
 - a GTK+-based client for Microsoft MSN Messenger service

	Version 2.0.10

By Thomas White <taw27@srcf.ucam.org>


Copyright (c) Thomas White, 2002-2005, except where otherwise stated.
Please see the "AUTHORS" file for a full list of credits and thanks.

   This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.

   This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
   02111-1307, USA.


Installation follows the standard procedure for installing programs from source.
See the "INSTALL" file for the ugly details, otherwise follow these simple steps
at a command prompt.

1) Unpack the source code tarball: tar -xzvf tuxmessenger-2.0.0d.tar.gz

2) Change to the top level of the source tree: cd tuxmessenger-2.0.0d

3) Run "./configure" to check the build environment.  You will need various
	libraries installed, including their C header files ("Development"
	packages).  You will be told if something is missing.

4) Type "make" to compile the program.
5) Become root, then type "make install".
6) Type "tuxmessenger" to run.

Should you wish to remove the program, simply "make uninstall".  You may also
wish to erase TuxMessenger's configuration files: "rm -rf ~/.tuxmessenger".

Unlike with other MSN clients, you do not need to mess around with SSL or
other cryptography libraries.  TuxMessenger invokes "wget" to do the same
job.  Accordingly, you'll need a copy of "wget" which can retrieve "https:"
URLs.  To test if a suitable wget is installed or not, type the following
at a shell prompt:

		wget https://www.google.com/

If all is well, the last line of the output produced should contain
"`index.html' saved".  If you get an "Unsupported scheme." message,
you have wget installed but it doesn't understand https.  In this case,
you'll have to get hold of a suitable "wget".  This *might* mean compiling
one yourself.

Whatever "wget" you use, you'll need to tell TuxMessenger about it's
location in the filesystem.  To find out the relevant location, type this
in a shell:

	which wget
If you've had to find a special wget for this, make a note of the location
you installed it to.  Enter the location information under the "General" tab
in the Preferences window.

Problems / questions / suggestions / bug reports to taw27@srcf.ucam.org