc name="param" convert="true" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+			<value name="1.0"/>
+			<value name="2.0"/>
+			<value name="4.0"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_SRC0_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC1_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC2_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC0_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC1_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC2_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_TEXTURE"/>
+			<value name="GL_CONSTANT"/>
+			<value name="GL_PRIMARY_COLOR"/>
+			<value name="GL_PREVIOUS"/>
+			<range base="GL_TEXTURE" from="0" to="31" category="OES_texture_env_crossbar"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND0_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND1_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND2_RGB"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_SRC_COLOR"/>
+			<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="4"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="TexGen">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="coord" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="param" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="coord" category="OES_texture_cube_map">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_GEN_STR_OES"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname" category="OES_texture_cube_map">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE_OES"/>
+		<desc name="param">
+			<value name="GL_NORMAL_MAP_OES"/>
+			<value name="GL_REFLECTION_MAP_OES"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+<template name="Clear">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="mask" type="GLbitfield"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="mask" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="0"/>
+		<value name="(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)"/>
+		<value name="(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)"/>
+		<value name="(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT)"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="ClearColor">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="red" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="green" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="blue" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="alpha" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="ClearStencil">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="s" type="GLint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="ClearDepth">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="depth" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="StencilMask">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="mask" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="StencilMaskSeparate">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="face" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="mask" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="face">
+		<value name="GL_FRONT"/>
+		<value name="GL_BACK"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRONT_AND_BACK"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="ColorMask">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="red" type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="green" type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="blue" type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="alpha" type="GLboolean"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="DepthMask">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="flag" type="GLboolean"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="Disable">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="cap" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="cap" category="GLES1.1">
+		<value name="GL_NORMALIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_RESCALE_NORMAL"/>
+		<range base="GL_CLIP_PLANE" from="0" to="5"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG"/>
+		<value name="GL_LIGHTING"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_MATERIAL"/>
+		<range base="GL_LIGHT" from="0" to="7"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SMOOTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINE_SMOOTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_CULL_FACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL"/>
+		<value name="GL_MULTISAMPLE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_SCISSOR_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND"/>
+		<value name="GL_DITHER"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SPRITE_OES" category="OES_point_sprite"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_PALETTE_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_GEN_STR_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="cap" category="GLES2.0">
+		<value name="GL_CULL_FACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SCISSOR_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DITHER"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND"/>
+	</desc>
+<!-- it is exactly the same as Disable -->
+<template name="Enable">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="cap" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="cap" category="GLES1.1">
+		<value name="GL_NORMALIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_RESCALE_NORMAL"/>
+		<range base="GL_CLIP_PLANE" from="0" to="5"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG"/>
+		<value name="GL_LIGHTING"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_MATERIAL"/>
+		<range base="GL_LIGHT" from="0" to="7"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SMOOTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINE_SMOOTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_CULL_FACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL"/>
+		<value name="GL_MULTISAMPLE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_SCISSOR_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND"/>
+		<value name="GL_DITHER"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SPRITE_OES" category="OES_point_sprite"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_PALETTE_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_GEN_STR_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="cap" category="GLES2.0">
+		<value name="GL_CULL_FACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SCISSOR_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DITHER"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="Finish">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="Flush">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="AlphaFunc">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="func" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="ref" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="func">
+		<value name="GL_NEVER"/>
+		<value name="GL_LESS"/>
+		<value name="GL_EQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_LEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_GREATER"/>
+		<value name="GL_NOTEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_GEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALWAYS"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="BlendFunc">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="sfactor" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="dfactor" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="sfactor">
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="dfactor">
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="LogicOp">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="opcode" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="opcode">
+		<value name="GL_CLEAR"/>
+		<value name="GL_SET"/>
+		<value name="GL_COPY"/>
+		<value name="GL_COPY_INVERTED"/>
+		<value name="GL_NOOP"/>
+		<value name="GL_INVERT"/>
+		<value name="GL_AND"/>
+		<value name="GL_NAND"/>
+		<value name="GL_OR"/>
+		<value name="GL_NOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_XOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_EQUIV"/>
+		<value name="GL_AND_REVERSE"/>
+		<value name="GL_AND_INVERTED"/>
+		<value name="GL_OR_REVERSE"/>
+		<value name="GL_OR_INVERTED"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="StencilFunc">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="func" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="ref" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="mask" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="func">
+		<value name="GL_NEVER"/>
+		<value name="GL_LESS"/>
+		<value name="GL_LEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_GREATER"/>
+		<value name="GL_GEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_EQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_NOTEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALWAYS"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="StencilFuncSeparate">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="face" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="func" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="ref" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="mask" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="face">
+		<value name="GL_FRONT"/>
+		<value name="GL_BACK"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRONT_AND_BACK"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="func">
+		<value name="GL_NEVER"/>
+		<value name="GL_LESS"/>
+		<value name="GL_LEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_GREATER"/>
+		<value name="GL_GEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_EQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_NOTEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALWAYS"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="StencilOp">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="fail" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="zfail" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="zpass" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="fail">
+		<value name="GL_KEEP"/>
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_REPLACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR"/>
+		<value name="GL_INVERT"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR_WRAP" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR_WRAP" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR_WRAP_OES" category="OES_stencil_wrap"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR_WRAP_OES" category="OES_stencil_wrap"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="zfail">
+		<value name="GL_KEEP"/>
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_REPLACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR"/>
+		<value name="GL_INVERT"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR_WRAP" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR_WRAP" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR_WRAP_OES" category="OES_stencil_wrap"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR_WRAP_OES" category="OES_stencil_wrap"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="zpass">
+		<value name="GL_KEEP"/>
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_REPLACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR"/>
+		<value name="GL_INVERT"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR_WRAP" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR_WRAP" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR_WRAP_OES" category="OES_stencil_wrap"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR_WRAP_OES" category="OES_stencil_wrap"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="StencilOpSeparate">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="face" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="fail" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="zfail" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="zpass" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="face">
+		<value name="GL_FRONT"/>
+		<value name="GL_BACK"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRONT_AND_BACK"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="fail">
+		<value name="GL_KEEP"/>
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_REPLACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR"/>
+		<value name="GL_INVERT"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR_WRAP"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR_WRAP"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="zfail">
+		<value name="GL_KEEP"/>
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_REPLACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR"/>
+		<value name="GL_INVERT"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR_WRAP"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR_WRAP"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="zpass">
+		<value name="GL_KEEP"/>
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_REPLACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR"/>
+		<value name="GL_INVERT"/>
+		<value name="GL_INCR_WRAP"/>
+		<value name="GL_DECR_WRAP"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="DepthFunc">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="func" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="func">
+		<value name="GL_NEVER"/>
+		<value name="GL_LESS"/>
+		<value name="GL_EQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_LEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_GREATER"/>
+		<value name="GL_NOTEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_GEQUAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALWAYS"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="PixelStore">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="param" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT"/>
+		<value name="GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="param" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="1"/>
+		<value name="2"/>
+		<value name="4"/>
+		<value name="8"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="ReadPixels" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="x" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="y" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="format" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pixels" type="GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<!-- Technically, only two combinations are actually allowed:
+	     GL_RGBA/GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, and some implementation-specific
+	     internal preferred combination.  I don't know what that is, so I'm
+	     allowing any valid combination for now; the underlying support
+	     should fail when necessary.-->
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_RGB"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_RGBA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format" category="EXT_read_format_bgra">
+		<value name="GL_BGRA_EXT"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV_EXT"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV_EXT"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetClipPlane" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="plane" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="equation" type="GLtype *" size="4"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="plane">
+		<range base="GL_CLIP_PLANE" from="0" to="5"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetError" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+<!-- template for GetFloatv, GetIntegerv, GetBoolean, and GetFixedv -->
+<template name="GetState" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<!-- XXX some enums might be missing -->
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE"/>
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE"/>
+		<value name="GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING"/>
