path: root/src/check_hkl.c
diff options
authorThomas White <taw@physics.org>2021-02-05 15:39:23 +0100
committerThomas White <taw@physics.org>2021-02-05 16:01:35 +0100
commitb61283524a7c9e4ec61d8d2bd2d24358df06c062 (patch)
tree9c56752ade9d1373f7fcd0c6612d320006a8bfb6 /src/check_hkl.c
parent7aa51d46a8f5e0363ed504f26bbb01f2a2f10d40 (diff)
check_hkl: Move "single-list" FoMs into API
Reasons for differences: 1. Resolution shells slightly different The binning calculation needs to take into account small rounding errors in the resolution calculation, when not using an explicit resolution range (--highres). The old version did this by taking a min/max resolution range slightly larger than the resolution of the data. The new version handles the rounding errors explicitly, so does not need this. 2. Number of reflections with infinite/invalid I/sigI values halved The number reported for this count was twice what it should have been, due to a bug in the old check_hkl. 3. Overall SNR is different When the above warning message applies, the old version still allowed the reflections with invalid I/sigI values to contribute to the denominator of the mean SNR calculation. The new version does not include them in the SNR calculation at all. Note that the reflections contribute to the other figures of merit unless otherwise stated. 4. Standard deviation of intensity is not calculated It would've been a lot of work to include this in the new version, and it's a totally useless number. If you disagree, please get in touch!
Diffstat (limited to 'src/check_hkl.c')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/src/check_hkl.c b/src/check_hkl.c
index f743d575..d95fc51f 100644
--- a/src/check_hkl.c
+++ b/src/check_hkl.c
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include <reflist.h>
#include <reflist-utils.h>
#include <cell-utils.h>
+#include <fom.h>
#include "version.h"
@@ -390,67 +391,16 @@ static void plot_shells(RefList *list, UnitCell *cell, const SymOpList *sym,
double rmin_fix, double rmax_fix, int nshells,
const char *shell_file)
- unsigned long *possible;
- unsigned long *measurements;
- unsigned long *measured;
- unsigned long *snr_measured;
- double total_vol, vol_per_shell;
- double *rmins;
- double *rmaxs;
- double *snr;
- double *mean;
- double *var;
double rmin, rmax;
- signed int h, k, l;
int i;
FILE *fh;
- double snr_total = 0;
- unsigned long nrefl = 0;
- unsigned long nmeastot = 0;
- unsigned long nout = 0;
- unsigned long possible_tot = 0;
- unsigned long nsilly = 0;
- Reflection *refl;
- RefListIterator *iter;
- RefList *counted;
- int hmax, kmax, lmax;
- double ax, ay, az;
- double bx, by, bz;
- double cx, cy, cz;
- possible = malloc(nshells*sizeof(unsigned long));
- measurements = malloc(nshells*sizeof(unsigned long));
- measured = malloc(nshells*sizeof(unsigned long));
- snr_measured = malloc(nshells*sizeof(unsigned long));
- if ( (possible == NULL) || (measurements == NULL)
- || (measured == NULL) || (snr_measured == NULL) ) {
- ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory.\n");
- free(possible);
- free(measurements);
- free(measured);
- free(snr_measured);
- return;
- }
- rmins = malloc(nshells*sizeof(double));
- rmaxs = malloc(nshells*sizeof(double));
