path: root/src/model.c
diff options
authorThomas White <taw@physics.org>2020-08-01 15:13:49 +0200
committerThomas White <taw@physics.org>2020-08-01 15:19:26 +0200
commit189da15810deabd739d7c11c6e95fea55739fe60 (patch)
treee86e43fcbbf8278b792a74daf684cde3bd6e2bbf /src/model.c
Initial import from archive
Diffstat (limited to 'src/model.c')
1 files changed, 523 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/model.c b/src/model.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08c1bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/model.c
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+ * model.c
+ *
+ * Atomic Model Structures
+ *
+ * (c) 2006-2007 Thomas White <taw27@cam.ac.uk>
+ *
+ * synth2d - Two-Dimensional Crystallographic Fourier Synthesis
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "data.h"
+#include "elements.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "statistics.h"
+#include "symmetry.h"
+#include "model.h"
+#include "displaywindow.h"
+#include "model-editor.h"
+#include "multislice.h"
+#include "dpsynth.h"
+#include "normalise.h"
+/* This is the SPOT for the "current atomic model", but don't assume it's the only model around... */
+AtomicModel *model_current = NULL;
+/* --------------------------------------------------- Loading and saving of models --------------------------------------------------- */
+/* NB This doesn't exactly replicate Perl's chomp()... */
+static void chomp(char *line) {
+ size_t i;
+ for ( i=0; i<strlen(line); i++ ) {
+ if ( line[i] == '\n' ) {
+ line[i] = '\0';
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( line[i] == '\r' ) {
+ line[i] = '\0';
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+AtomicModel *model_load(const char *filename) {
+ FILE *fh;
+ AtomicModel *model;
+ unsigned int i;
+ char line[256];
+ model = model_new();
+ fh = fopen(filename, "r");
+ i = 0;
+ while ( fgets(line, 255, fh) != NULL ) {
+ float x, y, z, B, occ, thickness;
+ char active, refine;
+ char tmp[256];
+ chomp(line);
+ if ( strlen(line) == 0 ) continue;
+ /* The '%s' is guaranteed to be shorter than the 'line' which contains it */
+ if ( sscanf(line, "%f %f %f %s %f %f %c %c", &x, &y, &z, tmp, &B, &occ, &active, &refine) == 8 ) {
+ model->atoms[model->n_atoms].x = x;
+ model->atoms[model->n_atoms].y = y;
+ model->atoms[model->n_atoms].z = z;
+ model->atoms[model->n_atoms].B = B;
+ model->atoms[model->n_atoms].occ = occ;
+ model->atoms[model->n_atoms].ref = elements_lookup(tmp);
+ model->atoms[model->n_atoms].active = (active == 'A')?1:0; /* Anything other than "A" means "inactive" */
+ model->atoms[model->n_atoms].refine = (refine == 'R')?1:0; /* Anything other than "R" means "don't refine" */
+ model->n_atoms++;
+ } else if ( strncmp(line, "symmetry ", 9) == 0 ) {
+ model->sym = symmetry_encode(line+9);
+ } else if ( sscanf(line, "thickness %f nm", &thickness) == 1 ) {
+ model->thickness = thickness;
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognised line in model file (line %i)\n", i);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ fclose(fh);
+ return model;
+void model_load_as_current(const char *filename) {
+ AtomicModel *new;
+ double new_thickness;
+ Symmetry new_sym;
+ new = model_load(filename);
+ new_thickness = new->thickness;
+ new_sym = new->sym;
+ model_move(model_current, new); /* Preserves lock_count, editor, refinementwindow, thickness and sym */
+ model_free(new);
+ /* Restore thickness and symmetry */
