path: root/src
diff options
authorThomas White <taw@physics.org>2014-03-30 20:53:57 +0200
committerThomas White <taw@physics.org>2014-03-30 20:54:33 +0200
commite50602787cdbf488cf829ca293c9b9f359aa36f8 (patch)
treebccb71d391c0b9d04f026f506fda374617861457 /src
parentfb6a2d1f8cd57b8e40fd7b33dfebe07057cfc1e9 (diff)
check_hkl: Add L-test
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 157 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/ambigator.c b/src/ambigator.c
index 75744199..d49607a9 100644
--- a/src/ambigator.c
+++ b/src/ambigator.c
@@ -79,11 +79,6 @@ static void show_help(const char *s)
-#define SERIAL(h, k, l) ((((h)+512)<<20) + (((k)+512)<<10) + ((l)+512))
-#define GET_H(serial) ((((serial) & 0x3ff00000)>>20)-512)
-#define GET_K(serial) ((((serial) & 0x000ffc00)>>10)-512)
-#define GET_L(serial) (((serial) & 0x000003ff)-512)
struct flist
int n;
diff --git a/src/check_hkl.c b/src/check_hkl.c
index db41fac5..9c78a42a 100644
--- a/src/check_hkl.c
+++ b/src/check_hkl.c
@@ -60,11 +60,133 @@ static void show_help(const char *s)
" --sigma-cutoff=<n> Discard reflections with I/sigma(I) < n.\n"
" --nshells=<n> Use <n> resolution shells or bins.\n"
" --wilson Calculate a Wilson plot\n"
+" --ltest Perform an L-test (for twinning)\n"
" --shell-file=<file> Write results table to <file>.\n"
+" --ignore-negs Ignore reflections with negative intensities.\n"
+" --zero-negs Set negative intensities to zero.\n"
+static int add_ltest(RefList *list, double i1, int *bins, int nbins,
+ double step, const SymOpList *sym, double *lt, double *l2t,
+ signed int h1, signed int k1, signed int l1,
+ signed int h2, signed int k2, signed int l2)
+ Reflection *refl;
+ double i2, L;
+ int bin;
+ if ( SERIAL(h1, k1, l1) > SERIAL(h2, k2, l2) ) return 0;
+ refl = find_refl(list, h2, k2, l2);
+ if ( refl == NULL ) {
+ signed int h, k, l;
+ if ( !find_equiv_in_list(list, h2, k2, l2, sym, &h, &k, &l) ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ refl = find_refl(list, h, k, l);
+ }
+ i2 = get_intensity(refl);
+ L = (i1-i2) / (i1+i2);
+ bin = fabs(L)/step;
+ if ( (bin < 0) || (isnan(L)) ) {
+ bin = 0;
+ } else if ( bin >= nbins ) {
+ bin = nbins-1;
+ }
+ bins[bin]++;
+ *lt += fabs(L);
+ *l2t += pow(L, 2.0);
+ return 1;
+static void l_test(RefList *list, UnitCell *cell, const SymOpList *sym,
+ double rmin_fix, double rmax_fix, int nbins,
+ const char *filename)
+ Reflection *refl;
+ RefListIterator *iter;
+ int *bins;
+ FILE *fh;
+ int npairs, i;
+ double tot;
+ double lt = 0.0;
+ double l2t = 0.0;
+ const double step = 1.0/nbins;
+ int hd, kd, ld;
+ const char cen = cell_get_centering(cell);
+ bins = malloc(nbins*sizeof(int));
+ if ( bins == NULL ) return;
+ for ( i=0; i<nbins; i++ ) bins[i] = 0;
+ if ( cen == 'P' ) { hd = 1; kd = 1; ld = 1; }
+ if ( cen == 'R' ) { hd = 1; kd = 1; ld = 1; }
+ if ( cen == 'A' ) { hd = 1; kd = 2; ld = 2; }
+ if ( cen == 'B' ) { hd = 2; kd = 1; ld = 2; }
+ if ( cen == 'C' ) { hd = 2; kd = 2; ld = 1; }
+ if ( cen == 'I' ) { hd = 2; kd = 2; ld = 2; }
+ if ( cen == 'F' ) { hd = 2; kd = 2; ld = 2; }
+ /* Obverse setting */
+ if ( cen == 'H' ) { hd = 3; kd = 3; ld = 3; }