- snr = malloc(nshells*sizeof(double));
- mean = malloc(nshells*sizeof(double));
- var = malloc(nshells*sizeof(double));
- if ( (rmins == NULL) || (rmaxs == NULL) || (snr == NULL)
- || (mean == NULL) || (var == NULL) ) {
- ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory.\n");
- free(possible);
- free(measurements);
- free(measured);
- free(snr_measured);
- free(rmins);
- free(rmaxs);
- free(snr);
- free(mean);
- free(var);
- return;
- }
+ struct fom_shells *shells;
+ struct fom_context *nmeas_ctx;
+ struct fom_context *red_ctx;
+ struct fom_context *snr_ctx;
+ struct fom_context *mean_ctx;
+ struct fom_context *stddev_ctx;
+ struct fom_context *compl_ctx;
fh = fopen(shell_file, "w");
if ( fh == NULL ) {
@@ -458,224 +408,72 @@ static void plot_shells(RefList *list, UnitCell *cell, const SymOpList *sym,
- for ( i=0; i<nshells; i++ ) {
- possible[i] = 0;
- measured[i] = 0;
- snr_measured[i] = 0;
- measurements[i] = 0;
- snr[i] = 0;
- var[i] = 0;
- mean[i] = 0;
- }
resolution_limits(list, cell, &rmin, &rmax);
STATUS("1/d goes from %f to %f nm^-1\n", rmin/1e9, rmax/1e9);
- /* Widen the range just a little bit */
- rmin -= 0.001e9;
- rmax += 0.001e9;
/* Fixed resolution shells if needed */
if ( rmin_fix > 0.0 ) rmin = rmin_fix;
if ( rmax_fix > 0.0 ) rmax = rmax_fix;
- total_vol = pow(rmax, 3.0) - pow(rmin, 3.0);
- vol_per_shell = total_vol / nshells;
- rmins[0] = rmin;
- for ( i=1; i<nshells; i++ ) {
- double r;
- r = vol_per_shell + pow(rmins[i-1], 3.0);
- r = pow(r, 1.0/3.0);
- /* Shells of constant volume */
- rmaxs[i-1] = r;
- rmins[i] = r;
- }
- rmaxs[nshells-1] = rmax;
- /* Count the number of reflections possible in each shell */
- counted = reflist_new();
- cell_get_cartesian(cell, &ax, &ay, &az,
- &bx, &by, &bz,
- &cx, &cy, &cz);
- hmax = rmax * modulus(ax, ay, az);
- kmax = rmax * modulus(bx, by, bz);
- lmax = rmax * modulus(cx, cy, cz);
- for ( h=-hmax; h<=hmax; h++ ) {
- for ( k=-kmax; k<=kmax; k++ ) {
- for ( l=-lmax; l<=lmax; l++ ) {
- double d;
- signed int hs, ks, ls;
- int bin;
- get_asymm(sym, h, k, l, &hs, &ks, &ls);
- d = 2.0 * resolution(cell, hs, ks, ls);
- if ( forbidden_reflection(cell, h, k, l) ) continue;
- bin = -1;
- for ( i=0; i<nshells; i++ ) {
- if ( (d>rmins[i]) && (d<=rmaxs[i]) ) {
- bin = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( bin == -1 ) continue;
- if ( find_refl(counted, hs, ks, ls) != NULL ) continue;
- add_refl(counted, hs, ks, ls);
- possible[bin]++;
- possible_tot++;
- }
- }
- }
- reflist_free(counted);
- /* Calculate means */
- for ( refl = first_refl(list, &iter);
- refl != NULL;
- refl = next_refl(refl, iter) )
- {
- signed int h, k, l, hs, ks, ls;
- double d, val, esd;
- int bin;
- int j;
- get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l);
- if ( forbidden_reflection(cell, h, k, l) ) continue;
- get_asymm(sym, h, k, l, &hs, &ks, &ls);
- d = resolution(cell, hs, ks, ls) * 2.0;
- val = get_intensity(refl);
- esd = get_esd_intensity(refl);
- bin = -1;
- for ( j=0; j<nshells; j++ ) {
- if ( (d>rmins[j]) && (d<=rmaxs[j]) ) {
- bin = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( bin == -1 ) continue;
- measured[bin]++;
- mean[bin] += get_intensity(refl);
- if ( !isfinite(val/esd) ) nsilly++;
- }
- for ( i=0; i<nshells; i++ ) {