+ model_current->thickness = new_thickness;
+ model_current->sym = new_sym;
+ model_notify_update(model_current);
+void model_save(const char *filename, AtomicModel *model) {
+ FILE *fh;
+ size_t i;
+ fh = fopen(filename, "w");
+ fprintf(fh, "symmetry %s\n", symmetry_decode(model->sym));
+ fprintf(fh, "thickness %.2f nm\n", model->thickness);
+ for ( i=0; i<model->n_atoms; i++ ) {
+ fprintf(fh, "%f %f %f %s %f %f %c %c\n", model->atoms[i].x, model->atoms[i].y, model->atoms[i].z,
+ elements[model->atoms[i].ref].element_name, model->atoms[i].B,
+ model->atoms[i].occ,
+ model->atoms[i].active?'A':'a', model->atoms[i].refine?'R':'r');
+ }
+ fclose(fh);
+/* --------------------------------------------------- Basic model handling functions ------------------------------------------------- */
+AtomicModel *model_new() {
+ AtomicModel *model;
+ model = malloc(sizeof(AtomicModel));
+ model->n_atoms = 0;
+ model->sym = PLANEGROUP_P1;
+ model->thickness = 0.0;
+ model->point_atoms = 0;
+ model->editor = NULL;
+ model->refine_window = NULL;
+ model->lock_count = 0;
+ return model;
+AtomicModel *model_copy(const AtomicModel *a) {
+ AtomicModel *model;
+ model = malloc(sizeof(AtomicModel));
+ memcpy(model, a, sizeof(AtomicModel));
+ return model;
+void model_move(AtomicModel *to, AtomicModel *from) {
+ ModelEditor *old_editor;
+ RefinementWindow *old_refine;
+ int old_lock_count;
+ Symmetry old_sym;
+ double old_thickness;
+ old_editor = to->editor;
+ old_refine = to->refine_window;
+ old_lock_count = to->lock_count;
+ old_sym = to->sym;
+ old_thickness = to->thickness;
+ memcpy(to, from, sizeof(AtomicModel));
+ to->editor = old_editor;
+ to->refine_window = old_refine;
+ to->lock_count = old_lock_count;
+ to->sym = old_sym;
+ to->thickness = old_thickness;
+void model_free(AtomicModel *model) {
+ free(model);
+/* --------------------------------------------------- Structure-Factor Calculations -------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Generate a template for writing structure factors when there's nothing better to use */
+extern void model_generate_template(ReflectionList *reflections, signed int layer) {
+ signed int h;
+ signed int k;
+ for ( h=-40; h<=40; h++ ) {
+ for ( k=-40; k<=40; k++ ) {
+ reflist_addref(reflections, h, k, layer);
+ }
+ }
+/* Return f(j, hkl) */
+static double model_sfac(AtomicModel *model, unsigned int j, signed int h, signed int k, signed int l) {
+ unsigned int ref;
+ double x, y, z;
+ double sfac;
+ double s;
+ double a = data_a() * 10;
+ double b = data_b() * 10;
+ double c = data_c() * 10; /* Change to Angstroms */
+ double gamma = data_gamma();
+ double B;
+ if ( model->point_atoms ) return 1;
+ x = model->atoms[j].x; y = model->atoms[j].y; z = model->atoms[j].z;
+ ref = model->atoms[j].ref; B = model->atoms[j].B;
+ s = resolution(h, k, l, a, b, c, gamma);
+ /* Calculate f(j,hkl) */
+ sfac = elements[ref].sfac_c;
+ sfac += elements[ref].sfac_a1 * exp(-elements[ref].sfac_b1 * s * s);
+ sfac += elements[ref].sfac_a2 * exp(-elements[ref].sfac_b2 * s * s);
+ sfac += elements[ref].sfac_a3 * exp(-elements[ref].sfac_b3 * s * s);
+ sfac += elements[ref].sfac_a4 * exp(-elements[ref].sfac_b4 * s * s);
+ /* Thermal factor */
+ sfac = sfac * exp(- B * s * s);
+ return sfac;
+/* Real part of a particular atom's (and it's equivalents') contribution to F */
+static double model_f_contribution_re(AtomicModel *model, unsigned int j, signed int h, signed int k, signed int l) {
+ double sfac, cont;
