path: root/guile/starlet/base.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'guile/starlet/base.scm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 741 deletions
diff --git a/guile/starlet/base.scm b/guile/starlet/base.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3420115..0000000
--- a/guile/starlet/base.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,741 +0,0 @@
-;; starlet/base.scm
-;; Copyright © 2020-2021 Thomas White <taw@bitwiz.org.uk>
-;; This file is part of Starlet.
-;; Starlet is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-(define-module (starlet base)
- #:use-module (starlet utils)
- #:use-module (starlet colours)
- #:use-module (starlet guile-ola)
- #:use-module (oop goops)
- #:use-module (ice-9 threads)
- #:use-module (ice-9 atomic)
- #:use-module (ice-9 receive)
- #:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print)
- #:use-module (ice-9 exceptions)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
- #:export (<fixture>
- patch-fixture!
- get-attributes
- get-fixture-name
- find-attr
- fixture?
- scanout-fixture
- <fixture-attribute>
- attr-continuous
- attr-list
- attr-colour
- get-attr-type
- get-attr-range
- get-attr-name
- get-attr-home-val
- intensity?
- continuous-attribute?
- colour-attribute?
- <starlet-state>
- make-empty-state
- state-for-each
- state-map
- clear-state!
- print-state
- state-source
- set-in-state!
- state-find
- current-state
- at
- apply-state
- show-state
- lighting-state
- blackout
- register-state!
- start-ola-output
- scanout-freq
- percent->dmxval8
- percent->dmxval16
- hirestime
- value->number
- programmer-state
- sel
- current-value
- selection-hook
- scale-to-range))
-(define-class <fixture-attribute> (<object>)
- (name
- #:init-form (error "Attribute name must be specified")
- #:init-keyword #:name
- #:getter get-attr-name)
- (range
- #:init-value '()
- #:init-keyword #:range
- #:getter get-attr-range)
- (type
- #:init-value 'continuous
- #:init-keyword #:type
- #:getter get-attr-type)
- (home-value
- #:init-value 0
- #:init-keyword #:home-value
- #:getter attr-home-value))
-(define-class <fixture> (<object>)
- (name
- #:init-form (error "Fixture name must be specified")
- #:init-keyword #:name
- #:getter get-fixture-name)
- (universe
- #:init-value #f
- #:init-keyword #:uni
- #:getter get-fixture-universe
- #:setter set-fixture-universe!)
- (start-addr
- #:init-value #f
- #:init-keyword #:sa
- #:getter get-fixture-addr
- #:setter set-fixture-addr!)
- (friendly-name
- #:init-value "Fixture"
- #:init-keyword #:friendly-name
- #:getter get-fixture-friendly-name
- #:setter set-fixture-friendly-name!)
- (scanout-func
- #:init-value (lambda (universe start-addr value set-dmx) #f)
- #:init-keyword #:scanout-func
- #:getter get-scanout-func))
-(define (get-attributes f)
- (slot-ref f 'attributes))
-(define (fixture? f)
- (is-a? f <fixture>))
-;; A "state" is just a thin wrapper around a hash table
-;; of (fixture . attribute) --> value
-(define-class <starlet-state> (<object>)
- (hash-table
- #:init-form (make-hash-table)
- #:getter get-state-hash-table)
- (name
- #:init-value #f
- #:init-keyword #:name
- #:getter get-state-name
- #:setter set-state-name!))
