diff options
34 files changed, 9027 insertions, 8914 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 3168d10e..fa137dc7 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+ * libsylph/prefs_common.[ch]
+ src/summaryview.c
+ src/prefs_common_dialog.c: added a setting to delete filtered junk
+ mails from server.
* libsylph/utils.[ch]: address_equal(): new.
* src/compose.c: compose_reply_set_entry(): when replying to ML post
that has the Reply-To set, set the ML address in To: and Reply-To
diff --git a/ChangeLog.ja b/ChangeLog.ja
index 1da4e24b..fb65028b 100644
--- a/ChangeLog.ja
+++ b/ChangeLog.ja
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
+ * libsylph/prefs_common.[ch]
+ src/summaryview.c
+ src/prefs_common_dialog.c: 振り分けられた迷惑メールをサーバから
+ 削除する設定を追加。
* libsylph/utils.[ch]: address_equal(): 新規。
* src/compose.c: compose_reply_set_entry(): ML の投稿に返信するときに
Reply-To が指定されていた場合、 ML のアドレスを To: にセットし、
diff --git a/libsylph/prefs_common.c b/libsylph/prefs_common.c
index c1f01a70..3e258cd2 100644
--- a/libsylph/prefs_common.c
+++ b/libsylph/prefs_common.c
@@ -265,6 +265,8 @@ static PrefParam param[] = {
{"junk_folder", NULL, &prefs_common.junk_folder, P_STRING},
{"filter_junk_on_receive", "FALSE", &prefs_common.filter_junk_on_recv,
+ {"delete_junk_on_receive", "TRUE", &prefs_common.delete_junk_on_recv,
+ P_BOOL},
/* Privacy */
{"auto_check_signatures", "TRUE", &prefs_common.auto_check_signatures,
@@ -435,10 +437,17 @@ void prefs_common_junk_filter_list_set(void)
cond = filter_cond_new(FLT_COND_CMD_TEST, 0, 0, NULL,
cond_list = g_slist_append(NULL, cond);
- action = filter_action_new(FLT_ACTION_COPY, prefs_common.junk_folder);
- action_list = g_slist_append(NULL, action);
- action = filter_action_new(FLT_ACTION_DELETE, NULL);
- action_list = g_slist_append(action_list, action);
+ if (prefs_common.delete_junk_on_recv) {
+ action = filter_action_new(FLT_ACTION_COPY,
+ prefs_common.junk_folder);
+ action_list = g_slist_append(NULL, action);
+ action = filter_action_new(FLT_ACTION_DELETE, NULL);
+ action_list = g_slist_append(action_list, action);
+ } else {
+ action = filter_action_new(FLT_ACTION_MOVE,
+ prefs_common.junk_folder);
+ action_list = g_slist_append(NULL, action);
+ }
rule = filter_rule_new(_("Junk mail filter"), FLT_OR,
cond_list, action_list);
diff --git a/libsylph/prefs_common.h b/libsylph/prefs_common.h
index fb5bd94d..10eb1d46 100644
--- a/libsylph/prefs_common.h
+++ b/libsylph/prefs_common.h
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ struct _PrefsCommon
gchar *junk_classify_cmd;
gchar *junk_folder;
gboolean filter_junk_on_recv;
+ gboolean delete_junk_on_recv;
/* Privacy */
gboolean auto_check_signatures;
diff --git a/po/bg.po b/po/bg.po
index 3ad51a1a..2b212fae 100644
--- a/po/bg.po
+++ b/po/bg.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 0.9.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-09 02:06+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Pavel Pyuter <pavel@unix-bg.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Bulgarian <bg@li.org>\n"
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ msgstr "舒仄亠亠仆亳 %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "舒仂亶从亳亠 舒 亰舒仗舒亰亠仆亳.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "舒仗从舒"
@@ -622,12 +622,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仄亠仆亳 于亳亟舒 仆舒 舒亶仍舒\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "亰舒仗亳 于 %s 亠 仗仂于舒仍亳.\n"
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ msgstr ""
"于 从仂仍仂仆从舒 `G' 亰舒 舒亰亠舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 亳亰亠亞仍礌亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒 仂 `Get All'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ msgstr "仂亠弍亳亠仍从亳 舒亞仄亠仆 仆舒 亟亠亶于亳亠仂"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "仂弍舒于礌亠 仆舒 亟亠舒 从仄 仆亳亞舒舒"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "亟亠"
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ msgstr "/_亰亳于舒仆亠"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "E-Mail 舒亟亠"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "亟亠仆舒 从仆亳亞舒"
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ msgstr "亠从舒 仗亳 从仂仆于亠亳舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亟亠仆舒舒 从
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "仂仆于亠亳舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亟亠仆舒舒 从仆亳亞舒"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "仆亠亠亶"
@@ -1204,11 +1204,11 @@ msgstr "弍仍亳亠仆 舒亟亠"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "亳亠仆 舒亟亠"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "舒弍亠仍亠亢从舒"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "亠亟仗亠亢亟亠仆亳亠"
@@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@ msgstr "舒磦"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "亳从仂亶"
@@ -1573,66 +1573,66 @@ msgstr "亠从舒 于 仂仄舒舒 仆舒 亳舒."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "亠从舒 于 reply/forward 仂仄舒舒 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仆亠 亠于于舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒仄亠亳 亞仂仍亠仄亳仆舒舒 仆舒 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 亠 仗舒亰亠仆."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仗仂亠亠 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "弌仂弍亠仆亳亠: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒仄亠亳 舒 仂 multipart 仂弍亠仆亳亠."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(礆舒 丐亠仄舒)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [亠亟舒从亳舒仆仂]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 弌舒于礌亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "亠 亠 从舒亰舒仆 仗仂仍舒亠仍"
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "舒亰仆舒 亠仄舒. 亰仗舒舒仆亠 舒从舒?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仗仂仍亳 仗亳从 仗仂仍舒亠仍亳."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1640,21 +1640,21 @@ msgstr ""
"亠 亠 从舒亰舒仆 舒从舒仆 亰舒 亳亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂舒舒.\n"
"仂仍 亳亰弍亠亠亠 仗仂亠仆从 舒从舒仆 仗亠亟亳 亳亰仗舒舒仆亠."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "亰仆亳从仆舒 亞亠从舒 仗亳 仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 亟仂 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亰舒仗舒亰亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 于 亳亰仂亟舒舒 从亳."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢舒 亟舒 亠 仆舒仄亠亳 弍仂仆 舒仂亳亳舒仆 亳亰弍舒仆亳 `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1665,12 +1665,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s 从仄 %s.\n"
"亰仗舒舒仆亠 舒从舒?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "亠从舒 仗亳 从仂仆于亠亳舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亟亠仆舒舒 从仆亳亞舒"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1679,157 +1679,157 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亳亰亳亠 舒仂仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "仆舒亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 仆舒 仂仗舒从舒舒...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒仄亠亳 仗舒仗从舒舒 亰舒 仂仗舒从舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "仆亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒亠亟亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 仆舒 仂仗舒从舒舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "亞亠仆亠亳舒仆仂 Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂亰仂亠 亰舒 舒于礌亠...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr ":"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_亠亶于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_弌仂弍亠仆亳亠/_亳仗亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME 亳仗"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "舒亰仄亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠 仗仂-从仆仂"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "仂舒于礌亠 于 仗舒仗从舒舒 亰舒 仂仗舒从舒 亳 亳亰仗舒舒仆亠 仗仂-从仆仂"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "丼亠仆仂于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "舒仗舒亰于舒仆亠 于 仗舒仗从舒舒 亠仆仂于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "仄从于舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "仄从于舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "亳从亠仗于舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "亳从亠仗于舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亶仍"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "弌亳亞仆舒舒"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "仄从于舒仆亠 仆舒 亳亞仆舒舒"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "亠亟舒从仂"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "亠亟舒从亳 于仆亠仆 亠亟舒从仂"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "弌于亳于舒仆亠仆 仆舒 亠亟仂于亠亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "弌于亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 于亳从亳 亟仍亞亳 亠亟仂于亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "亠于舒仍亳亟亠仆 MIME 亳仗"
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 仆亠 亠于于舒 亳仍亳 亠 仗舒亰亠仆"
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "从亠仂舒亳"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "仂亟亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "仄亠 仆舒 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "仂仄舒仆亟仆亳 亠亟 亰舒 于仆亠仆 亠亟舒从仂 亠 仆亠于舒仍亳亟亠仆: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1840,75 +1840,75 @@ msgstr ""
"亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 仗亳仆亟亳亠仍仆仂 仗亠从舒磦舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂亠舒?\n"
"process group id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "亠从舒亠仆 process group id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "亠仄亠仆亠仆 舒亶仍: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "弌舒于礌亠: 于仂亟 仂 仆舒弍仍ミ莞夷火委 仗仂亠\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 舒亳舒 于仆亠仆 亠亟舒从仂\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 亰舒仗亳亠 于于 舒亶仍\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "丼亠亠仆亠 仆舒 pipe 仗仂于舒仍亠仆仂\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "亠 仄仂亢亠 亟舒 亠 仆舒亠亟亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 仆舒 仂仗舒从舒舒."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "亰弍仂 仆舒 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "亰弍仂 仆舒 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "弌仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 弍亠亠 仗仂仄亠仆亠仆仂. 亰仂舒于礌亠?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亟舒 仗亳仍仂亢亳亠 舒弍仍仂仆 `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "亳仍舒亞舒仆亠 仆舒 舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "舒仄亠仆礌亠"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "仄从于舒仆亠"
@@ -2093,7 +2093,7 @@ msgstr "亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠 仆舒 JPilot 亰舒仗亳"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2845,16 +2845,16 @@ msgstr "仂仂从仂仍亠仆 亢仆舒仍"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread 仆亠 亠 仗仂亟亟亢舒 仂 glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "丕仗仂亠弍舒: %s [丶亊]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [舒亟亠] 仂于舒礌亠 仆舒 仗仂亰仂亠 亰舒 舒于礌亠"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2864,23 +2864,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 仂于舒礌亠 仆舒 仗仂亰仂亠 亰舒 舒于礌亠 仗亳从亠仗亠仆亳\n"
" 从舒亰舒仆亳亠 舒亶仍仂于亠."
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all\t 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳 仂 于亳从亳 舒从舒仆亳"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 亳亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 于亳从亳 仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂仗舒从舒舒"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [仗舒仗从舒]... 仗仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仍仆亳 弍仂亶 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2888,30 +2888,30 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [仗舒仗从舒]...\n"
" 仗仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂礌亳亠仂 仆舒 于磻舒 仗舒仗从舒"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 仆舒 亟亠弍亞"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr ""
" --help 亳亰于亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 舒亰亳 仗仂仄仂仆舒 亳仆仂仄舒亳 亳 亳亰仍亳亰舒仆亠"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 亳亰于亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 于亠亳舒 亳 亳亰仍亳亰舒仆亠"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "亰仂亟舒 从仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳舒"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2925,20 +2925,20 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "弌舒于 亠 仆仂于仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠. 亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亳亰仂亟 仂 仗仂亞舒仄舒舒?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "弌仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂仗舒从舒舒"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr ""
"磻仂亳 仆亠亳亰仗舒亠仆亳 仂弍亠仆亳 舒 于 仂仗舒从舒舒. 亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亳亰仂亟 仂 仗仂亞舒仄舒舒?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2947,16 +2947,16 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP 仗仂亟亟亢从舒舒 亠 仂仄亠仆亠仆舒."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "亟亞 Sylpheed 亠 舒亳舒仆 于亠亠.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "仂仆亳亞舒亳 仆舒 亟亠亶于亳"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3566,7 +3566,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr ""
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "亞仂仂于仂.\n"
@@ -3694,7 +3694,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "亰仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒 于 仂仗舒从舒舒"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "弌舒于礌亠"
@@ -3702,7 +3702,7 @@ msgstr "弌舒于礌亠"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "弌舒于礌亠 仆舒 仆仂于仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "亞仂于舒礌亠"
@@ -3730,7 +3730,7 @@ msgstr "亠仗舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3824,7 +3824,7 @@ msgstr "/_仆仄亠仆亳/_仂弍舒于礌亠 仆舒 仗仂亟舒亠仍 于 舒亟
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 亳亰亞仍亠亟 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳仂...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "丐亠从"
@@ -3850,7 +3850,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "亰仗仍仆磦舒仆亠"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "亠舒"
@@ -4021,11 +4021,11 @@ msgstr "亠亟仗仂亳舒仆亳 亰舒 舒从舒仆"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂亰仂亠 仗亠亟仗仂亳舒仆亳舒 亰舒 舒从舒仆舒...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "仂仍舒于舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "亠仗亳从仂仆仂于亠仆仂"
@@ -4033,7 +4033,7 @@ msgstr "亠仗亳从仂仆仂于亠仆仂"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "舒仗亠亟仆舒仍"
@@ -4159,7 +4159,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "亠仂亟 仆舒 亟仂仂于亠磦舒仆亠"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂"
@@ -4199,8 +4199,8 @@ msgstr "亠仆亠亳舒仆亠 仆舒 Message-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "仂弍舒于礌亠 仆舒 亰舒亞仍舒于仆舒 舒 仂 仗仂亠弍亳亠仍"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " 亠亟舒从亳舒仆亠... "
@@ -4519,216 +4519,216 @@ msgstr "亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 亟亠亶于亳亠"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "亠仍舒亠亠 仍亳 亳亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 亟亠亶于亳亠仂?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "弌亰亟舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂亰仂亠 亰舒 仂弍亳 仗亠亟仗仂亳舒仆亳...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "弍亳 亠亟仗仂亳舒仆亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "丶亳舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "亳仗仍亠亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "弌仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "舒仗从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "亞亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "亰仗仂仍亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 于仆仆舒 仗仂亞舒仄舒 亰舒 仗亳亠仄舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "仂仄舒仆亟舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "亳亠仄舒仆亠 仂 仗仍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "个亳仍亳舒仆亠 仗亳 仗亳亠仄舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂 仗仂于亠磦舒仆亠 亰舒 仆仂于舒 仗仂舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "于亠从亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "仄亳仆舒(亳)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "仂于亠从舒 亰舒 仆仂于舒 仗仂舒 仗亳 舒亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "弍仆仂于磦舒仆亠 仆舒 于亳从亳 仍仂从舒仍仆亳 仗舒仗从亳 仍亠亟 仗亳亠仄舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "亠亰舒弍舒于仆仂 亳亰仗仍仆亠仆亳亠 仗亳 仄亠亠仆亠 亳仍亳 亳亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "亰亳仄舒仆亠 仆舒 弍仂 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳 (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "亰仗仂仍亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 于仆仆舒 仗仂亞舒仄舒 亰舒 亳亰仗舒舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "舒仗舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 亳亰仗舒亠仆亳亠 仂弍亠仆亳 于 亰仗舒亠仆亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "亰仂亟舒 从仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂 (亠仗仂亳亠仍仆仂)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "丕仆亳从仂亟 (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "舒仗舒亟仆仂 亠于仂仗亠亶从亳 (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "舒仗舒亟仆仂 亠于仂仗亠亶从亳 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "丶亠仆舒仍仆仂 亠于仂仗亠亶从亳 (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "舒仍亳亶从亳 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "舒仍亳亶从亳 (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "从亳 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "从亳 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "亳亳仍亳舒 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "丐从亳 (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "亳亳仍亳舒 (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "亳亳仍亳舒 (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "亳亳仍亳舒 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "亳亳仍亳舒 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "亊仗仂仆从亳 (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "亊仗仂仆从亳 (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "亊仗仂仆从亳 (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "仗仂亠仆 从亳舒亶从亳 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "仗仂亠仆 从亳舒亶从亳 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "丐舒亟亳亳仂仆亠仆 从亳舒亶从亳 (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "丐舒亟亳亳仂仆亠仆 从亳舒亶从亳 (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "亳舒亶从亳 (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "仂亠亶从亳 (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "丐舒亶仍舒仆亟从亳 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "丐舒亶仍舒仆亟从亳 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4737,11 +4737,11 @@ msgstr ""
"从仂 亠 亳亰弍舒仆仂 `于仂仄舒亳仆仂', 亠 弍亟亠 亳亰弍舒仆仂\n"
"仂仗亳仄舒仍仆仂仂 亰舒 亠从亳 仍仂从舒仍 从仂亟亳舒仆亠."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "亠仆仂仆仂 从仂亟亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4750,126 +4750,126 @@ msgstr ""
"丕从舒亢亠亠 亠仆仂仆仂 仂亟亳舒仆亠 仆舒 弌亟亢舒仆亳亠仂(Content-Transfer-Encoding)\n"
"亳亰仗仂仍亰于舒仆仂 从仂亞舒仂 磿仂仂 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 亟亢舒 仆亠-ASCII 亰仆舒亳."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "舒亰亟亠仍亳亠仍 仆舒 亳亞仆舒舒舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂 于仄从于舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂 舒亳舒仆亠 仆舒 于仆亠仆 亠亟舒从仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "亳于仂 仆舒 仂仄礌舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "亠仆舒礌亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒 仆舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "亰仆舒从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "亠仆舒礌亠 仆舒 亳舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "亠仆舒礌亠 仗亳 于于亠亢亟舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "亠仆舒礌亠 仗亠亟亳 亳亰仗舒舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂 亳亰弍亳舒仆亠 仆舒 舒从舒仆 亰舒 仂亞仂于仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "丶亳亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂 仗亳 仂亞仂于舒礌亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "仂仆舒 亰舒 仂亞仂于仂 亳亰仗仍仆磦舒 仂亞仂于仂 亟仂 仗仂亠仆从亳 仗亳从"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "个仂仄舒 仆舒 仂亞仂于仂舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "舒从亳舒仆亠 仆舒 亳舒"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "个仂仄舒 仆舒 仗亠仗舒舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " 仗亳舒仆亳亠 仆舒 亳仄于仂仍亳亠 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "丿亳"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "舒仗从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 弍仂 仆舒 仆亠仗仂亠亠仆亳亠 亟仂 亳仄亠仂 仆舒 仗舒仗从舒舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 弍仂 仆舒 仆亠仗仂亠亠仆亳亠 亟仂 亳仄亠仂 仆舒 仗舒仗从舒舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "弌从舒舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳仆舒从亳 亞仗亳 仗仂 亟仍亞亳 仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "弍从于亳"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "亰亞仍亠亟 仆舒 亳亰于舒亟从舒舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗仂仍舒亠仍 于 `' 从仂仍仂仆舒舒, 舒从仂 亳亰仗舒舒舒 亠 于亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "舒亰于亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆亳从亳亠..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "个仂仄舒 仆舒 亟舒舒舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr "仗亠亟亠仍礌亠 仆舒 舒亳弍亳 仆舒 亳亰于舒亟从舒舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "仂亰于仂仍磦舒仆亠 仆舒 仂于亠磦舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4877,396 +4877,393 @@ msgstr ""
"仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 multi-byte 舒亰弍从舒 亳 亳亳 从舒仂\n"
"ASCII 亰仆舒亳 (舒仄仂 亰舒 亊仗仂仆从亳)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "舒仆亠仍 亰舒亞仍舒于仆舒 舒 仆舒亟 亳亰亞仍亠亟舒 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 从舒从亳 亰舒亞仍舒于仆亳 舒亳 于 亳亰亞仍亠亟舒 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 从舒从亳 亰舒亞仍舒于仆亳 舒亳 于 亳亰亞仍亠亟舒 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "舒亰仂礌亳亠 仄/ 亠亟仂于亠亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "仗亳从亠仍(舒)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "亠于舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "仂仍仂于亳仆 舒仆亳舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "仍舒于仆仂 仗亠于舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "弌仗从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "舒亰仗于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗亳从亠仗亠仆亳 亳亰仂弍舒亢亠仆亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "舒仂亶从舒 仆舒 仗仂从舒亰于舒仆亳亠 亰舒亞仍舒于从亳 舒亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "舒仗从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "亰仗仍仆磦舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "亰仗仍仆磦舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "舒仗从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(亠亳仍亳舒仆亳亠 仂弍亠仆亳 亠 弍亟舒 舒仆磦舒仆亳 于 舒亰亳 仗舒仗从舒)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "个亳仍亳舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒 仗亳 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(亠亳仍亳舒仆亳亠 仂弍亠仆亳 亠 弍亟舒 舒仆磦舒仆亳 于 舒亰亳 仗舒仗从舒)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆舒 仗仂于亠从舒 仆舒 仗仂亟仗亳亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 于 仂亟亠仍亠仆 仗仂亰仂亠 仆舒 亠亰仍舒舒 仂 仗仂于亠从舒 仆舒 仗仂亟仗亳舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "亠仄亠仆仆仂 舒仆磦舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒仂仍舒舒 于 仗舒仄亠舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "亠于舒仍亳亟仆仂 仍亠亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "仄亳仆舒(亳)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(丕舒仆仂于磦舒仆亠 仆舒 `0' 亠 舒仆磦舒 仗舒仂仍舒舒\n"
"仗亠亰 磿舒舒 亠亳)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "亠于舒舒仆亠 仆舒 于仂亟舒 仗亳 于于亠亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 仗舒仂仍舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 仗亠亟仗亠亢亟亠仆亳亠 仗亳 舒亳舒仆亠, 舒从仂 GnuPG 仆亠 舒弍仂亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "于舒礌亠 于亳仆舒亞亳 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳舒 亳亰弍舒仆亳 于 亳亰于舒亟从舒舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "于舒礌亠 仆舒 仗于仂仂 仆亠仗仂亠亠仆仂 仂弍亠仆亳亠 仗亳 于仍亳亰舒仆亠 于 仗舒仗从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "舒从亳舒仆亠 从舒仂 仗仂亠亠仆仂 舒仄仂 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 仂于仂亠仆仂 于 仆仂于 仗仂亰仂亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "仍亳亰舒仆亠 于于 于仂亟舒舒 从亳 仍亠亟 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠 仆舒 仆仂于亳 仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "亠亰舒弍舒于仆仂 亳亰仗仍仆亠仆亳亠 仗亳 仄亠亠仆亠 亳仍亳 亳亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(弌仂弍亠仆亳舒 亠 弍亟舒 仄舒从亳舒仆亳 亟仂 亳亰仗仍仆亠仆亳亠仂\n"
"舒从仂 仂于舒 亠 亳亰从仍ム亠仆仂)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "亳舒仍仂亞 仗亳 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 亟亳舒仍仂亞 仗亳 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "亳仆舒亞亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "弌舒仄仂 仗亳 仆仂 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "亳从仂亞舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "亠亰 仗仂于亟亳亞舒仆亠 仆舒 亟亳舒仍仂亞 亰舒 亞亠从舒 仗亳 亞亠从舒 仗亳 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "舒于舒礌亠 仆舒 亟亳舒仍仂亞舒 仗亳 仗仂仍舒于舒仆亠 从仂亞舒仂 亰舒于亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr "仗亠亟亠仍礌亠 仆舒 从仍舒于亳仆亳 从仂仄弍亳仆舒亳亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "仆仆亳 从仂仄舒仆亟亳 (%s 亠 弍亟亠 亰舒仄亠仆亠仆 亳仄亠 仆舒 舒亶仍 / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "丕亠弍 弍舒亰"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "仂亟舒 从亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "仂弍舒于礌亠 仆舒 舒亟亠舒 于 仆舒亰仆舒亠仆亳亠仂 仗亳 亟于仂亶仆仂 舒从于舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "亳 亳亰仍亳亰舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "仂于亢亟亠仆亳亠 仗亳 亳亰仍亳亰舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "亰亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 仂亠仂 仆舒 亳亰仍亳亰舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "亳舒仆亠 仗亠亟亳 亳亰亳于舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "亠亟仗亠亢亟亠仆亳亠 舒从仂 亳仄舒 仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂仗舒从舒舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "舒仗亳于舒仆亠 仆舒 从亠舒 仆舒 亳亰于舒亟从舒舒 (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "仂仂从舒 仆舒 / 仗仂:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "亠从仆亟舒(亳)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "仆舒仗仍仆仂 从舒亠仆仂仂 亳仄亠 仆舒 亟亠仍仆亳从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "仗仍仆仂仂 亳仄亠 仆舒 亟亠仍仆亳从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "从舒亠仆仂仂 亳仄亠 仆舒 仄亠亠舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "仗仍仆仂仂 亳仄亠 仆舒 仄亠亠舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "仗亠亟仗仂亳舒仆舒舒 亟舒舒 亳 舒 亰舒 亠从亳 仍仂从舒仍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "于亠从 (亞仂亟亳仆a/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "亟亠仆 仂 仄亠亠舒 从舒仂 亟亠亠亳仆仂 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "舒舒 从舒仂 亟亠亠亳仆仂 亳仍仂 仗仂仍亰于舒亶从亳 24-舒仂于 舒仂于仆亳从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "舒舒 从舒仂 亟亠亠亳仆仂 亳仍仂 仗仂仍亰于舒亶从亳 12-舒仂于 舒仂于仆亳从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "亟亠仆 仂 亞仂亟亳仆舒舒 从舒仂 亟亠亠亳仆仂 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "仄亠亠舒 从舒仂 亟亠亠亳仆仂 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "仄亳仆舒舒 从舒仂 亟亠亠亳仆仂 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "亳仍亳 AM 亳仍亳 PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "亠从仆亟舒舒 从舒仂 亟亠亠亳仆仂 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "亟亠仆 仂 亠亟仄亳舒舒 从舒仂 亟亠亠亳仆仂 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "仗亠亟仗仂亳舒仆舒舒 亟舒舒 亰舒 亠从亳 仍仂从舒仍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "仗仂仍亠亟仆亳亠 亟于亠 亳亳 仂 亞仂亟亳仆舒舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "亞仂亟亳仆舒舒 从舒仂 亟亠亠亳仆仂 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "于亠仄亠于舒舒 亰仂仆舒 亳仍亳 亳仄亠 亳仍亳 从舒亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "亟亠仆亳亳从舒仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "仗亳舒仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "亳仄亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "仗亠亟亠仍礌亠 仆舒 于亠仂于亠 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "丶于亠仂于亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "丶亳亳舒仆 丐亠从 - 于仂 亳于仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "丶亳亳舒仆 丐亠从 - 仂仂 亳于仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "丶亳亳舒仆 丐亠从 - 丐亠仂 亳于仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI 于亰从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "亠亳亰仗仂仍亰于舒仆亠 仆舒 于亠仂于亠亠 亰舒 亳舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "亰弍亠亠亠 于 亰舒 亳舒 仗于仂 仆亳于仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "亰弍亠亠亠 于 亰舒 亳舒 于仂仂 仆亳于仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "亰弍亠亠亠 于 亰舒 亳舒 亠仂 仆亳于仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "亰弍亠亠亠 于 亰舒 URL"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "仗亳舒仆亳亠 仆舒 亳仄于仂仍亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5290,11 +5287,11 @@ msgstr ""
"仂于亳仆舒从亳 亞仗亳\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "从仂 x 亠 舒仆仂于亠仆, 仗仂从舒亰于舒 expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5308,7 +5305,7 @@ msgstr ""
"丶亳亳舒仆仂 磿仂 仆舒 仂弍亠仆亳亠 弍亠亰 仗仂亟仗亳\n"
"弌亳仄于仂仍 %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5320,20 +5317,20 @@ msgstr ""
"弌亳仄于仂仍 仂于舒舒 从亟舒于舒 从仂弍舒\n"
"弌亳仄于仂仍 亰舒于舒舒 从亟舒于舒 从仂弍舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "仍舒于亳仆亳 从仂仄弍亳仆舒亳亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr "仗亠亟亠仍礌亠 仆舒 从仍舒于亳仆亳 从仂仄弍亳仆舒亳亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "仂 仗仂亟舒亰弍亳舒仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "弌舒 Sylpheed"
@@ -5667,17 +5664,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "亳从舒"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "仂亟舒亠仍"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "舒舒"
@@ -6413,20 +6410,20 @@ msgstr "亰亞舒亢亟舒仆亠 仆舒 仆亳从亳亠..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "舒舒仆亠 仆舒 仆亳从亳亠..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "亳仍亳舒仆亠..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "个亳仍亳舒仆亠..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr ""
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "No."
@@ -6485,6 +6482,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(亠亳仍亳舒仆亳亠 仂弍亠仆亳 亠 弍亟舒 舒仆磦舒仆亳 于 舒亰亳 仗舒仗从舒)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po
index 01328a00..be32a678 100644
--- a/po/cs.po
+++ b/po/cs.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-05-30 13:31GMT+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Radek Vyb鱈ral <Radek.Vybiral@vsb.cz>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <cs@li.org>\n"
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ msgstr "Nalezen箪 %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Konfigurace je ulo転ena.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Slo転ka"
@@ -625,12 +625,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "nelze zmnit m坦d souboru\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "Ne炭sp邸n箪 z叩pis do %s.\n"
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ msgstr ""
"kontrolov叩n pi volb 'St叩hnout v邸e, za邸krtnte pol鱈ko ve sloupci 'G'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ msgstr "Argument u転ivatele pro akci"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Pidat adresu do datab叩ze"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ msgstr "/_Smazat"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "E-mail adresa"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Datab叩ze adres"
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ msgstr "Chyba pi konverzi datab叩ze adres"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Konverze datab叩ze adres"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Rozhran鱈"
@@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ msgstr "Spolen叩 adresa"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Osobn鱈 adresa"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Pozn叩mka"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Varov叩n鱈"
@@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@ msgstr "Hnd叩"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "貼叩dn叩"
@@ -1574,66 +1574,66 @@ msgstr "Chyba v uvozovk叩ch."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Chyba form叩tu odpovdi/peposl叩n鱈."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Soubor %s neexistuje\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Nemohu zjistit d辿lku souboru %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Soubor %s je pr叩zdn箪."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Nemohu na鱈st %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Zpr叩va: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Nemohu z鱈skat 叩st z mnoha叩s泥ov辿 zpr叩vy."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(貼叩dn箪 pedmt)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Upraveno]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Psan鱈 zpr叩vy%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nen鱈 uveden p鱈jemce."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Pedmt"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Pedmt je pr叩zdn箪. Pesto m叩m zpr叩vu odeslat?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "Nelze na鱈st seznam p鱈jemc哲."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1641,21 +1641,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Nen鱈 zad叩n 炭et pro odes鱈l叩n鱈 mail哲.\n"
"Ped odesl叩n鱈m vyberte pros鱈m njak箪 炭et."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Vyskytla se chyba pi pos鱈l叩n鱈 zpr叩vy na %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Zpr叩vu nelze ulo転it do odeslan辿 po邸ty."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Nemohu naj鱈t 転叩dn箪 kl鱈 asociovan箪 s aktu叩ln vybran箪m id kl鱈e '%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1666,12 +1666,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s na %s.\n"
"Pesto poslat?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Chyba pi konverzi datab叩ze adres"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1680,157 +1680,157 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "nelze smazat star辿 zpr叩vy\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "zaazuji zpr叩vu...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "nelze naj鱈t slo転ku s frontou zpr叩v\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "Zpr叩vu nelze zaadit\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "vytv叩鱈m 鱈slo zpr叩vy: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩鱈m okno pro psan鱈...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Od:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/_Akce"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Zpr叩va/Za邸i_frovat"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME typ"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "D辿lka"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Odeslat"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Ode邸le zpr叩vu"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Poslat pozdji"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Zaad鱈 do v箪stupn鱈 fronty a ode邸le pozdji"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Koncept"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Ulo転鱈 koncept do slo転ky"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Vlo転it"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Vlo転鱈 soubor"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "P鱈loha"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Pipoj鱈 soubor"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Vlo転鱈 podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "prava extern鱈m editorem"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Zarovn叩n鱈"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Zarovn叩n鱈 dlouh箪ch 叩dk哲"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Neplatn箪 MIME typ."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Soubor neexistuje nebo je pr叩zdn箪."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "K坦dov叩n鱈"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Cesta k souboru"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "N叩zev souboru"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "patn箪 p鱈kaz v extern鱈m editoru: '%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1841,75 +1841,75 @@ msgstr ""
"M叩m peru邸it proces?\n"
"鱈slo procesu: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Peru邸en proces 鱈slo: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Doasn箪 soubor: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Psan鱈: vstup z extern鱈ho procesu\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Nelze spustit extern鱈 editor\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Nelze zapisovat do souboru\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Nelze 鱈st\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Zpr叩vu nelze zaadit."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Vybrat soubor"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Vybrat soubor"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Ode邸le zpr叩vu"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Obsah zpr叩vy se zmnil. Chcete ji stornovat?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Opravdu chcete pou転鱈t 邸ablonu '%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Pidat 邸ablonu"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Nahradit"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Vlo転it"
@@ -2095,7 +2095,7 @@ msgstr "Upravit JPilot soubor"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2849,16 +2849,16 @@ msgstr "Z叩znamov箪 protokol"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread nen鱈 v glib podporov叩n.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Pou転it鱈: %s [VOLBY]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresa] oteve okno pro psan鱈 nov辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2868,53 +2868,53 @@ msgstr ""
" oteve okno pro psan鱈 zpr叩vy s pipojen箪m\n"
" souborem(y)"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive nate nov辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all nate v邸echny nov辿 zpr叩vy ze v邸ech 炭t哲"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send po邸le v邸echny pozdr転en辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status vyp鱈邸e celkov箪 poet zpr叩v"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status vyp鱈邸e celkov箪 poet zpr叩v"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug re転im trasov叩n鱈"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help vyp鱈邸e tento text a skon鱈"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version vyp鱈邸e informace o verzi a skon鱈"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "V箪stupn鱈 znakov叩 sada"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2928,19 +2928,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Pr叩v se vytv叩鱈 zpr叩va. Opravdu skonit?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Pozdr転en辿 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Ve front jsou neodeslan zpr叩vy. Skonit nyn鱈?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2949,16 +2949,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Podpora pro OpenPGP je zak叩z叩na."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "aplikace Sylpheed je ji転 spu邸tna.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Nastaven鱈 akc鱈"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3569,7 +3569,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Hlavn鱈 okno: barevn辿 rozvr転en鱈 %d bylo ne炭sp邸n辿\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "hotovo.\n"
@@ -3698,7 +3698,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Ode邸le pozdr転enou zpr叩vu(y)"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Napsat"
@@ -3706,7 +3706,7 @@ msgstr "Napsat"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Vytv叩鱈 novou zpr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Odpovdt"
@@ -3734,7 +3734,7 @@ msgstr "Ped叩v叩 zpr叩vu d叩l"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Smazat zpr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3828,7 +3828,7 @@ msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Pidat odes鱈latele do a_dres叩e"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Vyvol叩v叩m zobrazen鱈 zpr叩vy...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"
@@ -3854,7 +3854,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Prov辿st"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Tisk"
@@ -4025,11 +4025,11 @@ msgstr "Nastaven鱈 炭tu"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Vyvol叩n鱈 okna pro nastaven鱈 炭tu...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "P鱈jem"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Soukrom鱈"
@@ -4037,7 +4037,7 @@ msgstr "Soukrom鱈"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Roz邸鱈en鱈"
@@ -4163,7 +4163,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Metoda autentizace"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automaticky"
@@ -4203,8 +4203,8 @@ msgstr "Generovat 鱈slo zpr叩vy"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Pidat u転ivatelsky definovan辿 z叩hlav鱈"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Upravit..."
@@ -4522,216 +4522,216 @@ msgstr "Smazat akci"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Opravdu chcete smazat tuto akci?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩鱈m okno hlavn鱈ho nastaven鱈...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Spolen叩 nastaven鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Citov叩n鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Zobrazen鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Zpr叩va"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Slo転ka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Ostatn鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Pou転鱈t extern鱈 program k zalenn鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "P鱈kaz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Zalenit ze spoolu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtr na zalenn鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Automatick叩 kontrola nov辿 po邸ty"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "ka転d箪ch"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minut(y)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Kontrola nov辿 po邸ty pi spu邸tn鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Po zalenn鱈 aktualizovat v邸echny lok叩ln鱈 slo転ky"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Vykonat ihned pi pesunu nebo maz叩n鱈 zpr叩v"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Zji邸泥uji poet nov箪ch zpr叩v (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Pou転鱈t extern鱈 program pro pos鱈l叩n鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Ulo転it odeslan辿 zpr叩vy do slo転ky Odeslan叩 po邸ta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "V箪stupn鱈 znakov叩 sada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatick叩 (doporueno)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bitov箪 ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Z叩padn鱈 Evropa (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Z叩padn鱈 Evropa(ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Stedoevropsk叩 (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltick叩 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltick叩 (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "eck叩 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "eck叩 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Azbuka (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Tureck叩 (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Azbuka (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Azbuka (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Azbuka (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Azbuka (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japonsk叩 (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japonsk叩 (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japonsk叩 (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Zjednodu邸en叩 鱈nsk叩 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Zjednodu邸en叩 鱈nsk叩 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Tradin鱈 鱈nsk叩 (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Tradin鱈 鱈nsk叩 (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "鱈nsk叩 (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Korejsk叩 (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Thajsk叩 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Thajsk叩 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4740,11 +4740,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Pokud je zvoleno 'Automatick叩', bude pou転ita\n"
"znakov叩 sada podle locale."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "K坦dov叩n鱈 penosu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4753,126 +4753,126 @@ msgstr ""
"Uruje jak v jak辿 znakov辿 sad bude zpr叩va\n"
"posl叩na kdy転 obsahuje ne-ASCII znaky."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Oddlova podpisu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Automaticky vlo転it"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Automaticky spustit extern鱈 editor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "rove zptn箪ch krok哲"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Zarovnat zpr叩vu na"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "znak哲"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Zalomit citaci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Zalomit pi pijmut鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Zalomit ped odesl叩n鱈m"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Automaticky vybrat 炭et pro odpovdi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Citovat zpr叩vy pi odpov鱈d叩n鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Tla鱈tko s odpovd鱈 zvol鱈 odpov do diskusn鱈ho listu"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Form叩t odpovdi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Znaka pro citaci"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Form叩t peposl叩n鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Popis symbol哲 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "P鱈smo"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Slo転ka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Zobrazit poet nepeten箪ch za n叩zvem slo転ky"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Zobrazit poet nepeten箪ch za n叩zvem slo転ky"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Zkr叩tit n叩zvy diskuzn鱈ch skupin del邸鱈 ne転"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "dopisy(哲)"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Souhrnn箪 pohled"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Zobrazit p鱈jemce ve sloupci 'Od', jestli転e odes鱈latel jste vy s叩m"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Rozbalit vl叩kna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Form叩t datumu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Nastaven鱈 zobrazen箪ch polo転ek v souhrnu... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Povolit zabarven鱈 zpr叩v"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4880,396 +4880,393 @@ msgstr ""
"Zobrazit v鱈ce-bytovou abecedu a 鱈slice\n"
"jako ASCII znaky (pouze pro Japonsko)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Zobrazit okno se z叩hlav鱈m nad zpr叩vou"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Zobrazit kr叩tk辿 z叩hlav鱈 pi zobrazen鱈 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Zobrazit kr叩tk辿 z叩hlav鱈 pi zobrazen鱈 zpr叩vy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Pr叩zdn叩 叩dka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel(y)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Posun"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Polovina str叩nky"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Jemn箪 posun"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Krok"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Zmnit velikost pipojen箪ch obr叩zk哲"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Zobrazit nastaven鱈 z叩hlav鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Slo転ka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Prov辿st"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Prov辿st"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Slo転ka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(Nefiltrovan辿 zpr叩vy budou ulo転eny v t辿to slo転ce)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtr zpr叩v pro p鱈jem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(Nefiltrovan辿 zpr叩vy budou ulo転eny v t辿to slo転ce)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Automaticky zkontrolovat podpis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Zobrazit v箪sledek testov叩n鱈 podpisu v popup okn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Ulo転it passphrase doasn v pamti"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Vypr邸鱈 za"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minut(y) "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(Nastaven鱈 na '0' ulo転鱈 passphrase\n"
" pro celou relaci)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Zobrazit varov叩n鱈 pokud GnuPG nefunguje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Vybran辿 zpr叩vy v転dy otv鱈rat v pehledu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Pi vstupu do slo転ky otev鱈t prvn鱈 nepetenou zpr叩vu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Oznait zpr叩vu za petnou pouze pi oteven鱈 v nov辿m okn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Po pijet鱈 nov箪ch zpr叩v pej鱈t na Doruenou po邸tu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Vykonat ihned pi pesunu nebo maz叩n鱈 zpr叩v"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(Pokud je tato volba vypnuta,\n"
"zpr叩vy budou oznaeny a転 do vykon叩n鱈)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Dialog o pijet鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Zobrazit dialog o pijet鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "V転dy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nikdy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Pi p鱈jmu chyby nezobrazovat popup dialog"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Zav鱈t dialog o pijet鱈 po dokonen鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Nastavit kl叩vesov辿 zkratky... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Extern鱈 p鱈kaz (%s bude nahrazen jm辿nem souboru / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Webov箪 prohl鱈転e"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "V箪choz鱈 inbox"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Pidat adresu do c鱈le dvojklikem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Pi ukonen鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Potvrdit ukonen鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Pi ukonen鱈 vypr叩zdnit ko邸"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Potvrdit vypr叩zdnn鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Varovat pokud jsou zpr叩vy ve front"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Zapisuji celkovou mezipam泥 (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "as vypr邸en鱈 pro I/O:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "sekund(a)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "zkratky pro n叩zvy dn哲 v t箪dnu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "pln箪 n叩zev dne v t箪dnu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "zkratka pro ms鱈c"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "pln箪 n叩zev ms鱈ce"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "preferovan辿 datum a as podle aktu叩ln鱈ho locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "stolet鱈 (rok/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "den v ms鱈ci 鱈seln"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "hodiny 鱈seln s 24 hodinov箪ch cyklem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "hodiny 鱈seln s 12 hodinov箪ch cyklem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "rok 鱈seln"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "ms鱈c 鱈seln"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "minuty 鱈seln"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM nebo PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "vteiny 鱈seln"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "den v t箪dnu 鱈seln"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "preferovan箪 datum pro aktu叩ln鱈 locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "posledn鱈 dv 鱈slice z roku"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "rok jako des鱈tkov辿 鱈slo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "asov叩 z坦na, n叩zev nebo zkratka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Specifik叩tor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "P鱈klad"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Nastaven鱈 barev pro zpr叩vy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Barvy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Citovan箪 text - Prvn鱈 炭rove"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Citovan箪 text - Druh叩 炭rove"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Citovan箪 text - Tet鱈 炭rove"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI odkaz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Rotovat barvy citac鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Zvolte barvu pro 1 炭rove citace"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Zvolte barvu pro 2 炭rove citace"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Zvolte barvu pro 3 炭rove citace"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Z鱈skat barvu z URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Popis symbol哲"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5293,11 +5290,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Diskuzn鱈 skupina\n"
"鱈slo zpr叩vy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5311,7 +5308,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Citovan辿 tlo zpr叩vy bez podpisu\n"
"Znak %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5323,20 +5320,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Znak lev叩 slo転en叩 z叩vorka\n"
"Znak prav叩 slo転en叩 z叩vorka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Kl叩vesov辿 zkratky"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Nastavit kl叩vesov辿 zkratky... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "V箪choz鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Star箪 Sylpheed"
@@ -5671,17 +5668,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "P鱈loha"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Pedmt"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6418,20 +6415,20 @@ msgstr "Vytv叩鱈m vl叩kna..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Ru邸鱈m vl叩kna..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtruji..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtruji..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "Zpr叩va %d u転 byla v mezipamti.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "鱈s."
@@ -6491,6 +6488,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(Nefiltrovan辿 zpr叩vy budou ulo転eny v t辿to slo転ce)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po
index b59181a2..13fa1174 100644
--- a/po/da.po
+++ b/po/da.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-29 09:05+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andreas Hinz <news3@acci.dk>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr "Fundet %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Konfiguration er gemt.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Mappe"
@@ -626,12 +626,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "kan ikke 脱ndre fil mode\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "fejl ved skrivning til %s.\n"
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ msgstr ""
"`G'-kolonnen, for at aktivere hentning via `hent alle'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ msgstr "Handlingens bruger parameter"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Tilf淡j adresse i adressebog"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ msgstr "/_Slet"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "E-post adresse"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Adressebog"
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ msgstr "Adressebog konverterings fejl"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Adressebog konvertering"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Brugerflade"
@@ -1202,11 +1202,11 @@ msgstr "Normale adresser"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Personlige adresser"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Note"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Advarsel"
@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ msgstr "Brun"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ingen"
@@ -1571,66 +1571,66 @@ msgstr "Citat mark辿rings format fejl."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Meddelelses svar / videresend fejl."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Filen %s findes ikke\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Kan ikke l脱se st淡rrelse p奪 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Filen %s er tom."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "kan ikke l脱se %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Meddelelse: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Kan ikke hente del af multipart meddelese."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Intet emne)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Redig辿ret]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Ny meddelelse%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Mangler modtager"
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Emne"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Emne er tom. Send alligevel?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "Kan ikke 奪bne modtager liste."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1638,21 +1638,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Konto til afsendelse af e-post er ikke valgt.\n"
"V脱lg konto f淡r afsendelse er mulig."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Fejl ved afsendelse af meddelelse til %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Kan ikke gemme meddelelse i Sendt"
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Kunne ikke funde n淡gle til den valgte n淡gle id `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1663,12 +1663,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s til %s.\n"
"Send den alligevel?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Adressebog konverterings fejl"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1677,157 +1677,157 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "kan ikke slette gammel meddelelse\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "meddelelse i k淡...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "kan ikke v脱lge mappe %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "meddelelse kan ikke l脱gges i k淡\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "genereret meddelelses ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Opretter instastnings vindue...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Fra:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_Funktioner/_Handlinger"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Meddelelse/_Kryptere"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME type"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "St淡rrelse"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Send"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Sende meddelelse"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Send senere"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "L脱g i k淡 og send senere"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Kladde"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Gem i Kladde"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Ind脱st"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Ins脱t fil"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Vedh脱ft"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Vedh脱ft fil"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Underskrift"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Inds脱t underskrift"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Redig辿r med ekstern Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Linie deling"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "/_Redig辿r/Formater _alle lange linier"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Ugyldig MIME type"
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Fil eksisterer ikke eller er tom."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaber"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Tegns脱t kodning"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Sti"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Fil navn"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Sti til ekstern editor er ugyldig: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1838,75 +1838,75 @@ msgstr ""
"ID: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Afbrudt proces gruppe ID: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Midlertidig fil: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Instast: fra monitor process\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Kunne ikke starte ekstern editor\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Kunne ikke gemme fil\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Fejl i l脱sning fra Pipe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Meddelelse kan ikke l脱gges i k淡."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "V脱lg fil"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "V脱lg fil"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Sende meddelelse"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Denne meddelelse er 脱ndret. Slet?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Vil du benytte skabelon `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Benyt skabelon"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Erstat"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Ind脱st"
@@ -2091,7 +2091,7 @@ msgstr "Redig辿r JPilot indtastning"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2849,16 +2849,16 @@ msgstr "Protokol log"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread er ikke underst淡ttet i glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Bruges som: %s [OPTION]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresse] 奪bner nyt meddelelses vindue"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2868,23 +2868,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 奪bn ny meddelelse med disse filer vedh脱ftet\n"
" ."
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive modtager nye meddelelser"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all modtager nye meddelelser fra alle konti"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send send alle meddelelser i k淡"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [mappe]... viser antal meddelelser"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2892,29 +2892,29 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [mappe]...\n"
" viser status for hver mappe"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug debug mode"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help viser denne hj脱lp"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version viser version og afslutter"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Udg奪ende tegns脱t"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2928,19 +2928,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Du er ved at skrive ny meddelelse. Virklig afslutte?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Meddeleser i k淡"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Nogle usendte meddelelser i k淡. Afslut nu?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2949,16 +2949,16 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP ikke mulig."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "sylpheed k淡rer allerede.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Handlingsops脱t"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3569,7 +3569,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "HovedVindue: fejl i farve %d\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "Afsluttet.\n"
@@ -3697,7 +3697,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Sender meddelelse(r) i k淡"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Opret"
@@ -3705,7 +3705,7 @@ msgstr "Opret"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Opret ny meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Besvar"
@@ -3733,7 +3733,7 @@ msgstr "Videresend meddelelse"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Slet meddelelse"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3827,7 +3827,7 @@ msgstr "/_Funktioner/Tilf淡j afsender til adressebog"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Opretter meddelelses vindue...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
@@ -3853,7 +3853,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Udf淡r"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Udskriv"
@@ -4024,11 +4024,11 @@ msgstr "Konto ops脱t"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Opretter konto egenskaber...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Modtag"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privat"
@@ -4036,7 +4036,7 @@ msgstr "Privat"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanceret"
@@ -4162,7 +4162,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Godkendelses metode"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatisk"
@@ -4200,8 +4200,8 @@ msgstr "Opret meddelelses ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Tilf淡j bruger defineret hoved"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Redig辿r... "
@@ -4520,216 +4520,216 @@ msgstr "Slet handling"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Vil du virkelig slette denne handling?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Opretter generelt ops脱t vindue...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Generelt ops脱t"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Citat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Vis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Meddelelse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Mappe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Anden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Benyt eksternt program til modtagelse af e-post"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Kommando"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Modtager fra lokal spool"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filter ved modtagelse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Automatisk hentning af ny post"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "hver"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minut(er)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Hent e-post ved programstart"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Opdater alle mapper efter modtagelse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Udf淡r straks ved flyt eller slet af meddelelse(r)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Modtager antal nye meddelelser (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Benyt eksternt program for afsendelse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Gem sendte meddelelser i Sendt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Udg奪ende tegns脱t"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatisk (Anbefalet)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Korean (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4738,11 +4738,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Hvis `Automatisk' er valgt benyttes det optimale\n"
"tegns脱t for den valgte locale."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Kodning af overf淡rsel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4751,126 +4751,126 @@ msgstr ""
"Angiv Content-Transfer-Encoding anvendt hvis\n"
"besked inholder andet end ASCII tegn."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Underskriftsdeling"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Tilf淡j automatisk"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Start automatisk ekstern editor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Fortryd niveauer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Del linier ved"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "tegn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Del citat linier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Del ved indtastning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Del linier f淡r afsendelse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "V脱lg automatisk konto ved besvarelse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Citat af meddelelse i svar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Svar knap starter svar til mail liste"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Svar format"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Citat tegn"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Videresend format"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Beskrivelse af symboler "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Skrifttype"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Mappe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Vis antal ul脱ste ved siden af mappe navn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Vis antal ul脱ste ved siden af mappe navn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Forkort nyhedsgruppe l脱ngere end"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "bogstaver"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Meddelelses visning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Vis modtager i `Fra' hvis du er afsender"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "bn tr奪de"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Dato format"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " V脱lg oplysninger i oversigt... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Benyt farver i meddelelser"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4878,394 +4878,391 @@ msgstr ""
"Vis 2-byte alfabet og tal som ASCII\n"
"tegn (kun japansk)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Vis hoved linier over meddelelses vindue"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Vis korte hoved linier i meddelelses vindue"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Vis korte hoved linier i meddelelses vindue"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Linie afstand"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "punkter"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Scrol"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Halv side"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Bl淡d scroll"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Skrift"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "ndre st淡rrelse p奪 vedh脱ftede billeder"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Hoved ops脱t"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Mappe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Udf淡r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Udf淡r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Mappe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(Ufiltrerede meddelelser gemmes i denne mappe)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtrere meddelelse ved modtagelse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(Ufiltrerede meddelelser gemmes i denne mappe)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Check signatur automatisk"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Vis signatur check resultat i separat vindue"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Gem adgangss脱tning midlertidigt i hukommelsen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Udl淡b efter"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minut(er)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(S脱t til '0' vil gemme adgangss脱tningen\n"
" for hele sessionen)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Overtag indtastning mens adgangss脱tning indtastes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Advarsel ved start hvis GnuPG ikke virker"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "bn altid besked i oversigtsbilledet hvis valgt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "bn f淡rste ul脱ste meddelelse ved indgang til mappe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Mark辿r kun meddelelser som l脱st hvis 奪bnet i nyt vindue"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "G奪 til Indbakke efter modtagelse af ny post"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Udf淡r straks ved flyt eller slet af meddelelse(r)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr "(Ellers mark辿res meddelelese indtil der v脱lges 'Udf淡r')"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Vis modtag billede"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Vis modtag billede"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Altid"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Aldrig"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Vis ikke fejlmeddelelse ved fejl"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Luk modtag vindue efter overf淡rsel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " V脱lg tast bindinger... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Ekstern editor (%s erstattes af filnavn / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Web browser"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Standard indbakke"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Tilf淡j adresse til 'Til' ved dobbeltklik"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Ved afslut"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Sp淡rg ved afslut"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "T淡m Slettet ved afslut"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Sp淡rg f淡r t淡mning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Advar ved meddelelser i k淡"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Skriver oversigt (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "Socket I/O timeout:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "sekund(er)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "kort ugedags navn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "Ugedags navn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "kort m奪neds navn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "m奪neds navn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "淡nsket dato format for nuv脱rende locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "奪rhundrede (奪r/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "dag i m奪ned som tal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "time som tal (24 timers visning)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "time som tal (12 timers visning)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "奪rhundrede som tal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "m奪ned som tal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "minut som tal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "enten AM eller PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "sekund som tal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "ugedag som tal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "淡nsket dato format for nuv脱rende locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "de sidste to cifre i 奪ret"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "奪ret som tal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "tidszone som navn eller forkortelse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "V脱lger"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Eksempel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Angiv meddelelses farve"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Farve"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Citeret tekst - 1. niveau"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Citeret tekst - 2. niveau"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Citeret tekst - 3. nivaur"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI-Link"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Genbrug citat farver"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "V脱lg farve for nivau 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "V脱lg farve for nivau 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "V脱lg farve for nivau 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "V脱lg farve for URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Beskrivelse af symboler"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5289,11 +5286,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Meddelelses ID"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Hvis x er valgt vises expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5307,7 +5304,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Citeret meddelelses krop uden signatur\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5319,20 +5316,20 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Tast bindinger"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " V脱lg tast bindinger... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standard"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Gl. Sylpheed"
@@ -5666,17 +5663,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Vedh脱ftet"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Emne"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Fra"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Dato"
@@ -6418,20 +6415,20 @@ msgstr "Opretter tr奪de"
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Fjerner tr奪de"
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtrering..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtrering..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "meddelelse %d er allerede gemt.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Nr."
@@ -6491,6 +6488,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(Ufiltrerede meddelelser gemmes i denne mappe)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
index 0c641e06..adfad0ce 100644
--- a/po/de.po
+++ b/po/de.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-07-22 18:18+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Joo Martin <debian@joomart.de>\n"
"Language-Team: German <gnome-de@gnome.org>\n"
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ msgstr "Gefunden %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Konfiguration wurde gespeichert.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Spam Mail Filter"
@@ -627,12 +627,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "kann Dateimodus nicht 辰ndern\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "Schreiben in %s fehlgeschlagen.\n"
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ msgstr ""
"in der 'G'-Spalte, um den Nachrichten-Empfang bei 'Hole alle' einzuschalten."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ msgstr "Aktionen Benutzer-Parameter"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Adresse in Adressbuch einf端gen"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ msgstr "/_L旦schen"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "E-Mail Adresse"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Adressbuch"
@@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ msgstr "Adressbuch-Konvertierungs-Fehler"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Adressbuch-Konvertierung"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Benutzerschnittstelle"
@@ -1209,11 +1209,11 @@ msgstr "Allgemeine Adressen"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Pers旦nliche Adressen"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notiz"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Warnung"
@@ -1260,7 +1260,7 @@ msgstr "Braun"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Keine"
@@ -1545,65 +1545,65 @@ msgstr "Zitatzeichen Formatfehler."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Formatfehler in Nachrichtenantwort oder -Weiterleitung."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Datei %s existiert nicht\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Kann Dateigr旦e von %s nicht ermitteln\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Datei %s ist leer."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Kann %s nicht lesen."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Nachricht: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Kann einen Teil einer mehrteiligen Nachricht nicht bekommen."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Kein Betreff)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [in Bearbeitung]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Verfasse Nachricht%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Empf辰nger nicht angegeben"
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Leerer Betreff"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Betreff ist leer. Trotzdem verschicken?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "Kann die Empf辰ngerliste nicht holen."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1611,21 +1611,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Account zum Versenden von E-Mails, wurde nicht angegeben.\n"
"Bitte w辰hlen sie einen E-Mail-Account vor dem Senden."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Fehler beim Senden der Nachricht an %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Kann die Nachricht nicht in der Gesendet-Ablage speichern."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Kein Schl端ssel f端r die aktuelle gew辰hlte Schl端ssel-ID vorhanden '%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1636,11 +1636,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Dennoch mit %s senden?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Zeichensatz-Konvertierungs-Fehler"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1653,155 +1653,155 @@ msgstr ""
"Dennoch senden?"
