=========================================== Basic attribute control and building states =========================================== Once your fixtures are patched (see ``_), you can set attributes sing ``at``. For example, to set the intensity of ``my-dimmer`` to 100%:: (at my-dimmer intensity 100) If you leave out the attribute name, then ``intensity`` will be assumed:: (at my-dimmer 100) The available parameters are determined by the fixture definition (see ``_). For example:: (at my-moving-light pan 32) (at my-moving-light tilt 70) (at my-moving-light zoom 60) Not all fixtures accept a single number. For example, ``colour`` takes a colour object, which can be constructed using ``rgb`` or ``cmy``. Starlet (or rather, the fixture definition code) is responsible for converting the colour to the native representation used by the fixture:: (at my-moving-light colour (rgb 80 23 25)) You can set attributes for multiple fixtures at once:: (at spotCS spotSR spotSL 90) Or you can set attributes for a list of fixtures:: (define all-spots (list spotSL spotCS spotSR)) (at all-spots 90) You can mix individual fixtures and lists of fixtures. However, you can only set one attribute (to one value) at a time. The selection ============= When setting many attributes for one fixture, you can avoid typing the fixture name each time by using the selection. To select a fixture, call ``sel`` with the fixture(s) to select:: (sel my-dimmer) (sel all-spots my-moving-light) If the fixture name is left out from subsequent calls to ``at``, they will apply to the currently selected fixture(s). To clear the selection, use ``(sel #f)`` or simply ``(sel)``:: (sel my-moving-light) (at 100) (at colour (rgb 80 23 25)) (at tilt 70) (at pan 32) (sel #f) The fixture display window (see ``_) will highlight the selection, and physical control devices (see ``_) will affect the selected fixture(s). To see the contents of the selection, use ``(get-selection)``. State objects ============= Attribute values must be stored within a state object. When you set an attribute from the Guile REPL, the values will be stored in the programmer state. You can examine the contents using ``state-source``, which returns the Scheme code corresponding to the state's contents:: scheme@(guile-user)> (state-source programmer-state) $6 = (lighting-state (at ledLL colour (cmy 77.0 100.0 100.0)) (at ledRR colour (cmy 77.0 100.0 100.0)) (at washR intensity 85) (at washL intensity 85) (at ledLL intensity 40) (at ledRR intensity 40) (at washM intensity 85)) scheme@(guile-user)> You can also use ``print-state``, which just pretty-prints the output of ``state-source``. To reduce typing, you can use ``ps`` as a synonym for ``programmer-state``:: scheme@(guile-user)> (print-state ps) (lighting-state (at ledLL colour (cmy 77.0 100.0 100.0)) (at ledRR colour (cmy 77.0 100.0 100.0)) (at washR intensity 85) (at washL intensity 85) (at ledLL intensity 40) (at ledRR intensity 40) (at washM intensity 85)) scheme@(guile-user)> You can construct new states by wrapping your ``at`` forms inside ``lighting-state``. These state objects can be used inside cue lists (see ``_), bound to variables etc:: (define my-state (lighting-state (at spotSR spotSL 50) (at spotCS 100))) The programmer state has priority over everything else (e.g. cue list playbacks). To avoid surprises, you should make sure that it's empty before trying to run a show. The ``clear-state!`` procedure empties a state object of its contents, without deleting the state itself:: (clear-state! ps) There are some utility routines for handling states: * ``(state-empty? my-state)`` returns ``#t`` if ``my-state`` is empty, otherwise ``#f``. * ``(remove-fixture-from-state! my-state spotCS)`` removes all attributes for ``spotCS`` from ``my-state``. * ``(remove-fixtures-from-state! my-state (list spotCS spotSL))`` is the same, but removes a list of fixtures from the state. * ``(remove-selection-from-programmer!)`` removes from the programmer any attributes referring to fixtures which are currently selected. It is defined as follows:: (define (remove-selection-from-programmer!) (remove-fixtures-from-state! programmer-state (get-selection))) Effects ======= Attribute values aren't restricted to constants. You can also provide a function, for example:: (let ((clock (make-clock))) (at washM (lambda () (* 50 (+ 1 (sin (* 2 (elapsed-time clock)))))))) That's obviously quite complicated, so use the functions in module ``(starlet effects)`` instead. For a sine wave once every 2 seconds (0.5 Hz) ranging between zero and 100%:: (at washM (sinewave 0.5 0 100))