-(define (find-colour state fix)
- (let ((col (state-find fix 'colour state)))
- (if (eq? 'no-value col)
- (let ((home-col (get-attr-home-val fix 'colour)))
- (if (eq? 'fixture-does-not-have-attribute home-col)
- (raise-exception (make-exception
- (make-exception-with-message
- "Fixture doesn't have colour attribute")
- (make-exception-with-irritants fix)))
- home-col))
- col)))
-(define-method (set-in-state! (state <starlet-state>)
- (fix <fixture>)
- (attr <colour-component-id>)
- new-val)
- (let ((current-colour (find-colour state fix))
- (colour-component (get-colour-component attr)))
- (cond
- ((eq? colour-component 'cyan)
- (let ((orig-colour (colour-as-cmy current-colour)))
- (set-in-state! state fix 'colour
- (make-colour-cmy new-val
- (magenta orig-colour)
- (yellow orig-colour)))))
- ((eq? colour-component 'magenta)
- (let ((orig-colour (colour-as-cmy current-colour)))
- (set-in-state! state fix 'colour
- (make-colour-cmy (cyan orig-colour)
- new-val
- (yellow orig-colour)))))
- ((eq? colour-component 'yellow)
- (let ((orig-colour (colour-as-cmy current-colour)))
- (set-in-state! state fix 'colour
- (make-colour-cmy (cyan orig-colour)
- (magenta orig-colour)
- new-val))))
- ((eq? colour-component 'red)
- (let ((orig-colour (colour-as-rgb current-colour)))
- (set-in-state! state fix 'colour
- (make-colour-rgb new-val
- (green orig-colour)
- (blue orig-colour)))))
- ((eq? colour-component 'green)
- (let ((orig-colour (colour-as-rgb current-colour)))
- (set-in-state! state fix 'colour
- (make-colour-rgb (red orig-colour)
- new-val
- (blue orig-colour)))))
- ((eq? colour-component 'blue)
- (let ((orig-colour (colour-as-rgb current-colour)))
- (set-in-state! state fix 'colour
- (make-colour-rgb (red orig-colour)
- (green orig-colour)
- new-val)))))))
-(define-method (set-in-state! (state <starlet-state>)
- (fix <fixture>)
- (attr <symbol>)
- value)
- (hash-set! (get-state-hash-table state)
- (cons fix attr)
- value))
-;; List of fixtures and home state (must remain consistent)
-(define fixtures (make-atomic-box '()))
-;; List of states being scanned out
-(define state-list (make-atomic-box '()))
-;; The state used to build a new scene for recording
-(define programmer-state (make <starlet-state>))
-(define (make-empty-state)
- (make <starlet-state>))
-(define-method (find-attr (fix <fixture>) (attr-name <symbol>))
- (find (lambda (a)
- (eq? (get-attr-name a)
- attr-name))
- (slot-ref fix 'attributes)))
-(define-method (find-attr (fix <fixture>) (attr-name <colour-component-id>))
- (find-attr fix 'colour))
-(define-method (get-attr-home-val (fix <fixture>) (attr <symbol>))
- (let ((attr-obj (find-attr fix attr)))
- (if attr-obj
- (attr-home-value attr-obj)
- 'fixture-does-not-have-attribute)))
-(define-method (get-attr-home-val (fix <fixture>) (attr <colour-component-id>))
- (extract-colour-component
- (get-attr-home-val fix 'colour)
- attr))
-(define (blackout state)
- (state-for-each
- (lambda (fix attr val)
- (when (intensity? attr)
- (set-in-state! state fix attr 0.0)))
- state))
-;; Set a single attribute to home position
-(define (home-attr! state fix attr)
- (set-in-state! state
- fix
- attr
- (get-attr-home-val fix attr)))
-(define (copy-state state)
- (let ((new-state (make-empty-state)))
- (state-for-each (lambda (fix attr val)
- (set-in-state! new-state
- fix
- attr
- val))
- state)
- new-state))
-(define (intensity? a)
- (eq? 'intensity a))
-(define (continuous-attribute? aobj)
- (eq? 'continuous
- (get-attr-type aobj)))
-(define (colour-attribute? aobj)
- (eq? 'colour
- (get-attr-type aobj)))
-(define (append-or-replace-named-state orig-list name new-state)
- (let ((new-list (map (lambda (st)
- (if (eq? (get-state-name st) name)
- (begin
- new-state)
- st))
- orig-list)))
- ;; If there is no state with this name in the list,
- ;; the replacement above will have no effect.