+ npairs = 0;
+ for ( refl = first_refl(list, &iter);
+ refl != NULL;
+ refl = next_refl(refl, iter) )
+ {
+ signed int h, k, l;
+ double i1;
+ get_indices(refl, &h, &k, &l);
+ i1 = get_intensity(refl);
+ npairs += add_ltest(list, i1, bins, nbins, step, sym, &lt, &l2t,
+ h, k, l, h-hd, k, l);
+ npairs += add_ltest(list, i1, bins, nbins, step, sym, &lt, &l2t,
+ h, k, l, h+hd, k, l);
+ npairs += add_ltest(list, i1, bins, nbins, step, sym, &lt, &l2t,
+ h, k, l, h, k-kd, l);
+ npairs += add_ltest(list, i1, bins, nbins, step, sym, &lt, &l2t,
+ h, k, l, h, k+kd, l);
+ npairs += add_ltest(list, i1, bins, nbins, step, sym, &lt, &l2t,
+ h, k, l, h, k, l-ld);
+ npairs += add_ltest(list, i1, bins, nbins, step, sym, &lt, &l2t,
+ h, k, l, h, k, l+ld);
+ }
+ STATUS("%i pairs\n", npairs);
+ STATUS("<|L|> = %.3f (ideal untwinned %.3f, twinned %.3f)\n",
+ lt/npairs, 1.0/2.0, 3.0/8.0);
+ STATUS("<L^2> = %.3f (ideal untwinned %.3f, twinned %.3f)\n",
+ l2t/npairs, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/5.0);
+ fh = fopen(filename, "w");
+ if ( fh == NULL ) return;
+ tot = 0.0;
+ fprintf(fh, " |L| N(|L|) untwinned twinned\n");
+ fprintf(fh, "%.3f %7.3f %9.3f %7.3f\n", 0.0, tot, 0.0, 0.0);
+ for ( i=0; i<nbins; i++ ) {
+ double l = (i+1)*step;
+ tot += (double)bins[i]/npairs;
+ fprintf(fh, "%.3f %7.3f %9.3f %7.3f\n",
+ l, tot, l, l*(3-l*l)/2.0);
+ }
+ fclose(fh);
+ free(bins);
static void wilson_plot(RefList *list, UnitCell *cell, const SymOpList *sym,
double rmin_fix, double rmax_fix, int nbins,
const char *filename)
@@ -450,6 +572,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int have_nshells = 0;
char *shell_file = NULL;
int wilson = 0;
+ int ltest = 0;
+ int ignorenegs = 0;
+ int zeronegs = 0;
+ int nneg = 0;
/* Long options */
const struct option longopts[] = {
@@ -465,6 +591,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{"shell-file", 1, NULL, 6},
{"wilson", 0, &wilson, 1},
+ {"ltest", 0, &ltest, 1},
+ {"ignore-negs", 0, &ignorenegs, 1},
+ {"zero-negs", 0, &zeronegs, 1},
{0, 0, NULL, 0}
@@ -590,6 +719,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ig = 1;
+ if ( ignorenegs && (val < 0.0) ) {
+ nneg++;
+ ig = 1;
+ }
+ if ( zeronegs && (val < 0.0) ) {
+ set_intensity(refl, 0.0);
+ nneg++;
+ }
if ( ig ) continue;
new = add_refl(list, h, k, l);
@@ -600,10 +739,28 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
rej, num_reflections(raw_list), sigma_cutoff);
+ if ( ignorenegs && (nneg > 0) ) {
+ STATUS("Discarded %i reflections because they had negative "
+ "intensities.\n", nneg);
+ }
+ if ( zeronegs && (nneg > 0) ) {
+ STATUS("Set %i negative intensities to zerp\n", nneg);
+ }
if ( wilson ) {
if ( !have_nshells ) nshells = 50;
wilson_plot(list, cell, sym, rmin_fix, rmax_fix, nshells,
+ } else if ( ltest ) {
+ if ( !have_nshells ) nshells = 50;
+ if ( !ignorenegs && !zeronegs ) {
+ ERROR("For the L-test you must specify either"
+ "--ignore-negs or --zero-negs.\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ l_test(list, cell, sym, rmin_fix, rmax_fix, nshells,
+ shell_file);
} else {
plot_shells(list, cell, sym, rmin_fix, rmax_fix, nshells,