+ AtomicModel *equivalents;
+ size_t i;
+ sfac = model_sfac(model, j, h, k, l);
+ equivalents = symmetry_generate_equivalent_atoms(model, j, MODEL_TARGET_CALCULATION);
+ cont = 0;
+ for ( i=0; i<equivalents->n_atoms; i++ ) {
+ double dot, x, y, z;
+ x = equivalents->atoms[i].x; y = equivalents->atoms[i].y; z = equivalents->atoms[i].z;
+ dot = h * (1-x) + k * (1-y) + l * z;
+ cont += model->atoms[j].occ * sfac * cos(-2 * M_PI * dot);
+ }
+ model_free(equivalents);
+ return cont;
+/* Imaginary part of a particular atom's (and it's equivalents') contribution to F */
+static double model_f_contribution_im(AtomicModel *model, unsigned int j, signed int h, signed int k, signed int l) {
+ double sfac, cont;
+ AtomicModel *equivalents;
+ size_t i;
+ sfac = model_sfac(model, j, h, k, l);
+ equivalents = symmetry_generate_equivalent_atoms(model, j, MODEL_TARGET_CALCULATION);
+ cont = 0;
+ for ( i=0; i<equivalents->n_atoms; i++ ) {
+ double dot, x, y, z;
+ x = equivalents->atoms[i].x; y = equivalents->atoms[i].y; z = equivalents->atoms[i].z;
+ dot = h * (1-x) + k * (1-y) + l * z;
+ cont += model->atoms[j].occ * sfac * sin(-2 * M_PI * dot);
+ }
+ model_free(equivalents);
+ return cont;
+double model_mod_f(AtomicModel *model, signed int h, signed int k, signed int l) {
+ double sf_re, sf_im;
+ unsigned int j;
+ sf_re = 0; sf_im = 0;
+ /* Work out the total contribution */
+ for ( j=0; j<model->n_atoms; j++ ) {
+ if ( model->atoms[j].active ) {
+ sf_re += model_f_contribution_re(model, j, h, k, l);
+ sf_im += model_f_contribution_im(model, j, h, k, l);
+ }
+ }
+ return sqrt((sf_re*sf_re) + (sf_im*sf_im));
+/* Calculate kinematical structure factor amplitudes.
+ * "layer" is meaningless and is ignored if "given_template" is not NULL */
+ReflectionList *model_calculate_f(ReflectionList *given_template, AtomicModel *given_model, signed int layer) {
+ ReflectionList *model_reflections;
+ unsigned int i;
+ AtomicModel *model;
+ ReflectionList *template;
+ model_reflections = reflist_new();
+ if ( !given_template ) {
+ template = reflist_new();
+ model_generate_template(template, layer);
+ } else {
+ template = given_template;
+ }
+ if ( !given_model ) {
+ model = model_get_current();
+ } else {
+ model = given_model;
+ }
+ if ( model->thickness > 0.0001 ) {
+ /* Dynamical diffraction amplitudes */
+ model_reflections = multislice_calculate_f_dyn(model, template);
+ } else {
+ /* Kinematical structure factors */
+ for ( i=1; i<template->n_reflections; i++ ) { /* 'hkl' loop */
+ signed int h = template->refs[i].h;
+ signed int k = template->refs[i].k;
+ signed int l = template->refs[i].l;
+ double sf_re = 0;
+ double sf_im = 0;
+ unsigned int j;
+ /* Work out the total contribution */
+ for ( j=0; j<model->n_atoms; j++ ) {
+ if ( model->atoms[j].active ) {
+ sf_re += model_f_contribution_re(model, j, h, k, l);
+ sf_im += model_f_contribution_im(model, j, h, k, l);
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("%3i %3i %3i am=%f ph=%f re=%f im=%f\n", h, k, l, sqrt((sf_re*sf_re) + (sf_im*sf_im)), atan2(sf_im, sf_re), sf_re, sf_im);
+ reflist_addref_am_ph(model_reflections, h, k, l, sqrt((sf_re*sf_re) + (sf_im*sf_im)), atan2(sf_im, sf_re));
+ reflist_set_components(model_reflections, h, k, l, sf_re, sf_im);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( given_template == NULL ) free(template);
+ return model_reflections;
+#if 0
+/* Apply a smoothing filter to the amplitudes */