+		<value name="GL_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG_DENSITY"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG_START"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG_END"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINE_WIDTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_REF"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE"/>
+		<value name="GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT"/>
+		<value name="GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT"/>
+		<value name="GL_MAX_LIGHTS"/>
+		<value name="GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES"/>
+		<value name="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS"/>
+		<value name="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLES"/>
+		<value name="GL_RED_BITS"/>
+		<value name="GL_GREEN_BITS"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLUE_BITS"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA_BITS"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_BITS"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_BITS"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES" category="OES_point_size_array"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES" category="OES_point_size_array"/>
+		<value name="GL_MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_CURRENT_PALETTE_MATRIX_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_SIZE_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_SIZE_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_STRIDE_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT" category="EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1"/>
+	</desc>
+	<!-- These values return booleans or GLenums, and should not have their
+	     value converted -->
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE"/>
+		<value name="GL_NORMAL_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_MODE"/>
+		<value name="GL_NORMALIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_RESCALE_NORMAL"/>
+		<range base="GL_CLIP_PLANE" from="0" to="5"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG_MODE"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG"/>
+		<value name="GL_SHADE_MODEL"/>
+		<value name="GL_LIGHTING"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_MATERIAL"/>
+		<value name="GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE"/>
+		<range base="GL_LIGHT" from="0" to="7"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SMOOTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINE_SMOOTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_CULL_FACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_CULL_FACE_MODE"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRONT_FACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL"/>
+		<value name="GL_MULTISAMPLE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SCISSOR_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_FUNC"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_FAIL"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_FUNC"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND_SRC"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND_DST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DITHER"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP"/>
+		<value name="GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG_HINT"/>
+		<value name="GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SPRITE_OES" category="OES_point_sprite"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_TYPE_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_OES" category="OES_point_size_array"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_TYPE_OES" category="OES_point_size_array"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND_DST_RGB_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB_OES" category="OES_blend_equation_separate"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA_OES" category="OES_blend_equation_separate"/>
+		<value name="GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE_OES" category="OES_read_format"/>
+		<value name="GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT_OES" category="OES_read_format"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1" convert="false"/>
+        </desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_RANGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_RANGE"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="2"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_CURRENT_NORMAL"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="3"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_CURRENT_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS"/>
+		<value name="GL_SCISSOR_BOX"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE"/>
+		<value name="GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT"/>
+		<value name="GL_VIEWPORT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG_COLOR"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="4"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX"/>
+		<value name="GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX"/>
+		<value name="GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES" category="OES_matrix_get"/>
+		<value name="GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES" category="OES_matrix_get"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX_FLOAT_AS_INT_BITS_OES" category="OES_matrix_get"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="16"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="_get_size(GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS)" convert="false"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetLight" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="light" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="light">
+		<range base="GL_LIGHT" from="0" to="7"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_AMBIENT"/>
+		<value name="GL_DIFFUSE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SPECULAR"/>
+		<value name="GL_POSITION"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="4"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_SPOT_DIRECTION"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="3"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_SPOT_EXPONENT"/>
+		<value name="GL_SPOT_CUTOFF"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetMaterial" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="face" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="param" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="face">
+		<value name="GL_FRONT"/>
+		<value name="GL_BACK"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_SHININESS"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_AMBIENT"/>
+		<value name="GL_DIFFUSE"/>
+		<value name="GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SPECULAR"/>
+		<value name="GL_EMISSION"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="4"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetString" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="const GLubyte *"/>
+		<param name="name" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="name">
+		<value name="GL_VENDOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_RENDERER"/>
+		<value name="GL_VERSION"/>
+		<value name="GL_EXTENSIONS"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetTexEnv" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target" category="OES_point_sprite">
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SPRITE_OES"/>
+		<desc name="pname">
+			<value name="GL_COORD_REPLACE_OES"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname" category="OES_point_sprite">
+		<value name="GL_COORD_REPLACE_OES"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1" convert="false"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_ENV"/>
+		<desc name="pname">
+			<value name="GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR"/>
+			<value name="GL_RGB_SCALE"/>
+			<value name="GL_ALPHA_SCALE"/>
+			<value name="GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE"/>
+			<value name="GL_COMBINE_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_COMBINE_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC0_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC1_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC2_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC0_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC1_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_SRC2_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND0_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND1_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND2_RGB"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA"/>
+			<value name="GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="4"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_RGB_SCALE"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA_SCALE"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE"/>
+		<value name="GL_COMBINE_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_COMBINE_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC0_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC1_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC2_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC0_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC1_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC2_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND0_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND1_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND2_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1" convert="false"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetTexGen" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="coord" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="coord">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_GEN_STR_OES"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE_OES"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1" convert="false"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetTexParameter" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_3D_OES" category="OES_texture_3D"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R_OES" category="OES_texture_3D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER"/>
+		<value name="GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP" category="GLES1.1"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1" convert="false"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname" category="OES_draw_texture">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="4"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="IsEnabled" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="cap" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="cap" category="GLES1.1">
+		<value name="GL_NORMALIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_RESCALE_NORMAL"/>
+		<range base="GL_CLIP_PLANE" from="0" to="5"/>
+		<value name="GL_FOG"/>
+		<value name="GL_LIGHTING"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_MATERIAL"/>
+		<range base="GL_LIGHT" from="0" to="7"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SMOOTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINE_SMOOTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_CULL_FACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL"/>
+		<value name="GL_MULTISAMPLE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_SCISSOR_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND"/>
+		<value name="GL_DITHER"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SPRITE_OES" category="OES_point_sprite"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_GEN_STR_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_NORMAL_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_OES" category="OES_point_size_array"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="cap" category="GLES2.0">
+		<value name="GL_CULL_FACE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SCISSOR_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_TEST"/>
+		<value name="GL_DITHER"/>
+		<value name="GL_BLEND"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="DepthRange">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="zNear" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="zFar" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="Frustum">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="left" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="right" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="bottom" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="top" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="zNear" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="zFar" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="LoadIdentity">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="LoadMatrix">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<vector name="m" type="const GLtype *" size="16"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="MatrixMode">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="mode" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="mode">
+		<value name="GL_MODELVIEW"/>
+		<value name="GL_PROJECTION"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_PALETTE_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="MultMatrix">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<vector name="m" type="const GLtype *" size="16"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="Ortho">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="left" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="right" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="bottom" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="top" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="zNear" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="zFar" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="PopMatrix">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="PushMatrix">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="Rotate">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="angle" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="x" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="y" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="z" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="Scale">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="x" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="y" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="z" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="Translate">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="x" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="y" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="z" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="Viewport">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="x" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="y" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="ColorPointer">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="size" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="stride" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="pointer" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="size" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="4"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="type">
+		<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+		<value name="GL_FLOAT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FIXED"/>
+		<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_vertex_half_float"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="DisableClientState">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="array" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="array">
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_NORMAL_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_OES" category="OES_point_size_array"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="DrawArrays">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="mode" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="first" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="count" type="GLsizei"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="mode">