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "maximale Zeilenl辰nge"
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "Kann die alte Nachricht nicht entfernen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "Nachricht einreihen...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "kann Queue-Ablage nicht finden\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "Nachricht kann nicht eingereiht werden\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "erzeugte Nachrichten-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Erstelle Verfassenfenster...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Von:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "PGP Unterschreiben"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "PGP Verschl端sseln"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME-Typ"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Gr旦e"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Senden"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Sende Nachricht"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Sp辰ter senden"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "In Queue-Ablage und sp辰ter senden"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Entwurf"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Speichern in Entwurfablage"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Einf端gen"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Datei einf端gen"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Anh辰ngen"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Datei anh辰ngen"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Unterschrift"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Unterschrift einf端gen"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Bearbeiten mit externem Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Zeilenumbruch"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Alle langen Zeilen umbrechen"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Ung端ltiger MIME Typ"
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Datei existiert nicht oder ist leer."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschaften"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Zeichensatzkodierung"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Pfad"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Dateiname"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Kommandozeile f端r den externen Editor ist ung端ltig: '%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1812,71 +1812,71 @@ msgstr ""
"Prozess terminieren?\n"
"Prozessgruppen ID: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Gruppen ID: %d des terminierten Prozesses"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Tempor辰re Datei: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Verfassen: Eingabe vom berwachungsprozess\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Kann externen Editor nicht ausf端hren\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Kann nicht in Datei schreiben\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Lesen von Pipe fehlgeschlagen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Nachricht kann nicht eingereiht werden."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "W辰hle Datei(en)"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "W辰hle Datei"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Speichern der Nachricht"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Diese Nachricht wurde ge辰ndert. Speichern als Entwurf?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Schlieen _ohne Speichern"
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Wollen Sie die Schablone '%s' 端bernehmen ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Schablone 端bernehmen"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "E_rsetzen"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Einf端gen"
@@ -2060,7 +2060,7 @@ msgstr "JPilot-Eintrag bearbeiten"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2810,16 +2810,16 @@ msgstr "Mitschrift des Protokolls"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread wird nicht unterst端tzt von Glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Aufruf: %s [OPTION]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [Adresse] 旦ffnet Verfassenfenster"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2829,23 +2829,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 旦ffne Verfassen-Fenster mit angegebenen Dateien\n"
" angeh辰ngt"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive empf辰ngt neue Nachrichten"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all empf辰ngt neue Nachrichten von allen Accounts"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send sendet alle Nachrichten aus der Warteschlange"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [Ablage]... zeigt die Gesamtzahl aller Nachrichten"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2853,28 +2853,28 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [Ablage]...\n"
" zeigt die Gesamtzahl aller Nachrichten"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug Fehlersuche"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help diese Hilfe"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version gibt Version aus und beendet"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Dateiname Zeichensatz"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2898,19 +2898,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Verfasste Nachricht existiert. Wirklich beenden?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Wartende Nachrichten"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Einige ungesendete Nachrichten vorhanden. Jetzt beenden?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2919,15 +2919,15 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP-Unterst端tzung ausgeschaltet"
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Ein anderes Sylpheed l辰uft schon.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurationsmigration"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3511,7 +3511,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Haupt-Fenster: Bereitstellung von Farbe %d fehlgeschlagen\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "Fertig.\n"
@@ -3635,7 +3635,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Senden wartender Nachrichten"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Verfassen"
@@ -3643,7 +3643,7 @@ msgstr "Verfassen"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Neue Nachricht verfassen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Antwort"
@@ -3671,7 +3671,7 @@ msgstr "Nachricht weiterleiten"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Nachricht l旦schen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr "Spam"
@@ -3764,7 +3764,7 @@ msgstr "/_Werkzeug/Absender in Adress_buch einf端gen"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Erstelle Nachrichtenansicht...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"
@@ -3790,7 +3790,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Lerne Befehl:"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Drucken"
@@ -3958,11 +3958,11 @@ msgstr "Accounteinstellungen"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Erstelle Accounteinstellungenfenster...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Empfangen"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privat"
@@ -3970,7 +3970,7 @@ msgstr "Privat"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Speziell"
@@ -4094,7 +4094,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Beglaubigungsmethode"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatisch"
@@ -4131,8 +4131,8 @@ msgstr "Erzeuge Nachrichten-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "F端ge benutzerdefinierte Kopfzeile ein"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Bearbeiten... "
@@ -4447,210 +4447,210 @@ msgstr "Aktion l旦schen"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Wollen Sie diese Aktion wirklich l旦schen?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Erstelle Allgemeine-Einstellungenfenster...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Zitat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Anzeige"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Nachricht"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Spam Mail"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Weiteres"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Benutze externes Programm, um E-Mails zu empfangen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Befehl"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "bernehme aus lokaler Mailboxdatei"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtern beim Empfang"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "Pfad zur Mailboxdatei"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Automatische Aktualisierung"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "jedes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "Minute(n)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Hole neue E-Mail beim Programmstart"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Aktualisiere alle lokalen Ablagen nach dem Empfang"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr ""
"Ausf端hren des folgenden Befehls, wenn neue Nachrichten empfangen wurden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "'%d' wird ersetzt durch die Anzahl der neuen Nachrichten."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Benutze externes Programm zum Senden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Gesendete Nachrichten in Gesendet-Ablage speichern"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr "Anwenden des Filters beim Versenden von Nachrichten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Ausgehender Zeichensatz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatisch (Empfohlen)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Western European (ISO-8859-15"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Hebr辰isch (ISO-8859-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Hebr辰iisch (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Einfaches Chinesisch (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Korean (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
@@ -4658,11 +4658,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Wenn 'Automatisch' gew辰hlt ist, wird der optimale Zeichensatz f端r die "
"aktuelle Locale-Einstellung benutzt."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "bertragungscodierung"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4670,126 +4670,126 @@ msgstr ""
"Geben Sie den bertragungs-Zeichensatz f端r den Nachrichteninhalt an, falls "
"dieser Nicht-ASCII-Zeichen enth辰lt."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Unterschriftentrenner"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Automatisch einf端gen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Starte externen Editor automatisch"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Stufen der R端ckg辰ngigmachung"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Zeilenumbruch nach"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "Zeichen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Zitat umbrechen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Bei der Eingabe umbrechen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Zeilenumbruch vor dem Senden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "W辰hle automatisch den Account f端r die Antworten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Zitiere Nachricht in der Antwort"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Antwort-Knopf f端hrt Antwort an Mailing-Liste aus"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Antwort-Format"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Zitatzeichen"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Weiterleiten-Format"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Beschreibung der Symbole "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Schriftart"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Ablage"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Zeige Anzahl der ungelesenen E-Mails nach Ablagenname"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Zeige Anzahl der ungelesenen E-Mails nach Ablagenname"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "K端rze Newsgroups l辰nger als"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "Zeichen"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Ablageninhaltsansicht"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Zeige Empf辰nger in `Von'-Spalte, wenn Sie selbst der Sender sind"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Threads entfalten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Datumsformat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Setze Ablageninhalt-Eintr辰ge... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Benutze Farben f端r Nachrichten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4797,241 +4797,237 @@ msgstr ""
"Stelle Mehr-byte Alphabet und Zahlen als\n"
"ASCII-Zeichen dar (nur Japanisch)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Zeige Kopfzeilenleiste 端ber Nachrichtenansicht"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Zeige kurze Kopfzeilen in der Nachrichtenansicht"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "Wandle HTML Nachrichten um in Nur-Text"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Zeige Cursor in der Nachrichtenansicht an"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Zeilenabstand"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "Pixel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Scroll"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Halbe Seite"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Flieendes Scrollen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Schritt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Bilder"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Gr旦e angeh辰ngter Bilder in das Fenster einpassen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Anzeige Bilder eingebettet an"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Aktiviere Spam Mail Kontrolle"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Lerne Befehl:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr "Kein Spam"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Klassifizier-Befehl"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Spam Mail Ablage"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr ""
"Nachrichten, die als Spam Mails markiert wurden, werden in diese Ablage "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr ""
"Nachrichten beim Empfang ausfiltern, wenn sie als Spam Mails erkannt wurden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
msgstr ""
-"Gefilterte Nachrichten werden in die Spam Mail Ablage verschoben und vom "
-"Server gel旦scht."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "berpr端fe digitale Unterschriften automatisch"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr ""
"Zeige das Ergebnis der berpr端fung der digitalen Unterschrift in einem POPUP-"
"Fenster an"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Mantra zeitweise speichern"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "L辰uft aus nach"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "Minute(n)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"('0' speichert das Mantra f端r die gesamte\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Eingabe sperren, bei der Eingabe eines Mantra"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Zeige Warnung beim Start, wenn GnuPG nicht funktioniert"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Nachrichten immer 旦ffnen, wenn in der Ablageninhaltsansicht ausgew辰hlt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Erste Nachricht anzeigen beim ffnen einer Ablage"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr ""
"Nachrichten als gelesen markieren, wenn sie in einem neuen Fenster ge旦ffnet "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Zum Posteingang wechseln, nach dem Empfang neuer E-Mail"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Sofort Ausf端hren beim Bewegen oder L旦schen von Nachrichten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(Nachricht wird markiert bis zur Ausf端hrung,\n"
" wenn das ausgeschaltet ist)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Empfangen-Dialog"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Zeige Empfangen-Dialog"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Immer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "Nur bei manuellem Empfang"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Keinen Fehler-Dialog bei Empfangsfehlern erscheinen lassen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Empfangen-Dialog schlieen nach Beendigung"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr "Ordnen der Buttons kompatibel zu GNOME HIG"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Tastenkombinationen w辰hlen... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Externe Befehle (%s wird durch Dateinamen / URI ersetzt)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Internet-Browser"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Standard Posteingang"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Adresse bei Doppel-Klick ins Ziel einf端gen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Beim Beenden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Nachfragen beim Beenden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Leere Papierkorb beim Beenden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Fragen vor dem Leeren"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Warnen, wenn wartende Nachrichten vorhanden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Aktiviere strengen Integrit辰tstest des Summen-Zwischenspeichers"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
@@ -5041,151 +5037,151 @@ msgstr ""
"Inhalt von Ablagen ver辰ndern k旦nnten.\n"
"Diese Option verringert die Performance der Summen-Anzeige."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "Socket I/O timeout:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "Sekunde(n)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "gek端rzter Wochentagsname"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "Wochentagsname"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "gek端rzter Monatsname"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "Monatsname"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "bevorzugtes Datums- und Zeitformat f端r die aktuelle Locale-Einstellung"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "Jahrhundert (Jahr/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "Tag des Monats als Zahl"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "Stunde als Zahl (24h Anzeige)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "Stunde als Zahl (12h Anzeige)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "Tag des Jahres als Zahl"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "Monat als Zahl"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "Minute als Zahl"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "entweder AM oder PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "Sekunde als Zahl"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "Wochentag als Zahl"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "bevorzugtes Datumsformat f端r die aktuelle Locale-Einstellung"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "letzten beiden Stellen des Jahres"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "Jahr als Zahl"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "Zeitzone oder Name oder Abk端rzung"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Steuerzeichen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Beispiel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Setze Nachrichtenfarbe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Farben"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Zitierter Text - Erste Ebene"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Zitierter Text - Zweite Ebene"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Zitierter Text - Dritte Ebene"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI-Link"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Stelle Zitatfarben wiederher"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "W辰hle Farbe f端r Zitatebene 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "W辰hle Farbe f端r Zitatebene 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "W辰hle Farbe f端r Zitatebene 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "W辰hle Farbe f端r URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Beschreibung der Symbole"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5209,11 +5205,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Wenn x gesetzt ist, zeige expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5227,7 +5223,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Zitierter Nachrichteninhalt ohne Unterschrift\n"
"W旦rtlich %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5239,20 +5235,20 @@ msgstr ""
"旦ffnende Klammer\n"
"schlieende Klammer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Tastenkombinationen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Tastenkombinationen w辰hlen... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standard"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Altes Sylpheed"
@@ -5563,17 +5559,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Anhang"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Betreff"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Von"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6324,20 +6320,20 @@ msgstr "Threads erstellen..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Threads aufheben..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtern..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtern..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "Es wurde(n) %d Nachricht(en) gefiltert."
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Nr."
@@ -6396,6 +6392,13 @@ msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr "Falsche URL Warnung"
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Gefilterte Nachrichten werden in die Spam Mail Ablage verschoben und vom "
+#~ "Server gel旦scht."
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/el.po b/po/el.po
index 28a79d1a..36b1d101 100644
--- a/po/el.po
+++ b/po/el.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-10-08\n"
"Last-Translator: Michalis Kabrianis <Michalis@bigfoot.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Greek <nls@tux.hellug.gr>\n"
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ msgstr "劉慮侶虜竜 %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "旅 慮亮溜竜旅 留凌慮侶虜竜侶虜留僚.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "留略了凌粒凌"
@@ -633,12 +633,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 亮凌 僚留 留了了略両 凌 mode 凌 留竜溜凌\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "留劉竜 凌 粒略旅亮凌 凌 %s.\n"
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "凌慮流虜侶 隆旅竜慮僚侶 凌 硫旅硫了溜凌"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "旅竜慮僚侶"
@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ msgstr "/旅留粒留流"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "旅竜慮僚侶 e-mail"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "留略了凌粒凌 隆旅竜慮僚竜僚"
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ msgstr "裡略了亮留 亮竜留凌流 硫旅硫了溜凌 隆旅竜慮僚竜僚"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "竜留凌流 硫旅硫了溜凌 隆旅竜慮僚竜僚"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "旅竜留流"
@@ -1212,11 +1212,11 @@ msgstr "凌旅僚劉 隆旅竜慮僚竜旅"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "凌旅虜劉 隆旅竜慮僚竜旅"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "裡侶亮竜溜侶"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "凌竜旅隆凌凌溜侶侶"
@@ -1263,7 +1263,7 @@ msgstr "留劉"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "里劉了凌"
@@ -1594,66 +1594,66 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "里凌 留竜溜凌 %s 隆竜僚 略竜旅\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "竜僚 亮凌 僚留 硫 凌 亮劉粒竜慮凌 凌 留竜溜凌 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "里凌 留竜溜凌 %s 竜溜僚留旅 略隆竜旅凌\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "隆竜僚 亮凌 僚留 隆侶亮旅凌粒流 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "流僚亮留: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "竜僚 亮凌 僚留 了略硫 凌 亮流亮留 凌 凌了亮侶亮留旅虜凌 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(律溜 劉亮留)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [里凌凌凌旅侶亮劉僚凌]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 裡僚慮竜侶 亮侶僚亮留凌%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr " 留留了流侶 隆竜僚 劉竜旅 凌旅竜溜."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "劉亮留"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "隆竜僚 亮凌 僚留 略 侶僚 了溜留 留留了侶ホ"
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1661,21 +1661,21 @@ msgstr ""
" 了凌粒留旅留亮 粒旅留 留凌凌了流 亮侶僚亮留凌 隆竜僚 劉竜旅 凌旅竜溜.\n"
"留留虜留了 竜旅了劉両竜 劉僚留 了凌粒留旅留亮 旅僚 竜溜了竜竜."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "裡僚劉硫侶 略了亮留 虜留略 侶僚 留凌凌了流 凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 竜 %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "竜僚 亮凌 僚留 留凌慮侶虜竜 凌 亮流僚亮留 留 竜両竜亮竜僚留."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1683,12 +1683,12 @@ msgid ""
"Send it as %s anyway?"
msgstr "竜僚 亮凌 僚留 留了了略両 凌 虜隆旅虜凌僚凌了凌 凌 亮侶僚亮留凌."
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "裡略了亮留 亮竜留凌流 硫旅硫了溜凌 隆旅竜慮僚竜僚"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1697,164 +1697,164 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 亮凌 僚留 留留旅劉 凌 留了旅 亮流僚亮留\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "硫略龍 凌 亮流僚亮留 侶僚 凌略...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 亮凌 僚留 竜旅了劉両 凌僚 虜留略了凌粒凌: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "隆竜僚 亮凌 僚留 硫略了 凌 亮流僚亮留 侶僚 凌略\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "侶亮旅凌粒 凌 留略慮凌 僚慮竜侶...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr ":"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/虜劉了竜侶"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/流僚亮留/凌粒略侶侶"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "凌 MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "劉粒竜慮凌"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "凌凌了流"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "凌凌了流 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "里凌凌慮劉侶侶 凌僚 虜留略了凌粒凌 凌略 虜留旅 留凌凌了流 留粒竜留"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "竜旅留"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "凌慮流虜竜侶 凌僚 虜留略了凌粒凌 凌竜溜僚"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "旅留粒粒流"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "旅留粒粒流 留竜溜凌"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "凌略侶侶"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "凌略侶侶 留竜溜凌"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Y凌粒留流"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "旅留粒粒流 凌粒留流"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "裡僚慮劉侶"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "竜両竜粒留溜留 亮竜 竜両竜旅虜 粒留亮亮留"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "僚留隆溜了侶 粒留亮亮ホ"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "侶 劉粒虜凌 凌 MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "里凌 留竜溜凌 隆竜僚 略竜旅, 流 竜溜僚留旅 略隆竜旅凌."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "隆旅侶竜"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "隆旅虜凌凌溜侶侶"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "旅略隆凌亮凌"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "僚凌亮留 留竜溜凌"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr " 竜僚凌了流 粒旅留 凌 竜両竜旅虜 粒留亮亮留 隆竜僚 竜溜僚留旅 劉粒虜侶: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1865,76 +1865,76 @@ msgstr ""
"留 竜旅硫略了了 竜亮留旅亮 侶 隆旅竜粒留溜留;\n"
"process group id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "里竜亮留溜侶虜竜 process group id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "凌旅僚 留竜溜凌: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "裡僚慮竜侶: 竜旅留粒粒流 留 留留虜凌了凌慮凌亮竜僚侶 隆旅竜粒留溜留\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "竜僚 亮竜留 僚留 虜留了劉 凌 竜両竜旅虜 粒留亮亮留 竜竜両竜粒留溜留\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "竜僚 亮竜留 僚留 粒略 凌 留竜溜凌\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "凌溜留 留僚略粒僚侶 留 凌 pipe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "竜僚 亮凌 僚留 硫略了 侶僚 凌略 凌 亮流僚亮留."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "旅了凌粒流 留竜溜凌"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "旅了凌粒流 留竜溜凌"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "凌凌了流 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr " 凌 亮流僚亮留 劉竜旅 凌凌凌旅侶慮竜溜, 僚留 留凌旅慮竜溜;"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "劉了竜竜 略粒亮留旅 僚留 隆旅留粒留竜溜 留流 侶 虜竜留了溜隆留;"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "旅留粒留流 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "略僚侶侶"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "旅留粒粒流"
@@ -2122,7 +2122,7 @@ msgstr "竜両竜粒留溜留 竜粒粒留流 JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2902,70 +2902,70 @@ msgstr "留留粒留流 凌虜了了凌"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "凌 g_thread 隆竜僚 凌侶溜龍竜留旅 留 侶僚 glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "律流侶: %s []...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [隆旅竜慮僚侶] 略僚凌旅粒亮留 留留慮凌 僚慮竜侶"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
" attached"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 了僚 僚 了凌粒留旅留亮ホ"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
#, fuzzy
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --receive 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --receive 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --receive 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug debug mode"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 竜亮略僚旅侶 留凌 凌 虜竜旅亮劉僚凌 虜留旅 劉両凌隆凌"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 竜亮略僚旅侶 侶 劉虜隆凌侶 虜留旅 劉両凌隆凌"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "隆旅虜凌竜了溜隆留 竜両竜凌亮劉僚僚"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2979,19 +2979,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "離略竜旅 留略慮凌 僚慮竜侶 亮侶僚亮留凌. 留 虜了竜溜;"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "侶僚亮留留 侶僚 凌略"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "竜旅虜略 亮侶僚亮留留 隆竜僚 劉凌僚 留了竜溜 虜留旅 竜溜僚留旅 侶僚 凌略. 留 虜了竜溜;"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
@@ -3001,16 +3001,16 @@ msgstr ""
"竜僚竜粒凌凌旅竜溜留旅 侶 凌流旅両侶 OpenPGP."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "劉僚留 略了了凌 Sylpheed 劉竜旅 流隆侶.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "略 旅 慮亮溜竜旅 僚 溜了僚...\n"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3692,7 +3692,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: 侶 虜留留僚凌亮流 亮略僚 %d 留劉竜\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "劉粒旅僚竜.\n"
@@ -3824,7 +3824,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "凌凌了流 了僚 僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 留 侶僚 凌略"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "裡僚慮竜侶"
@@ -3832,7 +3832,7 @@ msgstr "裡僚慮竜侶"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "裡僚慮竜侶 僚劉凌 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "略僚侶侶"
@@ -3862,7 +3862,7 @@ msgstr "凌ホ故系侶 亮侶僚亮留凌"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "旅留粒留流 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3961,7 +3961,7 @@ msgstr "/凌慮流虜侶 留凌凌了劉留 凌僚 虜留略了凌粒凌 隆旅竜
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "侶亮旅凌粒 留竜旅虜僚旅侶 亮侶僚亮留凌...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "竜溜亮竜僚凌"
@@ -3988,7 +3988,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "虜劉了竜侶"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "虜侶"
@@ -4160,11 +4160,11 @@ msgstr "凌旅僚劉 旅了凌粒劉"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "侶亮旅凌粒 凌 留略慮凌 竜旅了凌粒ホ 凌 了凌粒留旅留亮凌...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "流侶"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "旅虜侶留"
@@ -4172,7 +4172,7 @@ msgstr "旅虜侶留"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "凌侶亮劉僚留"
@@ -4305,7 +4305,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "旅凌凌溜侶侶"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "亮留侶"
@@ -4346,8 +4346,8 @@ msgstr "侶亮旅凌粒溜留 Message-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "凌慮流虜侶 虜竜留了溜隆留 凌旅亮劉僚侶 留 凌僚 流侶"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr "竜両竜粒留溜留..."
@@ -4655,766 +4655,762 @@ msgstr "旅留粒留流 了凌粒留旅留亮凌"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "劉了竜竜 略粒亮留旅 僚留 隆旅留粒略竜竜 留 凌 了凌粒留旅留亮;"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "侶亮旅凌粒溜留 留留慮凌 虜凌旅僚ホ 竜旅了凌粒ホ...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "凌旅僚劉 竜旅了凌粒劉"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
#, fuzzy
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "略"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "流僚亮留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "留略了凌粒凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "了了留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "律流侶 竜両竜旅虜凌 凌粒略亮亮留凌 粒旅留 了流侶 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "僚凌了流"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "流侶 僚劉凌 mail"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "陸旅了略旅亮留 虜留略 侶 了流侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "亮留凌 劉了竜粒凌 粒旅留 僚劉留 mail"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
#, fuzzy
msgid "every"
msgstr "凌劉"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "了竜略"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "了竜粒凌 粒旅留 僚劉凌 mail 侶僚 留流"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "僚侶亮劉侶 了僚 僚 凌旅虜ホ 虜留留了粒僚 亮竜略 侶僚 了流侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "亮留侶 竜虜劉了竜侶 粒旅留 侶 亮竜留凌略 虜留旅 隆旅留粒留流 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "留亮硫略僚 凌僚 留旅慮亮 僚 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "律流侶 竜両竜旅虜凌 凌粒略亮亮留凌 粒旅留 留凌凌了流"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "凌慮流虜竜侶 留了亮劉僚僚 亮侶僚亮略僚 凌 outbox"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "隆旅虜凌竜了溜隆留 竜両竜凌亮劉僚僚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "亮留凌 (凌竜旅僚亮竜僚凌)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "旅虜流 マ侶 (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
#, fuzzy
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "旅虜流 マ侶 (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "竜僚旅虜流s マ侶 (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "留了旅虜流 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "留了旅虜流 (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "了了侶僚旅虜流 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "了了侶僚旅虜流 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "旅了了旅虜流 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "里凌虜旅虜流 (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "旅了了旅虜流 (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "旅了了旅虜流 (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "旅了了旅虜流 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "旅了了旅虜流 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "留僚劉龍旅虜侶 (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "留僚劉龍旅虜侶 (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "留僚劉龍旅虜侶 (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "了凌凌旅侶亮劉僚侶 旅僚竜龍旅虜流 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "了凌凌旅侶亮劉僚侶 旅僚竜龍旅虜流 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "留留隆凌旅留虜流 旅僚竜龍旅虜流 (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "留留隆凌旅留虜流 旅僚竜龍旅虜流 (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "旅僚竜龍旅虜流 (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "凌竜留旅虜流 (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "里了旅両侶 旅僚 侶僚 留凌凌了流"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "旅留旅亮 凌粒留流"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "亮留侶 竜旅留粒粒流"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "亮留侶 流侶 竜両竜旅虜凌 凌粒略亮亮留凌 竜竜両竜粒留溜留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "里了旅両侶 亮侶僚亮略僚 凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "留留虜流竜"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "里了旅両侶 留略慮竜侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "僚留隆溜了侶 粒留亮亮ホ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "里了旅両侶 旅僚 侶僚 留凌凌了流"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "亮留侶 竜旅了凌粒流 了凌粒留旅留亮凌 粒旅留 旅 留留僚流竜旅"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "留略慮竜侶 凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 留僚 留留僚略竜"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "/略僚侶侶 竜 了凌"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "凌凌凌溜侶侶 侶亮竜凌亮侶僚溜留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "裡流亮留 留略慮竜侶"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
#, fuzzy
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "凌ホ故系侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " 竜旅粒留流 亮硫了僚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "留亮亮留凌竜旅略"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "留略了凌粒凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 留旅慮亮凌 留隆旅略硫留僚 隆溜了留 凌 僚凌亮留 凌 虜留留了粒凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 留旅慮亮凌 留隆旅略硫留僚 隆溜了留 凌 僚凌亮留 凌 虜留留了粒凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
#, fuzzy
msgid "letters"
msgstr "旅留粒留流"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "竜旅虜僚旅侶 竜溜了侶侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr ""
"亮略僚旅侶 凌 留留了流侶 侶 流了侶 `凌凌了劉留' 留僚 凌 留凌凌了劉留 竜溜竜 竜竜溜"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "/竜旅虜僚旅侶/亮略僚旅侶 侶 了流凌 虜竜留了溜隆留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "凌凌凌溜侶侶 侶亮竜凌亮侶僚溜留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " 旅亮 竜亮留僚旅龍亮竜僚僚 凌旅竜溜僚 竜溜了侶侶... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "僚竜粒凌凌溜侶侶 亮留旅亮凌 僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
msgstr "Display 2-byte alphabet and numeric with 1-byte character"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 亮流亮留凌 亮竜 侶僚 虜竜留了溜隆留 略僚 留 侶僚 凌硫凌了流 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 硫留竜溜留 虜竜留了溜隆留 侶僚 留竜旅虜僚旅侶 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 硫留竜溜留 虜竜留了溜隆留 侶僚 留竜旅虜僚旅侶 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "旅略侶亮留 粒留亮亮ホ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "了旅侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "旅流 竜了溜隆留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "亮留了流 虜了旅侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "留略 硫流亮留留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "旅亮 竜亮略僚旅侶 虜竜留了溜隆留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "留略了凌粒凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "虜劉了竜侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "虜劉了竜侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "留略了凌粒凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr ""
"僚凌旅粒亮留 凌 マ凌 留隆旅略硫留凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 虜留略 侶 亮竜留虜溜僚侶侶 竜 劉僚留 虜留略了凌粒凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "陸旅了略旅亮留 亮侶僚亮略僚 虜留略 侶僚 了流侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
msgstr ""
-"僚凌旅粒亮留 凌 マ凌 留隆旅略硫留凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 虜留略 侶 亮竜留虜溜僚侶侶 竜 劉僚留 虜留略了凌粒凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "亮留凌 劉了竜粒凌 凌粒留ホ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 凌 留凌竜了劉亮留凌 凌 竜了劉粒凌 竜 両竜旅 留略慮凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
#, fuzzy
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "了竜略"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 竜旅隆凌凌溜侶侶 虜留略 侶僚 竜虜虜溜僚侶侶 留僚 凌 GnuPG 隆竜僚 了竜旅凌粒竜溜"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "劉僚留 亮流僚亮留 隆竜僚 慮留 留留了侶慮竜溜\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr ""
"僚凌旅粒亮留 凌 マ凌 留隆旅略硫留凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 虜留略 侶 亮竜留虜溜僚侶侶 竜 劉僚留 虜留略了凌粒凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
#, fuzzy
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "/流僚亮留/僚凌旅粒亮留 竜 僚劉凌 留略慮凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "竜留虜溜僚侶侶 凌僚 虜留略了凌粒凌 竜旅竜凌亮劉僚僚 亮竜略 侶 了流侶 僚劉僚 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "亮留侶 竜虜劉了竜侶 粒旅留 侶 亮竜留凌略 虜留旅 隆旅留粒留流 亮侶僚亮略僚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(里留 亮侶僚亮留留 留了略 慮留 侶亮留僚慮凌僚 亮劉旅 侶僚 竜虜劉了竜侶\n"
"留僚 留 竜溜僚留旅 留竜旅了竜粒亮劉僚凌)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 隆旅留了粒凌 了流侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 隆旅留了粒凌 了流侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "略僚留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "凌劉"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "亮略僚旅侶 隆旅留了粒凌 了流侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr "裡劉了僚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr ""
"両竜旅虜 粒留亮亮留 僚慮竜侶 (凌 %s 慮留 留僚旅虜留留留慮竜溜 亮竜 凌 僚凌亮留 留竜溜凌)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "凌虜留慮凌旅亮劉僚凌 虜了竜旅隆溜 凌粒留流"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "凌慮流虜侶 隆旅竜慮僚侶 凌僚 凌凌旅亮 竜 隆旅了 虜了旅虜"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "留略 侶僚 劉両凌隆凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "旅硫竜硫留溜侶 竜両隆凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "隆竜旅留亮留 僚 隆旅留粒留亮亮劉僚僚 侶僚 劉両凌隆凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "旅硫竜硫留溜侶 旅僚 凌 略隆竜旅留亮留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "凌竜旅隆凌凌溜侶侶 留僚 略凌僚 亮侶僚亮留留 侶僚 凌略"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "侶 僚凌亮凌粒留溜留 侶亮劉留 侶 竜硫隆凌亮略隆留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "凌 了流竜 僚凌亮留 侶 亮劉留 侶 竜硫隆凌亮略隆留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "侶 僚凌亮凌粒留溜留 凌 亮流僚留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "凌 了流竜 僚凌亮留 凌 亮流僚留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "侶 凌旅亮ホ捨砧塾 侶亮竜凌亮侶僚溜留 虜留旅 マ留 粒旅留 凌 劉凌僚 locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "凌 留旅慮亮 留旅ホ塾 (劉侶 / 100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "侶 亮劉留 凌 亮流僚留 隆竜虜留隆旅虜 留旅慮亮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "侶 マ留 隆竜虜留隆旅虜 留旅慮亮 侶旅亮凌凌旅ホ熟留 24凌 凌了旅"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "侶 マ留 隆竜虜留隆旅虜 留旅慮亮 侶旅亮凌凌旅ホ熟留 12凌 凌了旅"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "侶 亮劉留 凌 劉凌 隆竜虜留隆旅虜 留旅慮亮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "凌 亮流僚留 隆竜虜留隆旅虜 留旅慮亮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "凌 了竜 隆竜虜留隆旅虜 留旅慮亮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "竜溜竜 流 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "凌 隆竜竜了竜凌 隆竜虜留隆旅虜 留旅慮亮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "侶 亮劉留 侶 竜硫隆凌亮略隆留 隆竜虜留隆旅虜 留旅慮亮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "侶 凌旅亮ホ捨砧塾 侶亮竜凌亮侶僚溜留 粒旅留 凌 劉凌僚 locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "留 竜了竜留溜留 隆凌 侶溜留 凌 劉凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "凌 劉凌 隆竜虜留隆旅虜 留旅慮亮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr " 龍ホ塾 マ留 流 僚凌亮留, 流 僚亮凌亮凌粒留溜留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "凌隆旅凌旅流"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "竜旅粒留流"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "留略隆竜旅粒亮留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "旅亮凌 亮略僚 亮侶僚亮留凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "律ホ捨穎留"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "留留旅慮劉亮竜僚凌 虜竜溜亮竜僚凌 - マ凌 竜溜竜隆凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "留留旅慮劉亮竜僚凌 虜竜溜亮竜僚凌 - 竜竜凌 竜溜竜隆凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "留留旅慮劉亮竜僚凌 虜竜溜亮竜僚凌 - 里溜凌 竜溜竜隆凌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "裡僚隆竜亮凌 URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "僚留虜虜了侶 亮略僚 留略慮竜侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "旅了凌粒流 ホ捨穎凌 マ凌 竜旅劉隆凌 留略慮竜侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "旅了凌粒流 ホ捨穎凌 隆竜竜凌 竜旅劉隆凌 留略慮竜侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "旅了凌粒流 ホ捨穎凌 溜凌 竜旅劉隆凌 留略慮竜侶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "旅了凌粒流 ホ捨穎凌 粒旅留 URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "竜旅粒留流 僚 亮硫了僚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -5439,11 +5435,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5452,7 +5448,7 @@ msgid ""
"Literal %"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5460,22 +5456,22 @@ msgid ""
"Literal closing curly brace"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
#, fuzzy
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "裡劉了僚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr "裡劉了僚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default"
msgstr "凌虜留慮凌旅亮劉僚凌 虜了竜旅隆溜 凌粒留流"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr ""
@@ -5813,17 +5809,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "凌略侶侶"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "劉亮留"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "亮竜凌亮侶僚溜留"
@@ -6593,20 +6589,20 @@ msgstr "侶亮旅凌粒 留 僚流亮留留..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr ""
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "旅了略..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "陸旅了略..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "凌 亮流僚亮留 %d 竜溜僚留旅 流隆侶 侶 亮僚流亮侶.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "."
@@ -6665,6 +6661,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "僚凌旅粒亮留 凌 マ凌 留隆旅略硫留凌 亮侶僚亮留凌 虜留略 侶 亮竜留虜溜僚侶侶 竜 劉僚留 虜留略了凌粒凌"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
index 750ac017..e4dc5d44 100644
--- a/po/es.po
+++ b/po/es.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-07-08 21:08+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ricardo Mones <mones@aic.uniovi.es>\n"
"Language-Team: Ricardo Mones <mones@aic.uniovi.es>\n"
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ msgstr "Encontrado %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Configuraci坦n guardada.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Filtro de correo basura"
@@ -626,12 +626,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "no se pueden cambiar los permisos de archivo\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "fallo escribiendo en %s.\n"
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ msgstr ""
"en la columna `G' para habilitar la descarga mediante `Traer todo'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ msgstr "Par叩metro de usuario de la acci坦n"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "A単adir direcci坦n a la agenda"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Direcci坦n"
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ msgstr "/_Borrar"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "Direcci坦n e-mail"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Agenda de direcciones"
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ msgstr "Error en la conversi坦n de la agenda"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Conversi坦n de la agenda"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interfaz"
@@ -1206,11 +1206,11 @@ msgstr "Direcci坦n com炭n"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Direcci坦n personal"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notificaci坦n"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Aviso"
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ msgstr "Marr坦n"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ninguno"
@@ -1542,65 +1542,65 @@ msgstr "Error en el formato de la marca de cita."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Error en el formato de responder/redirijir."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "El fichero %s no existe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "No se puede obtener el tama単o de %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "El fichero %s esta vac鱈o."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "No se puede leer %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Mensaje: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "No se puede obtener la parte del mensaje multipartes."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Sin asunto)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Editado]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Componer mensaje%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "No se especific坦 el destinatario."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Asunto vac鱈o"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "El asunto esta vac鱈o. 多Enviar de todas formas?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "no se puede obtener la lista de destinatarios."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1608,23 +1608,23 @@ msgstr ""
"No especific坦 ninguna cuenta para enviar.\n"
"Seleccione alguna cuenta antes de enviar."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Hubo un error enviando el mensaje a %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "No se puede guardar el mensaje en Salida."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"No se encontr坦 ninguna clave asociada al ID-clave seleccionado actualmente 束%"
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1635,11 +1635,11 @@ msgstr ""
"多Enviarlo como %s de todas formas?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Error en la conversi坦n de c坦digos"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1652,155 +1652,155 @@ msgstr ""
"多Enviarlo de todas formas?"
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "L鱈mite de longitud de l鱈nea"
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "no se puede eliminar el mensaje antiguo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "poniendo en la cola...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "no puedo encontrar la carpeta de cola\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "El mensaje no se puede poner en la cola\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Message-ID generado: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Creando ventana de composici坦n...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Desde:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Firmar con PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Cifrar con PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tipo MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tama単o"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Enviar"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Enviar mensaje"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Enviar despu辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Poner en la cola y enviar despu辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Borrador"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Guardar como borrador"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Insertar"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Insertar fichero"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Adjuntar"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Adjuntar fichero"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Firma"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Insertar firma"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Editar con un editor externo"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Recortar"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Cortar todas las l鱈neas largas"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Tipo MIME inv叩lido."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "El fichero no existe o est叩 vac鱈o."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Ruta"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nombre de fichero"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "La orden del editor externo es inv叩lida: 束%s損\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1811,71 +1811,71 @@ msgstr ""
"多Desea terminar el proceso?\n"
"Id. de grupo de proceso: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Terminado grupo de proceso id.: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Fichero temporal: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Componer: entrada desde proceso monitor\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "No se pudo ejecutar el editor externo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "No se pudo escribir en el fichero\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Fallo leyendo tuber鱈a\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "El mensaje no se puede poner en la cola."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Seleccionar ficheros"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Seleccionar fichero"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Guardar mensaje"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Este mensaje ha sido modificado. 多Guardarlo en la carpeta Borradores?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Cerrar _sin guardar"
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "多Quiere aplicar la plantilla 束%s損?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Aplicar plantilla"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Reemplazar"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Insertar"
@@ -2059,7 +2059,7 @@ msgstr "Editar entrada JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2809,16 +2809,16 @@ msgstr "Traza del protocolo"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread no est叩 soportado por glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Uso: %s [OPCIN]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [direcci坦n] abre la ventana de composici坦n"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2828,23 +2828,23 @@ msgstr ""
" abre la ventana de composici坦n con los ficheros\n"
" especificados como adjuntos"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive recive los mensajes nuevos"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all recibe nuevos para todas las cuentas"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send enviar todos los mensajes en la cola"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [carpeta]... muestra el n炭mero total de mensajes"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2852,28 +2852,28 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [carpeta]...\n"
" muestra el estado de cada carpeta"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug modo de depuraci坦n"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help presenta esta ayuda y finaliza"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version da la informaci坦n de la versi坦n y finaliza"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n de los nombres de fichero"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2897,19 +2897,19 @@ msgstr ""
"多Desea continuar?"
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Est叩 componiendo un mensaje. 多Seguro que quiere salir?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Mensajes en cola"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Hay mensajes sin enviar en la cola. 多Salir ahora?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2918,15 +2918,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Soporte para OpenPGP deshabilitado."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "ya hay otro Sylpheed ejecut叩ndose.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migraci坦n de la configuraci坦n"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3510,7 +3510,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: fallo solicitando color %d\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "hecho.\n"
@@ -3635,7 +3635,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Enviar mensaje(s) en la cola"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Componer"
@@ -3643,7 +3643,7 @@ msgstr "Componer"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Componer mensaje nuevo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Responder"
@@ -3671,7 +3671,7 @@ msgstr "Reenviar el mensaje"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Borrar el mensaje"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr "Basura"
@@ -3764,7 +3764,7 @@ msgstr "/_Herramientas/A単adir _remitente a la agenda"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Creando visor de mensaje...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
@@ -3790,7 +3790,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Orden para aprender:"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Imprimir"
@@ -3958,11 +3958,11 @@ msgstr "Preferencias de la cuenta"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Creando ventana de preferencias de cuenta...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Recibir"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privacidad"
@@ -3970,7 +3970,7 @@ msgstr "Privacidad"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanzadas"
@@ -4094,7 +4094,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "M辿todo de autentificaci坦n"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Autom叩tica"
@@ -4130,8 +4130,8 @@ msgstr "Generar ID-Mensaje"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "A単adir cabecera de usuario"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Editar... "
@@ -4448,209 +4448,209 @@ msgstr "Borrar acci坦n"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "多Realmente quiere borrar esta acci坦n?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Creando ventana de preferencias comunes...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Preferencias comunes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Citar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Ver"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mensaje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Correo basura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Otras"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Usar un programa externo para incorporar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Orden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Incorporar del almac辿n local"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtrar al incorporar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "Ruta al almac辿n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Comprobar correo nuevo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "cada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minuto(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Comprueba correo nuevo al inicio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Actualizar todos las carpetas locales despu辿s de incorporar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Ejecutar orden cuando lleguen nuevos mensajes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "`%d' ser叩 reemplazado con el n炭mero de nuevos mensajes."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Usar programa externo para enviar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Guardar mensajes enviados en Salida"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr "Aplicar las reglas de filtrado a los mensajes enviados"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n para enviar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Autom叩tico (Recomendado)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "ASCII de 7 bits (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Europeo Occidental (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Europeo Occidental (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Centroeuropeo (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "B叩ltico (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "B叩ltico (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Griego (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Hebreo (ISO-8859-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Hebreo (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turco (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japon辿s (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japon辿s (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japon辿s (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Chino simplificado (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Chino simplificado (GBK)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Chino tradicional (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Chino tradicional (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Chino (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Coreano (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Tailand辿s (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Tailand辿s (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
@@ -4658,11 +4658,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Si se selecciona `Autom叩tico' se utilizar叩 la codificaci坦n 坦ptima para la "
"localizaci坦n actual."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n de transferencia"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4670,126 +4670,126 @@ msgstr ""
"Especificar la codificaci坦n de transferencia (Content-Transfer-Encoding) "
"cuando el cuerpo del mensaje contiene caracteres no-ASCII."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Separador de firma"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Insertar autom叩ticamente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Lanzar el editor externo autom叩ticamente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Niveles de deshacer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Recortar mensajes a los"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "caracteres"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Recortar citaci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Recortar al escribir"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Recortar antes de enviar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Seleccionar autom叩ticamente la cuenta para responder"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Citar el mensaje al responder"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "El bot坦n Responder invoca responder a la lista de correo"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Formato de r辿plica"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Marca de citaci坦n"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Formato de reenvio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Descripci坦n de s鱈mbolos "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Fuente"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Carpeta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Ver el n炭mero de no le鱈dos junto al nombre de la carpeta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Ver el n炭mero de no le鱈dos junto al nombre de la carpeta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Abreviar nombres de grupos con m叩s de"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "letras"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Vista resumen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Ver destinatario en la columna `Desde' si el remitente es usted mismo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Expandir hilos"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Formato de fecha"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Elementos visibles en cabecera... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Permitir colores en el mensaje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4797,230 +4797,226 @@ msgstr ""
"Mostrar alfab辿ticos y num辿ricos multi-byte como\n"
"caracteres ASCII (s坦lo para Japon辿s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Mostrar panel de cabeceras sobre el mensaje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Cabeceras breves en la vista del mensaje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "Mostrar los mensajes HTML como texto"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Mostrar el cursor en la vista del mensaje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Interlineado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Desplazamiento"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Media p叩gina"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Desplazamiento suave"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Paso"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Im叩genes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Redimensionar las im叩genes adjuntas para adecuarlas a la ventana"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Mostrar las im叩genes en el texto"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Activar el control del correo basura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Orden para aprender:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr "No basura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Orden de clasificaci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Carpeta basura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "Los mensajes que se marquen como basura se mover叩n a esta carpeta."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtrar mensajes clasificados como basura al recibir"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
msgstr ""
-"Los mensajes filtrados se mover叩n a la carpeta basura y borrados del "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Comprobar las firmas autom叩ticamente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Mostrar di叩logo de comprobaci坦n de firma"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Mantener contrase単a en memoria temporalmente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Expirar despu辿s de"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minuto(s) "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr "Poniendo '0' mantendr叩 la contrase単a durante toda la sesi坦n."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Capturar la entrada mientras se introducen contrase単as"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Mostrar aviso al arrancar si no funciona GnuPG"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Abrir siempre los mensajes del resumen al seleccionarlos"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Abrir el primer mensaje no le鱈do al abrir una carpeta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Marcar mensaje como le鱈do s坦lo al abrirlo en una ventana nueva"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Abrir entrada despues de recibir correo nuevo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Ejecutar inmediatamente movimientos o borrados de mensajes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr "Los mensajes se marcar叩n hasta la ejecuci坦n si est叩 desactivado."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Di叩logo de recepci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Mostrar di叩logo de recepci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Siempre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "S坦lo al recibir manualmente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nunca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "No mostrar di叩logo de error si hay errores de recepci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Mostrar di叩logo de recepci坦n al finalizar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr "Ordena los botones seg炭n la Gu鱈a de Interfaz de Usuario de GNOME"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Establecer atajos de teclado... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "rdenes externas (%s se sustituir叩 con el nombre de fichero / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Navegador web"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Buz坦n por defecto"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "A単adir direcci坦n al destino con doble click"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Al salir"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Confirmar al salir"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Vaciar papelera al salir"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Preguntar antes de vaciar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Avisar si existen mensajes en cola"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Activar la comprobaci坦n estricta de la integridad de la cach辿 resumen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
@@ -5030,151 +5026,151 @@ msgstr ""
"modificados por otras aplicaciones.\n"
"Esta opci坦n degradar叩 el rendimiento al mostrar el resumen."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "Tiempo de espera agotado E/S socket:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "segundo(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "el dia de la semana abreviado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "el dia de la semana completo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "el nombre del mes abreviado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "el nombre del mes completo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "la fecha y hora preferida para la localizaci坦n actual"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "el n炭mero de siglo (a単o/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "el dia del mes como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "la hora como n炭mero usando el reloj de 24 horas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "la hora como n炭mero usando el reloj de 12 horas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "el dia del a単o como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "el mes como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "el minuto como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM o PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "el segundo como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "el dia de la semana como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "la fecha preferida para la localizaci坦n actual"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "los dos 炭ltimos d鱈gitos del a単o"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "el a単o como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "zona horaria o nombre o abreviatura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Especificador"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Ejemplo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Colores del mensaje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Colores"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Texto citado - Primer nivel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Texto citado - Segundo nivel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Texto citado - Tercer nivel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "Enlace URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Reutilizar colores de citaci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Elejir color para el nivel de citado 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Elejir color para el nivel de citado 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Elejir color para el nivel de citado 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Elejir color para URIs"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Descripci坦n de s鱈mbolos"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5198,11 +5194,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Grupos de noticias\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Si x est叩, muestra expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5216,7 +5212,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Cuerpo del mensaje citado sin firma\n"
"El car叩cter %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5228,20 +5224,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Car叩cter llave abierta\n"
"Car叩cter llave cerrada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Atajos de teclado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Establecer atajos de teclado... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Por defecto"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Antiguos de Sylpheed"
@@ -5550,17 +5546,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Adjunto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Asunto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Desde"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"
@@ -6298,20 +6294,20 @@ msgstr "Construyendo hilos..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Deshaciendo hilos..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtrando..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtrando..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "se ha(n) filtrado %d mensaje(s)."
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "No."
@@ -6369,6 +6365,13 @@ msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr "Aviso de URL falsa"
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Los mensajes filtrados se mover叩n a la carpeta basura y borrados del "
+#~ "servidor."
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/et.po b/po/et.po
index fdee77dc..5ad65e8b 100644
--- a/po/et.po
+++ b/po/et.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-10-02 09:08+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Peeter Vois <Peeter.Vois@mail.ee>\n"
"Language-Team: Estonian <et@li.org>\n"
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr "Leiti %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "H辰辰lestus on salvestatud.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Kaust"
@@ -630,12 +630,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "Ei suuda muuta faili omadusi\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "%s-i kirjutamine eba探nnestus.\n"
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ msgstr ""
"'G' tulbas lubamaks kirjade v探tmist kasutades 'V探ta k探ik'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Lisa aadress raamatusse"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Aadress"
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ msgstr "/Kustuta"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "E-Posti aadress"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Aadressiraamat"
@@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ msgstr "Aadressiraamatu uuendamise viga"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Aadressiraamatu uuendamine"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Kasutajaliides"
@@ -1209,11 +1209,11 @@ msgstr "ldine aadress"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Isiklik aadress"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "M辰rkus"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Hoiatus"
@@ -1260,7 +1260,7 @@ msgstr "Pruun"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Mittemiski"
@@ -1579,66 +1579,66 @@ msgstr "*Tsitaadim辰rgi formaadi viga."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Kirja vasta/edasta formaadi viga."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Faili %s ei leidu\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Ei saanud failile %s suurust\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Fail %s on t端hi."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "ei suuda lugeda %s-i"
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Kiri: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ei saa mitmeosalise kirja osa k辰tte."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Pole pealkirja)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Redigeeritud]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Kirjuta kiri%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Saaja pole m辰辰ratud."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Pealkiri"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "P辰辰lkiri on t端hi. Kas saadame igal juhul?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "ei leia saajate nimistut."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1646,22 +1646,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Kirja saatmiseks pole m辰辰ratud kasutajtunnust.\n"
"Palun vali kirja konto enne saatmist."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Tekkis viga kirja saatmisel %s-le."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Kirja ei 探nnestunud asetada v辰ljunute kausta."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Ei suutnud leida 端htki v探tit, mis oleks seotud valitud v探tmega (id'%s')."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1671,12 +1671,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Ei suuda transleerida kirja tekstikoodi.\n"
"Kas igatahes saata ?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Aadressiraamatu uuendamise viga"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1685,158 +1685,158 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "Ei suuda eemaldada vana kirja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "Asetan kirja j辰rjekorda...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "j辰rjekorra kausta ei leidunud\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "Ei suutnud kirja j辰rjekorda asetada\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Loodud Kirja-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Loon kirjutamise akent...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Kellelt:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Tegevused"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Kiri/Kr端pteeri"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME t端端p"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Suurus"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Saada"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Saada kiri"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Hiljem"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Pane j辰rjekorda ja saada hiljem"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Mustand"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Salvesta mustandite kausta"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Lisa"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Lisa fail"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Manusta"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Manusta fail"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Allkiri"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Lisa allkiri"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Redaktor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Redigeeri v辰lise redaktoriga"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Rea辰辰r"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Murra k探ik pikad read"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Vale MIME t端端p."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Faili ei eksisteeri v探i on see t端hi."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Omadus"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodeerimine"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Tee"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Failinimi"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "V辰lise redaktori k辰surida on vale: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1847,75 +1847,75 @@ msgstr ""
"Kas h辰vitame protsessi?\n"
"protsessi grupi id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "H辰vitatud protsessi grupi id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Ajutine fail: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Kirjutaja: sisend monitoorprotsessilt\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Ei suutnud v辰list redaktorit k辰ivitada\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Ei suutnud faili salvestada\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Torust lugemine eba探nnestus\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Kirja ei 探nnestunud j辰rjekorda asetada."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "M辰辰ra fail"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "M辰辰ra fail"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Saada kiri"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Seda kirja on muudetud. kas kaotame selle?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Kas te tahate seda malli lisada '%s'-e ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Lisa mall"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Asenda"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Lisa"
@@ -2100,7 +2100,7 @@ msgstr "Redigeeri JPilot sissekannet"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2853,16 +2853,16 @@ msgstr "Protokolli s端ndmustik"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread ei ole glib poolt toetatud.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Kauta: %s [SEADED]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [aadress] ava kirjakirjutamise aken"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2872,53 +2872,53 @@ msgstr ""
" ava uue kirja aken nii, et m辰rgitud failid\n"
" on manustatud kirjale"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive v探ta uued kirjad"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all v探ta uued kirjad k探igilt konto"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --saada saada k探ik j辰rjekorras olevad kirjad"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --staatus n辰ita kogu kirjade arvu"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --staatus n辰ita kogu kirjade arvu"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug veaotsimise re転iim"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help n辰ita seda teadet ja v辰lju"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version n辰ita versiooni informatsiooni ja v辰lju"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "V辰ljuva kirja kooditabel"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2932,19 +2932,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Kirjakirjutamine on pooleli. T探esti l探petame?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "kirjad j辰rjekorras"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "M探ned saatmata kirjad on j辰rjekooras. L探petame?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2953,16 +2953,16 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP toetus keelustatud."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "端ks teine Sylpheed juba t旦旦tab.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Tegevuste konfiguratsiooni kirjutamine...\n"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3574,7 +3574,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "PeaAken: v辰rvi haldamine %d eba探nnestus\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "tehtud.\n"
@@ -3701,7 +3701,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Saada kirjad j辰rjekorrast"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Kirjuta"
@@ -3709,7 +3709,7 @@ msgstr "Kirjuta"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Kirjuta uus kiri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Vasta"
@@ -3737,7 +3737,7 @@ msgstr "Saada kiri edasi"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Kustuta kiri"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3831,7 +3831,7 @@ msgstr "/_T旦旦riist/Lisa saatja aadressi raamatusse"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Loon kirja vaate...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
@@ -3857,7 +3857,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "K辰ivita"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Tr端ki"
@@ -4028,11 +4028,11 @@ msgstr "Konto omadused"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Loon konto omaduste akent...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Saabuvad kirjad"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privaatsus"
@@ -4040,7 +4040,7 @@ msgstr "Privaatsus"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Spetsiaalne"
@@ -4166,7 +4166,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Autoriseerimise meetod"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automaatne"
@@ -4206,8 +4206,8 @@ msgstr "Loo Kirja-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Lisa kasutaja defineeritud p辰is"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Redigeeri... "
@@ -4524,216 +4524,216 @@ msgstr "Kustuta tegevus"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Kas te t探esti soovite kustutada seda tegevust?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Loon 端ldiste omaduste akent...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "ldised omadused"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Tsitaat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Ekraan"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Kiri"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Kaust"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Muud asjad"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Kasuta v辰list programmi kirjade v探tmiseks"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "K辰sklus"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "V探ta kirjad lokaalsest kirja jadast"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtreeri kirju nende v探tmisel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "V探ta kirju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "iga"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minuti j辰rel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "V探ta uued kirjad t旦旦 alguses"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Uuenda k探ik lokaalsed kaustad peale kirjade v探tmist"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Eemalda kohe peale liigutamist v探i kustutamist"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "V探tan uute kirjade arvu (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Kasuta saatmisel v辰list programmi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Pane saadetud kirjad kausta Saadetud"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "V辰ljuva kirja kooditabel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automaatne (Soovitatav)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7 bitine ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unikood (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "L辰辰ne-Euroopa (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "L辰辰ne-Euroopa (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Kesk Euroopa (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Balti (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Balti (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Kreeka (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Kreeka (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Kirillits (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "T端rgi (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Kirillits (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Kirillits (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Kirillits (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Kirillits (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Jaapani (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Jaapani (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Jaapani (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Lihtsustatud Hiina (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Lihtsustatud Hiina (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Traditsionaalne Hiina (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Traditsionaalne Hiina (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Hiina (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Korea (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Tai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Tai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4742,534 +4742,531 @@ msgstr ""
"Kui on m辰rgitud 'Automaatne', siis kasutatakse praeguse\n"
"lokaali jaoks optimaalset kodeeringut."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "辰rista enne saatmist"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Allkirja eraldaja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Lisa automaatselt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "K辰ivita v辰line redaktor automaatselt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Meelespeetavaid muudatusi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "辰rista kirjaread"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "s端mboli laiuseks"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "辰rista tsitaati"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Murra k探ik pikad read sisestamisel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "辰rista enne saatmist"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Vali vastuste jaoks konto automaatselt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Kirjale vastamisel tsiteeri seda."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Vasta nupp k辰ivitab vastamise kirjalisti"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Vastuse formaat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Tsitaadi m辰rk"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Edasta formaat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " S端mbolite seletus "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Tekstistiil"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Kaust"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "N辰ita arvu, mitu kirja pole loetud, kausta nime j辰rel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "N辰ita arvu, mitu kirja pole loetud, kausta nime j辰rel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "l端henda uudistegruppe, mis on pikemad kui"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "t辰hte"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Kirjaloendi vaade"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "N辰ita kirja saajat 'Kellelt' tulbas, kui saatja olen mina ise"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Paisuta teemad"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Kuup辰eva formaat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " M辰辰ra kirjaloendis n辰idatavad elemendid... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Kirja v辰rvimine lubatud"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
msgstr "N辰ita 2-baidiliste s端mbolitega teksti 1-baidiliste s端mbolitega"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "N辰ita kirja p辰ist 端lalpool kirja vaadet"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "N辰ita p辰iseid l端hidalt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "N辰ita p辰iseid l端hidalt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Reavahe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pinkti"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Kerimine"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Pool lehte"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Sujuv kerimine"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Samm"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "P辰ise n辰itamine"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Kaust"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "K辰ivita"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "K辰ivita"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Kaust"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(Filtreerimata kirjad salvestatakse sellesse kausta)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtreeri saabuvaid kirju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(Filtreerimata kirjad salvestatakse sellesse kausta)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Automaatselt kontrolli allkirju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "N辰ita allkirja kontrolli tulemusi ajutises aknas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "S辰ilita parooli ajutiselt m辰lus"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Aegub p辰rast"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minuteid"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(Kui seada '0'-ks, siis parool salvesatakse\n"
"kogu sessiooniks)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "*Krahma sisendit senikaua kuni parooli sisestatakse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "N辰ita stardi ajal hoiatust kui GnuPG ei t旦旦ta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Teate faili ei ole valitud."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Kausta sisenedes ava esimene lugemata kiri"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Kiri tuleb uues aknas avades m辰rkida kui loetu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Ava Sisendkaust peale uute kirjade vastuv探tmist"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Eemalda kohe peale liigutamist v探i kustutamist"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(Kirjad lihtsalt m辰rgitakse enne t辰itmit\n"
" kui see on v辰lja l端litatud)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "N辰ita vastuv探tmise dialoogi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "N辰ita vastuv探tmise dialoogi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Alati"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Mitte iial"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "ra tekita vea teadet vastuv探tmise vea korral"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Sulge vastuv探tmise dialoog kui l探petatud"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " M辰辰ra klahvi seosed... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "V辰lised k辰sklused (%s asendatakse faili / URI nimega)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Weebi sirvur"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Vaikimisi sisendkast"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Lisa aadress sihtlahtrisse kui topeltkl探psutan"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Programmist v辰ljumisel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Kontrolli v辰ljumist"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "T端hjenda pr端gikast"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "K端si enne t端hjendamist"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Hoiata mind, kui j辰rjekorras on kirju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "*Kirjutan koondy puvrisse (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "n辰dalap辰eva esit辰hed"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "t辰ielik n辰dalap辰eva nimi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "l端hendatud kuu nimetus"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "t辰ispikk kuu nimetus"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "eelistatud kuup辰ev ja aeg kasutusel lokaali jaoks"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "sajandi number (aasta/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "Kuup辰ev k端mnendnumbrina"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "tund k端mnendnumbrina kasutades 24-tunnilist kella"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "tund k端mnendnumbrina kasutades 12-tunnilist kella"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "p辰ev aastas kui k端mnendnumber"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "kuu kui k端mnendnumber"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "minutid k端mnendnumbrina"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "kas EL v探i PL"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "sekundin k端mnendnumbrina"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "n辰dalap辰ev k端mnendnumbrina"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "eelistatud kuup辰ev"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "viimased kaks aasta numbrit"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "aasta k端mnendnumbrina"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "ajatsoon v探i nimi v探i l端hend"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "*M辰辰raja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Seletus"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "N辰ide"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "S辰ti kirja v辰rvid"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "V辰rvid"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Tsiteeritud tekst - Aste 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Tsiteeritud tekst - Aste 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Tsiteeritud tekst - Aste 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI viide"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Tsitaadi v辰rvid ringelvad"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Vali astme 1 tsitaadile v辰rv"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Vali astme 2 tsitaadile v辰rv"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Vali astme 3 tsitaadile v辰rv"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Vali URI-le v辰rv"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "S端mbolite kirjeldus"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5293,11 +5290,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Kui x on seatud, n辰itab v辰ljendit"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5311,7 +5308,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Tsiteeritud teate keha allkirjata\n"
"Literaal %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5323,20 +5320,20 @@ msgstr ""
"T辰ht avanev loogeline sulg\n"
"T辰ht sulgev loogeline sulg"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Klahvi seosed"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " M辰辰ra klahvi seosed... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Vaikimisi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Vana Sylpheed"
@@ -5672,17 +5669,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Manus"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Pealkiri"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Kellelt"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Kuup辰ev"
@@ -6419,20 +6416,20 @@ msgstr "Loon teemad..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Eemaldan teemad..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtreerin..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtreerin..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "kiri %d on juba salvestatud.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Ei."
