
Starlet: Stage lighting control in Lisp

Starlet is an experimental Lisp-based domain-specific language (DSL) for theatrical lighting control. It's based on Guile and uses the Open Lighting Architecture to connect with almost any type of lighting control interface - USB DMX dongles, sACN, Art-Net etc. Starlet also understands Open Sound Control, enabling you to control lights and cues with physical faders, knobs and buttons.

Rather than adding "scripting" as an afterthought, Starlet puts the full power of the programming language in the spotlight, allowing you to program your lights.

Starlet is explicitly designed for theatrical lighting control, with cue lists, playbacks and multi-part cues being the centre of attention. Automatic pre-setting of attributes ("auto move while dark") is the default.

Video demonstration

Click for a video demonstration: Video demonstration

Getting started

Read INSTALL.md for basic setup instructions.

Quick tour

Lighting fixtures are referred to by names, rather than numbers:

;; Patch some fixtures
(patch-fixture! washL <generic-dimmer> 18))
(patch-fixture! washM <generic-dimmer> 19))
(patch-fixture! washR <generic-dimmer> 20))
(patch-fixture! footlights <generic-dimmer> 23))
(patch-fixture! moverL <robe-dl7s-mode1> 1 #:universe 4))
(patch-fixture! moverR <robe-dl7s-mode1> 101 #:universe 4))

;; Turn the footlights on at full intensity
(at footlights 100)

;; Turn on both moving lights and set colour
(at moverL moverR 60)
(at moverL moverR colour (rgb 45 10 0))

The fixture names are normal Scheme variables. You can do usual things such as creating lists:

(define front-wash (list washL washM washR))
(at front-wash 100)

A lighting state is a collection of attribute values, and can be associated with a variable name:

(define home-state
     (at footlights 100)
     (at front-wash 100)
     (at moverL moverR 100)
     (at moverL moverR tilt 45)
     (at moverL pan -15)
     (at moverR pan 15)))

A cue is formed by wrapping a lighting state inside a transition effect, such as a crossfade or snap (zero-time crossfade). A cue list is simply a list of cues:


  (cue 0.5
    ;; Tab warmers
        (at washL washR 30)
        (at washM 40))))

  (cue 0.8
    ;; 6-second fade to blackout
    (crossfade 6 blackout))

  (cue 1
    ;; Act 1, Scene 1
    (crossfade 3
        (at front-wash 80)
        (at moverL colour (cmy 25 0 0)))
        (at moverL 25)))

  (cue 2
    (crossfade 3 4   ;; Separate up/down fade times
        (at washM 100))))

  (cue 2.5
    (crossfade 2
        (apply-state home-state)
        (at moverR 100)))))

To 'execute' a cue list, load it into a playback object:

(define pb (make-playback #:cue-list my-cue-list))
(cut-to-cue-number! pb 1)
(go! pb)

By giving names to lighting states, cue lists can be made very concise. The following example is from a real show:

  (cue  6 (snap blue-state))
  (cue  7 (snap office-state))
  (cue  8 (snap blue-state))
  (cue  9 (snap office-state))
  (cue 10 (snap blue-state))
  (cue 11 (snap office-state))
  (cue 12 (crossfade 2 blackout))
  (cue 13 (snap office-state))

Since lighting states are first-class objects, you can even do calculations with them. In this example (from another real show), the lighting sneaks progressively darker in a series of slow fades at dramatically appropriate points:

  (cue 2 (crossfade 1 evening-state))
  (cue 3 (crossfade 15 (part-way-between evening-state night-state 0.2)))
  (cue 4 (crossfade 15 (part-way-between evening-state night-state 0.4)))
  (cue 5 (crossfade 15 (part-way-between evening-state night-state 0.6)))
  (cue 6 (crossfade 15 (part-way-between evening-state night-state 0.8)))
  (cue 7 (crossfade 15 night-state))

The structure of the cue list is thus separated from the design of the lighting states. The structure can often be decided and programmed weeks in advance of the show, leaving you to concentrate on the designing the states during the technical rehearsal.

Documentation index


Starlet is an experiment in progress, and there are no guarantees of any kind of stability (non-crashiness, consistency of language etc). Don't rely on syntax and interfaces staying the same, i.e. don't "git pull" right before a show! Nevertheless, Starlet is reliable enough for adventurous types to consider using it for real shows. Here it is running a show in front of a live (paying!) audience in June 2023:

Starlet in use

About the name

  • Star-let: The little star of your show, of course.
  • Let-star (let*): the sequentially evaluated form of the local binding syntax in Scheme.
  • CCT Starlette: a range of theatrical lighting fixtures.

In the almost absurdly specialised category of "Lisp-based stage lighting systems", Starlet is far from being the only project:

  • Lula is based on a very similar concept, and predates Starlet by over two decades. Read this paper, which establishes a formal basis for describing lighting states in code, and this thesis which goes into much more detail.
  • Afterglow is a live-coding lighting controller based on Clojure.
  • Fivetwelve-CSS Controls lighting using CSS. It's not using Lisp, but it does use similar ideas about composition. Watch this video

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Starlet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Starlet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Starlet. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.