+		<value name="GL_POINTS"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINES"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINE_LOOP"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINE_STRIP"/>
+		<value name="GL_TRIANGLES"/>
+		<value name="GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP"/>
+		<value name="GL_TRIANGLE_FAN"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="DrawElements">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="mode" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="count" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="indices" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="mode">
+		<value name="GL_POINTS"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINES"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINE_LOOP"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINE_STRIP"/>
+		<value name="GL_TRIANGLES"/>
+		<value name="GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP"/>
+		<value name="GL_TRIANGLE_FAN"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="type">
+		<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+		<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT"/>
+		<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_INT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="EnableClientState">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="array" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="array">
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_NORMAL_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_OES" category="OES_point_size_array"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetPointer" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLvoid **" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER"/>
+		<value name="GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER"/>
+		<value name="GL_MATRIX_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_WEIGHT_ARRAY_POINTER_OES" category="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_ARRAY_POINTER_OES" category="OES_point_size_array"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="Normal">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<vector name="v" type="const GLtype *" size="3">
+			<param name="nx" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="ny" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="nz" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+<template name="NormalPointer">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="stride" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="pointer" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="type">
+		<value name="GL_BYTE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SHORT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FLOAT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FIXED"/>
+		<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_vertex_half_float"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="TexCoordPointer">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="size" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="stride" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="pointer" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="size" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="2"/>
+		<value name="3"/>
+		<value name="4"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="type">
+		<value name="GL_BYTE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SHORT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FLOAT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FIXED"/>
+		<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_vertex_half_float"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="VertexPointer">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="size" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="stride" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="pointer" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="size" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="2"/>
+		<value name="3"/>
+		<value name="4"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="type">
+		<value name="GL_BYTE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SHORT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FLOAT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FIXED"/>
+		<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_vertex_half_float"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="PolygonOffset">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="factor" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="units" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="CopyTexImage2D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="internalFormat" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="x" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="y" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="border" type="GLint"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="internalFormat" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGBA"/>
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE"/>
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="border" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="0"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="CopyTexSubImage2D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="xoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="yoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="x" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="y" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="TexSubImage2D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="xoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="yoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="format" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pixels" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_RGB"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_RGBA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV_EXT" category="EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format" category="OES_depth_texture">
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_INT"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format" category="OES_packed_depth_stencil">
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_OES"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_OES"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+<template name="BindTexture">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="texture" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_3D_OES" category="OES_texture_3D"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="DeleteTextures">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="n" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="textures" type="const GLuint *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GenTextures" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="n" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="textures" type="GLuint *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="IsTexture" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="texture" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="BlendColor">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="red" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="green" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="blue" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="alpha" type="GLtype"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="BlendEquation">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="mode" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="mode">
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_ADD" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_ADD_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="BlendEquationSeparate">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="modeRGB" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="modeAlpha" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="modeRGB">
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_ADD" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_ADD_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="modeAlpha">
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_ADD" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_ADD_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+		<value name="GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_OES" category="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="TexImage3D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="internalFormat" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="depth" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="border" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="format" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pixels" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_3D_OES"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="internalFormat">
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGB"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGBA"/>
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE"/>
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_RGB"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_RGBA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV_EXT" category="EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+<template name="TexSubImage3D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="xoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="yoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="zoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="depth" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="format" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pixels" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_3D_OES"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_RGB"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_RGBA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV_EXT" category="EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA"/>
+		<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+			<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+			<value name="GL_FLOAT" category="OES_texture_float"/>
+			<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_texture_half_float"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+<template name="CopyTexSubImage3D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="xoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="yoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="zoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="x" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="y" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_3D_OES"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="MultiTexCoord">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="texture" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="v" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="s" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="t" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="r" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="q" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="texture">
+		<range base="GL_TEXTURE" from="0" to="31"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="CompressedTexImage3D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="internalFormat" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="depth" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="border" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="imagesize" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="data" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_3D_OES"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="internalFormat">
+		<value name="GL_3DC_X_AMD" category="AMD_compressed_3DC_texture"/>
+		<value name="GL_3DC_XY_AMD" category="AMD_compressed_3DC_texture"/>
+		<value name="GL_ATC_RGB_AMD" category="AMD_compressed_ATC_texture"/>
+		<value name="GL_ATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA_AMD" category="AMD_compressed_ATC_texture"/>
+		<value name="GL_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA_AMD" category="AMD_compressed_ATC_texture"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="CompressedTexSubImage3D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="xoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="yoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="zoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="depth" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="format" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="imagesize" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="data" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_3D_OES"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="ActiveTexture">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="texture" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="texture">
+		<range base="GL_TEXTURE" from="0" to="31"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="ClientActiveTexture">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="texture" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="texture">
+		<range base="GL_TEXTURE" from="0" to="31"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="SampleCoverage">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="value" type="GLtype"/>
+		<param name="invert" type="GLboolean"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="CompressedTexImage2D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="internalFormat" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="border" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="data" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="internalFormat">
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE4_RGB8_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE4_RGBA8_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE4_R5_G6_B5_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE4_RGBA4_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE4_RGB5_A1_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE8_RGB8_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE8_RGBA8_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE8_R5_G6_B5_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE8_RGBA4_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE8_RGB5_A1_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES" category="OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture"/>
+		<value name="GL_3DC_X_AMD" category="AMD_compressed_3DC_texture"/>
+		<value name="GL_3DC_XY_AMD" category="AMD_compressed_3DC_texture"/>
+		<value name="GL_ATC_RGB_AMD" category="AMD_compressed_ATC_texture"/>
+		<value name="GL_ATC_RGBA_EXPLICIT_ALPHA_AMD" category="AMD_compressed_ATC_texture"/>
+		<value name="GL_ATC_RGBA_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA_AMD" category="AMD_compressed_ATC_texture"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="border" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="0"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="CompressedTexSubImage2D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="xoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="yoffset" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="format" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="imageSize" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="data" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="format">
