/* * physics.c * * Calculate what happens * * (c) 2008 Thomas White * * thrust3d - a silly game * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "types.h" #include "model.h" #include "game.h" #include "utils.h" #include "audio.h" /* Acceleration due to gravity in metres per millisecond per millisecond */ #define GRAVITY (9.81e-6) /* Acceleration due to booster rocket, metres per ms per ms */ #define THRUST (GRAVITY*2.0) /* Acceleration due to forwards/backwards thrusters, m per ms per ms */ #define FTHRUST (GRAVITY*0.5) /* Air friction in (m per ms per ms) per (m per ms) */ #define FRICTION 0.001 /* Lander craft turning speed in radians per ms per ms */ #define YAWTHRUST (M_PI/1500000) /* Conversion factor between friction and 'yawthrust' */ #define TORQUE 1.5 int physics_point_is_inside_hull(double cx, double cy, double cz, double *fvert, int nfvert, double nx, double ny, double nz) { int i; double p1x, p1y, p1z; double p2x, p2y, p2z; p1x = fvert[3*0 + 0]; p1y = fvert[3*0 + 1]; p1z = fvert[3*0 + 2]; // printf("Testing if (%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f) is inside plane: \n", cx, cy, cz); // for ( i=0; ip2 */ qx = p2x-p1x; qy = p2y-p1y; qz = p2z-p1z; lx = ny*qz - nz*qy; ly = - nx*qz + nz*qx; lz = nx*qy - ny*qx; px = cx - p1x; py = cy - p1y; pz = cz - p1z; if ( px*lx + py*ly + pz*lz < 0.0 ) return 0; p1x = p2x; p1y = p2y; p1z = p2z; } return 1; } int physics_will_collide_face(double sx, double sy, double sz, double vx, double vy, double vz, double nx, double ny, double nz, double *fvert, int nfvert, double dt, double *ttc) { double px, py, pz; double pdotn, sdotn, vdotn; double cx, cy, cz; double t; /* Range test */ px = fvert[3*0 + 0]; py = fvert[3*0 + 1]; pz = fvert[3*0 + 2]; pdotn = px*nx + py*ny + pz*nz; sdotn = sx*nx + sy*ny + sz*nz; vdotn = vx*nx + vy*ny + vz*nz; if ( vdotn == 0.0 ) return 0; /* Collision happens infinitely far in the future */ t = (pdotn - sdotn) / vdotn; if ( t <= 0.0 ) return 0; /* Collided in the past */ if ( t > dt ) return 0; /* Not going to collide this step */ /* Boundary test */ cx = sx + vx * t; cy = sy + vy * t; cz = sz + vz * t; if ( physics_point_is_inside_hull(cx, cy, cz, fvert, nfvert, nx, ny, nz) == 1 ) { *ttc = t; return 1; } return 0; } /* Check for collision with all faces in a primitive */ static int physics_check_collide_all_faces(ModelInstance *obj, ModelInstance *other, double dt, int a, double sx, double sy, double sz, CollisionSpec *coll, Room *room, Game *game) { int found = 0; switch ( other->model->primitives[a]->type ) { case PRIMITIVE_QUADS : { /* Faces are quads */ int f; for ( f=0; fmodel->primitives[a]->num_vertices/4; f++ ) { double face[3*4]; int q; double ttc; const double nx = other->model->primitives[a]->normals[3*(4*f)+0]; const double ny = other->model->primitives[a]->normals[3*(4*f)+1]; const double nz = other->model->primitives[a]->normals[3*(4*f)+2]; /* Skip if moving from the back to the front of this quad */ if ( nx*obj->vx + ny*obj->vy + nz*obj->vz > 0.0 ) continue; for ( q=0; q<4; q++ ) { face[3*q + 0] = other->x + other->model->primitives[a]->vertices[3*((4*f)+q) + 0]; face[3*q + 1] = other->y + other->model->primitives[a]->vertices[3*((4*f)+q) + 1]; face[3*q + 2] = other->z + other->model->primitives[a]->vertices[3*((4*f)+q) + 2]; face[3*q + 0] += 10.0*(room->rx - game->cur_room_x); face[3*q + 1] += 10.0*(room->ry - game->cur_room_y); face[3*q + 2] += 10.0*(room->rz - game->cur_room_z); } if ( physics_will_collide_face(obj->x+sx, obj->y+sy, obj->z+sz, obj->vx, obj->vy, obj->vz, nx, ny, nz, face, 4, dt, &ttc) != 0 ) { /* Update 'coll' if this collision happens sooner than the current best */ if ( ttc < coll->ttc ) { coll->ttc = ttc; coll->nx = nx; coll->ny = ny; coll->nz = nz; coll->cx = obj->x + ttc*obj->vx; coll->cy = obj->y + ttc*obj->vy; coll->cz = obj->z + ttc*obj->vz; coll->obj = other; found = 1; } } } break; } } return found; } /* Return non-zero if 'obj' will collide with 'other' within 'dt' milliseconds */ static int physics_check_collide(ModelInstance *obj, ModelInstance *other, double dt, CollisionSpec *coll, Room *room, Game *game) { int i; int found = 0; /* Check all the vertices in the moving object... */ for ( i=0; imodel->num_primitives; i++ ) { int j; for ( j=0; jmodel->primitives[i]->num_vertices; j++ ) { int a; const double stx = obj->model->primitives[i]->vertices[3*j+0]; const double sty = obj->model->primitives[i]->vertices[3*j+1]; const double sx = stx*cos(obj->yaw) + sty*sin(obj->yaw); const double sy = -stx*sin(obj->yaw) + sty*cos(obj->yaw); const double sz = obj->model->primitives[i]->vertices[3*j+2]; /* ...against all primitives in the static object */ for ( a=0; amodel->num_primitives; a++ ) { if ( physics_check_collide_all_faces(obj, other, dt, a, sx, sy, sz, coll, room, game) ) { found = 1; } } } } return found; } /* Find the earliest collision for 'obj'. Fill out 'coll' and return 1 if any */ static int physics_find_earliest_collision(ModelInstance *obj, Game *game, double dt, CollisionSpec *coll) { int found = 0; int i; /* Consider only the current room, for now */ for ( i=0; inum_rooms; i++ ) { Room *room; room = game->rooms[i]; if ( room != NULL ) { /* Check for collision of this object with all other objects in the room */ int j; for ( j=0; jnum_objects; j++ ) { if ( physics_check_collide(obj, room->objects[j], dt, coll, room, game) ) { found = 1; } } } } return found; } /* Called once for each object which isn't just "scenery" */ static void physics_process(ModelInstance *obj, Uint32 dt, Game *game) { int collided = 0; /* Air friction */ if ( obj->vx > 0.0 ) { obj->vx -= FRICTION * dt * obj->vx; if ( obj->vx < 0.0 ) obj->vx = 0.0; } else { obj->vx += FRICTION * dt * -obj->vx; if ( obj->vx > 0.0 ) obj->vx = 0.0; } if ( obj->vy > 0.0 ) { obj->vy -= FRICTION * dt * obj->vy; if ( obj->vy < 0.0 ) obj->vy = 0.0; } else { obj->vy += FRICTION * dt * -obj->vy; if ( obj->vy > 0.0 ) obj->vy = 0.0; } if ( obj->vz > 0.0 ) { obj->vz -= FRICTION * dt * obj->vz; if ( obj->vz < 0.0 ) obj->vz = 0.0; } else { obj->vz += FRICTION * dt * -obj->vz; if ( obj->vz > 0.0 ) obj->vz = 0.0; } if ( obj->yawspeed > 0.0 ) { obj->yawspeed -= FRICTION * dt * obj->yawspeed * TORQUE; if ( obj->yawspeed < 0.0 ) obj->yawspeed = 0.0; } else { obj->yawspeed += FRICTION * dt * -obj->yawspeed * TORQUE; if ( obj->yawspeed > 0.0 ) obj->yawspeed = 0.0; } /* Gravity */ if ( (obj->attribs & OBJ_GRAVITY) && (!obj->landed) ) { obj->vz -= GRAVITY * dt; } /* Take a step, allowing for collisions and landing */ double sttc = 0.0; do { CollisionSpec coll; coll.ttc = +HUGE_VAL; coll.nx = 0.0; coll.ny = 0.0; coll.nz = 0.0; coll.cx = 0.0; coll.cy = 0.0; coll.cz = 0.0; coll.obj = NULL; collided = physics_find_earliest_collision(obj, game, dt-sttc, &coll); if ( collided ) { /* Step forward to the point of collision */ obj->x = coll.cx; obj->y = coll.cy; obj->z = coll.cz; sttc += coll.ttc; /* Can we land here? */ if ( (coll.nx==0) && (coll.ny==0) && (coll.nz==1.0) ) { /* Yes - land (already moved to this position */ if ( strcmp(coll.obj->model->name, "platform") == 0 ) { /* Landed on a platform */ obj->recharging = 1; game->platform_rel_x = coll.obj->x - obj->x; game->platform_rel_y = coll.obj->y - obj->y; game->time_of_landing_event = game->tlast + sttc; } else { /* Landed on something that isn't safe */ double modv = sqrt(obj->vx*obj->vx + obj->vy*obj->vy + obj->vz*obj->vz); audio_play(game->audio, "clang", modv/0.01, 0); game->radiation = 1.0; } obj->landed = 1; obj->vx = 0.0; obj->vy = 0.0; obj->vz = 0.0; obj->yawspeed = 0.0; } else { /* No - bounce */ double modv = sqrt(obj->vx*obj->vx + obj->vy*obj->vy + obj->vz*obj->vz); audio_play(game->audio, "clang", modv/0.01, 0); obj->vx = -obj->vx; obj->vy = -obj->vy; obj->vz = -obj->vz; game->fuel -= 0.2; } } else { /* No further collision - perform the 'end step' */ obj->x += obj->vx * (dt-sttc); obj->y += obj->vy * (dt-sttc); obj->z += obj->vz * (dt-sttc); obj->yaw += obj->yawspeed * (dt-sttc); } } while ( collided && !obj->landed ); if ( obj->yaw < -M_PI ) obj->yaw += 2*M_PI; if ( obj->yaw > M_PI ) obj->yaw -= 2*M_PI; } void physics_step(Game *game, Uint32 t) { Uint32 dt; dt = t - game->tlast; /* Handle things specific to the lander craft */ if ( game->thrusting ) { if ( game->fuel > 0.0 ) { game->lander->vz += THRUST * dt; game->fuel -= 0.0002; game->lander->landed = 0; game->radiation = 0.1; if ( game->lander->recharging ) { game->time_of_landing_event = game->tlast + dt; game->lander->recharging = 0; } } } if ( (game->radiation > 0.3) && (game->fuel > 0.0) ) { game->fuel -= 0.01*game->radiation; } if ( game->lander->recharging ) { game->fuel += 0.001; } /* Compensate for laziness elsewhere */ if ( game->fuel > 1.0 ) game->fuel = 1.0; if ( game->fuel < 0.0 ) game->fuel = 0.0; if ( game->fuel == 0.0 ) { printf("Explode!\n"); game->fuel = 1.0; } if ( game->forward && !game->lander->landed ) { game->lander->vx += sinf(game->lander->yaw) * FTHRUST * dt; game->lander->vy += cosf(game->lander->yaw) * FTHRUST * dt; } else if ( game->reverse && !game->lander->landed ) { game->lander->vx -= sinf(game->lander->yaw) * FTHRUST * dt; game->lander->vy -= cosf(game->lander->yaw) * FTHRUST * dt; } if ( game->turn_left && !game->lander->landed ) { game->lander->yawspeed -= YAWTHRUST * dt; /* -ve yaw is "left" */ } if ( game->turn_right && !game->lander->landed ) { game->lander->yawspeed += YAWTHRUST * dt; /* +ve yaw is "right" */ } physics_process(game->lander, dt, game); game_check_handoff(game); game->tlast = t; }