- mean[i] /= (double)measured[i];
- }
- /* Characterise the data set */
- for ( refl = first_refl(list, &iter);
- refl != NULL;
- refl = next_refl(refl, iter) )
- {
- signed int h, k, l;
- double d;
- int bin;
- int j;
- double val, esd;
- get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l);
- if ( forbidden_reflection(cell, h, k, l) ) continue;
- d = resolution(cell, h, k, l) * 2.0;
- val = get_intensity(refl);
- esd = get_esd_intensity(refl);
- bin = -1;
- for ( j=0; j<nshells; j++ ) {
- if ( (d>rmins[j]) && (d<=rmaxs[j]) ) {
- bin = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( bin == -1 ) {
- nout++;
- continue;
- }
- /* measured[bin] was done earlier */
- measurements[bin] += get_redundancy(refl);
- if ( isfinite(val/esd) ) {
- snr[bin] += val / esd;
- snr_total += val / esd;
- snr_measured[bin]++;
- } else {
- nsilly++;
- }
- nrefl++;
- nmeastot += get_redundancy(refl);
- var[bin] += pow(val-mean[bin], 2.0);
- }
+ shells = fom_make_resolution_shells(rmin, rmax, nshells);
STATUS("Overall values within specified resolution range:\n");
- STATUS("%li measurements in total.\n", nmeastot);
- STATUS("%li reflections in total.\n", nrefl);
- STATUS("%li reflections possible.\n", possible_tot);
- STATUS("Overall <snr> = %f\n", snr_total/(double)nrefl);
- STATUS("Overall redundancy = %f measurements/unique reflection\n",
- nmeastot/(double)nrefl);
- STATUS("Overall completeness = %f %%\n", 100.0*nrefl/(double)possible_tot);
- if ( nout ) {
- STATUS("WARNING; %li reflections outside resolution range.\n",
- nout);
- }
- if ( nsilly ) {
- STATUS("WARNING; %li reflections had infinite or invalid values"
- " of I/sigma(I).\n", nsilly);
- }
+ nmeas_ctx = fom_calculate(list, NULL, cell, shells,
+ red_ctx = fom_calculate(list, NULL, cell, shells,
+ FOM_REDUNDANCY, 0, sym);
+ snr_ctx = fom_calculate(list, NULL, cell, shells,
+ FOM_SNR, 0, sym);
+ mean_ctx = fom_calculate(list, NULL, cell, shells,
+ stddev_ctx = fom_calculate(list, NULL, cell, shells,
+ compl_ctx = fom_calculate(list, NULL, cell, shells,
+ STATUS("%.0f measurements in total.\n",
+ fom_overall_value(nmeas_ctx));
+ STATUS("%li reflections in total.\n",
+ fom_overall_num_reflections(compl_ctx));
+ STATUS("%li reflections possible.\n",
+ fom_overall_num_possible(compl_ctx));
+ STATUS("Overall <snr> = %f\n", fom_overall_value(snr_ctx));
+ STATUS("Overall redundancy = %f measurements/unique reflection\n",
+ fom_overall_value(red_ctx));
+ STATUS("Overall completeness = %f %%\n",
+ 100.0*fom_overall_value(compl_ctx));
fprintf(fh, "Center 1/nm # refs Possible Compl "
"Meas Red SNR Std dev Mean d(A) "
"Min 1/nm Max 1/nm\n");
for ( i=0; i<nshells; i++ ) {
- double cen;
- cen = rmins[i] + (rmaxs[i] - rmins[i])/2.0;
- fprintf(fh, "%10.3f %8li %8li %6.2f %10li %5.1f"
+ long int measured, possible;
+ measured = fom_shell_num_reflections(compl_ctx, i);
+ possible = fom_shell_num_possible(compl_ctx, i);
+ fprintf(fh, "%10.3f %8li %8li %6.2f %10.0f %5.1f"
" %5.2f %10.2f %10.2f %8.2f %10.3f %10.3f\n",
- cen*1.0e-9,
- measured[i],
- possible[i],
- 100.0*(double)measured[i]/possible[i],
- measurements[i],
- (double)measurements[i]/measured[i],
- snr[i]/(double)snr_measured[i],
- sqrt(var[i]/measured[i]),
- mean[i], (1.0/cen)*1e10,