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE4_RGB8_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE4_RGBA8_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE4_R5_G6_B5_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE4_RGBA4_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE4_RGB5_A1_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE8_RGB8_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE8_RGBA8_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE8_R5_G6_B5_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE8_RGBA4_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_PALETTE8_RGB5_A1_OES"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="BlendFuncSeparate">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="srcRGB" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="dstRGB" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="srcAlpha" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="dstAlpha" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="srcRGB">
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="dstRGB">
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="srcAlpha">
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="dstAlpha">
+		<value name="GL_ZERO"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA"/>
+		<value name="GL_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="PointParameter">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="param" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN"/>
+		<value name="GL_POINT_SIZE_MAX"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="3"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="VertexAttrib">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="index" type="GLuint"/>
+		<vector name="v" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="x" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="y" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="z" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="w" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+<template name="VertexAttribPointer">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="index" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="size" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="normalized" type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="stride" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="pointer" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="size" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="1"/>
+		<value name="2"/>
+		<value name="3"/>
+		<value name="4"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="type" error="GL_INVALID_VALUE">
+		<value name="GL_BYTE"/>
+		<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE"/>
+		<value name="GL_SHORT"/>
+		<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FLOAT"/>
+		<value name="GL_FIXED"/>
+		<value name="GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES" category="OES_vertex_half_float"/>
+		<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2_OES" category="OES_vertex_type_10_10_10_2"/>
+		<value name="GL_INT_10_10_10_2_OES" category="OES_vertex_type_10_10_10_2"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="type" category="OES_vertex_type_10_10_10_2">
+		<value name="GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2_OES"/>
+		<value name="GL_INT_10_10_10_2_OES"/>
+		<desc name="size">
+			<value name="3"/>
+			<value name="4"/>
+		</desc>
+	</desc>
+<template name="EnableVertexAttribArray">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="index" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="DisableVertexAttribArray">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="index" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="IsProgram" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GetProgram" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_DELETE_STATUS"/>
+		<value name="GL_LINK_STATUS"/>
+		<value name="GL_VALIDATE_STATUS"/>
+		<value name="GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_ATTACHED_SHADERS"/>
+		<value name="GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES"/>
+		<value name="GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS"/>
+		<value name="GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH_OES" category="OES_get_program_binary"/>
+		<desc name="params" convert="false"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetVertexAttrib" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="index" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1" convert="false"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="16?" convert="false"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetVertexAttribPointer" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="index" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="pointer" type="GLvoid **" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="pname">
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetBufferPointer" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLvoid **" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+		<value name="GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER_OES"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="MapBuffer" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void *"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="access" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+		<value name="GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="access">
+		<value name="GL_WRITE_ONLY_OES"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="UnmapBuffer" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+		<value name="GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="BindBuffer">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="buffer" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+		<value name="GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="BufferData">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr"/>
+		<param name="data" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+		<param name="usage" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+		<value name="GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="usage">
+		<value name="GL_STATIC_DRAW"/>
+		<value name="GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW"/>
+		<value name="GL_STREAM_DRAW" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="BufferSubData">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="offset" type="GLintptr"/>
+		<param name="size" type="GLsizeiptr"/>
+		<param name="data" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+		<value name="GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="DeleteBuffers">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="n" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="buffer" type="const GLuint *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GenBuffers" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="n" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="buffer" type="GLuint *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GetBufferParameter" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+		<value name="GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_BUFFER_SIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_BUFFER_USAGE"/>
+		<value name="GL_BUFFER_ACCESS_OES" category="OES_mapbuffer"/>
+		<value name="GL_BUFFER_MAPPED_OES" category="OES_mapbuffer"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="IsBuffer" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="buffer" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="CreateShader">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="type">
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_SHADER"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="ShaderSource">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="shader" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="count" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="string" type="const GLchar **"/>
+		<param name="length" type="const int *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="CompileShader">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="shader" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="ReleaseShaderCompiler">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="DeleteShader">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="shader" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="ShaderBinary">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="n" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="shaders" type="const GLuint *"/>
+		<param name="binaryformat" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="binary" type="const GLvoid *"/>
+		<param name="length" type="GLsizei"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="CreateProgram">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="AttachShader">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="shader" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="DetachShader">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="shader" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="LinkProgram">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="UseProgram">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="DeleteProgram">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GetActiveAttrib" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="index" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="length" type="GLsizei *"/>
+		<param name="size" type="GLint *"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum *"/>
+		<param name="name" type="GLchar *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GetAttribLocation" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="name" type="const char *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="BindAttribLocation">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="index" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="name" type="const char *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GetUniformLocation" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="name" type="const char *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GetActiveUniform" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="index" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="length" type="GLsizei *"/>
+		<param name="size" type="GLint *"/>
+		<param name="type" type="GLenum *"/>
+		<param name="name" type="GLchar *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="Uniform">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="location" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="count" type="GLsizei" hide_if_expanded="true"/>
+		<vector name="values" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic">
+			<param name="v0" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="v1" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="v2" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="v3" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+<template name="UniformMatrix">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="location" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="count" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="transpose" type="GLboolean"/>
+		<vector name="value" type="const GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="ValidateProgram">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GenerateMipmap">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_3D_OES" category="OES_texture_3D"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="BindFramebuffer">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="DeleteFramebuffers">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="n" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="framebuffers" type="const GLuint *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GenFramebuffers">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="n" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="ids" type="GLuint *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="BindRenderbuffer">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="DeleteRenderbuffers">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="n" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="renderbuffers" type="const GLuint *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GenRenderbuffers">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="n" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="renderbuffers" type="GLuint *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="RenderbufferStorage">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="internalFormat" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="width" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="height" type="GLsizei"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="internalFormat">
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGBA4_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGB5_A1_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGB565_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_INDEX8_OES" category="OES_stencil8"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGBA4" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGB5_A1" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGB565" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_INDEX8" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24_OES" category="OES_depth24"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32_OES" category="OES_depth32"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGB8_OES" category="OES_rgb8_rgba8"/>
+		<value name="GL_RGBA8_OES" category="OES_rgb8_rgba8"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_INDEX1_OES" category="OES_stencil1"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_INDEX4_OES" category="OES_stencil4"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES" category="OES_packed_depth_stencil"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="FramebufferRenderbuffer">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="attachment" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="renderbuffertarget" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="attachment">
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="renderbuffertarget">
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="FramebufferTexture2D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="attachment" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="textarget" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="texture" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="attachment">
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="textarget" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_2D"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_OES" category="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+	</desc>
+	<!-- According to the base specification, "level" must be 0.  But
+	     extension GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap lifts that restriction,
+	     so no restriction is placed here. -->
+<template name="FramebufferTexture3D">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="attachment" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="textarget" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="texture" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="level" type="GLint"/>
+		<param name="zoffset" type="GLint"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="attachment">
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="textarget" error="GL_INVALID_OPERATION">
+		<value name="GL_TEXTURE_3D_OES" category="OES_texture_3D"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="CheckFramebufferStatus" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="attachment" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME" category="GLES2.0"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_3D_ZOFFSET_OES" category="OES_texture_3D"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1" convert="false"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetRenderbufferParameter" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="target" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="target">
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_OES" category="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER" category="GLES2.0"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname" category="OES_framebuffer_object">