@@ -6492,6 +6489,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(Filtreerimata kirjad salvestatakse sellesse kausta)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
index d8001045..e3b1bac5 100644
--- a/po/fr.po
+++ b/po/fr.po
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-08-08 23:57+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Nicolas Boos <nicolas.boos@wanadoo.fr>\n"
"Language-Team: French <traduc@traduc.org>\n"
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ msgstr "Trouv辿 : %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "La configuration est enregistr辿e.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Dossier des messages ind辿sirables"
@@ -638,12 +638,12 @@ msgstr "%.2f Mo"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2f Go"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "impossible de modifier les droits d'acc竪s du fichier\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "L'辿criture dans %s a 辿chou辿.\n"
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ msgstr ""
"correspondant lorsque 束 Tout relever 損 est activ辿"
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ msgstr "Argument de l'action"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Ajouter l'adresse au carnet"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ msgstr "/_Supprimer"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "Adresse 辿lectronique"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Carnet d'adresses"
@@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@ msgstr "Erreur de conversion du carnet d'adresses"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Conversion de carnets d'adresses"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interface"
@@ -1220,11 +1220,11 @@ msgstr "Adresse courante :"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Adresse personnelle :"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Information"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Avertissement"
@@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@ msgstr "Brun"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Aucun"
@@ -1558,65 +1558,65 @@ msgstr ""
"Erreur du format de citation d'un message lors d'une r辿ponse ou d'un "
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Le fichier %s n'existe pas\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Impossible d'obtenir la taille de %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Le fichier %s est vide."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Impossible de lire %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Message : %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Impossible de lire une partie d'un message multipart."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Pas de sujet)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [modifi辿]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Composition d'un message%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Destinataire non sp辿cifi辿."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Sujet absent"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Le sujet est vide. Envoyer malgr辿 cela ?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "liste de destinataires vide."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1624,21 +1624,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Aucun compte n'a 辿t辿 sp辿cifi辿 pour l'envoi.\n"
"Veuillez s辿lectionner un compte avant d'envoyer du courrier."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'envoi du message %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer de message dans la bo樽te de messages envoy辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Impossible de trouver une touche associ辿e au code (de touche) 束 %s 損."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1649,11 +1649,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Voulez-vous n辿anmoins l'envoyer avec %s ?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Erreur de conversion de code"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1666,155 +1666,155 @@ msgstr ""
"Voulez-vous n辿anmoins l'envoyer ?"
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Longueur de ligne maximale"
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "Impossible d'enlever l'ancien message\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "Mise en file d'attente des messages...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le dossier de file d'attente\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "Impossible de mettre ce message dans la file d'attente\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Message-ID cr辿辿 : %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Cr辿ation de la fen棚tre de composition...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "De :"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Signature PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Chiffrement PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Type MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Taille"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Envoyer"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Envoyer le message"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Envoi diff辿r辿"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Mettre en file d'attente et envoyer plus tard"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Brouillon"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Enregistrer dans le dossier brouillon"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Insertion"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Ins辿rer un fichier"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Joindre"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Joindre un fichier"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Signature"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Ins辿rer la signature"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "diteur de texte"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "diter avec un 辿diteur externe"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Justifier"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Justifier tout le message"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Type MIME invalide."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Le fichier n'existe pas ou est vide."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propri辿t辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Encodage"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Chemin d'acc竪s"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nom du fichier"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "La ligne de commande pour l'辿diteur externe est invalide : 束 %s 損\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1825,73 +1825,73 @@ msgstr ""
"Forcer sa fermeture ?\n"
"id de traitement de groupe: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Id de traitement de groupe termin辿 : %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Fichier temporaire : %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Compose : entr辿e partir d'une surveillance de traitement\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Impossible de lancer l'辿diteur externe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Impossible d'辿crire dans le fichier\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "chec de lecture de pipe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Impossible de mettre ce message dans la file d'attente."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "S辿lection de fichier"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Choisissez un fichier"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Enregistrer le message"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr ""
"Ce message a 辿t辿 modifi辿. Voulez-vous l'enregistrer dans le dossier des "
"brouillons ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Fermer _sans enregistrer"
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous appliquer le mod竪le 束 %s 損 ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Appliquer un mod竪le"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Remplacer"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Ins辿rer"
@@ -2076,7 +2076,7 @@ msgstr "dition de donn辿es JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2827,16 +2827,16 @@ msgstr "Journal de connexion"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread non support辿 par glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Utilisation : %s [OPTION]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresse] ouvrir une fen棚tre de composition de message"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2847,24 +2847,24 @@ msgstr ""
" jointe(s) le(s) fichier(s) sp辿cifi辿(s)"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive r辿cup辿rer les nouveaux messages"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr ""
" --receive-all r辿cup辿rer les nouveaux messages de tous les comptes"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send envoyer les messages en attente"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [dossier]... afficher le nombre total de messages"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2872,28 +2872,28 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [dossier]...\n"
" afficher l'辿tat de chaque dossier"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug afficher les informations de mise au point"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help afficher l'aide-m辿moire"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version afficher les informations de version"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Jeu de caract竪res du nom de fichier"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2917,23 +2917,23 @@ msgstr ""
"Poursuivre ?"
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr ""
"Une fen棚tre de composition de message existe.\n"
"Voulez-vous vraiment quitter ?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Messages en file d'attente"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr ""
"Quelques messages non envoy辿s sont dans la file d'attente. Quitter "
"maintenant ?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2942,15 +2942,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Support OpenPGP d辿sactiv辿."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "une autre session de Sylpheed existe.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migration de la configuration"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Fen棚tre principale : allocation de la couleur %d 辿chou辿e\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "termin辿.\n"
@@ -3661,7 +3661,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Envoyer les messages en attente"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Composer"
@@ -3669,7 +3669,7 @@ msgstr "Composer"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Composer un nouveau message"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "R辿pondre"
@@ -3697,7 +3697,7 @@ msgstr "Transf辿rer le message"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Supprimer le message"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr "Ind辿sirable"
@@ -3790,7 +3790,7 @@ msgstr "/_Outils/Aj_outer l'exp辿diteur dans le carnet d'adresses"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Cr辿ation de la vue message...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texte"
@@ -3816,7 +3816,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Commande d'apprentissage :"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Impression"
@@ -3984,11 +3984,11 @@ msgstr "Configuration du compte"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Cr辿ation de la fen棚tre de configuration du compte...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "R辿ception"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Confidentialit辿"
@@ -3996,7 +3996,7 @@ msgstr "Confidentialit辿"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanc辿e"
@@ -4120,7 +4120,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "M辿thode d'authentification"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatique"
@@ -4156,8 +4156,8 @@ msgstr "G辿n辿ration d'un Message-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Ajouter des en-t棚tes suppl辿mentaires"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Modifier... "
@@ -4475,209 +4475,209 @@ msgstr "Supprimer l'action"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette action ?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Cr辿ation de la fen棚tre des pr辿f辿rences g辿n辿rales...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Pr辿f辿rences g辿n辿rales"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Citation"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Affichage"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Message"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Courrier ind辿sirable"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Autres"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Utiliser un programme externe pour l'incorporation"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Commande"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Incorporation partir du spool local"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtrage l'incorporation"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "Chemin du spool"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Rel竪ve automatique du courrier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "chaque"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minute(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Relever le courrier au d辿marrage"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Mettre jour tous les dossiers locaux apr竪s incorporation"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Ex辿cuter la commande lors de l'arriv辿e de nouveaux messages"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "束 %d 損 sera remplac辿 par le nombre de nouveaux messages."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Utiliser un programme externe pour l'envoi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Enregistrer les messages envoy辿s dans la bo樽te d'envoi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr "Appliquer les r竪gles de filtrage aux messages envoy辿s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Jeu de caract竪res pour l'envoi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatique (recommand辿)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "ASCII 7 bits (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Europe occidentale (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Europe occidentale (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Europe centrale (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltique (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Europe du Nord (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Grec (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "H辿breu (ISO-8859-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "H辿breu (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turc (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cyrillique (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japonais (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japonais (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japonais (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Chinois simplifi辿 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Chinois simplifi辿 (GBK)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Chinois traditionnel (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Chinois traditionnel (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Chinois (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Cor辿en (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Tha誰 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Tha誰 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
@@ -4685,11 +4685,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Si 束 Automatique 損 est s辿lectionn辿, le jeu de caract竪res optimal pour la "
"langue utilis辿e sera choisi automatiquement."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Algo. de transmission"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4697,128 +4697,128 @@ msgstr ""
"Pr辿cise le champ 束 Content-Transfer-Encoding 損 utilis辿 quand le corps du "
"message contient des caract竪res non ASCII."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "S辿parateur de signature"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Ins辿rer automatiquement"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Lancer automatiquement l'辿diteur externe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Nombre maximal d'annulations"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Justifier les messages "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "caract竪res"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Justifier la citation"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Justification automatique"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Justifier avant d'envoyer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "S辿lection automatique du compte lors d'une r辿ponse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Citer le message en r辿pondant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Le bouton r辿pondre agit pour la liste de diffusion"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Citation lors d'une r辿ponse"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Caract竪re de citation"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Citation lors d'un transfert"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Description des symboles "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Police"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Dossier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Afficher le nombre de messages non lus pr竪s du nom de dossier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Afficher le nombre de messages non lus pr竪s du nom de dossier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Abr辿ger les noms des groupes de discussion de plus de"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "lettres"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "R辿sum辿 des messages"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr ""
"Afficher le destinataire dans la colonne 束 Exp辿diteur 損 si vous 棚tes "
"l'exp辿diteur du message"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "D辿ployer les fils de conversation"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Format de la date"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " l辿ments affich辿s dans le r辿sum辿... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Coloration des messages"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4826,234 +4826,230 @@ msgstr ""
"Afficher l'alphabet et les nombres multi-octets\n"
"comme des caract竪res ASCII (Japonais seulement)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Afficher un panneau d'en-t棚tes au dessus du message"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Afficher des en-t棚tes courts dans la fen棚tre des messages"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "Afficher les messages HTML comme du texte"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Afficher le curseur dans la fen棚tre des messages"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Espacement des lignes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "D辿filement"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Demi-page"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "D辿filement continu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "par pas de"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Images"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Adapter les images aux dimensions de la fen棚tre des messages"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Afficher les images directement dans le message"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Activer la gestion des messages ind辿sirables"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Commande d'apprentissage :"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr "Normal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Commande de d辿tection"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Dossier des ind辿sirables"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr ""
"Les messages marqu辿s comme ind辿sirables seront d辿plac辿s dans ce dossier."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Tri des messages d辿tect辿s comme ind辿sirables la r辿ception"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
msgstr ""
-"Les messages filtr辿s seront plac辿s dans le dossier des ind辿sirables et "
-"effac辿s du serveur."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "V辿rifier automatiquement les signatures"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Afficher le r辿sultat de la v辿rification dans une fen棚tre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "M辿moriser temporairement la phrase secr竪te"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Expiration apr竪s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minute(s) "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"Mettre 0 pour m辿moriser la phrase secr竪te pendant toute la dur辿e de la "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Monopoliser le clavier pendant la saisie de la phrase secr竪te"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Afficher un avertissement si GnuPG ne fonctionne pas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Ouvrir automatiquement les messages s辿lectionn辿s dans le r辿sum辿"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Ouvrir le premier message non lu en ouvrant un dossier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr ""
"Marquer un message comme lu uniquement si ouvert dans une nouvelle fen棚tre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Aller dans la bo樽te de r辿ception lors de l'arriv辿e de nouveau courrier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Ex辿cuter imm辿diatement la suppression ou le d辿placement de messages"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr "Si d辿sactiv辿, les messages resteront marqu辿s jusqu' ex辿cution."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Message de r辿ception"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Afficher une fen棚tre lors de la r辿ception :"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr " toujours"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "Seulement lors d'une rel竪ve manuelle du courrier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr " jamais"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Ne pas afficher de fen棚tre d'erreur lors d'une erreur de r辿ception"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Fermer la fen棚tre de r辿ception la fin"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr "Mettre les boutons en conformit辿 avec les 束 HIG 損 GNOME"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Choisir les raccourcis clavier... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Commandes externes (%s sera remplac辿 par le nom du fichier/URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Navigateur web"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Bo樽te de r辿ception par d辿faut"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Un double-clic sur une adresse l'ajoute la liste des destinataires"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "En quittant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Confirmer en quittant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Vider la corbeille en quittant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Demander avant de vider"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Avertir s'il y a des messages envoyer en file d'attente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Activer la v辿rification stricte de l'int辿grit辿 des caches d'index"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
@@ -5063,151 +5059,151 @@ msgstr ""
"Cette option r辿duira les performances d'affichage du r辿sum辿 des messages."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "D辿passement du d辿lai de r辿ponse (timeout) des E/S du socket :"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "seconde(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "nom du jour de la semaine (abr辿g辿)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "nom du jour de la semaine"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "nom du mois (abr辿g辿)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "nom du mois"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "le format par d辿faut de la date et de l'heure"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "le 'si竪cle' (ann辿e/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "le jour du mois"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "l'heure en tant que nombre (0-23)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "l'heure en tant que nombre (1-12)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "le jour de l'ann辿e en tant que nombre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "le mois en tant que nombre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "les minutes en tant que nombre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM (matin) ou PM (apr竪s-midi)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "les secondes en tant que nombre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "le jour de la semaine en tant que nombre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "le format par d辿faut de la date"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "les deux derniers chiffres de l'ann辿e"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "l'ann辿e"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "le fuseau horaire, son nom ou abr辿viation"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Code"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Exemple"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Param辿trer les couleurs de message"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Couleurs"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Texte cit辿 - 1er niveau"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Texte cit辿 - 2e niveau"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Texte cit辿 - 3e niveau"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "Lien URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "R辿utiliser les couleurs"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Choix de la couleur de la citation niveau 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Choix de la couleur de la citation niveau 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Choix de la couleur de la citation niveau 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Choix de la couleur pour les liens URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Description des symboles"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5231,11 +5227,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Groupes de discussions\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Si x est d辿fini, afficher expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5249,7 +5245,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Corps du message sans signature en tant que citation\n"
"Caract竪re pourcent 束 % 損"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5261,20 +5257,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Caract竪re 束 { 損\n"
"Caract竪re 束 } 損"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Raccourcis clavier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Choisir les raccourcis clavier... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Par d辿faut"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Ancien Sylpheed"
@@ -5583,17 +5579,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Pi竪ces jointes"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Sujet"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Exp辿diteur"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Date"
@@ -6335,20 +6331,20 @@ msgstr "Construction des threads..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Suppression des threads..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "tri en cours..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Tri en cours..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d message(s) ont 辿t辿 filtr辿(s)."
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "N属"
@@ -6406,6 +6402,13 @@ msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr "Localisateur (URL) suspect"
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Les messages filtr辿s seront plac辿s dans le dossier des ind辿sirables et "
+#~ "effac辿s du serveur."
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/gl.po b/po/gl.po
index e84f19ef..511c2b11 100644
--- a/po/gl.po
+++ b/po/gl.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-01-17 10:05+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jorge Rivas\n"
"Language-Team: Jorge Rivas\n"
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr "Atopado %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Configuraci坦n gardada.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Carpeta"
@@ -626,12 +626,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "non se pode cambiar os permisos de ficheiro\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "fallo escribindo en %s.\n"
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ msgstr ""
"na columna `G' para activar a descarga mediante `Traer todo'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Engadir enderezo 叩 axenda"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Enderezo"
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ msgstr "/_Borrar"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "Enderezo e-mail"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Axenda de enderezos"
@@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@ msgstr "Erro na conversi坦n da axenda"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Conversi坦n da axenda"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interfaz"
@@ -1208,11 +1208,11 @@ msgstr "Enderezo com炭n"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Enderezo persoal"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notificaci坦n"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Aviso"
@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ msgstr "Marr坦n"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ning炭n"
@@ -1578,66 +1578,66 @@ msgstr "Marca de cita para erro."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Erro no formato da mensaxe para respostar/redirixir "
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "o ficheiro %s non existe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Non se pode obter o tama単o de %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "o Ficheiro %s esta valeiro."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Non poido ler %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Mensaxe: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Non se pode obter a parte do mensaxe multipartes."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Sin asunto)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Editado]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Compo単er mensaxe%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Non se especificou o destinatario."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Asunto"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "o asunto esta valeiro. 多Enviar de todas formas?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "non se pode obter a lista de destinatarios."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1645,21 +1645,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Non especific坦 ningunha conta para enviar.\n"
"Seleccione algunha conta antes de enviar."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Ocurriu un erro enviando o mensaxe a %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Non se pode gardar a mensaxe en Saida."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Non puiden atopar ningunha clave asociada con a Id-clave actual `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1670,12 +1670,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s a %s.\n"
"多Envia-lo de todo xeito?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Error na conversi坦n da axenda"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1684,157 +1684,157 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "non se pode eliminar a mensaxe antiga\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "po単endo na cola...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "non podo atopar a carpeta de cola\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "a mensaxe non se pode po単er na cola\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Message-ID generado: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Creando fiestra de composicion...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Dende:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Acci坦_ns"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Mensaxe/_Encriptar"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tipo MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tama単o"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Enviar"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Enviar Mensaxe"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Enviar mais tarde"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Po単er na cola e enviar mais tarde"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Borrador"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Gardar como borrador"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Inserir"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Inserir ficheiro"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Adxuntar"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Adxuntar ficheiro"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Sinatura"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Inserir sinatura"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Editar con un editor externo"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Recortar"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Cortar todas as l鱈neas longas"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Tipo MIME inv叩lido."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "O ficheiro non existe ou est叩 valeiro."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Ruta"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nome de ficheiro"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "o comando do editor externo non e v叩lido: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1845,75 +1845,75 @@ msgstr ""
"多Desea terminar o proceso?\n"
"Id. de proceso: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Terminado proceso id.: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Ficheiro temporal: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Compo単er: entrada dende proceso monitor\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Non se puido executar o editor externo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Non se puido escribir no ficheiro\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Fallo lendo tuber鱈a\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "O mensaxe non se pode po単er na cola."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Seleccionar ficheiro"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Seleccionar ficheiro"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Enviar Mensaxe"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Esta mensaxe foi modificado. 多Desea descartala?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "多Quere aplicar a plantilla `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Aplicar plantilla"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Substitu鱈r"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Inserir"
@@ -2098,7 +2098,7 @@ msgstr "Editar entrada JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2853,16 +2853,16 @@ msgstr "Rexistro do protocolo"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread non est叩 soportado por glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Uso: %s [OPCIN]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [direcci坦n] abre a fiestra de edici坦n"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2872,53 +2872,53 @@ msgstr ""
" abre a fiestra de composici坦n con os ficheiros\n"
" especificados como adxuntos"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive recibe as mensaxes novas"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all recibe novas mensaxes para todas as contas"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send enviar todas as mensaxes na cola"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status mostra o n炭mero total de mensaxes"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status mostra o n炭mero total de mensaxes"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug modo de depuraci坦n"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help presenta esta axuda e finaliza"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version da a informaci坦n da versi坦n e finaliza"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n para enviar"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2932,19 +2932,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Est叩 compo単endo unha mensaxe. 多Quere sair?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Mensaxes en cola"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Hai mensaxes sin enviar na cola. 多Sair agora?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2953,16 +2953,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Soporte para OpenPGP deshabilitado."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "xa hai outro Sylpheed execut叩ndose.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "configuraci坦n das accions"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3573,7 +3573,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: fallo solicitando cor %d\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "feito.\n"
@@ -3702,7 +3702,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Enviar mensaxe(s) na cola"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Compo単er"
@@ -3710,7 +3710,7 @@ msgstr "Compo単er"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Compo単er mensaxe novo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Respostar"
@@ -3738,7 +3738,7 @@ msgstr "Reenviar o mensaxe"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Borrar o mensaxe"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3832,7 +3832,7 @@ msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Engadir _remitente 叩 axenda"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Creando visor de mensaxe...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
@@ -3858,7 +3858,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Executar"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Imprimir"
@@ -4029,11 +4029,11 @@ msgstr "Preferencias da conta"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Creando Fiestra de preferencias de conta...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Recibir"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privacidad"
@@ -4041,7 +4041,7 @@ msgstr "Privacidad"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanzadas"
@@ -4167,7 +4167,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "M辿todo de autenticaci坦n"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Autom叩tica"
@@ -4207,8 +4207,8 @@ msgstr "Xenerar ID-Mensaxe"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Engadir cabeceira de usuario"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Editar... "
@@ -4522,216 +4522,216 @@ msgstr "Borrar acci坦n"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "多Realmente quere borrar esta acci坦n?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Creando fiestra de preferencias comuns...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Preferencias comuns"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Citar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Ver"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mensaxe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Carpeta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Outras"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Usar un programa externo para incorporar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Comando"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Incorporar do almac辿n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtrar 坦 incorporar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Comprobar correo novo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "cada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minuto(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Comproba correo novo 坦 inicio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Actualizar todas as carpetas locales despois de incorporar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Executar inmediatamente movimentos ou borrados de mensaxes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Obtendo o n炭mero de novas mensaxes (asT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Usar programa externo para enviar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Gardar mensaxes enviados en Saida"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n para enviar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Autom叩tico (Recomendado)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "ASCII de 7 bits (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Europeo Occidental (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Europeo Occidental (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Centroeuropeo (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "B叩ltico (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "B叩ltico (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Grego (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Grego (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turco (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Xapon辿s (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Xapon辿s (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Xapon辿s (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Chines simplificado (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Chines simplificado (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Chines tradicional (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Chines tradicional (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Chines (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Coreano (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Tailand辿s (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Tailand辿s (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4740,11 +4740,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Si se selecciona `Autom叩tico' utilizarase a\n"
"codificaci坦n 坦ptima para a localizaci坦n actual."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Codificaci坦n de transferencia"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4753,126 +4753,126 @@ msgstr ""
"Especificar a codificaci坦n de transferencia (Content-Transfer-Encoding)\n"
"cando o corpo do mensaxe conten caracteres non-ASCII."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Separador de sinatura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Inserir autom叩ticamente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Lanzar o editor externo autom叩ticamente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Niveles de desfacer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Recortar mensaxes 坦s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "caracteres"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Recortar citaci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Recortar mentras se escribe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Recortar antes de enviar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Seleccionar autom叩ticamente a conta para respostar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Citar a mensaxe 坦 respostar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "o bot坦n Respostar invoca respostar 叩 lista de correo"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Formato de r辿plica"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Marca de citaci坦n"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Formato de reenvio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Descripci坦n de s鱈mbolos "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Fonte"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Carpeta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Ver o n炭mero de non le鱈das xunto 坦 nome da carpeta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Ver o n炭mero de non le鱈das xunto 坦 nome da carpeta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Abreviar nomes de grupos con mais de"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "letras"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Vista resumo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Ver destinatario na columna `Dende' si o remitente 辿 vostede mismo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Expandir f鱈os"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Formato de data"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Elementos visibles no resumo... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Permitir cores na mensaxe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4880,396 +4880,393 @@ msgstr ""
"Mostrar alfab辿ticos e num辿ricos multi-byte como\n"
"caracteres ASCII (s坦 para Xapon辿s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Mostrar panel de cabeceiras sobre a mensaxe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "cabeceiras breves na vista da mensaxe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "cabeceiras breves na vista da mensaxe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Interlineado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Desplazamento"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Media p叩xina"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Desplazamiento suave"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Paso"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Redimensionar as im叩xes adxuntas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Ver propiedades de cabeceiras"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Carpeta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Executar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Executar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Carpeta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(As mensaxes sen filtrar gardar叩nse nesta carpeta)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtrar mensaxes 坦 recibir"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(As mensaxes sen filtrar gardar叩nse nesta carpeta)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Comprobar as sinaturas autom叩ticamente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Mostrar di叩logo de comprobaci坦n de sinatura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Manter contrasinal en memoria temporalmente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Expirar despois de"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minuto(s) "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(Poniendo '0' mantendr叩 a contrase単a\n"
" durante toda a sesi坦n)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Capturar a entrada mentras se introducen contrasinais"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Mostrar aviso no inicio si non funciona GnuPG"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Abrir sempre as mensaxes no sumario cando se seleccionan"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Abrir a primeira mensaxe non le鱈da 坦 abrir unha carpeta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Marcar mensaxe como le鱈da s坦 坦 abrila nunha fiestra nova"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Abrir entrada despois de recibir correo novo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Executar inmediatamente movimentos ou borrados de mensaxes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(Os mensaxes marcar叩nse hasta a execuci坦n\n"
" si est叩 desactivado)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Di叩logo de recepci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Mostrar di叩logo de recepci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Sempre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nunca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Non mostrar di叩logo de erro si hai erros de recepci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Mostrar di叩logo de recepci坦n 坦 finalizar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Establecer atallos de teclado... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Comandos externos (%s se sustituir叩 con o nome de ficheiro / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Navegador web"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Caixa de correo por defecto"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Engadir direcci坦n 坦 destino con doble click"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr " sair"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Confirmar 坦 sair"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Baleirar papeleira 坦 sair"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Preguntar antes de baleirar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Avisar si existen mensaxes na cola"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Escribindo cach辿 resumo (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "o dia da semana abreviado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "o dia da semana completo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "o nome do mes abreviado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "o nome do mes completo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "a data e hora preferida para a localizaci坦n actual"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "o n炭mero de s辿culo (a単o/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "o dia do mes como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "a hora como n炭mero usando o reloxo de 24 horas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "a hora como n炭mero usando o reloxo de 12 horas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "o dia do ano como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "o mes como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "o minuto como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM o PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "o segundo como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "o dia da semana como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "a data preferida para a localizaci坦n actual"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "os dous 炭ltimos d鱈xitos do ano"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "o ano como n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "zona horaria ou nome ou abreviatura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Especificador"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Exemplo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Cores do mensaxe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Cores"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Texto citado - Primer nivel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Texto citado - Segundo nivel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Texto citado - Tercer nivel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "Enlace URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Reutilizar cores de citaci坦n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Escoller cor para o nivel de citado 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Escoller cor para o nivel de citado 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Escoller cor para o nivel de citado 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Escoller cor para URIs"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Descripci坦n de s鱈mbolos"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5293,11 +5290,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Grupos de novas\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Si x est叩, mostra expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5311,7 +5308,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Corpo da mensaxe citado sen sinatura\n"
"o car叩cter %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5323,20 +5320,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Car叩cter chave aberta\n"
"Car叩cter chave pechada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Atallos de teclado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Establecer atallos de teclado... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Por defecto"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Antigos de Sylpheed"
@@ -5670,17 +5667,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Adxunto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Asunto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Dende"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
@@ -6417,20 +6414,20 @@ msgstr "Construindo xerarqu鱈a..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Desfacendo xerarqu鱈a..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtrando..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtrando..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "o mensaxe %d xa esta en cach辿.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Non."
@@ -6490,6 +6487,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(As mensaxes sen filtrar gardar叩nse nesta carpeta)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/hr.po b/po/hr.po
index 2de69997..556ebce6 100644
--- a/po/hr.po
+++ b/po/hr.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2001-09-17 13:22+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ante Karamati <ante@cdnet.com.hr>\n"
"Language-Team: Croatian <lokalizacija@linux.hr>\n"
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ msgstr "Pronaen %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Konfiguracija je spremljena.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Spis"
@@ -634,12 +634,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "ne mogu promjeniti atribut datoteke\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "pisanje u %s nije uspjelo.\n"
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ msgstr ""
"S one raune s kojih 転elite skinuti po邸tu sa `Primi sve'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Dodaj adresu u adresar"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"
@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ msgstr "/_Obri邸i"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "E-mail adresa"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Adresar"
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ msgstr "Gre邸ka pri unosu adresara"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Unos adresara"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Suelje"
@@ -1206,11 +1206,11 @@ msgstr "Uobiajene adrese"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Osobne adrese"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Obavijest"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Upozorenje"
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ msgstr "Smea"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ni邸ta"
@@ -1588,66 +1588,66 @@ msgstr "Gre邸ka formata citata."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Gre邸ka poruke odgovori/proslijedi."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne postoji\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu dobiti veliinu datoteke %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka %s je prazna\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "ne mogu kreirati %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Poruka: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ne mogu dobiti dio vi邸edjelne poruke."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Bez teme)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Ureeno]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Pisanje poruke%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nije upisan primatelj."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Tema"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "ne mogu dobiti listu primatelja."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1655,21 +1655,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Raun za slanje po邸te nije definiran.\n"
"Molim, odaberite raun prije slanja."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke prilikom slanja poruke %s -u."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Ne mogu snimiti poruku u spis poslano."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1677,12 +1677,12 @@ msgid ""
"Send it as %s anyway?"
msgstr "Ne mogu promjeniti charset poruke."
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Gre邸ka pri unosu adresara"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1691,160 +1691,160 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "ne mogu ukloniti staru poruku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "odla転em poruku...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "ne mogu odabrati spis: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "ne mogu odlo転iti poruku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "generiran ID-poruke: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Stvaram prozor za pisanje...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Od:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_Izvr邸i"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Poruka/_Kriptiraj"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME tip"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Veliina"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Po邸alji"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Po邸alji poruku"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Po邸alji kasnije"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Odlo転i u spis odlo転eno i po邸alji kasnije"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Nedovr邸eno"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Spremi u spis nedovr邸eno"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Unesi"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Unesi datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Prilo転i"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Prilo転i datoteku"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Potpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Unesi potpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Ureiva"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Uredi s vanjskim ureivaem"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Sa転imanje"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Sa転mi sve duge _linije"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Pogre邸an MIME tip"
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka ne postoji ili je prazna."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Postavke"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodiranje"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Staza"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Naredba za vanjski ureiva je pogre邸na: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1855,76 +1855,76 @@ msgstr ""
"Ugasiti proces?\n"
"grupa procesa: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Uga邸ena grupa procesa: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Privremena datoteka: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Napi邸i: unos iz procesa motrenja\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu pokrenuti vanjski ureiva\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu pisati u datoteku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "itanje pipe-a nije uspjelo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Ne mogu odlo転iti poruku."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Odaberite datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Odaberite datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Po邸alji poruku"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Ova poruka je promijenjena, odbaciti?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Uistinu obrisati ovaj obrazac?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Bri邸i obrazac"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Obrazac"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Unesi"
@@ -2109,7 +2109,7 @@ msgstr "Uredite JPilot unos"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2883,70 +2883,70 @@ msgstr "Zapis protokola"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread nije podr転an od glib-a.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Upotreba: %s [OPCIJA]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresa] otvara prozor za pisanje"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
" attached"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive prima nove poruke"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all prima sve poruke sa svih rauna"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
#, fuzzy
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --recive prikazuje broj poruka"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --recive prikazuje broj poruka"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --recive prikazuje broj poruka"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug debug nain"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help prikazuje ovu pomo i izlazi"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version prikazuje verziju i izlazi"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Izlazni charset"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2960,19 +2960,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Pisanje poruke postoji. Uistinu prekinuti?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Odlo転ene poruke"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Neke neposlane poruke su odlo転ene. Izai odmah?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
@@ -2982,16 +2982,16 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP podr邸ka je onemoguena."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "drugi Sylpheed ve radi.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Pi邸em konfiguraciju filtera...\n"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3670,7 +3670,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: prikaz boje %d nije uspio\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "gotovo.\n"
@@ -3800,7 +3800,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "alje odlo転ene poruke"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Kreiraj"
@@ -3808,7 +3808,7 @@ msgstr "Kreiraj"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Kreiranje nove po邸te"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Odgovori"
@@ -3836,7 +3836,7 @@ msgstr "Prosljeuje poruku"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Bri邸e poruke"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3932,7 +3932,7 @@ msgstr "/Dod_aj po邸iljatelja u adresar"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Kreiram pregled poruka...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
@@ -3959,7 +3959,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Izvr邸i"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Ispi邸i"
@@ -4130,11 +4130,11 @@ msgstr "Postavke rauna"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Kreiram prozor za postvake rauna...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Primanje"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privatnost"
@@ -4142,7 +4142,7 @@ msgstr "Privatnost"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Napredno"
@@ -4272,7 +4272,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Autorizacija"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr ""
@@ -4313,8 +4313,8 @@ msgstr "Generiraj ID poruke"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Dodatna zaglavlja"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Uredi... "
@@ -4621,217 +4621,217 @@ msgstr "Obri邸i raun"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "貼elite li usitinu obrisati ovaj raun?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Stvaram prozor za uobiajene postavke...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Uobiajene postavke"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Citat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Prikaz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Po邸ta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Spis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Drugo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Koristi vanjski program za prihvat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Naredba"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Prihvati sa spoola"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtriraj pri prihvaanju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Auto-provjera nove po邸te"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "svakih"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minuta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Provjeri po邸tu prilikom starta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Osvje転i sve spise poslije prihvaanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Izvr邸i odmah pri premje邸tanju ili brisanju poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Primam broj novih poruka (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Koristi vanjski program za slanje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Spremi poslane poruke u poslano"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Izlazni charset"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatsko (preporueno)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Zapadno-Europski (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
#, fuzzy
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Zapadno-Europski (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Srednje-Europski (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Blatiki (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Blatiki (ISO'8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Grki (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Grki (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turski (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "irilica (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "irilica (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "irilica (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japanski (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japanski (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japanski (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Pojednostavljeni Kineski (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Pojednostavljeni Kineski (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Tradicionalni Kineski (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Tradicionalni Kineski (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Kineski (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Korejski (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4840,539 +4840,536 @@ msgstr ""
"Ako je `Automatski' odabrano, optimalni charset\n"
"za locale e biti kori邸ten."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Sa転mi prije slanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Razdjelnik potpisa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Ubaci automatski"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Automatski pokreni vanjski ureiva"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Sa転mi poruke na"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "znakova"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Sa転mi citat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "/_Uredi/Sa転mi sve duge _linije"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Sa転mi prije slanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Automatski odaberi raun pri odgovaranju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Citiraj poruku pri odgovaranju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "/Odgovori svi_ma"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Format odgovora"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Oznaka citata"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Format prosljeivanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Obja邸njenje simbola "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Font"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Spis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Prika転i broj neproitanih poruka kraj imena spisa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Prika転i broj neproitanih poruka kraj imena spisa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
#, fuzzy
msgid "letters"
msgstr "Obri邸i"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Pregled odr転avanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Prika転i primatelja na `Od' ukoliko ste Vi autor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Ra邸iri stablo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Format datuma"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Postavi pojedinosti prikaza... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Omogui poruke u boji"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
msgstr "Prika転i 2-byte abecedu i brojeve s 1-byte znakovima"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Prika転i zaglavlje iznad poruke"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Prika転i kratko zaglavlje na pregledu poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Prika転i kratko zaglavlje na pregledu poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Razmak linija"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel(a)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Scroll"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Pola stranice"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Miran scroll"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Korak"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Prikaz postavki zaglavlja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Spis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Izvr邸i"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Izvr邸i"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Spis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(Nefiltrirane poruke biti e spremljene u ovaj spis)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtriraj poruke pri primanju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(Nefiltrirane poruke biti e spremljene u ovaj spis)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Automatski provjeri potpis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Prika転i potpis u popup prozoru"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Po邸alji kasnije"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
#, fuzzy
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minuta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Uhvati unos pri upisivanju lozinke"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Prika転i upozorenje na startu ako GnuPG ne radi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "poruka nee biti primljena\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Otvori prvu neproitanu poruku pri ulasku u spis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
#, fuzzy
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "/_Po邸ta/O_tvori u novom prozoru"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Idi u sandui nakon primanja po邸te"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Izvr邸i odmah pri premje邸tanju ili brisanju poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(Poruke e samo biti oznaene do izvr邸enja\n"
" ako je ovo iskljueno)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Prika転i dijalog primanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Prika転i dijalog primanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Uvijek"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nikada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
#, fuzzy
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Prika転i dijalog primanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
#, fuzzy
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr "aljem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Vanjski ureiva (%s predstavlja ime datoteke)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Uobiajeni sandui"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Dodaj adresu u destinaciju kada se dva put klikne"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Na izlazu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Potvrdi izlaz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Isprazni smee pri izlazu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Pitaj prije pra転njenja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Upozori ako ima odlo転enih poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Pi邸em pohranu pregleda (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "pojednostavljeno ime tjedna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "puno ime tjedna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "skraeno ime mjeseca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "puno ime mjeseca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "転eljeni datum i vrijeme za trenutni locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "broj stoljea (godina/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "dan u mjesecu kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "sat kao decimalni broj koristei 24 satno vrijeme"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "sat kao decimalni broj koristei 12 satno vrijeme"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "dan u godini kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "mjesec kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "minute kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AP ili PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "sekunde kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "dan u tjednu kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "転eljeni datum za trenutni locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "posljednje dvije znamenke godine"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "godina kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "vremenska zona"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Oznaitelj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Primjer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Postavi boje poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Boje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Citirani tekst - prvi stupanj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Citirani tekst - drugi stupanj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Citirani tekst - trei stupanj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI poveznice"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Cikliki mijenjaj boje citata"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Odaberite boju za citat 1. stupnja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Odaberite boju za citat 2. stupnja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Odaberite boju za citat 3. stupnja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Odaberite boju za URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Obaj邸njenje znakova"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5396,11 +5393,11 @@ msgstr ""
"News grupe\n"
"ID poruke"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Ako je x odabrano, prikazuje expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5409,7 +5406,7 @@ msgid ""
"Literal %"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5417,22 +5414,22 @@ msgid ""
"Literal closing curly brace"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
#, fuzzy
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "aljem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr "aljem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Uobiajeni sandui"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr ""
@@ -5768,17 +5765,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Prilog"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Tema"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6532,20 +6529,20 @@ msgstr "Izgraujem stablo..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Rasipavam..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtriram..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtriranje..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "poruka %d ve je prihvaena.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Ne."
@@ -6604,6 +6601,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(Nefiltrirane poruke biti e spremljene u ovaj spis)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po
index 4417696a..4c8716a5 100644
--- a/po/hu.po
+++ b/po/hu.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed-2.0.0beta4\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-07-04 17:05+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: N辿meth Tam叩s <ntomasz@vipmail.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: <NONE>\n"
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ msgstr "Tal叩lat %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Be叩ll鱈t叩sok t叩rolva.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Lev辿lszem辿t sz撤r"
@@ -627,12 +627,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "f叩jl m坦dja nem v叩ltoztathat坦\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "%s f叩jlba nem siker端lt 鱈rni.\n"
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ msgstr ""
"funkci坦 bekapcsol叩s叩hoz v叩lassza ki a 'G' oszlopban a jel旦ldobozt!"
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ msgstr "A m撤velet felhaszn叩l坦i param辿tere"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "C鱈m hozz叩ad叩sa a c鱈mjegyz辿khez"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "C鱈m"
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ msgstr "/_T旦rl辿s"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "E-Mail c鱈m"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "C鱈mjegyz辿k"
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ msgstr "C鱈mjegyz辿k konverzi坦s hiba"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "C鱈mjegyz辿k konverzi坦"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Illeszt"
@@ -1206,11 +1206,11 @@ msgstr "ltal叩nos c鱈m"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Szem辿lyes c鱈m"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Megjegyz辿s"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Figyelmeztet辿s"
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ msgstr "Barna"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Semmi"
@@ -1542,65 +1542,65 @@ msgstr "Id辿zet jel旦l辿s form叩tum hiba."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "zenet v叩lasz/tov叩bb鱈t叩s form叩tum hiba."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "%s f叩jl nem l辿tezik\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "%s m辿rete nem meghat叩rozhat坦\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "A(z) %s f叩jl 端res."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "%s nem olvashat坦."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "zenet: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Egy t旦bb r辿szes 端zenet egy darabja nem hozz叩f辿rhet."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Nincs T叩rgy)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Szerkesztett]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - zenet 鱈r叩sa%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nincs c鱈mzett megadva."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Nincs t叩rgy"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "A lev辿l t叩rgya 端res. Ennek ellen辿re elk端ldi?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "c鱈mzett lista nem hozz叩f辿rhet."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1608,22 +1608,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Nincs megadva hozz叩f辿r辿s a lev辿l k端ld辿shez.\n"
"V叩lasszon ki egy hozz叩f辿r辿st k端ld辿s eltt!"
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Hiba l辿pett fel a %s-nak/nek k端ldend 端zenet k端ld辿se k旦zben."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Az 端zenet nem menthet a kimen mapp叩ba."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Nem tal叩ltam hozz叩rendelt kulcsot a kiv叩lasztott kulcs azonos鱈t坦hoz `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1634,11 +1634,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Ennek ellen辿re elk端ldi mint %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "K坦d konvert叩l叩si hiba"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1651,155 +1651,155 @@ msgstr ""
"Ennek ellen辿re elk端ldi?"
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Sorhossz hat叩r"
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "a r辿gi 端zenetet nem lehet elt叩vol鱈tani\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "端zenet a V叩rakoz坦 sorba...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "nem tal叩lhat坦 a V叩rakoz坦 sor mapp叩ja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "Az 端zenetet nem siker端lt a V叩rakoz坦 sorba rakni\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "gener叩lt zenet-azonos鱈t坦: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Szerkesztablak l辿trehoz叩sa...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Felad坦:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "PGP Al叩鱈r叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "PGP Titkos鱈t叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME t鱈pus"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "M辿ret"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "K端ld辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "zenet k端ld辿se"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "K端ld辿s k辿sbb"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "zenet a V叩rakoz坦 sorba, k端ld辿s k辿sbb"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "V叩zlat"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Ment辿s a v叩zlat mapp叩ba"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Besz炭r叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "F叩jl besz炭r叩sa"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Csatol叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "F叩jl csatol叩sa"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Al叩鱈r叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Al叩鱈r叩s beilleszt辿se"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Szerkeszt"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Szerkeszt辿s k端ls programmal"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Sort旦r辿s"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Az 旦sszes hossz炭 sor t旦r辿se"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "rv辿nytelen MIME t鱈pus."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "A f叩jl nem l辿tezik vagy 端res."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Tulajdons叩gok"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "K坦dol叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "El辿r辿si 炭t"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "F叩jln辿v"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "K端ls szerkeszt parancssora 辿rv辿nytelen: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1810,71 +1810,71 @@ msgstr ""
"Processz kil旦v辿se?\n"
"processz csoport azonos鱈t坦: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "A le叩ll鱈tott processz csoport azonos鱈t坦ja: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Ideiglenes f叩jl: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Szerkeszt辿s: bemenet a monitoroz坦 processzbl\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "K端ls szerkeszt nem ind鱈that坦\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Nem lehet a f叩jlba 鱈rni\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Hiba t旦rt辿nt a csvezet辿k olvas叩sa k旦zben\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Az 端zenetet nem siker端lt a V叩rakoz坦 sorba rakni"
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "F叩jlok v叩laszt叩sa"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "F叩jl v叩laszt叩s"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "zenet ment辿se"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Az 端zenet megv叩ltozott. Menti a V叩zlatok mapp叩ba?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Bez叩r叩s ment辿s _n辿lk端l"
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "T辿nyleg alkalmazni szeretn辿 a(z) `%s' sablont?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Sablon alkalmaz叩sa"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Helyettes鱈t"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Besz炭r叩s"
@@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ msgstr "JPilot bejegyz辿s szerkeszt辿se"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2807,16 +2807,16 @@ msgstr "Protokoll napl坦"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread-et a glib nem t叩mogatja.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Haszn叩lat: %s [OPCI]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [c鱈m] szerkesztablak megnyit叩sa"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2826,23 +2826,23 @@ msgstr ""
" szerkesztablak nyit叩sa a megadott f叩jl(ok)\n"
" csatol叩s叩val"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 炭j 端zenetek v辿tele"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all 炭j 端zenetek v辿tele minden hozz叩f辿r辿srl"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send minden v叩rakoz坦 lev辿l k端ld辿se"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [mappa]... 端zenetek sz叩m叩nak kijelz辿se"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2850,28 +2850,28 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [mappa]...\n"
" az 旦sszes mappa st叩tusz叩nak kijelz辿se"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug hibakeres 端zemm坦d"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help e seg鱈ts辿g megjelen鱈t辿se 辿s kil辿p辿s"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version verzi坦 inform叩ci坦k ki鱈r叩sa 辿s kil辿p辿s"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "F叩jln辿v karakterk坦dol叩sa"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2895,19 +2895,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "zenet szerkeszt辿s alatt. T辿nyleg kil辿p?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "V叩rakoz坦 端zenetek"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Vannak elk端ldetlen 端zenetek. Kil辿p辿s most?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2916,15 +2916,15 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP t叩mogat叩s kikapcsolva."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Egy m叩sik Sylpheed m叩r fut.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Be叩ll鱈t叩sok migr叩l叩sa"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3508,7 +3508,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Fablak: %d sz鱈n foglal叩sa nem siker端lt\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "k辿sz.\n"
@@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "V叩rakoz坦 sorb坦l 端zenet(ek) k端ld辿se"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Szerkeszt辿s"
@@ -3640,7 +3640,7 @@ msgstr "Szerkeszt辿s"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "j 端zenet szerkeszt辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "V叩lasz"
@@ -3668,7 +3668,7 @@ msgstr "zenet tov叩bb鱈t叩sa"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "zenet t旦rl辿se"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr "Lev辿lszem辿t"
@@ -3762,7 +3762,7 @@ msgstr "/_Eszk旦z旦k/K端ld hozz叩ad叩sa a c鱈m_jegyz辿khez"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "zenet n辿zet l辿trehoz叩sa...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Sz旦veg"
@@ -3788,7 +3788,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Tan鱈t叩s parancs:"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Nyomtat叩s"
@@ -3957,11 +3957,11 @@ msgstr "Hozz叩f辿r辿s be叩ll鱈t叩sok"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Hozz叩f辿r辿sbe叩ll鱈t叩sok ablak l辿trehoz叩sa...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Fogad叩s"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Mag叩nszf辿ra"
@@ -3969,7 +3969,7 @@ msgstr "Mag叩nszf辿ra"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Halad坦"
@@ -4093,7 +4093,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Azonos鱈t叩si m坦dszer"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatikus"
@@ -4129,8 +4129,8 @@ msgstr "zenet-azonos鱈t坦 gener叩l叩sa"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Felhaszn叩l坦 叩ltal defini叩lt fejl辿c hozz叩ad叩sa"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Szerkeszt辿s... "
@@ -4448,209 +4448,209 @@ msgstr "M撤velet t旦rl辿se"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "T辿nyleg t旦r旦ljem ezt a m撤veletet?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "ltal叩nos be叩ll鱈t叩sok ablak l辿trehoz叩sa...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "ltal叩nos be叩ll鱈t叩sok"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Id辿zet"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Megjelen鱈t辿s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "zenet"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Lev辿lszem辿t"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Egy辿b"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "K端ls program haszn叩lata email fogad叩shoz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Parancs"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Fogad叩s helyi t叩rol坦b坦l"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Sz撤r辿s fogad叩s k旦zben"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "T叩rol坦 el辿r辿si 炭tja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Automatikus lev辿lfigyel辿s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "minden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "perc"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "j levelek ellenrz辿se indul叩skor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Fogad叩s ut叩n minden helyi mappa friss鱈t辿se"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Parancs v辿grehajt叩sa, ha 炭j 端zenet 辿rkezett"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "`%d' lesz helyettes鱈tve az 炭j 端zenetek sz叩m叩val."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "K端ls program haszn叩lata k端ld辿shez"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Elk端ld旦tt 端zenetek ment辿se a Kimen postafi坦kba"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr "Sz撤rszab叩lyok alkalmaz叩sa az elk端ld旦tt 端zenetekre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Kimenk karakterk坦dol叩sa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatikus (Aj叩nlott)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7 bites ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Nyugat Eur坦pai (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Nyugat Eur坦pai (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "K旦z辿p Eur坦pai (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltikumi (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltikumi (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "G旦r旦g (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "H辿ber (ISO-8859-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "H辿ber (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "T旦r旦k (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cirill (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cirill (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cirill (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cirill (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Jap叩n (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Jap叩n (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Jap叩n (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Egyszer撤s鱈tett K鱈nai (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Egyszer撤s鱈tett K鱈nai (GBK)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Tradicion叩lis K鱈nai (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Tradicion叩lis K鱈nai (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "K鱈nai (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Koreai (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
@@ -4658,11 +4658,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Ha az `Automatikus' be van kapcsolva, akkor az optim叩lis k坦dol叩st haszn叩lja "
"a helyi nyelvi be叩ll鱈t叩soknak megfelelen."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "tvitel k坦dol叩sa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4670,126 +4670,126 @@ msgstr ""
"Hat叩rozza meg a Content-Transfer-Encoding 辿rt辿k辿t, ha az 端zenet tartalmaz "
"nem-ASCII karaktereket is."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Al叩鱈r叩s elv叩laszt坦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Automatikus beilleszt辿s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "K端ls szerkeszt automatikus ind鱈t叩sa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Visszavon叩s m辿lys辿ge"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Sort旦r辿s helye"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "karakter"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Id辿zet t旦r辿se"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Bevitel t旦rdel辿se"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Sort旦rdel辿s k端ld辿s eltt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Automatikus hozz叩f辿r辿s v叩laszt叩s v叩laszkor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "zenet id辿z辿se a v叩laszban"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "A `V叩lasz' gomb a `V叩lasz levelez list叩ra' funkci坦t hozza fel"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "V叩lasz form叩tuma"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Id辿zet jele"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Tov叩bb鱈t叩s form叩tuma"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Szimb坦lumok le鱈r叩sa "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Bet撤k辿szlet"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Mappa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Mappan辿v mellett az olvasatlan levelek sz叩m叩nak kijelz辿se"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Mappan辿v mellett az olvasatlan levelek sz叩m叩nak kijelz辿se"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "H鱈rcsoportok r旦vid鱈t辿se, ha hosszabb mint"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "lev辿l"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "sszefoglal坦 n辿zet"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "C鱈mzett mutat叩sa a `Felad坦' oszlopban, ha 旦nmag叩nak k端ldte"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Folyam kifejt辿se"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "D叩tum form叩tuma"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " sszefoglal叩s kijelz辿s辿nek be叩ll鱈t叩sa... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Sz鱈nek haszn叩lata az 端zenetekhez"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4797,233 +4797,229 @@ msgstr ""
"T旦bb byte-os karakterek 辿s sz叩mok megjelen鱈t辿se\n"
"ASCII karakterekkel (csak jap叩n eset辿n)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Fejl辿cmez megjelen鱈t辿se az 端zenet f旦l旦tt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "R旦vid fejl辿cek az 端zenet n辿zetben"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "HTML 端zenet 辿rtelmez辿se sz旦vegk辿nt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Kurzor megjelen鱈t辿se 端zenet n辿zetben"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Sort叩vols叩g"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "K辿ppont"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "G旦rget辿s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "F辿l oldal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Finom g旦rget辿s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "L辿p辿s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr "K辿pek"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "A nagy m辿ret撤 csatolt k辿pek ablakm辿retre igaz鱈t叩sa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "K辿pek megjelen鱈t辿se egyvonalban"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Lev辿lszem辿t szab叩lyoz叩s enged辿lyez辿se"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Tan鱈t叩s parancs:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr "Nem lev辿lszem辿t"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Oszt叩lyoz坦 parancs"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Lev辿lszem辿t mappa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr ""
"Azon 端zenetek, melyek lev辿lszem辿tk辿nt lettek be叩ll鱈tva t旦rldni fognak ebbl "
"a mapp叩b坦l."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "A fogad叩skor megsz撤rt 端zenetek lev辿lszem辿tk辿nt oszt叩lyozva"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
msgstr ""
-"A megsz撤rt 端zenetek a lev辿lszem辿t mapp叩ba ker端lnek 叩t, 辿s a t旦rl辿sre "
-"ker端lnek a szerverrl."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Digit叩lis al叩鱈r叩s automatikus ellenrz辿se"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Al叩鱈r叩sellenrz辿s eredm辿nye felbukkan坦 ablakban"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Jelmondat ideiglenes t叩rol叩sa a mem坦ri叩ban"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Lej叩r ennyi ut叩n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "perc"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr "'0'-ra 叩ll鱈tva t叩rolja a jelmondatot a teljes menet alatt."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Bevitel elkap叩sa egy jelmondat bead叩sakor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Figyelmeztet辿s indul叩skor, ha a GnuPG nem m撤k旦dik"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Az 端zenetek mindig 旦sszefoglalva jelennek meg, ha ez kiv叩lasztott"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Mapp叩ba l辿p辿skor az els olvasatlan 端zenet megnyit叩sa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Csak az 炭j ablakban megnyitott 端zeneteket jel旦lje olvasottk辿nt."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "V叩ltson a bej旦v postafi坦kra email fogad叩s ut叩n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Azonnali v辿grehajt叩s 端zenet mozgat叩s vagy t旦rl辿s eset辿n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"Az 端zenetek kijel旦lten l叩that坦k a feldolgoz叩s alatt, ha ez ki van kapcsolva."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Fogad坦 ablak"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Fogad坦 ablak mutat叩sa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Mindig"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "Csak k辿zi fogad叩skor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Soha"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Ne dobjon fel hibaablakot fogad叩si hiba eset辿n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Fogad坦 ablak bez叩r叩sa ha v辿gzett"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr "A gombrendszer elk辿sz鱈t辿se a GNOME HIG szerint"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Billenty撤 hozz叩rendel辿sek... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "K端ls parancsok (%s hely辿re a f叩jln辿v / URI ker端l)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Web b旦ng辿sz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Alap辿rtelmezett bej旦v postafi坦k"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Dupla-klikk eset辿n c鱈m a c辿lmezbe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Kil辿p辿skor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Kil辿p辿skor r叩k辿rdez"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Kuka 端r鱈t辿se kil辿p辿skor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "r鱈t辿s eltt r叩k辿rdez"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Elk端ldetlen 端zenetek eset辿n figyelmeztet"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "sszefoglal坦 gyorst叩r s辿rtetlens辿g辿nek pontos ellenrz辿se"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
@@ -5033,151 +5029,151 @@ msgstr ""
"alkalmaz叩s m坦dos鱈thatja.\n"
"Ez az opci坦 lass鱈tja az 旦sszefoglal叩s megjelen辿s辿nek idej辿t."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "H叩l坦zati adat叩tvitel idt炭ll辿p辿s:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "m叩sodperc"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "r旦vid鱈tett nap n辿v"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "teljes nap n辿v"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "r旦vid鱈tett h坦napn辿v"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "a teljes h坦napn辿v"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "aj叩nlott d叩tum- 辿s idform叩tum a jelenlegi nyelvi be叩ll鱈t叩shoz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "辿vsz叩zad (辿v/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "h坦nap napja sz叩mk辿nt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "坦ra sz叩mk辿nt (24 坦r叩s kijelz辿s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "坦ra sz叩mk辿nt (12 坦r叩s kijelz辿s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "Az 辿v napja sz叩mk辿nt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "h坦nap sz叩mk辿nt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "perc sz叩mk辿nt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "DE vagy DU"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "m叩sodperc sz叩mk辿nt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "h辿t napja sz叩mk辿nt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "aj叩nlott d叩tum az aktu叩lis nyelvi be叩ll鱈t叩shoz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "az 辿vsz叩m utols坦 k辿t sz叩mjegye"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "辿v sz叩mk辿nt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "idz坦na vagy n辿v vagy r旦vid鱈t辿s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Vez辿rljel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Le鱈r叩s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "P辿lda"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "zenetsz鱈n be叩ll鱈t叩sa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Sz鱈nek"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Id辿zett sz旦veg - els szint"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Id辿zett sz旦veg - m叩sodik szint"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Id辿zett sz旦veg - harmadik szint"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI-kapocs"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Id辿zet sz鱈neinek 炭jrahasznos鱈t叩sa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "1. szint撤 id辿zet sz鱈ne"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "2. szint撤 id辿zet sz鱈ne"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "3. szint撤 id辿zet sz鱈ne"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "URI sz鱈ne"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Szimb坦lumok le鱈r叩sa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5201,11 +5197,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Ha x be叩ll鱈tva, akkor kifejez辿s megjelen鱈t辿se"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5219,7 +5215,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Id辿zett 端zenet t旦rzs al叩鱈r叩s n辿lk端l\n"
"Sz坦 szerint %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5231,20 +5227,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Nyit坦 kapcsos z叩r坦jel\n"
"Z叩r坦 kapcsos z叩r坦jel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Billenty撤 hozz叩rendel辿sek"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Billenty撤 hozz叩rendel辿sek... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Alap辿rtelmez辿s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "R辿gi Sylpheed"
@@ -5553,17 +5549,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Csatol叩s"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "T叩rgy"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Felad坦"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "D叩tum"
@@ -6301,20 +6297,20 @@ msgstr "zenetfolyam fel辿p鱈t辿se"
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "zenetfolyam lebont叩s..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "sz撤r辿s..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Sz撤r辿s..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d 端zenet sz撤r辿se elv辿gezve."
