diff options
authorThomas White <taw@physics.org>2023-10-09 14:50:02 +0200
committerThomas White <taw@physics.org>2024-02-06 16:59:34 +0100
commitd84acbbb0cfdd8156f318fadf05c176f1922d28a (patch)
parent355246a6197ad2fcd7a030eb4dd5890f0c32ce8e (diff)
Add wrapper for detector panels
2 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/julia/CrystFEL/src/CrystFEL.jl b/julia/CrystFEL/src/CrystFEL.jl
index 6e72757a..859c8833 100644
--- a/julia/CrystFEL/src/CrystFEL.jl
+++ b/julia/CrystFEL/src/CrystFEL.jl
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ Julia bindings for CrystFEL data structures and routines
module CrystFEL
+using .DetGeoms
+export Panel, DetGeom
using .Symmetry
export SymOpList
diff --git a/julia/CrystFEL/src/detgeom.jl b/julia/CrystFEL/src/detgeom.jl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b370b302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/julia/CrystFEL/src/detgeom.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+module DetGeoms
+export Panel, DetGeom
+mutable struct Panel
+ name::Cstring
+ cx::Cdouble
+ cy::Cdouble
+ cz::Cdouble
+ pixel_pitch::Cdouble
+ adu_per_photon::Cdouble
+ max_adu::Cdouble
+ fsx::Cdouble
+ fsy::Cdouble
+ fsz::Cdouble
+ ssx::Cdouble
+ ssy::Cdouble
+ ssz::Cdouble
+ w::Cint
+ h::Cint
+ group::Ptr{Cvoid}
+ Panel(name, width, height, (cnx, cny), clen, (fsx,fsy,fsz), (ssx,ssy,ssz), pixelsize, aduperphoton)
+Create a panel for a CrystFEL `DetGeom`.
+* `cnx` and `cny`: Corner position in pixel units
+* `clen`: Corner z-position in meters
+* `(fsx,fsy,fsz)`: Fast scan vector in pixel units
+* `(ssx,ssy,ssz)`: Slow scan vector in pixel units
+* `pixelsize`: Conversion factor from pixels to meters
+* `aduperphoton`: Detector units per quantum, for error estimation
+Additional keyword arguments:
+* `max_adu`=Inf: Saturation value
+* `group`: Panel group (for hierarchy)
+function Panel(name, width, height, corner::Tuple{Real, Real}, clen,
+ fs::Tuple{Real,Real,Real}, ss::Tuple{Real,Real,Real},
+ pixel_pitch, adu_per_photon,
+ max_adu=Inf, group=C_NULL)
+ @Base.GC.preserve name return Panel(pointer(name),
+ corner[1], corner[2], clen/pixel_pitch,
+ pixel_pitch, adu_per_photon, max_adu,
+ fs[1], fs[2], fs[3],
+ ss[1], ss[2], ss[3],
+ width, height, group)
+function Base.show(io::IO, p::Panel)
+ write(io, "Panel(")
+ write(io, "name=\"")
+ write(io, unsafe_string(p.name))
+ write(io, "\", center=(")
+ show(io, p.cx); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.cy); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.cz)
+ write(io, "), fs=(")
+ show(io, p.fsx); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.fsy); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.fsz)
+ write(io, "), ss=(")
+ show(io, p.ssx); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.ssy); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.ssz)
+ write(io, "), size=(")
+ show(io, p.w); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.h)
+ write(io, "))")
+ DetGeom(panels; topgroup=g)
+Create a CrystFEL `DetGeom` from a vector of `Panel`s. Optionally set the
+panel group which should be the top of the hierarchy.
+function DetGeom(panels; topgroup=nothing)
+end # of module