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH_OES"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1" convert="false"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="pname" category="GLES2.0">
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT"/>
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE"/>
+		<value name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE"/>
+		<desc name="params" vector_size="1" convert="false"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="IsRenderbuffer" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="renderbuffer" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="IsFramebuffer" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="framebuffer" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="IsShader" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLboolean"/>
+		<param name="shader" type="GLuint"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GetShader" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="shader" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="pname" type="GLenum"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="pname">
+		<value name="GL_SHADER_TYPE"/>
+		<value name="GL_COMPILE_STATUS"/>
+		<value name="GL_DELETE_STATUS"/>
+		<value name="GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH"/>
+		<value name="GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetAttachedShaders" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="maxCount" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="count" type="GLsizei *"/>
+		<param name="shaders" type="GLuint *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GetShaderInfoLog" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="shader" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="length" type="GLsizei *"/>
+		<param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GetProgramInfoLog" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="length" type="GLsizei *"/>
+		<param name="infoLog" type="GLchar *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GetShaderSource" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="shader" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="bufSize" type="GLsizei"/>
+		<param name="length" type="GLsizei *"/>
+		<param name="source" type="GLchar *"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="GetShaderPrecisionFormat" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="shadertype" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="precisiontype" type="GLenum"/>
+		<param name="range" type="GLint *"/>
+		<param name="precision" type="GLint *"/>
+	</proto>
+	<desc name="shadertype">
+		<value name="GL_VERTEX_SHADER"/>
+		<value name="GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER"/>
+	</desc>
+	<desc name="precisiontype">
+		<value name="GL_LOW_FLOAT"/>
+		<value name="GL_MEDIUM_FLOAT"/>
+		<value name="GL_HIGH_FLOAT"/>
+		<value name="GL_LOW_INT"/>
+		<value name="GL_MEDIUM_INT"/>
+		<value name="GL_HIGH_INT"/>
+	</desc>
+<template name="GetUniform" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<param name="program" type="GLuint"/>
+		<param name="location" type="GLint"/>
+		<vector name="params" type="GLtype *" size="dynamic"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="QueryMatrix" direction="get">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="GLbitfield"/>
+		<vector name="mantissa" type="GLtype *" size="16"/>
+		<vector name="exponent" type="GLint *" size="16"/>
+	</proto>
+<template name="DrawTex">
+	<proto>
+		<return type="void"/>
+		<vector name="coords" type="const GLtype *" size="5">
+			<param name="x" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="y" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="z" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="w" type="GLtype"/>
+			<param name="h" type="GLtype"/>
+		</vector>
+	</proto>
+<api name="mesa" implementation="true">
+	<category name="MESA"/>
+	<function name="Color4f"  default_prefix="_vbo_" template="Color" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="ClipPlane" template="ClipPlane" gltype="GLdouble"/>
+	<function name="CullFace" template="CullFace"/>
+	<function name="Fogf" template="Fog" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Fogfv" template="Fog" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="FrontFace" template="FrontFace"/>
+	<function name="Hint" template="Hint"/>
+	<function name="Lightf" template="Light" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Lightfv" template="Light" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="LightModelf" template="LightModel" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="LightModelfv" template="LightModel" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="LineWidth" template="LineWidth" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Materialf" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="Material" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Materialfv" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="Material" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="PointSize" template="PointSize" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="PointSizePointer" template="PointSizePointer"/>
+	<function name="Scissor" template="Scissor"/>
+	<function name="ShadeModel" template="ShadeModel"/>
+	<function name="TexParameterf" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexParameterfv" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="TexParameteri" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLint" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexParameteriv" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="TexImage2D" template="TexImage2D"/>
+	<function name="TexEnvf" template="TexEnv" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexEnvi" template="TexEnv" gltype="GLint" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexEnvfv" template="TexEnv" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="TexEnviv" template="TexEnv" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="TexGenf" template="TexGen" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexGenfv" template="TexGen" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="TexGeni" template="TexGen" gltype="GLint" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Clear" template="Clear"/>
+	<function name="ClearColor" template="ClearColor" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="ClearStencil" template="ClearStencil"/>
+	<function name="ClearDepth" template="ClearDepth" gltype="GLclampd"/>
+	<function name="StencilMask" template="StencilMask"/>
+	<function name="StencilMaskSeparate" template="StencilMaskSeparate"/>
+	<function name="ColorMask" template="ColorMask"/>
+	<function name="DepthMask" template="DepthMask"/>
+	<function name="Disable" template="Disable"/>
+	<function name="Enable" template="Enable"/>
+	<function name="Finish" template="Finish"/>
+	<function name="Flush" template="Flush"/>
+	<function name="AlphaFunc" template="AlphaFunc" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="BlendFunc" template="BlendFunc"/>
+	<function name="LogicOp" template="LogicOp"/>
+	<function name="StencilFunc" template="StencilFunc"/>
+	<function name="StencilFuncSeparate" template="StencilFuncSeparate"/>
+	<function name="StencilOp" template="StencilOp"/>
+	<function name="StencilOpSeparate" template="StencilOpSeparate"/>
+	<function name="DepthFunc" template="DepthFunc"/>
+	<function name="PixelStorei" template="PixelStore" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="ReadPixels" template="ReadPixels"/>
+	<function name="GetBooleanv" template="GetState" gltype="GLboolean"/>
+	<function name="GetClipPlane" template="GetClipPlane" gltype="GLdouble"/>
+	<function name="GetError" template="GetError"/>
+	<function name="GetFloatv" template="GetState" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetIntegerv" template="GetState" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetLightfv" template="GetLight" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetMaterialfv" template="GetMaterial" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetMaterialiv" template="GetMaterial" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetString" template="GetString"/>
+	<function name="GetTexEnvfv" template="GetTexEnv" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetTexEnviv" template="GetTexEnv" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetTexGenfv" template="GetTexGen" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetTexParameterfv" template="GetTexParameter" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetTexParameteriv" template="GetTexParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="IsEnabled" template="IsEnabled"/>
+	<function name="DepthRange" template="DepthRange" gltype="GLclampd"/>
+	<function name="Frustum" template="Frustum" gltype="GLdouble"/>
+	<function name="LoadIdentity" template="LoadIdentity"/>
+	<function name="LoadMatrixf" template="LoadMatrix" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="MatrixMode" template="MatrixMode"/>
+	<function name="MultMatrixf" template="MultMatrix" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Ortho" template="Ortho" gltype="GLdouble"/>
+	<function name="PopMatrix" template="PopMatrix"/>
+	<function name="PushMatrix" template="PushMatrix"/>
+	<function name="Rotatef" template="Rotate" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Scalef" template="Scale" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Translatef" template="Translate" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Viewport" template="Viewport"/>
+	<function name="ColorPointer" template="ColorPointer"/>
+	<function name="DisableClientState" template="DisableClientState"/>
+	<function name="DrawArrays" template="DrawArrays"/>
+	<function name="DrawElements" template="DrawElements"/>
+	<function name="EnableClientState" template="EnableClientState"/>
+	<function name="GetPointerv" template="GetPointer"/>
+	<function name="Normal3f" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="Normal" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="NormalPointer" template="NormalPointer"/>
+	<function name="TexCoordPointer" template="TexCoordPointer"/>
+	<function name="VertexPointer" template="VertexPointer"/>
+	<function name="PolygonOffset" template="PolygonOffset" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="CopyTexImage2D" template="CopyTexImage2D"/>
+	<function name="CopyTexSubImage2D" template="CopyTexSubImage2D"/>
+	<function name="TexSubImage2D" template="TexSubImage2D"/>
+	<function name="BindTexture" template="BindTexture"/>
+	<function name="DeleteTextures" template="DeleteTextures"/>
+	<function name="GenTextures" template="GenTextures"/>
+	<function name="IsTexture" template="IsTexture"/>
+	<function name="BlendColor" template="BlendColor" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="BlendEquation" template="BlendEquation"/>
+	<function name="BlendEquationSeparateEXT" template="BlendEquationSeparate"/>
+	<function name="TexImage3D" template="TexImage3D"/>
+	<function name="TexSubImage3D" template="TexSubImage3D"/>
+	<function name="CopyTexSubImage3D" template="CopyTexSubImage3D"/>
+	<function name="CompressedTexImage3DARB" template="CompressedTexImage3D"/>
+	<function name="CompressedTexSubImage3DARB" template="CompressedTexSubImage3D"/>
+	<function name="ActiveTextureARB" template="ActiveTexture"/>
+	<function name="ClientActiveTextureARB" template="ClientActiveTexture"/>
+	<function name="MultiTexCoord4f" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="MultiTexCoord" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="SampleCoverageARB" template="SampleCoverage" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="CompressedTexImage2DARB" template="CompressedTexImage2D"/>
+	<function name="CompressedTexSubImage2DARB" template="CompressedTexSubImage2D"/>
+	<function name="BlendFuncSeparateEXT" template="BlendFuncSeparate"/>
+	<function name="PointParameterf" template="PointParameter" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="PointParameterfv" template="PointParameter" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib1f" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="1" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib2f" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="2" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib3f" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="3" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib4f" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib1fv" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="1"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib2fv" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="2"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib3fv" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="3"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib4fv" default_prefix="_vbo_" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttribPointerARB" template="VertexAttribPointer"/>
+	<function name="EnableVertexAttribArrayARB" template="EnableVertexAttribArray"/>
+	<function name="DisableVertexAttribArrayARB" template="DisableVertexAttribArray"/>
+	<function name="IsProgram" template="IsProgram"/>
+	<function name="GetProgramiv" template="GetProgram" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetVertexAttribfvARB" template="GetVertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetVertexAttribivARB" template="GetVertexAttrib" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetVertexAttribPointervARB" template="GetVertexAttribPointer"/>
+	<function name="GetBufferPointervARB" template="GetBufferPointer"/>
+	<function name="MapBufferARB" template="MapBuffer"/>
+	<function name="UnmapBufferARB" template="UnmapBuffer"/>
+	<function name="BindBufferARB" template="BindBuffer"/>
+	<function name="BufferDataARB" template="BufferData"/>
+	<function name="BufferSubDataARB" template="BufferSubData"/>
+	<function name="DeleteBuffersARB" template="DeleteBuffers"/>
+	<function name="GenBuffersARB" template="GenBuffers"/>
+	<function name="GetBufferParameterivARB" template="GetBufferParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="IsBufferARB" template="IsBuffer"/>
+	<function name="CreateShader" template="CreateShader"/>
+	<function name="ShaderSourceARB" template="ShaderSource"/>
+	<function name="CompileShaderARB" template="CompileShader"/>
+	<function name="ReleaseShaderCompiler" template="ReleaseShaderCompiler"/>
+	<function name="DeleteShader" template="DeleteShader"/>
+	<function name="ShaderBinary" template="ShaderBinary"/>
+	<function name="CreateProgram" template="CreateProgram"/>
+	<function name="AttachShader" template="AttachShader"/>
+	<function name="DetachShader" template="DetachShader"/>
+	<function name="LinkProgramARB" template="LinkProgram"/>
+	<function name="UseProgramObjectARB" template="UseProgram"/>
+	<function name="DeleteProgram" template="DeleteProgram"/>
+	<function name="GetActiveAttribARB" template="GetActiveAttrib"/>
+	<function name="GetAttribLocationARB" template="GetAttribLocation"/>
+	<function name="BindAttribLocationARB" template="BindAttribLocation"/>
+	<function name="GetUniformLocationARB" template="GetUniformLocation"/>
+	<function name="GetActiveUniformARB" template="GetActiveUniform"/>
+	<function name="Uniform1fARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="1" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform2fARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="2" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform3fARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="3" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform4fARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform1iARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="1" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform2iARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="2" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform3iARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="3" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform4iARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform1fvARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="1"/>