- ;; Check again and add in the normal way if so.
- (if (find (lambda (st) (eq? (get-state-name st)
- name))
- new-list)
- new-list
- (append orig-list (list new-state)))))
-(define* (register-state! new-state
- #:key (unique-name #f))
- (if unique-name
- (begin (set-state-name! new-state unique-name)
- (atomic-box-set! state-list
- (append-or-replace-named-state (atomic-box-ref state-list)
- unique-name
- new-state)))
- (atomic-box-set! state-list
- (append (atomic-box-ref state-list)
- (list new-state)))))
-;; Patch a new fixture
-(define* (patch-real name
- class
- start-addr
- #:key (universe 0) (friendly-name "Fixture"))
- (let ((new-fixture (make class
- #:name name
- #:sa start-addr
- #:uni universe
- #:friendly-name friendly-name)))
- (atomic-box-set! fixtures (cons new-fixture
- (atomic-box-ref fixtures)))
- new-fixture))
-(define-syntax patch-fixture!
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ name stuff ...)
- (define name (patch-real (quote name) stuff ...)))))
-;; Helper functions for scanout functions
-(define (round-dmx a)
- (inexact->exact
- (min 255 (max 0 (round a)))))
-(define (scale-to-range val orig-range dest-range)
- (define (range r)
- (- (cadr r) (car r)))
- (+ (car dest-range)
- (* (range dest-range)
- (/ (- val (car orig-range))
- (range orig-range)))))
-(define (percent->dmxval8 val)
- (round-dmx
- (scale-to-range val '(0 100) '(0 255))))
-(define (percent->dmxval16 val)
- (scale-to-range val '(0 100) '(0 65535)))
-(define (msb val)
- (round-dmx (euclidean-quotient val 256)))
-(define (lsb val)
- (round-dmx (euclidean-remainder val 256)))
-(define (state-for-each func state)
- (hash-for-each (lambda (key value)
- (func (car key)
- (cdr key)
- value))
- (get-state-hash-table state)))
-(define-method (state-find (fix <fixture>)
- (attr <symbol>)
- (state <starlet-state>))
- (hash-ref (get-state-hash-table state)
- (cons fix attr)
- 'no-value))
-(define-method (state-find (fix <fixture>)
- (attr <colour-component-id>)
- (state <starlet-state>))
- (let ((col (state-find fix 'colour state)))
- (if (eq? 'no-value col)
- 'no-value
- (extract-colour-component col attr))))
-(define (state-map func state)
- (hash-map->list (lambda (key value)
- (func (car key)
- (cdr key)
- value))
- (get-state-hash-table state)))
-(define (apply-state state)
- "Apply the contents of 'state' to the current state, on top of the \
-pre-existing contents."