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Db"
@@ -6372,6 +6368,13 @@ msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr "Hamis URL figyelmeztet辿s"
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "A megsz撤rt 端zenetek a lev辿lszem辿t mapp叩ba ker端lnek 叩t, 辿s a t旦rl辿sre "
+#~ "ker端lnek a szerverrl."
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po
index fb8b71f1..c8a04b18 100644
--- a/po/it.po
+++ b/po/it.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 2.1.2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-09-17 10:24+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: danilo bodei <dbodei@lombardiacom.it>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <tp@lists.linux.it>\n"
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ msgstr "Trovato %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "La configurazione 竪 stata salvata.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Filtro mail spazzatura"
@@ -627,12 +627,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "impossibile cambiare i permessi del file\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "la scrittura su %s 竪 fallita.\n"
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ msgstr "Argomento dell'azione utente"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Aggiunta dell'indirizzo alla rubrica"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Indirizzo"
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ msgstr "/Eli_mina"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "Indirizzo e-mail"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Rubrica"
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ msgstr "Errore di conversione della rubrica"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Conversione della rubrica"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interfaccia"
@@ -1210,11 +1210,11 @@ msgstr "Indirizzo comune"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Indirizzo personale"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Avviso"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Avvertimento"
@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ msgstr "Marrone"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Niente"
@@ -1546,65 +1546,65 @@ msgstr "Errore del formato del segno di citazione."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Errore del formato nel messaggio di risposta/inoltro."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Il file %s non esiste\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Impossibile ottenere la dimensione di %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Il file %s 竪 vuoto."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Impossibile leggere %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Messaggio: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Impossibile ricevere parte del messaggio composto."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Nessun oggetto)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Modificato]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Composizione messaggio %s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Il destinatario non 竪 specificato."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Oggetto vuoto"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "L'oggetto 竪 vuoto. Inviarlo comunque?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "impossibile ottenere la lista dei destinatari."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1612,23 +1612,23 @@ msgstr ""
"Non 竪 specificato l'account per l'invio della posta.\n"
"Scegliere un account di posta prima dell'invio."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Si 竪 verificato un errore durante l'invio del messaggio a %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Impossibile salvare il messaggio nella cartella 束Inviata損."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare qualsiasi chiave associata con l'id chiave 束%s損 "
"attualmente selezionato."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1640,11 +1640,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Spedirlo come %s comunque?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Errore di conversione del codice"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1658,155 +1658,155 @@ msgstr ""
"Spedirlo comunque?"
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Limite lunghezza linea"
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "impossibile rimuovere il vecchio messaggio\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "accodamento messaggio...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "impossibile trovare la cartella 束Coda損\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "impossibile accodare il messaggio\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "generato l'ID-messaggio: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Creazione della finestra di composizione...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Da:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Firma PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Cifratura PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tipo MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Dimensione"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Invia"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Invia il messaggio"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Invia pi湛 tardi"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Mette nella cartella 束Coda損 e invia pi湛 tardi"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Bozze"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Salva nella cartella 束Bozze損"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Inserisci"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Inserisce il file"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Allega"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Allega il file"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Firma"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Inserisce la firma"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Modifica con l'editor esterno"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "A capo riga"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Manda a capo tutte le righe lunghe"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Tipo MIME non valido."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Il file non esiste o 竪 vuoto."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriet"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codifica"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Percorso"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nome del file"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "La riga di comando per l'editor esterno non 竪 valida: 束%s損\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1817,71 +1817,71 @@ msgstr ""
"Forzare la conclusione del processo?\n"
"group id del processo: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Group id del processo terminato: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "File temporaneo: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Composizione: input da un processo di controllo\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Impossibile eseguire l'editor esterno\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Impossibile scrivere sul file\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Lettura dalla pipe fallita\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Impossibile accodare il messaggio."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Seleziona i file"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Selezione del file"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Salva il messaggio"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Questo messaggio 竪 stato modificato. Salvarlo nella cartella bozze?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "Chiudi sen_za salvare"
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Applicare il modello 束%s損 ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Applica il modello"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Sostituisci"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Inserisci"
@@ -2066,7 +2066,7 @@ msgstr "Modifica la voce JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2815,16 +2815,16 @@ msgstr "Log del protocollo"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread non 竪 supportato da glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Uso: %s [OPZIONE]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [indirizzo] apre una finestra di composizione"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2834,23 +2834,23 @@ msgstr ""
" apre la finestra di composizione con allegati\n"
" i file specificati"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive riceve i nuovi messaggi"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all riceve i nuovi messaggi di tutti gli account"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send invia tutti i messaggi accodati"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [cartella]... mostra il numero totale dei messaggi"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2858,28 +2858,28 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [cartella]...\n"
" mostra lo stato di ogni cartella"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug modalit di debug"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help mostra questo aiuto ed esce"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version mostra informazioni sulla versione ed esce"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Codifica nome file"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2903,19 +2903,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "C'竪 un messaggio in composizione. Uscire?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Messaggi accodati"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Ci sono messaggi non spediti in 束Coda損. Uscire ora ?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2924,15 +2924,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Il supporto per OpenPGP 竪 disabilitato."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "un altro Sylpheed 竪 gi in esecuzione.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migrazione della configurazione"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3515,7 +3515,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "FinestraPrincipale: l'allocazione del colore %d 竪 fallita.\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "fatto.\n"
@@ -3639,7 +3639,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Invia i messaggi accodati"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Componi"
@@ -3647,7 +3647,7 @@ msgstr "Componi"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Compone un nuovo messaggio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Rispondi"
@@ -3675,7 +3675,7 @@ msgstr "Inoltra il messaggio"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Elimina il messaggio"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr "Spazzatura"
@@ -3768,7 +3768,7 @@ msgstr "/S_trumenti/Aggiungi mittente alla ru_brica"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Creazione della vista del messaggio...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testo"
@@ -3794,7 +3794,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Comando di apprendimento:"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Stampa"
@@ -3962,11 +3962,11 @@ msgstr "Preferenze dell'account"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Creazione della finestra delle preferenze degli account...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Ricevi"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privacy"
@@ -3974,7 +3974,7 @@ msgstr "Privacy"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avanzato"
@@ -4099,7 +4099,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Metodo di autenticazione"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatico"
@@ -4135,8 +4135,8 @@ msgstr "Genera ID messaggio"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Aggiungi un'intestazione definita dall'utente"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Modifica... "
@@ -4454,209 +4454,209 @@ msgstr "Elimina l'azione"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Eliminare questa azione?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Creazione della finestra delle preferenze comuni...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Preferenze comuni"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Cita"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Visualizzazione"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Messaggio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Mail spazzatura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Altro"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Usa un programma esterno per incorporare la posta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Comando"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Incorpora dallo spool locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtra quando incorpori"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "Percorso dello spool"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Controllo automatico nuova posta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "ogni"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minuto(i)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Controlla se c'竪 nuova posta all'avvio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Aggiorna tutte le cartelle locali dopo l'incorporazione"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Esegui il comando quando arrivano nuovi messaggi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "束%d損 sar sostituito con il numero dei nuovi messaggi."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Usa il programma esterno per l'invio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Salva i messaggi inviati nella cartella 束Inviata損"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr "Applica le regole del filtro nell'inviare i messaggi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Codifica usata in uscita"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatica (Raccomandata)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "ASCII a 7 bit (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Europa Occidentale (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Europa Occidentale (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Europa Centrale (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltico (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltico (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Greco (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Ebreo (ISO-8859-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Ebreo (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turco (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cirillico (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cirillico (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cirillico (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cirillico (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Giapponese (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Giapponese (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Giapponese (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Cinese semplificato (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Cinese semplificato (GBK)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Cinese tradizionale (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Cinese tradizionale (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Cinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Coreano (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Tailandese (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Tailandese (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
@@ -4664,11 +4664,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Selezionando 束Automatico損 verr usata la codifica ottimale per la localit "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Codifica di trasferimento"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4676,126 +4676,126 @@ msgstr ""
"Specificare il contenuto della codifica di trasferimento usata quando il "
"corpo del messaggio contiene dei caratteri non-ASCII."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Separatore della firma"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Inserisci automaticamente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Lancia automaticamente l'editor esterno"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Livello di annulla"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Vai a capo nei messaggi dopo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "caratteri"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "A capo nella citazione"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "A capo durante l'input"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "A capo prima dell'invio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Seleziona automaticamente l'account per le risposte"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Cita il messaggio quando rispondi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Il pulsante di risposta attiva la risposta alla mailing list"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Formato della risposta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Simbolo di citazione"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Formato di inoltro"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Descrizione dei simboli "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Carattere"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Cartella"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Mostra il numero dei messaggi non letti vicino al nome della cartella"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Mostra il numero dei messaggi non letti vicino al nome della cartella"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Accorcia i newsgroup pi湛 lunghi di"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "lettere"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Vista sommario"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Mostra il destinatario nella colonna 束Da損 se il mittente sei tu stesso"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Espandi i thread"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Formato della data"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Imposta le voci visibili nel sommario... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Abilita la colorazione del messaggio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4803,235 +4803,231 @@ msgstr ""
"Mostra l'alfabeto e il numero multy-byte come\n"
"carattere ASCII (solo Giapponese)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Mostra il riquadro intestazione sopra la vista messaggio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Mostra le intestazioni abbreviate nella vista messaggio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "Trasforma i messaggi HTML come testo."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Mostra il cursore nella vista messaggio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Spazio tra le righe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Scorrimento"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Mezza pagina"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Scorrimento uniforme"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Passo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Immagini"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Ridimensiona le immagini allegate per adattarle nella finestra"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Mostra immagini in linea"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Abilita il controllo della mail spazzatura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Comando di apprendimento:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr "Normale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Comando di classificazione"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Cartella spazzatura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr ""
"I messaggi impostati come mail spazzatura saranno spostati in questa "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtra in ricezione i messaggi classificati come spazzatura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
msgstr ""
-"I messaggi filtrati saranno spostati nella cartella spazzatura ed eliminati "
-"dal server."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Controlla automaticamente le firme"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Mostra il risultato del controllo della firma in una finestra di popup"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Conserva temporaneamente in memoria la phassphrase"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Scade dopo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minuto(i)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr "Impostando a 束0損 si conserver la passphrase per l'intera sessione"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Nascondi l'input durante l'inserimento della passphrase"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Mostra un avvertimento alla partenza se GnuPG non 竪 attivo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Apri sempre i messaggi nel sommario quando selezionati"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Apri il primo messaggio non letto quando entri in una cartella"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr ""
"Segna il messaggio come letto solo quando 竪 aperto in una nuova finestra"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Vai a 束In entrata損 dopo la ricezione di nuova posta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Esegui immediatamente quando sposti o elimini dei messaggi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"I messaggi verranno solo segnati fino all'esecuzione se questa 竪 inattiva."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Finestra di ricezione"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Mostra la finestra di ricezione"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Sempre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "Solo in ricezione manuale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Mai"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Non mostrare la finestra di popup alla ricezione di un errore"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Chiudi la finestra di ricezione quando finito"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr "Disposizione dei pulsanti conforme con lo GNOME HIG"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Impostazione delle associazioni dei tasti... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr ""
"Comandi esterni (gli %s verranno sostituiti con il nome del file / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Browser web"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Inbox predefinita"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Aggiungi l'indirizzo di destinazione con un doppio click"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "In uscita"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Chiedi la conferma all'uscita"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Svuota il cestino all'uscita"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Chiedi prima di svuotare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Avverti se ci sono messaggi accodati"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Abilita il controllo stretto dell'integrit delle cache del sommario"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
@@ -5041,151 +5037,151 @@ msgstr ""
"modificati da altre applicazioni.\n"
"Questa opzione degrader le prestazioni della visualizzazione del sommario."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "Timeout del socket I/O:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "secondo(i)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "il nome abbreviato del giorno della settimana"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "il nome completo del giorno della settimana"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "il nome abbreviato del mese"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "il nome completo del mese"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "la data e l'ora preferite per la localit attuale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "il numero del secolo (anno/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "il giorno del mese come numero decimale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "l'ora come numero decimale con l'orologio di 24 ore"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "l'ora come numero decimale con l'orologio di 12 ore"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "il giorno dell'anno come numero decimale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "il mese come numero decimale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "i minuti come numero decimale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM o PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "i secondi come numero decimale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "il giorno della settimana come numero decimale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "la data preferita per la localit attuale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "le ultime due cifre dell'anno"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "l'anno come numero decimale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "il fuso orario o l'abbreviazione"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Specificatore"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrizione"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Esempio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Impostazione dei colori del messaggio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Colori"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Testo citato - Primo livello"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Testo citato - Secondo livello"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Testo citato - Terzo livello"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "Link URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Ricicla i colori di citazione"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Scelta del colore per la citazione di livello 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Scelta del colore per la citazione di livello 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Scelta del colore per la citazione di livello 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Scelta del colore per l'URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Descrizione dei simboli"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5209,11 +5205,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Se 竪 impostato x, mostra expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5227,7 +5223,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Corpo del messaggio citato senza firma\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5239,20 +5235,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Parentesi graffa aperta\n"
"Parentesi graffa chiusa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Associazioni dei tasti"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Impostazione delle associazioni dei tasti... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predefinita"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Vecchio sylpheed"
@@ -5561,17 +5557,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Allegato"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Oggetto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Da"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
@@ -6312,20 +6308,20 @@ msgstr "Costruzione dei thread..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Senza thread..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtraggio..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtraggio..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "sono stati filtrati %d messaggi(o)."
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "No."
@@ -6384,6 +6380,13 @@ msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr "Avvertimento falsificazione.URL"
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "I messaggi filtrati saranno spostati nella cartella spazzatura ed "
+#~ "eliminati dal server."
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po
index 71a12f1b..24403644 100644
--- a/po/ja.po
+++ b/po/ja.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 1999-10-12\n"
"Last-Translator: Hiroyuki Yamamoto <hiro-y@kcn.ne.jp>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <ja@li.org>\n"
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ msgstr "%s 荀ゃ障\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "荐絎篆絖障\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "菴傑<若c"
@@ -625,12 +625,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "<ゃ≪若紊眼с障\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "%s 吾吾莨若帥紊掩障\n"
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ msgstr "≪激с潟若九"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "≪鴻≪劫験菴遵"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "≪"
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ msgstr "/(_D)"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "糸<若 ≪"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "≪劫験"
@@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@ msgstr "≪劫験紊"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "≪劫験紊"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "ゃ潟帥с若"
@@ -1203,11 +1203,11 @@ msgstr "掩≪"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "篋榊≪"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "羈"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "茘"
@@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
@@ -1539,65 +1539,65 @@ msgstr "綣膃後筝罩cс"
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "<祉若吾菴篆/荵∫後筝罩cс"
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "<ゃ %s 絖障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "<ゃ %s 泣ゃ冴緇с障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "<ゃ %s 腥冴с"
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "%s 茯粋昭障"
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "<祉若: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "若<祉若吾若緇с障"
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(篁九)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [贋]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 篏%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "絎絎障"
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "腥冴篁九"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "篁九腥冴с篆<障?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "篆≦鴻緇с障"
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1605,21 +1605,21 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "<祉若吾 %s 鴻筝若榊障"
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "<祉若吾篆≧ァ篆絖с障"
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "憜御ID `%s' 絲上泣荀ゃ障с"
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1630,11 +1630,11 @@ msgstr ""
"%s 障障篆<障?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "絖潟若紊"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1647,155 +1647,155 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "茵激狗"
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "ゃ<祉若吾ゃс障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "<祉若吾篆≦<ャ障...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "篆≦<荀ゃ障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "<祉若吾篆≦罘с障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "<祉若ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "<祉若娯c潟篏筝...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "綏坂査:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "PGP臀峨"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "PGP垸"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME 帥ゃ"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "泣ゃ"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "篆"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "<祉若吾篆"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "緇ч篆"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "篆≦<ャ緇ч篆"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "腮"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "腮帥篆絖"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "水"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "<ゃ水"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "羞私"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "<ゃ羞私"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "臀峨"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "臀峨水"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "c"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "紊c帥х隈"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "翫就"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "鴻激茵菴"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "≦鴻 MIME 帥ゃс"
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "<ゃ絖障腥冴с"
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "潟潟若c潟"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "<ゃ"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "紊c帥潟潟ゃ潟≦鴻с: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1806,71 +1806,71 @@ msgstr ""
"祉鴻違若ID: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "腟篋祉鴻違若ID: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "筝<ゃ: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Compose: h祉鴻ュ\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "紊c帥絎茵с障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "<ゃ吾莨若障\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "ゃ茯粋昭帥紊掩\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "<祉若吾篆≦罘с障"
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "<ゃ御"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "<ゃ御"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "<祉若吾篆絖"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "<祉若吾紊眼障腮帥篆絖障?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "篆絖(_W)"
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "潟若 `%s' 障?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "潟若"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "臀(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "水(_I)"
@@ -2054,7 +2054,7 @@ msgstr "JPilot潟膩"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2800,16 +2800,16 @@ msgstr "潟"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread glib c泣若障\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "篏睡羈: %s [激с]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [address] <祉若娯c潟"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2819,23 +2819,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 絎<ゃ羞私<祉若娯\n"
" c潟"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 亥<祉若吾篆<"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all ≪潟亥<祉若吾篆<"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 篆≦罘筝<祉若吾鴻篆<"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [folder]... <祉若吾膩違茵腓冴"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2843,28 +2843,28 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" 倶茵腓冴"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr " --configdir dirname 荐絎<ゃ主c絎"
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 違≪若"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 茵腓冴腟篋"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 若吾с恰宴阪腟篋"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "<ゃ潟潟若c潟"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2887,19 +2887,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "篏筝<祉若吾絖障綵腟篋障?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "篆≦罘筝<祉若"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "篆≦罘筝篆<<祉若吾障腟篋障?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2908,15 +2908,15 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP 泣若≦鴻с"
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "ャ Sylpheed с莎桁障\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "荐絎腱肢"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3501,7 +3501,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: 蚊蚊綵 %d 紊掩障\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "絎篋\n"
@@ -3622,7 +3622,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "篆≦罘筝<祉若吾篆<"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "篏"
@@ -3630,7 +3630,7 @@ msgstr "篏"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "域<祉若吾篏"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "菴篆"
@@ -3658,7 +3658,7 @@ msgstr "<祉若吾荵∫"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "<祉若吾ゃ"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr "菴傑<若"
@@ -3751,7 +3751,7 @@ msgstr "/若(_T)/綏坂査≪劫験菴遵(_K)"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "<祉若吾ャ若篏筝...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "鴻"
@@ -3776,7 +3776,7 @@ msgstr "<祉若吾篁ヤ潟潟у医激障:"
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "(√医激潟潟)"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "医"
@@ -3946,11 +3946,11 @@ msgstr "≪潟荐絎"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "≪潟<潟鴻c潟篏筝...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "篆"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "篋堺"
@@ -3958,7 +3958,7 @@ msgstr "篋堺"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "蕭綺荐絎"
@@ -4082,7 +4082,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "茯荐惹劫"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr ""
@@ -4118,8 +4118,8 @@ msgstr "<祉若ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "若九臂菴遵"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " 膩... "
@@ -4435,209 +4435,209 @@ msgstr "≪激с潟"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "綵≪激с潟ゃс?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "<潟鴻c潟篏筝...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "荐絎"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "綣"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "茵腓"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "<祉若"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "菴傑<若"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "篁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "<若篆<紊違篏睡"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "潟潟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "若鴻若莨若"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "莨惹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "鴻若"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "亥<若с"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr " "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "莎桁亥<若с"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "篆≦鴻若贋違"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "亥<祉若吾亥潟潟絎茵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "`%d' 亥<祉若御違х舟障"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "<若篆<紊違篏睡"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "篆<<祉若吾篆≧ァ篆絖"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr "篆<<祉若吾c帥若"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "篆<潟潟若c潟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "荐絎 (ィ絅)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "罨х嘘 (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "罨х嘘 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "筝罨 (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "茫後 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "茫後 (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "激h (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "よ (ISO-8859-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "よ (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "活 (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "絖 (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "絖 (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "絖 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "絖 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "ユ茯 (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "ユ茯 (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "ユ茯 (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "膂>絖筝処 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "膂>絖筝処 (GBK)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "膵篏絖筝処 (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "膵篏絖筝処 (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "筝処 (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "処 (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "帥よ (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "帥よ (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
@@ -4645,11 +4645,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "荵∫膃垸劫"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4657,352 +4657,349 @@ msgstr ""
"<祉若御 ASCII 絖篁ュ翫篏睡 Content-Transfer-"
"Encoding 絎"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "臀峨阪"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "水ャ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "紊c帥莎桁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "≪潟ャ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "<祉若吾茹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "絖ф壕"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "綣翫就"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "ュ翫就"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "篆≧翫就"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "菴篆≧≪潟御"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "菴篆≧<祉若吾綣"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "菴篆<帥潟с<若潟違鴻菴篆<"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "菴篆<後"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "綣膃"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "荵∫後"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " 荐垩茯 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "潟"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "ャ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "罔茯違茵腓冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "ャ若<祉若御違茵腓冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "絖違"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "絖激ャ若鴻違若膂∞ヨ;腓"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "泣ャ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "綏坂査翫 `綏坂査' 絎茵腓冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "鴻絮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "ヤ後"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " 泣茵腓咲荐絎... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "<祉若吾蚊鴻"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
msgstr "ゃ掩医 ASCII 絖ц;腓冴 (ユ茯)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "<祉若吾ャ若筝ゃ潟茵腓冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "<祉若吾ャ若膂∞ャ茵腓冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "HTML <祉若吾茹i鴻茵腓冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "<祉若吾ャ若若純茵腓冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "茵腥冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "祉"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "鴻若"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "若後篏"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "鴻若冴鴻若"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr "糸"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "紊с羞私糸c潟泣ゃ冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "糸ゃ潟ゃ潟ц;腓冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "菴傑<若絲丞鴻"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "絖膺潟潟:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr "菴傑<若"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "ゅ潟潟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "菴傑<若"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "菴傑<若絎<祉若吾腱糸障"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "篆≧菴傑<若ゅ<祉若吾"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr ""
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr "篆≧菴傑<若泣若ゃ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "臀峨罎荐若"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "臀峨罎荐主≪c潟ц;腓冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "鴻若冴<≪筝筝荐吟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "号"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr "'0' 荐絎祉激с潟筝鴻若冴荐吟障"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "鴻若冴ュュ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "GnuPG 篏翫莎桁茘茵腓冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "泣с<祉若吾御絽吾"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "ャc茯<祉若吾"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "域c潟ч帥<祉若吾∵若"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "亥<若篆<緇篆∞宴腱糸"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "<祉若吾腱糸障ゃ喝婚絎茵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "篆<ゃ≪"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "篆<ゃ≪違"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "絽吾茵腓"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "у篆<翫粋;腓"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "茵腓冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "篆<惹若ゃ≪違≪"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "絎篋篆<ゃ≪違"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr "帥潟臀GNOME HIG羣"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " 若ゃ潟荐絎... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "紊潟潟 (%s <ゃURIх舟障)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Web"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "(√)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "≪鴻絎菴遵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "腟篋"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "腟篋腆肴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "腟篋睡宴腥冴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "腥冴絨"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "篆≦罘筝<祉若吾域"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "泣c激ャ翫сウ絲с"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
@@ -5012,151 +5009,151 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "純宴 I/O 帥ゃ≪:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "腱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "ャュ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "ャ絎"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "ュ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "絎"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "憜医筝ヤ祉茵荐"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "筝膣(茱炊綛眼筝2罅)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "(10我域;荐)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "24荐с"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "12荐с"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "綛眼膊ユ(10我域;荐)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "(10我域;荐)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "(10我域;荐)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "障緇"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "腱(10我域;荐)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "宴篏ャ(10我域;荐)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "憜医筝ヤ茵荐"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "茱炊筝2罅(筝膣障綛)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "(4罅)茱炊綛"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "帥ゃ障若潟障障若喝障ュ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "絎絖"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "茯"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "箴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "<祉若吾蚊絎"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "綣 - 1罧級"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "綣 - 2罧級"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "綣 - 3罧級"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI 潟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "綣蚊緇"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "綣1蚊御"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "綣2蚊御"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "綣3蚊御"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "URI 蚊御"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "荐垩茯"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5180,11 +5177,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "x絎expr茵腓"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5198,7 +5195,7 @@ msgstr ""
"絖 %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5210,19 +5207,19 @@ msgstr ""
"絖 筝綣\n"
"絖 筝綣"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "若ゃ潟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " 若ゃ潟祉御"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "罔羣"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Sylpheed"
@@ -5530,17 +5527,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "羞私"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "篁九"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "綏坂査"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ヤ"
@@ -6271,20 +6268,20 @@ msgstr "鴻罕膀筝..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "鴻茹iや賢..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "筝..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "筝..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d <祉若吾障"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/ko.po b/po/ko.po
index 4c2b6bc8..a8fc53c5 100644
--- a/po/ko.po
+++ b/po/ko.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 0.8.6\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-12-02 11:09+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Nam SungHyun <namsh@kldp.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean <gnome-kr-translation@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr "%s 覦蟆\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "れ ル給.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "启"
@@ -630,12 +630,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr " 覈襯 覦蠖螳 給\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "%s襦 郁鍵螳 ろ給.\n"
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ msgstr ""
"覦朱る `G' 貉 襯 語."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "譯殊襦 豢螳"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "譯殊"
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ msgstr "/(_D)"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "企 譯殊"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "譯殊襦"
@@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@ msgstr "譯殊襦 覲 "
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "譯殊襦 覲"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "誤壱伎"
@@ -1192,11 +1192,11 @@ msgstr "螻旧 譯殊襦"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "螳 譯殊襦"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "襴"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "蟆所"
@@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@ msgstr "螳"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
@@ -1562,66 +1562,66 @@ msgstr "語 覿 ."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "覃讌 / ."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "%s殊 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "%s 蠍磯ゼ 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "%s 殊 觜 殊."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "%s襯 曙 螳 給."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "覃讌: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "multipart 覃讌 覿覿 詞 螳 給."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(覈 )"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " []"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 覃讌 ク讌%s "
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "覦 讌讌給"
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "覈"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "覈 觜給. 蠏碁 覲企手?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "覦 覈襦 詞 螳 給"
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1629,21 +1629,21 @@ msgstr ""
"覃殊 覲企願鍵 螻 讌伎讌給.\n"
"覲企願鍵 覃 螻 語."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "%s襦 覃讌襯 覲企企 譴 螳 覦給."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲企 ク讌 ロ 螳 給"
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr " ID `%s' 郁屋 企 る 谿場 給."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1653,12 +1653,12 @@ msgstr ""
"覃讌 覓語 覲蟆渚 螳 給.\n"
"蠏碁 覲企手?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "譯殊襦 覲 "
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1667,158 +1667,158 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "る 覃讌襯 蟇壱 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲願...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr " 启襯 谿場 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲願 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "焔 Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "ク讌谿曙 燕...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "覲企 :"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/蟲(_T)/(_n)"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/覃讌(_M)/誤(_E)"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "襷 "
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "蠍"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "覃 覦"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "覃讌 覲企願鍵"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "譴 覲企願鍵"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "覲企 ク讌 l伎 譴 覲企願鍵"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr " 覲願"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr " 覲願 j鍵"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "曙"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "殊 曙"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "豌覿"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr " 豌覿"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "覈"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "覈 殊 殊l給"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "ク讌蠍"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "碁 ク讌蠍磯 ク讌"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "譴覦蠖"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "蠍 譴 譴覦蠖 "
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "覦襯伎 襷 ."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "殊 蟇磯 觜給."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "轟"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "語"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "蟆暑"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr " 企"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "碁 ク讌蠍 覈轟願 覦襯伎給: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1829,75 +1829,75 @@ msgstr ""
" 襦語るゼ 螳襦 譬襭蟾?\n"
"襦語 蠏碁9 企: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "襦語 蠏碁9 id: %d襯 譬襭"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr " : %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "ク讌: 覈磯 襦語る覿 レ 給\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "碁 ク讌蠍磯ゼ ろ 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "朱 螳 給\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "危 所鍵 ろ\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲願 l螳 給."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr " "
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr " "
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "覃讌 覲企願鍵"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr " 覃讌 給. 覲蟆曙 覯襴願?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "`%s' 襴酔 蟾?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "襴酔 ."
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "豌"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "曙"
@@ -2082,7 +2082,7 @@ msgstr "JPilot 覈 ク讌"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2829,16 +2829,16 @@ msgstr "襦貊 襦蠏"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread螳 glib 讌讌給.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "覯: %s [旧]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [譯殊] ク讌 谿曙 暑"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2848,53 +2848,53 @@ msgstr ""
" 讌 殊 豌覿伎 ク讌 谿\n"
" attached"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 覃讌襯 覦給"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all 覈 螻 覃讌襯 覦給"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 覈 覃讌襯 覲企"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status 豐 覃讌 螳襯 れ"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status 豐 覃讌 螳襯 れ"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 覯蟾 覈"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 襷 螻 襷豺"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 覯覯 覲 豢ロ螻 譬襭"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "覲企企 覃殊 覓語"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2908,19 +2908,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "覃讌襯 ク讌 谿曙 給. 襷 伎蟆給蟾?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "覲企伎讌 覃讌螳 給. 讌蠍 譬襭蟾?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2929,16 +2929,16 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP 讌蠍磯レ ."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "るジ Sylpheed螳 企 ろ螻 給.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr " れ ...\n"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3550,7 +3550,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "覃 谿: %d ろ\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "襷豺.\n"
@@ -3678,7 +3678,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr " 覲願 覃讌襯 覲企"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr ""
@@ -3686,7 +3686,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr " 覃讌襯 燕"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr ""
@@ -3714,7 +3714,7 @@ msgstr "覃讌襯 るジ 蟆 "
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "覃讌襯 讌"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3808,7 +3808,7 @@ msgstr "/蟲(_T)/譯殊襦 覲企語 豢螳(_k)"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "覃讌 觀磯ゼ 燕...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "ろ"
@@ -3834,7 +3834,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "ろ"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "語"
@@ -4004,11 +4004,11 @@ msgstr "螻 蠍磯蓋 れ"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "螻 れ 谿曙 燕...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "覦蠍"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "殊企"
@@ -4016,7 +4016,7 @@ msgstr "殊企"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "螻蠍"
@@ -4144,7 +4144,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "語 覦覯"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr ""
@@ -4184,8 +4184,8 @@ msgstr "Message-ID "
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr " る 豢螳"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " ク讌..."
@@ -4482,217 +4482,217 @@ msgstr " "
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "襷襦 蟆給蟾?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "朱 れ 谿曙 燕...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "朱 れ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "語"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "覲願鍵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "覲碁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "启"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "蠍壱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "豌伎 碁 襦蠏碁 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "覈轟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "spool襦覿 豌"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "豌伎 磯"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr " ク讌襯 蟆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
#, fuzzy
msgid "every"
msgstr "覲伎伎 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "覿"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr " ク讌襯 蟆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "覲 覈 讌 启 螳煙"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "覃讌襯 企蟇磯 讌碁 讀 ろ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr " 覃讌 螳襯 視 譴 (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "覦′ 碁 襦蠏碁 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "覲企 覃讌襯 '覲企 ク讌' "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "覲企企 覃殊 覓語"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr " (豢豌)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ろ (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "貊 (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "覿 (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "覿 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "譴覿 (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "蠏碁Μ (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "蠏碁Μ (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "壱 (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "朱蓋 (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "朱蓋 (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "朱蓋 (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "譴蟲 (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "蟲 (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4701,139 +4701,139 @@ msgstr ""
"`' 覃, 襦貅殊 襷 豕\n"
"語 覦 ."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "覲企願鍵 譴 覦蠖"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "覈 覿襴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "讌朱 曙"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "朱 碁 ク讌蠍 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "譴 覦蠖 at"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "蠍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "語 譴 覦蠖"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "蠍 譴 譴覦蠖 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "覲企願鍵 譴 覦蠖"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "朱 螻 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr " 覃讌襯 語"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr " 覯殊 覃朱襴ろ語 朱 "
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr " "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "語 覿"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr " "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " 覿 る "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "蠍蠎"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "启"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "启企 曙 覃讌 襯 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "启企 曙 覃讌 襯 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
#, fuzzy
msgid "letters"
msgstr ""
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr " 覲願鍵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "覲企 覲語語 蟆曙 覲企 豺語 覦 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "磯 エ蠍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "讌 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr "曙 覈 れ... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "覃讌 伎 覲伎譯手鍵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4841,397 +4841,394 @@ msgstr ""
"れ覦危 覯滑骸 襯 ASCII 覓語襦\n"
" (朱蓋伎 蟆曙一襷)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "覃讌 覲願鍵 る 谿 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲朱 螳 る襷 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "覃讌襯 覲朱 螳 る襷 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "譴 螳蟆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "曙"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "ろ襦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "覦 伎"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "覿 ろ襦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "豌覿 企語 蠍 譟一"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr " る れ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "启"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "ろ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "ろ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "启"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(磯 讌 覃讌 启 ル 蟆)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "覦 覃讌襯 磯"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(磯 讌 覃讌 启 ル 蟆)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "朱 覈 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr " 谿曙 覈 蟆郁骸 覲伎願鍵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "觜覦覯碁ゼ 覃覈襴 覲願"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "譴 覲企願鍵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "覿 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "passphrase襯 ロ Grab input"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "GnuPG螳 讌 蟆曙 蟆所 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "企 覃讌 朱 讌 給."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "启 れ願覃 豌覯讌 曙 覃讌 願鍵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr " 谿曙 企語 蟆曙一襷 覃讌襯 曙 蟆朱 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr " ク讌襯 覦 覦 ク讌朱 螳蠍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "覃讌襯 企蟇磯 讌碁 讀 ろ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(願 蟶殊語 蟆曙 覃讌 ろ蟾讌\n"
"讌 襷 蟆)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "覦蠍 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "覦蠍 覲願鍵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "覲伎伎 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "覦蠍 覦 覲伎伎 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr " 覦蠍 蠍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " 覦碁 れ... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "碁 覈 (%s 企 / URI襦 豌企)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr " 蠍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "蠍磯蓋 壱ク"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "觚企Ν 譯殊 豢螳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "朱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr " "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "朱 讌 ク讌 觜郁鍵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "讌 ク讌 觜碁 誤蠍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr " 覃讌螳 蟆所"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr " 貂 (%s)襯 ..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr " 襦貅殊 麹 讌 螳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr " (/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
#, fuzzy
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr " 襦貅殊 麹 讌 螳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr " "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "る"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "覃讌 れ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "語覓 - 豌覯讌 螻"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "語覓 - 覯讌 螻"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "語覓 - 碁讌 螻"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI 襷"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "語 覦覲"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "豌覯讌 螻 語覓 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "覯讌 螻 語覓 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "碁讌 螻 語覓 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "URI "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "覿 る"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5255,11 +5252,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5268,7 +5265,7 @@ msgid ""
"Literal %"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5276,20 +5273,20 @@ msgid ""
"Literal closing curly brace"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr " 覦碁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " 覦碁 れ... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "蠍磯蓋"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr " Sylpheed"
@@ -5623,17 +5620,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "豌覿"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "覈"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "覲企 "
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "讌"
@@ -6365,20 +6362,20 @@ msgstr "磯襯 襷..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "磯襯 焔..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "磯..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "磯..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "覃讌 %d 企 貂給.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "覯"
@@ -6438,6 +6435,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(磯 讌 覃讌 启 ル 蟆)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/lt.po b/po/lt.po
index 2c2cb8e8..f579c378 100644
--- a/po/lt.po
+++ b/po/lt.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-06-09 13:51+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Vitalijus Valantiejus <vitalijus@users.sf.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian <komp_lt@konferencijos.lt>\n"
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ msgstr "Rasta %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Nustatymai i邸saugoti.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Nereikalingo pa邸to filtras"
@@ -626,12 +626,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "negaliu pakeisti bylos r転imo\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "nepavyko 眺ra邸yti 眺 %s.\n"
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ msgstr ""
"skulpelyje G jei norite gauti 転inutes pasirink Gauti visus."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ msgstr "Vartotojo veiksmo argumentas"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "町dti adres 眺 knyg"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresas"
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ msgstr "/_I邸trinti"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "El. pa邸to adresas"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Adres迭 knyga"
@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ msgstr "Adres迭 knygos konvertavimo klaida"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Adres迭 knygos konvertavimas"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Ssaja"
@@ -1200,11 +1200,11 @@ msgstr "Bendras adresas"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Asmeninis adresas"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Prane邸imas"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "町spjimas"
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ msgstr "Ruda"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nieko"
@@ -1536,65 +1536,65 @@ msgstr "Formato klaida."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Atsakymo/persiuntimo formato klaida."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Byla %s neegzistuoja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Negaliu gauti bylos %s dyd転io\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Byla %s yra tu邸ia"
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Negaliu perskaityti %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "貼inut: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Negaliu gauti sudtins 転inuts dalies"
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Nra temos)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Redaguota]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Ra邸yti lai邸k%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nenurodytas gavjas."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Nra temos"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Nenurodyta lai邸ko tema (subject). Si迭sti?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "Negaliu gauti gavj迭 sra邸o."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1602,21 +1602,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Nenurodyta sskaita pa邸to siuntimui.\n"
"Prie邸 si迭sdami pa転ymkit norim sskait."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Klaida siuniant 転inut %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Negaliu i邸saugoti 転inuts outbox."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Nerandu rakto susieto su pasirinktu rakto ID %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1627,11 +1627,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Ar si迭sti kaip %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Kodo konvertavimo klaida"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1644,155 +1644,155 @@ msgstr ""
"Ar tikrai norite j i邸si迭sti?"
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Eiluts ilgio limitas"
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "Negaliu pa邸alinti senos 転inuts\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "貼inut dedama 眺 eil\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "Negaliu rasti eils (queue) katalogo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "Negaliu 眺dti 転inuts 眺 eil\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "sugeneruotas Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Sukuriamas lai邸ko k笛rimo langas...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Nuo:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "PGP para邸as"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "PGP 邸ifravimas"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME tipas"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Dydis"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Si迭sti"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Si迭sti 転inut"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Si迭sti vliau"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "町dti 眺 eil ir si迭sti vliau"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Juodra邸tis"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "I邸saugoti 眺 juodra邸i迭 katalog"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "町terpti"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "町terpti byl"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Prisegti"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Prisegti byl"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Para邸as"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "町terpti para邸"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Redaktorius"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Naudoti i邸orin眺 redaktori迭"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Eilui迭 lau転ymas"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Lau転yti ilgas eilutes"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Neteisingas MIME tipas"
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Byla neegzistuoja arba yra tu邸ia."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Savybs"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Koduot"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Kelias"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Bylos vardas"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Neteisinga i邸orinio redaktoriaus komanda: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1803,71 +1803,71 @@ msgstr ""
"Nutraukti proces?\n"
"proceso grups id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Nutraukto proceso grups id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Laikina byla: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Ra邸ymas: 眺vestis i邸 pri転i笛rimo proceso\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Negaliu paleisti i邸orinio redaktoriaus\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Negaliu ra邸yti 眺 byl\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Pipe skaitymas nepavyko\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Negaliu 眺dti 転inuts 眺 eil."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "貼ymti bylas"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "貼ymti byl"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "I邸saugoti 転inut"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "貼inut buvo redaguota. Saugoti Juodra邸iuose?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "U転daryti _nei邸saugant"
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Ar norite naudoti 邸ablon %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Naudoti 邸ablon"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Pakeisti"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "町terpt_i"
@@ -2051,7 +2051,7 @@ msgstr "Redaguoti JPilot 眺ra邸"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2800,16 +2800,16 @@ msgstr "Protokolo logas"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "glib nepalaiko g_thread.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Naudojimas: %s [PARAMETRAI]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [address] atverti ra邸ymo lang"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2819,23 +2819,23 @@ msgstr ""
" atverti ra邸ymo lang su prisegtomis\n"
" nurodytomis bylomis"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive gauti naujas 転inutes"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all gauti naujas 転inutes i邸 vis迭 sskait迭"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send si迭sti 転inutes eilje"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [katalogas]... rodyti bendr 転inui迭 skaii迭"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2843,28 +2843,28 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [katalogas]...\n"
" rodyti kiekvieno katalogo b笛sen"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug derinimo r転imas"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help rodyti 邸i pagalb ir baigti"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version i邸vesti versij ir baigti"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Byl迭 vard迭 koduot"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2888,19 +2888,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Ra邸oma 転inut. Tikrai i邸eiti?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "貼inuts eilje"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Eilje yra nei邸si迭st迭 転inui迭. I邸eiti dabar?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2909,15 +2909,15 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP palaikymas i邸jungtas."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Sylpheed jau paleistas.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Konfig笛racijos atnaujinimas"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3501,7 +3501,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: nepavyko spalvos priskyrimas %d\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "atlikta.\n"
@@ -3625,7 +3625,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Si迭sti lai邸kus eilje"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Ra邸yti"
@@ -3633,7 +3633,7 @@ msgstr "Ra邸yti"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Ra邸yti nauj lai邸k"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Atsakyti"
@@ -3661,7 +3661,7 @@ msgstr "Persi迭sti lai邸k"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "I邸trinti lai邸k"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr "Nereikalingas"
@@ -3754,7 +3754,7 @@ msgstr "/町_rankiai/町ra邸yti siuntj 眺 adres迭 _knyg"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Sukuriama 転inuts per転i笛ra...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekstas"
@@ -3780,7 +3780,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Mokymosi komanda"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Spausdinti"
@@ -3948,11 +3948,11 @@ msgstr "Sskaitos nustatymai"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Sukuriamas sskaitos nustatym迭 langas...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Gauti"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privatumas"
@@ -3960,7 +3960,7 @@ msgstr "Privatumas"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Papildomi"
@@ -4084,7 +4084,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Autenti邸kumo patikrinimo metodas"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatinis"
@@ -4120,8 +4120,8 @@ msgstr "Generuoti Message-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Pridti vartotojo nustatytas antra邸tes"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Redaguoti... "
@@ -4438,209 +4438,209 @@ msgstr "I邸trinti veiksm"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Ar tikrai norite i邸trinti 邸眺 veiksm?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Sukuriamas bendr迭 nustatym迭 langas...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Bendri nustatymai"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Cituoti"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Vaizdas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "貼inut"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Nereikalingas pa邸tas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Kiti"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Naudoti i邸orin program sujungimui"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Komanda"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Prijungti i邸 vietinio kaupo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtruoti prijungiant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "Kelias iki kaupo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Automati邸kai tikrinti pa邸t"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "kas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minut(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Tikrinti pa邸t paleid転iant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Atnaujinti visus vietinius katalogus po prijungimo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Vykdyti komand kai gautos naujos 転inuts"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "%d bus pakeistas nauj迭 転inui迭 skaiiumi."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Naudoti i邸orin program siuntimui"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "I邸saugoti i邸si迭stas 転inutes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr "Filtruoti i邸si迭stas 転inutes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Siuniam迭 lai邸k迭 koduot"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automati邸kai (Rekomenduojama)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unikodas (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Vakar迭 Europos (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Vakar迭 Europos (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Centrins Europos (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Balt迭 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Balt迭 (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Graik迭 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Hebraj迭 (ISO-8859-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Hebraj迭 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turk迭 (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Kirilica (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Kirilica (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Kirilica (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Kirilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japon迭 (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japon迭 (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japon迭 (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Supaprastinta Kin迭 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Supaprastinta Kin迭 (GBK)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Tradicin Kin迭 (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Tradicin Kin迭 (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Kin迭 (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Korjiei迭 (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Tailandiei迭 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Tailandiei迭 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
@@ -4648,11 +4648,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Jei pa転ymta Automati邸kai, bus naudojama optimali koduot pagal esam "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Siuntimo kodavimas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4660,126 +4660,126 @@ msgstr ""
"Nurodykite siuntimo kodavim (Content-Transfer-Encoding) naudojam jei "
"lai邸ke yra ne ASCII simboli迭."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Para邸o skirtukas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "町terpti automati邸kai"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Automati邸kai paleisti i邸orin眺 redaktori迭"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "At邸aukimo lygis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Lau転yti eilutes kas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "simboliai"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Lau転yti citatas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Lau転yti 眺vedant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Lau転yti prie邸 i邸siuniant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Automati邸kai pa転ymti sskait atsakymams"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Cituoti 転inutes atsakant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Mygtukas Atsakyti atsako pa邸to konferencijai"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Atsakymo formatas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Citavimo simbolis"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Persiuntimo formatas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Simboli迭 paai邸kinimas "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "riftas"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Katalogas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Rodyti neskaityt迭 転inui迭 skaii迭 邸alia katalogo pavadinimo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Rodyti neskaityt迭 転inui迭 skaii迭 邸alia katalogo pavadinimo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Sutrumpinti naujien迭 grupes ilgesnes nei"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "raids"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Santrauka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Rodyti gavj lauke Siuntjas, jei siuntjas esate J笛s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "I邸skleisti gijas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Datos formatas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Nustatyti santraukoje rodomus laukus... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Spalvinti 転inutes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4787,230 +4787,226 @@ msgstr ""
"Rodyti keli迭 bait迭 abcl kaip ASCII simbolius\n"
"(tik Japon迭)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Rodyti antra邸i迭 langel眺 vir邸 転inuts"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Rodyti sutrumpintas antra邸tes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "Rodyti HTML 転inutes kaip tekst"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Rodyti kursori迭 転inutje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Tarpas tarp eilui迭:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "ta邸kas(-ai)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Slinkti"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Pus puslapio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Lygus slinkimas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "貼ingsnis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Paveikslliai"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Keisti prisegt迭 paveikslli迭 dyd眺, kad tilpt迭 眺 lang"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Rodyti paveiksllius 転inutje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "町jungti nereikalingo pa邸to kontrol"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Mokymosi komanda"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr "Reikalingas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Klasifikavimo komanda"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Nereikalingi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "貼inuts, pa転ymtos nereikalingomis, bus perkeltos 眺 邸眺 katalog."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Gaunant filtruoti 転inutes klasifikuotas kaip nereikalingas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
msgstr ""
-"Filtruotos 転inuts bus perkeltos 眺 nereikaling迭 転inui迭 katalog ir "
-"i邸trintos i邸 serverio."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Automati邸kai tikrinti para邸"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Rodyti para邸o tikrinimo rezultat naujame lange"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Laikinai saugoti slapt fraz atmintyje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Galiojimas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minut(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr "Nustatymas 0 saugos slapt fraz atmintyje visos sesijos metu."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Perimti 眺vesti, kai 眺vedama slapta fraz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Rodyti perspjim startuojant, jei GnuPG neveikia"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Visuomet atidaryti santraukoje pasirinktas 転inutes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Atidaryti pirm neskaityt 転inut 眺einant 眺 katalog"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Pa転ymti 転inut skaityta tik jei ji atidaroma naujame lange"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Eiti 眺 gaunam迭 lai邸k迭 katalog po pa邸to gavimo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Nedelsiant vykdyti 転inui迭 perklim ar trinim"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr "Jei i邸jungta, 転inuts bus pa転ymtos iki vykdymo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Gavimo langas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Rodyti gavimo lang"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Visuomet"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "Tik kai gaunama rankiniu b笛du"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Niekada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Nerodyti klaidos lango po neskmingo gavimo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "U転verti lang baigus gavim"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr "I邸dstyti mygtukus pagal GNOME HIG"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Klavi邸迭 susiejimai... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "I邸orin komanda (%s bus pakeista bylos vardu / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Nar邸ykl"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Gaunam迭 lai邸k迭 d転ut"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "町dti adresus 眺 paskirties katalog dukart spragteljus"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "I邸einant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Patvirtinti i邸jim"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "I邸valyti 邸iuk邸lin i邸einant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Paklausti prie邸 i邸valant"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Perspti jei yra 転inui迭 eilje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "町jungti grie転t santraukos laikinosios atminties vientisumo tikrinim"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
@@ -5019,151 +5015,151 @@ msgstr ""
"町junkite, jei katalog迭 turinys gali b笛ti modifikuotas kit迭 program迭.\n"
"is pasirinkimas suma転ins santraukos rodymo greit眺."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "Prisijungimo skirtasis laikas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "sekund(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "sutrumpinta savaits diena"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "pilna savaits diena"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "sutrumpintas mnuo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "pilnas mnuo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "pageidaujama data ir laikas esamai lokalei"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "am転ius (metai/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "mnesio diena"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "valanda (24)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "valanda (12)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "met迭 diena"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "mnesio numeris"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "minuts"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM / PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "sekunds"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "savaits dienos numeris"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "pageidaujama data esamai lokalei"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "paskutiniai du met迭 skaitmenys"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "metai"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "laiko zona"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Simbolis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Apra邸ymas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Pavyzdys"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Nustatyti 転inuts spalvas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Spalvos"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Cituojams tekstas - Pirmas lygis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Cituojams tekstas - Antras lygis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Cituojams tekstas - Treias lygis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "Nuoroda"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Atkurti citatos spalvas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Pasirinkite spalv pirmam citatos lygiui"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Pasirinkite spalv antram citatos lygiui"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Pasirinkite spalv treiam citatos lygiui"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Pasirinkite nuorodos spalv"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Simboli迭 apib笛dinimas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5187,11 +5183,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Naujien迭 grup\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Jei egzistuoja x, rodo expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5205,7 +5201,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Cituojamas tekstas be para邸o\n"
"Simbolis %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5217,20 +5213,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Atidarantys riestiniai skliaustai\n"
"U転darantys riestiniai skliaustai"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Klavi邸迭 susiejimai"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Klavi邸迭 susiejimai... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "町prastas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Senas Sylpheed"
@@ -5539,17 +5535,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Priedas"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Tema"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Siuntjas"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
@@ -6287,20 +6283,20 @@ msgstr "Statomos gijos..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Griaunamos gijos..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtruojama..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtruojama..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "Filtruota 転inui迭: %d"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Nr."