+	<function name="Uniform2fvARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="2"/>
+	<function name="Uniform3fvARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="3"/>
+	<function name="Uniform4fvARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4"/>
+	<function name="Uniform1ivARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="1"/>
+	<function name="Uniform2ivARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="2"/>
+	<function name="Uniform3ivARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="3"/>
+	<function name="Uniform4ivARB" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="4"/>
+	<function name="UniformMatrix2fvARB" template="UniformMatrix" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="2"/>
+	<function name="UniformMatrix3fvARB" template="UniformMatrix" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="3"/>
+	<function name="UniformMatrix4fvARB" template="UniformMatrix" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4"/>
+	<function name="ValidateProgramARB" template="ValidateProgram"/>
+	<function name="GenerateMipmapEXT" template="GenerateMipmap"/>
+	<function name="BindFramebufferEXT" template="BindFramebuffer"/>
+	<function name="DeleteFramebuffersEXT" template="DeleteFramebuffers"/>
+	<function name="GenFramebuffersEXT" template="GenFramebuffers"/>
+	<function name="BindRenderbufferEXT" template="BindRenderbuffer"/>
+	<function name="DeleteRenderbuffersEXT" template="DeleteRenderbuffers"/>
+	<function name="GenRenderbuffersEXT" template="GenRenderbuffers"/>
+	<function name="RenderbufferStorageEXT" template="RenderbufferStorage"/>
+	<function name="FramebufferRenderbufferEXT" template="FramebufferRenderbuffer"/>
+	<function name="FramebufferTexture2DEXT" template="FramebufferTexture2D"/>
+	<function name="FramebufferTexture3DEXT" template="FramebufferTexture3D"/>
+	<function name="CheckFramebufferStatusEXT" template="CheckFramebufferStatus"/>
+	<function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT" template="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT" template="GetRenderbufferParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="IsRenderbufferEXT" template="IsRenderbuffer"/>
+	<function name="IsFramebufferEXT" template="IsFramebuffer"/>
+	<function name="IsShader" template="IsShader"/>
+	<function name="GetShaderiv" template="GetShader" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetAttachedShaders" template="GetAttachedShaders"/>
+	<function name="GetShaderInfoLog" template="GetShaderInfoLog"/>
+	<function name="GetProgramInfoLog" template="GetProgramInfoLog"/>
+	<function name="GetShaderSourceARB" template="GetShaderSource"/>
+	<function name="GetShaderPrecisionFormat" template="GetShaderPrecisionFormat"/>
+	<function name="GetUniformfvARB" template="GetUniform" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetUniformivARB" template="GetUniform" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="QueryMatrixx" template="QueryMatrix" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexf" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexfv" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexi" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLint" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexiv" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexs" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLshort" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexsv" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLshort"/>
+<api name="GLES1.1">
+	<category name="GLES1.1"/>
+	<category name="OES_byte_coordinates"/>
+	<category name="OES_fixed_point"/>
+	<category name="OES_single_precision"/>
+	<category name="OES_matrix_get"/>
+	<category name="OES_read_format"/>
+	<category name="OES_compressed_paletted_texture"/>
+	<category name="OES_point_size_array"/>
+	<category name="OES_point_sprite"/>
+	<category name="OES_query_matrix"/>
+	<category name="OES_draw_texture"/>
+	<category name="OES_blend_equation_separate"/>
+	<category name="OES_blend_func_separate"/>
+	<category name="OES_blend_subtract"/>
+	<category name="OES_stencil_wrap"/>
+	<category name="OES_texture_cube_map"/>
+	<category name="OES_texture_env_crossbar"/>
+	<category name="OES_texture_mirrored_repeat"/>
+	<category name="OES_framebuffer_object"/>
+	<category name="OES_depth24"/>
+	<category name="OES_depth32"/>
+	<category name="OES_fbo_render_mipmap"/>
+	<category name="OES_rgb8_rgba8"/>
+	<category name="OES_stencil1"/>
+	<category name="OES_stencil4"/>
+	<category name="OES_stencil8"/>
+	<category name="OES_element_index_uint"/>
+	<category name="OES_mapbuffer"/>
+	<category name="EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"/>
+	<category name="ARB_texture_non_power_of_two"/>
+	<category name="EXT_multi_draw_arrays"/>
+	<category name="OES_matrix_palette"/>
+	<function name="Color4f" template="Color" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Color4ub" template="Color" gltype="GLubyte" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Color4x" template="Color" gltype="GLfixed" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="ClipPlanef" template="ClipPlane" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="ClipPlanex" template="ClipPlane" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="CullFace" template="CullFace"/>
+	<function name="Fogf" template="Fog" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Fogx" template="Fog" gltype="GLfixed" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Fogfv" template="Fog" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Fogxv" template="Fog" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="FrontFace" template="FrontFace"/>
+	<function name="Hint" template="Hint"/>
+	<function name="Lightf" template="Light" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Lightx" template="Light" gltype="GLfixed" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Lightfv" template="Light" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Lightxv" template="Light" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="LightModelf" template="LightModel" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="LightModelx" template="LightModel" gltype="GLfixed" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="LightModelfv" template="LightModel" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="LightModelxv" template="LightModel" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="LineWidth" template="LineWidth" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="LineWidthx" template="LineWidth" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="Materialf" template="Material" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Materialfv" template="Material" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Materialx" template="Material" gltype="GLfixed" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Materialxv" template="Material" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="PointSize" template="PointSize" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="PointSizex" template="PointSize" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="PointSizePointerOES" template="PointSizePointer"/>
+	<function name="Scissor" template="Scissor"/>
+	<function name="ShadeModel" template="ShadeModel"/>
+	<function name="TexParameterf" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexParameterfv" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="TexParameteri" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLint" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexParameteriv" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="TexParameterx" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLfixed" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexParameterxv" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="TexImage2D" template="TexImage2D"/>
+	<function name="TexEnvf" template="TexEnv" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexEnvfv" template="TexEnv" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="TexEnvi" template="TexEnv" gltype="GLint" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexEnviv" template="TexEnv" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="TexEnvx" template="TexEnv" gltype="GLfixed" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexEnvxv" template="TexEnv" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="TexGenfOES" template="TexGen" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexGenfvOES" template="TexGen" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="TexGeniOES" template="TexGen" gltype="GLint" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexGenivOES" template="TexGen" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="TexGenxOES" template="TexGen" gltype="GLfixed" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexGenxvOES" template="TexGen" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="Clear" template="Clear"/>
+	<function name="ClearColor" template="ClearColor" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="ClearColorx" template="ClearColor" gltype="GLclampx"/>
+	<function name="ClearStencil" template="ClearStencil"/>
+	<function name="ClearDepthf" template="ClearDepth" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="ClearDepthx" template="ClearDepth" gltype="GLclampx"/>
+	<function name="StencilMask" template="StencilMask"/>
+	<function name="ColorMask" template="ColorMask"/>
+	<function name="DepthMask" template="DepthMask"/>
+	<function name="Disable" template="Disable"/>
+	<function name="Enable" template="Enable"/>
+	<function name="Finish" template="Finish"/>
+	<function name="Flush" template="Flush"/>
+	<function name="AlphaFunc" template="AlphaFunc" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="AlphaFuncx" template="AlphaFunc" gltype="GLclampx"/>
+	<function name="BlendFunc" template="BlendFunc"/>
+	<function name="LogicOp" template="LogicOp"/>
+	<function name="StencilFunc" template="StencilFunc"/>
+	<function name="StencilOp" template="StencilOp"/>
+	<function name="DepthFunc" template="DepthFunc"/>
+	<function name="PixelStorei" template="PixelStore" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="ReadPixels" template="ReadPixels"/>
+	<function name="GetBooleanv" template="GetState" gltype="GLboolean" skip_desc="true"/>
+	<function name="GetClipPlanef" template="GetClipPlane" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetClipPlanex" template="GetClipPlane" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="GetError" template="GetError"/>
+	<function name="GetFloatv" template="GetState" gltype="GLfloat" skip_desc="true"/>
+	<function name="GetFixedv" template="GetState" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="GetIntegerv" template="GetState" gltype="GLint" skip_desc="true"/>
+	<function name="GetLightfv" template="GetLight" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetLightxv" template="GetLight" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="GetMaterialfv" template="GetMaterial" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetMaterialxv" template="GetMaterial" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="GetString" external="true" template="GetString"/>
+	<function name="GetTexEnvfv" template="GetTexEnv" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetTexEnviv" template="GetTexEnv" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetTexEnvxv" template="GetTexEnv" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="GetTexGenfvOES" template="GetTexGen" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetTexGenivOES" template="GetTexGen" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetTexGenxvOES" template="GetTexGen" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="GetTexParameterfv" template="GetTexParameter" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetTexParameteriv" template="GetTexParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetTexParameterxv" template="GetTexParameter" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="IsEnabled" template="IsEnabled"/>
+	<function name="DepthRangef" template="DepthRange" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="DepthRangex" template="DepthRange" gltype="GLclampx"/>
+	<function name="Frustumf" template="Frustum" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Frustumx" template="Frustum" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="LoadIdentity" template="LoadIdentity"/>
+	<function name="LoadMatrixf" template="LoadMatrix" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="LoadMatrixx" template="LoadMatrix" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="MatrixMode" template="MatrixMode"/>
+	<function name="MultMatrixf" template="MultMatrix" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="MultMatrixx" template="MultMatrix" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="Orthof" template="Ortho" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Orthox" template="Ortho" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="PopMatrix" template="PopMatrix"/>
+	<function name="PushMatrix" template="PushMatrix"/>
+	<function name="Rotatef" template="Rotate" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Rotatex" template="Rotate" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="Scalef" template="Scale" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Scalex" template="Scale" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="Translatef" template="Translate" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Translatex" template="Translate" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="Viewport" template="Viewport"/>
+	<function name="ColorPointer" template="ColorPointer"/>
+	<function name="DisableClientState" template="DisableClientState"/>
+	<function name="DrawArrays" template="DrawArrays"/>
+	<function name="DrawElements" template="DrawElements"/>
+	<function name="EnableClientState" template="EnableClientState"/>
+	<function name="GetPointerv" template="GetPointer"/>
+	<function name="Normal3f" template="Normal" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Normal3x" template="Normal" gltype="GLfixed" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="NormalPointer" template="NormalPointer"/>
+	<function name="TexCoordPointer" template="TexCoordPointer"/>
+	<function name="VertexPointer" template="VertexPointer"/>
+	<function name="PolygonOffset" template="PolygonOffset" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="PolygonOffsetx" template="PolygonOffset" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<function name="CopyTexImage2D" template="CopyTexImage2D"/>
+	<function name="CopyTexSubImage2D" template="CopyTexSubImage2D"/>
+	<function name="TexSubImage2D" template="TexSubImage2D"/>
+	<function name="BindTexture" template="BindTexture"/>
+	<function name="DeleteTextures" template="DeleteTextures"/>
+	<function name="GenTextures" template="GenTextures"/>
+	<function name="IsTexture" template="IsTexture"/>
+	<function name="BlendEquationOES" template="BlendEquation"/>
+	<function name="BlendEquationSeparateOES" template="BlendEquationSeparate"/>
+	<function name="MultiTexCoord4x" template="MultiTexCoord" gltype="GLfixed" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="ActiveTexture" template="ActiveTexture"/>
+	<function name="ClientActiveTexture" template="ClientActiveTexture"/>
+	<function name="MultiTexCoord4f" template="MultiTexCoord" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="SampleCoverage" template="SampleCoverage" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="SampleCoveragex" template="SampleCoverage" gltype="GLclampx"/>
+	<!-- CompressedTexImage2D calls out to two different functions based on
+	     whether the image is a paletted image or not -->
