;; ;; starlet/scanout.scm ;; ;; Copyright © 2020-2022 Thomas White ;; ;; This file is part of Starlet. ;; ;; Starlet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;; (define-module (starlet scanout) #:use-module (starlet fixture) #:use-module (starlet state) #:use-module (starlet utils) #:use-module (starlet colours) #:use-module (starlet attributes) #:use-module (starlet guile-ola) #:use-module (oop goops) #:use-module (ice-9 threads) #:use-module (ice-9 atomic) #:use-module (ice-9 exceptions) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:export (patch-fixture! patch-many! scanout-freq total-num-attrs register-state! current-value patched-fixture-names get-attr set-chan8 set-chan16)) ;; The list of patched fixtures (define fixtures (make-atomic-box '())) ;; List of states being scanned out (define state-list (make-atomic-box '())) ;; Association list of names to states (define state-names (make-atomic-box '())) ;; Current values (literal, not functions) of active attributes (define current-values (make-atomic-box (make-empty-state))) (define (patched-fixture-names) (map get-fixture-name (atomic-box-ref fixtures))) (define (total-num-attrs) (fold (lambda (fix prev) (+ prev (length (get-fixture-attrs fix)))) 0 (atomic-box-ref fixtures))) (define (get-state-name st) (assq-ref (atomic-box-ref state-names) st)) (define (set-state-name! st name) (atomic-box-set! state-names (assq-set! (atomic-box-ref state-names) st name))) ;; Patch a new fixture (define* (patch-real name class start-addr #:key (universe 0) (friendly-name "Fixture")) (let ((new-fixture (make class #:name name #:sa start-addr #:uni universe #:friendly-name friendly-name))) (atomic-box-set! fixtures (cons new-fixture (atomic-box-ref fixtures))) new-fixture)) (define-syntax patch-fixture! (syntax-rules () ((_ name stuff ...) (define name (patch-real (quote name) stuff ...))))) ;; Patch several new fixtures (define* (patch-many-real name class start-addrs #:key (universe 0) (friendly-name "Fixture")) (map (lambda (start-addr n) (patch-real `(list-ref ,name ,n) class start-addr #:universe universe #:friendly-name friendly-name)) start-addrs (iota (length start-addrs)))) (define-syntax patch-many! (syntax-rules () ((_ name stuff ...) (define name (patch-many-real (quote name) stuff ...))))) (define-method (current-value (fix ) (attr-name )) (let ((v (state-find fix attr-name (atomic-box-ref current-values)))) (if (eq? v 'no-value) (get-attr-home-val fix attr-name) v))) (define-method (current-value (fix ) (attr-name )) (let ((colour (current-value fix 'colour))) (extract-colour-component colour attr-name))) (define (append-or-replace-named-state orig-list name new-state) (let ((new-list (map (lambda (st) (if (eq? (get-state-name st) name) (begin new-state) st)) orig-list))) ;; If there is no state with this name in the list, ;; the replacement above will have no effect. ;; Check again and add in the normal way if so. (if (find (lambda (st) (eq? (get-state-name st) name)) new-list) new-list (append orig-list (list new-state))))) (define* (register-state! new-state #:key (unique-name #f)) (if unique-name (begin (set-state-name! new-state unique-name) (atomic-box-set! state-list (append-or-replace-named-state (atomic-box-ref state-list) unique-name new-state))) (atomic-box-set! state-list (append (atomic-box-ref state-list) (list new-state))))) (define scanout-freq 0) (define output-thread #f) (define (htp-attr? attr) (eq? attr intensity)) (define (broadcast-state st) (atomic-box-swap! current-values st)) (define (output-loop start-time count) ;; Combine all the active attributes and send it out (broadcast-state (let ((states (atomic-box-ref state-list))) (for-each update-state! states) (fold (lambda (incoming-state combined-state) (state-for-each (lambda (fix attr val) (let ((incoming-val (value->number val)) (current-val (state-find fix attr combined-state))) (unless (eq? incoming-val 'no-value) (if (eq? current-val 'no-value) (set-in-state! combined-state fix attr incoming-val) (set-in-state! combined-state fix attr (if (htp-attr? attr) (max incoming-val current-val) incoming-val)))))) incoming-state) combined-state) (make-empty-state) (append states (list programmer-state))))) (usleep 10000) ;; Update output rate every 1000 cycles (if (eq? count 100) (begin (set! scanout-freq (exact->inexact (/ 100 (- (hirestime) start-time)))) (output-loop (hirestime) 0)) (output-loop start-time (+ count 1)))) (define (start-output) (if output-thread (format #t "Output thread is already running\n") (let ((start-time (hirestime))) (set! output-thread (begin-thread (with-exception-handler (lambda (exn) (display "Error in output thread:\n") (set! output-thread #f) (backtrace) (raise-exception exn)) (lambda () (output-loop start-time 0)) #:unwind? #f)))))) (start-output)