@@ -6359,6 +6355,13 @@ msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr "Perspjimas dl netikro URL"
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Filtruotos 転inuts bus perkeltos 眺 nereikaling迭 転inui迭 katalog ir "
+#~ "i邸trintos i邸 serverio."
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po
index 2d5aca03..b301c707 100644
--- a/po/nl.po
+++ b/po/nl.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 0.8\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-02-18 13:03--100\n"
"Last-Translator: Vincent van Adrighem <V.vanAdrighem@dirck.mine.nu>\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch <vertaling@nl.linux.rg>\n"
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ msgstr "%s gevonden\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Configuratie is opgeslagen.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Accounts"
@@ -635,12 +635,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "kan de bestandmodus niet veranderen\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "schrijven naar %s is mislukt.\n"
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ msgstr ""
"u op de knop 'Alles ophalen' klikt."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Adres toevoegen aan adresboek"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres"
@@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ msgstr "/Ver_wijderen"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "E-mail adres"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Adresboek"
@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ msgstr "Adresboek omzetprobleem"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Adresboek Omzetting"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interface"
@@ -1218,11 +1218,11 @@ msgstr "Algemene adressen"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Persoonlijke adressen"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Bericht"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Waarschuwing"
@@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ msgstr "Bruin"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Geen"
@@ -1587,66 +1587,66 @@ msgstr "Citeerteken opmaakfout."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Bericht beantwoorden/doorsturen opmaakfout."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Bestand %s bestaat niet\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Kan de bestandsgrootte niet bepalen van %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Bestand %s is leeg"
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Kan %s niet inlezen."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Bericht: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ik kan het deel van een meerdelig bericht niet ophalen."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Geen onderwerp)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Aangepast]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - bericht opstellen%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Ontvanger is niet gespecificeerd."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Onderwerp"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "U heeft geen onderwerp ingevuld. Toch versturen?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "Kan geen ontvangerlijst opvragen."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1654,21 +1654,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Account voor het verzenden van email is niet gespecificeerd.\n"
"Selecteer een account voordat u verzend."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het versturen van het bericht naar %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Het bericht kan niet opgeslagen worden in de outbox."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Kon gee bijpassende sleutel vinden voor geselecteerde sleutel-id `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1679,12 +1679,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s naar %s.\n"
"Toch versturen?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Adresboek omzetprobleem"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1693,157 +1693,157 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "kan het oude bericht niet verwijderen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "bericht wordt in de wachtrij geplaatst...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "kan de Wachtrij-map niet vinden\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "kan het bericht niet in de wachtrij plaatsen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "gegenereerd bericht-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Venster \"Bericht opstellen\" wordt aangemaakt...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Afzender:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_Gereedschap/A_cties"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/Be_richt/Codeer"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME type"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Grootte"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Verzenden"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Verzend bericht"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Wachtrij"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "In de wachtrij plaatsen en later verzenden"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Klad"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Opslaan als klad"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Invoegen"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Bestand invoegen"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Bijvoegen"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Bestand bijvoegen"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Tekenen"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Handtekening (signature) invoegen"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Bewerken met ander (extern) programma"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Terugloop"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Lange regels op meerdere regels zetten"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Ongeldig MIME type."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Bestand bestaat niet of is leeg."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Eigenschappen"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codering"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Pad"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Bestandsnaam"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "De ingegeven opdracht voor de externe editor is onjuist: '%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1854,75 +1854,75 @@ msgstr ""
"Zal ik het programma afbreken?\n"
"procesgroep id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Programma (id: %d) afgebroken."
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Tijdelijk bestand: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Opstellen: invoer van \"monitoring process\"\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Kon het externe programma voor bewerken van e-mail niet aanroepen\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Kon niet naar bestand schrijven\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Inlezen van pijp mislukt\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Kan bericht niet in de wachtrij plaatsen."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Selecteer bestand"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Selecteer bestand"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Verzend bericht"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Dit bericht is aangepast. weggooien?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Wilt u het sjabloon '%s' toepassen?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Sjabloon toepassen"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Vervangen"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Invoegen"
@@ -2108,7 +2108,7 @@ msgstr "Bewerk JPilot veld"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr "Bladeren..."
@@ -2858,16 +2858,16 @@ msgstr "Protocol-logboek"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread is niet ondersteunt door glib\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Gebruik: %s [OPTIES]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adres] open venster \"Bericht opstellen\""
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2877,53 +2877,53 @@ msgstr ""
" venster 'bericht opstellen' openen met de\n"
" gespacificeerde bestanden als bijvoegingen"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive haal nieuwe berichten op"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all Berichten ophalen van alle accounts"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send verstuur alle berichten uit de wachtrij"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status\t\t\ttotaal aantal berichten weergeven"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status\t\t\ttotaal aantal berichten weergeven"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug debug modus"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help geef deze hulp weer"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version\t\tgeef versie informatie en sluit af"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Codering voor uitgaande berichten"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2937,21 +2937,21 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr ""
"U bent een bericht aan het opstellen.\n"
"Wilt u werkelijk het programma afsluiten?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Berichten zijn in de wachtrij gezet"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Er staan nog berichten in de wachtrij. Toch afsluiten?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2960,16 +2960,16 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP ondersteuning wordt uitgeschakeld."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "er draait al een Sylpheed.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Bezig met wegschrijven van configuratie van acties...\n"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3580,7 +3580,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "HoofdVenster: kleur %d kon niet gealloceerd worden\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "klaar.\n"
@@ -3709,7 +3709,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Verzend berichten uit de wachtrij"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Opstellen"
@@ -3717,7 +3717,7 @@ msgstr "Opstellen"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Nieuw bericht opstellen"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Antwoord"
@@ -3745,7 +3745,7 @@ msgstr "Stuur dit bericht door"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Verwijder dit bericht"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3839,7 +3839,7 @@ msgstr "/_Gereedschap/Af_zender toevoegen aan adresboek"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Berichtview wordt gemaakt...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
@@ -3865,7 +3865,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Uitvoeren"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Afdrukken"
@@ -4034,11 +4034,11 @@ msgstr "Accountvoorkeuren"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Venster accountvoorkeuren wordt geopend...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Ontvangen"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privacy"
@@ -4046,7 +4046,7 @@ msgstr "Privacy"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Geavanceerd"
@@ -4172,7 +4172,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Identificatiemethode"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatisch"
@@ -4212,8 +4212,8 @@ msgstr "Bericht-ID aanmaken"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Voeg een door de gebruiker gespecificeerde header toe"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr "Bewerken"
@@ -4530,216 +4530,216 @@ msgstr "Actie verwijderen"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Wilt u werkelijk deze actie verwijderen?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Venster algemene voorkeuren wordt aangemaakt...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Algemene voorkeuren"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Citaat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Beeld"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Bericht"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Accounts"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Diversen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Extern programma gebruiken voor verwerking van de e-mail"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Opdracht"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Lokale e-mail beheren"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filteren bij het ophalen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Kijk "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "iedere"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minuten of er nieuwe e-mail is."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Kijk bij opstarten of er nieuwe e-mail is"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Ververs alle lokale mappen na de verwerking"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Meteen uitvoeren wanneer een bericht verplaatst of verwijderd wordt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Opvragen van het aantal nieuwe berichten (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Extern programma gebruiken voor het verzenden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Verzonden berichten opslaan in de outbox"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Codering voor uitgaande berichten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatisch (aanbevolen)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Westeuropees (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Westeuropees (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Centraaleuropees (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltisch (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltisch (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Grieks (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Grieks (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Cyrillisch (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turks (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cyrillisch (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cyrillisch (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cyrillisch (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cyrillisch (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japans (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japans (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japans (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Vereenvoudigd Chinees (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Vereenvoudigd Chinees (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Traditioneel Chinees (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Traditioneel Chinees (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Chinees (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Koreaans (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Thais (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Thais (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4748,11 +4748,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Als 'Automatisch' is geselecteerd, wordt de meest\n"
"optimale codering voor de huidige locale gebruikt."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Berichtcodering"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4761,127 +4761,127 @@ msgstr ""
"Geef de Content-Transfer-Encoding die gebruikt wordt om\n"
"het bericht te coderen wanneer deze non-ASCII tekens bevat."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Handtekening scheidingsteken"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Automatisch invoegen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Automatisch extern programma starten voor bewerken van e-mail bericht"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "niveau van ongedaan maken"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Regelterugloop na:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "tekens"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Regelterugloop gebruiken bij citeren"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Regelterugloop tijdens invoer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Regelterugloop activeren bij het verzenden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Account automatisch selecteren voor beantwoorden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Originele bericht citeren bij beantwoorden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Antwoorden roept de functie 'Mailinglijst beantwoorden' aan"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Antwoordopmaak"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Citeerteken"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Doorstuuropmaak"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Beschrijving der symbolen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Lettertype"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Accounts"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Aantal ongelezen berichten weergeven naast mapnaam"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Aantal ongelezen berichten weergeven naast mapnaam"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Nieuwsgroepen inkorten die langer zijn dan"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "brieven"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Berichtenlijst"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr ""
"Ontvanger weergeven in 'Afzender' kolom wanneer u zelf de afzender bent"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Discussies uitklappen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Datumopmaak"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr "Kies kolommen voor berichtenlijst..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Kleurmarkering in berichten aanzetten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4889,399 +4889,396 @@ msgstr ""
"Multi-byte tekens weergeven als ASCII tekens\n"
"(alleen Japans)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Headerinformatie weergeven boven bericht"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Korte headerinformatie weergeven boven bericht"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Korte headerinformatie weergeven boven bericht"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Regelafstand"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Schuiven"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Halve pagina"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Vloeiend schuiven"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Stap"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Bijgevoegde afbeeldingen schalen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Headerweergave instellingen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Accounts"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Uitvoeren"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Uitvoeren"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Accounts"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(Ongefilterde berichten zullen hier opgeslagen worden)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filter de berichten bij het ophalen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(Ongefilterde berichten zullen hier opgeslagen worden)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Controleer identificatiehandtekeningen automatisch"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Geef het resultaat van de controle weer in een popupvenster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Wachtwoord tijdelijk in geheugen opslaan"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Verloopt na"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minuten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(Instellen op '0' zal het wachtwoord tot het\n"
" einde bam de sessie opslaan)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Toetsenbord vasthouden tijdens het intikken van het wachtwoord"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Waarschuw mij wanneer GnuPG bij het opstarten niet werkt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Geen berichtsbestand geselecteerd."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Het eerste ongelezen e-mailtje openen wanneer een map geopend wordt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr ""
"Bericht alleen als gelezen markeren wanneer het geopend is in een nieuw "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Ga naar de inbox na het ophalen van nieuwe e-mail"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Meteen uitvoeren wanneer een bericht verplaatst of verwijderd wordt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(Berichten worden gemarkeerd voor deze acties\n"
"wanneer dit uitgeschakeld is)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Ontvangstvenster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Ontvangstvenster weergeven"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Altijd"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nooit"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Geen foutmelding geven bij ontvangstfout"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Ontvangstvenster sluiten wanneer het klaar is."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Sneltoetsen instellen..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Externe opdrachten (%s is het bestand / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Webbrowser"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Standaard inbox"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Adres toevoegen aan 'Geadresseerden' bij dubbelklikken"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Afsluiten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Bevestigen bij het afsluiten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Prullenbak leegmaken bij het afsluiten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Bevestigen bij het legen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Waarschuw wanneer er berichten in de wachtrij staan"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Samenvattingbuffer wordt weggeschreven (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "afgekorte dag van de week"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "volledige dag van de week"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "afgekorte naam van de maand"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "volledig naam van de maand"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "de voorkeurs datum en tijd voor de huidige locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "eeuwnummer (jaar/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "dag van de maand als decimaal nummer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "het uur als decimaal nummer op een 24 uurs klok"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "het uur als decimaal nummer op een 12-uurs klok"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "dag van het jaar als decimaal nummer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "de maand als decimaal nummer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "de minuut als decimaal nummer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM of PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "de seconde als decimaal nummer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "de dag van de week als decimaal nummer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "de voorkeursdatum voor de huidige locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "de laatste twee cijfers van het jaartal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "het jaartal als decimaal nummer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "de tijdzone of naam of afkorting"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Selecteer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschrijving"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Voorbeeld"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Berichtkleuren instellen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Kleuren"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Geciteerde tekst - eerste niveau"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Geciteerde tekst - tweede niveau"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Geciteerde tekst - derde niveau"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI link"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Gebruikte kleuren opnieuw gebruiken"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Selecteer kleur voor niveau 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Selecteer kleur voor niveau 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Selecteer kleur voor niveau 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Selecteer kleur voor URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Beschrijving der symbolen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5305,11 +5302,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Als x ingesteld is, expr weergeven"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5323,7 +5320,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Geciteerde berichtinhoud zonder handtekening\n"
"Letterlijk %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5335,20 +5332,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Letterlijk haakje openen\n"
"Letterlijk haakje sluiten"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Sneltoetsen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Sneltoetsen instellen..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standaard"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Oude Sylpheed"
@@ -5685,17 +5682,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Bijvoeging"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Onderwerp"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Afzender"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6432,20 +6429,20 @@ msgstr "Discussies worden bij elkaar gevoegd..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Discussies worden uit elkaar gehaald..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "Bezig met filteren..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Bezig met filteren..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "bericht %d is reeds gebufferd.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Nr."
@@ -6505,6 +6502,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(Ongefilterde berichten zullen hier opgeslagen worden)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po
index 7c6c2c70..e7b0e825 100644
--- a/po/pl.po
+++ b/po/pl.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 1.9.8 \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-03-05 18:57+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Wit Wilinski <madman at linux dot bydg dot org>\n"
"Language-Team: POLISH <pl@li.org>\n"
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ msgstr "Znaleziono: %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Konfiguracja zapisana.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Niechciana poczta"
@@ -620,12 +620,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na zmieni trybu pliku\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "bd zapisu do %s.\n"
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ msgstr ""
"w kolumnie \"G\" konta, kt坦re maj by sprawdzone przez 'Odbierz wsz.'"
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@ msgstr "Argumenty u甜ytkownika dla akcji"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Dodaj do ksi甜ki adresowej"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres"
@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ msgstr "/_Usu"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "Adres e-mail"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Ksi甜ka adresowa"
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ msgstr "Bd konwersji ksi甜ki adresowej"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Konwersja ksi甜ki adresowej"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interfejs"
@@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ msgstr "Wsp坦lny adres:"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Osobisty adres:"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notatka"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Ostrze甜enie"
@@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@ msgstr "Brzowy"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Brak"
@@ -1541,66 +1541,66 @@ msgstr "Bd formatu znacznika cytatu."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Bd formatu odpowiedz/przeka甜 wiadomo."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Plik %s nie istnieje\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Nie mo甜na odczyta wielkoci pliku %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Plik %s jest pusty."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na odczyta %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Wiadomo: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na pobra czci wiadomoci wieloczciowej."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Bez tematu)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Edytowany]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Utw坦rz wiadomo%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nie podano odbiorcy."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Temat"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Wiadomo nie posiada tematu. Czy wysa j mimo tego ?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "nie mo甜na pobra listy odbiorc坦w."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1608,22 +1608,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Nie podano konta pocztowego do wysyania wiadomoci.\n"
"Nale甜y wybra konto przed wysaniem."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Bd podczas wysyania wiadomoci do %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na zapisa wiadomoci do outbox."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Nie mo甜na znale添 klucza zwizanego z wybranym identyfikatorem klucza \"%s\"."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1633,12 +1633,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Nie mo甜na przekonwertowa treci wiadomoci z %s na %s.\n"
"Wysa wiadomo mimo to %s ?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Bd konwersji ksi甜ki adresowej"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1647,155 +1647,155 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "Nie mo甜na usun starej wiadomoci\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "kolejkowanie wiadomoci...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na znale添 katalogu kolejki\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "nie mo甜na zapisa wiadomoci do kolejki\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "wygenerowany Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Tworzenie okna edycji...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Od:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Podpis PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Szyfrowanie PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "typ MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Rozmiar"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Wylij"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Wylij wiadomo"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Wylij p坦添niej"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Umie w katalogu kolejki i wylij p坦添niej"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Draft"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Zapisz w katalogu szablon坦w"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Wstaw"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Wstaw plik"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Docz"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Docz plik"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Wstaw podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Edytor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Edytuj w zewntrznym edytorze"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Zawijanie linii"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Zawijaj wszystkie dugie linie"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Niepoprawny typ MIME."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Brak pliku lub pusty plik."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Waciwoci"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodowanie"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "cie甜ka"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nazwa pliku"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Niepoprawna linia wywoania zewntrznego edytora: \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1806,74 +1806,74 @@ msgstr ""
"Czy wymusi zakoczenie procesu?\n"
"identyfikator grupy proces坦w: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Identyfikator zakoczonej grupy proces坦w: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Plik tymczasowy: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Edycja: wejcie z procesu monitorujcego\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Nie mo甜na uruchomi zewntrznego edytora\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Nie mo甜na zapisa do pliku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Bdny odczyt z potoku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Nie mo甜na wstawi wiadomoci do kolejki."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Wybierz pliki"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Wybierz plik"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Wylij wiadomo"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Wiadomo zostaa zmieniona, czy porzuci j?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Czy chcesz zastosowa szablon \"%s\"?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Zastosuj szablon"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Zamie"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Wstaw"
@@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ msgstr "Edytuj wpis JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2806,16 +2806,16 @@ msgstr "Dziennik protokou"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "Bibltioteka glib nie obsuguje wywoania g_thread.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "U甜ycie: %s [OPCJE]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adres] otwiera okno tworzenia wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2825,23 +2825,23 @@ msgstr ""
" otwiera okno tworzenia wiadomoci z plikami,\n"
" kt坦re maj zosta doczone"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive odbiera nowe wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all odbiera nowe wiadomoci dla wszystkich kont"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send wysya wszystkie skolejkowane wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [katalog]... pokazuje czn liczb wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2849,30 +2849,30 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [katalog]...\n"
" pokazuje czn liczb wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug tryb debugowania"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help wywietla t pomoc i wychodzi"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr ""
" --version wywietla informacj o wersji i koczy dziaanie"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Kodowanie wyjciowe"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2886,19 +2886,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Tworzenie nowej wiadomoci. Czy zakoczy?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Skolejkowane wiadomoci"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Niekt坦re niewysane wiadomoci zostay skolejkowane. Czy wyj?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2907,15 +2907,15 @@ msgstr ""
"wersja jest zbyt stara. Obsuga OpenPGP zostaa wyczona."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Jest ju甜 uruchomiona kopia programu Sylpheed.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migracja ustawie"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3502,7 +3502,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Okno g坦wne: bd alokacji kolor坦w %d\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "gotowe.\n"
@@ -3627,7 +3627,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Wylij wiadomoci z kolejki"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Utw坦rz"
@@ -3635,7 +3635,7 @@ msgstr "Utw坦rz"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Utw坦rz now wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Odpowiedz"
@@ -3663,7 +3663,7 @@ msgstr "Przeka甜 wiadomo dalej"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Usu wiadomo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3757,7 +3757,7 @@ msgstr "/_Narzdzia/Dodaj nadawc do _ksi甜ki adresowej"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Tworzenie widoku wiadomoci...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
@@ -3783,7 +3783,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Wynik polecenia"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Drukuj"
@@ -3951,11 +3951,11 @@ msgstr "Preferencje konta"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Tworzenie okna preferencji okna...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Odbieranie"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Prywatno"
@@ -3963,7 +3963,7 @@ msgstr "Prywatno"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Zaawansowane"
@@ -4088,7 +4088,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Spos坦b uwierzytelniania"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatycznie"
@@ -4128,8 +4128,8 @@ msgstr "Generowanie identyrikatora wiadomoci"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Dodawanie nag坦wka zdefiniowanego przez u甜ytkownika"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr "Edycja..."
@@ -4447,211 +4447,211 @@ msgstr "Usu polecenie"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Czy naprawd usun to polecenie?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Tworzenie okna preferencji...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Preferencje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Cytat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Wywietlanie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Wiadomo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Niechciana poczta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Inne"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "U甜ycie zewntrznego programu do odbierania poczty"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Polecenie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Odbierz z kolejki"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtrowanie przy odbieraniu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "cie甜ka do kolejki"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Automatyczne sprawdzanie poczty"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "ka甜de"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minuta(y)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Sprawdzanie poczty przy uruchamianiu programu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Aktualizacja wszystkich lokalnych katalog坦w po odebraniu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Natychmiastowe wykonywanie przy przenoszeniu lub kasowaniu wiadomoci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Pobieranie liczby nowych wiadomoci (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "U甜ywanie zewntrznego programu do wysyania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Zapisywanie wysanych wiadomoci do Poczta wysana"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Kodowanie wyjciowe"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatyczne (Zalecane)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7-bitowe ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unikod (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Europa Zachodnia (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Europa Zachodnia (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Europa odkowa (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Batyckie (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Batyckie (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Greckie (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Hebrajskie (ISO-8859-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Hebrajskie (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Tureckie (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cyrylica (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cyrylica (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cyrylica (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cyrylica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japoskie (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japoskie (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japoskie (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Uproszczone Chiskie (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Uproszczone Chiskie (GBK)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Tradycyjne Chiskie (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Tradycyjne Chiskie (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Chiskie (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Koreaskie (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Tajskie (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Tajskie (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
@@ -4659,524 +4659,521 @@ msgstr ""
"Jeli wybrano `Automatyczne', zostanie u甜yte kodowanie optymalne dla "
"bie甜cych ustawie lokalnych."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Kodowanie przesyanych danych"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
msgstr "Wybierz kodowanie dla list坦w, kt坦rych tre zawiera znaki nie-ASCII."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Oddzielenie podpisu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Automatyczne wstawianie podpisu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Automatyczne uruchamianie zewntrznego edytora"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Poziom Cofnij"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Zawijaj wiadomoci przy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "znakach"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Zawijanie cytatu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Zawijanie podczas wprowadzania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Zawijanie przed wysaniem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Automatyczne ustawianie konta dla odpowiedzi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Cytowanie wiadomoci przy odpowiedzi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Przycisk Odpowiedz wysya odpowied添 na list dyskusyjn"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Format odpowiedzi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Znak cytowania"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Format przekazywania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Opis symboli "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Czcionka"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Katalog"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Wywietlanie iloci nieprzeczytanych przy nazwie katalogu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Wywietlanie iloci nieprzeczytanych przy nazwie katalogu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Skracanie nazwy grup du甜szych ni甜 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "liter"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Widok listy wiadomoci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Wywietlanie odbiorcy w kolumnie \"Od\" gdy u甜ytkownik jest nadawc"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Rozwijanie wtk坦w"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Format daty"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Ustaw element wywietlania podsumowania... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Wczenie kolorowania wiadomoci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
msgstr "Wywietlanie znak坦w wielobajtowych jako ASCII (tylko japoski)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Wywietlanie panelu nag坦wk坦w ponad oknem wiadomoci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Wywietlanie kr坦tkich nag坦wk坦w w widoku wiadomoci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "Wywietlanie wiadomoci HTML jako teskt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Poka甜 kursor w widoku wiadomoci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Odstp midzywierszowy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "piksel(e)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Przewijanie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "P坦 strony"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Wygadzone przewijanie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Krok"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Dopasuj rozmiar zaczonych obrazk坦w do rozmiaru okna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Poka甜 grafik w treci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Niechciana poczta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "katalog:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(Nieprzefiltrowane wiadomoci zostan zachowane w tym katalogu)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtrowanie wiadomoci podczas odbierania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(Nieprzefiltrowane wiadomoci zostan zachowane w tym katalogu)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Automatyczne sprawdzanie podpis坦w"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Wywietlanie wyniku sprawdzania podpisu w oknie komunikat坦w"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Tymczasowe zapamitywanie hasa w pamici"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Wygasa po"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minuta(y)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr "Warto '0' ustawi zapamitywanie hasa na czas caej sesji."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Przechwytywanie wejcia podczas wprowadzania hasa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Wywietlanie ostrze甜enia przy uruchamianiu gdy nie dziaa GnuPG"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Zawsze otwieraj wiadomoci gdy wybrano widok podsumowania."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr ""
"Otwieranie pierwszej nieprzeczytanej wiadomoci przy wchodzeniu do katalogu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr ""
"Zaznaczanie wiadomoci jako odczytanych tylko po otwarciu w nowym oknie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Przechodzenie do Poczty przychodzcej po odbiorze poczty"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Natychmiastowe wykonywanie przy przenoszeniu lub kasowaniu wiadomoci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"Gdy opcja ta jest wyczona, wiadomoci pozostan zaznaczone do a甜 do "
"momentu wykonania."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Okno dialogowe odbierania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Wywietlanie okna dialogowego odbierania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Zawsze"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "Tylko przy rcznym odbieraniu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nigdy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Okno bdu pobierania wiadomoci nie jest wywietlane"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Zamykanie okna dialogowego odbierania po zakoczeniu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Ustaw dowizania klawiszy... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Polecenia zewntrzne (%s zostanie zastpione nazw pliku / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Przegldarka Web"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Domylny inbox"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Dodawanie adresu do docelowego po dwukrotnym klikniciu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Podczas wyjcia"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Potwierdzanie zamykania programu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Opr坦甜nianie mietnika przy zamykaniu programu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Wywietlanie pytania przed opr坦甜nieniem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Ostrzeganie jeli s wiadomoci w kolejce"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Zapisywanie cache podsumowania (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "Limit czasu gniazda I/O:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "sekund(y)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "skr坦cona nazwa dnia tygodnia"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "pena nazwa dnia tygodnia"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "skr坦cona nazwa miesica"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "pena nazwa miesica"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "preferowana data i czas dla ustawie lokalnych"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "numer roku (rok/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "dzie miesica jako liczba dziesitna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "godzina jako liczba dziesitna z u甜yciem czasu 24-ro godzinnego"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "godzina jako liczba dziesitna z u甜yciem czasu 12-to godzinnego"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "dzie roku jako liczba dziesitna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "miesic jako liczba dziesitna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "minuta jako liczba dziesitna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "albo AM albo PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "sekunda jako liczba dziesitna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "dzie tygodnia jako liczba dziesitna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "preferowana data dla ustawie lokalnych"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "ostatnie dwie cyfry roku"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "rok jako liczba dziesitna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "strefa czasowa jako nazwa lub skr坦t"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Wyszczeg坦lniacz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Przykad"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Ustaw kolory wiadomoci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Kolory"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Cytowany tekst - poziom pierwszy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Cytowany tekst - poziom drugi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Cytowany tekst - poziom trzeci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "cze URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Powtarzanie kolor坦w cytowania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Wybierz kolor dla pierwszego poziomu cytowania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Wybierz kolor dla drugiego poziomu cytowania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Wybierz kolor dla trzeciego poziomu cytowania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Wybierz kolor dla URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Opis symboli"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5200,11 +5197,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Grupy news\n"
"ID wiadomoci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Wywietla expr jeli ustawiono x"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5218,7 +5215,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Ciao cytowanej wiadomoci bez sygnatury\n"
"Literalny %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5230,20 +5227,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Literalny nawias klamrowy otwierajcy\n"
"Literalny nawias klamrowy zamykajcy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Dowizania klawiszy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Ustaw dowizania klawiszy... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Domylny"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Dawny Sylpheed"
@@ -5554,17 +5551,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Zacznik"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Temat"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
@@ -6317,20 +6314,20 @@ msgstr "Tworzenie wtk坦w..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Odwtkowanie .."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtrowanie..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtowanie..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d wiadomo(i) przefiltrowano."
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Nr"
@@ -6388,6 +6385,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(Nieprzefiltrowane wiadomoci zostan zachowane w tym katalogu)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po
index 49822c91..b6ec4e86 100644
--- a/po/pt_BR.po
+++ b/po/pt_BR.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-19 13:24-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Ricardo Nabinger Sanchez <rnsanchez@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Andr辿 Casteliano <digitalcoder@users.sourceforge.net> Isa鱈as "
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr "Encontrado %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Configura巽達o salva.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Filtro de spam"
@@ -628,12 +628,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "n達o foi poss鱈vel modificar as permiss探es do arquivo\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "erro ao gravar em %s.\n"
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ msgstr ""
"na coluna `G' para habilitar essa caixa no `Baixar tudo'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ msgstr "Argumento do usu叩rio para a a巽達o"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Adicionar ao Cat叩logo de Endere巽os"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Endere巽o"
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ msgstr "/_Apagar"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "Endere巽o de e-mail"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Cat叩logo de endere巽os"
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ msgstr "Erro na convers達o do cat叩logo de endere巽os"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Convers達o do Cat叩logo de Endere巽os"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interface"
@@ -1206,11 +1206,11 @@ msgstr "Endere巽os comuns"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Endere巽os pessoais"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notifica巽達o"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Aviso"
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ msgstr "Marrom"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nenhuma"
@@ -1542,65 +1542,65 @@ msgstr "Erro no formato de marca de cita巽達o."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Erro no formato de mensagem de resposta/encaminhada."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "O arquivo %s n達o existe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel especificar o tamanho de %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "O arquivo %s est叩 vazio."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel ler %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Mensagem: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel obter alguma(s) parte(s) dessa mensagem."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Sem assunto)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Editado]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Compondo%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Destinat叩rio n達o especificado."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Sem assunto"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Assunto em branco. Enviar assim mesmo?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "n達o pude obter a lista de destinat叩rios."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1608,21 +1608,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Conta para envio de mensagem n達o foi especificada.\n"
"Por favor selecione uma conta de e-mail antes de enviar."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Erro ao postar a mensagem para %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel armazenar a mensagem na caixa de sa鱈da."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel obter nenhuma chave associada ao ID selecionado '%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1634,11 +1634,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Enviar como %s mesmo assim?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Erro convertendo codifica巽達o"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1651,155 +1651,155 @@ msgstr ""
"Enviar mesmo assim?"
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "Limite de comprimento da linha"
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "n達o posso remover a mensagem antiga\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "enfileirando mensagem...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "n達o foi poss鱈vel encontrar a pasta da fila\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "n達o foi poss鱈vel enfileirar a mensagem\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Message-ID gerado: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Criando janela de composi巽達o...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "De:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "Assinar (PGP)"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "Encriptar (PGP)"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tipo MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamanho"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Enviar"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Enviar mensagem"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Enviar depois"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "P担r na 'fila de sa鱈da' e enviar depois"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Rascunho"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Salvar na pasta Rascunho"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Inserir"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Inserir arquivo"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Anexar"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Anexar arquivo"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Assinatura"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Inserir assinatura"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Editar com um editor externo"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Quebra de linha"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Quebrar todas as linhas compridas"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Tipo MIME inv叩lido."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "O arquivo n達o existe ou est叩 vazio."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriedades"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codifica巽達o"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Caminho"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Nome do arquivo"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Linha de comando do editor externo inv叩lida: '%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1810,71 +1810,71 @@ msgstr ""
"Deseja matar o processo?\n"
"Id. do grupo do processo : %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Terminado grupo de processo id.: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Arquivo tempor叩rio: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Compositor: entrada para monitorar processo\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel executar o editor externo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel gravar o arquivo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Erro ao ler do pipe\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "N達o foi poss鱈vel enfileirar a mensagem."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Selecionar arquivos"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Selecionar arquivo"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Salvar mensagem"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Esta mensagem foi modificada. Salv叩-la na pasta de rascunhos?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "_Fechar sem salvar"
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Quer aplicar o modelo `%s'?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Aplicar Modelo"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "_Substituir"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Inserir"
@@ -2059,7 +2059,7 @@ msgstr "Editar entrada JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2808,16 +2808,16 @@ msgstr "Log do protocolo"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread n達o 辿 suportada pela glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Uso: %s [OPO]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [endre巽o] abre janela de composi巽達o"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2827,23 +2827,23 @@ msgstr ""
" abrir a janela de composi巽達o com os arquivos\n"
" especificados anexados"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive recebe novas mensgens"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all recebe novas mensagens de todas as contas"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send envia todas as mensagens da fila"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [pasta]... mostra o n炭mero total de mensagens"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2851,28 +2851,28 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [pasta]...\n"
" exibe o status de cada pasta"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug modo debug"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help exibe esta ajuda e sai"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version mostra informa巽達o de vers達o e sai"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Codifica巽達o de nome de arquivo"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2896,19 +2896,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Ainda h叩 mensagens sendo escritas. Deseja sair?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Mensagens enviadas para a fila"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Algumas mensagens n達o enviadas est達o na fila. Sair agora?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2917,15 +2917,15 @@ msgstr ""
"Suporte a OpenPGP desabilitado."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "outra c坦pia do Sylpheed j叩 est叩 sendo executada.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Migra巽達o da configura巽達o"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3508,7 +3508,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "MainWindow: falhou ao alocar cores %d\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "Pronto.\n"
@@ -3631,7 +3631,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Enviar Mensagem(s) da fila"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Escrever"
@@ -3639,7 +3639,7 @@ msgstr "Escrever"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Escrever nova mensagem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Responder"
@@ -3667,7 +3667,7 @@ msgstr "Encaminhar a mensagem"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Apagar a mensagem"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr "Spam"
@@ -3760,7 +3760,7 @@ msgstr "/_Ferramentas/Adicionar remetente ao Livro de _Endere巽os"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Criando visualizador de mensagem...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
@@ -3786,7 +3786,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Comando de aprendizado:"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Imprimir"
@@ -3956,11 +3956,11 @@ msgstr "Prefer棚ncias da Conta"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Criando janela de prefer棚ncias da conta...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Receber"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privacidade"
@@ -3968,7 +3968,7 @@ msgstr "Privacidade"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avan巽adas"
@@ -4092,7 +4092,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "M辿todo de Autentica巽達o"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Autom叩tico"
@@ -4128,8 +4128,8 @@ msgstr "Gerar Message-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Adicionar cabe巽alho do usu叩rio"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Editar... "
@@ -4446,210 +4446,210 @@ msgstr "Apagar a巽達o"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Voc棚 realmente deseja apagar esta a巽達o?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Criando janela de prefer棚ncias comuns...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Prefer棚ncias comuns"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Cita巽達o"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Exibir"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mensagem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Spam"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Outros"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Usar um programa externo para obter mensagens"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Comando"
# alguma tradu巽達o boa para spool?
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Incorporar do spool local"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtrar ao incorporar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "Caminho para o spool"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Checar nova mensagem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "a cada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minuto(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Checar o correio quando iniciar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Atualizar todas as pastas locais ao incorporar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Executar comando quando chegarem novas mensagens"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "`%d' ser叩 substitu鱈do pelo n炭mero de novas mensagens."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Usar programa externo para enviar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Salvar mensagens enviadas na Caixa de sa鱈da"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr "Aplicar regras de filtragem para as mensagens enviadas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Codifica巽達o de envio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Autom叩tico (Recomendado)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "ASCII de 7 bits (US-ASC_II)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Europeu Ocidental (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Europeu Ocidental (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Europeu Central (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "B叩ltico (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "B叩ltico (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Grego (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Hebreu (ISO-8859-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Hebreu (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turco (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cir鱈lico (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japon棚s (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japon棚s (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japon棚s (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Chin棚s simplificado (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Chin棚s simplificado (GBK)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Chin棚s tradicional (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Chin棚s tradicional (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Chin棚s (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Coreano (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
@@ -4657,11 +4657,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Se `Autom叩tico' for selecionado, a melhor codifica巽達o para o locale atual "
"ser叩 usada."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Codifica巽達o para transfer棚ncia"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4669,124 +4669,124 @@ msgstr ""
"Especifique a codifica巽達o de caracteres a ser usada quando a mensagem "
"contiver caracteres n達o ASCII."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Separador de assinatura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Inserir automaticamente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Executar o editor externo automaticamente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "N鱈vel de desfazer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Quebrar mensagens em"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "caracteres"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Quebrar quote"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Quebrar na entrada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Quebrar antes de enviar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Escolher conta para respostas automaticamente"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Quotar mensagem ao responder"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Bot達o de responder chama resposta para a lista"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Formato de resposta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Marca de cita巽達o"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Formato de Mensagem Encaminhada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Descri巽達o dos s鱈mbolos "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Fonte"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Visualiza巽達o de Pastas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Exibir n炭mero de n達o lidas pr坦ximas ao nome da pasta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Exibir colunas com o n炭mero de mensagens na visualiza巽達o de pastas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Abreviar newsgroups maiores que"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "letras"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Vis達o de Sum叩rio "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Mostrar remetente na coluna `De' se ele for o mesmo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Expandir threads"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Formato de data"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Elementos vis鱈veis no cabe巽alho... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Permitir cores na mensagem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4794,230 +4794,226 @@ msgstr ""
"Exibir alfabetos de 2-bytes e num辿ricos com \n"
"caracteres ASCII (1-byte)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Exibir cabe巽alho acima da vis達o da mensagem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Cabe巽alhos pequenos na visualiza巽達o da mensagem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "Renderizar mensagens HTML como texto"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Exibir cursor na 叩rea de visualiza巽達o da mensagem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Linha de espa巽o"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Rolagem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Meia p叩gina"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Rolagem silenciosa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Passo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Imagens"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Redimensionar imagens em anexo para que caibam na janela"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Dispor as imagens em seq端棚ncia"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Habilitar controle de spam"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Comando de aprendizado:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr "N達o spam"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Comando de classifica巽達o"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Pasta de spam"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "As mensagens classificadas como spam ser達o movidas para esta pasta."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtrar mensagens classificadas como spam ao receber"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
msgstr ""
-"Mensagens filtradas ser達o movidas para a pasta de spam e apagadas do "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Automaticamente checar assinatura"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Exibir resultado de checagem de assinatura em uma janela popup"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Armazenar senha temporariamente na mem坦ria"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Expirado depois"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minuto(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr "Definindo para '0' guardar叩 a senha para toda a sess達o."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Obter entrada quando informando uma passphrase"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Exibir aviso na inicializa巽達o se o GnuPG n達o funciona"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Sempre abrir mensagens no sum叩rio quando selecionado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Abrir a primeira mensagem n達o lida ao abrir uma pasta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Somente marcar a mensagem como lida quando aberta em uma nova janela"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Ir para Caixa de Entrada depois de receber novas mensagens"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Executar imediatamente enquanto movendo ou apagando mensagens"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"Mensagens permanecer達o marcadas at辿 a execu巽達o se isto estiver desativado."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Di叩logo de recep巽達o"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Exibir di叩logo de recep巽達o"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Sempre"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "Apenas no recebimento manual"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nunca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "N達o mostrar di叩logo de erro no caso de erros ao receber"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Fechar di叩logo de recep巽達o quando terminar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr "Ordenar os bot探es de acordo com o GNOME HIG"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Definir atalhos de teclado... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Comandos externos (%s ser叩 sustituido pelo nome do arquivo)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Navegador Web"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "(Navegador padr達o)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Adicionar endere巽o para o destino quando clicado duas vezes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Ao sair"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Confirmar ao sair"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Esvaziar lixeira ao sair"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Pergunte antes de esvaziar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Avise se existirem mensagens na fila"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Habilitar verifica巽達o rigorosa da integridade dos caches do sum叩rio"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
@@ -5028,151 +5024,151 @@ msgstr ""
"Esta op巽達o reduzir叩 o desempenho de exibi巽達o do sum叩rio."
# tradu巽達o boa para socket?
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "Tempo limite de E/S no socket:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "segundo(s)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "o nome completo do m棚s abreviado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "o nome completo do dia da semana"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "o nome do m棚s abreviado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "o nome completo do m棚s"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "a data 辿 hora preferida para a localiza巽達o atual"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "o n炭mero do s辿culo (ano/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "o dia do m棚s como um n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "a hora como um n炭mero decimal usando um rel坦gio de 24 horas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "a hora como um n炭mero decimal usando um rel坦gio de 12 horas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "o dia do ano como um n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "o m棚s como um n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "o minuto como um n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "ou AM ou PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "o segundo como um n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "o dia da semana como um n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "a data preferida para localiza巽達o atual"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "os 炭ltimos dois d鱈gitos de um ano"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "o ano como um n炭mero decimal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "o zona de tempo ou nome ou abrevia巽達o"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Especificador"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descri巽達o"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Exemplo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Defina as cores de mensagens"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Cores"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Texto Quotado - Primeiro N鱈vel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Texto Quotado - Segundo N鱈vel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Texto Quotado - Terceiro N鱈vel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "Liga巽達o URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Reaproveitar cores de quote"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Escolher cor para quota巽達o n鱈vel 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Escolher cor para quota巽達o n鱈vel 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Escolher cor para quota巽達o n鱈vel 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Escolher cor para URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Descri巽達o dos s鱈mbolos"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5197,11 +5193,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Se x estiver definido, mostra expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5215,7 +5211,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Corpo da mensagem citada sem assinatura\n"
"%% literal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5227,19 +5223,19 @@ msgstr ""
"Abre-chave literal\n"
"Fecha-chave literal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Atalhos de teclado"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr "Selecione o conjunto pr辿-definido de mapeamento de teclas."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Padr達o"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Sylpheed antigo"
@@ -5547,17 +5543,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Anexo"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Assunto"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "De"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
@@ -6289,20 +6285,20 @@ msgstr "Construindo a hierarquia..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Desfazendo a hierarquia..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtrando..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtrando..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d mensagem(ns) foram filtradas."
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "N達o."
@@ -6361,6 +6357,13 @@ msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr "Aviso de URL falsa"
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Mensagens filtradas ser達o movidas para a pasta de spam e apagadas do "
+#~ "servidor."
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/ro.po b/po/ro.po
index 5abe9b87..80f1c6b7 100644
--- a/po/ro.po
+++ b/po/ro.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-08-28\n"
"Last-Translator: Little Dragon <littledragon@altern.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Little Dragon <littledragon@altern.org>\n"
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ msgstr "Gsit: %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Configura釘ia a fost salvat.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Director"
@@ -637,12 +637,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "schimbarea permisiunilor fiierului este imposibil\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "scrierea 樽n %s a euat.\n"
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ msgstr ""
"mesajelor de comanda `Ia tot'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Adugare 樽n agend"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres"
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ msgstr "/_tergere"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "Adres E-Mail"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Agend"
@@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ msgstr "Eroare de convertire a agendei"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Convertire agend"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Interfa釘"
@@ -1227,11 +1227,11 @@ msgstr "Adresse comun:"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Adresse personal:"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Informa釘ie"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Avertisment"
@@ -1278,7 +1278,7 @@ msgstr "Maro"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Niciunul"
@@ -1604,66 +1604,66 @@ msgstr "Eroare de formatare a cita釘iei."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Eroare de formatare a rspunsului/mesajului 樽naintat."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Fiierul %s nu exist\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Ob釘inerea dimensiunii fiierului %s este imposibil\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Fiierul %s este gol\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "nu poate fi creat %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Mesaj: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Citirea unei par釘i din mesajul multipart este imposibil."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Fr subiect)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Editat] "
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Compunere mesaj%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Destinatarul nu a fost specificat."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Subiect"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "nu pot ob釘ine lista destinatarilor."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1671,21 +1671,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Nu a fost specificat contul de pe care se dorete trimiterea de mail.\n"
"V rugm s selecta釘i un cont 樽nainte de a trimite."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "A avut loc o eroare la 樽ncercarea de a posta mesajul pe %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Salvarea mesajului 樽n outbox este imposibil."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1693,12 +1693,12 @@ msgid ""
"Send it as %s anyway?"
msgstr "Convertirea codificrii mesajului este imposibil."
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Eroare de convertire a agendei"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1707,159 +1707,159 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "tergerea mesajului vechi a euat\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "punere mesaj 樽n lista de ateptare...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "directorul nu a putut fi selectat: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "punerea mesajului 樽n lista de ateptare este imposibil\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "Message-ID creat: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Creare fereastra de compunere...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "De la:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/E_xecutare"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Message/Cr_iptare"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tip MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Dimensiune"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Trimitere"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Trimitere mesaj"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Mai t但rziu"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Punere 樽n lista de ateptare i trimitere mai t但rziu"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Salvare"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Salvare"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Inserare"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Isertion fiier"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Ataament"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Ataare fiier"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Semntur"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Inserare semntur"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Editare cu editor extern"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Tiere linii"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Tiere toate liniile lungi"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Tip MIME invalid."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Fiierul nu exist sau este gol."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Proprietate"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Codare"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Cale"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Numele fiierului"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Linia de comand este invalid: '%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1870,76 +1870,76 @@ msgstr ""
"Dori釘i terminarea for釘at a procesului ?\n"
"process group id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Procesul a fost terminat: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Fiier temporar: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Compunere: introducere din proces monitorizat\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Editorul extern nu poate fi executat\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Scrierea 樽n fiier este imposibil\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Citirea din pipe a euat\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Este imposibil punerea mesajului 樽n lista de ateptare."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Selectare fiier"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Selectare fiier"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Trimitere mesaj"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Acest mesaj a fost modificat. Dori釘i sa anula釘i schimbrile ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Sunte釘i sigur c dori釘i s terge釘i aceast regul ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
#, fuzzy
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "tergere mesaj"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "/_Utilitare/_Modele"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Inserare"
@@ -2124,7 +2124,7 @@ msgstr "Editare nregistrare JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2892,71 +2892,71 @@ msgstr "Log protocol"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread nu este suportat de glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Utilizare: %s [OP鄭IUNE]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adres] deschidere fereastr de compunere"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
" attached"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive recep釘ionare mesaje noi"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr ""
" --receive-all recep釘ionare mesaje noi pentru toate conturile"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
#, fuzzy
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --status afiare numr total de mesaje"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status afiare numr total de mesaje"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status afiare numr total de mesaje"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug mod debug"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help afiare ajutor i ieire"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version afiare versiune i ieire"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Set de caractere"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2970,21 +2970,21 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr ""
"Fereastra de compunere de mesaje exist.\n"
"Sunte釘i sigur c dori釘i sa iei釘i ?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Mesaje 樽n lista de ateptare"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Exista mesaje netrimise 樽n lista de ateptare. Dori釘i sa iei釘i ?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
@@ -2994,16 +2994,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Suportul pentru OpenPGP a fost dezactivat."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "ruleaz o alta sesiune Sylpheed.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Scriere configura釘ia filtrului...\n"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3696,7 +3696,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Fereastra principal: alocarea culorii %d a euat\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "gata.\n"
@@ -3827,7 +3827,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Trimiterea mesajului(lor) din lista de ateptare"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Creare"
@@ -3835,7 +3835,7 @@ msgstr "Creare"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Creare mesaj nou"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Rspuns"
@@ -3863,7 +3863,7 @@ msgstr "naintare mesaj"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "tergere mesaj"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3961,7 +3961,7 @@ msgstr "/_Utilitare/_Agend"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Creare vedere mesaj...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
#, fuzzy
msgid "Text"
msgstr "nainte"
@@ -3988,7 +3988,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Executare"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Imprimare"
@@ -4155,11 +4155,11 @@ msgstr "Preferin釘e comune"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Creare fereastr de preferin釘e cont...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Recep釘ionare"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr ""
@@ -4167,7 +4167,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "SSL"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avansat"
@@ -4301,7 +4301,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Autentificare..."
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automat"
@@ -4341,8 +4341,8 @@ msgstr "Generare Message-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Adugare de c但mpuri definite de utilizator"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Editare..."
@@ -4663,774 +4663,771 @@ msgstr "tergere cont"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Sunte釘i sigur c dori釘i s terge釘i acest cont ?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Creare fereastr de preferin釘e comune...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Preferin釘e comune"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
#, fuzzy
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Lista de ateptare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Afiare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mesaj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Director"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Altele"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Folosete un program extern pentru incorporare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Command"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Incorporare din spool"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtrare la incorporare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Verificare automat a potei"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
#, fuzzy
msgid "every"
msgstr "Server"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minut(e)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Verificare pot la pornire"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
#, fuzzy
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Folosete un program extern pentru incorporare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Recep釘ionarea numrului de mesaje noi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Folosire program extern pentru trimitere"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Salvare mesaje trimise 樽n outbox"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Set de caractere"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ASCII (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Vest European (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
#, fuzzy
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Vest European (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Grec (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Grec (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Chirilic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turcesc (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Chirilic (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Chirilic (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Chirilic (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Chirilic (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japonez (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japonez (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japonez (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Chinezesc Simplificat (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Chinezesc Simplificat (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Chinezesc Tradi釘ional (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Chinezesc Tradi釘ional (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Chinezesc"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Corean"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Taie liniile 樽nainte de trimitere"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Separator de semntur"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
#, fuzzy
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Insereaz semntura automat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
#, fuzzy
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Editare cu editor extern"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Taie liniile mesajului la"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "caractere"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Taie liniile semnturii"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
#, fuzzy
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Tiere toate liniile lungi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Taie liniile 樽nainte de trimitere"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
#, fuzzy
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Setare automat a adreselor urmtoare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Citeaz mesajul la care se rspunde"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "/Rspunde _la to釘i"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Rspunde la to釘i"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Semn de citare"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
#, fuzzy
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "naintare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Descrierea simbolurilor "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Font"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Director"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Afiare numr de mesaje necitite l但ng numele directorului"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Afiare numr de mesaje necitite l但ng numele directorului"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
#, fuzzy
msgid "letters"
msgstr "tergere"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
#, fuzzy
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "/Re_zumat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Destinatarul pe coloana 'From', daca sunte釘i expeditorul"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "/_Afiare antet"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
#, fuzzy
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Format de citare:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Elemente afiate... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Colorare mesaje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
msgstr "Afiare caractere pe 2 bi釘i cu un alfabet pe 1 bit"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Afiare antet scurt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Afiare antet scurt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Afiare antet scurt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Spa釘iere linii"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel(i)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "/Afiare ca te_xt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Director"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Executare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Executare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Director"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "Deschide primul mesaj necitit la intrarea 樽ntr-un director"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtrare mesaje la primire"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "Deschide primul mesaj necitit la intrarea 樽ntr-un director"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
#, fuzzy
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Setare automat a adreselor urmtoare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Separator de semntur"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
#, fuzzy
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Mai t但rziu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
#, fuzzy
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minut(e)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "un mesaj nu a putut fi recep釘ionat\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Deschide primul mesaj necitit la intrarea 樽ntr-un director"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
#, fuzzy
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "/_Mesaj/Desc_hidere 樽n fereastr nou"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Recep釘ionare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Recep釘ionare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Alias"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
#, fuzzy
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Server"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Editor extern (%s va fi 樽nlocuit de numele fiierului)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "tergere"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "La ieire"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Confirmare ieire"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Cur釘are gunoi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
#, fuzzy
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "ntreab 樽nainte de cur釘are"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
#, fuzzy
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Trimiterea mesajului(lor) din lista de ateptare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Scriere cache rezumat (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Selectare fiier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
#, fuzzy
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Destina釘ie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Trimitere mesaj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "nchidere"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Descrierea simbolurilor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
@@ -5454,11 +5451,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Semnul %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5467,7 +5464,7 @@ msgid ""
"Literal %"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5475,21 +5472,21 @@ msgid ""
"Literal closing curly brace"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
#, fuzzy
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Trimitere"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
#, fuzzy
msgid "Default"
msgstr "tergere"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr ""
@@ -5839,17 +5836,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Ataamente"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Subiect"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "De la"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
@@ -6658,20 +6655,20 @@ msgstr "Construire fire de discu釘ie..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Distrugere fire de discu釘ie..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtrare..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtrare..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "mesajul %d a fost deja stocat.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Nu."