+	<function name="CompressedTexImage2D" external="true" template="CompressedTexImage2D"/>
+	<function name="CompressedTexSubImage2D" template="CompressedTexSubImage2D"/>
+	<function name="BlendFuncSeparateOES" template="BlendFuncSeparate"/>
+	<function name="PointParameterf" template="PointParameter" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="PointParameterfv" template="PointParameter" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="PointParameterx" template="PointParameter" gltype="GLfixed" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="PointParameterxv" template="PointParameter" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<!-- OES_mapbuffer -->
+	<function name="GetBufferPointervOES" template="GetBufferPointer"/>
+	<function name="MapBufferOES" template="MapBuffer"/>
+	<function name="UnmapBufferOES" template="UnmapBuffer"/>
+	<function name="BindBuffer" template="BindBuffer"/>
+	<function name="BufferData" template="BufferData"/>
+	<function name="BufferSubData" template="BufferSubData"/>
+	<function name="DeleteBuffers" template="DeleteBuffers"/>
+	<function name="GenBuffers" template="GenBuffers"/>
+	<function name="GetBufferParameteriv" template="GetBufferParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="IsBuffer" template="IsBuffer"/>
+	<!-- OES_framebuffer_object -->
+	<function name="GenerateMipmapOES" template="GenerateMipmap"/>
+	<function name="BindFramebufferOES" template="BindFramebuffer"/>
+	<function name="DeleteFramebuffersOES" template="DeleteFramebuffers"/>
+	<function name="GenFramebuffersOES" template="GenFramebuffers"/>
+	<function name="BindRenderbufferOES" template="BindRenderbuffer"/>
+	<function name="DeleteRenderbuffersOES" template="DeleteRenderbuffers"/>
+	<function name="GenRenderbuffersOES" template="GenRenderbuffers"/>
+	<function name="RenderbufferStorageOES" template="RenderbufferStorage"/>
+	<function name="FramebufferRenderbufferOES" template="FramebufferRenderbuffer"/>
+	<function name="FramebufferTexture2DOES" template="FramebufferTexture2D"/>
+	<function name="CheckFramebufferStatusOES" template="CheckFramebufferStatus"/>
+	<function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES" template="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetRenderbufferParameterivOES" template="GetRenderbufferParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="IsRenderbufferOES" template="IsRenderbuffer"/>
+	<function name="IsFramebufferOES" template="IsFramebuffer"/>
+	<!-- OES_query_matrix -->
+	<!-- QueryMatrixx returns values in an unusual, decomposed, fixed-value
+	     form; it has its own code for this -->
+	<function name="QueryMatrixxOES" external="true" template="QueryMatrix" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+	<!-- OES_draw_texture -->
+	<function name="DrawTexfOES" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexiOES" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLint" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexsOES" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLshort" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexxOES" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLfixed" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexfvOES" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexivOES" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexsvOES" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLshort"/>
+	<function name="DrawTexxvOES" template="DrawTex" gltype="GLfixed"/>
+<api name="GLES2.0">
+	<category name="GLES2.0"/>
+	<category name="OES_compressed_paletted_texture"/>
+	<category name="OES_depth24"/>
+	<category name="OES_depth32"/>
+	<category name="OES_fbo_render_mipmap"/>
+	<category name="OES_rgb8_rgba8"/>
+	<category name="OES_stencil1"/>
+	<category name="OES_stencil4"/>
+	<category name="OES_element_index_uint"/>
+	<category name="OES_mapbuffer"/>
+	<category name="OES_texture_3D"/>
+	<category name="OES_texture_npot"/>
+	<category name="EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"/>
+	<category name="EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV"/>
+	<category name="OES_depth_texture"/>
+	<category name="OES_packed_depth_stencil"/>
+	<category name="OES_standard_derivatives"/>
+	<category name="EXT_multi_draw_arrays"/>
+	<function name="CullFace" template="CullFace"/>
+	<function name="FrontFace" template="FrontFace"/>
+	<function name="Hint" template="Hint"/>
+	<function name="LineWidth" template="LineWidth" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="Scissor" template="Scissor"/>
+	<function name="TexParameterf" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLfloat" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexParameterfv" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="TexParameteri" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLint" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="TexParameteriv" template="TexParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="TexImage2D" template="TexImage2D"/>
+	<function name="Clear" template="Clear"/>
+	<function name="ClearColor" template="ClearColor" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="ClearStencil" template="ClearStencil"/>
+	<function name="ClearDepthf" template="ClearDepth" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="StencilMask" template="StencilMask"/>
+	<function name="StencilMaskSeparate" template="StencilMaskSeparate"/>
+	<function name="ColorMask" template="ColorMask"/>
+	<function name="DepthMask" template="DepthMask"/>
+	<function name="Disable" template="Disable"/>
+	<function name="Enable" template="Enable"/>
+	<function name="Finish" template="Finish"/>
+	<function name="Flush" template="Flush"/>
+	<function name="BlendFunc" template="BlendFunc"/>
+	<function name="StencilFunc" template="StencilFunc"/>
+	<function name="StencilFuncSeparate" template="StencilFuncSeparate"/>
+	<function name="StencilOp" template="StencilOp"/>
+	<function name="StencilOpSeparate" template="StencilOpSeparate"/>
+	<function name="DepthFunc" template="DepthFunc"/>
+	<function name="PixelStorei" template="PixelStore" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="ReadPixels" template="ReadPixels"/>
+	<function name="GetBooleanv" template="GetState" gltype="GLboolean" skip_desc="true"/>
+	<function name="GetError" template="GetError"/>
+	<function name="GetFloatv" template="GetState" gltype="GLfloat" skip_desc="true"/>
+	<function name="GetIntegerv" template="GetState" gltype="GLint" skip_desc="true"/>
+	<function name="GetString" external="true" template="GetString"/>
+	<function name="GetTexParameterfv" template="GetTexParameter" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetTexParameteriv" template="GetTexParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="IsEnabled" template="IsEnabled"/>
+	<function name="DepthRangef" template="DepthRange" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="Viewport" template="Viewport"/>
+	<function name="DrawArrays" template="DrawArrays"/>
+	<function name="DrawElements" template="DrawElements"/>
+	<function name="PolygonOffset" template="PolygonOffset" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="CopyTexImage2D" template="CopyTexImage2D"/>
+	<function name="CopyTexSubImage2D" template="CopyTexSubImage2D"/>
+	<function name="TexSubImage2D" template="TexSubImage2D"/>
+	<function name="BindTexture" template="BindTexture"/>
+	<function name="DeleteTextures" template="DeleteTextures"/>
+	<function name="GenTextures" template="GenTextures"/>
+	<function name="IsTexture" template="IsTexture"/>
+	<function name="BlendColor" template="BlendColor" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="BlendEquation" template="BlendEquation"/>
+	<function name="BlendEquationSeparate" template="BlendEquationSeparate"/>
+	<function name="TexImage3DOES" template="TexImage3D"/>
+	<function name="TexSubImage3DOES" template="TexSubImage3D"/>
+	<function name="CopyTexSubImage3DOES" template="CopyTexSubImage3D"/>
+	<function name="CompressedTexImage3DOES" template="CompressedTexImage3D"/>
+	<function name="CompressedTexSubImage3DOES" template="CompressedTexSubImage3D"/>
+	<function name="ActiveTexture" template="ActiveTexture"/>
+	<function name="SampleCoverage" template="SampleCoverage" gltype="GLclampf"/>
+	<function name="CompressedTexImage2D" external="true" template="CompressedTexImage2D"/>
+	<function name="CompressedTexSubImage2D" template="CompressedTexSubImage2D"/>
+	<function name="BlendFuncSeparate" template="BlendFuncSeparate"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib1f" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="1" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib2f" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="2" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib3f" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="3" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib4f" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib1fv" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="1"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib2fv" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="2"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib3fv" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="3"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttrib4fv" template="VertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4"/>
+	<function name="VertexAttribPointer" template="VertexAttribPointer"/>
+	<function name="EnableVertexAttribArray" template="EnableVertexAttribArray"/>
+	<function name="DisableVertexAttribArray" template="DisableVertexAttribArray"/>
+	<function name="IsProgram" template="IsProgram"/>
+	<function name="GetProgramiv" template="GetProgram" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetVertexAttribfv" template="GetVertexAttrib" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetVertexAttribiv" template="GetVertexAttrib" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetVertexAttribPointerv" template="GetVertexAttribPointer"/>
+	<function name="GetBufferPointervOES" template="GetBufferPointer"/>
+	<function name="MapBufferOES" template="MapBuffer"/>
+	<function name="UnmapBufferOES" template="UnmapBuffer"/>
+	<function name="BindBuffer" template="BindBuffer"/>
+	<function name="BufferData" template="BufferData"/>
+	<function name="BufferSubData" template="BufferSubData"/>
+	<function name="DeleteBuffers" template="DeleteBuffers"/>
+	<function name="GenBuffers" template="GenBuffers"/>
+	<function name="GetBufferParameteriv" template="GetBufferParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="IsBuffer" template="IsBuffer"/>
+	<function name="CreateShader" template="CreateShader"/>
+	<function name="ShaderSource" template="ShaderSource"/>
+	<function name="CompileShader" template="CompileShader"/>
+	<function name="ReleaseShaderCompiler" template="ReleaseShaderCompiler"/>
+	<function name="DeleteShader" template="DeleteShader"/>
+	<function name="ShaderBinary" template="ShaderBinary"/>
+	<function name="CreateProgram" template="CreateProgram"/>
+	<function name="AttachShader" template="AttachShader"/>
+	<function name="DetachShader" template="DetachShader"/>
+	<function name="LinkProgram" template="LinkProgram"/>
+	<function name="UseProgram" template="UseProgram"/>
+	<function name="DeleteProgram" template="DeleteProgram"/>
+	<function name="GetActiveAttrib" template="GetActiveAttrib"/>
+	<function name="GetAttribLocation" template="GetAttribLocation"/>
+	<function name="BindAttribLocation" template="BindAttribLocation"/>
+	<function name="GetUniformLocation" template="GetUniformLocation"/>
+	<function name="GetActiveUniform" template="GetActiveUniform"/>
+	<function name="Uniform1f" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="1" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform2f" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="2" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform3f" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="3" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform4f" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform1i" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="1" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform2i" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="2" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform3i" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="3" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform4i" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="4" expand_vector="true"/>
+	<function name="Uniform1fv" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="1"/>
+	<function name="Uniform2fv" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="2"/>
+	<function name="Uniform3fv" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="3"/>
+	<function name="Uniform4fv" template="Uniform" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4"/>
+	<function name="Uniform1iv" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="1"/>
+	<function name="Uniform2iv" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="2"/>
+	<function name="Uniform3iv" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="3"/>
+	<function name="Uniform4iv" template="Uniform" gltype="GLint" vector_size="4"/>
+	<function name="UniformMatrix2fv" template="UniformMatrix" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="2"/>
+	<function name="UniformMatrix3fv" template="UniformMatrix" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="3"/>
+	<function name="UniformMatrix4fv" template="UniformMatrix" gltype="GLfloat" vector_size="4"/>
+	<function name="ValidateProgram" template="ValidateProgram"/>
+	<function name="GenerateMipmap" template="GenerateMipmap"/>
+	<function name="BindFramebuffer" template="BindFramebuffer"/>
+	<function name="DeleteFramebuffers" template="DeleteFramebuffers"/>
+	<function name="GenFramebuffers" template="GenFramebuffers"/>
+	<function name="BindRenderbuffer" template="BindRenderbuffer"/>
+	<function name="DeleteRenderbuffers" template="DeleteRenderbuffers"/>
+	<function name="GenRenderbuffers" template="GenRenderbuffers"/>
+	<function name="RenderbufferStorage" external="true" template="RenderbufferStorage"/>
+	<function name="FramebufferRenderbuffer" template="FramebufferRenderbuffer"/>
+	<function name="FramebufferTexture2D" template="FramebufferTexture2D"/>
+	<function name="FramebufferTexture3DOES" template="FramebufferTexture3D"/>
+	<function name="CheckFramebufferStatus" template="CheckFramebufferStatus"/>
+	<function name="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" template="GetFramebufferAttachmentParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetRenderbufferParameteriv" template="GetRenderbufferParameter" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="IsRenderbuffer" template="IsRenderbuffer"/>
+	<function name="IsFramebuffer" template="IsFramebuffer"/>
+	<function name="IsShader" template="IsShader"/>
+	<function name="GetShaderiv" template="GetShader" gltype="GLint"/>
+	<function name="GetAttachedShaders" template="GetAttachedShaders"/>
+	<function name="GetShaderInfoLog" template="GetShaderInfoLog"/>
+	<function name="GetProgramInfoLog" template="GetProgramInfoLog"/>
+	<function name="GetShaderSource" template="GetShaderSource"/>
+	<function name="GetShaderPrecisionFormat" template="GetShaderPrecisionFormat"/>
+	<function name="GetUniformfv" template="GetUniform" gltype="GLfloat"/>
+	<function name="GetUniformiv" template="GetUniform" gltype="GLint"/>
diff --git a/src/mesa/es/main/ b/src/mesa/es/main/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bfb699ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mesa/es/main/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Chia-I Wu <>
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+# on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub
+# license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom
+# the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
+# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+# Software.