- (state-for-each at state))
-(define (show-state state)
- "Clear the current state, and apply the contents of 'state'"
- (clear-state! (current-state))
- (state-for-each at state))
-;; Coerce something from a state object into a number for scanout
-(define (value->number val time)
- (if (procedure? val)
- (value->number (val time) time)
- val))
-(define (clear-state! state)
- (hash-clear! (get-state-hash-table state)))
-;; Scanout
-(define (bytevec->string bv)
- (string-join
- (map
- number->string
- (u8vector->list bv))
- ","))
-(define (send-to-ola ola-client universe-buffer-pair)
- (let ((uni (car universe-buffer-pair))
- (buf (cdr universe-buffer-pair)))
- (send-streaming-dmx-data! ola-client uni buf)))
-(define (hirestime)
- (let ((a (gettimeofday)))
- (+ (car a)
- (/ (cdr a)
- 1000000))))
-(define (ensure-number value irritating)
- (unless (number? value)
- (raise-exception (make-exception
- (make-exception-with-message "Value is not a number")
- (make-exception-with-irritants irritating)))))
-(define scanout-freq 0)
-(define-generic scanout-fixture)
-(define (scanout-loop ola-client start-time count previous-universes)
- (let ((universes '()))
- ;; Helper function for scanout functions to set individual DMX values
- (define (set-dmx universe addr value)
- (ensure-number value (list universe addr value))
- ;; Create DMX array for universe if it doesn't exist already
- (unless (assq universe universes)
- (set! universes (acons universe
- (make-ola-dmx-buffer)
- universes)))
- (set-ola-dmx-buffer! (assq-ref universes universe)
- (- addr 1) ; OLA indexing starts from zero
- (round-dmx value)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (fix)
- (let ((univ (get-fixture-universe fix))
- (addr (get-fixture-addr fix)))
- ;; Helper function to get a value for this
- ;; fixture in the current state
- (define (get-attr attr-name)
- (current-value fix attr-name (hirestime)))
- ;; Helper function to set 8-bit DMX value
- (define (set-chan relative-channel-number value)
- (ensure-number value (list fix relative-channel-number value))
- (set-dmx univ (+ addr relative-channel-number -1) value))
- ;; Helper function to set 16-bit DMX value
- (define (set-chan-16bit relative-channel-number value)
- (ensure-number value (list fix relative-channel-number value))
- (set-chan relative-channel-number (msb value))
- (set-chan (+ relative-channel-number 1) (lsb value)))
- (scanout-fixture fix get-attr set-chan set-chan-16bit)))
- (atomic-box-ref fixtures))
- ;; Send everything to OLA
- (for-each (lambda (uni-buf-pair)
- (let ((uni (car uni-buf-pair))
- (buf (cdr uni-buf-pair)))
- (let ((prev-buf (assv-ref previous-universes uni)))
- ;; Do not send exactly the same data every time,
- ;; but do send an update once every 100 loops, just to
- ;; make sure OLA does not forget about us.
- (unless (and prev-buf
- (ola-dmx-buffers-equal? buf prev-buf)
- (not (= count 0)))
- (send-streaming-dmx-data! ola-client uni buf)))))
- universes)
- (usleep 10000)
- ;; Update scanout rate every 1000 cycles
- (if (eq? count 100)
- (begin
- (set! scanout-freq
- (exact->inexact (/ 100
- (- (hirestime) start-time))))
- (scanout-loop ola-client (hirestime) 0 universes))
- (scanout-loop ola-client start-time (+ count 1) universes))))
-(define ola-thread #f)
-(define (start-ola-output)
- (unless ola-thread
- (let* ((ola-client (make-ola-streaming-client))
- (start-time (hirestime)))
- (set! ola-thread
- (begin-thread
- (with-exception-handler
- (lambda (exn)
- (display "Error in OLA output thread:\n")
- (set! ola-thread #f)
- (backtrace)
- (raise-exception exn))
- (lambda ()
- (scanout-loop ola-client start-time 0 '()))
- #:unwind? #f))))))
-(define (state-has-fix-attr fix attr tnow state)
- (let ((val (state-find fix attr state)))
- (if (eq? 'no-value val)
- #f
- (not (eq? 'no-value (value->number val tnow))))))
-(define (first-val fix attr tnow state-list)
- (let ((first-state (find (lambda (state)
- (state-has-fix-attr fix attr tnow state))
- state-list)))