@@ -6730,6 +6727,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "Deschide primul mesaj necitit la intrarea 樽ntr-un director"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
index f3a16dfa..5de043fa 100644
--- a/po/ru.po
+++ b/po/ru.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 1.0.0beta4\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-12-05 17:16+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Sergey Vlasov <vsu@altlinux.ru>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <ru@li.org>\n"
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ msgstr "舒亶亟亠仆仂 %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "舒仂亶从亳 仂舒仆亠仆.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "仗舒仗从:"
@@ -624,12 +624,12 @@ msgstr "%.2f 弍"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2f 弍"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "仆亠 亟舒仍仂 亳亰仄亠仆亳 于仂亶于舒 舒亶仍舒\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "亰舒仗亳 于 %s 仆亠 亟舒仍舒.\n"
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ msgstr ""
"仗仂 从仂仄舒仆亟亠 '仂仍亳 于亠'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ msgstr "仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍从亳亶 仗舒舒仄亠 亟亠亶于亳"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "仂弍舒于仍亠仆亳亠 舒亟亠舒 于 从仆亳亞"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "亟亠"
@@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ msgstr "/丕亟舒仍亳"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "亟亠 E-Mail"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "亟亠仆舒 从仆亳亞舒"
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗亠仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳 舒亟亠仆仂亶 从仆亳亞亳"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "亠仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳亠 舒亟亠仆仂亶 从仆亳亞亳"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "仆亠亠亶"
@@ -1207,11 +1207,11 @@ msgstr "亟亠舒 仂亞舒仆亳亰舒亳亶"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "亳仆亠 舒亟亠舒"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "丕于亠亟仂仄仍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "亠亟仗亠亢亟亠仆亳亠"
@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ msgstr "仂亳仆亠于亶"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "亠"
@@ -1568,66 +1568,66 @@ msgstr "亠于亠仆亶 仂仄舒 仄亠从亳 亳亳仂于舒仆亳."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "亠于亠仆亶 仂仄舒 舒弍仍仂仆舒 仂于亠舒 亳仍亳 仗亠亠仍从亳."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仆亠 仆舒亶亟亠仆\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳 舒亰仄亠舒 舒亶仍舒 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仗仂亶."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "亠于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 仗仂亳舒 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗亳 仗仂仍亠仆亳亳 仂亟仆仂亞仂 亳亰 从仂仄仗仂仆亠仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(亠亰 亠仄)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [亰仄亠仆亠仆仂]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 仂亟亞仂仂于从舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "仂仍舒亠仍 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仆亠 从舒亰舒仆."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仆亠 从舒亰舒仆舒. 仗舒于亳 弍亠亰 亠仄?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆亳 仗亳从舒 仗仂仍舒亠仍亠亶."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1635,21 +1635,21 @@ msgstr ""
"丕亠仆舒 亰舒仗亳 亟仍 仂仗舒于从亳 仗仂 仆亠 仂仗亠亟亠仍亠仆舒.\n"
"仂亢舒仍亶舒, 于弍亠亳亠 亠亠 仗亠亠亟 仂仗舒于从仂亶."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "仂亳亰仂仍舒 仂亳弍从舒 仗亳 仂仗舒于从亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仆舒 %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仂舒仆亠仆亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳 于 仗舒仗从亠 仂仗舒于仍亠仆仆."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "亠 仆舒亶亟亠仆 从仍ム, 仂仂于亠于ム亳亶 于弍舒仆仆仂仄 亳亟亠仆亳亳从舒仂 '%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1660,12 +1660,12 @@ msgstr ""
"亳亰 %s 于 %s.\n"
"亠 舒于仆仂 仗仂仍舒 亠亞仂?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗亠仂弍舒亰仂于舒仆亳 舒亟亠仆仂亶 从仆亳亞亳"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1674,157 +1674,157 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 亟舒仍亠仆亳 舒仂亞仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "仗仂舒仆仂于从舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂亠亠亟...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "仆亠于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 仆舒亶亳 仗舒仗从 仂亠亠亟亳\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "仂亳弍从舒 舒亰仄亠亠仆亳 于 仂亠亠亟亳\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "仂亰亟舒仆 Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "弌仂亰亟舒仆亳亠 仂从仆舒 仗仂亟亞仂仂于从亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr ":"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/仂亟仗亳舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 (PGP)"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/丿亳仂于舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 (PGP)"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "丐亳仗 MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "舒亰仄亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "仗舒于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "仗舒于亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "仗舒于亳 仗仂亰亢亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "仂仄亠亳 于 仂亠亠亟 亳 仂仗舒于亳 仗仂亰亢亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "丼亠仆仂于亳从亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "弌仂舒仆亳 于 仗舒仗从亠 亠仆仂于亳从仂于"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "舒于亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "舒于亳 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "仍仂亢亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "仍仂亢亳 舒亶仍"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "仂亟仗亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "仂弍舒于亳 仗仂亟仗亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "亠亟舒从仂"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "舒于亳 于仆亠仆亳仄 亠亟舒从仂仂仄"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "亠亠仆仂 仂从"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "仂仄舒亳仂于舒 于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "亠于亠仆亶 亳仗 MIME."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 仆亠 亠于亠 亳仍亳 仗."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "弌于仂亶于舒"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "仂亟亳仂于从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "仄 舒亶仍舒"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "亠于亠仆舒 从仂仄舒仆亟舒 于亰仂于舒 于仆亠仆亠亞仂 亠亟舒从仂舒: '%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1835,75 +1835,75 @@ msgstr ""
"舒于亠亳 仗仂亠 仗亳仆亟亳亠仍仆仂?\n"
"亟亠仆亳亳从舒仂 亞仗仗 仗仂亠仂于: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "舒于亠亠仆 仗仂亠 亞仗仗: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "亠仄亠仆仆亶 舒亶仍: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "仂亟亞仂仂于从舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳: 于于仂亟 亳亰 仗仂亠舒 仍亠亢亠仆亳\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "亠 亟舒仍仂 亰舒仗亳 于仆亠仆亳亶 亠亟舒从仂\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 亰舒仗亳亳 于 舒亶仍\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "亳弍从舒 亠仆亳 亳亰 从舒仆舒仍舒\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "亳弍从舒 仗仂舒仆仂于从亳 于 仂亠亠亟."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "弍仂 舒亶仍舒"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "弍仂 舒亶仍舒"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "仗舒于亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "亅仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 亳亰仄亠仆亠仆仂. 从舒亰舒 仂 仆亠亞仂?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "亳仄亠仆亳 舒弍仍仂仆 '%s'?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "亳仄亠仆亳 舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "舒仄亠仆亳"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "舒于亳"
@@ -2088,7 +2088,7 @@ msgstr "亠亟舒从亳仂于舒仆亳亠 亰舒仗亳亳 JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2837,16 +2837,16 @@ msgstr "仆舒仍"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread 仆亠 仗仂亟亟亠亢亳于舒亠 于 glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆亳亠: %s [丐]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [舒亟亠] 仂从 仂从仆仂 仗仂亟亞仂仂于从亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2856,24 +2856,24 @@ msgstr ""
" 仂从 仂从仆仂 仂亰亟舒仆亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仗亳仂亠亟亳仆亠仆仆仄亳\n"
" 舒亶仍舒仄亳"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 仗仂仍亳 仆仂于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr ""
" --receive-all 仗仂仍亳 仆仂于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仂 于亠 亠仆 亰舒仗亳亠亶"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 仂仂仍舒 于亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 亳亰 仂亠亠亟亳"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [仗舒仗从舒]... 于于亠亳 仄仄舒仆仂亠 从仂仍亳亠于仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2881,29 +2881,29 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [仗舒仗从舒]...\n"
" 于于亠亳 仂仂礌亳亠 从舒亰舒仆仆 仗舒仗仂从"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 仂仍舒亟从亳"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 仂仂弍舒亰亳 仂 仂仗亳舒仆亳亠 亳 于亶亳"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 于于亠亳 亳仆仂仄舒亳 仂 于亠亳亳 亳 于亶亳"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "仂亟亳仂于从舒 仂仗舒于仍磳仄 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2917,19 +2917,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr " 亠亟舒从亳亠仄仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠. 仂亟亳?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "弌仂仂弍亠仆亳 于 仂亠亠亟亳"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr " 仂亠亠亟亳 亠 仆亠仗仂仍舒仆仆亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳. 仂亟亳?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2938,16 +2938,16 @@ msgstr ""
"仂亟亟亠亢从舒 OpenPGP 仂从仍ム亠仆舒."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "亟亞舒 从仂仗亳 Sylpheed 亢亠 亰舒仗亠仆舒.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "舒仂亶从舒 亟亠亶于亳亶"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3541,7 +3541,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "仍舒于仆仂亠 仂从仆仂: 仗仂弍仍亠仄舒 于亠仂仄 %d\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "于仗仂仍仆亠仆仂.\n"
@@ -3666,7 +3666,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "仂仍舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳 亳亰 仂亠亠亟亳"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "舒仗亳舒"
@@ -3674,7 +3674,7 @@ msgstr "舒仗亳舒"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "舒仗亳舒 仆仂于仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "于亠亳"
@@ -3702,7 +3702,7 @@ msgstr "亠亠仍舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "丕亟舒仍亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3797,7 +3797,7 @@ msgstr "/仆仄亠仆/仂弍舒于亳 仂仗舒于亳亠仍 于 舒亟
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "弌仂亰亟舒仆亳亠 仂弍仍舒亳 仗仂仄仂舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "丐亠从"
@@ -3823,7 +3823,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "仗仂仍仆亳 从仂仄舒仆亟"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "亠舒"
@@ -3994,11 +3994,11 @@ msgstr "舒仂亶从亳 亠仆仂亶 亰舒仗亳亳"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "弌仂亰亟舒仆亳亠 仂从仆舒 仆舒仂亠从 亠仆仂亶 亰舒仗亳亳...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "亳亠仄"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "舒亳舒"
@@ -4006,7 +4006,7 @@ msgstr "舒亳舒"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆亠"
@@ -4131,7 +4131,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "亠仂亟 舒亠仆亳亳从舒亳亳"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳亠从亳"
@@ -4171,8 +4171,8 @@ msgstr "弌仂亰亟舒于舒 Message-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "仂弍舒于亳 亟仂仗仂仍仆亳亠仍仆亠 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从亳"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " 仗亠亟亠仍亳... "
@@ -4490,216 +4490,216 @@ msgstr "丕亟舒仍亳 亟亠亶于亳亠"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr " 亟亠亶于亳亠仍仆仂 仂亳亠 亟舒仍亳 仂 亟亠亶于亳亠?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "弌仂亰亟舒仆亳亠 仂从仆舒 仂弍亳 仆舒仂亠从...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "弍亳亠 仆舒仂亶从亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "丶亳亳仂于舒仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "仂弍舒亢亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "弌仂仂弍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "仗舒仗从:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "亞仂亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "仗仂仍亰仂于舒 于仆亠仆ム 仗仂亞舒仄仄 亟仍 仗亳亠仄舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "仂仄舒仆亟舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "亳仆亳仄舒 亳亰 仗仍舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "个亳仍仂于舒 仗亳 仗亳亠仄亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr " 从 仗仍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "仂于亠 仗亳仂亟 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "从舒亢亟亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "仄亳仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "仂于亠 仗亳仂亟 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 仗亳 亰舒仗从亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "弍仆仂于亳 于亠 仍仂从舒仍仆亠 仗舒仗从亳 仗仂仍亠 仗亳亠仄舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "亠仄亠亟仍亠仆仆仂 于仗仂仍仆 仗亠亠仄亠亠仆亳亠 亳 亟舒仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "仂仍亠仆亳亠 从仂仍亳亠于舒 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "仗仂仍亰仂于舒 于仆亠仆ム 仗仂亞舒仄仄 亟仍 仂仗舒于从亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "弌仂舒仆 仂仗舒于仍亠仆仆亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 于 仗舒仗从亠 \"仗舒于仍亠仆仆亠\""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "仂亟亳仂于从舒 仂仗舒于仍磳仄 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳亠从亳 (亠从仂仄亠仆亟亠)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7 弍亳 ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "舒仗舒亟仆仂亠于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "舒仗舒亟仆仂亠于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "丶亠仆舒仍仆仂亠于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "舒仍亳亶从舒 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "舒仍亳亶从舒 (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "亠亠从舒 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "亠亠从舒 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "亳亳仍仍亳舒 Win (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "丐亠从舒 (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "亳亳仍仍亳舒 (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "从舒 (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "丕从舒亳仆从舒 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "亳亳仍仍亳舒 Win (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "亊仗仂仆从舒 (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "亊仗仂仆从舒 (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "亊仗仂仆从舒 (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "丕仗仂亠仆仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "丕仗仂亠仆仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "丐舒亟亳亳仂仆仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "丐舒亟亳亳仂仆仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "亳舒亶从舒 (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "仂亠亶从舒 (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "丐舒亶从舒 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "丐舒亶从舒 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4708,11 +4708,11 @@ msgstr ""
"亳 于弍仂亠 于舒亳舒仆舒 '于仂仄舒亳亠从亳' 弍亟亠 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆舒\n"
"仂仗亳仄舒仍仆舒 从仂亟亳仂于从舒 亟仍 亠从亠亞仂 磶从舒 亳 舒仆."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "仂亟亳仂于舒仆亳亠 亠从舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4721,126 +4721,126 @@ msgstr ""
"丕从舒亢亳亠 仄亠仂亟 从仂亟亳仂于舒仆亳 亠从仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶, 仂亟亠亢舒亳 亳仄于仂仍\n"
"仆亠 亳亰 亟亳舒仗舒亰仂仆舒 ASCII (Content-Transfer-Encoding)."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "舒亰亟亠仍亳亠仍 仗仂亟仗亳亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "仂弍舒于仍 舒于仂仄舒亳亠从亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳亠从亳 亰舒仗从舒 于仆亠仆亳亶 亠亟舒从仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "丼亳仍仂 仂于仆亠亶 仂从舒舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "亠亠仆仂亳 仂从亳 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "亳仄于仂仍舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "亠亠仆仂亳 亳舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "亠亠仆仂亳 仗亳 于于仂亟亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "亠亠仆仂亳 仗亠亠亟 仂仗舒于从仂亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳亠从亳 于弍亳舒 亠仆 亰舒仗亳 仗亳 仂于亠亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "丶亳亳仂于舒 仗亳 仂于亠亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "仂 从仆仂仗从亠 \"于亠亳\" 仂于亠舒 于 仗亳仂从 舒仍从亳"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "个仂仄舒 仂于亠舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "仆舒从 亳舒"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "个仂仄舒 仗亠亠仍舒亠仄仂亞仂 仂仂弍亠仆亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " 仗亳舒仆亳亠 亳仄于仂仍仂于 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "丿亳"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "舒仗从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒 亳仍仂 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆仆 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 磲仂仄 亳仄亠仆亠仄 仗舒仗从亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒 亳仍仂 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆仆 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 磲仂仄 亳仄亠仆亠仄 仗舒仗从亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "弌仂从舒舒 仆舒亰于舒仆亳 亞仗仗 仆仂于仂亠亶 亟仍亳仆仆亠亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "弍从于"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "弌仗亳仂从 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒 仗仂仍舒亠仍 于 从仂仍仂仆从亠 '', 亠仍亳 仂仗舒于亳亠仍 - "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "舒亰于仂舒亳于舒 仂弍亢亟亠仆亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "个仂仄舒 亟舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr "丕舒仆仂于亳 仗仂从舒亰于舒亠仄亠 仗仂仍..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "舒亰亠亳 舒从舒从 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4848,395 +4848,392 @@ msgstr ""
"仂弍舒亢舒 仄仆仂亞仂弍舒亶仂于亠 舒仍舒于亳仆仂-亳仂于亠 亳仄于仂仍\n"
"从舒从 ASCII (仂仍从仂 亟仍 礚仂仆从亳 从仂亟亳仂于仂从)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒 仗舒仆亠仍 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从仂于 仆舒亟 仂弍仍舒 仗仂仄仂舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒 仂从舒亠仆仆亠 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从亳 仗亳 仗仂仄仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒 仂从舒亠仆仆亠 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从亳 仗亳 仗仂仄仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "舒仂礌亳亠 仄亠亢亟 仂从舒仄亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "仗亳从亠仍亠亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "仂从从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "仂仍仂于亳仆舒 舒仆亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "仍舒于仆舒 仗仂从从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "丿舒亞"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "舒舒弍亳仂于舒 仗亳仂亠亟亳仆亠仆仆亠 亳亰仂弍舒亢亠仆亳 仗仂 舒亰仄亠 仂从仆舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "舒仂亶从舒 仂仂弍舒亢亠仆亳 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从仂于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "仗舒仗从:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "仗仂仍仆亳 从仂仄舒仆亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "仗仂仍仆亳 从仂仄舒仆亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "仗舒仗从:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(亠仂亳仍仂于舒仆仆亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 弍亟 仂舒仆亠仆 于 仂亶 仗舒仗从亠)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "个亳仍仂于舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳 仗亳 仗亳亠仄亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(亠仂亳仍仂于舒仆仆亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 弍亟 仂舒仆亠仆 于 仂亶 仗舒仗从亠)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳亠从亳 仗仂于亠 仗仂亟仗亳亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒 亠亰仍舒 仗仂于亠从亳 仗仂亟仗亳亳 于 仂亟亠仍仆仂仄 仂从仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "弌仂舒仆 仗舒仂仍仆 舒亰 于 仗舒仄亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "丕亟舒仍 亠亠亰"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "仄亳仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(亳 舒仆仂于从亠 于 0 仗舒仂仍仆舒 舒亰舒 弍亟亠 舒仆亳\n"
" 于 亠亠仆亳亠 于亠亞仂 亠舒仆舒)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "舒于舒亳 于于仂亟 仗亳 亰舒仗仂亠 仗舒仂仍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "于仂亟亳 仗亠亟仗亠亢亟亠仆亳亠 仗亳 亰舒仗从亠, 亠仍亳 GnuPG 仆亠 舒弍仂舒亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "亠亞亟舒 仂从于舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 亟仍 仗仂仄仂舒 仗亳 于亟亠仍亠仆亳亳 于 仗亳从亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "从 仗亠于仂亠 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆仆仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 仗亳 于仂亟亠 于 仗舒仗从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "仂仄亠舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 从舒从 仗仂亳舒仆仆仂亠 仂仍从仂 仗仂仍亠 仂从亳 于 仆仂于仂仄 仂从仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "亠亠亶亳 于 仗舒仗从 \"仂亟亳亠\" 仗仂仍亠 仗亳亠仄舒 仆仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "亠仄亠亟仍亠仆仆仂 于仗仂仍仆 仗亠亠仄亠亠仆亳亠 亳 亟舒仍亠仆亳亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(弌仂仂弍亠仆亳 弍亟 仗仂仂 仗仂仄亠亠仆 亟仂 于仗仂仍仆亠仆亳, 亠仍亳\n"
" 舒 仂仗亳 仆亠 于从仍ム亠仆舒)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "从仆仂 仗亳亠仄舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒 仂从仆仂 仗亳亠仄舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "亠亞亟舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "丐仂仍从仂 仗亳 仆仂仄 亰舒仗从亠 仗亳亠仄舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "亳从仂亞亟舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "亠 仂仂弍舒亢舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亠 仂弍 仂亳弍从亠 仗亳 仗仂仍亠仆亳亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "舒从于舒 仂从仆仂 仗亳亠仄舒 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 仗仂仍亠 亰舒于亠亠仆亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " 丕舒仆仂于亳 从仍舒于亳舒仆亠 从仂仄舒仆亟... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "仆亠仆亳亠 从仂仄舒仆亟 (%s 弍亟亠 亰舒仄亠仆亠仆 仆舒 亳仄 舒亶仍舒/URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Web-弍舒亰亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "舒仗从舒 亟仍 于仂亟亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "仂弍舒于仍 舒亟亠 于 仗亳仂从 舒亟亠舒仂于 仗仂 亟于仂亶仆仂仄 亠仍从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "亳 于仂亟亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "仂亟于亠亢亟亠仆亳亠 仗亳 于仂亟亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "亳舒 从仂亰亳仆 仗亳 于仂亟亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "弌仗舒亳于舒 仗亠亠亟 仂亳从仂亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "亠亟仗亠亢亟舒 仂 仆舒仍亳亳亳 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 于 仂亠亠亟亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "舒仗亳 从亠舒 仗亳从舒 (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "亠仄 仂亢亳亟舒仆亳 仂于亠舒 亳亰 亠亳:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "亠从仆亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "仂从舒亠仆仆仂亠 仆舒亰于舒仆亳亠 亟仆 仆亠亟亠仍亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "仗仂仍仆仂亠 仆舒亰于舒仆亳亠 亟仆 仆亠亟亠仍亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "仂从舒亠仆仆仂亠 仆舒亰于舒仆亳亠 仄亠舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "仗仂仍仆仂亠 仆舒亰于舒仆亳亠 仄亠舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "仗亠亟仗仂亳亠仍仆亶 仂仄舒 亟舒 亳 于亠仄亠仆亳 亟仍 于弍舒仆仆仂亶 舒仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "于亠从 (亞仂亟/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "亟亠仆 仄亠舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "舒, 24-舒仂于仂亠 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "舒, 12-舒仂于仂亠 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "亟亠仆 亞仂亟舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "仆仂仄亠 仄亠舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "仄亳仆舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM 亳仍亳 PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "亠从仆亟舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "仆仂仄亠 亟仆 仆亠亟亠仍亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "仗亠亟仗仂亳亠仍仆亶 仂仄舒 亟舒 亟仍 于弍舒仆仆仂亶 舒仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "仗仂仍亠亟仆亳亠 亟于亠 亳 亞仂亟舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "亞仂亟 仗仂仍仆仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "亳仄 亳仍亳 仂从舒亠仆亳亠 于亠仄亠仆仆仂亶 亰仂仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "亅仍亠仄亠仆 仂仄舒舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "仗亳舒仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "亳仄亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "舒仂亶从舒 于亠仂于 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "丶于亠舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "丶亳舒舒 - 亠于亶 仂于亠仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "丶亳舒舒 - 仂仂亶 仂于亠仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "丶亳舒舒 - 丐亠亳亶 仂于亠仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "弌仍从舒 (URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "丶亳从仍亳亠从亳 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒 于亠舒 亳舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "弍亠亳亠 于亠 亟仍 亳舒 仂于仆 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "弍亠亳亠 于亠 亟仍 亳舒 仂于仆 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "弍亠亳亠 于亠 亟仍 亳舒 仂于仆 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "弍亠亳亠 于亠 亟仍 仍仂从 (URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "仗亳舒仆亳亠 亳仄于仂仍仂于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5260,11 +5257,11 @@ msgstr ""
"仗仗 仆仂于仂亠亶\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "仍亳 x 舒仆仂于仍亠仆仂, 仂仂弍舒亢舒亠 expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5278,7 +5275,7 @@ msgstr ""
"弌仂亟亠亢亳仄仂亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 弍亠亰 仗仂亟仗亳亳 仂 亰仆舒从仂仄 亳舒\n"
"弌亳仄于仂仍 '%'"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5290,20 +5287,20 @@ msgstr ""
"弌亳仄于仂仍 '{'\n"
"弌亳仄于仂仍 '}'"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "仍舒于亳舒仆亠 从仂仄舒仆亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " 丕舒仆仂于亳 从仍舒于亳舒仆亠 从仂仄舒仆亟... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "仂 仄仂仍舒仆亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "弌舒舒 Sylpheed"
@@ -5613,17 +5610,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "仍仂亢亠仆亳亠"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "舒舒"
@@ -6362,20 +6359,20 @@ msgstr "弌于磶于舒仆亳亠 仂弍亢亟亠仆亳亶..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "仄亠仆舒 于磶于舒仆亳 仂弍亢亟亠仆亳亶..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "亳仍舒亳..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "个亳仍舒亳..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d 仂仂弍亠仆亳亶 仂亳仍仂于舒仆仂."
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "仂仄亠"
@@ -6437,6 +6434,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(亠仂亳仍仂于舒仆仆亠 仂仂弍亠仆亳 弍亟 仂舒仆亠仆 于 仂亶 仗舒仗从亠)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po
index bd90f7b5..8c9a5bed 100644
--- a/po/sk.po
+++ b/po/sk.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-22 17:46+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Andrej Kacian <andrej@kacian.sk>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak <sk-i18n@lists.linux.sk>\n"
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ msgstr "N叩jden辿 %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Nastavenie ulo転en辿.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Prieinok"
@@ -624,12 +624,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa zmeni泥 m坦d s炭boru\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "nepodaril sa z叩pis do %s.\n"
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ msgstr ""
"pri vo直be 'Prija泥 v邸etko', zatrhnite pol鱈ko v st頂pci oznaenom 'G'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ msgstr "Pou転鱈vate直sk箪 parameter pre akciu"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Prida泥 adresu do adres叩ra"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres叩r"
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ msgstr "/Z_maza泥"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "E-mailov叩 adresa"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Otvori泥 adres叩r"
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ msgstr "Chyba pri konverzii adres叩ra"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Konverzia adres叩ra"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Ovl叩danie"
@@ -1206,11 +1206,11 @@ msgstr "Spolon叩 adresa"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "S炭kromn叩 adresa"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Upozornenie"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Varovanie"
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ msgstr "Hned叩"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "貼iadna"
@@ -1575,66 +1575,66 @@ msgstr "Chyba v 炭vodzovk叩ch."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Chyba form叩tu odpovede/preposielania."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "S炭bor %s neexistuje\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Ned叩 sa zisti泥 d頂転ka s炭boru %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "S炭bor %s je pr叩zdny."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Ned叩 sa 鱈ta泥 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Spr叩va: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ned叩 sa z鱈ska泥 as泥 viacdielnej spr叩vy."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(bez predmetu)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr "[Upraven辿]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - P鱈sanie spr叩vy%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Nie je uren箪 pr鱈jemca."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Predmet"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Predmet je pr叩zdny. Odosla泥 napriek tomu?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "ned叩 sa z鱈ska泥 zoznam pr鱈jemcov."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1642,21 +1642,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Nie je uren辿 konto pre odosielanie spr叩v.\n"
"Pred odosielan鱈m pros鱈m zvo直te po邸tov辿 konto."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Pri odosielan鱈 spr叩vy na %s nastala chyba."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Spr叩va sa ned叩 ulo転i泥 medzi odoslan辿 spr叩vy."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Nem担転em n叩js泥 転iadny k直炭 asociovan箪 so zvolen箪m ID k直炭a `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1667,12 +1667,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s na %s.\n"
"Odosla泥 spr叩vu aj napriek tomu?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Chyba pri konverzii adres叩ra"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1681,157 +1681,157 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "ned叩 sa odstr叩ni泥 star叩 spr叩va\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "zaraujem spr叩vu do fronty...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "nem担転em n叩js泥 prieinok Na odoslanie\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "nem担転em zaradi泥 spr叩vu do fronty\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "vygenerovan箪 Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩ram okno pre p鱈sanie spr叩vy...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Od:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_N叩stroje/A_kcie"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/Sp_r叩va/_Za邸ifrova泥"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME typ"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Ve直kos泥"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Odosla泥"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Odosla泥 spr叩vu"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Odosla泥 nesk担r"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Zaradi泥 spr叩vu do prieinka Na odoslanie a odosla泥 nesk担r"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Koncept"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Ulo転i泥 medzi koncepty"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Vlo転i泥"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Vlo転i泥 obsah s炭boru"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Pripoji泥"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Pripoji泥 s炭bor"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Vlo転i泥 podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Upravi泥 pomocou extern辿ho editoru"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Riadkovanie"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Zalomi泥 v邸etky dlh辿 riadky"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Neplatn箪 MIME typ."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "S炭bor neexistuje alebo je pr叩zdny."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Vlastnosti"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "K坦dov叩 str叩nka"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Cesta"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "N叩zov s炭boru"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Neplatn箪 pr鱈kaz pre extern箪 editor: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1842,75 +1842,75 @@ msgstr ""
"Ukoni泥 ho n叩silne?\n"
"skupinov箪 ID procesu: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Ukonen叩 skupina procesov s ID: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Doasn箪 s炭bor: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "P鱈sanie: vstup z extern辿ho procesu\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Ned叩 sa spusti泥 extern箪 editor\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Ned叩 sa zapisova泥 do s炭boru\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Ned叩 sa 鱈ta泥 z potrubia\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Spr叩va sa ned叩 zaradi泥 do fronty."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Vybra泥 s炭bor"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Vybra泥 s炭bor"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Odosla泥 spr叩vu"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Obsah spr叩vy sa zmenil. Chcete zahodi泥 zmeny?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Chcete pou転i泥 邸abl坦nu `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Pou転i泥 邸abl坦nu"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Nahradi泥"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Vlo転i泥"
@@ -2096,7 +2096,7 @@ msgstr "Upravi泥 z叩znam JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2849,16 +2849,16 @@ msgstr "Z叩znam protokolu"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "glib nepodporuje g_thread.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Pou転itie: %s [VO捗BY]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresa] otvor鱈 okno pre p鱈sanie novej spr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2869,23 +2869,23 @@ msgstr ""
" s炭bormi"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive prijme nov辿 spr叩vy"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all prijme nov辿 spr叩vy pre v邸etky kont叩"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send po邸le v邸etky spr叩vy vo v箪stupnej fronte"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [prieinok]... zobraz鱈 celkov箪 poet spr叩v"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2893,30 +2893,30 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [prieinok]...\n"
" zobraz鱈 stav jednotliv箪ch prieinkov"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug ladiaci m坦d"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help zobraz鱈 t炭to n叩povedu a ukon鱈 program"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr ""
" --version zobraz鱈 inform叩cie o verzii a ukon鱈 program"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "V箪stupn辿 k坦dovanie znakov"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2930,19 +2930,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "M叩te rozp鱈san炭 spr叩vu. Naozaj ukoni泥?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Spr叩vy vo fronte"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Vo fronte s炭 neodoslan辿 spr叩vy. Ukoni泥 program?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2951,16 +2951,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Podpora OpenPGP je vypnut叩."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "u転 be転鱈 in叩 k坦pia Sylpheedu.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Nastavenie akci鱈"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3564,7 +3564,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Hlavn辿 Okno: alok叩cia farieb %d bola ne炭spe邸n叩\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "hotovo.\n"
@@ -3693,7 +3693,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Odosla泥 spr叩vy vo fronte"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Nov叩 spr叩va"
@@ -3701,7 +3701,7 @@ msgstr "Nov叩 spr叩va"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Nap鱈sa泥 nov炭 spr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Odpoveda泥"
@@ -3729,7 +3729,7 @@ msgstr "Posla泥 spr叩vu alej"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Zmaza泥 spr叩vu"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3823,7 +3823,7 @@ msgstr "/_N叩stroje/Prida泥 _odosielate直a do adres叩ra"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩ram zobrazenie spr叩vy...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"
@@ -3849,7 +3849,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Vykona泥"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Tlai泥"
@@ -4020,11 +4020,11 @@ msgstr "Nastavenie konta"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩ram okno nastavenia konta...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Prija泥"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "S炭kromie"
@@ -4032,7 +4032,7 @@ msgstr "S炭kromie"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Roz邸鱈ren辿"
@@ -4158,7 +4158,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Met坦da autentiz叩cie"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatick叩"
@@ -4198,8 +4198,8 @@ msgstr "Generova泥 Message-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Prida泥 u転ivate直om definovan辿 hlaviky"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Upresni泥... "
@@ -4518,216 +4518,216 @@ msgstr "Zmaza泥 akciu"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Naozaj chcete zmaza泥 t炭to akciu?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Vytv叩ram okno v邸eobecn箪ch nastaven鱈...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "V邸eobecn辿 nastavenia"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Cit叩t"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Zobrazenie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Spr叩va"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Prieinok"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Ostatn辿"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Pou転i泥 extern箪 program pre prij鱈manie lok叩lnej po邸ty"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Pr鱈kaz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Prija泥 lok叩lnu po邸tu zo spoolu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtrova泥 pri prij鱈man鱈 lok叩lnej po邸ty"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Automaticky zis泥ova泥 nov炭 po邸tu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "ka転d箪ch"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "min炭t"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Zisti泥 nov炭 po邸tu pri spusten鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Aktualizova泥 v邸etky miestne prieinky po prijat鱈 po邸ty"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Pri pres炭van鱈 alebo mazan鱈 spr叩v toto vykona泥 okam転ite"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Z鱈skavam poet nov箪ch spr叩v (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Pre odosielanie pou転i泥 extern箪 program"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Ulo転i泥 odoslan辿 spr叩vy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "V箪stupn辿 k坦dovanie znakov"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatick辿 (doporuen辿)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Z叩padn叩 Eur坦pa (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Z叩padn叩 Eur坦pa (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Stredn叩 Eur坦pa (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Pobaltie (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Pobaltie (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Gr辿cko (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Gr辿cko (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Cyrilika (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turecko (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cyrilika (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cyrilika (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cyrilika (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cyrilika (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japonsko (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japonsko (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japonsko (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Zjednodu邸en叩 鱈n邸tina (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Zjednodu邸en叩 鱈n邸tina (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Tradin叩 鱈n邸tina (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Tradin叩 鱈n邸tina (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "鱈n邸tina (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "K坦rea (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Thajsko (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Thajsko (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4736,11 +4736,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Po zvolen鱈 'Automatick辿' bude zvolen辿 optim叩lne k坦dovanie\n"
"pre s炭asn炭 lokaliz叩ciu."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "K坦dovanie pri prenose"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4749,521 +4749,518 @@ msgstr ""
"Zadajte hodnotu Content-Transfer-Encoding, ktor叩 bude pou転it叩,\n"
"ke bude spr叩va obsahova泥 in辿 znaky ako ASCII."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Odde直ova podpisu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Vlo転i泥 automaticky"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Automaticky spusti泥 extern箪 editor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Poet sp辰tn箪ch krokov"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Zalomi泥 spr叩vy na"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "znakoch"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Zalomi泥 cit叩ciu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Zalamova泥 pri p鱈san鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Zalomi泥 pred odoslan鱈m"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Automaticky zvoli泥 konto pri odpovedan鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Pri odpovedan鱈 citova泥 spr叩vu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Tla鱈tko Odpoveda泥 zvol鱈 odpove do mailinglistu"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Form叩t odpovede"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Znaka cit叩cie"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Form叩t posielania alej"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Popis znakov "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "P鱈smo"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Prieinok"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Zobrazi泥 poet nepre鱈tan箪ch spr叩v pri n叩zve prieinka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Zobrazi泥 poet nepre鱈tan箪ch spr叩v pri n叩zve prieinka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Skr叩ti泥 diskusn辿 skupiny dlh邸ie ako"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "p鱈smen"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Zoznam spr叩v"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Zobrazi泥 pr鱈jemcu v st頂pci 'Od' ak ste odosielate直 vy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Rozbali泥 vl叩kna"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Form叩t d叩tumu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Nastavenie zobrazovan箪ch polo転iek v zozname spr叩v... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Povoli泥 farby v spr叩ve"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
msgstr "Zobrazi泥 viacbajtov炭 abecedu a 鱈sla ako ASCII znaky (len Japonsko)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Zobrazi泥 panel s hlavikami nad spr叩vou"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Zobrazi泥 vybran辿 hlaviky v spr叩ve"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Zobrazi泥 vybran辿 hlaviky v spr叩ve"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Medzera medzi riadkami"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel(ov)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Pos炭vanie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Pol str叩nky"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Plynul辿 pos炭vanie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Posun"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Prisp担sobi泥 ve直kos泥 prilo転en箪ch obr叩zkov"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Zobrazovan辿 hlaviky"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Prieinok"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Vykona泥"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Vykona泥"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Prieinok"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(Nefiltrovan辿 spr叩vy bud炭 umiestnen辿 v tomto prieinku)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtrova泥 spr叩vy pri prijat鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(Nefiltrovan辿 spr叩vy bud炭 umiestnen辿 v tomto prieinku)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Automaticky overova泥 podpisy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Zobrazi泥 v箪sledok overenia ako upozornenie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Ulo転i泥 heslo doasne v pam辰ti"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Vymaza泥 z pam辰te za"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "min炭t "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(Nastavte na '0', ak chcete ulo転i泥 heslo do pam辰te\n"
" a転 do ukonenia)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Zachyti泥 vstup poas zad叩vania hesla"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Pri spusten鱈 zobrazi泥 varovanie v pr鱈pade, 転e sa GnuPG ned叩 pou転i泥."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Otvori泥 spr叩vu hne pri zvolen鱈 v zozname"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Pri vstupe do prieinka otvori泥 prv炭 nepre鱈tan炭 spr叩vu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Spr叩vu oznai泥 ako pre鱈tan炭 len ak je otvoren叩 v samostatnom okne"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Po prijat鱈 novej po邸ty sa presun炭泥 do prieinka prijat箪ch spr叩v"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Pri pres炭van鱈 alebo mazan鱈 spr叩v toto vykona泥 okam転ite"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(Spr叩vy bud炭 oznaen辿 a転 do vykonania,\n"
" ak je t叩to mo転nos泥 vypnut叩)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Okno prij鱈mania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Zobrazi泥 okno prij鱈mania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "V転dy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "Len pri manu叩lnom prij鱈man鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nikdy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Nezobrazova泥 upozornenie pri chybe pri prij鱈man鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Po skonen鱈 zavrie泥 okno prij鱈mania"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Nastavi泥 kl叩vesov辿 skratky... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Extern辿 pr鱈kazy (%s bude nahraden辿 n叩zvom s炭boru / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Webov箪 prehliada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "V箪chodz鱈 inbox"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Prida泥 adresu k pr鱈jemcom pri dvojkliknut鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Pri ukonen鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Potvrdi泥 ukonenie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Vypr叩zdni泥 k担邸 pri ukonen鱈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Op箪ta泥 sa pred vypr叩zdnen鱈m"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Upozorni泥, ak s炭 spr叩vy vo fronte"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Zapisujem stav zoznamu do medzipam辰te (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "asov箪 limit spojen鱈:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "sek炭nd"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "skr叩ten箪 n叩zov da v t箪転dni"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "n叩zov da v t箪転dni"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "skr叩ten箪 n叩zov mesiaca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "n叩zov mesiaca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "uprednostovan箪 d叩tum a as pre s炭asn炭 lokaliz叩ciu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "storoie (rok/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "de v mesiaci"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "鱈slo hodiny pri pou転it鱈 24-hodinov辿ho asu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "鱈slo hodiny pri pou転it鱈 12-hodinov辿ho asu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "鱈slo da v roku"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "鱈slo mesiaca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "min炭ty"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM alebo PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "sekundy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "poradie da v t箪転dni"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "uprednostovan箪 d叩tum pre s炭asn炭 lokaliz叩ciu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "posledn辿 dve 鱈slice roku"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "rok"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "asov叩 z坦na, jej n叩zov alebo skratka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Symbol"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Pr鱈klad"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Nastavi泥 farby spr叩vy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Farby"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Citovan箪 text - Prv叩 炭rove"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Citovan箪 text - Druh叩 炭rove"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Citovan箪 text - Tretia 炭rove"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI odkaz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Opakova泥 farby"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Vyberte farbu pre 1. 炭rove cit叩cie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Vyberte farbu pre 2. 炭rove cit叩cie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Vyberte farbu pre 3. 炭rove cit叩cie"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Vyberte farbu pre URI odkazy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Popis symbolov"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5287,11 +5284,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Diskusn辿 skupiny\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Ak je x zadan辿, zobraz鱈 expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5305,7 +5302,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Telo citovanej spr叩vy bez podpisu\n"
"Znak %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5317,20 +5314,20 @@ msgstr ""
"捗av叩 zlo転en叩 z叩tvorka\n"
"Prav叩 zlo転en叩 z叩tvorka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Kl叩vesov辿 skratky"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Nastavi泥 kl叩vesov辿 skratky... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "tandardn辿"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Star邸鱈 Sylpheed"
@@ -5664,17 +5661,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Pr鱈loha"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Predmet"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "D叩tum"
@@ -6411,20 +6408,20 @@ msgstr "Vytv叩ram vl叩kna..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Odstraujem 邸trukt炭ru vl叩kien..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtrujem..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtrujem..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr ""
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "."
@@ -6483,6 +6480,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(Nefiltrovan辿 spr叩vy bud炭 umiestnen辿 v tomto prieinku)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/sl.po b/po/sl.po
index fccaed32..47b807fe 100644
--- a/po/sl.po
+++ b/po/sl.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-01-24 20:39CET\n"
"Last-Translator: Jernej Kovacic <jkovacic@email.si>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian <translator-team-sl@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ msgstr "Najden %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Konfiguracija je shranjena.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Mapa"
@@ -630,12 +630,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "Ne morem spremeniti pravic do dostopa do datoteke\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "pisanje v %s ni uspelo.\n"
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ msgstr ""
"v stolpcu `G', da omogoite pobiranje sporoil z ukazom `Poberi vsa'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Dodaj naslov v adresar"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Naslov"
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ msgstr "/_Brisanje"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "Elektronski naslov"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Imenik naslovov"
@@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@ msgstr "Napaka pri pretvorbi imenika naslovov"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Pretvorba imenika naslovov"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Vmesnik"
@@ -1211,11 +1211,11 @@ msgstr "Skupni naslov"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Osebni naslov"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Opomba"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Opozorilo"
@@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@ msgstr "Rjava"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ni"
@@ -1581,66 +1581,66 @@ msgstr "Napaka pri oblikovanju znaka za citiranje."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Napaka pri oblikovanju odgovora/posredovanja sporoila."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne obstaja\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Ne morem dobiti velikosti datoteke %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka %s je prazna."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Ne morem prebrati %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Sporoilo: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ne morem dobiti dela vedelnega sporoila."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Brez zadeve)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [V urejanju]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Sestavi sporoilo%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Naslovnik ni doloen."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Zadeva"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Zadeva sporoila je prazna. Naj kljub temu po邸ljem?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "ne morem dobiti seznama naslovnikov"
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1648,21 +1648,21 @@ msgstr ""
"Raun za po邸iljanje po邸te ni doloen.\n"
"Prosim, pred po邸iljanjem izberite po邸tni raun."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Med po邸iljanjem sporoila %s je pri邸lo do napake."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Ne morem shraniti sporoila v imenik Outbox."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Ne najdem tipke, ki bi bila povezana z identifikatorjem tipke `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1672,12 +1672,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Ne morem pretvoriti nabora znakov sporoila.\n"
"Naj ga kljub temu po邸ljem?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Napaka pri pretvorbi imenika naslovov"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1686,158 +1686,158 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "ne morem odstraniti starega sporoila\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "prestavljam sporoilo v mapo akajoe...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "ne najdem mape s akajoimi sporoili\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "ne morem prelo転iti sporoila\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "generiran Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Odpiram okno za sestavljanje sporoila...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Po邸iljatelj:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_Orodja/Deja_nja"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Sporoilo/_Enkripcija"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "Tip MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Velikost"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Po邸lji"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Po邸lji sporoilo"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Po邸lji kasneje"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Postavi v mapo akajoe in po邸lji kasneje"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Osnutek"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Shrani v imenik Draft"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Vstavi"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Vstavi datoteko"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Pripni"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Pripni datoteko"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Vstavi podpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Urejevalnik"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Urejanje z zunanjim urejevalnikom"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Prelom vrstic"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Prelomi vse dolge vrstice"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Napaen tip MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka ne obstaja ali pa je prazna."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Lastnost"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Nabor znakov"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Pot"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Ukazna vrstica za zunanji urejevalnik je neveljavna: '%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1848,75 +1848,75 @@ msgstr ""
"Ali naj ga prisilim k prekinitvi?\n"
"t. skupine procesov: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "t. prekinjene skupine procesov: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Zaasna datoteka: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Sestavljanje: vhod iz opazovanega procesa\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Ne morem pognati zunanjega urejevalnika\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Ne morem pisati v datoteko\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Branje preko cevi ni uspelo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Ne morem prelo転iti po邸iljanja sporoila."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Izberi datoteko"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Izberi datoteko"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Po邸lji sporoilo"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "To sporoilo je bilo spremenjeno. Naj ga zavr転em?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Ali 転elite uporabiti predlogo `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Uporabi predlogo"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Zamenjaj"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Vstavi"
@@ -2101,7 +2101,7 @@ msgstr "Urejanje vnosa JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2849,16 +2849,16 @@ msgstr "Dnevnik protokola"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread ni podprt v glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Uporaba: %s [MO貼NOST]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [naslov] odpri okno za sestavljanje novega sporoila"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2868,53 +2868,53 @@ msgstr ""
" odpri okno za sestavljanje s pripetimi\n"
" podanimi datotekami"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive poberi nova sporoila"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all poberi nova sporoila z vseh raunov"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send po邸lji vsa akajoa sporoila"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status prika転i skupno 邸tevilo sporoil"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status prika転i skupno 邸tevilo sporoil"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug razhro邸evalni nain"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help prika転i to pomo in konaj"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version prika転i informacijo o razliici in konaj"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Izhodni nabor znakov"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2928,19 +2928,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "e vedno sestavljate sporoilo. Ali naj res konam?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "akajoa sporoila"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Nekaj neposlamih sporoil je na akanju. Ali naj konam?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2949,16 +2949,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Podpora za OpenPGP je izkljuena."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Sylpheed 転e tee.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Pi邸em nastavitve dejanj..\n"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3569,7 +3569,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "GlavnoOkno: alokacija barve %d ni uspela\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "opravljeno.\n"
@@ -3697,7 +3697,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Po邸lji akajoa sporoila"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Sestavi"
@@ -3705,7 +3705,7 @@ msgstr "Sestavi"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Sestavi novo sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Odgovori"
@@ -3733,7 +3733,7 @@ msgstr "Posreduj sporoilo"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Izbri邸i sporoilo"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3827,7 +3827,7 @@ msgstr "/_Orodja/Doda_j po邸iljatelja v adresar"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Ustvarjam videz sporoila...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Besedilo"
@@ -3853,7 +3853,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Izvedi"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Tiskanje"
@@ -4024,11 +4024,11 @@ msgstr "Nastavitve rauna"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Ustvarjam okno za nastavitve rauna...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Sprejmi"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Zasebnost"
@@ -4036,7 +4036,7 @@ msgstr "Zasebnost"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Napredno"
@@ -4162,7 +4162,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Overovitvena metoda"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Samodejno"
@@ -4202,8 +4202,8 @@ msgstr "Generiran ID sporoila"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Dodaj uporabni邸ko definirano zaglavje"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Uredi... "
@@ -4520,216 +4520,216 @@ msgstr "Izbri邸i dejanje"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Ali resnino 転elite izbrisati ta raun?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Ustvarjam okno za splo邸ne nastavitve...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Splo邸ne nastavitve"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Citat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Prikaz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Sporoila"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Mapa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Ostalo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Uporabi zunanji program za vkljuitev"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Ukaz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Pripoji iz spoola"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtriranje ob pripojitvi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Samodejno preverjanje nove po邸te"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "vsak"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minut(e)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Preveri novo po邸to ob zagonu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Posodobi vse lokalne mape po pripojitvi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "IZvr邸i takoj, ko prestavlja邸 ali bri邸e邸 sporoilo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Ugotavljam 邸tevilo novih sporoil (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Uporabi zunanji program za po邸iljanje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Shrani poslana sporoila v izhodno mapo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Izhodni nabor znakov"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Samodejno (priporoeno)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7-bitni ASCII (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Zahodnoevropski (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Zahodnoevropski (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Srednjeevropski (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltski (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltski (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Gr邸ki (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Gr邸ki (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Cirilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Tur邸ki (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cirilica (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cirilica (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cirilica (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cirilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japonski (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japonski (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japonski (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Poenostavljena kitaj邸ina (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Poenostavljena kitaj邸ina (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Tradicionalna kitaj邸ina (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Tradicionalna kitaj邸ina (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Kitajski (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Korejski (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Tajski (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Tajski (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4738,137 +4738,137 @@ msgstr ""
"e je izbrano `Samodejno', bo uporabljeno\n"
"optimalno kodiranje za trenutni locale."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Prelomi pred po邸iljanjem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Loilo podpisa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Vrini samodejno"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Samodejni za転eni zunanji urejevalnik"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Razveljavi nivo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Prelom sporoila ob"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "znakov"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Prelom citata"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Prelomi ob vnosu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Prelomi pred po邸iljanjem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Samodejno izberi raun za odgovore"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Citiraj sporoila ob odgovarjanju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Gumb Odgovori izvede odgovor na dopisni seznam"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Oblika odgovora"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Znak za citiranje"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Oblika posredovanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr "Opis simbolov"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Pisava"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Mapa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Prika転i 邸tevilo neprebranih poleg imena mape"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Prika転i 邸tevilo neprebranih poleg imena mape"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Skraj邸aj noviarske skupine dalj邸e od"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "Izbri邸i"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Ogled povzetka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Prika転i naslovnika v stolpcu `Od', e ste po邸iljatelj vi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Raz邸iri niti"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Oblika datuma"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr "Nastavi del za prikaz povzetka..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Omogoi barvanje sporoila"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4876,397 +4876,394 @@ msgstr ""
"Prika転i vezlo転no abecedo in 邸tevila kot\n"
"znake ASCII (samo japon邸ina)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Prika転i zaglavje nad ogledom sporoila"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Prika転i kratko zaglavje ob ogledu sporoila"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Prika転i kratko zaglavje ob ogledu sporoila"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Prostor za vrstico"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "tok(e)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Drsenje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Polovica strani"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Nadzor gladkosti"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Korak"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
#, fuzzy
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Spremeni velikost pripetim slikam"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Nastavitev prikaza zaglavja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Mapa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Izvedi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Izvedi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Mapa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(Nefiltrirana sporoila bodo shranjena v tej mapi)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtriranje sporoil ob sprejemu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(Nefiltrirana sporoila bodo shranjena v tej mapi)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Samodejno preveri podpise"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Prika転i rezultat preverjanja podpisa v novem oknu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Zaasno shrani prepustno frazo v pomnilnik"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Potee po"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minut(e) "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(Nastavitev na '0' bo shranila prepustno frazo\n"
" za celotno sejo)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Zagrabi vnos med vna邸anjem gesla"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Prika転i opozorilo ob zagonu, e GnuPG ne deluje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Nobena datoteka s sporoilom ni izbrana."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Odpri prvo neprebrano sporoilo ob vstopu v mapo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Oznai sporoilo kot prebrano samo, ko je odprto v novem oknu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Ob prejemu novih sporoil pojdi v mapo Prejeto"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "IZvr邸i takoj, ko prestavlja邸 ali bri邸e邸 sporoilo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(Sporoila bodo oznaena do izvr邸itve,\n"
"e je to izklopljeno)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Dialog za sprejem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Prika転i pogovorno okno za sprejem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Vedno"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nikoli"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Ob napaki pri sprejemanju ne prika転i okna z napako"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Na koncu zapri pogovorno okno za sprejemanje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Nastavi povezave na tipke... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Zunanji ukazi (%s bo zamenjan z imenom datoteke / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Spletni brskalnik"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Privzeta mapa za prejeto po邸to"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Ob dvojnem kliku dodaj naslov na cilj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Ob izhodu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Potrdi ob izhodu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Izprazni smetnjak ob izhodu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Vpra邸aj pred izpranjenjem"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Opozori, e so akajoa sporoila"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Pi邸em povzetek predpomnilnika (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "polno okraj邸ano ime dneva v tednu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "polno ime dneva v tednu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "okraj邸ano ime meseca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "polno ime meseca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "najustreznej邸a oblika datuma in asa za trenutni locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "邸tevilka stoletja (leto/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "dan v mesecu kot deseti邸ko 邸tevilo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "ura kot deseti邸ko 邸tevilo s 24-urnim prikazom"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "ura kot destei邸ko 邸tevilo z 12-urnim prikazom"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "dan v letu kot deseti邸ko 邸tevilo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "mesec kot deseti邸ko 邸tevilo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "minute kot deseti邸ko 邸tevilo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM oz. PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "sekunde kot deseti邸ko 邸tevilo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "dan v tednu kot deseti邸ko 邸tevilo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "najustreznej邸i datum za trenutni locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "zadnji dve 邸tevki leta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "leto kot deseti邸ko 邸tevilo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "asovni pas ali ime ali okraj邸ava"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Doloevalec"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Primer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Nastavi barve sporoila"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Barve"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Citirano besedilo - prvi nivo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Citirano besedilo - drugi nivo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Citirano besedilo - tretji nivo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "povezava URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Obnovi barve za citiranje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Izberite barvo za citiranje na prvem nivoju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Izberite barvo za citiranje na drugem nivoju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Izberite barvo za citiranje na tretjem nivoju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Izberite barvo za URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Opis simbolov"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5290,11 +5287,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Noviarske skupine\n"
"ID sporoila"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "e je x nastavljen, prika転i expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5308,7 +5305,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Telo citiranega sporoila brez podpisa\n"
"Dobesedno %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5320,20 +5317,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Dobesedni zaviti oklepaj\n"
"Dobesedni zaviti zaklepaj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Povezave na tipke"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Nastavi povezave na tipke... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Privzeto"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Stari Sylpheed"
@@ -5668,17 +5665,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Priloga"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Zadeva"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6414,20 +6411,20 @@ msgstr "Gradim niti..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Raznitujem..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtriram..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtriram..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "sporoilo %d je 転e v predpomnilniku.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Ne."
@@ -6487,6 +6484,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(Nefiltrirana sporoila bodo shranjena v tej mapi)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/sr.po b/po/sr.po
index 013605ac..d1376abc 100644
--- a/po/sr.po
+++ b/po/sr.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-11-29 21:08+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: garret <garret@garrets.tk>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian\n"
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ msgstr "Pronaeno %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Konfiguracija je spremljena.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "Direktorijum"
@@ -631,12 +631,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr ""
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "ne mogu promeniti atribut datoteke\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "pisanje u %s nije uspelo.\n"
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ msgstr ""
"`G' one naloge sa kojih 転elite skinuti e-po邸tu sa `Primi sve'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Dodaj adresu u adresar"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ msgstr "/_Obri邸i"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "Adresa e-po邸te"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Adresar"
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ msgstr "Gre邸ka pri unosu adresara"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Unos adresara"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Izgled programa"
@@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ msgstr "Uobiajene adrese"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Line adrese"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Obave邸tenje"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Upozorenje"
@@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@ msgstr "Smea"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ni邸ta"
@@ -1575,66 +1575,66 @@ msgstr "Gre邸ka u formatu citata."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Gre邸ka u poruci odgovori/prosledi."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Datoteka %s ne postoji\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu dobiti veliinu datoteke %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka %s je prazna."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "Ne mogu proitati %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Poruka: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Ne mogu dobiti deo poruke iz vi邸e delova."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Bez teme)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Izmenjeno]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Pisanje poruke%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Primalac nije upisan."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Tema"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Tema je prazna. Ipak poslati?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "ne mogu dobiti listu prilmalaca."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1642,22 +1642,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Nalog za slanje po邸te nije definisan.\n"
"Odaberite nalog pre slanja."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Do邸lo je do gre邸ke prilikom slanja poruke %s -u."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Ne mogu sauvati poruku u direktorijumu poslato."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Ne mogu pronai nijedan klju kome je trenutno dodeljen id kljua `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1667,12 +1667,12 @@ msgstr ""
"Ne mogu promeniti kodni raspored poruke.\n"
"Da je ipak po邸aljem?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Gre邸ka pri prebacivanju adresara"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1681,158 +1681,158 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "ne mogu skloniti staru poruku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "odlaganje poruke...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "ne mogu da pronaem direktorijum odlo転eno\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "ne mogu odlo転iti poruku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "generisan ID-poruke: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Stvaranje prozora za pisanje...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Od:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/_Alat/Akci_je"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/_Poruka/_Enkriptuj"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME tip"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Veliina"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Po邸alji"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Po邸alji poruku"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Po邸alji kasnije"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Odlo転i u direktotijum odlo転eno i po邸alji kasnije"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Nedovr邸eno"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Sauvaj u direktorijum nedovr邸eno"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Unesi"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Unesi datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Prikai"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Prikai datoteku"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Potpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Unesi potpis"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Editor"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Izmeni sa nezavisnim ediorom"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Sa転imanje"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Sa転mi sve duge linije"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Pogre邸an MIME tip"
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Datoteka ne postoji ili je prazna."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
#, fuzzy
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Svojstva"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodiranje"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Putanja"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Ime datoteke"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Naredba za nezavisni editor je pogre邸na: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1843,75 +1843,75 @@ msgstr ""
"Nasilno prekinuti proces?\n"
"grupa procesa: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Prekinuta grupa procesa: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Privremena datoteka: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Napi邸i: unos iz procesa praenja\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu pokrenuti nezavisni editor\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Ne mogu snimiti u datoteku\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "itanje pipe-a nije uspelo\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Ne mogu odlo転iti poruku."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Odaberite datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Odaberite datoteku"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Po邸alji poruku"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Ova poruka je promenjena, odbaciti?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "貼elite li primeniti 邸ablon `%s'?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Primeni 邸ablon"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Zameni"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Unesi"
@@ -2096,7 +2096,7 @@ msgstr "Izmenite JPilot unos"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2844,16 +2844,16 @@ msgstr "Zapis protokola"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "glib ne podr転ava g_thread.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Upotreba: %s [OPCIJA]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adresa] otvara prozor za pisanje"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2863,53 +2863,53 @@ msgstr ""
" otvara prozor za pisanje sa navedenim datotekama\n"
" dodato"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive prima nove poruke"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all primi sve poruke sa svih naloga"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 邸alje sve odlo転ene poruke"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
#, fuzzy
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status pokazuje ukupan broj poruka"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status pokazuje ukupan broj poruka"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug debug nain"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help prika転 ovu pomo izai"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version prikazuje verziju i izlazi"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Izlazni charset"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2923,19 +2923,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Napisana poruka postoji. Zaista prekinuti?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Odlo転ene poruke"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Neke neposlate poruke su odlo転ene. Izai odmah?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2944,16 +2944,16 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP podr邸ka je onemoguena."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "drugi Sylpheed ve radi.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Pisanje konfiguracije za akcije...\n"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3565,7 +3565,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Glavni Prozor: prikaz boje %d nije uspeo\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "gotovo.\n"
@@ -3693,7 +3693,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "alje odlo転ene poruku/e"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Napi邸i"
@@ -3701,7 +3701,7 @@ msgstr "Napi邸i"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Napi邸i novu poruku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Odgovori"
@@ -3729,7 +3729,7 @@ msgstr "Prosleuje poruku"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Obri邸i poruku"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3823,7 +3823,7 @@ msgstr "/_Alati/Dodaj po邸iljaoca u adresar"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Pravljenje pregleda poruka...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Tekst"
@@ -3849,7 +3849,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Izvr邸i"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "tampaj"
@@ -4020,11 +4020,11 @@ msgstr "Pode邸avanje naloga"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Stvaranje prozora za pode邸avanje naloga...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Primanje"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privatnost"
@@ -4032,7 +4032,7 @@ msgstr "Privatnost"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Napredno"
@@ -4158,7 +4158,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Nain provere identieta"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatski"
@@ -4198,8 +4198,8 @@ msgstr "Generi邸i ID poruke"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Dodaj zaglavlje korisnika"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " Izmeni... "
@@ -4516,216 +4516,216 @@ msgstr "Obri邸i akciju"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "貼elite li zaista obrisati ovu akciju?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Stvaranje prozor za uobiajena pode邸avanja...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Uobiajena pode邸avanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Citat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Prikaz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "Direktorijum"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Drugo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Koristi spoljni program za prihvatanje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Naredba"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Prihvati sa spoola"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtriraj pri prihvataju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Auto-provera nove po邸te"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "svakih"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minuta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "Proveri po邸tu prilikom starta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Osve転i sve direktorijume posle prihvatanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Izvr邸i odmah pri preme邸tanju ili brisanju poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Preuzimam broj novih poruka (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Koristi spoljni program za slanje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Sauvaj poslate poruke u poslato"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Izlazni charset"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatsko (preporueno)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Zapadno-Evropski (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Zapadno-Europski (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Srednje-Evropski (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Blatiki (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Blatiki (ISO'8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Grki (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Grki (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turski (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "irilica (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "irilica (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "irilica (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "irilica (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japanski (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japanski (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japanski (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Pojednostavljeni Kineski (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Pojednostavljeni Kineski (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Tradicionalni Kineski (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Tradicionalni Kineski (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Kineski (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Korejski (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4734,534 +4734,531 @@ msgstr ""
"Ako je `Automatski' odabrano, optimalni charset\n"
"za locale e biti kori邸en."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
#, fuzzy
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Sa転mi pre slanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Odvaja potpis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Ubaci automatski"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Automatski pokreni spolja邸nji editor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Undo nivo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Sa転mi poruke na"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "znakova"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Sa転mi citat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Sa転mi pri unosu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Sa転mi pre slanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Automatski odaberi nalog za odgovore"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Citiraj poruku pri odgovaranju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Taster za odgovor povlai odgovor za listu"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Format odgovora"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Oznaka citata"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Format proseivanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Obja邸njenje simbola "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Font"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Direktorijum"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Prika転i broj neproitanih poruka pored imena direktorijuma"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Prika転i broj neproitanih poruka pored imena direktorijuma"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Skrati news grupe du転e od"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "slova"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Pregled odr転avanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Prika転i primaoca na `Od' ukoliko ste Vi autor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Ra邸iri stablo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Format datuma"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " Postavljanje pojedinosti prikaza... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Omogui poruke u boji"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
msgstr "Prika転i 2-byte abecedu i brojeve sa 1-byte znakovima"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Prika転i zaglavlje iznad poruke"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Prika転i kratko zaglavlje na pregledu poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Prika転i kratko zaglavlje na pregledu poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Razmak linija"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "pixel(a)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Scroll"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Pola stranice"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Miran scroll"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Korak"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Prikaz pode邸avanje zaglavlja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "Direktorijum"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Izvr邸i"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Izvr邸i"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "Direktorijum"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(Nefiltrirane poruke biti e stavljene u ovaj direktorijum)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtriraj poruke pri primanju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(Nefiltrirane poruke biti e stavljene u ovaj direktorijum)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Automatski proveri potpis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Prika転i potpis u popup prozoru"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Smesti lozinku privremeno u memoriju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Istie posle"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minut(a)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(Postavljanje na '0' e smestiti loyinku\n"
"u toku cele sesije)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Uhvati unos pri upisivanju lozinke"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Prika転i upozorenje na startu ako GnuPG ne radi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Nijedna datoteka poruke nije odabrana."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Otvori prvu neproitanu poruku pri ulasku u direktorijum"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Samo oznai poruke kao proitane pri otvaranju novog prozora"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "Idi u sandue posle primanja po邸te"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Izvr邸i odmah pri preme邸tanju ili brisanju poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(Poruke e samo biti oznaene do izvr邸enja\n"
" ako je ovo iskljueno)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Prika転i dijalog primanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Prika転i dijalog primanja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Uvek"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Nikada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Ne izbacuj prozor sa porukom o gre邸ci u primanju"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "Zatvori dijalog primanja kada se zavr邸i"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Pode邸avanje preica na tastaturi..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Spolja邸nje naredbe (%s e biti zamenjeno imenom datoteke / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Web ita"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "Uobiajeno sandue"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "Dodaj adresu u odredi邸te kada se dva put klikne"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Na izlazu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Potvrdi izlaz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "Isprazni smee pri izlazu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Pitaj pre pra転njenja"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Upozori ako ima odlo転enih poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Pi邸enje pohranu pregleda (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "pojednostavljeno ime dana u nedelji"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "puno ime dana u nedelji"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "skraeno ime meseca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "puno ime meseca"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "転eljeni datum i vreme za trenutni locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "broj veka (godina/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "dan u mesecu kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "sat kao decimalni broj koristei 24 satno vreme"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "sat kao decimalni broj koristei 12 satno vreme"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "dan u godini kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "mesec kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "minuti kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM ili PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "sekunde kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "dan u nedelji kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "転eljeni datum za trenutni locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "posljednje dve cifre godine"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "godina kao decimalni broj"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "vremenska zona ili ime ili skraenica"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Specifier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Primer"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Podesi boje poruka"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Boje"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Citirani tekst - prvi nivo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Citirani tekst - drugi nivo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Citirani tekst - trei nivo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI link"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Ciklino menjaj boje citata"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Odaberite boju za citat 1. stepena"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "Odaberite boju za citat 2. stepena"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "Odaberite boju za citat 3. tepena"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "Odaberite boju za URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Obaj邸njenje znakova"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5285,11 +5282,11 @@ msgstr ""
"News grupe\n"
"ID poruke"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Ako je x odabrano, prikazuje expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5303,7 +5300,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Citirano telo poruke sa potpisom\n"
"Literal %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5315,20 +5312,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Literal poetna zagrada\n"
"Literal zavr邸na zagrada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Preice sa tastature"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Pode邸avanje preica na tastaturi..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Uobiajeno"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Stari Sylpheed"
@@ -5663,17 +5660,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Dodatak"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Tema"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Od"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6411,20 +6408,20 @@ msgstr "Izgraivanje stabla..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Rasipanje..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtriranje..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtriranje..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "poruka %d ve je prihvaena.\n"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Ne."
