#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2009 Chia-I Wu <olv@0xlab.org> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub # license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom # the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # IBM AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. import sys import os.path import getopt import re GLAPI = "../../glapi" sys.path.append(GLAPI) class HeaderParser(object): """Parser for GL header files.""" def __init__(self, verbose=0): # match #if and #ifdef self.IFDEF = re.compile('#\s*if(n?def\s+(?P<ifdef>\w+)|\s+(?P<if>.+))') # match #endif self.ENDIF = re.compile('#\s*endif') # match typedef abc def; self.TYPEDEF = re.compile('typedef\s+(?P<from>[\w ]+)\s+(?P<to>\w+);') # match #define XYZ VAL self.DEFINE = re.compile('#\s*define\s+(?P<key>\w+)(?P<value>\s+[\w"]*)?') # match GLAPI self.GLAPI = re.compile('^GL_?API(CALL)?\s+(?P<return>[\w\s*]+[\w*])\s+(GL)?_?APIENTRY\s+(?P<name>\w+)\s*\((?P<params>[\w\s(,*\[\])]+)\)\s*;') self.split_params = re.compile('\s*,\s*') self.split_ctype = re.compile('(\W)') # ignore GL_VERSION_X_Y self.ignore_enum = re.compile('GL(_ES)?_VERSION(_ES_C[ML])?_\d_\d') self.verbose = verbose self._reset() def _reset(self): """Reset to initial state.""" self.ifdef_levels = [] self.need_char = False # use typeexpr? def _format_ctype(self, ctype, fix=True): """Format a ctype string, optionally fix it.""" # split the type string tmp = self.split_ctype.split(ctype) tmp = [s for s in tmp if s and s != " "] pretty = "" for i in xrange(len(tmp)): # add missing GL prefix if (fix and tmp[i] != "const" and tmp[i] != "*" and not tmp[i].startswith("GL")): tmp[i] = "GL" + tmp[i] if i == 0: pretty = tmp[i] else: sep = " " if tmp[i - 1] == "*": sep = "" pretty += sep + tmp[i] return pretty # use typeexpr? def _get_ctype_attrs(self, ctype): """Get the attributes of a ctype.""" is_float = (ctype.find("float") != -1 or ctype.find("double") != -1) is_signed = not (ctype.find("unsigned") != -1) size = 0 if ctype.find("char") != -1: size = 1 elif ctype.find("short") != -1: size = 2 elif ctype.find("int") != -1: size = 4 elif is_float: if ctype.find("float") != -1: size = 4 else: size = 8 return (size, is_float, is_signed) def _parse_define(self, line): """Parse a #define line for an <enum>.""" m = self.DEFINE.search(line) if not m: if self.verbose and line.find("#define") >= 0: print "ignore %s" % (line) return None key = m.group("key").strip() val = m.group("value").strip() # enum must begin with GL_ and be all uppercase if ((not (key.startswith("GL_") and key.isupper())) or (self.ignore_enum.match(key) and val == "1")): if self.verbose: print "ignore enum %s" % (key) return None return (key, val) def _parse_typedef(self, line): """Parse a typedef line for a <type>.""" m = self.TYPEDEF.search(line) if not m: if self.verbose and line.find("typedef") >= 0: print "ignore %s" % (line) return None f = m.group("from").strip() t = m.group("to").strip() if not t.startswith("GL"): if self.verbose: print "ignore type %s" % (t) return None attrs = self._get_ctype_attrs(f) return (f, t, attrs) def _parse_gl_api(self, line): """Parse a GLAPI line for a <function>.""" m = self.GLAPI.search(line) if not m: if self.verbose and line.find("APIENTRY") >= 0: print "ignore %s" % (line) return None rettype = m.group("return") rettype = self._format_ctype(rettype) if rettype == "GLvoid": rettype = "" name = m.group("name") param_str = m.group("params") chunks = self.split_params.split(param_str) chunks = [s.strip() for s in chunks] if len(chunks) == 1 and (chunks[0] == "void" or chunks[0] == "GLvoid"): chunks = [] params = [] for c in chunks: # split type and variable name idx = c.rfind("*") if idx < 0: idx = c.rfind(" ") if idx >= 0: idx += 1 ctype = c[:idx] var = c[idx:] else: ctype = c var = "unnamed" # convert array to pointer idx = var.find("[") if idx >= 0: var = var[:idx] ctype += "*" ctype = self._format_ctype(ctype) var = var.strip() if not self.need_char and ctype.find("GLchar") >= 0: self.need_char = True params.append((ctype, var)) return (rettype, name, params) def _change_level(self, line): """Parse a #ifdef line and change level.""" m = self.IFDEF.search(line) if m: ifdef = m.group("ifdef") if not ifdef: ifdef = m.group("if") self.ifdef_levels.append(ifdef) return True m = self.ENDIF.search(line) if m: self.ifdef_levels.pop() return True return False def _read_header(self, header): """Open a header file and read its contents.""" lines = [] try: fp = open(header, "rb") lines = fp.readlines() fp.close() except IOError, e: print "failed to read %s: %s" % (header, e) return