- (if first-state
- (state-find fix attr first-state)
- 'no-value)))
-(define-method (current-value (fix <fixture>) (attr-name <symbol>) tnow)
- (let ((programmer-val (state-find fix attr-name programmer-state)))
- (if (eq? 'no-value programmer-val)
- ;; Look in the states
- (if (intensity? attr-name)
- ;; HTP for intensity
- (fold (lambda (state prev)
- (let ((val (state-find fix attr-name state)))
- (if (eq? 'no-value val)
- prev
- (let ((real-val (value->number val tnow)))
- (if (eq? 'no-value real-val)
- prev
- (max real-val prev))))))
- 0.0
- (atomic-box-ref state-list))
- ;; Priority order for everything else
- (let ((val (first-val fix attr-name tnow (atomic-box-ref state-list))))
- (if (eq? 'no-value val)
- (get-attr-home-val fix attr-name)
- (value->number val tnow))))
- ;; Use programmer value, if we have it
- (value->number programmer-val tnow))))
-(define-method (current-value (fix <fixture>) (attr-name <colour-component-id>) tnow)
- (let ((colour (current-value fix 'colour tnow)))
- (extract-colour-component colour attr-name)))
-(define-syntax attr-continuous
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ attr-name attr-range attr-home-value)
- (make <fixture-attribute>
- #:name attr-name
- #:range attr-range
- #:type 'continuous
- #:home-value attr-home-value))))
-(define-syntax attr-list
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ attr-name attr-allowed-values attr-home-value)
- (make <fixture-attribute>
- #:name attr-name
- #:range attr-allowed-values
- #:type 'list
- #:home-value attr-home-value))))
-(define-syntax attr-colour
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ attr-name attr-home-value)
- (make <fixture-attribute>
- #:name attr-name
- #:type 'colour
- #:home-value attr-home-value))))
-(define current-state (make-parameter programmer-state))
-(define-syntax lighting-state
- (syntax-rules ()
- ((_ body ...)
- (parameterize ((current-state (make-empty-state)))
- body ...
- (current-state)))))
-(define (partition3 pred1 pred2 input)
- (receive (output1 others)
- (partition pred1 input)
- (receive (output2 others)
- (partition pred2 others)
- (values output1 output2 others))))
-(define (set-fixtures fixtures attr-name value)
- (for-each (lambda (fix)
- (set-in-state! (current-state)
- fix
- (car attr-name)
- (car value)))
- fixtures))
-;; (at <fixtures/groups> [<attribute>] <level> [<attribute> <level>...])
-;; (at fix1 100) <-- Set intensity of single fixture
-;; (at fix1 'intensity 100) <-- Explicit attribute name
-;; (at fix1 fix2 100) <-- Multiple fixtures
-;; (at fix1 fix2 'pan 36) <-- Multiple fixtures + explicit attribute
-;; (at group1 fix1 'intensity 100) <-- Groups can be used instead of fixtures
-;; (at fix1 100 'pan 36) <-- Set multiple attributes
-;; NB Can't set multiple fixtures and attributes: (at fix1 'pan 35 fix2 'tilt 22)
-(define (at . args)
- (receive (fixtures attr-name value)
- (partition3 fixture? symbol? (flatten-sublists args))
- (cond
- ((nil? value)
- (error "at: Value not specified"))
- ((or (more-than-one value)
- (more-than-one attr-name))
- (error "at: Only one attribute or value name"))
- ((and (nil? fixtures)
- (nil? attr-name))
- (if (nil? selection)
- 'no-fixtures-selected
- (set-fixtures selection '(intensity) value)))
- ((nil? attr-name)
- (set-fixtures fixtures '(intensity) value))
- ((nil? fixtures)
- (if (nil? selection)
- 'no-fixtures-selected
- (set-fixtures selection attr-name value)))
- (else
- (set-fixtures fixtures attr-name value)))))
-(define selection-hook (make-hook 1))
-(define selection '())
-(define (sel . fixture-list)
- (if (nil? fixture-list)
- (set! selection '())
- (if (not (car fixture-list))
- (set! selection '())
- (set! selection (flatten-sublists fixture-list))))
- (run-hook selection-hook selection))
-(define (print-state a)
- (pretty-print (state-source a)))
-(define (state-source a)
- (cons 'lighting-state
- (state-map (lambda (fix attr val)
- (list 'at
- (get-fixture-name fix)
- (list 'quote attr)
- val))
- a)))