+static void model_smooth(ReflectionList *reflections) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ float a = data_a();
+ float b = data_b();
+ float c = data_c();
+ double sigma = 5.19;
+ for ( i=1; i<reflections->n_reflections; i++ ) {
+ double s;
+ signed int h, k, l;
+ h = reflections->refs[i].h;
+ k = reflections->refs[i].k;
+ l = reflections->refs[i].l;
+ s = sqrt(((h*h)/(a*a)) + ((k*k)/(b*b)) + ((l*l)/(c*c)));
+ reflections->refs[i].amplitude *= exp(-(s*s)/(2*sigma*sigma));
+ }
+/* For the difference synthesis */
+void model_calculate_difference_coefficients(ReflectionList *reflections) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ double scale;
+ ReflectionList *model_reflections;
+ if ( reflections->n_reflections == 0 ) return; /* No reflections */
+ model_reflections = model_calculate_f(reflections, NULL, 69);
+ if ( !model_reflections ) return;
+ scale = stat_scale(reflections, model_reflections);
+ //printf("Scale for difference coefficients = %f\n", scale);
+ for ( i=0; i<reflections->n_reflections; i++ ) { /* 'hkl' loop */
+ if ( model_reflections->refs[i].amplitude > 0.0000001 ) {
+ reflections->refs[i].amplitude = reflections->refs[i].amplitude - (scale * model_reflections->refs[i].amplitude);
+ reflections->refs[i].phase_known = model_reflections->refs[i].phase_known;
+ reflections->refs[i].phase_known_set = 1;
+ } else {
+ reflections->refs[i].phase_known_set = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //model_smooth(reflections);
+ free(model_reflections);
+/* For the Fourier refinement synthesis */
+void model_calculate_refinement_coefficients(ReflectionList *reflections) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ ReflectionList *model_reflections;
+ if ( reflections->n_reflections == 0 ) return; /* No reflections */
+ model_reflections = model_calculate_f(reflections, NULL, 69);
+ if ( !model_reflections ) return;
+ for ( i=0; i<reflections->n_reflections; i++ ) { /* 'hkl' loop */
+ reflections->refs[i].amplitude = reflections->refs[i].amplitude;
+ reflections->refs[i].phase_known = model_reflections->refs[i].phase_known;
+ }
+ //model_smooth(reflections);
+ free(model_reflections);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Misc -------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void model_open_editor() {
+ model_current->editor = model_editor_open(model_current);
+AtomicModel *model_get_current() {
+ return model_current;
+/* Notify that a model has been changed.
+ * Special version for when a ModelEditor initiates the update
+ * (don't try and update the editor in this case!) */
+void model_notify_update_editor(AtomicModel *model) {
+ if ( model == model_current ) {
+ displaywindow_switchview();
+ }
+/* Notify that a model has been changed */
+void model_notify_update(AtomicModel *model) {
+ model_notify_update_editor(model);
+ if ( model->editor ) {
+ model_editor_get_model(model->editor);
+ }
+/* Initial setting of the current model. Many functions assume that
+ * a model structure exists. */
+void model_default() {
+ model_current = model_new();
+void model_lock(AtomicModel *model) {
+ model->lock_count++;
+ if ( model->editor ) {
+ model_editor_lock(model->editor);
+ }
+void model_unlock(AtomicModel *model) {
+ model->lock_count--;
+ if ( model->lock_count == 0 ) {
+ if ( model->editor ) {
+ model_editor_unlock(model->editor);
+ }
+ }
+int model_current_is_blank() {
+ if ( model_get_current()->n_atoms) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;