@@ -6484,6 +6481,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(Nefiltrirane poruke biti e stavljene u ovaj direktorijum)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po
index 3a3dee0e..2c96eb1a 100644
--- a/po/sv.po
+++ b/po/sv.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-12-05 14:40+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Mattias Ostergren <spikboll@gmx.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <sv@li.org>\n"
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ msgstr "Fann %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Konfigurationen 辰r sparad.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "mapp"
@@ -622,12 +622,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "kan inte 辰ndra filr辰ttigheter\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "skrivning till %s misslyckades.\n"
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ msgstr ""
"via \"H辰mta alla\""
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ msgstr "tg辰rdens anv辰ndarargument"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "L辰gg till i adressbok"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adress"
@@ -990,7 +990,7 @@ msgstr "/_Ta bort"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "E-postadress"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Adressbok"
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ msgstr "Fel vid konvertering av adressbok"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Adressbokskonvertering"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Gr辰nssnitt"
@@ -1202,11 +1202,11 @@ msgstr "Vanlig adress"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Privat adress"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notera"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Varning"
@@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ msgstr "Brun"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Ingen"
@@ -1563,66 +1563,66 @@ msgstr "Citationsteckensformatfel."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Formatfel vid meddelandesvar eller -vidarebefordran"
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "Filen %s finns inte\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "Kan inte l辰sa filstorlek p奪 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "Filen %s 辰r tom."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "kan inte l辰sa %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "Meddelande: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "Kan inte l辰sa delen av multipart-meddelandet."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Inget mne)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [Redigerat]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - Skriv meddelande%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Mottagare 辰r inte angiven."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "rende"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "mnesraden 辰r tom. Skicka 辰nd奪?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "kan inte l辰sa mottagarlista"
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1630,22 +1630,22 @@ msgstr ""
"Konto f旦r att skicka post 辰r inte specificerat.\n"
"V辰lj ett e-postkonto innan du skickar."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "Fel uppstod n辰r meddelandet skulle skickas till %s."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "Kan inte spara meddelande i k旦-mappen."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr ""
"Kunde inte hitta n奪gon nyckel associerad med nu aktiva nyckel-ID \"%s\"."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1656,12 +1656,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s till %s.\n"
"Skicka 辰nd奪?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Fel vid konvertering av adressbok"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1670,157 +1670,157 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "kan inte ta bort det gamla meddelandet\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "l辰gger meddelandet i k旦...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "kan inte hitta k旦mapp\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "kan inte l辰gga meddelandet i k旦\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "skapat Meddelande-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "Skapar skrivf旦nster...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Fr奪n:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Signera"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/V_erktyg/_Kryptera"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME-typ"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Storlek"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Skicka"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Skicka meddelande"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Skicka senare"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "Placera i k旦mapp och skicka senare"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Utkast"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Spara i utkastsmapp"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Infoga"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Infoga fil"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Bifoga"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Bifoga fil"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Signatur"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "Infoga signatur"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "Redigerare"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Redigera med extern redigerare"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Radbrytning"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "Radbryt l奪nga rader"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Ogiltig MIME-typ"
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Filen finns inte eller 辰r tom."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Egenskaper"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodning"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "S旦kv辰g"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Filnamn"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Ogiltig kommandorad f旦r extern redigerare: \"%s\"\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1831,75 +1831,75 @@ msgstr ""
"Framtvinga avslutning av processen?\n"
"processgrupps-id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Avslutade processgrupps-id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Tempor辰r fil: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "Skriv: indata fr奪n bevakad process\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Kunde inte k旦ra extern redigerare\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Kunde inte skriva till fil\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Kunde inte l辰sa fr奪n r旦r\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "Kan inte l辰gga meddelandet i k旦."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "V辰lj fil"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "V辰lj fil"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "Skicka meddelande"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Detta meddelande har 辰ndrats. Kasta det?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "Vill du anv辰nda mallen \"%s\" ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "Anv辰nd mall"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Ers辰tt"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "Infoga"
@@ -2084,7 +2084,7 @@ msgstr "Redigera JPilot-post"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2832,16 +2832,16 @@ msgstr "Protokollogg"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread st旦ds inte av glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Anv辰ndning: %s [FLAGGOR]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adress] 旦ppna skrivf旦nster"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2851,23 +2851,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 旦ppna skrivf旦nster med angivna filer\n"
" bifogade"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive ta emot nya meddelanden"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all ta emot nya meddelanden fr奪n alla konton"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send skicka alla k旦ade meddelanden"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [mapp]... visar det totala antalet meddelanden"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2875,29 +2875,29 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [mapp]...\n"
" visa status f旦r varje mapp"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug fels旦kningsl辰ge"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help visa denna hj辰lp och avsluta"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version skriv ut versionsinformation och avsluta"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Utg奪ende kodning"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2911,19 +2911,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Ett skrivet meddelande finns. Avsluta 辰nd奪?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Meddelanden i k旦"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "N奪gra oskickade meddelanden ligger i k旦. Avsluta nu?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2932,16 +2932,16 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP-st旦d avst辰ngt."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "en annan instans av Sylpheed 辰r redan ig奪ng.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "tg辰rdskonfiguration"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3535,7 +3535,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "Huvudf旦nster: f辰rgtilldelning %d misslyckades\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "f辰rdigt.\n"
@@ -3659,7 +3659,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Skicka k旦ade meddelanden"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "Skriv"
@@ -3667,7 +3667,7 @@ msgstr "Skriv"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Skriv nytt meddelande"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Svara"
@@ -3695,7 +3695,7 @@ msgstr "Vidarebefordra meddelandet"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "Ta bort meddelandet"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3789,7 +3789,7 @@ msgstr "/V_erktyg/L辰gg till avs辰ndaren i adressbo_ken"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "Skapar meddelandevy...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"
@@ -3815,7 +3815,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "K旦r kommando"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Skriv ut"
@@ -3986,11 +3986,11 @@ msgstr "Kontoinst辰llningar"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Skapar f旦nster f旦r kontoinst辰llningar...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Ta emot"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Integritet"
@@ -3998,7 +3998,7 @@ msgstr "Integritet"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avancerat"
@@ -4123,7 +4123,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Autentiseringsmetod"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatisk"
@@ -4163,8 +4163,8 @@ msgstr "Skapa Meddelande-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "L辰gg till anv辰ndardefinierat brevhuvud"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr "Redigera..."
@@ -4483,216 +4483,216 @@ msgstr "Ta bort 奪tg辰rd"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna 奪tg辰rd?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Skapar f旦nster f旦r allm辰nna inst辰llningar...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Allm辰nna inst辰llningar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Citat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Visa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Meddelande"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "mapp"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "vrigt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Anv辰nd externt program f旦r h辰mtning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Kommando"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Inkorporera fr奪n spole"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Filtrera vid inkorporering"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "S旦kv辰g till spole"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "H辰mta ny post automatiskt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "med"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minuters mellanrum"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "H辰mta ny post vid uppstart"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Uppdatera alla lokala mappar efter att ny post h辰mtats"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Utf旦r omedelbart vid flyttning eller borttagande av meddelanden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Tar emot meddelandenas antal (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "Skicka med externt program"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "Spara skickade meddelanden i k旦-mappen"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Utg奪ende kodning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Automatisk (Rekommenderad)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7 bitars ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "V辰steuropeisk (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "V辰steuropeisk (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Centraleuropeisk (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltisk (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltisk (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Grekisk (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Grekisk (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Kyrillisk (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turkisk (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Kyrillisk (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Kyrillisk (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Kyrillisk (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Kyrillisk (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japansk (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japansk (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japansk (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "F旦renklad kinesisk (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "F旦renklad kinesisk (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Traditionell kinesisk (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Traditionell kinesisk (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "Kinesisk (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Koreansk (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Thai (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Thai (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4701,11 +4701,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Om \"Automatisk\" 辰r vald, kommer den optimala\n"
"kodningen f旦r det nuvarande spr奪ket att anv辰ndas."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Kodning f旦r 旦verf旦ring"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4714,126 +4714,126 @@ msgstr ""
"Ange vilken kodning f旦r 旦verf旦ring meddelandetexten\n"
"ska ha n辰r det inneh奪ller icke-ASCII-tecken."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "Signaturseparator"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Infoga automatiskt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Starta automatiskt extern redigerare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "ngraniv奪"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "Radbryt meddelanden vid"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "tecken"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Radbryt citering"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Radbryt vid indata"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "Radbryt innan brevet skickas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "V辰lj automatiskt konto f旦r svar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Citera meddelande vid svar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Svara-knappen ger svar till e-postlista"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Svarsformat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Citationstecken"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Vidarebefordringsformat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Beskrivning av symboler "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Typsnitt"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Mapp"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Visa antal ol辰sta bredvid mappnamn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Visa antal ol辰sta bredvid mappnamn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "F旦rkorta diskussionsgrupper l辰ngre 辰n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "bokst辰ver"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "Summeringsvy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Visa mottagare i \"Fr奪n\"-kolumnen om du sj辰lv 辰r avs辰ndaren"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Expandera tr奪dar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Datumformat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " St辰ll in f辰lt att visa i summeringen... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "Aktivera f辰rgl辰ggning av meddelande"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4841,395 +4841,392 @@ msgstr ""
"Visa multi-byte-alfabet och -siffror som\n"
"ASCII-tecken (endast Japanska)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Visa brevhuvudspanel ovanf旦r meddelandevy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Visa korta brevhuvuden i meddelandevy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Visa korta brevhuvuden i meddelandevy"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Radavst奪nd"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "bildpunkter"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Rulla"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Halvsida"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Mjuk rullning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Steg"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "ndra storlek p奪 bifogade stora bilder s奪 att de ryms i f旦nstret"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "Brevhuvudsinst辰llning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "mapp"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "K旦r kommando"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "K旦r kommando"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "mapp"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(Ofiltrerade meddelanden kommer att lagras i denna mapp)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "Filtrera meddelanden vid mottagning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(Ofiltrerade meddelanden kommer att lagras i denna mapp)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "Unders旦k signaturer automatiskt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "Visa resultat av signaturunders旦kning i ett extraf旦nster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Lagra l旦senfras tempor辰rt i minnet"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Utg奪r efter"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "minut(er)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(L旦senfrasen kommer att lagras hela sessionen\n"
"om 0 angivits)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "H奪ll fokus under inskrivning av l旦senfas"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "Visa varning vid start om GnuPG inte fungerar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "ppna alltid meddelanden i summering, n辰r de valts"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "ppna f旦rsta ol辰sta meddelande vid 旦ppning av mapp"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Markera endast meddelande som l辰st, n辰r det 旦ppnats i nytt f旦nster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "G奪 till inkorgen efter att ny post kommit"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Utf旦r omedelbart vid flyttning eller borttagande av meddelanden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(Meddelanden kommer endast vara markerade tills du v辰ljer\n"
" \"Utf旦r k旦ade meddelanden\" om detta 辰r avst辰ngt)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Mottagningsdialog"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Visa mottagningsdialog"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Alltid"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "Bara vid manuell mottagning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Aldrig"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Visa inte feldialog vid h辰mtningsfel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "St辰ng mottagningsdialog efter奪t"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr "St辰ll in tangentbindningar..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Externa kommandon (%s kommer att ers辰ttas med filnamn / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Webbl辰sare"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "F旦rvald inkorg"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "L辰gg till adress till destination vid dubbelklick"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "Vid avslut"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "Bekr辰fta avslut"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "T旦m papperskorg vid avslut"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Fr奪ga innan t旦mning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Varna om det finns k旦ade meddelanden"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "Skriver summeringscache (%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "V辰ntetid f旦r uttags-I/O (socket I/O):"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "sekunder"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "f旦rkortat veckodagsnamn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "fullst辰ndigt veckodagsnamn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "f旦rkortat m奪nadsnamn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "fullst辰ndigt m奪nadsnamn"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "datum och tid g辰llande lokalt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "奪rhundradetal (奪rtal/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "dagen i m奪naden som decimaltal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "timmen som decimaltal enligt 24-timmarsr辰kning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "timmen som decimaltal enligt 12-timmarsr辰kning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "dagen p奪 奪ret som ett decimaltal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "m奪naden som ett decimaltal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "minuten som ett decimaltal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "antingen AM eller PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "sekunden som ett decimaltal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "veckodagen som ett decimaltal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "datum g辰llande lokalt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "de sista tv奪 siffrorna av ett 奪rtal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "奪rtalet som ett decimaltal"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "tidszon eller namn eller f旦rkortning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Symbol"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivning"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "Exempel"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "St辰ll in meddelandef辰rger"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "F辰rger"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Citerad text - F旦rsta niv奪n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "Citerad text - Andra niv奪n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "Citerad text - Tredje niv奪n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI-l辰nk"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "teranv辰nd citeringsf辰rger"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "V辰lj f辰rg f旦r citeringsniv奪 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "V辰lj f辰rg f旦r citeringsniv奪 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "V辰lj f辰rg f旦r citeringsniv奪 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "V辰lj f辰rg f旦r URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "Beskrivning av symboler"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5253,11 +5250,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Om x 辰r inst辰lld, visas expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5271,7 +5268,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Citerad meddelandetext utan signatur\n"
"Bokstavligt %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5283,20 +5280,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Bokstavlig 旦ppnande klammerparentes\n"
"Bokstavlig avslutande klammerparentes"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Tangentbindningar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr "St辰ll in tangentbindningar..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standard"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Gamla Sylpheed"
@@ -5606,17 +5603,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Bilaga"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "rende"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Fr奪n"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
@@ -6355,20 +6352,20 @@ msgstr "Skapar tr奪dar..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Avtr奪dar..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtrerar..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtrerar..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d meddelande(n) har filtrerats."
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Nr."
@@ -6430,6 +6427,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(Ofiltrerade meddelanden kommer att lagras i denna mapp)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po
index 00be9da6..36352971 100644
--- a/po/tr.po
+++ b/po/tr.po
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: tr\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-12-03 11:44+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Arman Aksoy <armish@linux-sevenler.org>\n"
"Language-Team: <gnome-turk@gnome.org>\n"
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ msgstr "%s bulundu\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "Yap脹land脹rma kaydedildi.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "dizin:"
@@ -628,12 +628,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "dosya modu deitirilemedi\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "yazarken hata olutu: %s\n"
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ msgstr ""
"etkin duruma getirilebilir."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ msgstr "Eylemin kullan脹c脹 arg端man脹"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "Adres Defterine Ekle"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adres"
@@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ msgstr "/_Sil"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "聴leti adresi"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "Adres defteri"
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ msgstr "Adres Defteri evrim Hatas脹"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "Adres Defteri evrimi"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Aray端z"
@@ -1207,11 +1207,11 @@ msgstr "Ortak adres"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "Kiisel adres"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Not"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Uyar脹"
@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ msgstr "Kahverengi"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "Hi巽biri"
@@ -1568,66 +1568,66 @@ msgstr "Al脹nt脹 format脹 hatas脹."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "Posta cevapla/ilet format脹 hatas脹"
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "%s dosyas脹 bulunamad脹\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "%s dosyas脹n脹n boyu bulunamad脹\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "%s dosyas脹 bo."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "%s okunamad脹."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "聴leti: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "ok par巽al脹 mesaj脹n bir k脹sm脹 al脹namad脹"
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(Konu yok)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [D端zenlendi]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 聴leti d端zenle (%s)"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "Al脹c脹 belirtilmedi."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "Konu"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "Konuyu bo b脹rakt脹n脹z. Yine de g旦ndermek istiyor musunuz?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "al脹c脹 listesi al脹namad脹."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1635,21 +1635,21 @@ msgstr ""
"聴letinin g旦nderilecei hesap belirtilmedi.\n"
"L端tfen g旦ndermeden 旦nce bir e-posta hesab脹 girin."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "聴leti, %s adresine g旦nderilirken bir hata olutu."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "聴leti, giden kutusuna kaydedilemiyor."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "Se巽ilen `%s' anahtar kimliiyle bir eletirme yap脹lamad脹."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1660,12 +1660,12 @@ msgstr ""
"%s / %s\n"
"Yine de g旦nderilsin mi?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "Adres defteri 巽evrim hatas脹"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1674,157 +1674,157 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "eski ileti silinemedi\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "ileti kuyrua g旦nderiliyor...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "kuyruk dizini bulunamad脹\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "ileti kuyrua g旦nderilemedi\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "聴leti numaras脹 oluturuldu: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "D端zenleme penceresi oluturuluyor...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Kimden:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/PGP 聴_mza"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/PGP ile _ifrele"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME t端r端"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Boyut"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "G旦nder"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "聴letiyi g旦nder"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "Sonra g旦nder"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "聴letiyi kuyrua aktar ve sonra g旦nder"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Taslak"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "Taslak dizinine kaydet"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "聴巽er"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "Dosya i巽er"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "Ekle"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "Dosya ekle"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "聴mza"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "聴mza ekle"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "D端zenleyici"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "Harici bir d端zenleyici kullan"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "Sat脹r kayd脹r"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "T端m uzun sat脹rlar脹 kayd脹r"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "Ge巽ersiz MIME t端r端."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "Dosya yok, ya da bo."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "zellikler"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kodlama"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Yol"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "Dosya ad脹"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "Harici d端zenleyici komut sat脹r脹 ge巽ersiz: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1835,75 +1835,75 @@ msgstr ""
"Bu s端reci sonland脹ray脹m m脹?\n"
"Program脹n grup numaras脹 (GID): %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "Grup numaras脹 %d olan s端re巽 sonland脹r脹ld脹"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "Ge巽ici dosya: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "D端zenle: s端re巽 g旦r端nt端s端n端 i巽er\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "Harici d端zenleyici 巽al脹t脹r脹lamad脹\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "Dosyaya yaz脹lamad脹\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Boru okumada hata\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "聴leti kuyrua g旦nderilemedi."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "Dosya se巽"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Dosya se巽"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "聴letiyi g旦nder"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "Bu ileti deitirildi. Silinsin mi?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "%s ablonunu uygulamak istiyor musunuz?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "ablonu uygula"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "Deitir"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "聴巽er"
@@ -2089,7 +2089,7 @@ msgstr "JPilot Girdisini D端zenle"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2837,16 +2837,16 @@ msgstr "Protokol g端nl端端"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread, glib taraf脹ndan desteklenmiyor.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "Kullan脹m: %s [SEENEKLER] ...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [adres] d端zenleme penceresini a巽ar"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2856,23 +2856,23 @@ msgstr ""
" d端zenleme penceresini belirtilen dosyalar\n"
" postaya eklenmi halde a巽ar"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive yeni mesajlar脹 al脹r"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all t端m hesaplardaki yeni mesajlar脹 al脹r"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send kuyruktaki postalar脹 g旦nderir"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [dizin]... toplam mesaj say脹s脹n脹 g旦ster"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2880,29 +2880,29 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [dizin]...\n"
" her dizinin durumunu g旦ster"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug hata ay脹klama modu"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help bu yard脹m脹 g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version s端r端m bilgisini g旦sterir ve 巽脹kar"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "Giden ileti kod k端mesi"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2916,19 +2916,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "Mesaj脹 g旦ndermeden 巽脹kmak istediinizden emin misiniz?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "Kuyruktaki iletiler"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "Hala g旦nderilmemi baz脹 iletiler kuyrukta bekliyor. imdi 巽脹k脹ls脹n m脹?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2937,16 +2937,16 @@ msgstr ""
"OpenPGP destei kapat脹ld脹."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Baka bir Sylpheed sistemde 巽al脹脹yor.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
#, fuzzy
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "Eylem ayarlar脹"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3541,7 +3541,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "AnaPencere: renk b旦l端t端rmesi %d s脹ras脹nda hata olutu\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "bitti.\n"
@@ -3665,7 +3665,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "Kuyruktaki iletileri g旦nder"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "D端zenle"
@@ -3673,7 +3673,7 @@ msgstr "D端zenle"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "Yeni ileti d端zenle"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Yan脹tla"
@@ -3701,7 +3701,7 @@ msgstr "聴letiyi y旦nlendir"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "聴letiyi sil"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3795,7 +3795,7 @@ msgstr "/A_ra巽lar/G旦ndereni adres defterine ekle"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "聴leti g旦r端nt端s端 oluturuluyor...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Metin"
@@ -3821,7 +3821,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "Komut 巽al脹t脹r"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Yazd脹r"
@@ -3992,11 +3992,11 @@ msgstr "Hesap tercihleri"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Hesap tercihleri penceresi oluturuluyor...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "Al"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Gizlilik"
@@ -4004,7 +4004,7 @@ msgstr "Gizlilik"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Gelimi"
@@ -4129,7 +4129,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "Kimlik denetim y旦ntemi"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Otomatik"
@@ -4169,8 +4169,8 @@ msgstr "聴leti Numaras脹 Olutur"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "Kullan脹c脹 tan脹ml脹 bal脹k ekle"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " D端zenle... "
@@ -4490,216 +4490,216 @@ msgstr "Eylemi sil"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "Bu hesab脹 silmek istiyor musunuz?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "Genel tercihler penceresi oluturuluyor...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "Genel Tercihler"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "Al脹nt脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "G旦r端n端m"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "聴leti"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "dizin:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Dier"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "Da脹t脹m i巽in harici program kullan"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Komut"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "Spooldan da脹t"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "Da脹t脹m filtresi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "Makara konumu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "Yeni postalar脹 otomatik denetle"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "her"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "dakikada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "A巽脹l脹ta yeni e-postalar脹 denetle"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "Da脹t脹mdan sonra t端m yerel dizinleri g端ncelle"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "Postay脹 silerken ve ta脹rken 巽al脹t脹r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "Yeni ileti numaralar脹 al脹n脹yor (STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "G旦ndermek i巽in harici program kullan"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "G旦nderilen iletileri giden kutusuna kaydet"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
#, fuzzy
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "Giden ileti kod k端mesi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "Otomatik (nerilen)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Bat脹 Avrupa (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Bat脹 Avrupa (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Orta Avrupa (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Balt脹k (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Balt脹k (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Yunanca (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Yunanca (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Kiril (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "T端rk巽e (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Kiril (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Kiril (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Kiril (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Kiril (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Japonca (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Japonca (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Japonca (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "Basitletirilmi ince (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "Basitletirilmi ince (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "Geleneksel ince (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Geleneksel ince (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "ince (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Korece (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Tayca (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "Tayca (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
@@ -4708,11 +4708,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Eer 'Otomatik' se巽ili ise yerelde kullan脹lan kod\n"
"k端mesi kullan脹lacakt脹r."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "Transfer kod k端mesi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4721,126 +4721,126 @@ msgstr ""
"Mesaj g旦vdesi ASCII karakter i巽ermedii zaman kullan脹lacak\n"
"聴巽erik Transfer Kodlamas脹n脹 se巽iniz."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "聴mza ay脹rac脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "Otomatik ekle"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "Harici d端zenleyici otomatik 巽al脹t脹r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "Geri alma seviyesi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "聴letileri kayd脹r: "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "karakter"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "Al脹nt脹 Kayd脹rmas脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "Girdide Kayd脹r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "G旦ndermeden 旦nce kayd脹r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "Yan脹tlamalarda hesab脹 otomatik se巽"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "Yan脹tlarken al脹nt脹 yap"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "Yan脹tla tuu eposta listelerine de yan脹tlas脹n"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "Yan脹tlama format脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "Al脹nt脹 iareti"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "Y旦nlendirme bi巽imi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " Sembollerin a巽脹klamas脹 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "Yaz脹tipi"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "Dizin"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "Dizin ad脹n脹n yan脹nda ka巽 tane okunmam脹 posta olduunu g旦ster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "Dizin ad脹n脹n yan脹nda ka巽 tane okunmam脹 posta olduunu g旦ster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "Belirtilenden daha uzun olan haber gruplar脹n脹 k脹salt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "posta"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "zet G旦r端n端m"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "Eer g旦nderen kendimsem 'Kimden' sat脹r脹nda al脹c脹y脹 g旦ster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "Dizileri Genilet"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "Tarih bi巽imi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " zetin g旦r端nt端 nesnesini belirt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "聴letileri renklendir"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4848,395 +4848,392 @@ msgstr ""
"ok bytel脹 alfabe veya numaralar脹 \n"
"ASCII karakter olarak g旦ster(Sadece Japonca)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "Postalar脹 g旦sterirken 端st k脹s脹mda bal脹klar脹 g旦ster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "Postalar脹 g旦sterirken k脹sa bal脹klar脹 g旦ster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "Postalar脹 g旦sterirken k脹sa bal脹klar脹 g旦ster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "Sat脹r boluu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "benek"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "Kayd脹r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "Yar脹m sayfa"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "Yumuak kayd脹r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "Ad脹m"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "Pencereye uymas脹 i巽in eklenmi b端y端k resimleri yenden boyutland脹r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "G旦r端nt端 bal脹脹 ayarlar脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "dizin:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "Komut 巽al脹t脹r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "Komut 巽al脹t脹r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "dizin:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(Filtrelenmemi iletiler bu kutuda bekleyecektir)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "聴letileri al脹rken filtrele"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(Filtrelenmemi iletiler bu kutuda bekleyecektir)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "聴mzalar脹 otomatik denetle"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "聴mza kontrol sonu巽lar脹n脹 ek pencerede g旦ster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "Parolay脹 ge巽ici olarak haf脹zada sakla"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "Belirtilen s端re sonra ge巽erliliini yitir"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr " dakikada"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
#, fuzzy
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr ""
"(Bu deere '0' atayarak parolan脹n\n"
"t端m oturuum s端resince saklanmas脹n脹 salayabilirsiniz.)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "Parolay脹 girerken girdiyi yakala"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "GnuPG 巽al脹mazsa balang脹巽ta uyar脹 mesaj脹 g旦ster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "Mesajlar se巽ildiinde her zaman 旦zet halinda g旦ster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "Bir dizine girildiinde ilk okunmam脹 iletiyi a巽"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Posta sadece yeni pencerede okunduunda okunmu olarak iaretle"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "聴leti geldiinde gelen kutusuna git"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "Postay脹 silerken ve ta脹rken 巽al脹t脹r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
#, fuzzy
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr ""
"(Eer bu 旦zellik kapal脹 ise ilem bitinceye kadar\n"
"postalar iaretlenecektir.)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "Alma penceresi"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "Alma penceresini g旦ster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Her zaman"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "Sadece kullan脹c脹 kendi ald脹脹nda"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Hi巽 bir zaman"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "Alma s脹ras脹nda bir hata oluursa ek pencerede g旦sterme"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "聴lemler tamamland脹脹nda alma penceresini kapat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " Tu kombinasyonlar脹..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "Harici d端zenleyici (%s, dosya ad脹/URL ile yer deitirecektir)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Taray脹c脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "ntan脹ml脹 gelen kutusu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "ift t脹kland脹脹nda adresi hedefe ekle"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "脹k脹ta"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "脹k脹ta sor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "脹k脹ta 巽旦p端 boalt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "Boaltmadan 旦nce sor"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "Kuyrukta ileti varsa uyar"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "zet (%s) 旦nbellee yaz脹l脹yor..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "Soket I/O zaman a脹m脹:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "saniye"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "k脹sa hafta ad脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "tam hafta ad脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "k脹sa ay ad脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "tam ay ad脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "g端ncel yerel bilgisi i巽in tercih edilen g端n ve saat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "y端zy脹l numaras脹 (y脹l/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "say脹 deerinde ay脹n g端n端"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "24 saatlik format kullan脹larak saat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "12 saatlik format kullan脹larak saat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "y脹l脹n g端n端n端n say脹 deeri"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "ay say脹 deerinde"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "dakika"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM veya PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "saniye"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "haftan脹n g端n端"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "tercih edilen yerek saat"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "y脹l脹n son iki rakam脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "y脹l"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "Zaman dilimi veya ad脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "Belirtici"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Tan脹m"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "rnek"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "Posta renklerini belirt"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Renkler"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "Birinci derecen al脹nt脹 metin"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "聴kinci dereceden al脹nt脹 metin"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "巽端nc端 dereceden al脹nt脹 metin"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URL balant脹s脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "Al脹nt脹 renklerini d旦n端t端r"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "Birinci dereceden al脹nt脹 rengini se巽iniz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "聴kinci dereceden al脹nt脹 rengini se巽iniz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "巽端nc端 dereceden al脹nt脹 rengini se巽iniz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "URL i巽in renk se巽iniz"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "sembollerin a巽脹klamalar脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5259,11 +5256,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Mesaj Nosu"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "Eer x belirtilmise expr g旦ster"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5277,7 +5274,7 @@ msgstr ""
"聴mzas脹z al脹nt脹 yap脹lan metin\n"
"Tam %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5289,20 +5286,20 @@ msgstr ""
"Tam <\n"
"Tam >"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "Tu ba脹nt脹lar脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " Tu kombinasyonlar脹..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "ntan脹ml脹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "Eski Sylpheed"
@@ -5612,17 +5609,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "Ek"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Konu"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "Kimden"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Tarih"
@@ -6360,20 +6357,20 @@ msgstr "Konumlar oluturuluyor..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "Konumlar ayr脹l脹yor..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "filtreleniyor..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "Filtreleniyor..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d mesaj filtrelenedi."
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "Hay脹r."
@@ -6435,6 +6432,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(Filtrelenmemi iletiler bu kutuda bekleyecektir)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po
index 1916a571..bdb61841 100644
--- a/po/uk.po
+++ b/po/uk.po
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Sylpheed 2.1.4\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-22 17:21+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: O.R. Nykyforchyn <nick@pu.if.ua>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian <uk@li.org>\n"
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ msgstr "仆舒亶亟亠仆仂 %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "仂仆亞舒 亰弍亠亠亢亠仆仂.\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "仍 仄仂仍仂"
@@ -633,12 +633,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰仄仆亳亳 仗舒于舒 亟仂仗 舒亶仍舒\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "亠于亟舒舒 亰舒仗亳 于 %s.\n"
@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ msgstr ""
"account'亳, 磻 仗仂仗仂于仆ムム 亠亠亰 `亳仄舒亳 于'."
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ msgstr "亞仄亠仆 从仂亳于舒舒"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "仂亟舒亳 舒亟亠 亟仂 从仆亳亞亳"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "亟亠舒"
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ msgstr "/亳亟舒仍亳亳"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "亟亠舒 e-mail"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "亟亠仆舒 从仆亳亞舒"
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 从仂仆于亠于舒仆仆 舒亟亠仆仂 从仆亳
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "仂仆于亠于舒仆仆 舒亟亠仆仂 从仆亳亞亳"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "仆亠亠亶"
@@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ msgstr "亟亠舒 仂亞舒仆亰舒"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "仂弍亳舒 舒亟亠舒"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "亳仄从舒"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "仂仗亠亠亟亢亠仆仆"
@@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@ msgstr "仂亳仆亠于亳亶"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "磻亳亶"
@@ -1541,65 +1541,65 @@ msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒 仂仄舒 亳于舒仆仆."
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒 仂仄舒 message reply/forward."
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仆亠 仆\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亳仄舒亳 仂亰仄 %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 %s 仗仂仂亢仆亶."
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂亳舒亳 %s."
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "亳: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亳仄舒亳 仂亟仆 亰 舒亳仆 仍亳舒."
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(亠亰 亠仄亳)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [亠亟舒亞仂于舒仆亳亶]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 弌于仂亳亳 仍亳%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "亠 于从舒亰舒仆仂 仂亳仄于舒舒."
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "仂仂亢仆 亠仄舒"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "仂仍亠 Subject 仗仂仂亢仆. 亠 亢 仗仂仍舒亳?"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仂亳仄舒亳 仗亳仂从 仂亳仄于舒于."
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1607,21 +1607,21 @@ msgstr ""
"弍仍从仂于亳亶 亰舒仗亳 亟仍 于亟亳仍舒仆仆 仗仂亳 仆亠 于从舒亰舒仆仂.\n"
"弍亠, 弍亟-仍舒从舒, 亰舒仗亳 仗亠亠亟 于亟仗舒于从仂."
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "丐舒仗亳仍舒 仗仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 于亟亳仍舒仆仆 仍亳舒 亟仂 %s ."
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰弍亠亠亞亳 仍亳 于 outbox."
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰仆舒亶亳 从仍ム舒, 于亟仗仂于亟仆仂亞仂 仂弍舒仆仂仄 亟亠仆亳从舒仂 `%s'."
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1632,11 +1632,11 @@ msgstr ""
"%s 仆舒 %s.\n"
"亠 亢 仗仂仍舒亳 磻 %s?"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "仂仄亳仍从舒 仗亳 仗亠亠于仂亠仆仆 从仂亟于舒仆仆"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1649,155 +1649,155 @@ msgstr ""
"亠 亢 于亟仍舒亳?"
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "舒从亳仄舒仍仆舒 亟仂于亢亳仆舒 磲从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 于亳亟舒仍亳亳 舒亳亶 仍亳\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "仍亳 于 亠亞...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰仆舒亶亳 仗舒仗从 亠亞亳\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "仆亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂舒于亳亳 仍亳 于 亠亞\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "亞亠仆亠仂于舒仆亳亶 Message-ID: %s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "亟从亳于舒仄仂 于从仆仂 于仂亠仆仆 仍亳舒...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "亟:"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "亟仗亳 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "丿亳于舒仆仆 PGP"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "亳仗 MIME"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "仂亰仄"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr "仂仍舒亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "仂仍舒亳 仍亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "仂仍舒亳 仗亰仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "仂从仍舒亳 于 仗舒仗从 亠亞亳 仗仂仍舒亳 仗亰仆亠"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "丼亠仆亠从舒"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "弍亠亠亞亳 于 仗舒仗 亠仆亠仂从"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "舒于亳亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "舒于亳亳 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "亳亟仆舒亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "亳亟仆舒亳 舒亶仍"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "亟仗亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "舒于亳亳 仗亟仗亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "亠亟舒从仂"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "亠亟舒亞于舒亳 亰仂于仆仆仄 亠亟舒从仂仂仄"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "亞仂舒仆仆 磲从于"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "亞仂仆亳 于 亟仂于亞 磲从亳"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "亠仗舒于亳仍仆亳亶 亳仗 MIME."
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "个舒亶仍 仆亠 仆 舒弍仂 仗仂仂亢仆亶."
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "仍舒亳于仂"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "仂亟于舒仆仆"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "丿仍"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "仄' 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "仂仄舒仆亟仆亳亶 磲仂从 亰仂于仆仆仂亞仂 亠亟舒从仂舒 仆亠仗舒于亳仍仆亳亶: `%s'\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1808,71 +1808,71 @@ msgstr ""
"亳仄仂于仂 仂弍于舒亳 仗仂亠?\n"
"group id 仗仂亠: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "弍于舒仆仂 仗仂亠 亰 group id: %d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "丐亳仄舒仂于亳亶 舒亶仍: %s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "弌于仂亠仆仆: 于于亟 于亟 仗仂亠亞舒ム仂亞仂 仗仂亠\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰舒仗亳亳 亰仂于仆仆亶 亠亟舒从仂\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 亰舒仗亳舒亳 于 舒亶仍\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂亳舒亳 亰 从舒仆舒仍\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "亠 于亟舒仍仂 仗仂舒于亳亳 仍亳 于 亠亞."
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "弍舒亳 舒亶仍亳"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "弍舒亳 舒亶仍"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "弍亠亠亞亳 仍亳"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "丶亠亶 仍亳 弍仍仂 亰仄仆亠仆仂. 弍亠亠亞亳 于 仗舒仗 亠仆亠仂从?"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "舒从亳亳 弍亠亰 亰弍亠亠亢亠仆仆"
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "丼亳 弍舒亢舒亠 亳 亰舒仂于舒亳 舒弍仍仂仆 `%s' ?"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "舒仂于舒亳 舒弍仍仂仆"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "舒仄仆亳亳"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "舒于亳亳"
@@ -2056,7 +2056,7 @@ msgstr "亠亟舒亞于舒亳 亰舒仗亳 JPilot"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2802,16 +2802,16 @@ msgstr "仆舒仍 仗仂仂从仂仍"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "g_thread 仆亠 仗亟亳仄 glib.\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "亢亳于舒仆仆: %s [丶]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [address] 于亟从亳亳 于从仆仂 亟仍 仆仂于仂亞仂 仍亳舒"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2821,23 +2821,23 @@ msgstr ""
" 于亟从亳亳 于从仆仂 于仂亠仆仆 亰 仗亳亟仆舒仆仆礆 于从舒亰舒仆亳\n"
" 舒亶仍于"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 仂亳仄舒亳 仆仂于 仍亳亳"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all 仂亳仄舒亳 仆仂于 仍亳亳 亟仍 于 亰舒仗亳于"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 于亟仍舒亳 于 于亟从仍舒亟亠仆 仍亳亳"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [folder]... 仗仂从舒亰舒亳 亰舒亞舒仍仆 从仍从 仍亳于"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2845,28 +2845,28 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" 仗仂从舒亰舒亳 舒仆 从仂亢仆仂 仗舒仗从亳"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 亠亢亳仄 于亟仍舒亞仂亟亢亠仆仆"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 仗仂从舒亰舒亳 亟仂于亟从 于亳亶亳"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 于亳亟舒亳 仆仂仄舒 仗仂 于亠 于亳亶亳"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳 亟仍 仄亠仆 舒亶仍于"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2890,19 +2890,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr " 仆亠亰舒于亠亠仆 仍亳亳. 弌仗舒于亟 于亳亶亳?"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "亳亳 于 亠亰"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "亠磻 仆亠于亟仍舒仆 仍亳亳 - 于 亠亰. 亳亶亳 亰舒舒亰?"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2911,15 +2911,15 @@ msgstr ""
"亟从仍ム亠仆仂 仗亟亳仄从 OpenPGP."
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "于亢亠 亰舒仗亠仆仂 仆亳亶 Sylpheed.\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "亠亠仆亠亠仆仆 仆舒仍舒于舒仆"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3502,7 +3502,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "仂仍仂于仆亠 从仆仂: 仆亠于亟舒舒 仂亰仄亠仆仆 从仂仍仂 %d\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "于亳从仂仆舒仆仂.\n"
@@ -3625,7 +3625,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "亟仍舒亳 仍亳(亳) 亰 亠亞亳"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "弌于仂亠仆仆 仍亳舒"
@@ -3633,7 +3633,7 @@ msgstr "弌于仂亠仆仆 仍亳舒"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "仂于亳亶 仍亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "亟仗仂于亳"
@@ -3661,7 +3661,7 @@ msgstr "亠亠仍舒亳 仍亳"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "亳亟舒仍亳亳 仍亳"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr "仂仍仂"
@@ -3754,7 +3754,7 @@ msgstr "/仆仄亠仆亳/仂亟舒亳 于亟仗舒于仆亳从舒 亟仂 舒亟
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "弌于仂ム仄仂 仂弍仍舒 仗亠亠亞仍磲 仍亳舒...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "丐亠从"
@@ -3780,7 +3780,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "亳于亠仆仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亳:"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr "从"
@@ -3950,11 +3950,11 @@ msgstr "舒仍舒于舒仆仆 亰舒仗亳"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "弌于仂亠仆仆 于从仆舒 仂仗亶 亰舒仗亳...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "亳仄舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privacy"
@@ -3962,7 +3962,7 @@ msgstr "Privacy"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Advanced"
@@ -4086,7 +4086,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "亠仂亟 舒亠仆亳从舒"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂"
@@ -4122,8 +4122,8 @@ msgstr "亠仆亠于舒亳 Message-ID"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "亢亳于舒亳 亰舒亞仂仍仂于仂从, 于亳亰仆舒亠仆亳亶 从仂亳于舒亠仄"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " 亠亟舒亞于舒亳... "
@@ -4440,209 +4440,209 @@ msgstr "亳亟舒仍亳亳 亟"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "亳 亟亶仆仂 弍舒亢舒亠 于亳亟舒仍亳亳 亟?"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "弌于仂ム仄仂 于从仆仂 亰舒亞舒仍仆亳 仂仗亶...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "舒亞舒仍仆 仆舒仍舒于舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "丶亳于舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "亟仂弍舒亢亠仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "仂于亟仂仄仍亠仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "仂仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "仆亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "亢亳于舒亳 亰仂于仆仆 仗仂亞舒仄 亟仍 仗亳亶仂仄"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "仂仄舒仆亟舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "亳仄于舒亳 亰 仍仂从舒仍仆仂亞仂 仗仍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "个仍于舒亳 仗亳 仗亳亶仂仄"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "丿仍 亟仂 仗仍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂 仗亠亠于亳 仆仂于 仗仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "从仂亢仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "于亳仍亳仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "亠亠于亳 仆仂于 仗仂 仗亳 亰舒仗从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "仆仂于仍ミ火委亳 于 仍仂从舒仍仆 仗舒仗从亳 仗仍 仗亳亶仂仄"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "亳从仂仆于舒亳 从仂仄舒仆亟 仗仍 仗亳弍 仆仂于亳 仍亳于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "`%d' 弍亟亠 亰舒仄仆亠仆仂 仆舒 从仍从 仆仂于亳 仍亳于."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "亢亳于舒亳 亰仂于仆仆 仗仂亞舒仄 亟仍 于亟亳仍舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "弍亠亞舒亳 于亟仍舒仆 仍亳亳 于 outbox"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr "舒仂于舒亳 仗舒于亳仍舒 仍于舒仆仆 亟仂 于亟仍舒仆亳 仍亳于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "仂亟仂于舒 舒弍仍亳 亟仍 于亳亟仆仂 仗仂亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆舒 (亠从仂仄亠仆亟仂于舒仆仂)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "舒亟仆仂于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "舒亟仆仂于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "丶仆舒仍仆仂于仂仗亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "舒仍亶从舒 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "舒仍亶从舒 (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "亠从舒 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "于亠亶从舒 (ISO-8859-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "于亠亶从舒 (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "丐亠从舒 (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "亳亳仍亳 (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "亳亳仍亳 (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "亳亳仍亳 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "亳亳仍亳 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "亊仗仂仆从舒 (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "亊仗仂仆从舒 (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "亊仗仂仆从舒 (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "弌仗仂亠仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "弌仗仂亠仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (GBK)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "丐舒亟亳亶仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "丐舒亟亳亶仆舒 从亳舒亶从舒 (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "亳舒亶从舒 (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "仂亠亶从舒 (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "丐舒亶从舒 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "丐舒亶从舒 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
@@ -4650,11 +4650,11 @@ msgstr ""
"亊从仂 于从仍ム亠仆仂 `于仂仄舒亳仆舒', 弍亟亠 仂弍舒仆仂 仂仗亳仄舒仍仆亠 从仂亟于舒仆仆 亟仍 亟ム仂 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "仂亟于舒仆仆 仗亠亠亳仍从亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
@@ -4662,124 +4662,124 @@ msgstr ""
"从舒亢 Content-Transfer-Encoding 亟仍 于亢亳于舒仆仆, 磻仂 仍仂 仍亳舒 仄亳 仆亠-"
"ASCII 亳仄于仂仍亳."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "仂亰亟仍ミ火委 仗亟仗亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "舒于亳亳 舒于仂仄舒亳仆仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂 亰舒仗从舒亳 亰仂于仆仆亶 亠亟舒从仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "于亠仆 Undo"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "亞仂舒亳 磲从亳 仍亳于 仗仍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "亳仄于仂仍于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "亞仂舒亳 亳于舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "亞仂仆亳 仗亳 于于仂亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "亞仂舒亳 仗亠亠亟 于亟亳仍舒仆仆礆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂 于亳弍亳舒亳 亰舒仗亳 亟仍 于亟仗仂于亟亠亶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "丶亳于舒亳 仍亳 仗亳 于亟仗仂于亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "仆仂仗从舒 于亟仗仂于亟 亰舒仗从舒 于亟仗仂于亟 从仂仆亠亠仆"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "个仂仄舒 于亟仗仂于亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "仆舒从 亳舒亳"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "个仂仄舒 仗亠亠亳仍舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " 仗亳 亳仄于仂仍于 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "丿亳"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "亟仂弍舒亢亠仆仆 仗舒仗仂从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒亳 从仍从 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆仂亞仂 仗仍 仆舒亰于亳 仗舒仗从亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒亳 从仂仍仂仆从亳 仆仂仄亠舒 仍亳舒 仗亳 于亟仂弍舒亢亠仆仆 仗舒仗仂从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "弌从仂仂于舒亳 仆舒亰于亳 从仂仆亠亠仆亶, 亟仂于 仆亢"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "仍亠"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "弌仗亳仂从 仗仂于亟仂仄仍亠仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒亳 仂亳仄于舒舒 于 从仂仍仂仆 `亟', 磻仂 于亟仗舒于仆亳从 - 亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "仂亰亞仂舒亳 仂弍亞仂于仂亠仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "个仂仄舒 亟舒亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " 仂从舒亰于舒亳 仆舒仗仆 仗仂仍... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "仂亰于仂仍亳亳 仂亰舒弍于舒仆仆 仍亳于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4787,228 +4787,225 @@ msgstr ""
"亟仂弍舒亢舒亳 2-弍舒亶仆亳亶 舒仍舒于 亳仍舒\n"
"仂亟仆仂弍舒亶仆亳仄 亳仄于仂仍仂仄 (亟仍 礚仂仆从仂 仄仂于亳)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒亳 仗舒仆亠仍 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从舒 仆舒亟 仍亳仂仄"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒亳 从仂仂亠仆 亰舒亞仂仍仂于从亳 仗亳 仗亠亠亞仍磲 仍亳于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "仂弍舒亢舒亳 HTML-仍亳亳 磻 亠从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒亳 从仂 仗亳 于亟仂弍舒亢亠仆仆 仗舒仗仂从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "亢磲从仂于亳亶 仆亠于舒仍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "仗从亠仍于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "仂从从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "于仂仆从亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "仍舒于仆舒 仗仂从从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "仂从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr "仂弍舒亢亠仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "舒舒弍于舒亳 仗亳亟仆舒仆 从舒亳仆从亳 于亟仗仂于亟仆仂 亟仂 于从仆舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "亟仂弍舒亢舒亳 亰仂弍舒亢亠仆仆 于 仍 仍亳舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "于仄从仆亳 从仂仆仂仍 仄仂仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "亳于亠仆仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亳:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr "亠 仄仂仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "仍舒亳从于舒亳 从仂仄舒仆亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "舒仗从舒 仄仂仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "亳亳, 仗仂亰仆舒亠仆 磻 仄仂仍仂, 从仍舒亟舒仄仂 亶 仗舒仗."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "个仍于舒亳 仍亳亳, 从仍舒亳从仂于舒仆 磻 仄仂仍仂, 仗亳 仂亳仄舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
msgstr ""
-"亟仍仂于舒仆 仍亳亳 弍亟亠 仗亠亠仆亠亠仆仂 仗舒仗从 仄仂仍仂 于亳亟舒仍亠仆仂 亰 亠于亠舒."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "于仂仄舒亳仆仂 仗亠亠于亳 仗亟仗亳亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒亳 亠亰仍舒 仗亠亠于从亳 仗亟仗亳 仗仍亳于舒ム仂仄 于从仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "丐亳仄舒仂于仂 亰弍亠亞舒亳 仗舒仂仍 于 仗舒仄'"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "亠亟亶仆亳亶 仗仍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr "于亳仍亳仆 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr "亳于仂仆仆 '0' 亰弍亠亞舒 仗舒仂仍 仗仂磪仂仄 于 亠."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "舒仂仗亳亳 于于亟 仗亳 于于亠亟亠仆仆 仗舒仂仍"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "仂仗亠亠亟亢舒亳 仗亳 亰舒仗从, 磻仂 GnuPG 仆亠 仗舒ム"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "舒于亢亟亳 于亟从亳于舒亳 仍亳亳 仗亳从 仗亳 于亳亟仍亠仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "亟从亳于舒亳 仗亠亳亶 仆亠仗仂亳舒仆亳亶 仍亳, 于仂亟亳 于 仗舒仗从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "仂亰仆舒舒亳 磻 仗仂亳舒仆亳亶 仍从亳 仍亳, 于亟从亳亳亶 仆仂于仂仄 于从仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "亠亠仂亟亳亳 仗舒仗从 `亟仆', 仂亳仄舒于亳 仆仂于 仗仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "亳从仂仆于舒亳 仆亠亞舒亶仆仂 仗仍 于亳亟舒仍亠仆仆 亳 仗亠亠仄亠仆仆 仍亳于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr "亳亳 弍亟亠 仗仂亰仆舒亠仆仂 亟仂 于亳从仂仆舒仆仆, 磻仂 亠 于亳仄从仆亳."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "舒仍仂亞 仂亳仄舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "仂从舒亰于舒亳 亟舒仍仂亞 仂亳仄舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "舒于亢亟亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "丐仍从亳 仗亳 仆仂仄 仂亳仄舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "从仂仍亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "亠 于亳亟舒于舒亳 亟舒仍仂亞 仗亳 仗仂仄亳仍 仂亳仄舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "舒从亳亳 亟舒仍仂亞 仂亳仄舒仆仆 仗仍 亰舒于亠亠仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr "丕亰亞仂亟亢于舒亳 仗仂磲仂从 从仆仂仗仂从 亰 GNOME HIG"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " 舒仆仂于亳亳 亞舒 从仍舒于... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "仂于仆仆 从仂仄舒仆亟亳 (%s 弍亟亠 亰舒仄仆亠仆仂 仆舒 仄' 舒亶仍 / URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "Web-弍舒亰亠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "(舒亰亠 亰舒 亰舒仄仂于于舒仆仆礆)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "仂亟舒亳 舒亟亠 亟仂 仗亳亰仆舒亠仆仆, 从仂仍亳 从仍舒仆亳 亟于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "亳 于亳仂亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "亟于亠亟亳亳 仗亳 于亳仂亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "亳 于亳仂亟 仂亳舒亳 从仂亳从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "亳舒亳 仗亠亠亟 仂亳亠仆仆礆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "仂仗亠亠亟亢舒亳, 磻仂 仍亳亳 于 亠亰"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "于仄从仆亳 仂亞 仗亠亠于从 仍仆仂 从亠于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
@@ -5017,151 +5014,151 @@ msgstr ""
"于仄从仆亳, 磻仂 于仄 仗舒仗仂从 仄仂亢亠 亰仄仆ミ火委亳 仆亳仄亳 仗仂亞舒仄舒仄亳.\n"
"丶 仂仗 仗仂亞亳 于亟仂弍舒亢亠仆仆 仗亳从舒 仗仂于亟仂仄仍亠仆."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "丐舒亶仄舒 仂从亠舒 于于仂亟/于亳于仂亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "亠从仆亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "仗仂于仆舒 从仂仂亠仆舒 仆舒亰于舒 亟仆 亳亢仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "仗仂于仆舒 仆舒亰于舒 亟仆 亳亢仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "从仂仂亠仆舒 仆舒亰于舒 仄"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "仗仂于仆舒 仆舒亰于舒 仄"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "弍舒亢舒仆舒 亟舒舒 舒 亟仍 仗仂仂仆仂 locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "仆仂仄亠 仂 (从/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "亟亠仆 仄 磻 亟亠从仂于亠 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "亞仂亟亳仆舒 磻 亟亠从仂于亠 亳仍仂 亰舒 24-亞仂亟亳仆仆亳仄 亳亠弍仍舒仂仄"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "亞仂亟亳仆舒 磻 亟亠从仂于亠 亳仍仂 亰舒 12-亞仂亟亳仆仆亳仄 亳亠弍仍舒仂仄"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "亟亠仆 仂从 磻 亟亠从仂于亠 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "仄 磻 亟亠从仂于亠 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "于亳仍亳仆亳 磻 亟亠从仂于亠 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AM 亳 PM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "亠从仆亟亳 磻 亟亠从仂于亠 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "亟亠仆 亳亢仆 磻 亟亠从仂于亠 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "弍舒亢舒仆舒 亟舒舒 亟仍 仗仂仂仆仂 locale"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "仂舒仆仆 亟于 亳亳 仂从"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "从 磻 亟亠从仂于亠 亳仍仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "舒仂于舒 亰仂仆舒 舒弍仂 仄' 舒弍仂 从仂仂亠仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "弌仗亠亳从舒仂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "仗亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "亳从仍舒亟"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "舒仆仂于亳亳 从仂仍仂亳 仍亳舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "仂仍仂亳"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "丶亳仂于舒仆亳亶 亠从 - 仗亠亳亶 于亠仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "丶亳仂于舒仆亳亶 亠从 - 亟亞亳亶 于亠仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "丶亳仂于舒仆亳亶 亠从 - 亠亶 于亠仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI link"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "仂于仂仆仂 于亳从仂亳舒亳 从仂仍仂亳 亳于舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "弍舒亳 从仂仍 亟仍 亳于舒仆仆 于仆 1"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "弍舒亳 从仂仍 亟仍 亳于舒仆仆 于仆 2"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "弍舒亳 从仂仍 亟仍 亳于舒仆仆 于仆 3"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "弍舒亳 从仂仍 亟仍 URI"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "仗亳 亳仄于仂仍于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5185,11 +5182,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "磻仂 于舒仆仂于仍亠仆仂 x, 仗仂从舒亰 expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5203,7 +5200,7 @@ msgstr ""
"丐仍仂 亳仂于舒仆仂亞仂 仗仂于亟仂仄仍亠仆仆 弍亠亰 仗亟仗亳\n"
"从于舒仍仆仂 %"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5215,19 +5212,19 @@ msgstr ""
"从于舒仍仆舒 于亟从亳于舒ム舒 亞仆舒 亟亢从舒\n"
"从于舒仍仆舒 亰舒从亳于舒ム舒 亞仆舒 亟亢从舒"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "舒 从仍舒于"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " 弍舒亳 仗仂仗亠亠亟仆仂 仂亰仆舒亠仆 亞舒 从仍舒于."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "仂 亰舒仄仂于于舒仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "弌舒亳亶 Sylpheed"
@@ -5535,17 +5532,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "从仍舒亟亠仆仆"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "丐亠仄舒"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "亟"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "舒舒"
@@ -6276,20 +6273,20 @@ msgstr "亟仄仂 仆亳从亳 仂弍亞仂于仂亠仆仆..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "弌从舒于舒仆仆 仆亳仂从 仂弍亞仂于仂亠仆仆..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "仍于舒仆仆..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "个仍于舒仆仆..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "%d 仍亳于 于亟仍仂于舒仆仂."