lines def _cmp_enum(self, enum1, enum2): """Compare two enums.""" # sort by length of the values as strings val1 = enum1[1] val2 = enum2[1] ret = len(val1) - len(val2) # sort by the values if not ret: val1 = int(val1, 16) val2 = int(val2, 16) ret = val1 - val2 # in case int cannot hold the result if ret > 0: ret = 1 elif ret < 0: ret = -1 # sort by the names if not ret: if enum1[0] < enum2[0]: ret = -1 elif enum1[0] > enum2[0]: ret = 1 return ret def _cmp_type(self, type1, type2): """Compare two types.""" attrs1 = type1[2] attrs2 = type2[2] # sort by type size ret = attrs1[0] - attrs2[0] # float is larger if not ret: ret = attrs1[1] - attrs2[1] # signed is larger if not ret: ret = attrs1[2] - attrs2[2] # reverse ret = -ret return ret def _cmp_function(self, func1, func2): """Compare two functions.""" name1 = func1[1] name2 = func2[1] ret = 0 # sort by the names if name1 < name2: ret = -1 elif name1 > name2: ret = 1 return ret def _postprocess_dict(self, hdict): """Post-process a header dict and return an ordered list.""" hlist = [] largest = 0 for key, cat in hdict.iteritems(): size = len(cat["enums"]) + len(cat["types"]) + len(cat["functions"]) # ignore empty category if not size: continue cat["enums"].sort(self._cmp_enum) # remove duplicates dup = [] for i in xrange(1, len(cat["enums"])): if cat["enums"][i] == cat["enums"][i - 1]: dup.insert(0, i) for i in dup: e = cat["enums"].pop(i) if self.verbose: print "remove duplicate enum %s" % e[0] cat["types"].sort(self._cmp_type) cat["functions"].sort(self._cmp_function) # largest category comes first if size > largest: hlist.insert(0, (key, cat)) largest = size else: hlist.append((key, cat)) return hlist def parse(self, header): """Parse a header file.""" self._reset() if self.verbose: print "Parsing %s" % (header) hdict = {} lines = self._read_header(header) for line in lines: if self._change_level(line): continue # skip until the first ifdef (i.e. __gl_h_) if not self.ifdef_levels: continue cat_name = os.path.basename(header) # check if we are in an extension if (len(self.ifdef_levels) > 1 and self.ifdef_levels[-1].startswith("GL_")): cat_name = self.ifdef_levels[-1] try: cat = hdict[cat_name] except KeyError: cat = { "enums": [], "types": [], "functions": [] } hdict[cat_name] = cat key = "enums" elem = self._parse_define(line) if not elem: key = "types" elem = self._parse_typedef(line) if not elem: key = "functions" elem = self._parse_gl_api(line) if elem: cat[key].append(elem) if self.need_char: if self.verbose: print "define GLchar" elem = self._parse_typedef("typedef char GLchar;") cat["types"].append(elem) return self._postprocess_dict(hdict) def spaces(n, str=""): spaces = n - len(str) if spaces < 1: spaces = 1 return " " * spaces def output_xml(name, hlist): """Output a parsed header in OpenGLAPI XML.""" for i in xrange(len(hlist)): cat_name, cat = hlist[i] print '<category name="%s">' % (cat_name) indent = 4 for enum in cat["enums"]: name = enum[0][3:] value = enum[1] tab = spaces(41, name) attrs = 'name="%s"%svalue="%s"' % (name, tab, value) print '%s<enum %s/>' % (spaces(indent), attrs) if cat["enums"] and cat["types"]: print for type in cat["types"]: ctype = type[0] size, is_float, is_signed = type[2] attrs = 'name="%s"' % (type[1][2:]) attrs += spaces(16, attrs) + 'size="%d"' % (size) if is_float: attrs += ' float="true"' elif not is_signed: attrs += ' unsigned="true"' print '%s<type %s/>' % (spaces(indent), attrs) for func in cat["functions"]: print ret = func[0] name = func[1][2:] params = func[2] attrs = 'name="%s" offset="assign"' % name print '%s<function %s>' % (spaces(indent), attrs) for param in params: attrs = 'name="%s" type="%s"' % (param[1], param[0]) print '%s<param %s/>' % (spaces(indent * 2), attrs) if ret: attrs = 'type="%s"' % ret print '%s<return %s/>' % (spaces(indent * 2), attrs) print '%s</function>' % spaces(indent) print '</category>' print def show_usage(): print "Usage: %s [-v] <header> ..." % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) def main(): try: args, headers = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "v") except Exception, e: show_usage() if not headers: show_usage() verbose = 0 for arg in args: if arg[0] == "-v": verbose += 1 need_xml_header = True parser = HeaderParser(verbose) for h in headers: h = os.path.abspath(h) hlist = parser.parse(h) if need_xml_header: print '<?xml version="1.0"?>' print '<!DOCTYPE OpenGLAPI SYSTEM "%s/gl_API.dtd">' % GLAPI need_xml_header = False print print '<!-- %s -->' % (h) print '<OpenGLAPI>' print output_xml(h, hlist) print '</OpenGLAPI>' if __name__ == '__main__': main()