/************************************************************************** * * Copyright 2007-2008 Tungsten Graphics, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas. * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions * of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL TUNGSTEN GRAPHICS AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * **************************************************************************/ #include "pipe/p_debug.h" #include "util/u_string.h" #include "tgsi_dump.h" #include "tgsi_info.h" #include "tgsi_iterate.h" struct dump_ctx { struct tgsi_iterate_context iter; uint instno; struct util_strbuf *sbuf; }; static void dump_enum( struct util_strbuf *sbuf, uint e, const char **enums, uint enum_count ) { if (e >= enum_count) util_strbuf_printf( sbuf, "%u", e ); else util_strbuf_printf( sbuf, "%s", enums[e] ); } #define EOL() util_strbuf_printf( sbuf, "\n" ) #define TXT(S) util_strbuf_printf( sbuf, "%s", S ) #define CHR(C) util_strbuf_printf( sbuf, "%c", C ) #define UIX(I) util_strbuf_printf( sbuf, "0x%x", I ) #define UID(I) util_strbuf_printf( sbuf, "%u", I ) #define SID(I) util_strbuf_printf( sbuf, "%d", I ) #define FLT(F) util_strbuf_printf( sbuf, "%10.4f", F ) #define ENM(E,ENUMS) dump_enum( sbuf, E, ENUMS, sizeof( ENUMS ) / sizeof( *ENUMS ) ) static const char *processor_type_names[] = { "FRAG", "VERT", "GEOM" }; static const char *file_names[] = { "NULL", "CONST", "IN", "OUT", "TEMP", "SAMP", "ADDR", "IMM" }; static const char *interpolate_names[] = { "CONSTANT", "LINEAR", "PERSPECTIVE" }; static const char *semantic_names[] = { "POSITION", "COLOR", "BCOLOR", "FOG", "PSIZE", "GENERIC", "NORMAL" }; static const char *immediate_type_names[] = { "FLT32" }; static const char *swizzle_names[] = { "x", "y", "z", "w" }; static const char *texture_names[] = { "UNKNOWN", "1D", "2D", "3D", "CUBE", "RECT", "SHADOW1D", "SHADOW2D", "SHADOWRECT" }; static const char *extswizzle_names[] = { "x", "y", "z", "w", "0", "1" }; static const char *modulate_names[TGSI_MODULATE_COUNT] = { "", "_2X", "_4X", "_8X", "_D2", "_D4", "_D8" }; static void _dump_register( struct util_strbuf *sbuf, uint file, int first, int last ) { ENM( file, file_names ); CHR( '[' ); SID( first ); if (first != last) { TXT( ".." ); SID( last ); } CHR( ']' ); } static void _dump_register_ind( struct util_strbuf *sbuf, uint file, int index, uint ind_file, int ind_index ) { ENM( file, file_names ); CHR( '[' ); ENM( ind_file, file_names ); CHR( '[' ); SID( ind_index ); CHR( ']' ); if (index != 0) { if (index > 0) CHR( '+' ); SID( index ); } CHR( ']' ); } static void _dump_writemask( struct util_strbuf *sbuf, uint writemask ) { if (writemask != TGSI_WRITEMASK_XYZW) { CHR( '.' ); if (writemask & TGSI_WRITEMASK_X) CHR( 'x' ); if (writemask & TGSI_WRITEMASK_Y) CHR( 'y' ); if (writemask & TGSI_WRITEMASK_Z) CHR( 'z' ); if (writemask & TGSI_WRITEMASK_W) CHR( 'w' ); } } static boolean iter_declaration( struct tgsi_iterate_context *iter, struct tgsi_full_declaration *decl ) { struct dump_ctx *ctx = (struct dump_ctx *) iter; struct util_strbuf *sbuf = ctx->sbuf; TXT( "DCL " ); _dump_register( sbuf, decl->Declaration.File, decl->DeclarationRange.First, decl->DeclarationRange.Last ); _dump_writemask( sbuf, decl->Declaration.UsageMask ); if (decl->Declaration.Semantic) { TXT( ", " ); ENM( decl->Semantic.SemanticName, semantic_names ); if (decl->Semantic.SemanticIndex != 0 || decl->Semantic.SemanticName == TGSI_SEMANTIC_GENERIC) { CHR( '[' ); UID( decl->Semantic.SemanticIndex ); CHR( ']' ); } } TXT( ", " ); ENM( decl->Declaration.Interpolate, interpolate_names ); EOL(); return TRUE; } void tgsi_dump_declaration( const struct tgsi_full_declaration *decl ) { static char str[1024]; struct util_strbuf sbuf; struct dump_ctx ctx; util_strbuf_init(&sbuf, str, sizeof(str)); ctx.sbuf = &sbuf; iter_declaration( &ctx.iter, (struct tgsi_full_declaration *)decl ); debug_printf("%s", str); } static boolean iter_immediate( struct tgsi_iterate_context *iter, struct tgsi_full_immediate *imm ) { struct dump_ctx *ctx = (struct dump_ctx *) iter; struct util_strbuf *sbuf = ctx->sbuf; uint i; TXT( "IMM " ); ENM( imm->Immediate.DataType, immediate_type_names ); TXT( " { " ); for (i = 0; i < imm->Immediate.Size - 1; i++) { switch (imm->Immediate.DataType) { case TGSI_IMM_FLOAT32: FLT( imm->u.ImmediateFloat32[i].Float ); break; default: assert( 0 ); } if (i < imm->Immediate.Size - 2) TXT( ", " ); } TXT( " }" ); EOL(); return TRUE; } void tgsi_dump_immediate( const struct tgsi_full_immediate *imm ) { static char str[1024]; struct util_strbuf sbuf; struct dump_ctx ctx; util_strbuf_init(&sbuf, str, sizeof(str)); ctx.sbuf = &sbuf; iter_immediate( &ctx.iter, (struct tgsi_full_immediate *)imm ); debug_printf("%s", str); } static boolean iter_instruction( struct tgsi_iterate_context *iter, struct tgsi_full_instruction *inst ) { struct dump_ctx *ctx = (struct dump_ctx *) iter; struct util_strbuf *sbuf = ctx->sbuf; uint instno = ctx->instno++; uint i; boolean first_reg = TRUE; UID( instno ); CHR( ':' ); TXT( tgsi_get_opcode_info( inst->Instruction.Opcode )->mnemonic ); switch (inst->Instruction.Saturate) { case TGSI_SAT_NONE: break; case TGSI_SAT_ZERO_ONE: TXT( "_SAT" ); break; case TGSI_SAT_MINUS_PLUS_ONE: TXT( "_SATNV" ); break; default: assert( 0 ); } for (i = 0; i < inst->Instruction.NumDstRegs; i++) { const struct tgsi_full_dst_register *dst = &inst->FullDstRegisters[i]; if (!first_reg) CHR( ',' ); CHR( ' ' ); _dump_register( sbuf, dst->DstRegister.File, dst->DstRegister.Index, dst->DstRegister.Index ); ENM( dst->DstRegisterExtModulate.Modulate, modulate_names ); _dump_writemask( sbuf, dst->DstRegister.WriteMask ); first_reg = FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < inst->Instruction.NumSrcRegs; i++) { const struct tgsi_full_src_register *src = &inst->FullSrcRegisters[i]; if (!first_reg) CHR( ',' ); CHR( ' ' ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtMod.Negate) TXT( "-(" ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtMod.Absolute) CHR( '|' ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtMod.Scale2X) TXT( "2*(" ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtMod.Bias) CHR( '(' ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtMod.Complement) TXT( "1-(" ); if (src->SrcRegister.Negate) CHR( '-' ); if (src->SrcRegister.Indirect) { _dump_register_ind( sbuf, src->SrcRegister.File, src->SrcRegister.Index, src->SrcRegisterInd.File, src->SrcRegisterInd.Index ); } else { _dump_register( sbuf, src->SrcRegister.File, src->SrcRegister.Index, src->SrcRegister.Index ); } if (src->SrcRegister.SwizzleX != TGSI_SWIZZLE_X || src->SrcRegister.SwizzleY != TGSI_SWIZZLE_Y || src->SrcRegister.SwizzleZ != TGSI_SWIZZLE_Z || src->SrcRegister.SwizzleW != TGSI_SWIZZLE_W) { CHR( '.' ); ENM( src->SrcRegister.SwizzleX, swizzle_names ); ENM( src->SrcRegister.SwizzleY, swizzle_names ); ENM( src->SrcRegister.SwizzleZ, swizzle_names ); ENM( src->SrcRegister.SwizzleW, swizzle_names ); } if (src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.ExtSwizzleX != TGSI_EXTSWIZZLE_X || src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.ExtSwizzleY != TGSI_EXTSWIZZLE_Y || src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.ExtSwizzleZ != TGSI_EXTSWIZZLE_Z || src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.ExtSwizzleW != TGSI_EXTSWIZZLE_W) { CHR( '.' ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.NegateX) TXT("-"); ENM( src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.ExtSwizzleX, extswizzle_names ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.NegateY) TXT("-"); ENM( src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.ExtSwizzleY, extswizzle_names ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.NegateZ) TXT("-"); ENM( src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.ExtSwizzleZ, extswizzle_names ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.NegateW) TXT("-"); ENM( src->SrcRegisterExtSwz.ExtSwizzleW, extswizzle_names ); } if (src->SrcRegisterExtMod.Complement) CHR( ')' ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtMod.Bias) TXT( ")-.5" ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtMod.Scale2X) CHR( ')' ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtMod.Absolute) CHR( '|' ); if (src->SrcRegisterExtMod.Negate) CHR( ')' ); first_reg = FALSE; } if (inst->InstructionExtTexture.Texture != TGSI_TEXTURE_UNKNOWN) { TXT( ", " ); ENM( inst->InstructionExtTexture.Texture, texture_names ); } switch (inst->Instruction.Opcode) { case TGSI_OPCODE_IF: case TGSI_OPCODE_ELSE: case TGSI_OPCODE_BGNLOOP2: case TGSI_OPCODE_ENDLOOP2: case TGSI_OPCODE_CAL: TXT( " :" ); UID( inst->InstructionExtLabel.Label ); break; } EOL(); return TRUE; } void tgsi_dump_instruction( const struct tgsi_full_instruction *inst, uint instno ) { static char str[1024]; struct util_strbuf sbuf; struct dump_ctx ctx; util_strbuf_init(&sbuf, str, sizeof(str)); ctx.instno = instno; ctx.sbuf = &sbuf; iter_instruction( &ctx.iter, (struct tgsi_full_instruction *)inst ); debug_printf("%s", str); } static boolean prolog( struct tgsi_iterate_context *iter ) { struct dump_ctx *ctx = (struct dump_ctx *) iter; struct util_strbuf *sbuf = ctx->sbuf; ENM( iter->processor.Processor, processor_type_names ); UID( iter->version.MajorVersion ); CHR( '.' ); UID( iter->version.MinorVersion ); EOL(); return TRUE; } void tgsi_dump_str( const struct tgsi_token *tokens, uint flags, char *str, size_t size) { struct util_strbuf sbuf; struct dump_ctx ctx; util_strbuf_init(&sbuf, str, size); ctx.iter.prolog = prolog; ctx.iter.iterate_instruction = iter_instruction; ctx.iter.iterate_declaration = iter_declaration; ctx.iter.iterate_immediate = iter_immediate; ctx.iter.epilog = NULL; ctx.instno = 0; ctx.sbuf = &sbuf; tgsi_iterate_shader( tokens, &ctx.iter ); } void tgsi_dump( const struct tgsi_token *tokens, uint flags ) { static char str[16000]; uint len; char *p = str; tgsi_dump_str(tokens, flags, str, sizeof(str)); /* Workaround output buffer size limitations. */ len = strlen( str ); while (len > 256) { char piggy_bank; piggy_bank = p[256]; p[256] = '\0'; debug_printf( "%s", p ); p[256] = piggy_bank; p += 256; len -= 256; } debug_printf( "%s", p ); }