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "仂仄亠"
@@ -6348,6 +6345,12 @@ msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr "仂仗亠亠亟亢亠仆仆: 仗亟仄仆舒 URL"
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "亟仍仂于舒仆 仍亳亳 弍亟亠 仗亠亠仆亠亠仆仂 仗舒仗从 仄仂仍仂 于亳亟舒仍亠仆仂 亰 亠于亠舒."
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
index 530f8fc7..37856ec8 100644
--- a/po/zh_CN.po
+++ b/po/zh_CN.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-03-17 09:22+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Wang Jian <lark@linux.net.cn>\n"
"Language-Team: zh_CN <i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn>\n"
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ msgstr "ー %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "臀綏牙鋓絖\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "篁九す鐚"
@@ -623,12 +623,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "羈劫篁九\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr " %s 九け茣ャ\n"
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ msgstr "篏桁"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "絨医羞糸医医膂"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "医"
@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ msgstr "/(_D)"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "球篁九医"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "医膂"
@@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ msgstr "医膂粋習∫莚"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "医膂粋習"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr ""
@@ -1193,11 +1193,11 @@ msgstr "医"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "筝篋阪医"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "羈"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "茘"
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@ msgstr "罍"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr "羃≧"
@@ -1532,66 +1532,66 @@ msgstr "綣莅井弱莚"
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "篁九紊/莉弱莚"
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "篁 %s 筝絖\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "羈キ緇篁 %s 紊у\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "篁 %s 腥榊"
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "羈莚糸 %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "篁駈%s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "羈キ緇篁句"
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "(羃≧筝脂)"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [綏牙莨]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 医篁%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "羃≧絎銀散篋冴"
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
#, fuzzy
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "筝脂"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "筝脂腥榊菴荀鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "羈キ緇銀散篋阪茵"
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1599,21 +1599,21 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr "篁九 %s 九莚"
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "羈絨莚ラ篁銀絖医篁句宴"
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "羈上医綵筝絲ユ莚%s梧膤紫ュ"
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1623,12 +1623,12 @@ msgstr ""
"羈絨篁句絖膃膽篁 %s 莉√ %s\n"
"篁句 %s 鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
#, fuzzy
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "医膂粋習∫莚"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1637,157 +1637,157 @@ msgid ""
"Send it anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "羈ゆч篁\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "罩e篁...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "羈上育篁九す鐚%s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "羈莚ラ篁\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "篁倶莚埦%s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "罩e綮堺医腦...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "篁銀査鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/PGP 膈上(_G)"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
#, fuzzy
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/PGP 絲(_E)"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME 膠糸"
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "紊у"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "腴喝篁"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "篁ュ"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "上ラ篁九す鐚篁ュ"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "腮"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "篆絖域腮炊篁九す"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "ユ篁九絎"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr "篁"
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "ラ篁"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "膈上"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "ョ上"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "膽莨"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "篏睡紊膽莨膽莨"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr "∵"
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "粋∵"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "MIME膠糸"
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "篁銀絖筝榊冴"
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "絮"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "膽劫"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "莊緇"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "篁九"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "紊膽莨巡擦茵鐚%s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1798,74 +1798,74 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "綏牙腮綺靳莚埦%d"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "筝贋倶篁駈%s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "医鐚篁菴腮筝莨\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "羈ц紊膽莨\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "羈ユ篁\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "膊♂莚糸紊沿乾\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "羈絨莚ラ篁倶"
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "篁"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "篁"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
#, fuzzy
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "腴喝篁"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
#, fuzzy
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "莚ラ篁九群篆鴻筝√絎鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "荀篏睡罔≧垂%s鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "篏睡罔≧"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "炊"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
#, fuzzy
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr ""
@@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@ msgstr "膽莨 JPilot 蕁"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr " ... "
@@ -2798,16 +2798,16 @@ msgstr "顒莅医"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "glib 筝 g_thread\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "羈鐚%s [OPTION]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [address] 綣医腦"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2816,23 +2816,23 @@ msgstr ""
" --attach 篁1 [篁2]...\n"
" 綣医腦e攻羞糸絎篁"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive ・倶育篁"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all ・倶絽埇育篁"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 筝篁"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [篁九す]... 丞ず篁倶紙"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
@@ -2840,29 +2840,29 @@ msgstr ""
" --status-full [篁九す]...\n"
" 丞ず罸鋇篁九す倶"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug 莪莚罔≦"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 丞ず莚ュ軒綛狗"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 莨榊篆≧綛狗"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "銀戎絖膃膽"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2876,19 +2876,19 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "罩e医篁吟荀阪鐚"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "筝篁"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "筝篋篆>散茴上ラー阪鐚"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2897,15 +2897,15 @@ msgstr ""
"綏牙 OpenPGP "
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "Ϊ筝筝 Sylpheed 罩e菴茵\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "罩e菴腱脂臀"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3495,7 +3495,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "筝紫o蘂 %d 紊沿乾\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "絎\n"
@@ -3618,7 +3618,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "筝篁"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "医"
@@ -3626,7 +3626,7 @@ msgstr "医"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "医育篁"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "紊"
@@ -3654,7 +3654,7 @@ msgstr "莉莚ラ篁"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "よラ篁"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr ""
@@ -3748,7 +3748,7 @@ msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/絨篁銀査羞糸医医膂推賢(_K)"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "罩e綮咲篁区...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr ""
@@ -3774,7 +3774,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "ц巡擦"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr ""
@@ -3942,11 +3942,11 @@ msgstr "絽埌蕁"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "罩e綮阪埌蕁合...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "・"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "腱"
@@ -3954,7 +3954,7 @@ msgstr "腱"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "蕭膾"
@@ -4079,7 +4079,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "薨莚号"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr ""
@@ -4119,8 +4119,8 @@ msgstr "篁倶莚"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "羞糸桁箙紊翫"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " 膽莨... "
@@ -4435,350 +4435,350 @@ msgstr "ゅ篏"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "荀よュ篏鐚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "罩e綮咲薤蕁合...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "薤蕁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "綣"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "丞ず"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "篁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "篁九す鐚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "九"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "篏睡紊腮綺綛狗篁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "巡擦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
#, fuzzy
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "篁篁倶綛狗篁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "綛狗篁倶区茵菴羯"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "篁倶莊緇"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "罍ユ育篁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "罸"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "倶ユ育篁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "綛狗篁九贋井井篁九す"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
#, fuzzy
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "綵腱糸ら篁倶句恰ц"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "罩eキ育篁倶育(STAT)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "篏睡紊腮綺"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "絨綏峨榊篁銀絖篁句"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "銀戎絖膃膽"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr " (綮肴篏睡)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "7篏 ASCII (US-ASCII) "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "茱炊 (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "茱炊 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "筝罨 (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "羈∝莚 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "羈∝莚 (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "絽莚 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "絽莚 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "紊莚 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "喝区 (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "紊莚 (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "紊莚 (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "紊莚 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "紊莚 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "ヨ (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "ヨ (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "ヨ (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "膊篏筝 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
#, fuzzy
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "膊篏筝 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "膵篏筝 (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "膵篏筝 (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "筝 (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "蕾 (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "羈井 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "羈井 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
msgstr "絋鐚絨篏睡綵阪莅丞舟膽劫"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "篌莨膽"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
msgstr "絎綵篁九絎劫 ASCII 絖膃銀戎 Content-Transfer-Encoding"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "膈上膃"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "紊膽莨"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "ら罨≧"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "篁倶茵篋膃"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "筝絖膃"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "綣茵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "莨ユ倶茵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "茵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "紊絽"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "紊九"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "紊篌紊育篁九茵"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "紊弱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "綣膃"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "莉弱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr " 膃垽颷 "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "絖篏"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "篁九す"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "篁九す丞ず莚脂篁句育"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "篁九す丞ず莚脂篁句育"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "膽育紫推"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "篆>散"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "荀茹"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "絋篁銀査綏縁篁銀査鋇丞ず銀散篋"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "絮綣膾睡刈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "ユ弱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr " 莅丞舟荀筝丞ず蕁... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "篁句蘂画;腓"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
@@ -4786,388 +4786,385 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "篁区鞘筝丞ず篁九ご∽"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "篁区鞘賢丞ず膊篁九ご"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "絨HTML絎号丞ず筝堺"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "篁区鞘賢丞ず膊篁九ご"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "篁九絎壕頑"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "筝靘"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "羯"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "蕁究"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "綛恰羯"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "罸閩≧"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr "上"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "絨篁銀賢上靶乗渇腦eぇ絨"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "綉ユ丞ず上"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "篁九す鐚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
#, fuzzy
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "ц巡擦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
#, fuzzy
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "ц巡擦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
#, fuzzy
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "篁九す鐚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
#, fuzzy
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "(羃≧菴羯ょ篁銀篆絖莚ユ篁九す筝)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
#, fuzzy
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "・狗篁倶区茵菴羯"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "(羃≧菴羯ょ篁銀篆絖莚ユ篁九す筝)"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "罍ョ上"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "綣劫榊d賢丞ず膈上罍ョ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "絨d擦筝俄鹸九上絖筝"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "菴狗"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr "莅丞舟筝財0絨岩肩篌莚菴腮筝絖d擦筝"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "莨ュd擦筝我倶キ莨(翫)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr "絋 GnuPG 羈綏ヤ鐚倶丞ず茘"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "荀腦d賢篁倶倶綣篁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "菴ユ篁九す倶綣膃筝筝莚紫篁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "篁亥d賢綣篁倶倶莅育篁銀減綏画"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "九井育篁倶区習井銀散膊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "綵腱糸ら篁倶句恰ц"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr "絋莚ラ蕁劫渇鐚莅育篁句翫医ц"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "九壕罅"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "丞ず・九壕罅"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "紙"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "篁綏ユ・倶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "篁筝"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "・狗莚銀綣劫咲莚絲壕罅"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "絎渇・九壕罅"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr " 莅丞舟活... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "紊巡擦 (%s 絨茴炊≫減篁九URI)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "臀蕁究頵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
#, fuzzy
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "藥莅ゆ銀散膊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "紙九医羞糸筝堺銀散篋"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "榊綺"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "堺区茵隋莅"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "堺倶腥阪篁句"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "羝腥阪莚∫"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "絋筝篁九葦肴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "罩e荀膽絖(%s)..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
"This option will degrade the performance of displaying summary."
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "絅・絖 I/O 莇駈"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "腱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "膽"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "絎雁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "膽篁遵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "絎雁篁遵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "綵阪莅丞舟薤ユ狗贋弱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "筝膾(綛岩蚕/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "菴区;腓榊筝紊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "24絨倶狗菴九"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "12絨倶狗菴九"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "菴区;腓榊筝綛岩賢紊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "菴区;腓榊篁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "菴区;腓榊紊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "AMPM"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "菴区;腓榊腱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "菴区;腓榊筝紊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "綵阪莅丞舟薤ユ弱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "綛岩蚕筝や肩医"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "菴句綛岩蚕"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "九冴絖膽"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "莚贋膃"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "颷"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "腓坂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "莅丞舟篁狗"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "蘂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "綣鐚膃筝膾"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "綣鐚膃篋膾"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "綣鐚膃筝膾"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "URI 丈・"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "緇ッ篏睡綣蘂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "綣膾у 1 蘂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "綣膾у 2 蘂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "綣膾у 3 蘂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "URI蘂"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "膃埇颷"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5191,11 +5188,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr "絋 x 莅丞舟篋弱丞ず expr"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5209,7 +5206,7 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5221,20 +5218,20 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "活"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr " 莅丞舟活... "
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "藥莅"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "уSylpheed"
@@ -5544,17 +5541,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "篁"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "筝脂"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "篁銀査"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ユ"
@@ -6288,20 +6285,20 @@ msgstr "罩e綮榊鎖膣..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "罩e羔膾睡刈..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "罩e菴羯..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "罩e菴羯..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "綏牙颷羯 %d 筝篁吟"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "No."
@@ -6362,6 +6359,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "(羃≧菴羯ょ篁銀篆絖莚ユ篁九す筝)"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po
index 03915f82..a8042eb9 100644
--- a/po/zh_TW.po
+++ b/po/zh_TW.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sylpheed 2.1.4\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-25 18:36+0900\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-10-26 20:11+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-25 16:23+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Wei-Lun Chao <chaoweilun@pcmail.com.tw>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (traditional) <zh-l10n@linux.org.tw>\n"
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ msgstr "上 %s\n"
msgid "Configuration is saved.\n"
msgstr "腟荐絎綏峨峨\n"
-#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:443
+#: libsylph/prefs_common.c:452
msgid "Junk mail filter"
msgstr "冗灸散莖紊"
@@ -627,12 +627,12 @@ msgstr "%.2fMB"
msgid "%.2fGB"
msgstr "%.2fGB"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2323 src/compose.c:2712 src/compose.c:2971
-#: src/compose.c:3034 src/compose.c:3154
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2358 src/compose.c:2716 src/compose.c:2975
+#: src/compose.c:3038 src/compose.c:3158
msgid "can't change file mode\n"
msgstr "≧壕罟罅\n"
-#: libsylph/utils.c:2330 libsylph/utils.c:2454
+#: libsylph/utils.c:2365 libsylph/utils.c:2489
#, c-format
msgid "writing to %s failed.\n"
msgstr "絲ュ %s 篏紊掩\n"
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: src/account_dialog.c:360 src/addressadd.c:192 src/addressbook.c:491
-#: src/compose.c:4102 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
+#: src/compose.c:4106 src/editaddress.c:200 src/editaddress.c:942
#: src/editaddress.c:990 src/editbook.c:196 src/editgroup.c:265
#: src/editjpilot.c:271 src/editldap.c:307 src/editvcard.c:184
#: src/mimeview.c:206 src/prefs_filter.c:260 src/prefs_folder_item.c:173
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ msgstr "篏睡荐絎箙巡擦"
msgid "Add Address to Book"
msgstr "絨医ラ荐"
-#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4549 src/editaddress.c:201
+#: src/addressadd.c:202 src/compose.c:4553 src/editaddress.c:201
#: src/select-keys.c:320
msgid "Address"
msgstr "医"
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ msgstr "/(_D)"
msgid "E-Mail address"
msgstr "E-Mail 医"
-#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4550 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2054
+#: src/addressbook.c:496 src/compose.c:4554 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2062
msgid "Address book"
msgstr "荐"
@@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ msgstr "莉荐弱主茯"
msgid "Addressbook Conversion"
msgstr "荐弱颰"
-#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
+#: src/addressbook.c:3072 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:614
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "篁"
@@ -1198,11 +1198,11 @@ msgstr "援荐膣"
msgid "Personal address"
msgstr "腱篋咲荐膣"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5236 src/main.c:534
+#: src/alertpanel.c:141 src/compose.c:5240 src/main.c:546
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "羈"
-#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:629
+#: src/alertpanel.c:154 src/main.c:641
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "茘"
@@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ msgstr "罍"
#. create sub items. for the menu item activation callback we pass the
#. * color flag value as data parameter. Also we attach a data pointer
#. * so we can always get back the SummaryView pointer.
-#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4226
+#: src/colorlabel.c:280 src/prefs_folder_item.c:314 src/summaryview.c:4229
msgid "None"
msgstr ""
@@ -1534,65 +1534,65 @@ msgstr "綣荐弱茯ゃ"
msgid "Message reply/forward format error."
msgstr "荀/莉絲灸散弱茯ゃ"
-#: src/compose.c:1802
+#: src/compose.c:1806
#, c-format
msgid "File %s doesn't exist\n"
msgstr "罟罅 %s 筝絖\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1806
+#: src/compose.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "Can't get file size of %s\n"
msgstr "≧緇罟罅 %s 紊у\n"
-#: src/compose.c:1810
+#: src/compose.c:1814
#, c-format
msgid "File %s is empty."
msgstr "罟罅 %s 腥榊"
-#: src/compose.c:1814
+#: src/compose.c:1818
#, c-format
msgid "Can't read %s."
msgstr "≧莅 %s"
-#: src/compose.c:1849
+#: src/compose.c:1853
#, c-format
msgid "Message: %s"
msgstr "灸散鐚%s"
-#: src/compose.c:1921 src/mimeview.c:565
+#: src/compose.c:1925 src/mimeview.c:565
msgid "Can't get the part of multipart message."
msgstr "≧緇罟"
-#: src/compose.c:2366 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
+#: src/compose.c:2370 src/headerview.c:195 src/summaryview.c:1925
msgid "(No Subject)"
msgstr "鐚羃筝紙鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:2368
+#: src/compose.c:2372
msgid " [Edited]"
msgstr " [綏俄信]"
-#: src/compose.c:2370
+#: src/compose.c:2374
#, c-format
msgid "%s - Compose%s"
msgstr "%s - 膩絲灸散%s"
-#: src/compose.c:2481
+#: src/compose.c:2485
msgid "Recipient is not specified."
msgstr "羃絎銀散篋冴"
-#: src/compose.c:2489
+#: src/compose.c:2493
msgid "Empty subject"
msgstr "筝紙腥榊"
-#: src/compose.c:2490
+#: src/compose.c:2494
msgid "Subject is empty. Send it anyway?"
msgstr "羃筝紙腆阪荀削"
-#: src/compose.c:2541
+#: src/compose.c:2545
msgid "can't get recipient list."
msgstr "≧緇銀散篋堺銀散域臂ょ"
-#: src/compose.c:2561
+#: src/compose.c:2565
msgid ""
"Account for sending mail is not specified.\n"
"Please select a mail account before sending."
@@ -1600,21 +1600,21 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2575 src/send_message.c:299
+#: src/compose.c:2579 src/send_message.c:299
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred while posting the message to %s ."
msgstr " %s 弱堺腴榊憥茯ゃ"
-#: src/compose.c:2598
+#: src/compose.c:2602
msgid "Can't save the message to outbox."
msgstr "≧絨灸散喝篁九ぞ筝"
-#: src/compose.c:2648
+#: src/compose.c:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find any key associated with currently selected key id `%s'."
msgstr "≧上遺算篏後箙違%s檎違"
-#: src/compose.c:2745
+#: src/compose.c:2749
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't convert the character encoding of the message body from %s to %s.\n"
@@ -1624,11 +1624,11 @@ msgstr ""
"≧絨灸散ф膩腆取┃絎 %s 莉 %s\n"
"篁荀篁 %s 渇鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:2751
+#: src/compose.c:2755
msgid "Code conversion error"
msgstr "莉膩腆惹主茯"
-#: src/compose.c:2822
+#: src/compose.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Line %d exceeds the line length limit (998 bytes).\n"
@@ -1641,155 +1641,155 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:2826
+#: src/compose.c:2830
msgid "Line length limit"
msgstr "桁墾"
-#: src/compose.c:3114
+#: src/compose.c:3118
msgid "can't remove the old message\n"
msgstr "≧腱脂ゅ灸散\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3132
+#: src/compose.c:3136
msgid "queueing message...\n"
msgstr "我絖莖紊鞘賢...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3214
+#: src/compose.c:3218
msgid "can't find queue folder\n"
msgstr "鞘井絖莖紊\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3221
+#: src/compose.c:3225
msgid "can't queue the message\n"
msgstr "≧冗我絖莖紊\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3813
+#: src/compose.c:3817
#, c-format
msgid "generated Message-ID: %s\n"
msgstr "∝灸散膩鐚%s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3922
+#: src/compose.c:3926
msgid "Creating compose window...\n"
msgstr "罩e綮榊膩絲荀腦...\n"
-#: src/compose.c:3970 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
+#: src/compose.c:3974 src/headerview.c:54 src/summary_search.c:214
msgid "From:"
msgstr "箴羣鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:4042
+#: src/compose.c:4046
msgid "PGP Sign"
msgstr "PGP 膂順"
-#: src/compose.c:4045
+#: src/compose.c:4049
msgid "PGP Encrypt"
msgstr "PGP 絲"
-#: src/compose.c:4083 src/compose.c:5023
+#: src/compose.c:4087 src/compose.c:5027
msgid "MIME type"
msgstr "MIME "
-#: src/compose.c:4092 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4373
+#: src/compose.c:4096 src/mimeview.c:197 src/prefs_filter_edit.c:585
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:76 src/select-keys.c:317 src/summaryview.c:4376
msgid "Size"
msgstr "紊у"
-#: src/compose.c:4470 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:595
+#: src/compose.c:4474 src/mainwindow.c:2236 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:516
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:598
msgid "Send"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4471
+#: src/compose.c:4475
msgid "Send message"
msgstr "咲灸散"
-#: src/compose.c:4479
+#: src/compose.c:4483
msgid "Send later"
msgstr "腮緇"
-#: src/compose.c:4480
+#: src/compose.c:4484
msgid "Put into queue folder and send later"
msgstr "上医篁九ぞ筝腮緇"
-#: src/compose.c:4488
+#: src/compose.c:4492
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "腮"
-#: src/compose.c:4489
+#: src/compose.c:4493
msgid "Save to draft folder"
msgstr "峨活腮粋紊"
-#: src/compose.c:4499
+#: src/compose.c:4503
msgid "Insert"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4500
+#: src/compose.c:4504
msgid "Insert file"
msgstr "ユ罅"
-#: src/compose.c:4508
+#: src/compose.c:4512
msgid "Attach"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4509
+#: src/compose.c:4513
msgid "Attach file"
msgstr "罟罅"
#. signature
-#: src/compose.c:4519 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1004
+#: src/compose.c:4523 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1188
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1007
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "膂順"
-#: src/compose.c:4520
+#: src/compose.c:4524
msgid "Insert signature"
msgstr "ョ綾腴"
-#: src/compose.c:4529 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1026
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2030
+#: src/compose.c:4533 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1029
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2038
msgid "Editor"
msgstr "膩莠"
-#: src/compose.c:4530
+#: src/compose.c:4534
msgid "Edit with external editor"
msgstr "篏睡銀膩莠"
-#: src/compose.c:4538
+#: src/compose.c:4542
msgid "Linewrap"
msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:4539
+#: src/compose.c:4543
msgid "Wrap all long lines"
msgstr "欠絖"
-#: src/compose.c:4919
+#: src/compose.c:4923
msgid "Invalid MIME type."
msgstr "筝羈 MIME "
-#: src/compose.c:4937
+#: src/compose.c:4941
msgid "File doesn't exist or is empty."
msgstr "罟罅筝絖腥榊"
-#: src/compose.c:5005
+#: src/compose.c:5009
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "у"
-#: src/compose.c:5025
+#: src/compose.c:5029
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "膩腆"
-#: src/compose.c:5048 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
+#: src/compose.c:5052 src/prefs_folder_item.c:202
msgid "Path"
msgstr "莊緇"
-#: src/compose.c:5049
+#: src/compose.c:5053
msgid "File name"
msgstr "罟"
-#: src/compose.c:5207
+#: src/compose.c:5211
#, c-format
msgid "External editor command line is invalid: `%s'\n"
msgstr "紊膩莠巡擦茯ょ鐚%s\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5233
+#: src/compose.c:5237
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The external editor is still working.\n"
@@ -1800,71 +1800,71 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/compose.c:5250
+#: src/compose.c:5254
#, c-format
msgid "Terminated process group id: %d"
msgstr "腟臂ょ篁g⊆ %d 茵腮"
-#: src/compose.c:5251
+#: src/compose.c:5255
#, c-format
msgid "Temporary file: %s"
msgstr "絖罟罅鐚%s"
-#: src/compose.c:5275
+#: src/compose.c:5279
msgid "Compose: input from monitoring process\n"
msgstr "絲篏鐚緇h腮綺鋇莠後\n"
#. failed
-#: src/compose.c:5306
+#: src/compose.c:5310
msgid "Couldn't exec external editor\n"
msgstr "≧決紊膩莠\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5310
+#: src/compose.c:5314
msgid "Couldn't write to file\n"
msgstr "≧絲ユ罅\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5312
+#: src/compose.c:5316
msgid "Pipe read failed\n"
msgstr "Pipe 莅紊掩\n"
-#: src/compose.c:5618 src/compose.c:5626 src/compose.c:5632
+#: src/compose.c:5622 src/compose.c:5630 src/compose.c:5636
msgid "Can't queue the message."
msgstr "≧冗我絖莖紊障"
-#: src/compose.c:5723
+#: src/compose.c:5727
msgid "Select files"
msgstr "御罟罅"
-#: src/compose.c:5745
+#: src/compose.c:5749
msgid "Select file"
msgstr "御罟罅"
-#: src/compose.c:5782
+#: src/compose.c:5786
msgid "Save message"
msgstr "峨灸散"
-#: src/compose.c:5783
+#: src/compose.c:5787
msgid "This message has been modified. Save it to draft folder?"
msgstr "灸散綏画←篆拷絨絎峨域腮粋紊上鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:5785
+#: src/compose.c:5789
msgid "Close _without saving"
msgstr "篏筝峨(_W)"
-#: src/compose.c:5827
+#: src/compose.c:5831
#, c-format
msgid "Do you want to apply the template `%s' ?"
msgstr "腆阪荀絅%s灸散罔f水鐚"
-#: src/compose.c:5829
+#: src/compose.c:5833
msgid "Apply template"
msgstr "絅灸散罔f"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Replace"
msgstr "臀(_R)"
-#: src/compose.c:5830
+#: src/compose.c:5834
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "(_I)"
@@ -2048,7 +2048,7 @@ msgstr "膩莠 JPilot 莖"
#: src/editjpilot.c:290 src/editldap.c:349 src/editvcard.c:203
#: src/importldif.c:534 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1691
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1680
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1684
msgid " ... "
msgstr "..."
@@ -2792,16 +2792,16 @@ msgstr "荐絎膣"
msgid "g_thread is not supported by glib.\n"
msgstr "glib 筝 g_thread\n"
-#: src/main.c:348
+#: src/main.c:360
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n"
msgstr "羈鐚%s [檎]...\n"
-#: src/main.c:351
+#: src/main.c:363
msgid " --compose [address] open composition window"
msgstr " --compose [灸散医] 贋・医灸散荀腦"
-#: src/main.c:352
+#: src/main.c:364
msgid ""
" --attach file1 [file2]...\n"
" open composition window with specified files\n"
@@ -2810,50 +2810,50 @@ msgstr ""
" --attach 罟罅1 [罟罅2]...\n"
" 医灸散荀腦鐚筝絨絎罟罅筝サ"
-#: src/main.c:355
+#: src/main.c:367
msgid " --receive receive new messages"
msgstr " --receive 贋・・倶育灸散"
-#: src/main.c:356
+#: src/main.c:368
msgid " --receive-all receive new messages of all accounts"
msgstr " --receive-all 贋・・倶絽活育灸散"
-#: src/main.c:357
+#: src/main.c:369
msgid " --send send all queued messages"
msgstr " --send 堺絖莖紊鞘賢灸散"
-#: src/main.c:358
+#: src/main.c:370
msgid " --status [folder]... show the total number of messages"
msgstr " --status [莖紊]... 蕁腓肴紊上х現掩紊絨灸散"
-#: src/main.c:359
+#: src/main.c:371
msgid ""
" --status-full [folder]...\n"
" show the status of each folder"
msgstr " --status-full [莖紊]... 蕁腓堺莖紊鞘賢紊絨灸散"
-#: src/main.c:361
+#: src/main.c:373
msgid ""
" --configdir dirname specify directory which stores configuration files"
msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:362
+#: src/main.c:374
msgid " --debug debug mode"
msgstr " --debug ら罔≦"
-#: src/main.c:363
+#: src/main.c:375
msgid " --help display this help and exit"
msgstr " --help 蕁腓堺茯筝∫"
-#: src/main.c:364
+#: src/main.c:376
msgid " --version output version information and exit"
msgstr " --version 蕁腓榊莖荐"
-#: src/main.c:486
+#: src/main.c:498
msgid "Filename encoding"
msgstr "罟罅腮援隈腆"
-#: src/main.c:487
+#: src/main.c:499
msgid ""
"The locale encoding is not UTF-8, but the environmental variable "
"G_FILENAME_ENCODING is not set.\n"
@@ -2874,19 +2874,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/main.c:535
+#: src/main.c:547
msgid "Composing message exists. Really quit?"
msgstr "灸散罩e膩莠腆阪荀∫鐚"
-#: src/main.c:543
+#: src/main.c:555
msgid "Queued messages"
msgstr "咲灸散"
-#: src/main.c:544
+#: src/main.c:556
msgid "Some unsent messages are queued. Exit now?"
msgstr "篋灸散罩e絖莖紊鞘賢絨冴腆阪荀∫鐚"
-#: src/main.c:630
+#: src/main.c:642
msgid ""
"GnuPG is not installed properly, or its version is too old.\n"
"OpenPGP support disabled."
@@ -2895,15 +2895,15 @@ msgstr ""
" OpenPGP 吨"
#. remote command mode
-#: src/main.c:769 src/main.c:787
+#: src/main.c:781 src/main.c:799
msgid "another Sylpheed is already running.\n"
msgstr "綏牙 Sylpheed 腮綣閫e決筝\n"
-#: src/main.c:994
+#: src/main.c:1006
msgid "Migration of configuration"
msgstr "荐絎莖莉腱"
-#: src/main.c:995
+#: src/main.c:1007
msgid ""
"The previous version of configuration found.\n"
"Do you want to migrate it?"
@@ -3486,7 +3486,7 @@ msgid "MainWindow: color allocation %d failed\n"
msgstr "筝肢腦鐚蕁 %d 臀紊掩\n"
#: src/mainwindow.c:1068 src/summaryview.c:2070 src/summaryview.c:2155
-#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3882
+#: src/summaryview.c:3450 src/summaryview.c:3571 src/summaryview.c:3885
msgid "done.\n"
msgstr "絎\n"
@@ -3608,7 +3608,7 @@ msgid "Send queued message(s)"
msgstr "絨絖莖紊鞘賢灸散"
#: src/mainwindow.c:2247 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:518
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:597 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:600 src/prefs_folder_item.c:139
msgid "Compose"
msgstr "医灸散"
@@ -3616,7 +3616,7 @@ msgstr "医灸散"
msgid "Compose new message"
msgstr "膩莠育灸散"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1096
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2256 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1099
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "荀"
@@ -3644,7 +3644,7 @@ msgstr "莉絲灸散"
msgid "Delete the message"
msgstr "ら灸散"
-#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1631
+#: src/mainwindow.c:2312 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1635
msgid "Junk"
msgstr "冗灸散"
@@ -3737,7 +3737,7 @@ msgstr "/綏ュ(_T)/絨絲篆>査ラ荐(_K)"
msgid "Creating message view...\n"
msgstr "∝灸散荀腦...\n"
-#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1293
+#: src/messageview.c:314 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1296
msgid "Text"
msgstr "絖"
@@ -3763,7 +3763,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(Default print command)"
msgstr "罩e絖悟巡擦:"
-#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2019 src/summaryview.c:3020
+#: src/messageview.c:729 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2027 src/summaryview.c:3020
msgid "Print"
msgstr ""
@@ -3932,11 +3932,11 @@ msgstr "絽活荐絎"
msgid "Creating account preferences window...\n"
msgstr "∝絽活荐絎荀腦...\n"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:593
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:514 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:596
msgid "Receive"
msgstr "・区┃絎"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:521 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:611
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "腱篋肴"
@@ -3944,7 +3944,7 @@ msgstr "腱篋肴"
msgid "SSL"
msgstr "SSL"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:615
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:528 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:618
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "臥荐絎"
@@ -4068,7 +4068,7 @@ msgid "Authentication method"
msgstr "茯茘号"
#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:937 src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1088
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:942
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:945
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr ""
@@ -4104,8 +4104,8 @@ msgstr "∝灸散茘ョ⊆"
msgid "Add user-defined header"
msgstr "ヤ戎絎臂罔"
-#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1453
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1478
+#: src/prefs_account_dialog.c:1045 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1456
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1481
msgid " Edit... "
msgstr " 膩莠... "
@@ -4416,209 +4416,209 @@ msgstr "ゆ篁"
msgid "Do you really want to delete this action?"
msgstr "腆阪荀ら篁ゅ鐚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:576
msgid "Creating common preferences window...\n"
msgstr "∝筝荐絎荀腦...\n"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:577
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:580
msgid "Common Preferences"
msgstr "筝荐絎"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:599
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:602
msgid "Quote"
msgstr "綣荐"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:601
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:604
msgid "Display"
msgstr "蕁腓"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:603
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:606
msgid "Message"
msgstr "灸散"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:605
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:608
msgid "Junk mail"
msgstr "冗灸散"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:613 src/select-keys.c:344
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:616 src/select-keys.c:344
msgid "Other"
msgstr "銀"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:657
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:660
msgid "Use external program for incorporation"
msgstr "銀紊腮綣鋐銀拭"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:669 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:758
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:834
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:672 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:761
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:837
msgid "Command"
msgstr "巡擦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:684
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:687
msgid "Incorporate from local spool"
msgstr "緇罘 spool 緇灸散"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:697
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:700
msgid "Filter on incorporation"
msgstr "銀拭羶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:703
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:706
msgid "Spool path"
msgstr "Spool 莊緇"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:721
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:724
msgid "Auto-check new mail"
msgstr "罟∽ユ育灸散"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:723
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:726
msgid "every"
msgstr "罸"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:735
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:738
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:747
msgid "Check new mail on startup"
msgstr "罟∽ユ育灸散"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:746
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:749
msgid "Update all local folders after incorporation"
msgstr "銀拭緇贋井莖紊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:750
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:753
msgid "Execute command when new messages arrived"
msgstr "九井育灸散腴喝決"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:771
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "`%d' will be replaced with the number of new messages."
msgstr "%d絨茴育灸散檎炊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:822
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:825
msgid "Use external program for sending"
msgstr "銀紊腮綣鋐篆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:856
msgid "Save sent messages to outbox"
msgstr "絨綏臥坂灸散絖医篁九ぞ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:855
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:858
msgid "Apply filter rules to sent messages"
msgstr "絅羶上荀弱榊灸散"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:864
msgid "Outgoing encoding"
msgstr "莠後榊隈腆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:876
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:879
msgid "Automatic (Recommended)"
msgstr "御鐚ィ篏睡鐚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:878
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:881
msgid "7bit ascii (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "筝篏 ASCII (US-ASCII)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:880
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "腟延腆 (UTF-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "茱炊茯膤 (ISO-8859-1)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:883
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:886
msgid "Western European (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "茱炊茯膤 (ISO-8859-15)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "筝罩茯膤 (ISO-8859-2)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:887
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "羈∝羌決膤 (ISO-8859-13)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:891
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "羈∝羌決膤 (ISO-8859-4)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:890
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "絽茯 (ISO-8859-7)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:892
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "絽篌箴茯 (ISO-8859-8)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:893
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:896
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "絽篌箴茯 (Windows-1255)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "喝区 (ISO-8859-9)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:897
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "紊茯 (ISO-8859-5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:901
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "紊茯 (KOI8-R)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:899
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "紊茯 (KOI8-U)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:900
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:903
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "紊茯 (Windows-1251)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:902
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "ユ (ISO-2022-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:904
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:907
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "ユ (EUC-JP)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:905
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "ユ (Shift_JIS)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:911
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)"
msgstr "膂♂筝 (GB2312)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
msgid "Simplified Chinese (GBK)"
msgstr "膂♂筝 (GBK)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:910
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
msgid "Traditional Chinese (Big5)"
msgstr "膵蕭筝 (Big5)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:912
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:915
msgid "Traditional Chinese (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "膵蕭筝 (EUC-TW)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:913
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
msgid "Chinese (ISO-2022-CN)"
msgstr "筝 (ISO-2022-CN)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr " (EUC-KR)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:918
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:921
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "羈井 (TIS-620)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:922
msgid "Thai (Windows-874)"
msgstr "羈井 (Windows-874)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:925
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:928
msgid ""
"If `Automatic' is selected, the optimal encoding for the current locale will "
"be used."
@@ -4626,360 +4626,358 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:932
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:935
msgid "Transfer encoding"
msgstr "渇箙膩腆"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:951
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:954
msgid ""
"Specify Content-Transfer-Encoding used when message body contains non-ASCII "
msgstr "茫絎狗灸散筝脂у劫 ASCII 絖鐚篏睡腮膩腆寂渇у鴻"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1015
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1018
msgid "Signature separator"
msgstr "膂順膃"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1024
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1027
msgid "Insert automatically"
msgstr "ョ綾腴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1034
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1037
msgid "Automatically launch the external editor"
msgstr "弱û膩莠"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1044
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1047
msgid "Undo level"
msgstr "緇膣"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1064
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1067
msgid "Wrap messages at"
msgstr "罸紊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1076
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1079
msgid "characters"
msgstr "絖"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1089
msgid "Wrap quotation"
msgstr "蕁腓榊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1092
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1095
msgid "Wrap on input"
msgstr "画叱ラ欠絖"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1094
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1097
msgid "Wrap before sending"
msgstr "絲箙"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1104
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1107
msgid "Automatically select account for replies"
msgstr "篆≧檎罨篏筝ラ糸灸散篆∞"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1106
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1109
msgid "Quote message when replying"
msgstr "篆≧綣"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1108
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1111
msgid "Reply button invokes mailing list reply"
msgstr "莅級茫紕灸散筝荀茵腓阪荀腟級茫紕"
#. reply
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1154
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1157
msgid "Reply format"
msgstr "荀弱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1169 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1211
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1172 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1214
msgid "Quotation mark"
msgstr "綣荐膃"
#. forward
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1196
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1199
msgid "Forward format"
msgstr "莉絲弱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1243
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1246
msgid " Description of symbols "
msgstr "号膃篁h;靸"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1284
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1287
msgid "Font"
msgstr "絖"
#. ---- Folder View ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1305
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1308
msgid "Folder View"
msgstr "莖紊丈∵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1313
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1316
msgid "Display unread number next to folder name"
msgstr "ユ莅灸散鐚絨演¨腓阪莖紊上腮怨"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1315
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1318
msgid "Display message number columns in the folder view"
msgstr "莖紊丈∵筝蕁腓咲灸散膩罨"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1327
msgid "Abbreviate newsgroups longer than"
msgstr "域臂ょ膰絲桁墾紊ф"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1339
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1342
msgid "letters"
msgstr "絖罸"
#. ---- Summary ----
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1345
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1348
msgid "Summary View"
msgstr "灸散茵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1354
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1357
msgid "Display recipient on `From' column if sender is yourself"
msgstr "ョ寂拭篋堺篏綏縁絨怨灸散茵箴羣筝蕁腓堺銀拭篋"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1356
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1359
msgid "Expand threads"
msgstr "絮灸散筝峨"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1364 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2381
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1367 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2351
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2389
msgid "Date format"
msgstr "ユ弱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1385
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1388
msgid " Set display item of summary... "
msgstr "荐絎灸散茵檎..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1449
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1452
msgid "Enable coloration of message"
msgstr "灸散筝綣荐莇g蕁腓肴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1463
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1466
msgid ""
"Display multi-byte alphabet and numeric as\n"
"ASCII character (Japanese only)"
msgstr "絨綵∵掩後篁ュ綵≫蕁腓 (Ūユ)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1469
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1472
msgid "Display header pane above message view"
msgstr "蕁腓咲灸散罨筝劫ユ莖荐"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1476
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1479
msgid "Display short headers on message view"
msgstr "灸散荀巡賢蕁腓咲灸散罔"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1488
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1491
msgid "Render HTML messages as text"
msgstr "絨 HTML 灸散莉榊絖"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1492
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1495
msgid "Display cursor in message view"
msgstr "灸散荀巡賢蕁腓堺幻罔"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1505
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1508
msgid "Line space"
msgstr "莊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1519 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1557
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1522 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1560
msgid "pixel(s)"
msgstr "靘"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1524
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1527
msgid "Scroll"
msgstr "画燦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1531
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1534
msgid "Half page"
msgstr "筝罨≦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1537
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1540
msgid "Smooth scroll"
msgstr "綛恰峨"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1543
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1546
msgid "Step"
msgstr "罸閩≧峨"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1563
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1566
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1571
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1574
msgid "Resize attached large images to fit in the window"
msgstr "茯炊顔紊у鋌ラ荀腦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1573
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1576
msgid "Display images as inline"
msgstr "蕁腓阪"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1614
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1618
msgid "Enable Junk mail control"
msgstr "冗灸散ァ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1622
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1626
msgid "Learning command:"
msgstr "罩e絖悟巡擦:"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1643
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1647
msgid "Not Junk"
msgstr "筝冗灸散"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1658
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1662
msgid "Classifying command"
msgstr "罩e罩檎巡擦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1672
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1676
msgid "Junk folder"
msgstr "冗灸散莖紊"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1690
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1694
msgid "The messages which are set as junk mail will be moved to this folder."
msgstr "茴罩檎阪冗灸散絨茴腱糸育莖紊障"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1696
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1704
msgid "Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"
msgstr "・狗灸散絨罩檎阪冗灸散画羶"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1700
-msgid ""
-"Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
-msgstr "膓羶丞灸散絨茴峨冗灸散莖紊鞘研緇篌堺筝ゃ"
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1707
+msgid "Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1738
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1746
msgid "Automatically check signatures"
msgstr "罟∽ユ娯膂順"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1741
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1749
msgid "Show signature check result in a popup window"
msgstr "絨娯膂順罟∽ョ蕁腓阪Ί荀腦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1744
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1752
msgid "Store passphrase in memory temporarily"
msgstr "絨絲腆主茯絖荐狗筝"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1759
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1767
msgid "Expired after"
msgstr "鐚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1772
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1780
msgid "minute(s) "
msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1786
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1794
msgid "Setting to '0' will store the passphrase for the whole session."
msgstr "ヨ┃絎冴0茵腓阪峨絲腆主茯篁ヤ翫綏ヤ罧灸戎"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1795
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1803
msgid "Grab input while entering a passphrase"
msgstr "莠後ュ腆主茯桁莠後"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1800
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1808
msgid "Display warning on startup if GnuPG doesn't work"
msgstr " GnuPG ≧篏鐚弱肴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1853
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
msgid "Always open messages in summary when selected"
msgstr "灸散茵御灸散灸散"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1857
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
msgid "Open first unread message when entering a folder"
msgstr "峨ヨ紊丈贋・莊喝亥筝絨莅灸散"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1861
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1869
msgid "Only mark message as read when opened in new window"
msgstr "Û育灸散罔腓榊堺莅"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1865
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
msgid "Go to inbox after receiving new mail"
msgstr "・九育灸散緇贋・峨ユ銀散紊鞘賢"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1873
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1881
msgid "Execute immediately when moving or deleting messages"
msgstr "腱糸ら灸散腴喝決"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1885
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1893
msgid "Messages will be marked until execution if this is turned off."
msgstr "ユら檎鐚綽筝決決腱糸ゃ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1888
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1896
msgid "Receive dialog"
msgstr "・狗峨墾絨荅掩"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1898
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1906
msgid "Show receive dialog"
msgstr "蕁腓堺・狗灸散峨墾絨荅掩"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1908
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
msgid "Always"
msgstr "筝緇蕁腓"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1909
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1917
msgid "Only on manual receiving"
msgstr "Û九灸散蕁腓"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1911
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
msgid "Never"
msgstr "筝蕁腓"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1916
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1924
msgid "Don't popup error dialog on receive error"
msgstr "・狗茯ゆ筝荀茯よ腦"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1919
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1927
msgid "Close receive dialog when finished"
msgstr "絎・狗灸散峨墾絨荅掩"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1922
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1930
msgid "Make the order of buttons comply with GNOME HIG"
msgstr "莅綺後号 GNOME HIG"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1928
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1936
msgid " Set key bindings... "
msgstr "荐絎演..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1982
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1990
#, c-format
msgid "External commands (%s will be replaced with file name / URI)"
msgstr "紊篁わ%s 絨茴臀罟 URI鐚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1991
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:1999
msgid "Web browser"
msgstr "頳遵"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2003 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3398
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3419
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2011 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3406
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3427
msgid "(Default browser)"
msgstr "(荐頳遵)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2063
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2071
msgid "Add address to destination when double-clicked"
msgstr "荐筝鐚贋・絨荅臥糸灸散ユ銀拭篋坂賢"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2065
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
msgid "On exit"
msgstr "∫荐絎"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2073
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2081
msgid "Confirm on exit"
msgstr "∫腆肴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2080
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2088
msgid "Empty trash on exit"
msgstr "∫羝腥阪ょ灸散"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2082
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2090
msgid "Ask before emptying"
msgstr "羝ゆ腆肴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2086
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2094
msgid "Warn if there are queued messages"
msgstr "∫ユ絨坂灸散括弱肴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2126
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2134
msgid "Enable strict checking of the integrity of summary caches"
msgstr "絨守灸散茵綽翫х贋惹∽"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2129
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2137
msgid ""
"Enable this if the contents of folders have the possibility of modification "
"by other applications.\n"
@@ -4988,151 +4986,151 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2136
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2144
msgid "Socket I/O timeout:"
msgstr "罕 I/O 膈緇鐚"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2149
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2157
msgid "second(s)"
msgstr "腱"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2319
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
msgid "the full abbreviated weekday name"
msgstr "延延..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2320
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
msgid "the full weekday name"
msgstr "筝篋..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2321
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
msgid "the abbreviated month name"
msgstr "12..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2322
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
msgid "the full month name"
msgstr "筝篋..."
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2323
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
msgid "the preferred date and time for the current locale"
msgstr "茯荐絎鎁順ユ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2324
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
msgid "the century number (year/100)"
msgstr "筝膣 (綛/100)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2325
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
msgid "the day of the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "篁紊綛乗 (篁ユ後茵腓)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2326
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock"
msgstr "憜綛冗 (綮水駈篁ユ後茵腓)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2327
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
msgid "the hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock"
msgstr "憜綛冗 (篋駈篁ユ後茵腓)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2328
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
msgid "the day of the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "篁紊篁綛雁膃綛上ぉ (篁ユ後茵腓)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2329
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
msgid "the month as a decimal number"
msgstr "憜綛丈 (篁ユ後茵腓)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2330
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2338
msgid "the minute as a decimal number"
msgstr "憜綛上 (篁ユ後茵腓)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2331
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2339
msgid "either AM or PM"
msgstr "筝筝"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2332
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2340
msgid "the second as a decimal number"
msgstr "憜綛丞 (篁ユ後茵腓)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2333
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2341
msgid "the day of the week as a decimal number"
msgstr "憜筝援膃綛上ぉ (篁ユ後茵腓)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2334
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2342
msgid "the preferred date for the current locale"
msgstr "茯荐絎鎁順ユ"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2335
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2343
msgid "the last two digits of a year"
msgstr "綛岩蚕緇篏後"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2336
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2344
msgid "the year as a decimal number"
msgstr "綛岩蚕 (篁ユ後茵腓)"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2337
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2345
msgid "the time zone or name or abbreviation"
msgstr "腮掩膰絲"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2358
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2366
msgid "Specifier"
msgstr "号膃"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2359
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2367
msgid "Description"
msgstr "颷"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2399
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2407
msgid "Example"
msgstr "膀箴"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2479
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
msgid "Set message colors"
msgstr "荐絎蕁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2487
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2495
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "蕁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2521
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2529
msgid "Quoted Text - First Level"
msgstr "綣荐у - 膃筝絮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2527
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2535
msgid "Quoted Text - Second Level"
msgstr "綣荐у - 膃篋絮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2533
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2541
msgid "Quoted Text - Third Level"
msgstr "綣荐у - 膃筝絮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2539
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2547
msgid "URI link"
msgstr "莇g"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2546
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2554
msgid "Recycle quote colors"
msgstr "筝絮や札筝綣荐茲篏睡絎蕁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2606
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2614
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 1"
msgstr "御膃筝絮ゅ荐蕁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2609
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2617
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 2"
msgstr "御膃篋絮ゅ荐蕁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2612
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2620
msgid "Pick color for quotation level 3"
msgstr "御膃筝絮ゅ荐蕁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2615
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2623
msgid "Pick color for URI"
msgstr "御莇g蕁"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2755
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2763
msgid "Description of symbols"
msgstr "号膃篁h;靸"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2811
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2819
msgid ""
@@ -5156,11 +5154,11 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2824
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2832
msgid "If x is set, displays expr"
msgstr " x 綏画┃絎蕁腓堺h頫腓阪"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2828
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
msgid ""
"Message body\n"
"Quoted message body\n"
@@ -5174,7 +5172,7 @@ msgstr ""
"% 膃"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2836
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2844
msgid ""
"Literal backslash\n"
"Literal question mark\n"
@@ -5186,19 +5184,19 @@ msgstr ""
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2882
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2890
msgid "Key bindings"
msgstr "演笈┃絎"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2895
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2903
msgid "Select the preset of key bindings."
msgstr "御篋荐絎窮"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2905 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3229
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2913 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "荐"
-#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2908 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3238
+#: src/prefs_common_dialog.c:2916 src/prefs_common_dialog.c:3246
msgid "Old Sylpheed"
msgstr "荐絎"
@@ -5506,17 +5504,17 @@ msgid "Attachment"
msgstr "罟罅"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4366
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:73 src/summaryview.c:4369
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "筝紙"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4369
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:74 src/summaryview.c:4372
msgid "From"
msgstr "箴羣"
-#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4371
+#: src/prefs_summary_column.c:75 src/summaryview.c:4374
msgid "Date"
msgstr "ユ"
@@ -6247,20 +6245,20 @@ msgstr "∝灸散筝峨筝..."
msgid "Unthreading..."
msgstr "茹iら灸散筝峨筝..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3858
+#: src/summaryview.c:3861
msgid "filtering..."
msgstr "羶鞘賢..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3859
+#: src/summaryview.c:3862
msgid "Filtering..."
msgstr "羶鞘賢..."
-#: src/summaryview.c:3889
+#: src/summaryview.c:3892
#, c-format
msgid "%d message(s) have been filtered."
msgstr "綏臥羶 %d 絨灸散"
-#: src/summaryview.c:4375
+#: src/summaryview.c:4378
msgid "No."
msgstr "No."
@@ -6318,6 +6316,11 @@ msgid "Fake URL warning"
msgstr " URL 茘荐"
#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and deleted from the "
+#~ "server."
+#~ msgstr "膓羶丞灸散絨茴峨冗灸散莖紊鞘研緇篌堺筝ゃ"
+#~ msgid ""
#~ "Enter the print command line:\n"
#~ "(`%s' will be replaced with file name)"
#~ msgstr ""
diff --git a/src/prefs_common_dialog.c b/src/prefs_common_dialog.c
index 7e5522d4..a36a9185 100644
--- a/src/prefs_common_dialog.c
+++ b/src/prefs_common_dialog.c
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ static struct JunkMail {
GtkWidget *entry_classify_cmd;
GtkWidget *entry_junkfolder;
GtkWidget *chkbtn_filter_on_recv;
+ GtkWidget *chkbtn_delete_on_recv;
} junk;
@@ -379,6 +380,8 @@ static PrefsUIData ui_data[] = {
prefs_set_data_from_entry, prefs_set_entry},
{"filter_junk_on_receive", &junk.chkbtn_filter_on_recv,
prefs_set_data_from_toggle, prefs_set_toggle},
+ {"delete_junk_on_receive", &junk.chkbtn_delete_on_recv,
+ prefs_set_data_from_toggle, prefs_set_toggle},
/* Privacy */
@@ -1604,6 +1607,7 @@ static void prefs_junk_create(void)
GtkWidget *entry_junkfolder;
GtkWidget *btn_folder;
GtkWidget *chkbtn_filter_on_recv;
+ GtkWidget *chkbtn_delete_on_recv;
vbox1 = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, VSPACING);
gtk_widget_show (vbox1);
@@ -1692,13 +1696,16 @@ static void prefs_junk_create(void)
PACK_VSPACER(vbox2, vbox3, 0);
- PACK_CHECK_BUTTON(vbox2, chkbtn_filter_on_recv,
- _("Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"));
+ vbox3 = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show (vbox3);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vbox2), vbox3, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
- (vbox2, label,
- _("Filtered messages will be moved to the junk folder and "
- "deleted from the server."));
+ PACK_CHECK_BUTTON(vbox3, chkbtn_filter_on_recv,
+ _("Filter messages classified as junk on receiving"));
+ (vbox3, chkbtn_delete_on_recv,
+ _("Delete junk mails from server when filtered on receiving"));
+ SET_TOGGLE_SENSITIVITY (chkbtn_filter_on_recv, chkbtn_delete_on_recv);
junk.chkbtn_enable_junk = chkbtn_enable_junk;
junk.entry_junk_learncmd = entry_junk_learncmd;
@@ -1706,6 +1713,7 @@ static void prefs_junk_create(void)
junk.entry_classify_cmd = entry_classify_cmd;
junk.entry_junkfolder = entry_junkfolder;
junk.chkbtn_filter_on_recv = chkbtn_filter_on_recv;
+ junk.chkbtn_delete_on_recv = chkbtn_delete_on_recv;
diff --git a/src/summaryview.c b/src/summaryview.c
index 2d5edf41..43f63ec0 100644
--- a/src/summaryview.c
+++ b/src/summaryview.c
@@ -3833,11 +3833,14 @@ static gboolean summary_filter_junk_func(GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreePath *path,
fltinfo->flags = msginfo->flags;
filter_apply_msginfo(prefs_common.junk_fltlist, msginfo, fltinfo);
- if (fltinfo->actions[FLT_ACTION_COPY] ||
+ if (fltinfo->actions[FLT_ACTION_MOVE] ||
+ fltinfo->actions[FLT_ACTION_COPY] ||
- if (fltinfo->actions[FLT_ACTION_DELETE])
+ if (fltinfo->actions[FLT_ACTION_MOVE] && fltinfo->move_dest)
+ summary_move_row_to(summaryview, iter, fltinfo->move_dest);
+ else if (fltinfo->actions[FLT_ACTION_DELETE])
summary_delete_row(summaryview, iter);