+Minimal interface for use by
+import sys
+import libxml2
+import APIspec
+__spec = {}
+__functions = {}
+__aliases = {}
+def _ParseXML(filename, apiname):
+    conversions = {
+        # from           to
+        'GLfloat':  [ 'GLdouble' ],
+        'GLclampf': [ 'GLclampd' ],
+        'GLubyte':  [ 'GLfloat', 'GLdouble' ],
+        'GLint':    [ 'GLfloat', 'GLdouble' ],
+        'GLfixed':  [ 'GLfloat', 'GLdouble' ],
+        'GLclampx': [ 'GLclampf', 'GLclampd' ],
+    }
+    doc = libxml2.readFile(filename, None,
+            libxml2.XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD +
+            libxml2.XML_PARSE_DTDVALID +
+            libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS)
+    spec = APIspec.Spec(doc)
+    impl = spec.get_impl()
+    api = spec.get_api(apiname)
+    doc.freeDoc()
+    __spec["impl"] = impl
+    __spec["api"] = api
+    for func in api.functions:
+        alias, need_conv = impl.match(func, conversions)
+        if not alias:
+            print >>sys.stderr, "Error: unable to dispatch %s" %
+            alias = func
+        __functions[] = func
+        __aliases[] = (alias, need_conv)
+def AllSpecials(notused=None):
+    """Return a list of all external functions in the API."""
+    api = __spec["api"]
+    specials = []
+    for func in api.functions:
+        if func.is_external:
+            specials.append(
+    return specials
+def GetAllFunctions(filename, api):
+    """Return sorted list of all functions in the API."""
+    if not __spec:
+        _ParseXML(filename, api)
+    api = __spec["api"]
+    names = []
+    for func in api.functions:
+        names.append(
+    names.sort()
+    return names
+def ReturnType(funcname):
+    """Return the C return type of named function."""
+    func = __functions[funcname]
+    return func.return_type
+def Properties(funcname):
+    """Return list of properties of the named GL function."""
+    func = __functions[funcname]
+    return [func.direction]
+def _ValidValues(func, param):
+    """Return the valid values of a parameter."""
+    valid_values = []
+    switch = func.checker.switches.get(, [])
+    for desc in switch:
+        # no dependent vector
+        if not desc.checker.switches:
+            for val in desc.values:
+                valid_values.append((val, None, None, [], desc.error, None))
+            continue
+        items = desc.checker.switches.items()
+        if len(items) > 1:
+            print >>sys.stderr, "%s: more than one parameter depend on %s" % \
+                    (,
+        dep_name, dep_switch = items[0]
+        for dep_desc in dep_switch:
+            if dep_desc.index >= 0 and dep_desc.index != 0:
+                print >>sys.stderr, "%s: not first element of a vector" %
+            if dep_desc.checker.switches:
+                print >>sys.stderr, "%s: deep nested dependence" %
+            convert = None if dep_desc.convert else "noconvert"
+            for val in desc.values:
+                valid_values.append((val, dep_desc.size_str,,
+                                     dep_desc.values, dep_desc.error, convert))
+    return valid_values
+def _Conversion(func, src_param):
+    """Return the destination type of the conversion, or None."""
+    alias, need_conv = __aliases[]
+    if need_conv:
+        dst_param = alias.get_param(
+        if src_param.type == dst_param.type:
+            need_conv = False
+    if not need_conv:
+        return (None, "none")
+    converts = { True: 0, False: 0 }
+    # In Fogx, for example,  pname may be GL_FOG_DENSITY/GL_FOG_START/GL_FOG_END
+    # or GL_FOG_MODE.  In the former three cases, param is not checked and the
+    # default is to convert.
+    if not func.checker.always_check(
+        converts[True] += 1
+    for desc in func.checker.flatten(
+        converts[desc.convert] += 1
+        if converts[True] and converts[False]:
+            break
+    # it should be "never", "sometimes", and "always"...
+    if converts[False]:
+        if converts[True]:
+            conversion = "some"
+        else:
+            conversion = "none"
+    else:
+        conversion = "all"
+    return (dst_param.base_type(), conversion)
+def _MaxVecSize(func, param):
+    """Return the largest possible size of a vector."""
+    if not param.is_vector:
+        return 0
+    if param.size:
+        return param.size
+    # need to look at all descriptions
+    size = 0
+    for desc in func.checker.flatten(
+        if desc.size_str and desc.size_str.isdigit():
+            s = int(desc.size_str)
+            if s > size:
+                size = s
+    if not size:
+        need_conv = __aliases[][1]
+        if need_conv:
+            print >>sys.stderr, \
+                    "Error: unable to dicide the max size of %s in %s" % \
+                    (,
+    return size
+def _ParameterTuple(func, param):
+    """Return a parameter tuple.
+    [0] -- parameter name
+    [1] -- parameter type
+    [2] -- max vector size or 0
+    [3] -- dest type the parameter converts to, or None
+    [4] -- valid values
+    [5] -- how often does the conversion happen
+    """
+    vec_size = _MaxVecSize(func, param)
+    dst_type, conversion = _Conversion(func, param)
+    valid_values = _ValidValues(func, param)
+    return (, param.type, vec_size, dst_type, valid_values, conversion)
+def Parameters(funcname):
+    """Return list of tuples of function parameters."""
+    func = __functions[funcname]
+    params = []
+    for param in func.params:
+        params.append(_ParameterTuple(func, param))
+    return params
+def FindParamIndex(params, paramname):
+    """Find the index of a named parameter."""
+    for i in xrange(len(params)):
+        if params[i][0] == paramname:
+            return i
+    return None
+def MakeDeclarationString(params):
+    """Return a C-style parameter declaration string."""
+    string = []
+    for p in params:
+        sep = "" if p[1].endswith("*") else " "
+        string.append("%s%s%s" % (p[1], sep, p[0]))
+    if not string:
+        return "void"
+    return ", ".join(string)
+def AliasPrefix(funcname):
+    """Return the prefix of the function the named function is an alias of."""
+    alias = __aliases[funcname][0]
+    return alias.prefix
+def Alias(funcname):
+    """Return the name of the function the named function is an alias of."""
+    alias, need_conv = __aliases[funcname]
+    return if not need_conv else None
+def ConversionFunction(funcname):
+    """Return the name of the function the named function converts to."""
+    alias, need_conv = __aliases[funcname]
+    return if need_conv else None
+def Categories(funcname):
+    """Return all the categories of the named GL function."""
+    api = __spec["api"]
+    return []
cgit v1.2.3