diff options
authorThomas White <taw@physics.org>2021-07-03 22:51:48 +0200
committerThomas White <taw@physics.org>2021-07-03 22:56:17 +0200
commit85b4a9f3050541446b39467f93b82d124a94d036 (patch)
parentc4631d70cc00f0ec6b7b160dc0e54ba255576a53 (diff)
Add example of loading cue lists from file
2 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/show.qlist.scm b/examples/show.qlist.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bacecb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/show.qlist.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ (cue 1
+ (lighting-state
+ (at ltruss1 (quote pan) 206)
+ (at ltruss1 (quote tilt) 108.0)
+ (at ltruss1 (quote zoom) 6300/127)
+ (at ltruss1 (quote intensity) 80)
+ (at ltruss1 (quote colour) (make-colour-cmy 0 600/127 3800/127))
+ (at rtruss6 (quote pan) 334)
+ (at rtruss6 (quote intensity) 80)
+ (at rtruss6 (quote zoom) 4200/127)
+ (at rtruss6 (quote tilt) 111)
+ (at rtruss6 (quote colour) (make-colour-cmy 0 100/127 3100/127))
+ (at red (quote intensity) 30)
+ (at led 'intensity 20)
+ (at led 'colour (make-colour-cmy 50 21 0))))
+ (cue 1.5
+ (lighting-state
+ (at red 'intensity 50)))
+ (cue 2
+ (lighting-state
+ (apply-state my-state))
+ #:up-time 1
+ #:down-time 1)
+ (cue 2.5
+ (lighting-state
+ (apply-state my-state)
+ (at ltruss6 'colour (make-colour-cmy 100 0 0))
+ (at rtruss1 'colour (make-colour-cmy 0 80 0))
+ (at led 'intensity 100)
+ (at led 'colour (make-colour-cmy 50 100 0)))
+ #:up-time 3
+ #:down-time 3
+ #:attr-time 3
+ (cue-part (led) #:up-time 1 #:up-delay 4))
+ (cue 3
+ (lighting-state
+ (at floor3 (quote pan) 299)
+ (at floor3 (quote intensity) 156)
+ (at floor3 (quote tilt) 48)
+ (at floor4 'colour (make-colour-cmy 200/127 11500/127 100))
+ (at floor3 'colour (make-colour-cmy 200/127 11500/127 100))
+ (at floor4 (quote intensity) 127)
+ (at floor4 (quote pan) 239)
+ (at floor4 (quote tilt) 49)
+ (at led 'colour (make-colour-rgb 0 50 80))
+ (at led 'intensity 100))
+ #:up-time 3
+ #:down-time 3))
diff --git a/examples/show.scm b/examples/show.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..770beae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/show.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ (starlet fixture)
+ (starlet state)
+ (starlet playback)
+ (starlet scanout)
+ (starlet effects)
+ (starlet colours)
+ (starlet clock)
+ (starlet fixture-library generic dimmer)
+ (starlet fixture-library generic rgb)
+ (starlet fixture-library robe mmxspot mode1)
+ (starlet fixture-library robe mmxwashbeam mode1)
+ (starlet midi-control base)
+ (starlet midi-control button-utils)
+ (starlet midi-control faders))
+;; Start MIDI control
+(start-midi-control "/dev/snd/midiC1D0"
+ #:channel 14)
+;; Fixtures are normal GOOPS objects, fixture types are GOOPS classes
+(patch-fixture! led <generic-rgb> 1 #:universe 4)
+(patch-many! red <generic-dimmer> '(9 13 20 24))
+;; Multiple fixtures can be defined at once
+;; Example: foh1, foh2, foh3, ... foh8 on channels 1-8 of universe 0
+(patch-many! foh <generic-dimmer> (iota 8 1))
+(patch-fixture! ltruss1 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 1 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! ltruss2 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 39 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! ltruss3 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 77 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! ltruss4 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 115 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! ltruss5 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 153 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! ltruss6 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 191 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! rtruss1 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 229 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! rtruss2 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 267 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! rtruss3 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 305 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! rtruss4 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 343 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! rtruss5 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 381 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! rtruss6 <robe-mmxspot-mode1> 419 #:universe 1)
+(patch-fixture! floor1 <robe-mmxwashbeam-mode1> 100)
+(patch-fixture! floor2 <robe-mmxwashbeam-mode1> 134)
+(patch-fixture! floor3 <robe-mmxwashbeam-mode1> 168)
+(patch-fixture! floor4 <robe-mmxwashbeam-mode1> 202)
+(patch-fixture! floor5 <robe-mmxwashbeam-mode1> 236)
+(patch-fixture! floor6 <robe-mmxwashbeam-mode1> 270)
+;; Fixtures can be grouped together
+(define ltruss (list ltruss1 ltruss2 ltruss3 ltruss4 ltruss5 ltruss6))
+(define rtruss (list rtruss1 rtruss2 rtruss3 rtruss4 rtruss5 rtruss6))
+(define floor (list floor1 floor2 floor3 floor4 floor5 floor6))
+(define my-state
+ (lighting-state (at ltruss6 (quote zoom) 5300/127)
+ (at ltruss6 (quote intensity) 100)
+ (at ltruss6 (quote colour) (make-colour-cmy 3500/127 0 0))
+ (at ltruss6 (quote pan) 306)
+ (at ltruss6 (quote tilt) 120)
+ (at rtruss1 (quote pan) 223)
+ (at rtruss1 (quote zoom) 5100/127)
+ (at rtruss1 (quote tilt) 120)
+ (at rtruss1 (quote colour) (make-colour-cmy 0 4100/127 3400/127))
+ (at rtruss1 (quote intensity) 100)))
+;; Put a lighting state on a MIDI fader
+(state-on-fader 19 my-state)
+(define pb
+ (make-playback
+ #:cue-list-file "examples/show.qlist.scm"))
+;; Set up MIDI controller buttons to run cues
+(make-go-button pb 12
+ #:ready-note 20
+ #:pause-note 16)
+(make-stop-button pb 24
+ #:ready-note 24)
+(make-back-button pb 28
+ #:ready-note 28)
+;; A second set of go/stop buttons, because this works well on my controller
+(make-go-button pb 15
+ #:ready-note 23
+ #:pause-note 19)
+(make-stop-button pb 27
+ #:ready-note 27)
+(make-back-button pb 31
+ #:ready-note 31)
+;; Set up some buttons for quick access to fixtures
+(select-on-button 32 ltruss
+ #:ready-note 68)
+(select-on-button 33 rtruss
+ #:ready-note 69)
+(select-on-button 34 foh
+ #:ready-note 70)
+(select-on-button 35 floor
+ #:ready-note 71)
+;; Red button de-selects everything
+(select-on-button 26 #f
+ #:ready-note 26)
+(cut-to-cue-number! pb 0)