- rmins[i]*1.0e-9, rmaxs[i]*1.0e-9);
+ fom_shell_centre(shells, i)*1.0e-9,
+ measured,
+ possible,
+ 100.0*fom_shell_value(compl_ctx, i),
+ fom_shell_value(nmeas_ctx, i),
+ fom_shell_value(red_ctx, i),
+ fom_shell_value(snr_ctx, i),
+ fom_shell_value(stddev_ctx, i),
+ fom_shell_value(mean_ctx, i),
+ (1.0/fom_shell_centre(shells, i))*1e10,
+ shells->rmins[i]*1.0e-9,
+ shells->rmaxs[i]*1.0e-9);
STATUS("Resolution shell information written to %s.\n", shell_file);
- free(possible);
- free(measurements);
- free(measured);
- free(snr_measured);
- free(rmins);
- free(rmaxs);
- free(snr);
- free(mean);
- free(var);
@@ -711,10 +509,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
SymOpList *sym;
RefList *raw_list;
RefList *list;
- Reflection *refl;
- RefListIterator *iter;
char *cellfile = NULL;
- int rej = 0;
float rmin_fix = -1.0;
float rmax_fix = -1.0;
float sigma_cutoff = -INFINITY;
@@ -725,9 +520,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ltest = 0;
int ignorenegs = 0;
int zeronegs = 0;
- int nneg = 0;
- int nres = 0;
float highres, lowres;
+ struct fom_rejections rej;
/* Long options */
const struct option longopts[] = {
@@ -905,74 +699,32 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Reject some reflections */
- list = reflist_new();
- for ( refl = first_refl(raw_list, &iter);
- refl != NULL;
- refl = next_refl(refl, iter) ) {
- signed int h, k, l;
- double val, sig;
- int ig = 0;
- Reflection *new;
- get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l);
+ rej = fom_select_reflections(raw_list, &list, cell, sym,
+ rmin_fix, rmax_fix, sigma_cutoff,
+ ignorenegs, zeronegs, 0);
- val = get_intensity(refl);
- sig = get_esd_intensity(refl);
- if ( val < sigma_cutoff * sig ) {
- rej++;
- ig = 1;
- }
- if ( ignorenegs && (val < 0.0) ) {
- nneg++;
- ig = 1;
- }
- if ( zeronegs && (val < 0.0) ) {
- set_intensity(refl, 0.0);
- nneg++;
- }
- if ( rmin_fix > 0.0 ) {
- double res = 2.0*resolution(cell, h, k, l);
- if ( res < rmin_fix ) {
- nres++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if ( rmax_fix > 0.0 ) {
- double res = 2.0*resolution(cell, h, k, l);
- if ( res > rmax_fix ) {
- nres++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if ( ig ) continue;
- new = add_refl(list, h, k, l);
- copy_data(new, refl);
- }
STATUS("Discarded %i reflections (out of %i) with I/sigma(I) < %f\n",
- rej, num_reflections(raw_list), sigma_cutoff);
+ rej.low_snr, num_reflections(raw_list), sigma_cutoff);
- if ( ignorenegs && (nneg > 0) ) {
+ if ( rej.negative_deleted > 0 ) {
STATUS("Discarded %i reflections because they had negative "
- "intensities.\n", nneg);
+ "intensities.\n", rej.negative_deleted);
- if ( zeronegs && (nneg > 0) ) {
- STATUS("Set %i negative intensities to zero\n", nneg);
+ if ( rej.negative_zeroed > 0 ) {
+ STATUS("Set %i negative intensities to zero\n",
+ rej.negative_zeroed);
- if ( nres > 0 ) {
+ if ( rej.outside_resolution_range > 0 ) {
STATUS("%i reflections rejected because they were outside the "
- "resolution range.\n", nres);
+ "resolution range.\n", rej.outside_resolution_range);
+ }
+ if ( rej.nan_inf_value ) {
+ STATUS("WARNING: %i reflections had infinite or invalid values"
+ " of I or sigma(I).\n", rej.nan_inf_value);
if ( wilson ) {